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July 18, 1934 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1934-07-18

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Official Publication of the Summer Session

a menace to the state. They will rot remain in
their communities. They will mingle with the other

part of the national government to at least do
a little planning and run some sort of an informa-
ition or employment bureau for the product of its


. ... ',




I i

Publisned every morning except Monday during the
University year anP Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten News Service.
~90oiated 0011 _ae'Prezq'
of E1933 wIoru - cOVE cE 1934
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it
or not otherwise credited inrthis paper and the local
nes pulished herein. All rights of republication of
special dispatches are reserved.
Enteredi at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscrition during summer by carrier, $1.25; by mail,
$1.50. Duling regular school year by carrier, $3.75; by
mail, $4.25.
Ofces : Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: College Publications Representatives,
Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80
roylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Plone 4925
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Charles A. Baird, Clinton B. Con-
er, Paul J. Elliott, Thaas E. Groehn, Thomas H.
leene, William R. Reed, Robert S. Ruwitch.
REPORTERS: Barbara Bates, C. H. Beukema, Donald R.
Bird, Ralph anhajoff, Frances English, Elsie Pierce, Vlir-
ginia Scott, Bernard H. Fried.
Office Hours: 9-12, 1-5 Phone. 2-1214
Hitler And The
College Fraternities. .

citizens of the commonwealth. It is the business of
the state to give equal opportunity to all the
children whether they be rich or whether they
be poor. But to bring this about will require
a complete reorganization of our educational sys-
tem on the basis of larger units where a broad
curriculum can be introduced; where a variety
of teachers may be employed, and where the tax
Durden will be spread over a larger area so that
both rich and poor may bear their just share of
the burden.
"All of our problems eventually lead to the ques-
.tion: Where shall we get the money? In attempting
to solve this problem as it affects education we
shall find it necessary to determine which districts
have collected income greater than their needs and
which ones do not have the where-with-all that is
necessary to support their schools. Michigan is a
wealthy state. There is a stream of gold at the
present moment flowing to our manufacturing cen-
ters. Some one is making money. It is a principle1
of taxation that the burden should fall upon those
who are able to pay.
"We cannot continue to levy taxes on small
farms and small homes beyond the ability of the
people to pay. We must tax the incomes or the
intangibles. We must get the money where it is
to be found. The wealth of Michigan belongs to
the people of Michigan. In the final analysis there
are no property rights that are more sacred than
human rights. Every child has the right to live,
the right to be free, the right to pursue happi-
ness, the right to get an education. These rights
inust be safe-guarded even though it be necessary
to levy still higher taxes on the people who are
able to pay."
Screen Reflections
Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very
good; two stars good; one star just another picture;
no stars keep away from it.




To The Editor:j
The Michigan Daily evidently takes pride in
being an Associated Press newspaper -in telling
the truth interestingly. However, in the rather
lengthy write-up of the strike in San Francisco in
,Tuesday's issue, a technical as well as moral error
was committed by the Associated Press.
Good reporting requires a why as well as a where
and who. Yet 33 paragraphs failed to tell why
65,000 men were striking. And 65,000 men can't be
entirely wrong!
We are told that the "National Guard, police__
are preparing for trouble with tanks, cannon." We
are told that "strikers were reported picketing
against supply trucks."
Truths - but only half-truths. The Associated
Press is clever, and one must use all their intelli-
gence in reading its report in order to get at the
interesting truth."
{ If the Associated Press will flaunt its banner
under the cause of truth without defiling the name,
let it change its slogan to "The WHOLE Truth
Told Interestingly."
Musical Events
In Review
No matter how well-balanced these faculty con-
certs appear to be when originally planned, there
is always one part of the program that stands
out above the rest. This was true of the Chopin
numbers played by Joseph Brinkman last night.
Mr. Brinkman is to be commended (1) for his
careful choice from the works of the composer,
and (2) for his very excellent rendition of all
six of the Chopin pieces. He opened his group
with the F major Ballade, one of those surprising
Chopin numbers which has a slow, lyric beginning
and suddenly launches into an unusual and elab-
orate development of the first movement. It takes
an artist to play that sort of thing well, and Mr.
Brinkman left nothing to be desired.
The C-sharp minor Scherzo, fifth number of
the group, also deserves special recognition due to
the very excellent way Mr. Brinkman played it.
He chose the D-flat waltz for an encore.
Opening the program Hanns Pick, professor of
violoncello at the School of Music, played Saint-
Saens Concerto in A minor. Mr. Brinkman who
accompanied Mr. Pick at the piano, effectively
brought out the very vest qualities of the Saint-
Saens accompaniment. Mr. Pick played J. B. Cram-
er's Valse for an encore.
E. William Doty, the very young member of
the Music School faculty, played well selections
for the organ by Fanck and Guilmant. -E.I.J.
2The Theatr
IF ONE IS TO BELIEVE all that one hears, "The
School for Scandal," which opens at the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre tonight, should be one of the
highlights of this (so far) very successful season.
For one thing Richard Brinsley Sheridan wrote
it. And for another Francis Compton, remembered
for "Grumpy," has directed it and will appear
in the leading role. That almost cinches things.
THE CAST should do justice to the vehicle, for
it contains a group of seasoned actors and ac-
tresses. In fact it's practically an all-star cast.'
Among the old timers (meant as a compliment)
are Sally Pierce, Jay Pozz, James Doll, Frank Funk,
and Goddard Light - all players of proven ability.
Then we have Claribel Baird, Nancy Bowman,
Charles Harrell, and Carl Nelson with first-rate
* * * *

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University Copy received at the Summer Session office until 3:30; 11:30

-Henry S. Curtis.

Band Concer: There wil be a ban
concert by the Summer Session Band
on the library steps this evening at
7:15. The concert will be under the
direction of James Christian Pfohl,
Instructor in the School of Music
Summer Session and Director of Mu-
sic at Davidson College, Davidson,
North Carolina.
March -- The Fairest of
the Fair ...................Sousa
Overture - The New Dawn , .Russell
Selection from "The Prince
of Pilsen" ................Luders
Lassus Trombone-Novelty . Fillmore
"Artist's Life"
Waltzes .........Johann Strauss
Anchors Aweigh - Song of
the Navy ............ Zimmerman
Overture -"Hungarian
Comedy" ....... .......Kela-Bela
The Yellow and the Blue
Professor Clarence D. Thorpe, Pro-
fessor of English and of the Teach-
ing of English, will speak at the Edu-
cation Conference today at 4:10 p.m.
in Room 1022, University High School.
His subject will be "English in Re-
lation to Other Subjects."
The Pi Lambda Theta initiation
will be held at 5:30 p.m. today in the
University Elementary School Libra-
Men's Education Club Golf Match
today at 1:30 p.m., University of
Michigan Golf Course.
Dance Club: There will be a meet-
ing of the Dance Club on Thursday,
July 19, at 5 o'clock in Sarah Caswell
Angell Hall, Barbour Gymnasium.
This is the second meeting and will
be a practice period. Everyone in-
terested is urged to attend.
Medical Examination Reports: Stu-
dents who have had examinations at
the Health Service and who have not
.had the report on the results are
urged to come in for such further
considerations of the findings.
Stalker Hall today at 4:30 p.m.
outing, swim, and picnic supper. All
Michigan Repertory Players: Sher-
idan's "School for Scandal" opens to-
night at the Lydia Mendelssohn tle-
atre with Francis Compton in the
role of Sir Peter Teazle. Please make
reservations early. The play will be
presented four nights concluding on
A Dinner for Mount Holyoke Col-
lege alumnae and faculty will be held
at the League tonight. Thoseattend-
ing are asked to meet in the Kala-
mazoo Room at 6:15 p.m. The cost
of the dinner will be 85 cents.
Graduation Recital: Miss Mary
Fishburne, pianist, in partial fulfill-
ment of the graduation requirements
for the Master of Music Degree, will
present the following program Thurs-
day evening, July 19, at 8:30 in the
School of Music Auditorium. Bach,
Toccata and Fugue in E Minor:
Brahms, Variations and Fugue on a
Theme by Handel: Griffes, The Foun-
tain of the Acqua Paola; Lecuona, La
Comparsa; Tansman, Hyme - from
Third Sonatine for Piano; Poulenc,


Toccata: Franck, Prelude, Chorale
and Fugue.
The general public with the excep-
tion of small children is invited to at-
Thursday at 4:30: Trip to Univer-
sity Fresh Air Camp for swim, sup-
per 'and camp fire with the campers.
All welcome.
Physiological Chemistry 120: The
first lecture in physiological chemis-
try 120 will be given Friday, July 20,
at 7:00 a.m. in the West Amphithea-
tre of the West Medical Building.
Students enrolled in the Graduate
School will not be permitted to drop
courses after Saturday, July 21. A
course is not officially dropped until
it is reported in the office of.the Grad-
uate School, 1014 Angell Hall.
Students who have changed their
elections since submitting election
cards should call this week 'at the
office of the Graduate School, 1014
Angell Hall. This involves the drop-
ping and adding of courses, the sub-
stitution of one course for another,
as well as the change of instructors.
G. Carl Huber, Dean
School of Education Students: Per-
mission to drop courses without "E"
grades will not be given after Wed-
nesday, November 29, except under
extraordinarymcircumstances. No
2ourse is considered officially dropped
unless it has been reported in the
office of the Registrar, Room 4, Uni-
versity Hall.
C. O. Davis, Secretary
School of Education -Four Week
Courses - Second Period: The second
group of four-week courses offered in
the School of Education will start
next Monday, July 23. All students
who expect to elect one or more of.
these courses should register for them
this week if they have not already
done so.
C. O. Davis, Secy.
Tfverson Sought
In U. ., Canada
NEW YORK, July 17. - (/P) -The
search for the missing Agnes C. Tuf-
verson, New York and Detroit lawyer,
took on an impetus today with police
seeking the woman in Philadelphia
and Montreal.
Acting Capt. John G. Stein, in
charge of the police missing persons
bureau, said that Elora Miller, a Negro
maid, asserted that Poderjay told her
his wife had gone to Philadelphia or
Meanwhile, officials of the district
attorney's office prepared to subpoena
Ernest Churcher, a steward on the
liner Olympic, when that ship docks.
Assistant District Attorney Harold
W. Hastings said the purpose of sum-
noning Churcher was to have him re-
peat for the grand jury conversations
with Poderjay on the ship.
Portage Lake 14 miles from town

PetitiOns Filed
By Supotrs
Of Groesbeck
Submit Names Of 22,000
Backers To Department
Of State
LANSIN, July 17. -- (P) - Peti-
tions qualifying Alex J. Groesbeck as
a candidate for the Republican rioni-
nation for Governor were filed with
the Department of State today. They
were submitted by a committee and
contained about 22,000 signatures.'
Members of the delegation claimed
to have another 100,00 names which
were not submitted. The committee
which brought the petitions here was
made of John S. Haggerty, of ]e-
troit, who recently became reconciled
with Groesbeck after several years
of political enmity; former Senator
Chester M. Howell, of Chesaning; Isa-
belle Larwill, of Adrian, former mem-
ber of the State Commission of Lpbor
and Industry; A. J. Polk, of Detroit;
Dr. E. G. Weeks, of Saginaw; George
W. Hall, of Grand Rapids; Miss Bessie
B. Murchie of Detroit, and E. H.
Knott, of Saginaw.
The committee issued a statement
declaring that "thousands of Mich-
igan citizens had laid aside partisan-
ship in, the face of an emergency and
have united in a movement to draft
a man to the highest office in the
state." The statement asserted that
Groesbeck is being drafted because a
man of "broad experience and execu-
tive ability must be chosen to measure
up to the job."
The petitions were handed to Frank
D. Fitzgerald, Secretary of State, and
the only other candidate for the
Republican nomination who has qual-
ified. Members of the committee were
unable to state whether Groesbepk
intends to run, but several predicted
that he would answer the draft call
and be in the race. Groesbeck has
until July 27 to make up his mind. If
he has not withdrawn by that date his
name will go on the September pri-
mary ballots automatically.
Frank Picard May Be
Slated For U. S. Senate
SAGINAW, July 17.-(A)-Plans
to qualify Frank A. Pickard, chair-
man of the liquor control commission,
as Democratic candtidate for senator
are proceeding even though Piad
is still hesitant about his candid(acy,
James E. O'Neill, acting chairman of
the Picard-for-Senator movement,
announced here today.
O'Neill said it is proving unneces-
sary to perfect a state organization
to promote Picard's candidacy because
enough petitions are being received.
He is confident Picard will heed the
call and become an active candidate
Eddie BOb
LUand ThirwMuUle
^ : " Dancho ary ntdouces Man
r . "'d"ssi"n40 at i en h an's
Most eautiu ummr B ra cm

T HAS BEEN the policy of Adolf
Hitler ever since his elevation to
poWer to control, as much as was humanly pos-
sible, the private lives of the citizens of Germany.
He has expelled the Jews from Germany. He has
told the German electorate how to vote in the
national elections, and he has told the populace
what it shall think and say --in public.
Throughout this period the youth of Germany,
inspired by hysterical patriotism and compelling
orators, has been behind him in the form of the
S.A. -the Nazi Storm Troops. But since the
"prging" two weeks ago Hitler has about-faced
and rapidly alienated this element of the people. He
dskanded the Storm Troops and left the troopers
ashamed of their former connection with the body
because of the revelations made in connection with
the crushing of the "second revolution."
Now, after inflicting this first insult to the youth
of the Fatherland, Hitler has proceeded to heap
injury upon it. He has ordered that the ancient
fraternities in the German universities be aban-
doned - presumably because they might foment
political un'est. And the students have revolted
At Goettingen University one thousand frater-
nity members battled brown-shirted Nazi sympa-
thzers in defense of their club colors and the
ten leaders were arrested.
The Germans are a sentimental people - not
the kind to allow their traditional customs to be
tampered with without a fight. Nothing could be
more carefully planned to alienate the entire class
of educated Germans than this move to abolish
college fraternities. As in the United States, Ger-
mans look back on their college days with pleasure
and no little part of this remembrance lies in the
fraternity affiliations. Thus, not only will the pres-
ent members of the clubs resent this summary ex-
tinction, but the whole educated class in Germany
will feel that it personally is being affronted.
The business of being a dictator requires almost
superhuman tact and judgment. The leader must
get the country behind him in some movement
which is considered necessary, but he must be
careful not to let his new-found power carry him
so far that he alienates his supporters.
"Der Fuehrer" it seems, has not learned his les-
son well enough. If he wants to stay in power and
to retain what prestige he still has among his
countrymen he would do well to tend to his political
knitting and leave the private lives of his "sub-
jects" alone.
Dr. Voelker
011 Educatio . . .
N HIS ADDRESS last week to those
attending the fifth Annual Summer
Educational Conference, Dr. Paul F. Voelker, State
superintendent of public instruction, selected one
of the most vital current problems in education
for discussion. Woven into his general remarks
conberning schools in Michigan, were some very
imposing statements regarding the economic side
of education as affecting individuals. That part
ofrhis speech dealing with this all-important mat-
ter is well deserving of repetition.
"We have already found one district in Michigan
where no one has gone to high school for sev-
enteen years," Dr. Voelker said. "There are thou-
sands of boys and girls in our rural districts
today who are denied high school privileges be-
cause there is no money to pay their tuition.
There are many small communities where the
,eaching facilities, the school equipment, the nar-
row curriculum have been so poor as to make the
education of the children practically worthless for
a modern ae. Only a few miles away there is a

Laughing Boy.........Ramon Novarro
Slim Girl..................Lupe Velez
And .......... A Flock of Poor Indians
Oliver La Farge's novel, "Laughing Boy," may
have been the recipient of a Pulitzer Prize, but the
filn moguls sure did things to it - awful things.'
The movie is one of the worst atrocities ever per-
petrated on a long-suffering cinema public. If Mr.
La Farge were dead, he would most certainly turn,
over in -his grave.
It's one of those movies you try and forget as
soon as possible. You want to pretend it never hap-
pened. Just another reason why reviewers commit
suicide. If we weren't so polite we'd say it's foul,.
But it really doesn't matter anyway. Nothing mat-
We wouldn't even bother to write this review if
we didn't feel that movie-goers deserve a break.
We're warning you - stay away. And, after all this,
if you decide to waste your time and money -
(don't say we didn't warn you. That's all.
How's this for a plot. Mr. Novarro is a good In-
dian. Miss Velez is not. She seduces him, They
marry. To establish a home they need money. So
Miss Velez gets money from a White man in return
for - Mr. Novarro finds out. He pulls out his
trusty bow and arrow and shoots - bingo, like that.
He misses the White man and hits Miss Velez. She
dies. Curtain.
To make it a full length picture, Mr. Novarro
sings and sings to the moon - frightfully off key.
And Miss Velez rolls her eyes - and her hips and
unsuccessfully tries to convince you that she's
really not as rotten as she is.
The only light in the utter darkness is a
comedy which, in comparison to the principal de-
traction, is excellent. It's called "'Tis Spring" and
isn't half bad. Hugh Herbert and Allen Jenkins
are cast as a couple hobos who have a very in-
teresting time at a girls' school.
"Little Man, What Now?" is still playing at the
Michigan. -C.A.B.

Campus Opinion
Letters published in this column should not be con-
strued as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous communications will be disregarded.
The names of conimunicants will, however, be re-
-garded as confidential upon request. Contributors
are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less
than 500 words if possible.
To the Editor:
There has never been a time in this country
before when the college graduate faced so difficult
a situation. It is a time when there is little demand
for personnel in any field, when numbers are being
reduced in nearly every trade and profession, when
many capable veterans, who have earned their
places by years of devoted service are having their
salaries reduced, being put on part time, or dis-
charged altogether.
What chance has the young and inexperienced
recruit from academic halls of finding a place
in such a world? The world is not asking for his
services. Industry, staggering under its load of un-
employment, looks aghast at the mere thought of
another group to be provided for.
Does it not show that there is something funda-
mentally wrong in the organization ofany country,
when it has made no provision for using the
services of two or three hundred thousands of
superior young people on whom it has spent sixteen
years of training?
Under normal conditions, they might be expected
to find more or less suitable places for themselves.
It is difficult to see how the state can plan if all
business is in the hands of private individuals, but
the state has in one form or another provided the
institutions and teachers for these young people.
It is concerned that its efforts shall not be wasted.
It may be said that since society is not yet ready
to utilize their services the proper procedure is for
them to continue with their education. This is true

PEOPLE STARTED talking when Claribel Baird
did such a beautiful job with the role of Bus in
"Both Your Houses" last week. Who is she? Where
did she come from? they asked. This might in-
terest them. Claribel is a Mrs., the mother of a
three-year-old child, Jerry. She is an instruc-
tor at Oklahoma Women's College and is here
working on an advance degree.
* * * *
HER BOY, JERRY, didn't wait long to follow
In his mother's footsteps and make his stage debut.
He's been in three major productions at the College
already. At the age of three weeks he played the
Christ child in the annual Christmas presentation
and since then has appeared in "Rackety-Packety"
and "The Piper." He's back in Oklahoma, and local
audiences are not likely to get a glimpse of him.
They'll hear plenty about him, though, if they
get any place near Claribel.
AUTHOR SHERIDAN must have derived much
amusement from naming the characters in his play.
For example -Lady Sneerwell, Mrs. Candour, Sir
Benjamin Backbite, Careless and Trip.
S * * *
WE WISH TO BEG Nancy Bowman's forgiveness
for an oversight in yesterday's column. Tonight's
show is not her 1934 premiere. She appeared as
Dona Marcials in "A Hundred Years Old."
* * * *
THIS IS Jane Fletcher's first journey into the
college theatrical field. Miss Fletcher is the daugh-
ter of Gilbert Fletcher, well-known local pharma-
cist. -C.A.B.
Not many men, worthy of the name, gain any-
thing of net value by marriage, at least as the
institution is now met with in chistendom. Even
assessing its benefits at their most inflated worth,
they are plainly overborne by crushing disadvan-
tages. -Mencken.
He that hath wife and children hath given

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