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July 18, 1934 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1934-07-18

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The Weather
Fair, somewhat warmer to-
day; tomorrow unsettled and

MiAt igau Iai1t
Official Publication Of The Sum mer Session

Hitler And The College Fra-
ternities . . . Dr. Voelker On
Education .. .

. XV No. 20





f _________

Housing Bill
Is Scored By
Wells Bennett
Will Build No Houses, Says
Architect In Lecture On
'Modern Housing'
3 Modern Building
Problems Are Cited

Reveal 'School For Scandal'
Cast Well-Trained For Show.

Gives Figures To
That U. S. Is Not
Owning Minded


Last night's dress rehearsal of
Sheridan's "The School for Scandal,"
which will be presented by the Rep-
ertory Players tonight, Thursday, Fri-
day, and Saturday nights at the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre, revealed a cast'
well trained and admirably suited for
the roles which they have been cho-
sen to play.
Heading that "scandalous college"
is the famous Lady Sneerwell, at
whose salon one must always be, if
he cares to guard his own character.
This role is being played by Claribel
Baird, who won such great commen-
dation for her portrayal of Bus in last
week's show, "Both Your Houses."
In her employ she has one Snake,
played by James Doll, who lives by the
badness of his character and fears
he would lose all his friends if it were
ever known that he had been be-
trayed into an honest action.
One of habitues of the scandal sa-
lon is Joseph Surface,,who is accord-
ing to Lady Sneerwell, "artful, self-
ish, and malicious --in short, a sen-
timental knave." John Lee Doll
adapts himself most successfully to
this part. Maria, who is the ward of
Sir Peter Teazle, is played with
sweet, simple sincerity by Luella
Dehn. It is for her hand and fortune
that Mr. Joseph Surface is playing
his little game.

As Mrs. Candour who "though a
little talkative, everybody allows her
to be the best-natured and best sort
of woman," the Players present Nan-
cy Bowman. Crabtree, played by
Morris Greenstein, is one not at all
partial as to whom he gossips about,
for he "will abuse a stranger just as
soon as his best friend." His neph-
ew, Sir Benjamin Backbite, "whose
conversation is a perpetual libel on
all his acquaintance" is portrayed by
Frank Funk who has gained a splen-
did following on the Ann Arbor cam-
As Lady Teazle "a girl bred wholly
in the country, who never knew lux-
ury beyond one silk gown, nor dis-
sipation above the annual gala of a
race ball" (that is until she married
Sir Peter), Sarah Pierce can again be
counted upon for another good por-
trayal of a difficult role. Sir Peter
Teazle, as played by Mr. Francis
Compton, cannot fail to delight play-
goers. In Sir Peter's own words we
may be aware of his situation. "'Tis
now six months since Lady Teazle
made me the happiest of men - and
I have been the most miserable dog
ever since.",
The other characters in the playt
include Goddard Light as Sir Harry
Bumper; L. Wayne Smith as Rowley;
(Continued on Page 4)t

River Rouge,
Put -In"Bay
Tours Today
Sixth Excursion Will Go
To Ford Plant; Seventh
To HistoricBay
Carl J. Coe Heads
Bus Trip To Rouge

The housing bill just passed by the
resent Congress is a misnomer, since
will build no houses nor further
ny housing program, stated Prof.
'ells I. Bennett of the architectural
illege, speaking yesterday in Natural
cience Auditorium on "Modern

The act is simply a mortgage relief
neasure and will give considerable
employment in repairing and remod-
ling existing homes, he continued.
The term, Modern Housing, the
peaker said, may bring to mind the
iomes shown at the World's Fair, or
vhat passes for modern architecture
n the form of geometrical, flat-roofed
tructures filled with many gadgets.
the title, on the other hand, may re-.
all occasional statemjents that, in the
Tnited States as elsewhere, there are
zot enough -decent houses to go
round. The improvement of this
;ondition, is in the belief of Profes-
or Bennett, the real field of modern
A Renting Nation
"An opinion quite commonly held,
nd perhaps somewhat encouraged by
ertain business interests and political
peakers, is that we are a' nation of
ome-lovers and therefore home-
wners. The first assertion is per-
aps true but the second does not
ecessarily follow. Actually over 85
er cent of New Yorkers are renters
,nd 55per cent of the people of.

------- -- w wa i. i r

essor Bennett, large scale
has been somewhat publi-
t the problem is far from
at things are being planned,

Observatory Is
To Be Opened
For Inspection
Series Of Demonstrations
Will Be Conducted For'
Summer Students
Officials of the University Observa-
tory, on Observatory Street, will con-
duct a series of demonstrations for
students of the Summer Session on
Thursday, Friday, and Saturdays
Three free trips of inspectidon
through the Observatory plant will
be conducted on each of these nights
beginning at 8:15 p.m., 9:15 p.m., and
10:15 p.m. and continuing for 45
It was emphasized, however, that
in order for the groups to be able to
inspect the observatory thoroughly
each group will be limited to 60 stu-
dents, thereby making it possible for
540 students to make the tour on one
of the three nights.
Students who are desirous of taking
part in the inspection must procure a
ticket at the office of the Director of
the Summer Session in Angell Hall.
Those who make the trip will be af-
forded an opportunity to observe the
heavens through the observatory's 12-
inch refractory telescope.

Continuing, Professor Bennett
stated that in America three ap-
proaches have been attempted to
solve the housing problem. First,
there has been the method of specu-
lative building - the construction of
new houses or apartments for whoever
would buy or rent them.
Limited Dividend Operations
The second type of approach to
housing as America has made it, is,
through limited dividend or similar
large-scale operations where the set-
(Continued on Page 3)

Insurance Agent
Waves A Farewell
To Suing Spouse
Clarence J. Aprill, Ann Arbor in-
surance man, had his hair finger-
waved and kept it in place nights with
r a hair net, in addition to staying out
until all hours of the night and forc-
ing her to mow the lawn, spray the
fruit trees, put up the storm win-
dows, and other things of that nature,
Mrs. Florence Aprill testified in cir-
cuit court Tuesday afternoon in "a
suit for divorce.
Judge George W. Sample granted
Mrs. Aprill a divorce on the grounds
of .extreme cruelty.
The testimony summed up quite
completely the charges made by Mrs.
Aprill in her bill of complaint against
her husband, also those made in the
declaration in an alienation of af-
fections suit for $25,000 which Mrs.
Aprill instituted against Miss Fidelia
Haughn, Aprill's secretary and al-
leged inamorata. Only Mrs. Aprill
and her sister, Miss Mabel Nelson, of
Detroit, testified. Aprill did not ap-
The court was informed that a
property settlement had been made,
and it was said that three other suits,
one involving the alienation of af-
fections charge and the other two
asking that deeds be set aside would
be withdrawn.
Mrs. Aprill, a school teacher, was
given permission by the court to re-
sume her maiden name, Florence Nel-
Gov. Langer Ruled Out
By North Dakota Court
BISMARCK, N. D., July 17.- (R) -
The North Dakota Supreme Court
held today that Gov. William Lan-
ger, under 18 months' sentence for
conspiracy to defraud the United
States government, is disqualified by
his conviction to hold office.
The court held that the duties of
the governor devolved on Lieut.-Gov.
O. H. Olson, who brought the action
to disqualify Langer.
The court said Langer's conviction
of a felony by a Federal Court jury
creates a disability that prevents him
from holding office until his disa-
bility is removed.

Prof. W. H. Hobbs Will
Conduct Party By Boat,
Leaving At 7:15 A.M.
Two large groups will leave here
today on separate University Summer
Session excursions, the larger bound
for Put-in-Bay,'and the second re-
peating the excursion to the Ford
Plant at River Rouge.
The Ford Excursion, sixth of the
summer tours, will be made by two
bus loads of students, under the di-
rection of Prof. Carl J. Coe, director
of excursions for 1934. At 6 p.m. last
night, the office of the Summer Ses-
sion already had 52 reservations for
the trip, and as two buses have been
chartered, it will be possible for 14
more to make arrangements for the
trip this morning.
At the Ford plant the party will
see many of the processes involved in
building up the new Ford, including
the power, plant, machine shops, and
assembly line. The trip was previously
made by one full bus-load a week ago.
Ship Schedules Conflict
Any other students wishing to make,
the trip will have the entire morning'
to make reservations, as the party
will not leave until 12:45. The buses
leave from in front of Angell Hall,
and will return to Ann Arbor at 5:30
Concurrent with the Ford trip will
be theseventh of the summer excur-
sions, the trip to Put-in-Bay, led by
Professor-emeritus William H. Hobbs.
The tour conflicts with the River
Rouge visit because steamship sched-
ules caused the Lake Erie tour .to be
moved up from Saturday to the
present date.-
One' hundred .and fifteen students
will leave for Detroit by bus with
Professor Hobbs tomorrow from the
Natural Science Building at 7:15 a.m.
and at 9 a.m. they will board the
steamer "Put-in-Bay," for a three and
a half hour boat ride.
Return at 9:45 p.m.
The examination of the island will
take from 12:30 p.m., when the boat
docks at Put-in-Bay, until 4:15 p.m.,
when they leave again to return to
Detroit. They reach the dock at the
foot of First Street at 8:30 p.m.,
and will return to Ann Arbor at about
9:45 p.m.

More Labor
Trouble Seen
In New Areas
Nation's Industrial Map
Is Dotted With Newer
Call Militiamen In
Minneapolis Sector
Alabama Textile Workers
Are In Controversy Over
Wage Rates
(By Associated Press)
New strikes and threats of strikes
continued today to dot the industrial
map of the nation along three coasts
and at many points of the interior.
Most serious was the situation on
the Pacific Coast, but militiamen also
were called out in Minneapolis, where
7,000 truckmen struck for the second
time within a few months over wages
and the right of their union to rep-
resent "warehouse" employees. Only
minor disorders were reported, and
guardsmen were standing by for
emergency action.
The third important sector of the
strike front centered in Alabama,
where 22,000 textile workers struck
over wages and working conditions.
Strikes closed every mill in Hunts-
ville, principal textile center of the
state. Sticks and clubs were used by
the crowds which stormed some of the
mills, forcing shutdowns.
In Connecticut some 500 Dayville
woolen workers and 1,000 Danbury
hatters struck for higher wages.
In New York 19,000 maritime work-
ers threatened a strike, and the execu-
tive board of the International Ladies
Garment Workers approved a pro-
posed strike of 18,000 workers in the
knitted garment trade.
Radio operators on ships docking
from Pacific ports were called to
join the Radio and Telegraphers As-
sociation strike.
A general trucking strike loomed
in Baltimore, and union leaders
threatened to call a strike vote at the
big Carnegie Steel Works at Du-
quesne, Pa.
The national labor committee of
the Socialist Party called Tuesday
upon its locals throughout the coun-I
try to work with trade unionists in)
staging demonstrations of solidarity
and sympathy with the San Francisco
Thorpe To Speak On
Teaching Of English
Prof. Clarence D. Thorpe of the
English department will lecture on
"English in Relation to Other Sub-
jects" at 4:10 p.m. today in Room
1022, University High School. This
is one of the series of lectures
sponsored by the School of Edu-
cation in their fifth annual Sum-
me? Educational Conference.

' T

-Associated Press

Strike Arev Mayor

Leaders Of Strike.
In San Francisco
Advise Arbitration

American League
Detroit...... ......52 31
New York........ .49 31
Boston.... . . .. ...46 38
Cleveland .... ....... .43 38
Washington .........41 43
St. Louis.............35 41
Philadelphia........32 49
Chicago.............28 55
Yesterday's Results
Detroit 4, Washington 3.
Cleveland 13, New York 5.
Boston 6, Chicago 2.
St. Louis 7, Philadelphia 4.
Today's Games
Washington at Detroit.
Boston at Chicago.
Philadelphia at St. Louis.
New York at Cleveland.
National League




Members of the astronomy depart-
ment and graduate students in the
subject, who will be present to con-
duct the parties of visitors through
the building, will also demonstrate
the 37.5-inch reflecting telescope,
which is especially adapted to pho-
tographic and spectrographic work.
These excursions through the Uni-
versity Observatory have been a reg-
ular feature of the Summer Session
program each year. In the event of
unfavorable weather conditions the
tours will be conducted as announced
excluding the inspection of the moon
through the 12-inch telescope.
Concert TUoBe
Presented By
Summer Band
The University Summer Band, un-
der the direction of James Christian
Pfohl, will present its second con-
cert of the Summer Session tonight at
7:15 p.m. on the steps of the General
Mr. Pfohl is directing the'Band for
the first time, instead of its regular
conductor,"Prof. Nicholas D. Falcone.
Mr. Pfohl is an instructor in the
School of Music during the present
short term. He is the director of mu-
sic at Davidson College, Davidson,
N. C.
The program which the band will
present includes eight numbers, "The
Fairest of the Fair," a march by John

Stunt Night Heads
Plan Entertainment
Starting at 8 p.m. tonight the third
Stunt Night of the Summer Session
will be given in the League Grill
room. Jean Seeley, '36, and Charlotte
Whitman, '35, have charge of ar-
rangements. Al Cowan and his band
are to furnish the music.
Stunt Night tonight wil have an
entirely new cast of performers. In-
troduced by the master of ceremon-
ies, Dick Edmondson, the following
will take part in the affair : Romine
Hamilton, a member of the Union
Band, will give a violin solo: Max
Goldman and Billy Cowan, a tap
dance; and Billie Griffith will sing
some of last year's J.G.P. songs.
The same plan for admission will
be followed as last week. A mini-
mum charge of 25 cents per person
will be made to those couples who
dance, and 10 cents to those who do
not care to dance.

Tigers Score
Victory Over
Senator Nine
Carl Fischer Goes Route
In 4 To 3 Win Over Joe
Cronin's Men
DETROIT, July 17. --(A)-The De-
troit Tigers again forged to an ap-
preciable lead in the American League
today, defeating Washington 4 to'3,
while New York was bowing ignobly
to Walter Johnson's Indians at Cleve-
land, 13 to 5.
The game was a pitchers' duel be-
tween Carl Fischer, who went the en-
tire route for the Tigers, and Walter
Stewart, who started, and Al Thomas
for the Griffmen. The Tigers garnered
ten hits off the Washington hurlers,
eight of them off Stewart. All four
of the Tiger runs were charged to
Summary and boxscore of the
game may be found on page four
of this issue.
Washington was held to six hits by
Fischer, but he gave eight free passes.
Timely hitting and classy fielding in
the close spots won the game.
The Tigers won the ball game in
the sixth inning, rallying to put across
three runs and wipe out a 3 -to 1 lead
'which came about through loose
pitching by Fischer and effective
pitching by Stewart in holding the
Tiger bats to four scattered hits pre-
In Detroit's big sixth the Tigers
unleashed a trio of doubles by Geh-
ringer, Greenberg and Owen, scoring
three runs. The lead established by
the sixth inning rally was never really
disputed until the ninth.
In the ninth, with one man out, the
Senators packed the bases on a single
and two walks, but a sizzling double
killing, Gehringer to Rogell to Green-
berg, on a grounder by Ossie Bluege,
batting for Thomas, ended the game.
Manager Cochrane will start Tom-
my Bridges tomorrow, and Joe Cron-
in is expected to send the veteran
ex-Tiger, Earl Whitehill to the mound
for Washington.
Program Presented
By MusicFaculty
The third in the series of Summer
Session concerts, featuring members
of the faculty of the School of Music,
was held last night in Hill Auditorium.
Hanns Pick, violoncellist, Joseph
Brinkman, pianist, and E. William
Doty, organist, were the featured per-
For the first number Professor Pick
played Saint-Saens' "Concerto in A
minor." He was followed by Professor
Brinkman, who played a group of five
piano solos by Chopin. Mr. Doty closed
the concert with Caesar Franck's
"Cantabile," and the "Allegro Appas-
sionata" from the fifth organ sonata
of Guilmant.
Waite Tn I etur On?.

Committee Calls On Three
Governors For Aid In
Appeal To President
General Weakening
Is Seen Throughout
Begin Immediate Drive To
Clean Up Communists;
Restaurants Opened -
SAN FRANCISCO, July 17.-- (A') -
The San Francisco general strike
committee adopted a resolution today
"advising" striking Pacific Coast
longshoremen and marine workers
and employers to settle their long
walkout by arbitration. The commit-
tee called upon the governors of Cali-
fornia, Oregon, and Washington, and
the mayors of affected port cities to
appeal to President Roosevelt to ask
him in the emergency to the end
that employers and employees submit
to arbitration all questions in dispute
between them.
SAN FRANCISCO, July 17. - (I)-
Breaks in the general strike clouds
even while they were spreading their
blighting shadows over more Pacific
Coast cities appeared in two places
A member of President Roosevelt's
Labor Disputes Board disclosed a def-
inite proposal to end the mass walk-
outs by submitting the central issues
to arbitration and by a concerted re-
turn to work immediately this arbi-
trationwas under way.
In Portland, Ore., a mass meeting
to have been held tonight to decide
upon a general walkout of 35,000
workers there was suddenly called off.
Definite facts were lacking; but the
general strike committee of San Fran-
cisco met suddenly in executive ses-
Plan To End Strike At Once
George Kidwell, conservative labor
leader, said that a resolution of "great
significance" would be acted upon.
This was rumored to be a proposal
that the central issues behind the
mass walkout be submitted to "un-
limited arbitration" and that the gen-
eral strike be immediately stopped.
"If we can get labor to pass the
resolution we can settle the strike,"
said the member of the President's
He said that he was positive that
the water-front employers would sub-
mit all issues, if the labor leaders
would do likewise.
All this cane about while San Fran-
cisco was still under the spell of war-
like rule, while the mass walkout
spread officially to Oakland, Ala-
meda, Berkeley and other East Bay
communities, making the strikers
100,000 strong.
Sabotage, Beatings Reported
Sabotage, window smashing and
the beating of men here and there
marked the second day of the general
walkout in San Francisco and the first
day in Oakland and the other East
Bay cities.
Roving patrols of National Guards-
men were turned loose in Oakland
to help the already enlarged police
force to maintain order.
Upwards of 4,600 National Guards-
men were well emplaced behind tanks,
machine guns, bayonet-pointed rifles
and heavy stores of ammunition in
San Francisco. The water front and
the wholesale district were barricaded
from the rest of the city, and fresh
food supplies began moving in under
armed convoys.
Fifty-one restaurants were open
under union sanction. Yesterday only
19 had operated in that manner.
Nearly 2,000 others remained closed,
however, and the food situation was
acute in places.
A general cleanup of alleged Com-
munists was begun by San Francisco
police almost simultaneously with the
outcropping of peace reports.

Johnson Terms Strike .
A' Bloody Insurrection'
BERKELEY, July 17.- (P) -Term-
ing the general strike "civil war," Gen.
Hugh S. Johnson, NRA administrator,
declared here today that the blocking
of the necessities of life'to a whole
people "is bloody insurrection."
"The right of dissatisfied men to

New York.....
Chicago ........
St. Louis......
Pittsburgh .....
Boston .........
Brooklyn .....

..... 53
..... 26



Unemployment Among Teachers
Is Over emphasized Says Myers

Prominent New
Yorkie r, Local
Alumnus, Dies
NEW YORK, July 17. - (P) - Mil-
ton Lewis Livingston, president of the
Continental Baking Corporation, died
today at his home on Park Avenue of
heart disease.
Livingston, who was 54 years old,
was born in Chicago, the son of a
baker, Lewis Livingston, who was also
the son of a baker, the founder of the
family business in Germany.
After attending the Armour In-
stiute of Technology in Chicago and'
the University of Michigan, from
which he was graduated in 1901, Liv-
ingston went to Pueblo, Col., to enter
the mercantile business.
But his brother, Julius M. Livings-
ton, who remained in Chicago to car-
ry on the father's baking business, in-
duced him to return to Illinois and
join in the family undertaking.
They became a dominating factor
in the baking industry of Chicago.
Nazis Still Holding Two
Men In Police Custody
BERLIN, July 17. - (A) - Mayor
Buelzner von Meulhmheim, adjutant
to the former crown prince, and Carl
Rosner, publicist who collaborated
with the Crown Prince in writing his
memoirs, are still in custody of the
police who have been holding them

Yesterday's Results
New York 5-1, Chicago 3-2.
Brooklyn 7, St. Louis 6.
Philadelphia 7, Cincinnati 0.
Only games scheduled.
Today's Games
Pittsburgh at Boston (2).
Chicago at New York.
St. Louis at Brooklyn.
Cincinnati at Philadelphia.
1 AWTN -h TXinh .l T.ixr I r7 D'

The amount of unemployment
among recent graduates of the Uni-
versity who prepared to teach, ser-
ious as it has been, is not so great
at the present time as we have been
led to believe, said Prof. George E.
Myers of the School of Education, in
presenting the results of a recent
study at yesterday's educational con-
ference, sponsored by the School of
"Many are not teaching, to be sure,
but only 17.6 per cent of the bache-
lor's degree graduates of 1932 and 22.5
per cent of similar graduates of 1933
who received teachers certificates re-
port that they have not been able to

turned. Of those certificated in 1933,
88 per cent replied to the inquiry.
"When the number successful in
obtaining teaching positions is con-
sidered;" continued Professor Myers,
"the class of 1933 has been less for-
tunate than its immediate predeces-
sors., Of the class of 1933, 31 per
cent of those who replied reported
teaching as their occupation during
the school year just closed; for the
graduates of 1932, 54 per cent; 1931,
51.5 per cent; 1930, 56 per cent; and
of the class of 1929, 55.9 per cent.
Of course, these percentages are
affected by the fact that a much
larger number of women graduates

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