Board To Try
SAN FRANCISCO, June 27. -(/)-
A labor board created by President
Roosevelt and clothed with full au-
thority to act took up today the task
of settling the long strike of 27,000
Pacific coast maritime workers.
.The personnel of the board, hailed
as "splendid" by business leaders and
some union representatives, includes
Archbishop Edward J. Hanna of San
Francisco, chairman; Edward F. Mc-
Grady, assistant secretary of labor,
and O. K. Cushing, San Francisco at-
Since the walkout began May 9
water traffic has been at a virtual
standstill, with cargoes rotting on
docks and nearly all lines of busi-
ness and industry feeling the lack of
adequate transportation facilities.
The President's board can employ
investigators, subpoena records and
witnesses, make findings of fact re-
garding complaints of discrimination
against or for employes, act as vol-
untary arbitrator upon request and
report to the President upon comple-
tion of its investigation.
History says that "Boss" Tweed wasi
quite a political boss in the hey-dey
of New York City's Tammany, but;
Dean J. B. Edmonson of the School;
of Education could give Tweed cards,
and spades, and have him gasping
for breath. As a "leader of democ-
racy," the Dean yields the palm to no
Last night the Men's Education
Club met at the Union to organize
and to elect officers, with Dean Ed-
monson as chairman. Incidentally, he
is always chairman of the first meet-
ing, since he appoints the temporary
The session opened at 7:30, and the
Dean's organization began to func-
tion. He introduced the first motion,
which was to make him permanent
chairman of the meeting. Prof. Jack-
son Sharman rose and went into a
"statesman-like" speech, most of
which went to say that the Dean.
was "yielding to the will of the people
and had heeded their call."
But Dean Edmonson cut that off,
saying that he knew very well that
nobody wanted him, but that he
was going to serve anyway. Profes-
sor Sharman sat down.
Then the steamroller went into ac-
tion. The chair introduced the mo-
tion that he be given 51 per cent of
the voting power on all measures.
He then seconded his own motion,
called for a vote, and declared it
passed, all in one breath.
That had most of the members
rolling in the aisles.
With 51 per cent of the voting
power, Dean Edmonson next nomi-
nated 10 men for the executive com-
mittee of the club, three to be elected.
When the tellers had collected the
votes and had gone out of the room
to count them, the Dean announced
that they were too slow and that
he had counted the votes already.
The "elected" candidates were pre-
sented to the "electorate," and the
Dean said that he had never seen
such an unintelligent-looking group.
"However," he said, "I have named
my men and I am stuck with them."
The new executive committee,
chosen .so peremptorily, is composed
of Lloyd Smith, principal of Ionia
high school, Edward Rose, principal
of the Hillsdale high school, and
Rome Rankin, athletic director of
New Boston high school, O. Mr. Smith
produced the biggest laugh of the
night when he gave as his platform,
"Beer at all meetings."
The meeting closed at 8:45, and
Dean Edmonson invited all present
to go down to the Union taproom as
his guests. It was later ascertained
that he knew the taproom closed at
7:30. It was his closing suggestion
that all present were at perfect liberty
to invite him some day when it was
Ann Arborites Had
More Fun At Fires
In 1836 Than Now
Despite the fact that the clanging
of local fire bells and the screamings
of a siren serve today to draw an in-
terested crowd of spectators made up
for the most part of firemen-taunt-
ing students, there was a time in the
history of this city when the "bucket-
brigade" of olden days was a com-
mon sight. Today spectators at a
local fire - whether involving a few
sparks on a fraternity house roof or
the complete destruction of an en-
tire building - act as a cheering sec-
tion. But there was a time, according
to an article in the Argus, once fam-
ous Ann Arbor newspaper, when Ann
Arbor was just like every other small
town or village of the time.
Ann Arbor citizens were notified in
the Argus of Feb. 11, 1836, of a cor-
poration meeting to be held at the
Court House "to receive the resigna-
tion of the Corporation Officers, and
at the same time to elect others in
their place."
"It is resolved by the citizens," ac-
cording to the Argus, "that they will
not vote for any person who will not
pledge to keep the Town Pump in as
good repair as the citizens did be-
fore the village was incorporated. Af-
ter the election, the old officers will be
put up at auction to raise funds to
buy a big pair of Tin Spurs, to be
put on the first Corporation Officer
who refuses to do his best to keep the
pump in good repair and provide some
means against fire."
This article was signed "Ocomos,"
and was intended apparently to be a
srcastic thrust against the system
whereby, on the cry of "Fire" the
whole village of Ann Arbor came
running with the family water-pails.
Campus Tour
Set For Today
Begins Series
(Continued from Page 1)
After the trip through the Union
they will cut over into the campus
proper, and visit the Main .Library.
This will be followed by a stop at the
William L. Clements Library, where
the director, Dr. Randolph Adams,
will explain the ends served .by the
collection of manuscripts, documents,
maps, and other original sources of
American history.
At this point the group will break
up into three groups to visit the Na-
val Experiment Tank, the Aeronau-
tical Laboratory, and the Student
Publications building. This is not
considered a part of the excursion it-
Aelf, as it falls after the 4:45 limit
set for the end of the tour. Students
can, however, complete the main por-
tion of the excursion without missing
the University lecture.
The second of the excursions will
take place Saturday, and will consist
of a trip to Detroit. Reservations
must be made in advance for this trip, I
and can be secured at the office of the
Summer Session at 1213 Angell Hall
at any time before 5 p.m. Friday.
The party will meet in front of
Angell Hall at 8 a.m. Saturday, and
will make the round trip by special
motorbus. The expenses will total
about $2 per person, including the
round-trip bus-fare and luncheon in
Detroit. The party will be back in
Ann Arbor at about 5:30 p.m.
The party will visit the Detroit
News, the Institute of Arts, the Fisher
Building, Belle Isle Park on the De-
troit River, the Detroit Public Li-
brary, and the downtown business
Students interested in making the
projected trip to Niagara Falls with
Professor-emeritus William H. Hobbs
July 27, 28, and 29 are urged to leave
their names at the office of the Sum-
mer Session immediately so that
plans for the trip may be completed
in case there is sufficient interest.
Read the Classified Ad column in
The Daily each morning. It is a prac-
tice which nets many returns.
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