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July 17, 1934 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1934-07-17

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i Publication of the Summer Session Screen Reflections


r J'.., - . ,,.


Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very
good; two stars good; one star just another picture;
no stars keep away from it.
Lammchen ...........Margaret Sullavan
Hans Pinneberg . .. .Douglas Montgomery
Jachman .................... Alan Hale
Mia Pinneberg ......... Catherine Doucet
Communist..............Fred Kohler
His Wife...................Mae Marsh
Emil Kleinholz ......... DeWitt Jennings
Franz Schuluter .........Alan Mowbray
Marie Kleinholz ........ Muriel Kirkland
Nurse...................Hedda Hopper

Publisned every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten News Service.
-s-ociatt4 - Ui t
f39$33 NATIO61AL- WURAex 1934
* 're Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the-use,
fr republication of all news dispatches credited to it
or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local
news published herein. All rights of republication of
special dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the- Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.25; 'by mail,
$1.5. During regular school year by carrier, $3.75; by
mail, $4.25.
Offices:.Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: College Publications Representatives,
Inc., 40 East Thir-ty-Fourth Street, New York. City; 80
Boylston Street, Boston; 612 - North Michigan Avenue,
Phone 4925
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Charles A. Baird, Clinton B. Con.-
ger, Paul J. Elliott, Thomas E. Groehn,.Thomas H.
Kleene, William R . Reed. Robert S. Ruwitch.
1EPORTERS: Barbara Bates, C. H.. Beukema, Donald R.
Bird, Ralph Danhoff, Frances English, Elsie Pierce, Vir-
ginia Scott, Bernard H. Fried.
Office Hours: 9-12, 1-5 Phone 2-1214.

Four stars means extraordinary. And if ever af
show deserved that rating "Little Man, What
Now?" does. Without any misgivings whatever,
we say it's the best picture Ann Arbor has seen
since "Cavalcade." And you're not apt to see an-
other like it this summea.
The ordinary reviewer takes into consideration
the following ingredients -all part of the movie
recipe: (1) story, (2) directing, (3) acting, (4)
photography, and (5) musical accompaniment. '
Usually two or three of these are weak. But
not so "Little Man, What Now?" Each ingredient
'stands alone as being above the ordinary.
The story is adapted from the best-seller novel
of the same title, written by Hans Fallada (Rudolf
Besier is his real name). It's a simple narrative
of a young couple who fall in love, marry, and have
a baby. There's nothing unusual about that.
But when they do this in the face of economic
adverstiy, conflicts arise and an unusually touching
story results. Hans Fallada caught the spirit of the
Depression in his novel - the hardship - the
rama - the poignant tragi-happiness of it. It's
a story with a meaning for any and all have have
either witnessed or been a part of the mad eco-
nomic crisis which some say has passed-but
whose effects are still all too apparent in every
village and hamlet from Battle Creek to Bucharest.
To effectively film a story like this, excellent
directing is imperative. Frank Borzage is one of
the few who could do it justice. His gifted imag-
ination is felt in every scene and sequence of this
subtly-meaningful drama.
And no better pair than Margaret Sullavan and
Douglass Montgomery could have been chosen to
portray the "little man" and "little woman" of this
story. They handle their parts with just the right
touch of understanding. Moments of carefree joy
are heightened by scenes of mad despair. Every
level in the scale of human emotions is attained.
The photography is on a par with the directing,
which is a high compliment, and the scenes are
all photographed to an accompaniment of music
ideally chosen to carry out the desired effect.
On thinking it over the music, acting, and pho-
tography are so perfectly interwoven that dialogue
is almost superfluous. It could just as well be a
story in pantomime.--C.AB.

person at the other end : "Sorry, we can't use you,"
naybe my brain would not have developed this
mental callous. But there you are, from another
point of view. No two persons will have experienced
this dear-blasted depression in exactly the same
proportion. Thank goodness. Shall we say that
college is college and work is work and never the
twain shall meet? Or are you still angry? But I
warn you, the American Revolution was fought
for a clash in ideals and really it is too hot.
But, I wish you luck with your furnaces and yourt
hard living. Luck that will endure and see you
through and mayhap into an easier world than the
one of the last five years.
-A Pedagogue.
To the Editor:
I was rather interested to learn from Saturday's
Daily that I have been teaching students to fly
every Sunday out at the Airport. Although I admit
that I made arrangements a few Sundays ago so
that my students at the University might obtain
rides and have an opportunity to take hold of the
;controls, I confess that I quit flying some four
years ago, was never qualified, to give this type of
instruction, and have been up in a plane only twice
during the past year. Aside from these items, the
article is correct.
t --Harry C. Carver.
The Theatre
The cast for "The School for Scandal," Richard
Brinsley Sheridan's English comedy, was an-
nounced yesterday by Francis Compton, director.
Most of the members are familiar to Ann Arbor
theatre-goers from past years or from plays this

The Conferences on Appraisal and
Re-adjustment in Education will be
held at 9:30 a.m., 2:00 p.m., and 7:30
p.m., today, at the Michigan Union.
The Phi Delta Kappa luncheon will
be held at 12:10 today at the Michi-
gan Union. This luncheon is open
to all.
The Men's Education Club baseball
series will continue today at 4:00 p.m.
at South Ferry Field.
Men's Education Club Golf Match
Wednesday, July 18, 1:30 p.m., Uni-
versity of Michigan Golf Course.
D ance Club: There will be a meet-
ing of the Dance Club on Thursday,
July 19, at 5 o'clock in Sarah Caswell
Angell Hall, Barbour Gymnasium.
This is the second meeting and will
be a practice period. Everyone in-
terested is urged to attend.
Medical Examinav.ion Reports: Stu-
dents who have had examinations at
the Health Service and who have not
had the report on the results are
urged to come in for such further
considerations of the findings.
Students in Speech and General
Linguistics: The third student fac-
ulty luncheon of the department of
Speech and General Linguistics will
be held at the Michigan Union to-,
day at 12:15 p.m. Tickets may be
purchased at the Union desk.
]Faculty Concert Series: The third:
faculty concert will take place to-
night at 8 o'clock, in Hill Auditor-
ium. Three members of the fac-
ulty, Professor Hanns Pick, 'cellist,
Professor Joseph Brinkman, pianist,
and E. William Doty, organist, will
participate in the following program.
The, general public with the excep-
tion of small children is cordially in-
vited to attend without admission
charge. Saint-Saens, Concerto in
minor, Op. 33 (allegro non troppo,
minuetto, allegro molto) Professor
Pick: Chopin, Ballade, Op. 38, F ma-
jor; Mazurka, Op. 33, No. 4; Etude,
Op. 25, No. 11; Nocturne, Op. 72, No.
1; Scherzo, Op. 39, C-sharp minor,
Professor Brinkman: Franck, 'Can
tabile; Guilmant, Allegro Appassion-
ata from Fifth Sonata for Organ, Mr
E. William Doty..
Michigan Repertory Pl a y e r s
"School for Scandal" by Richard
Brinsley Sheridan is being presented
at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
this week. Tickets are now available
r at the box-office. Phone reservations
may be made by calling 6300.
r, Season Ticket Patrons - Michigan

Repertory Players: Please make your
reservations for "School for Scandal"
as early as possible. The advance
sale for this show is very heavy, and
your co-operation will assist the Play-
ers in supplying good seats.
Southern Club: There will be a tea
for the members of the Southern Club
and their families in the Library of
the Elementary School this after-
noonat 4:30. The administrative
officers of the School of Education
will be present.
Duplicate Bridge Tournament be-
gins at 8:00 p.m. this evening in the
Michigan League. All interested are
invited to attend. Come with or with-
out partners.
Ethel McCormick
Stalker Hall: Wednesday at 4:30,
outing, swim, and picnic supper. All

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the S
University. Copy received at the Summer Session office until 3:30; 11:30 J V


And Reform...
over have been led or motivated by
a class within a nation called the intelligentsia.
Intelligentsia is a comparatively modern term in-
dicating a61c la that observes, analyzes, and acts
regrdinlg to certain social, political, and economic
phenorena, with reform as its objective.
During the last century these liberal groups have
pushed the causes of republicanism. The Russian
intelligentsia forced the czarist government to
establish the duma, and the liberal party in Spain
iaugurated the constitutional monarchy and more
recently the republic. The independence of our
own country was made possiblethrough the sup-
port of the English intellectuals of the colonists
cause. Many similar cases in point could be cited.
The enemies of reform ase tradition, prejudice,
ignorance, and a public sentiment that believes
in the status quo. The friend of reform is in-
telligence with a sense of social justice. Intelligence
is neither common sense nor the expedient. The
first term is loose and can make an opinion appear
authoritative; the second is at best temporary.
Intelligence rather involves fact finding, objec-
tive analysis of the facts from which tentative con-
clusions are drawn, and appropriate action taken
upon the conclusions with the end of advancing
the general welfare. The intelligentsias of the
past have too often been pseudo-intellectuals
without adequate appreciation of the problems
they sought to solve.
Reform is only popular in times of crisis. When
the status quo is being successfully maintained,
advocation of change appears not only ridiculous,
but as a threat to the well-being of the people.
Persons whose prosperity and power depend upon
the maintenance of the established order and pro-
tection -of their vested interests naturally oppose
reform even though the stresses and strains within
the social order mean their ultimate overthrow.
Persons with intelligence observe and try to under-
stand these stresses and strains that are inevitable
when a society does not keep progress with its
True intelligence demands that the causes of the
stresses and strains be eliminated. Elimination
,usually means a redistribution of power and wealth.
Privileged groups adversely affected by such a re-
dlstributioh can through their position prevent re-
form. If reform is postponed too long, a crisis is
precipitated, the inequities of the social order
come to a head, and authority is threatened by
popular unrest. By this time what might once have
been a minor readjustment of society must now be
a major change. In the past the task of making
such a great change has been too great and has
resulted in failure, the reform group discredited,
and the old order re-established, though on a
slightly different basis.
Intelligence devoted to social ends is usually
toolimited in numbers to be able to express itself
except in crises. Universa intelligence, the ideal
objective of popular education, would supposedly
make adjustments in society as soon as the need
appeared. What can be hoped for is a sufficiently
wide-spread intelligence to make adjustments be-
fore the necessary changes become too great.
Extensive studies made by Prof. R .J. Sprague,
sociologist, in the Journal of Heredity, show that
Wellesley graduates are producing one-third of a
child per graduate; Bryn Mawr, about two-thirds;
Mount Holyoke about nine-tenths; and Vassar
about eight-tenths. The average mother in the
United States and Canada has about two and a half
children. Makes those Canadian quintuplets look
silly, doesn't it?

In the order. of appearance they are:
Lady Sneerwell ............... Claribel Baird
Snake ......................... James V. Doll
Servant to Lady Sneerwell.......Carl Nelson
Joseph Surface.............John Lee Doll
Maria ......................... Luella Dehn
Mrs. Candour ............... Nancy Bowman
Crabtree ................. Morris Greenstein
Sir Benjamin Backbite .......... Frank Funk
Lady Teazle ....................Sarah Pierce
Sir Peter Teazle...........Francis Compton
Rowley...................Goddard Light
Sir Oliver Surface ............George Totten
Charles Surface ............. Charles Harrell
Moses ......................Paul Sultzbach
Careless ..........................Jay Pozz
Gentleman .............. Charles Michalsky
Trip...... ............. ..Calvin Pettit
Servant to Joseph ......... John Philip Roach
Maid to Lady Teazle ........... Jane Fletcher
* * * *

(Continued from.Page.1)
the universal uniformity of flying
conditions makes it possible to pro-
duce agreements which will always be
applicable," Professor Hyde said in
commenting on the value of these
He stated that the only unfortunate
feature of these conventions was the
fact that the terms bound only the
contracting countries.
The agreement drawn up in 1919
was amended at the convention in
1929 when the International Com-
mission for Air Naviation was estab-
lished, he said. The right of air sov-
ereignty was reaffirmed and oppor-
tunity for international flight was
also provided.
The Rome convention of 1933 dis-
cussed the unification of rules for at-
tachment of aircraft, according to
Professor Hyde, and also considered
means of operator and passenger

Ramon NoVarro and Lupe Velez come to the
Majestic Theatre today in the film version of
Oliver La Farge's Pulitzer Prize story, "Laughing
The book from which the new picture is adapted
was one of America's best-sellers of a few years ago,
and concerns the life of a young Navajo Indian
who comes from the mountain regions of his reser-
vation home to learn about things it would have
been better for him not to have learned.
Novarro plays the title role of "Laughing Boy,"
the Indian who learns of love from a girl in his
pribe familiar with the white man's civilization.
This girl (Lupe Velez) uses her wiles learned in
white cities, to keep him from a knowledge that
would crush his depth of primitive feeling.
With the exception of a role played by William
Davidson, the entire supporting cast is composed of
more than 1,000 Navajo tribesmen. They were
photographed on their reservation in northern
Col. W. S. Van Dyke, director noted for "White
Shadows in the South Seas," "Trader Horn," and
"The Prizefighter and the Lady" handled the direc-
tion of this film.
It's a Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer production.
v o
Campus Opinion
A -
Letters published in this column should not be con-
strued as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous communications will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be re-
garded as confidential upon request. Contributors
are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less
than 500 words if possible.
To the Editor:
I hope I do not change your mind, Mr. Stay-in.
I write to vindicate the lack of feeling we Come-
ins have for you. The Undergrad of today- knows,
and feels his hard times. He didn't cause this
world depression (I have no respect for it anymore,
so I do not capitalize it for which I'm somewhat
sorry). But here he is having -a fight for his educa-
I am not so unimaginative but that I can appre-
;ciate your strife. But this cruel world of yours is
ret kinder than that world on the outside of
I'll tell you why. Thank you, I have the floor, for
I can sense your wrath. I have lived on the
outside of the safety of college walls, right on the
dirt floor of the depression. I'm supposed to have
had my fling in college and be able to earn
my bread and water. I haven't always had a job.
In college there is a sentiment about youth strug-
gling for higher education. Outside the college,
we have been graduated, and the sentiment is
Why, you dear abused one, don't you know that
Michigan i s maaerifn i ai ia r.,

JOHN LEE DOLL is not related to James V. Doll
Although James V. is better known to Ann Arbor
audiences for his work in connection with the Play
Production group, John Lee is to be remembered fo
his work during the last three summer seasons, anc
as Wingblatt in "Both Your Houses."
* * * *
NANCY BOWMAN is one of the old timers ir
Repertory Players' shows. She comes back every
summer and is one of the most enthusiastic an
well-liked members of the group. "The School for
Scandal" is her 1934 premiere.
* * * *
SARAH PEIRCE will be given an opportunity tc
prove for the -nth time that she's a gifted anc
versatile actress in the role of Sir Teazle's young
wife. A country girl by birth, she (Lady Teazle)
sets out to show London society a thing or two
She shows 'em - but oh, how they talk.
* * * *
THIS PRODUCTION makes it two in a row foi
Goddard Light, Claribel Baird, Frank Funk, Cal-
vin Pettit, Morris Greenstein, Jay Pozz, and John


Hans Fallada's World Stirring Novel
"Little Man What Now?"
Selected Short Subjects

Eddie Bob
.. s ueer ngt LcltM n
"e s ~s peAutjfplSummer Ha .ro



Off The Record
SIR RONALD LINDSAY, the British ambassador,
has a way of intimidating those who don't
know him.
He was approached recently by a quaking news-
paper man ordered out to the embassy to get a
passport for the dog of a movie star who was
England bound. All dogs entering England must
go into quarantine for six months, and the star
disliked the idea.
Several conferences ended by Sir Ronald's say-
ing solemnly: "Even the dogs of the Prince of
Wales enter quarantine.
A few days later Sir Ronald was waiting in the
outer office of Secretary of State Hull. He started
as he saw the newspaper man and then ex-
claimed, "Now just a minute. I've only come to
ee a man about a dog."
J OSEPH P. KENNEDY, chairman of the new se-
curities and exchange commission, holds a
unique position among 'new deal" chiefs. He and
Mrs. Kennedy have nine children. He has leased a
home said to have 12 bathrooms.
Hopkins caught their boat for Europe because
of a nimble railroad porter.
Hopkins stayed at his desk until the last minute.
Then, counting bags, carrying tickets and grabbing
Mrs. Hopkins, he swung on to a moving train for
New York. They scrambled into their coach suc-
cessfully, but suddenly a horrified Hopkins saw
his green tickets fluttering down the platform.
A L,'inning nor netcn:a, .htPi them, ninr oi A ri



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