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June 28, 1934 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1934-06-28

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al Publication of the Summer Session

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Published every morning except Monday ^drin g the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control -of -Student Publications..
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten News Service.
O5latt 60tlat $$
33 NA OA c, i 1934
*The -Associated Press is -exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it
or not otherwise credited in this paper and te oal
news published herein. All rights of republication of
special dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant .PostmasterGeneral.
=Subscription during summer -by carrier, $1.25; by mail,
$1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $3.75; by
al, $4.25..
es: tudent Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.'
Representatives: College Publications Representatives,
Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80
Boylton Street, Boston; -12 North Michigan Avenue,
Chicago. _____
Phone 4925
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Charles A. Baird, Clinton B. Con-
rr, Paul J. El-iott, Thomas E. Groehn, Thomas H.
r, eene,WilliamR.,Reed, Robert S. Ruwitch.
-RPRTFRS: ;Barbara Bates, .C..H. Beukema, Frances
English, 'Harriet Hunt, therine Miller, Elsie Pierce,
Virginia Scott, Edgar H. Eckert, Bernard H. Fried.
Office:Hours: 9-12, 1-5 Phone2-1214.
N THIS ISSUE of The Daily there
1 Tpars, for the first time, a column
entitled "Casual Essays." The writer of this col-
unn, who is now a Graduate student of the Un-
versity, wishes, for rather obvious reasons, to
remain anonymous to The Daily's readers. The
column will be published 'from time to time accord-
ing to the space available and the. material
on hand for the feature.
The Daily's editors merely wish to call the ,at-
tertion of its readers to the fact that a definite
attempt is being made this summer to supply read-
ing material of the type which it is felt may
be desired by summer readers. Inasmuch as The
Daily is the only official publication during the
summer, there being no humorous or literary works
-appearing, its editors 'feel that every effort should
be made to make up for this lack by providing
a variety of features in The Daily.
If you like this new column we would like to
hear from you to that effect. If you have any
contributions to make or any criticisms to offer
of any nature whatsoever we also want you to
so notify us. The "Campus Opinion" column is
open to all students and faculty members of the
Summer Session and we will be pleased to publish
there any item -which you feel might be worth-
while. The Daily is your newspaper - we want you
to make the fullest possible use of it and obtain
the greatest amount of benefit accruable from
it. Its editors are at your service.
Exteisive Sportis
Program Offered..
( .A LL WORK and no play makes Jack
a dull boy" is a time-worn adage
whose practical truth has long been recognized.
That this truth has been again recognized is indi-I
cated by the extensive program of Intramural
athletics planned for Summer Session students.
Complete facilities of one of the finest and most
complete athletic plants in the country have been
made available for a comprehensive program of
,ports adapted to summer play as well as other
Facilities of the Intramural Building and of
Waterman Gymnasium, adapted to indoor sports
of all kinds, of Ferry Field and South Ferry Field,
the University Golf Course and the several Uni-
versity tennis courts provide unlimited opportu-
nities for summer recreation.
Competition in all the branches of summer sport
has been planned by Intramural officials, and in-
struction in non-competitive activities offered.
Registration for the various phases of the ath-

letic program already indicates that Summer Ses-
sion students, too, recognize the truthof the old
adage, and that they do not intend to be dull.
At Home...
cost of national government. Sel-
dom does it occur to him that he is paying far
more for his local government than for both the
state and federal combined.
Prof. A . W. .Bromage, associate professor of
political science at the University, in his book on
American County Government, published in 1933,
makes the following comment on the situation:
"Local government is no small item in the official
budget. The National Industrial Conference Board
has ascertained that the combined gross govern-
mental costs in this country, in 1929, were $13,-

and Federal governments. Reduction must begin at
In reducing this figure to apply to the indi-
vidual, Professor Bromage quotes from an address
made by Herbert Hoover in 1932 in which it was
said that today the aggregate cost of local, state
and Federal government probably represents more
than 20 per cent of the national 'income, that
before the World War each man, theoretically,
worked 25 days each year for the combined gov-
ernments, that in 1924 he worked about 46 days
each year, but that now he works approximately
61 days each year in support of the governments.
When one considers the need for economy in
government, and the relatively large portion of
expenditures that go for local services, it becomes
very apparent that reduction, if it is to appear,
certainly "must begin at home." The citizen inter-
ested in economy should study carefully any and all
proposed measures which give either promise or
hope of greater efficiency, and therefore greater
economy, in local government.
S'uch a measure is now being placed before the
people of the State of -Michigan in the form of a
petition which, under the initiative laws of this
state, would amend the constitution in such a
way as to provide greater flexibility in county
government and which would result in great sav-
This proposal provides that the legislature may
set up optional plans of county government, any
one of which may be adopted by an individual
county; that the Board of Supervisors of a county
may select the type desired for that county; that
ten per cent of the voters of a county could
determine the type of government to be used; or
that, as under the present set-up, the type of
government might be determined in accordance
with the constitution itself.
The petition must carry the signatures of 165,-
000 voters of the state before this proposed amend-
ment can be placed on the ballot at the fall
state elections. If placed on the ballot, and fa-
vorably received, the measure would mean a saving
of hundreds of thousands of dollars annually to
the people in the 88 counties of this state and
would be the first major step toward true "econ-
omy at home." If you are asked to sign one of
the petitions, by all means consider the results
to be obtained, and -sign!
Casual Essays
Today the Michigan campus was abuzz with
education seekers. Pedagogues and demogogues,
maids old and young, teachers eager and shy.
Depression has not lessened their number. Neither
has the flattened salary thinned their figures.
Indeed the education seeks and education sniff-
ers are fatter than last year
Actual data, of course, is not available. The
knowledge comes merely and solely from observa-
Education sniffers is now a good and respected
term. It means that teacher who comes to lap
up the learning of the Michigan faculty without
paying the professor. Bars are up against his en-
trance. For the education sniffer is the one who
audits classes, takes copious notes, pays no fee,
returns to dazzle his students in the fall.
The.-naive are here too. Up drives a Ford. Out
pops a rotund lady. Out jumps a gangling man.
She skips to the fore of the bushes near the library,
He stands back and "shoots" her with his pocket
camera. Done. "Ah," she breathes, "just to think,
me at the University of Michigan! ,Have those
developed immediately. Fred; and sent home."
However, not all the summer sessionists are
"serious." The "girl" is already on the campus who
has left her name in every drug store as an access-
ible companion for lone males. She is an engag-
ing young person and pert. Information: Miller
Drug Store.
Her counterpart is a shy and winsome young
man. His clothes match from the brown dirty
spot on his white shoes to the brown mole on
his left cheek. He eats at the League and gazes
more hungrily at the women at the next table
than at his food. He put pepper in his water

when someone smiled at him.
The worms are here too, those that eat words and
paper. One ran up the main library steps and
fairly ate the hour regulations posted on all the
doors. "All my life," she murmured.
"What?" asked her companion.
"Nothing," she answered.
"Hum-um," was the answer. For there are still
those that come to live; those that come to live
and learn, and those that only learn!
The summer session is well on its way, even
though the time is a fledgling. The trees are very
full. The grass is growing. The dogs still drink
out of the fountains, as good University dogs
should. The squirrels are eating whatever they
may find. And the season looks prosperous.
Campu S Opinion
Letters published in this column should not be con-
strued as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous communications will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be re-
garded-as confidential upon request. Contributors
are. askdto be brief, confining themselves to less
than 500 words if possible.
To the Editor:.
The Daughters of the American Revolution
have once more had a perfect day at bat with
their pamphlet on the Mackinac Island State His-
torical Fair, for the first time since they started
their program against the admission of Prof. Al-
bert Einstein to this country.
One of their delightful little brochures fell re-
cently into my hands, inviting ie to come and

French and Indian war, to say nothing of the
Revolution, yet in the background appears the
flag of the United States, draped, if you please, like
a window curtain! Farther back in the scene are
assorted blockhouses and a cannon, representing,
no doubt, the Mackinac element.
Let us quote a few snatches: "There ARE NO
tions of any kind and no concessions whatever."
Shades of Sally Rand and the D.A.R. Movie Re-
view bulletin! "Visitors are conducted through the
Fort and Museums by members of the Governor's
Guard of Eagle Scouts. In the five summers these
splendid seniors of Boy Scoutdom have been on
duty at Old Fort Mackinac, no Scout Guide has
been absent without leave, received a demerit
mark, or accepted a tip. It is the 'Honor' Guard
in fact as well as in name" And yet the boys are
exposed to such lures as "natural bridal paths
among miles of virgin forest which characterizes
this 'Riviera of America!'"
And then under a section entitled "Moderate
Hotel Rates:" "At the Grand Hotel, America's
smartest and largest summer hostelry, the rates
are from $6 to $11 a day, including meals. MACK-
INAC ISLAND is no longer a 'rich man's paradise,'
but has a top limit of $11 a day."-- Tsk tsk! mere
And in spite of the headings, "No Objectionable
Features," and "Not Operated for Profit," we read:
"July 7th; 4 p.m.: Presentation D.A.R. Library.
Please bring a -book for library and leave at regis-
tration desk Autograph with your name and chap-
ter." "This is the Home for Anaemic French
Poodles. We have put your name down for $200."
But the crowning glory is yet to come: "To
all this is added the charm of lake scenery, THE
ABSENCE OF HAY FEVER, the safety of children,
the- clear bracing air of a pine forest and which
the U. S. Health Bureau has designated as the
healthiest climate in the country." Dear Mrs.
D.A.R.: Pay my expenses to Mackinac Island about
three weeks from now, and no matter where you
put me I will guarantee to produce the sweetest
case of hay fever ever seen. My membranes are
entirely oblivious to any charming scenery, and
safe children, but respond energetically to the
potent pollens of a pine forest.
By all means, let's spend our summer at Mack-
inac Island! -G.O.P.

Excursion No. 1: Tour of the Cam-
pus: The students will make an in-
spection of the General Library, Cle-
ments Library, Cook Legal Research
Library, Law Quadrangle, Michigan
Union, Aeronautical Laboratory, and
Naval Tank. Those who wish to at-
tend should meet on the steps of An-
gell Hall today at 2:30 p.m. There is
no charge for this excursion.
Excursion No. 2: A Day in Detroit:
Including an, automobile tour of
downtown Detroit and Belle Isle, and
visits to the Detroit News, the WJR
Broadcasting Studio in the Fisher
Building, the Detroit Institute of
Arts, where will be seen the Riviera.
MAirals, and the Detroit Public Li-
brary. Luncheon at the Fisher Build-
ing Cafeteria. The trip is especially
planned for students who desire ac-
quaintance with representative com-
mercial and cultural institutions of
the city.
Total expenses will be about $2. The
round trip motor bus tickets must be
obtained in Room 1213 Angell Hall,
before 5:00 p.m. Friday, June 29. The
number in the party will be limited.
Carl J. Coe
Niagara Falls Excursion: Students
desiring to go on this excursion should
leave their names in the office of the
Summer Session, Room 1213 Angell
Hall, some time this week, if possi-
Psychology 110: This class will meet
in room 2003 N.S.
Zoology 201: Comparative Physiol-
ogy: A second laboratory section is
being arranged in Comparative Phy-
siology to accommodate those stu-
dents who could not get into the first
section. Please see me at once.
A. E. Woodward
Russian Travelogue: Very recent
movies taken in the Soviet Union,
presented with a lecture by Mr.
Abrams, under the auspices of the
Michigan Vanguard Club. Natural
Science Auditorium tonight at 8 o'-
Class Voice Instruction: Attention
is called to the following voice class
courses offered in the Summer Ses-
sion of the University School of Mu-
sic. Voice 1. Course for. student' be-
ginners, designed to develop prin-
ciples of tone production, diction,
breathing, etc., including a study of

repertoire of easy songs and arias.
All ranges of voices will be accepted
for class instruction, Section 1 meets
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and
Friday at 9, Section 2, Monday, Tues-
day, Thursday, and Friday at 2, in
the School of Music on Maynard
Voice 31, an advanced course which
is a continuation of Course 1, is open
upon permission of the instructor.
This class meets Monday, Tuesday,
Thursday, and Friday, at 3 o'clock.
All persons interested in electing
.either of these courses should confer
with James Hamilton, School of Mu-
sic, as soon as possible. A nominal
fee is charged.
Charles A. Sink, President

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until
3:30; 11:30 a. m. Saturday.

place him on probation for the first
semester of the academic year 1934-
35, and to record him with an E grade
in Mathematics 7 because of dishon-
esty in the final examination in that
The Board voted to deduct three
hours and three iono rpoints from
the total semnester record of a stu-
dent, to place him on probation for
the first semester of the academic
year 1934-35, and to record him with
an E grade in English 1 because of
plagiarism in that course.
The Board voted to deduct six hours
and six honor points from the total
semester record of a student, to place
him on probation for the first semes-
ter of the academic year 1934-35, and
to record him with an E grade in
Economics 122 because of plagiarism
in that course.

Action of the Administrative Board,:
College of Literature, Science, and the
Arts: The Administrative Board of
this College has voted to deduct four
hours and four honor points from the
total semester record of a student, to
record him with an E grade in Psy-
chology 42, and to suspend him for
the first semester of the academic
year 1934-35, because of dishonesty in
the written work of the Psychology,
The Board voted to deduct four
hours and six honor points from the
total semester record of a student, to
place her on probation for the first
semester of the academic year 1934-
35, and to record her with an E grade
in English 42 because of plagiarism in
that course.
The Board voted to deduct four
hourssand four honor points from the
total semester record of a student, to

Summer Band: The Summer Varsi-
ty Band, under the direction of Nich-
olas Falcone, will meet in Morris
tyBand, under the direction of Nich-
Hall, Thursdays, from 4 to 5, and
Mondays at 7 o'clock. All students in
the University interested in partici-
pating should consult Professor Fal-
cone at these hours or by private ap-
Charles A. Sink, President
Intramural Sports: Entries for
men are now due in badminton, base-
ball, golf, handball, horseshoes, swim-
jing, Sigma Delta Psi and tennis.
Students interested should sign up at
(Continued on Page.3)
Island Lake, 2 Miles E. of Brighton
on Grand River
Lowry Clark & his Orchestra
Dancing Nightly Except Mon. Adm 40c

The Theatre
+A S - - .4"'
REHEARSAL for "Grumpy," the third presen-
tation of the Repertory Players which opens at
the Mendelssohn Theatre next Wednesday eve-
ning, got under way yesterday, with Francis Comp-
ton directing. The show, like the first two, requires
a small cast of only a dozen or so players. "Both
Your Houses," which appears the following week,
will be the first show requiring a large cast. It
contains 13 male parts alone.
* * * *1
THE FILM VERSION of "Grumpy," produced
by Paramount in 1931, was a success, with the
distinguished English actor, Cyril Maude, appear-
ing in the leading role. Phillips Holmes and Frances
Dade were cast in the two main juvenile roles,
.with Paul Cavanaugh as the villain, and Halliwell
Hobbs in the part of Ruddick, Grumpy's servant.
PERHAPS YOU NOTICED the costuming in
"One Sunday Afternoon" and admired its au-
thenticity. It was interesting to learn that the
women in the cast -Virginia Frink, Mary Pray,
Frances Manchester and Hattie Bell Ross - made
all the dresses that were worn themselves.


w r

. - - Ir

"3*0 Day :Prines
....... MAJESTIC......
For Trouble"
Matinees 15c '...UERT H . . . . . .Nights 25c
George Arliss Adolph Menjou 4
in in
"The Affairs .of "asy To
_ , - -





All.Types of
Taught daily. Private
lessons only. Terrace;
Garden Studio. Wuerth
Theatre Bldg. Ph. 9695


I i-



Fd P- mRN o--

r --W'

~ _ _


F- . T


Screen Reflections
Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very
good; two stars good; one star just another picture;
no stars keep away from it.
If you're the type who enjoys thrills, excite-
mnent and bang-up action "Looking for Trouble"
is right up your alley. For rarely, outside the
Western "thriller," have we seen so much of it
packed into one film. Do you go in for murders?
earthquakes? fights? fires? or burglaries? This
show has 'em galore.
Kids will like it. A certain group of college stu-
dents will enjoy it also. But the great majority
of you may find it too much of a good thing.
One murder, maybe. One earthquake, fire, fight or
burglary, perhaps. But all of them in the period
of an hour and one-half are apt to make you
a bit ill.
It's a story about two telephone repair men,
Spencer Tracy and Jack Oakie, who just seem
to have things happen to them all the time -
more things than ever happened to six actual
repair men in a normal life time. Most of the
repair men we know (we'll admit our acquaintance
is limited)'lead rather unexciting lives. Occasion-
ally they grab the wrong wire, or fall off a pole,
but that's the limit. Oh, yes, we did know one who
got drunk at a dance hall once, but that's an-
other story.
Jack Oakie is probably as Jack Oakieish as he's
ever been. "Never a dull moment when I'm around"
is his motto - and he puts it into effect with a
lot of stale wise-cracks and even staler practical
jokes. Arline Judge is rather poor in the part
opposite him. Maybe it was the part, but we think
it was the girl.
Spencer Tracy was ideally cast as the hard-
boiled guy (with a tender heart). He was the
only convincing repair man of the lot, giving the
impression that he was born to the part. His
love scenes were weak, but he more than made
up for them the rest of the time.
Constance Cummings left us cold. She seemed
to put absolutely nothing into her part, going along
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The A News Man
Reports theWorid Parade
for You day and Night!
Tl Q ~ Nwcan

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