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June 28, 1934 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1934-06-28

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and warmer today,
Jbly showers; tomor-
ally fair and cooler.




Casual Esays... Ex tsive
Sports Program Offered .. .

r 4m :

Official Publication Of The Summer Session

DL. XV No. 4



* ~

nce To

State Fairly Free From Voting
Irregularities, Study Reveals

Heads Physicists

4 1

Be Given
First Official Social Event
Of Summer Will Be Held
At League
)irector Outlines
Plan For Events
tudents Are Invited To Go
To Party Singly Or In
With registration and other of-
cial Summer Session activities well
ut of the way by the end of the first
eek of the so-called "short semes-
r," Friday night will witness the
rst important social activity of the
immer months in the form of an of=
cial Summer Session dance in the
Lllroom of the League.
By Friday, practically all of those
tending classes in any unit of the
ummer Session will have completed
gistration, housing arrangements,
ad taken care of those other nu-
erous'details of the "settling down"
'ocess which accompanies the open-
g of any educational season. As a
sult, the opening dance, planned by
ose in charge to provide the first
et-together" of the season, is ar-
nged- so as to " attract- the greatest.
ssible -number of short-term stu-

Election practices and administra-
tion in Michigan need a more thor-
ough overhauling than were provided
for by the legislatures of 1929 and
1931, both to cut costs and to step up
efficiency. At the same time the peo-
ple of the state may rest securely in
the knowledge that Michigan is "rel-
atively free from the grosser forms
of election irregularity which will sap
the foundations of any common-
These are conclusions found in a
study entitled "Election Administra-
tion in Michigan - An Exploratory
Study,"written by Prof. James K. Pol-
lock of the University political sci-
ence department, and appearing in
the June issue of the National Muni-
cipal Review. Most of the informa-
tion appearing in the study has come
through the office of Secretary of
State Frank Fitzgerald, and has been
compiled here.
Permanent Registration A Help
The study points out that the intro-
duction of permanent registration irk
government units of 5,000 and more
population has been beneficial, based
on a comparison of costs of the 1928
and, 1932 registrations, and recom-
mends that it be extended to the
whole state. It finds great waste in

the system not requiring competitive
bidding for printing of ballots, in the
haphazard and oft-times partisan se-
lection of election inspectors, in the
practice of maintaining election
boards far larger than necessary, in
the printing of much larger numbers
of ballots than are required by law;
in the continued operation of pre-
cincts having as few as 20 voters; in
the paying of election inspectors by
the hour, and thereby contributing to
the delay of returns; and in other
Recommends Amendments
Its recommendations are that con-
tracts for the printing of ballots
should be awarded only after com-
petitive bidding, and if costs do not
become equalized among the counties,
to have the Secretary of State ap-
prove the contracts; that printing
costs be further cut by removal from
the ballot of emblems and by reduc-
tion of elective offices to the mini-
mum; that the number of elections
be cut to a minimum, at least partly
through lengthening of terms of of-
That the state election law be
amended to provide more definite re-
strictions as to the number and pay
of precinct election officers, and local
!/ -nr in - -n -aera 2

* * *
Physicists To
Meet Here For
3-Day Session,

(Coniued ~2~onl wage3,))


Americans Led
By Britons In
Open Tourney

Reception Next Week
he annual reception of the di-
or of the Summer Session will not
ield until the second week-end of
summer, on Friday, July 6. At
time new students will have an
ortunity of meeting for the first
officials and faculty members of
University whereas those return-
will be given an opportunity to re-

Henry Cotton Shoots
As 14 Others Equal
Shatter Par Figures


his week-end, a social
lout the formalities of a
provided a social eve-
which students will have'
Lity to intermingle and
classmates who will oc-
ag seats in lecture rooms
tinder of the two-month

Dance At 9
The dance will start at 9 p.m. in
the main ballroom on the second floor
of the League. The only charge made
for the entire evening will be an ad-
mission charge of 25 cents a person.
As part of the general social pro-
gram for the summer planned by Miss
Ethel McCormick, social director of
the Summer Session, the dance will
be the first of a series of similar func-
tions to be held each week-end
throughout the season. All men and
women students are urged to attend
the dances, according to Miss Mc-
Cormick, either in couples or sepa-
rately. Official hosts and hostesses
will be prseent to arrange introduc-
Feature Planned
Of especial interest this week-end
is the feature which has been pro-
vided by Mary Morrison, '35, chair-
man of the weekly dances. A trio
composed of Maxine Maynard, '35,
Jean Seeley, '36, and Miss Morrison,
will sing several numbers during the
evening, accompanied by Al Cowan's
orchestra, which will also furnish mu-
sic for the dance. -
Hostesses for the evening will be:
Maxine Shepard; Kay Hildebrand,
'35; Margaret Siewers; Charlotte
Whitman, '35; Miss Maynard; Mar-
garetKimball, '34; Miss Seeley; Jane
Fletcher, '36; Charlotte Johnson, '34;
Sue Calcutt, '35; Elva Pascoe; Marian
Demaree; Margaret Burke, '34; Mil-
dred Windam, '36; Frances Thorn-
ton; Betty Aigler, '35; Cecile Poor;
Sofia Stolarski; Julie Kane, '36; Elea-
nor Waser, '37; and Katherine Small.
Campus Tour
Set For Today
Begins Series
The first of the Summer Session
excursions for 1934 will take place to-
day, consisting of a tour of the cam-
pus, to start at 2:30 p.m. The tour
will be personally conducted by Prof.
Carl J. Coe, director of excursions.
There is no charge whatsoever for
the first excursion, nor is it necessary
to make any reservation. The party
will meet on the front steps of Angell

SANDWICH, England, June 27. -
UP) - Henry Cotton with a 67 and a
score of other Britons teamed today
with a cold spring rain in the open-
ing round of the 72-hole British Open
golf championship to put the damper
on what has been heralded as a "red
hot American golf invasion.",
After the rain had done its part,
no less than 14 shot-makers, in-
eluding Denny Shute, of Philadelphia,
the defending champion, had equalled
or shattered St. George's par of 72
in one of the lowest scoring first
rounds in the history of the cham-
The rain got in the first blow when
it took all the polish off the games
of Gene Sarazen, the tournament fa-
vorite, and Macdonald Smith after
which it ceased patriotically long
enough to enable Cotton and his co-
horts to entrench themselves for the
second 18-hole round tomorrow.
Only Shute, fortunate enough to
escape the morning downpour, held
his own against a swift succession of
sub-par rounds produced by the home
forces this afternoon. Shute's 71, ty-
ing him with six others for third
place, was a severe blow to betting
commissioners who have been wager-
ing large sums against the Philadel-
phian's chances of repeating on the
strength of his erratic qualifying play.
The remaining three professionals
in the delegation from. the United
States were well off the pace, with
Joe Kirkwood carding a 74, Sarazen
taking 75 and Mac Smith slipping
to a 77.
Rain in Philadelphia yesterday
cancelled Detroit's game with the
A's and they lost a half game to the
Yankees, who continued in the Amer-
ican League lead by an 8 to 7 win over
Chicago's Sox.
American League

ISocial Activity At
New High As Co-ed
Enrollment Jumps
Social life during the summer is
going to be much more pleasant for
men this' year than it has for some
time, if the latest enrollment figures
for the Summer Session are any in-
dication. If they are socially inclined,
the men should find it easier to ob-
tain dancing partners at the weekly
dances, and certainly they should
have no trouble at all in finding a
summer school co-ed who is interested
in theatre-going.
Last year at this time there were
2.12 men on hand for each woman--
this year, the figures show that each
co-ed could, if the occasion arose, be
accompanied by. only 1.92 men. In
other words, the increase in enroll-
ment among the women has been
exceeding that among the men to
such an extent that now there are 194
more women ,on the campus than
there were this time last summer. The
enrollment among the men has been
increased by an addition of only 128
students. ,
The total Summer Session enroll-
ment for 1934 had passed the 3,000
mark last night, with actual figures
showing 1,971 men registered and
1,060 women, or a grand total of
3,031.. These figures are not final, as
there will be some later enrollments
and the University's summer camps
have not as yet been heard from. At
this time last year there were 322
fewer students enrolled in all the
departments open for the short pe-
Additional figures concerning regis-
tration will be available later in the
week, with final figures from all the
camps not due until the early part of
July. They will be published in The
Daily as soon as they are 'available.
Tessmer Gets Contract
To Coach At Hillsdale
Estil "Zit" Tessmer, '34, Wolverine
grid and basketball player, has been
given a contract as assistant ath-
letic director and coach at Hills-
dale high school.
Tessmer, will assist Omar LaJeun-
esse, also a former Michigan foot-
ball player, who succeeded still an-
other former Wolverine athlete, Nor-
man Daniels, as head coach at Hills-
dale when Daniels accepted a posi-
tion as assistant to Jack Blott at
Wesleyan (Conn.) College.

Chicago Professor Is To
Head Body; Recreation
On ProgramToday
Physicists from various sections
throughout the country will convene
here today, tomorrow, and Saturday,
for the 193rd meeting of the Ameri-
can Physical Society.
Arthur Holly Compton, eminent
American scientist, who is professor
of physics at the University of Chi-
cago and the recipient of numerous
honors including the Nobel Peace
Prize for physics in 1927, heads the
distinguished body which opens its
program in Ann Arbor today.
The physicists will spend the ma-
jority of the day today in recreational
pursuit, with excursions planned
which will take them through the
Ford Motor Co. at River Rouge and
the Greenfield Village and museums,
Registration wil be held at 9 a m
I~e it ai m wl beYed a,9 a m.in two places, the Union and the
Dearborn Inn. The trips will last
from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Luncheon will
be served at 12:30 p.m. at the Dear-
born Inn.' Dinner will be at 7 p.m. in
the League.
Scientific sessions will begin to-
morrow morning with various papers
being read at meeting places in
Hutchins Hall by prominent physi-
cistA from other institutions as well
as University faculty men. High-
lights of the scientific program in-
clude an address on "The General
Nuclear Problem" by Prof. George
Gamow of the Polytechnical Insti-
tute, Leningrad, Russia, and a sym-
posium on "Nuclear Moment," to take
place Saturday morning at 10 a.m.
Both will be given in Hutchins Hall
of the Law School. Professor Gamow
will speak at 2 p.m.
Hudson Pleads Guilty
To Charge Of Larceny
DES MOINES, June 27.- (A) --
Pleading guilty to a charge of petty
larceny ingmunicipal court Tuesday,
Roy M. Hudson, 24, Des Moines West-
ern league baseball player, received
a 30-day jail sentence. The sentence
was suspended during good behavior.
Hudson, whose home is in South
Haven, Mich., was arrested Monday
night when, officers alleged, he en-
tered a parked car and took a radio
tube tester.
Hudson was captain and fullback
of the 1931 Michigan football .team,
He left school in the spring of 1932
just before his graduation to take a
contract with the Toledo baseball
team in the American Association.

Adams Points
Out Features
Of Good Golf
Delivers Le c t u r e About
Psychological Aspects Of
Links Game
Cites Results That
Professionals Get
Motor Co-Ordination And
Judgment Are Termed
Important Points
All one has to do to step from the
"duffer" class in golf to the select
inner circle of Jones and Hagen is to
master four physical mal-co-ordina-
tions in one's swing, according to
Prof. Henry F. Adams of the psychol-
ogy department, who delivered the
third lecture of the Summer Session
series yesterday in Natural Science
These mal-co-ordinations as cited
by Professor Adams are the pivot, im-
proper cocking of the wrists so. that
either the hands go through before
the clubhead or vice-versa, looping
the swing or startingdthe downswing
with the right hand which would
cause a swing resembling a figure
eight and last but most important,
proper timing.
How Not To Be "Duffer"
If these four physical adjustments
will develop a good game, said Pro-
fessor Adams, if he is able to con-
trol his emotions, gauge distance
properly, if he doesn't fatigue too
easily, if he can avoid excitement or
tremors while playing, if he is of the
proper sex (Professor Adams did not
qualify this statement), if he is not
too old, and lastly if he has the proper
interest in the game.
"It would seem," stated Professor
Adams, "that after examining these
prerequisites necessary to be a top-
notch golfer tat it is almost impos-
sible' to attain any gieat mheasute of'
precision." He partially accounted for
the low scores skilled professionals are
able to shoot by saying that ,they
not only have mastered most of the
aforementioned qualifications but
that in almost every game a certain
percentage is allowed for error in
Compares Baseball
For example, in baseball the pitch-
er has a 60' inch area in which to
aim the ball. The eye of a needle
is also three times larger than the
thread which is put through it, and
a golf hole is four times as large as
the ball.
Contrary to popular opinion, stated
Professor Adams, it is not the length
of the shot which determines the
good golfer because as each stroke is
taken the distance becomes shorter
and the factor of direction enters in.
Neither is directionnalone the prere-
quisite to good golfing but the proper
median is the combination of both*
combined with even temperament.
Any act of skill, according to Pro-
fessor Adams. is a partnership, re-
quiring chiefly judgment and moto/
co-ordination. There are two types
of the latter factor; first, is the type
of movement which is controlled
throughout its course and second, is
that movement which requires the
launching of some object where there
is no control possible after the object
has left the hand or club of the pro-
pelling agent.
Keep Eye On Ball
Although Professor Adams defi-

nitely agreed with the adage "to be
a good golfer you must keep your
eye on the ball," he did say that in
the actual downswing the eye does
not control the swing but rather the
set of the muscles, as the clubhead is
travelling too fast for the eye to fol-
As to gauging distance, Professor
Adams said that individuals are fairly
capable of judging relative distances
but comparatively poor judges of ac-
tual distance. He asserted that the
best way to tell distance on an un-
familiar course is by estimating the
size of the flag or the size of some
known person standing near the hole.
Concluding he said that the golf
swing is a complex pattern of move-
ments and that to be able to break 80
you must hit the ball at the right time,
at the right speed, and all the move-
ments must be co-ordinated in the
right sequence.
Women To Enroll For

Speaks Today


J. L. Brumm To
Deliver Speech
On Newspapers
Journalism Professor Is To
Give Fourth Lecture Of
Current Series
Prof. John L. Brumm, head of the
journalism department, will deliver
the fourth Summer Session lecture
at 5 p.m. today in Natural Science
Auditorium on "The Newspaper and
Reader Interest."
Professor Brumm will present a
survey of a number of metropolitan
newspapers to show what different
classes of readers want and demand.
The survey will include an analysis
of all types of- newspapers from the
constructive social paper, such as
the Christian Science Monitor, to the
"sex appeal" type of paper, or the
yellow tabloid.
He will discuss 26 leading papers
and attempt to evaluate them in
lieu of this spectrum of reader in-
terest and will also define what readera
interest is.
To take the place of the can-
ed lecture bf, Prbf. .Jme K
Pollock of the political science 'de-]
partment, who was to have spoken
next week in Natural Science Audi-
torium, Prof. Charles B. Vibbert
of the philosophy department;
will give a lecture on "The Pres-
ent Political and Social Situation
in France," at that time. -
Professor Brumm is secretary of
the Michigan State Press club, a1
member of Sigma Delta Chi, honorary
journalistic society, and was awarded
the title of "loquacious lubricator"
in 1933 at the annual Tung OilE
Banquet of Sigma Rho Tau, hon-
orary engineering society. He is also
the author of a number of books and
has written several plays which were1
produced at the annual conventions of1
the State Press Club.]
1 1
Players Group
Formally Opens
Summer Stand
Colorful Picture Given By
Audience; Clothes Are
The formal opening of the Michi-
gan Repertory Players' summer ser-
ies took place last night at the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre at the League.
The play presented was James Hag-1
gan's "One Sunday Afternoon." The1
same play was presented Friday and
Saturday nights. of last week, al-
though this showing was chosen as
the official opening for the summer.
The audience presented a colorful
picture, the women wearing grace-
ful dresses in pastel shades and the
men in informal summer attire.
Among the patrons present were es-
pecially noticed Dean and Mrs. Ed-
ward H. Kraus. Mrs. Kraus chose an
informal flowered chiffon dress. Mr.
and Mrs. McConnell were also pres-
ent. Mr. McConnell is the director
of the Cleveland Players and his wife
is Katherine Wick Kelly who played
here with the Henderson Players. She
wore a stunning black and white cos-
tume. Among the others noticed at
the opening were Prof. and Mrs. Ed-
gar N. Durfee. Mrs. Durfee was
charming in a dark blue ensemble
trimmed in white. Mrs. Arthur E.
Wood appeared with her husband

Professor Wood. She was wearing a
yellow boucle. suit.

2 Varsity
Golfers In
Kocsis And Malloy Meet
In Quarter-Final Match
At ClevelandToday
Seeley Wins First
Match; Loses Next
Markham Is Eliminated By
Malloy In First Round;
Emery, Sawyer Out
0., June 27. - (R) - Four contenders
from the Middle West, two from the
South, and one each"from the South-
west and East today survived the
first two "sudden death" rounds of
the National Intercollegiate cham-
pionships that saw the downfall of the
champion' and three other pre-tour-
nament favorites.
It was a day filled with golf thrills
from the time Bill Ward, a compara-
tive unknown from Syracuse, de-
feated one of the favorites, Pat Saw-
yer, of Minnesota, in the second
match this morning, until Vince Seh-
lig of Notre Dame holed a 30-foot chip
shot on the home green to defeat D P.
Seeley of Michigan in the last match
this afternoon.
Tomorrow in the quarter-finals the
distance is extended to 36 holes and
will see two Michigan boys, Charles
Kocsis and Woodrow Malloy, battling
each other in the first match. In the
others Johnny Banks of Notre Dame
will meet Ed White of Texas; Charley
Yates of Georgia Tech will play Bill
Dear of Brown, the East's lone con-.
tender, and Frank Ridley of Georgia
Tech will meet Fehlig.
Emery Is Out
After winning his first-round
match this morning Walter Emery of
the University of Oklahoma, last
year's winner, fell before the sharp
shooting of Dear this afternoon, 3 and
2A. Emery's defeat along with Ward's
sletting~ Sawyer 'were the reaT sur-
prises of the day.
Kocsis won two matches by the
same score, 3 and 2, defeating Bert
Resnick of Yale this morning and
Berrien Moore of Georgia Tech this
afternoon. After Ward had defeated
Sawyer he in turn fell before the
sharp shooting of Malloy 3 and 2,
Johnny Banks of Notre Dame and
Fred Newton of Rollins climaxed the
thrill-studded day when they went
21 holes before Banks won by sining
a 35-foot shot made with a putter out
of a sand trap. Banks had the South-
ern lad four down going into the 13th
green, and it was here that Newton
made a terrific rally to square the
match on the home green only to
loose after three extra holes. Both
players shot hard golf for the 18
holes and Banks was one under for
the 21.
Yates Conquers Day
Ed White, the Southwest contender,
eliminated a pair of Eastern players,
Fred Towne of Yale this morning,
6 and 4, and then defeated A. F. Kam-
mer of Princeton, 2 and 1, this after-
Charley Yates, the Georgia- Tech
lad who talks to his putts while they
are rolling toward the cup, defeated
Winifred Day of Notre Dame and
Law Weatherwax of Yale, 2 up in
each match.
Frank Ridley, Yates' running-mate,
won from Pat Malloy, Notre Dame,
2 and 1, and Mel Heath, captanof
the Harvard University team, 2 and 1.
Woody Malloy's triumph over Cal

Markham, 2-1 in the first round of
play for the National Intercollegiate
golf singles title yesterday climaxed
a rivalry which was begun in the
Ann Arbor city tournament last year.
Malloy, winner of the city title for
two years, was eliminated in the
third round of the city meet by Mark-
ham, 1 down, who went on to win the
Marie Dressler,.
Screen Star, Is
Critically D
SANTA BARBARA, Calif., June 28.
- (R) -The condition of Marie Dress-
ler, veteran actress of the stage and
screen, who is confined at the home
of friends here suffering from a com-
plication of ailments, took a turn for
the worse this afternoon. It was an-
nounced little hope for her recovery

New York ...........39 24
Detroit .............39 25
Boston ....... ...35 30
Washington .........36 31
Cleveland ...........32 29
St. Louis...........23 34
Philadelphia .........25 38
Chicago ............21 44
Yesterday's Results
New York 8, Chicago 7.
Boston 6, Cleveland 0.
St. Louis-Washington, rain.


Prof. Woody Suggests Further
Investigation Into Study Habits

Detroit-Philadelphia, wet grounds.
Games Today
Chicago at Detroit.
New York at Washington.
Boston at Philadelphia.
Only games scheduled.
National League

That the study of study habits has
begun, and that this field offers a
real opportunity for scientific contri-
butions are the conclusions drawn
by Prof. Clifford Woody of the School
of Education, who yesterday opened
the Summer Conference Series of
the education school, speaking on
"Studying Study Habits."
Professor Woody opened his lec-
ture by elaborating on the desirability
of acquiring effective techniques of
study. He cited the fact that failures
in college work are often directly at-
tributable to students' failing to learn

the whole four years in the university.
This, according to Professor Woody,
was due to their having developed
superior habits of work in the junior
The greater emphasis on training
students to study is evidenced by the
establishment, in high schools, of
classes designed to overcome poor
habits of work and to establish bet-
ter ones. "The recent appearance
of practice books for use in the ele-
mentary school on how to use the
dictionary, reference books, the card
catalogue, encyclopedia, etc., when
considered with the facts about the

New York.........
Chicago ...........
St. Louis..........


c n




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