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June 28, 1934 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1934-06-28

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be found. Among them are Hudson
township, Charlevoix county; Maple
Forest township, Crawford county;
West Branch township. Dickinson
s county; and Caseville township, Hu-
ron county. Blue Lake township, Kal-
n kaska county, has a population of 20
n by the 1930 census, yet has 27 regis-
tered voters and employed five elec-
tion officers at $5 each. The report
r here says, "It is obvious . . . that
- election pay-rolls are largely padded
- with political appointees who are paid
n at rates far above anything to be
found in comparable employment."
Law Names Maximum
e The state law permits a maximum
y of 650 voters to a precinct where bal-
lots are used, and 800 where voting
y machines are used, yet in the 1932
o elections more than the maximum
d number voted in 740 precincts in
, Michigan. The violations were gen-
eral throughout the state. Theyoc-
f curred in 235 Detroit precincts, but
the situation has since been corrected
n there.
i The report also mentions that some
2 precincts contain so few voters as to
h make secret voting impossible, and
recommends that the statute be
amended to permit the inclusion of
e several townships or a village and a
township or townships into a single
d It states also a provision requiring
a voting booth for every 100 persons
r is flagrantly violated. The violations
occur in 46 per cent of the twonships,
37 per cent of the cities, and 35 per
cent of the villages. They are to be
t found in 577 precincts, of which 425
are in the townships.
. Use of the voting machine, now em-
ployed in 11 ciites and one township,
is recommeided both as a means of
producing efficiency and cutting costs.
Betsy Barbour House
Holds Summer Election
Wilhelmina Schnooberger w a s
elected president of Betsy Barbour
House at the first house meeting of
the summer held last night. In ad-
dition Elizabeth Schaddy was chosen
as seating chairman and Barbara
Bates, '36, social chairman. Assist-
ing Miss Bates will be Elizabeth Hot-
tenstein and Mary Taylor.
The house has tentatively planned
to have four teas and four faculty Y
dinners on alternating Wednesday af-
ternoons and nights.
Where To Go
2:00 - Michigan Theatre "Thirty-
Day:Princess" with Sylvia Sidney. s
2:00 - Majestic Theatre "Looking
for Trouble" with Spencer Tracy.
2:00 - Wuerth Theatre, two fea-
tures, "Voltaire" with George Arliss
and "Easy to Love" with Adolphe
2:30- Excursion No. 1 - Tour of
the Campus. Meet on steps of An-
gell Hall.
4:00 - Same features at the three
4:10 - Conference, "The Washing-
ton Conference on America's Youth
Problem," J. B. Edmonson, Dean of
the School of Education (Room 1022,
University High School).
5:00 -Lecture, "The Press And
Reader Interest," Professor John L.
Brumm. (Natural Science Auditori-
7:00 - Same features at the three
8:00 - A. Abrams will present mov-
ies and a lecture on various phases of
life in the Soviet Union. The pro-
gram is being sponsored by the Mich-
igan Vanguard Club. (Natural Sci-
ence Auditorium).
8:15-James Hagan's "One Sun-

day Afternoon" by the Michigan Rep-
ertory Players, Lydia Mendelssohn
Dancing at the Blue Lantern Ball-
room, Island Lake; Lowry Clark and
His Orchestra.
Canoeing on the Huron every after-
noon and evening.
1[ . : 1r

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