erally fair ai
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Official Publication Of The Summer Session
And Reform.,
XV No.
- aN zi Student
VIoney Policy,
Discussed By
'races Problems Which
H a v e Confronted The
ays Measures Have
Not Been Consistent
ver-Emphasis Has Been
Placed On Silver, He
Defies Strike Threat
How the Administration has acted
upon the various monetary problems
which confronted it in 1932 was out-
lined yesterday by Prof. Leonard L.
Watkins, speaking on "The Monetary
Situation," in Natural Science Audi-'
The three major monetary problems
which President Roosevelt has had to
consider, according to Professor Wat-
kins, include, firstly, the question of
deflation as against inflation or re-
flation, secondly, internationalism vs.
domestic concentration, and finally,
the problem of actual monetary re-
form within the United States.
With respect to the first of these
problems, the Administration became
convinced that the proper method
of recovery was through reflation,
Professor Watkins said. He cited the
President's belief that we must seek
to raise prices through a reversion to
the 1926 price level in order to reduce
indebtedness and unemployment.
Measures Not Consistent
"The measures which have been
adopted under the New Deal," the
speaker stated, "have not altogether
been consistent. While, for the most
part, the Administration has attempt-
ed reflationary measures, in some
cases it has looked in the direction
He pointed out that large-scale
governmental spending, the abandon-
ment of the gold standard, the expan-
sion of Federal Reserve Bank credit,
the establishment of the NRA, and
additional silver legislation were alll
reflationary activities. But in looking
at some other measures, such as the
banking settlement, the Home Own-
ers' Loan Corporation, and the secur-
ities act, Professor Watkins opined, it
is not difficult to see the trend of
The program of raising prices to
the level of :.926 has not been as
easy as it was originally supposed,
.Professor Watkins believes. "We have
had an exaggerated idea of raising
prices to the 1926 level," he said.
Merely putting up prices, no matter
how it it done, will not always be
successful. Various qualifications are
necessary to the price-raising pan-
Presidential Transition
In speaking of the international
question, Professor Watkins stated
that he could trace a transition in the
opinion of the President since his
campaign and inauguration. At the
latter time, the speaker said, Mr.
(Continued on Page 4)
Law Of AIr s
Discussed By
HydeIn Talk
Columbia Professor Says
Sovereignty Of State Is
Basis Of Laws
Universal acquiescence to the theory
that a state is the sole sovereign of
the space over its territory is the basis
of the law of the air, according to
Prof. Charles Cheney [yde, Hamilton
Fish Professor of International Law
and Diplomacy at Columbia Uni-
versity, who spoke last night on "The
Law of the Air as Interpreted by the
U~nited States" in the third of a series
of lectures on the program of the
Summer fSession on Teaching Inter-
national Law.
"This is of significance," Professor
Hyde pointed out, "because of the
unrelenting influence of the law of
gravity upon aviation."
Continuing, the speaker discussed
features of legislation in the United
States on the control of aircraft,
which he said is based on the Air
Commerce Act of 1926 establishing
this country's control of the air over
the land and water within its terri-
tory and also based on various trea-
'Ntn .afpd fh. itofn,,nIPfthis rnr-
-Associated Press Photo
The industrial association of San
'Francisco, headed by Albert E. Boyn-
ton (above) as manager, has been
moving merchandise on that city's
waterfront despite threats of a gen-
eral strike. Guardsmen have been pa-
'trolling the waterfront.
Tigers Beaten
BySenators In
Opening Game
Poor Pitching Results In
10 To 0 Defeat; Hamlin
Knocked Out Of Box
DETROIT, July 16.- After a tor-
rid series with the New York Yan-
kees in which they seized first place
in the American League, the Detroit
Tigers lapsed today and dropped a
loosely played game to Washington,
10 to 8. With New York winning at
Cleveland, the Tigers slipped to a
slender lead of two percentage points
in the league race.
Poor pitching, failure of pinch-hit-
ters to deliver and a lapse of fielding-1
were the contributing factors in the
Tiger defeat, although Mickey Coch-
rane's game crew carried the fight to
the Griffmen throughout the con-
Luke Hamlin started on the mound
for Detroit, but was relieved by Eldon
Auker in the sixth after successive
home runs by Red Kress and Luke
Sewell. Auker also was touched for a
homer by Schulte in the sixth.
Fred Marberry replaced Auker in
the seventh, but he was retired for a
pinch-hitter and Sorrell finished the
game. The Griffmen gathered a to-
tal of 13 hits, as did the Tigers.
Neither Walker, Rowe, or Schuble,
who were sent in to pinch hit at var-
ious stages of the game came through
in critical points.
An error by Billy Rogell on a
grounder by Travis in the seventh
opened an offensive which netted
five runs and won the game for Wash-
ington. Detroit unleashed a counter-
attack in the seventh which netted
a lone run but which was discour-
aged by Walker's failure to come
through as a pinch-hitter for Man-
ager Cochrane.
Hank Greenberg's lusty homer in
the ninth lookedlike a possibly rally,
but it proved to be the lone score of
the inning.
Received For
Tour Set For Tomorrow Is
First Of Two Trips To
Prof. W. H. Hobbs
To Conduct Group
Geologist To Lecture On
History Of Niagara Falls
Friday Afternoon
An announcement made by the of-
fice of the Summer Session late last
night showed that 65 people have
already made reservations for the
excursion to Put-in-Bay tomorrow,
to be headed by Professor-emeritus
William H. Hobbs. It is expected that
the total will pass 75 before the dead-
line at 5 p.m. today.
The Put-in-Bay excusion is the sev-
enth of the Summer Session excur-
sions for 1934, and the first of the
two which will be conducted by Pro-
fessor Hobbs. Originally scheduled for
Saturday, July 21, it was moved up
to Wednesday because of a change
in the -schedules of the steamship
company providing transportation
from Detroit to the island.
Students making the Put-in-
Bay excursion tomorrow are asked
to note that the buses will leave
the Natural Science Building at
7:15 a.m. rather than 7:45 a.m.
as advertised on the posters and
tickets. The early departure is
necessary to make connections
with the steamer in Detroit.
A second change made in plans was
in the time of leaving Ann Arbor.
Although it was announced that the
buses would leave from in front of
the Natural Science Auditorium at
7:45 a.m. tomorrow, they will leave
at 7:15, as it would otherwise be im-
possible to make connections with
the boat"irn Detroit=. -'-.. ,-a. -
At 9 the group will board the
steamerin Detroit, and at 12:30 p.m.
they will reach Put-in-Bay, where the
early afternoon will be devoted to
an examination of the island, includ-
ing visits to the great Perry Victory
Monument, the Crystal Cave, other
caves of the island, and the curious
rock formations on the shore.
The boat will leave for Detroit at
4:15 p.m. on the return trip, and at
8:15 they will get on the buses which
will return them to Ann Arbor by 9:45
Costs for the excursion had been
reduced to an exceptionally low level,
made possible only by arrangements
for such a large group. The round-trip
steamer fare will be 55 cents, and the
cost of the bus trip to Detroit and
return is $1.25. In addition there will
be admission charges on the island
amounting to 45 cents, and individual
luncheon expenses. Ten of the 64 who
have made reservations are making
the trip to Detroit by private car
rather than in the buses.
Special attention is called to Pro-
fessor Hobbs' lecture on the history
of Niagara Falls, to be given Friday,
July 20, at 5 p.m. before the Falls
excursion which takes place the fol-
lowing week, July 27, 28, and 29.
Professor Hobbs also called atten-
tion once more to the airplane flight
over the Gorge at Niagara. If fifteen
reservations are made for this flight,
it will be possible to see the Falls
from the air for $2 per person. Reser-
vations for the flight as well as for
the Falls trip itself should be made at
the office of the Summer Session as
soon as possible.
Daily Now Brings
You Vamp News By
Short-Wave Radio
For the first time in its history, The
Michigan Daily is picking its stories
off the ether - and with a en-
geance. Two messages so far have
been sent via amateur radiogram
from Camp Davis, the engineers'
camp in Jackson, Wyoming, to The
Daily by way of the short-wave radio
station of Richard Brown, 405 S.
Forest St.
Brown, who has his own station
here, W8GSZ, in addition to operat-
ing W8AXZ, the University's station
in the R.O.T.C. Building, during the
summer, exchanges dots and dashes
with Camp Davis every Monday,
Wednesday, and Friday night, either
through his own station or the Signal
Corps instruments. It wasn't until
last Wednesday night, though, that
The Daily found out about his ac-
tivities, and decided to capitalize on
The camp struck first, sending a
message to the circulation depart-
ment asking for two more Dailies.
The the camp editor struck back.
Friday night Brown told the camp
that the reporter the camp was sup-
posed to have was requested to get
on the job, and the result was the
first news-radiogram to The Daily,
which came in Saturday night. It
read as follows:
"July 14- To The Michigan Daily:
- Temperature in shade seldom
reaches 84 degrees. We have rela-
tively mild nights in July, and sel-
dom need more than three blan-
At this point Brown called a halt
and chiselled the ice from his re-
ceiving apparatus. The message con-
"Students played ball with local
CCC in Jackson this week.
"Mr. W. O. Owen, who first scaled
the Grand Teton in 1898, will visit
the camp next Wednesday, when he
will lecture on the Tetons, and de-
scribe his famous event.
"Several students ,of the camp
have climbed nearby mountains hav-
ing an elevation of little less than
10,000 feet.
(Continued on Page 4)
Many Register
For Excursion
To Ford Plant'
Planned As Special Trip
For Students Unable To
Go Last Week
Twenty-four reservations have al-
ready been made for excursion num-
ber six of the Summer Session, the
repetition of the trip to the Ford
Plant at River Rouge, which will be
made tomorrow under the direction of
Prof. Carl J. Coe, director of excur-
This excursion, running concur-t
rently with the excursion to Put-In-
Bay headed by Prof. William H.
Hobbs, is being made to accommodate
those students who were unable to go]
last Wednesday when the trip was
first made.
The tour of the plant itself lasts
two hours, during which time stu-
dents will see the power plant, in-
cluding both the engine rooms and
the furnace rooms, the machine
shops, a portion of the motor assem-
bly line, and the final assembly line.
The group will leave from in front
of Angell Hall at 12:45 p.m. tomor-1
row, and will return to Ann Arbor1
at about 5:30 p.m. The only cost
for the excursion is the $1 round trip
bus fare.
Nai Student
Revolt Cause
Of Discontent
Reports Of Adverse Trade
Balance Heighten Unrest
In Germany
Killing Of Probst
Makes Anxiety Rise
Attack On Jews Through
Goebbels' News Organ Is
BERLIN, July 16.-- (P)- An open
revolt of Goettingen University stu-
dents, a staunch attack on the Nazi
anti-fraternity movement and a re-
port of a distinctly adverse trade
balance were fresh contributions to-
day to the general discontent in Ger-
At the same time it was revealed
that Adelbert Probst, the national
leader of the Catholic Youth organ-
ization, was killed several days ago
"resisting arrest," and a new attack
on Jews was inaugurated by Der An-
griff, newspaper of Propaganda Min-
ister Joseph Goebbels.
In the revolt at Goettingen, the
first instance of the kind under the
Hitler regime, 1,000 fraternity men
battled with Brownshirted Nazi stu-
dents in defense of their ancient col-
Ten Leaders Arrested
The fight =broke out after the fra-
ternity men held a meeting at which
they protested vigorously the disso-
lution of the ancient university so-
cieties. Fire hoses were turned on
the combatants, and finally order was
restored after the arrest of 10 leaders.
Difficulties with the Catholics were
emphasized by the revelation of
Probst's death in a circular issued
by the Catholic Youth headquarters
in Duesseldorf, and was regarded as
likely that the Vatican will delay ac-I
ceptance of the recently agreed-upon
inter-pretationr of the Concordat.
The situation as regards the Pro-
testant churches remained unchanged1
as Chancellor Hitler postponed a
conference with his Reichsbishop,
Ludwig Mueller, without setting a
new date.
Mueller has been bitterly opposed
by many of the Protestant clergy, and
his meeting with the Chancellor had
been looked to as important.
Dashes Hopes For New Policy
The reason given for the postpone-
ment was that Hitler spent the week-
end away from Berlin and did not
return in time.
The newspaper attack on the Jews
rather dashed hopes that the policy
would be changed as a result of the
"purge" of "traitors" in which at
least 77 persons were killed.
Goebbels' newspaper printed ma-
terial which will appear in the forth-
coming issue of the Nazi satirical
weekly Brennessel (Stinging-Needle)
which was designed to prove by the
Bible that the Jews are bloodthirsty.
Under the heading, "Jews as Pa-
cifists," numerous Old Testament'
passages were quoted, such as those
found in the Books of Judges, Kings,
Chronicles, and others dealing with
warfare. .
A joint mixer for all men and
women interested in education was
held last night in the Women's Ath-
letic Building. A variety of enter-
tainment, including dancing, was of-
fered to those members of the fac-
ulty and students who attended.
To Hold Stunt Night
At League Tomorrow
The weekly Stunt Night will be
held tomorrow in the grill room
of the League, it was announced
yesterday by Jean Seeley, '36, who
is in charge of the program for
this week. The program for the
evening will be announced in to-
morrow's issue of The Daily.
3 Music School
Faculty Men To
Play At Concert
Pick, Brinkman, And Doty
Will Be Featured On 3rd
Summer Musicale Today
Hanns Pick, violoncellist, Joseph
Brinkman, pianist, and E. William
Doty, all of the faculty of the School
of Music, will be the featured per-
formers in the third of the series of
Summer Session concerts, tonight at
8:15 in Hill Auditorium.'
Professor Pick will open the pro-
gram with Saint-Saens' "Concerto in
A Minor," for the 'cello.
Following this number, Professor,
Brinkman will offer a group of five.
piano solos, all by Chopin. The var-
ious types which will be heard in-'
clude the ballade, mazurka, etude,
nocturne, and scherzo, in the order
The final numbers will be offered
by Mr. Doty. He has chosen to pre-
sent two works of great nineteenth
century composers, Caesar Franck's
"Cantabile," and the "Allegro Ap-;
pasionata" from the fifth organ so-
nata of Guilmant.
The general public, with the ex-
ception of small children, is invited
free of charge. All are requested to
be seated on time.
Wells Bennett
To Lecture On
Housing Today
Hobbs To Speak Friday
On Geology Of Falls And
Vicinity_ __
Prof. Wells I. Bennett of the College
of Architecture will deliver an illus-
trated lecture on "Modern Housing,"
at 5 p.m. today in Natural Science
Auditorium at the regular Summer
Session program.
Professor Bennett will discuss va-
rious projects of large-scale housing
in America and Europe, showing what
steps have recently been taken by;
various governments and private en-
terprises to improve housing condi-
tions for the poorer classes.
Professor Bennett spent several
months abroad a year ago, making
a survey and study of the condi-
tions in housing on the Continent. He
is a member of the American Insti-
tute of Architects, the International
Housing Association, and the Mich-
igan Housing Society.
On Friday, Professor-emeritus Wil-
liam H. Hobbs will present an illus-
trated lecture on "Geology of Niagara
Falls and Vicinity," at 5 p.m. in Na-
tural Science Auditorium. This lecture
is preliminary to the excursion to the
Falls, under Professor Hobbs, sched-
uled for July 27.
Koeppel Winner In
Breast Stroke Race
B. Koeppel took first place in the
25-yard breast stroke of the All-Cam-
pus swimming meet yesterday at the
Intramural pool.
Dave Hunn placed second to Koep-
pel, with Robert Beal third, and Y.
C. Yinn, fourth. Koeppel's winning
time was 15.3 seconds.
Standings in the meet at the pres-
ent time show Beal in first position
with an aggregate of 220 points, Ed
General Walk-Out
National Guard, Police
Preparing For Trouble
With Tanks, Cannon
Mobs Loot Stores
In Food Shortage
Strikers Picket Highways
To Cut Supply Trucks
Off From City
SAN FRANCISCO, July 16-(/P)---
Evidently finding that the general
walkout is a two-edged sword, the ex-
ecutive committee of the San Francis-
co strikers today asked the employes
of the municipal street ar system to
return to work immediately. No gas-
line was available for private autos.
SAN FRANCISCO, July 16. - (/P)-
The normal processes of existence for
1,300,000 men, women and children
were torn up by the roots today in
the relentless clutch of a general
strike in the San Francisco metropol-
ital district.
National Guardsmen by the thou-
hands, with tanks, fieldpieces, ma-
chine guns and other formidable en-
gines of death surged into befuddled
San Francisco, and others were on
their way.
Add More Guards
Police forces were swelled through-
out the area by emergency additions.
A great community had been knocked-
off its balance by the shock of bus-
iness stagnation, and fearful conse-
quences loomed in the face of its
The city buzzed with rumors that
Regular Army forces were ready to
move in, but there was no confirma-
Mobs looted a few grocery stores
still running in the face of a food
shortage and a buying stampede.
By the tens of thousands the pop-
ulace began surging into the streets,
Mostly they were the curious. Others
perhaps had less friendly motives.
Virtually all were pedestrians. Some
private automobiles were running.
Everywhere there was tenseness and
City, State and Federal authorities,
as well as leaders of the strike, prom-
ised food for everybody, but it was
not in evidence.
Roads To City Picketed
Strikers were reported picketing
against supply trucks waiting an op-
portunity to enter the city, under
National- Guard or State Police con-
Militiamen began mounting ma-
chine guns on the rooms of commis-
sion houses in the produce district.
By noon there were 4,600 guards-
men in the city and 1,500 others on
the way.
Special police walked the streets of
Oakland and other East Bay cities,
trying to stop sporadic disorders.
Talk of a general strike in Port-
land began to spread once more. Hugh
S. Johnson, NRA administrator, was
heading toward San Francisco from
Portland in an Army bombing plane.
Figures were lacking, but observers
estimated that San Francisco's full
labor strength of 65,000, exclusive of a
few workers who remained for emer-
gency duty in vital jobs, were on
strike. The strike was effective at 8
o'clock this morning.
East Bay Will Strike Tuesday
In the East Bay cities of Oakland,
Alameda and other adjacent commu-
nities thousands were on strike al-
ready, but the general walkout there
was slated to start tomorrow morn-
Long before the general strike ac-
tually started the wheels of commerce
stopped in San Francisco.
In the night 2,600 more troops
picked up their trappings at the an-
nual encampment near Monterey, 100
miles southward, and rolled to San
Francisco. The 160th Infantry, an-
other National Guard unit, was sud-
denly mobilized in Los Angeles and
moved to the Bay area by train.
Other guardsmen were deploying
through the rich agricultural valleys
south of the city, preparing to guard
advancing truck trains of conscious
community. Three-inch guns were re-
ported set up at strategic points.
Five hundred special police and 25.
extra "prowler cars" were commis-
sioned in San Francisco to augment
the regular force of 1,300 officers.
Mayor Angelo Rossi mobilized a
American League
Detroit ......
New York ....
Boston .......
Washington ..
St. Louis .....
Philadelphia .
Chicago . .... .
..... .45
.... . ...32
Hopkins Comments On Kentucky Trip
Yesterday's Results
Washington 10, Detroit 8.
New York 7, Cleveland 4.
St. Louis 3, Philadelphia 2.
Boston 5-2, Chicago 4-4.
Today's Games
Washington at Detroit.
Boston at Chicago.
Philadelphia at St. Louis.
New York at Cleveland.
National League
The State of fair women, fast
horses, and - mountaineers. The
Blue Grass State. The stamping
ground of the "Corn-Crackers." The
home of tobacco, coal, and the Mam-
moth Cave. Kentucky.
This was the scene for the recent
tour of Dr. Louis A. Hopkins, director
of the Summer Session, who went'
south to make a personal inspection
of the University's geology and geog-
raphy camp at Mill Springs and came
back to Ann Arbor loaded down with
anecdotes concerning Abraham Lin-
coln, Daniel Boone, and hill-billies.
Although he found out many im-
portant things concerning the camp,
Dr. Hopkins, accompanied by his eld-
saw the old church in which Abraham
Lincoln was married.
The party reached, Burnside, a
small town about 10 miles from the
University camp, late Sunday, and
remained there overnight, going out
to the camp the following morning.
At the camp, Prof. Preston E.
James, in charge of the geography di-
vision of the unit, discussed with Dr.
Hopkins the work which his students
were doing there this summer. He
explained to the Summer Session di-
rector the advantages of working in
the little-known area about the camp,
the wealth of material to be found
there, and other phases of the work
in geography.
Of particular interest to Dr. Hop-
kins was the work being done by one
New York ... .
Chicago ......
St. Louis ....
Pittsburgh ... .
I -