Kaye Don Is
Sentenced To
Four Months'
Sportsman Convicted On
Manslaughter Charge In
Death Of Mechanic
- (AP:) - Kaye Don, noted auto racing
driver, was sentenced to four months
imprisonment today following his
conviction of manslaughter in the
death of his mechanic in a wreck
May 28.
The sentence will be served in Newt
Douglas prison.
Francis Tayler, the mechanic, was
killed instantly on a night practice
run for a local race when the auto-
mobile catapaulted off the highway
on a bad turn. Don himself was
seriously injured.
The automobile and speed boat,
racer was convicted Saturday night.
Immediately upon sentence today
Don's attorney filed notice of appeal.
As soon as the sentence was passed
Don was arrested. His attorney scur-
ried about attempting to arrange bail,
which would permit Don liberty to
return to England while the appeal
is pending.
The prosecution charged Don failed
to slacken speed when rounding a
dangerous curve endangering both
his and Tayler's life. The speed king
pleaded not guilty.
Where To Go
2:00 -Michigan Theatre, "Little
Man, What Now?" with Margaret
2:00 - Majestic Theatre, "Spring-
time for Henry," with Otto Kruger
and Nancy Carroll.
2:00-Wuerth Theatre, "The House
of Rothschild," with George, Arliss.
4:00 - Same features at the three
4:10 -Conference, "A Study of
Recent Graduates Who Have Pre-
pared to Teach," George E. Myers,
Professor of Vocational Education
and Guidance. (Room 1022, Univer-
sity High School).
5:00--Lecture, "Modern Housing"
(Illustrated), Associate Professor
Wells I. Bennett. (Natural Science
7:00 --Same feattires at the three
8:15 - Concert, Hanns Pick; 'cello;
Joseph Brinkman, piano; E. William
Doty, organ.
Canoeing on the Huron every after-
noon and evening.
Dancing at the Blue Lantern Ball-
room, Island Lake.
.Expl o .
IPlqPs i
-Sbou tt ress
k *~ *
-Associated Press Photo
San Francisco and vicinity faced a food shortage as strikes paralyzed land and water commerce. The air
view above shows the San Franciso waterfront, where the trouble began. National guardsmen (below)
guarded the troubled areas. as organized labor voted a.general strike. Albert E. Boynton (upper left) is
president of the city's industrial association, which has been moving merchandise under militia protection.
Lower right is Andrew Furuseth, aged president of th e International Seamen's Union, who was taken to a
hospital from heart trouble which doctors said was aggravated by his efforts to aid peace negotiations.
Noted Explorer
Is Found Safe
Chinese Bandits Release
:Missionary After. Two-
SHANGHAI, July 16. - 1P) - An
American missionary and a Swedish
explorer, reported seized by bri-
gands, are safe again!
Dispatches from Hankow said the
Rev. Howard Smith formerly of
Washington, Pa., had been released
by his captors after being two months
a captive.
Dr. Sven Hedin, noted explorer,
notified associates he was safe in
Details of Smith's release were
lacking but he was reported to be in
good health. A ransom of $35,000
had been demanded for him.
A telegram from Hedin dated Ur-,
umchi, eastern Turkestan, was re-
ceived at Peiping Sunday by Erik
Norin, his representative. It made no
reference to reports Hedin and com-
panions had been captured by bri-
Coincident with news of Hedin's
safety reports came from Russian
channels that Gen. Ma Chun, 23-
year-old Mohammedan rebel who has
led disorders in Turkestan for several
years, had crossed into Irhveshtam
Soviet territory and had been in-
terned by Russians.
He fled across the border after be-
ing defeated by provincial Chinese
troops. It was Ma Chun who briefly
detained Hedin's expedition early this
Liquor Sales
Are Far Below
First Estimate
Keen Cownpetition, Lack
Of Capital For Ageing
Of WhiskeyBlamed
NEW YORK, July 16. -- (P) - Hav-
ing completed their first job of con-
structing adequate producing and dis-
tributing facilities, the liquor manu-
facturing companies now find them-
selves faced with legal consumption
far below their extpectations, a short-
age of capital to finance the aging
of whisky, and the development of
keen competition within their own
In spite of the fact that the pres-
ent population of "wet" states is
about 89,000,000, compared with a
legal liquor area of 81,000,000 people
in the 1910-15 period, the consump-
tion of tax-paid products this year
has been little more than half the
pre-prohibition monthly average.
What is more, the trend continues
Total consumption this year of do-
mestic and imported spirits is ten-
tatively estimated in reliable quarters
at 65,000,000 gallons, or about three
quarts for each person in the wet area.
This compares with 129,500,000, or
more than six quarts a head, in the
average year just before the war.
Unless satisfactory quick-aging
methods are developed and prices
thus are given a chance to meet the
popular level, bootlegging is expected
to compete heavily with legal pro-
duction. The director of the federal
alcohol control administration re-
cently said that half the liquor actu-
ally consumed in this country is illicit.
First Match In
Bridge Tourney
To BeTonight
The first match of the Duplicate
Bridge Tournament will be run off at
8:00 p.m. tonight in the Ethel Foun-
tain Hussey Room of the League.
Those who are interested may play
in the Tournament at a charge of 25
These tournaments have been a
popular feature of entertainment dur-
ing the past winter,,.with 8 to 10 tables
playing. Cups are presented at the
end of the summer to the four win-
This tournament will be conducted
by Mrs. John Mathes and will meet
at the same time every Tuesday night
for the rest of the Summer Session.
Visits Monticello
Dr. Hopkins, accompanied by Pro-
fessor Ehlers, on Monday night went
to Monticello to visit Mr. Bassett,
whose lumber company owns the
area on which the camp is located.
The site is not University property
but has been leased from the Bassett
Hardwood Manufacturing Co., since
the camp was first established. Dr.
Hopkins described Mr. Bassett as be-
ing "of the highest type of Southern
gentleman," entertaining the Univer-,
sity party with "true Southern hos-
pitality" in the Bassett mansion at
Monticello. Mr. Bassett has shown a
great interest in the University, Dr.
Hopkins states, and his relationships
with the institution in regard to the
Kentucky property have always been
most pleasant. Accompanied by Mrs.
Bassett, he has visited Ann Arbor on
different occasions. Although neither
of them have ever been students here,
they have a son who was once in at-
tendance at the University.
Stays At Infirmary
For the overnight stay at the camp,
Dr. Hopkins and his son were assigned
quarters in the infirmary, which, the
director says, were very comfortable.
As to. the innumerable "jiggers"
which are the bane of existence at the
camp, despite all efforts to guard
against them, Dr. Hopkins claims to
have gotten his share. "In fact," the
director said before leaving the camp,
"I now consider myself a duly quali-
fied member of this Southern branch
of the University."
After leaving the camp, Dr. Hop-
kins and his son met Mrs. Hopkins at
Somerset, Ky., wheie she had trav-
eled by train in order to meet them.
In accordance with earlier plans, the
party went to the tavern at Elkmont,
but they found the inn so crowded
that they went on through the moun-
tainstothe Appalachian Club. That
was also full. The Southern hos-
pitality of a family from Knoxville,
Tenn., located near the club, pro-
vided quarters for the Hopkins fam-
ily eventually.
See Great Smoky Mts.
Of main interest to the party while
in the mountains were the govern-
during the days because of the low
latitude, but he said that the nights
were cool enough to warrant the use
of blankets by sleepers.
Visit Berea. College
Thursday, the Darty went to Be-
rea, where they were received royally
by the officials of Berea College, a
unique institution serving students
of higher learning from the Eastern
mountain region of the states. Only
seven per cent of the 2,500 students
in the institution come from outside
the mountain section, Dr. Hopkins
explained. In the evening the visi-
tors heard a special organ concert
in their honor by H. E. Taylor, busi-
ness manager of the school.
All of the business enterprises in
Berea are operated by students, the
director stated. The hotel where they
stayed was under the direction of stu-
dents, as are a dairy, bakery, stores,
and various. plants located in the
small city. The Boone Tavern, where
the travelers stayed, was named after
the famed pioneer of that state, as
were most other places where they
touched, Dr. Hopkins stated.
The party drove to Kokomo, Ind.,
on Friday, to get Mrs. Hopkins' moth-
er, who returned to Ann Arbor with
the family. The completed trip,
including the side tours, totaled 1,540
miles, the director said, adding that
it was marred by no accidents, out-
of-the-ordinary incidents, car trou-
ble, or unfortunate happenings. The
only disappointment of the journey
came when the tourists had to forego
a trip from Gatlinburg to Mawson
City because of road construction.
Watch Water Supply
The water supply at the camp must
be watched very carefully, although
if the students use the proper pre-
cautions there is no real danger.
There is a University doctor in at-
tendance at the camp and every ef-
fort is made to provide clean, sani-
tary surroundings for those living
there, Dr. Hopkins said.
As for the rest of the mountainous
country in Kentucky, Dr. Hopkins'
outstanding impression was one of
one-room log cabins and mules.
"There are thousands of mules in
that country," the director says, "and
the picture of abject poverty is up-
permost in the mind of anyone who
has been through certain. sections of
that country. The government is do-
ing an excellent job in attempting to
provide in that section decent living
conditions for hundreds of people
who, because they have never known
anything different, are content to
struggle along in the same rut.
Meet Postmaster
Before they left Kentucky, the di-
rector and his son became acquainted
with the aged postmaster at Mill
Springs, where the members of the
camp receive their mail. This old
f'ellow is the son of a Baptist mis-
sionary in the mountains and has
become, in the words of Dr. Hop-
kins, "a great story-teller." After
relating to the Hopkinses, father and
son, some of his better tales, the post-,
master - Abraham Lincoln Denny -
tried to connect Dr. Hopkins with a
family that had once lived near Mill
Springs. He urged the director to see
an old iron kettle which he said had
- r
Once Used Hydrogen
Until development of this helium
supply America's dirigibles were in-
flated with hydrogen gas, lighter even
than helium, but highly inflammable,
and in constant danger of being ig-
nited either by enemy bullets or fire
breaking out on board. Today dirig-
ibles of other nations still must run
this risk. Only American dirigibles
ride the skyways unafraid of fire.
The helium is manufactured from
helium-bearing gas, originating in a
gas field comprising 50,000 acres. It
contains about 1 3-4 per cent helium.
Theprocessing is carried on in fac-
tories designed, built and operated
by the Bureau of Mines, department
of the interior. It is estimated that
only 2 per cent of the potential sup-
ply has so far been used, insuring an
adequate reserve for future emer-
Built In 1928
The helium plant was built by the
Bureau of Mines in 1928, and produc-
tion was started in 1929. In the five
years of operation it has produced
more than 57,000,000 cubic feet of he-
lium, which represents about one-half
the total supply of helium ever pro-
duced in the world. The cost of pro-
duction is only one-third of the low-
est price at which the government
ever obtained helium from any other
An interesting sidelight on helium
gas is that it was found on the sun
before it was ever discovered on earth.
From their study of the light emitted
by various substances scientists knew
in advance what the- characteristic
light of the second lightest substance.
would be when found. Analyzing sun-
light, scientists found this- identical
light. They knew they had found this
second lightest substance and named
it helium after the Greek word for
sun, helios.
Dormitories are continuing their
social program for the Summer Ses-
sion this week with two teas and one
faculty dinner. Betsy Barbour is
having a faculty dinner tonight and
a tea tomorrow, while Jordan Hall
is having a tea Thursday afternoon.
The guests at the faculty dinner at
Betsy Barbour will be Regent Junius
E. Beal and Mrs. Beal, Dean Edward
H. Kraus and Mrs. Kraus, Dean G.
Carl Huber and Mrs. Huber, Dr. John
Sundwall and Mrs. Sundwall, Dean
George E. Myers and Mrs. Myers,
Dean James B. Edmonson and Mrs.
Edmonson, Dr. Stuart A. Courtis and
Mrs. Courtis, Dr. Howard McClusky
and Mrs. McClusky.
No details have been decided about
the tea as yet.
The third in a series of student-
faculty luncheons sponsored by the
department of speech and general
linguistics will be held at 12:15 p.m.
today at the Union. Tickets may be
purchased at the Union desk.
The Michigan Dames and their
husbands held a picnic last night at
the Island. Mrs. Clay was in charge
of all arrangements.
THE HEAT and all that
goes with it ... mon t-
r - - Ii
t ti '~k
ill j,~II
'7Wf. -
My SkitsCome Back
Shirts look better and last longer when sent ,to d
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' i
( I