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August 12, 1934 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1934-08-12

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penthouses in New York to Palm Beach and back
Lionel Barrymore, dean of stage and screen,
shares honors with Miss Harlow in the role of
the exceedingly wealthy T. R. Paige, a national
political power. It is the second time that Miss
Harlow and Barrymore have played together.
Franchot Tone, too, makes his second appear-
ance with Miss Harlow. His first was in "Blonde
In "The Girl From Missouri" he plays the son
of Barrymore who falls madly in love with Eadie.
Additional humor is supplied by Patsy Kelly,
New York stage comedienne who has been featured
in short comedies, and with Marion Davies in
"Going Hollywood."
A fifth member of the cast is Lewis Stone. Jack
Conway, who recently won honors through his di-
rection of "Viva Villa!" directed the new Harlow

Set Up Model
U. S. Farm In'
.African Wastes:
Foreign Legion Soldiers
From Spain Attempt To
Better Standards

Publication In the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the Summer Session office until 3:30; 11:30


Published eery morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten News Service.
+cit ' l i t egc
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
r republication f all news dispatches credited to it
or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local,
i l plished herein. All rights of republication of
special dispatches are reserved.
Et'ered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.25; by mail,
$1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $3.75; by
'mal, $4.25.
Omces: Student Ptlidcattdris Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: College Publications Representatives,
Ic., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80t
byldton Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Phone 4925
1Sb)CIA EDITORS: Charles A. Baird, Clinton B. Con-
ger, Pal J Elliott, Thomas E. GroehnThomas H
~leene William R. Rieed, Robert S uwitch.
Z tRI'RS Barbara Bates, C H. Bukema, Donald R:
Bird, Rpb: Danhf, Frances English, Elsie Pierce, Vir-
g~iia Scott, Bernard H. Fried.
Office Hours: 9-12, 1-5 Phone 2-1214
The Philosophice
Atitd. . e
ALUE IS A SUBJECT over which
the learned philosophers have long
nd lovigly wrangled. No argument concerning
leeology - about whether the world is chaotic, or
oiganzed for some definite purpose - can be car-
i"ed on without approximate agreement on the
concept of value. Teleologists, following the anal-
ogy of the purposive organization of organic life,
thifk Vhey see in values the guideposts of a rational
9th through the welter of everyday phenomena.
Ly men of the dpposition the possibility of the
alogy is, of course, denied. But in the fairness
and thoroughness of the philosophical attitude
tiay lie the key to an explanation of the chaos
4bout us today.
In fields closer to hom than the realm of
philosophical speculation we will do well to exam-
ine the values that guide our efforts and motivate
our strivings for specific, everyday ends. The
popular notion of "value" as an equivalent of "eco-
nomic utility," that is, something for which there
is a demand so widespread today because ours is a
money culture and our times are times of eco-
nomic troubles - this conception of value is an
inadequate instrument for probing the quarrels
and conflicts of modern social life.
In the very variety of present-day estimates
of values, and in the constant fluctuations of
Those estimates may lie, indeed, the cause of
much of the chaos that plagues the economic world
at present.
Codes of industries, codes of business ethics, and
codes of international behavior as embodied in
treaties, all will mean little, and have a short and
hazardous' existence as long as they are com-
promises between combatants. As long as employ-
ers consider labor mere means of production, and
labor considers employers as no more than a class
/of oppressors and exploiters, so long will wage
agreements be precarious. Not till both give up
their irrationalized isolation and find a common
value in the peace of industry will order and
progressive improvement of the fortunes of both
be possible.
Similarly in business the leaders must abandon
the old values that demand profits, cost what
they may. Cut-throat competition and fouler trade
practices got a great body-blow from the NRA
but their extinction depends upon the adoption by
busiess men of a new set of values that recognizes
the worth of the other fellow's well-being, and the
worth of the well being of economic society as
a whole.
Similarly also in international circles, a varying
evaluation of what is desirable precludes harmon3
abroad. If Japan and Russia set the same stor
by peace, and the lives it preserves, means woul
be found for maintaining good feeling. But wit
Japan prizing extension above the welfare of the
people, she appears ready to send thousands to the
slaughter, and Russia, jealous of the least terri-

torial encroachment, appears ready to meet them
with other thousands. If, on the other hand both
nations possessed a common value, a commor
meeting ground, such as the welfare of the masses
of their peoples, then the shadow of war woulC
pale from the picture.
It is because a false set of values, such as thos
of race purity and national pride, can be bally.
hooed and exploited easily and quickly that Hitle
looms so darkly on the European scene today. Werf
the workingmen of Europe to become aware of the
real rather than the popular values of such move-
ments as Hitler's, they would withdraw their sup-
port at once. They would see that neither during a
war nor after it does the common man or mass of
men profit in the least.
What is needed, then, is an examination of the
ends for which we strive so mightily, to see whethe:
or not we too are striving blindly and at cross
purposes. There are some fundamental values upoi

had blown. It was quickly replaced, but before
many minutes had passed - out went the lights
again. This happened three times in succession.
Fettes was last seen headed in the direction of

FRIENDS of Larry Levy, former Play Production
stage manager who wrote yesterday's column, are
wondering how he did it, knowing that he is in the
East at present. For their benefit we'll tell you that
he wrote the article some months ago, little
expecting that it would ever appear in print.
THERE'S A CERTAIN restaurant in this town;
that could almost start a theatre group from the
waiters in its employ. Practically half the male
members of the Repertory Players' work there.
* * * *
AFTER HEARING reports that some of the
items in this column weren't well-received by cer-
tain of the players, we asked one of them just why
we didn't please them. "You're not trying to, are
you?" they asked, stating the case exactly.
* * * *
EMORY HORGEA is a Texan. Virginia Frink
hails from Walkerville, Canada. Charles Harrell
comes from Kansas City, and Claribel Baird from
Chickasha (of all things), Oklahoma - just to
mention a few. The Players have respresentatives
from practically every section of the country.
THE SEASON ended for most of the Players
last night, and now all they have to look forward
to is final examinations. There's just "Cradle
Song" Tuesday and Wednesday nights- and
that's all. -C.A.B.

Campus Opinion
Letters published in this column should not be con-
strued as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous communications will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be re-
garded as confidential upon request. Contributors
are asked to be brief, confining themselves to lets
than 500 words if possible.

° ]

MELILLA, Spanish Morocco, Aug.1
11. - OP) -An American model farm
has been established on this barren
northern rim of the African Desert
by Spanish soldiers of the Foreign
The project was begun six years ago
by Lieut. Col. Victoriano Casajus to
relieve the monotony in this African
outpost and afford soldiers the op-
portunity of bettering their living
conditions and providing funds for
improvement of the barracks.
Farm profits this year are esti-
mated at 100,000 pesetas (about $14,-
000), 90 per cent of which will be
spent in modern barracks for the
troops and 10'per cent divided among
the workers on the 25,000-acre plant
where a large majority of the 2,000
Legion soldiers assigned to this post
are engaged.
The cultivated land was redeemed
from barren desert outside the gar-
rison boundaries. The entire acreage
was purchased for about $1,400. The
first step in its development was an
irrigation system based on plans Col.
Casajus obtained from the United
Experiment showed the land was
fertile. The commander sought lit-
erature on soy beans, hogs, vegetable
farming, barracks construction, model
kitchens, rabbit and poultry farming
from the American government and
industrial firms.
With the first profits a kitchen with
the latest American appliances re-
placed the old outdoor, obsolete equip-
ment then being used.

To All Students Having Library
1. Students having in their posses-
sion books drawn from the University
Library are notified that such books
are due Monday, August 13, before1
the impending examinations.
2. Students who have special need
for certain books after August 13 may
retain such books if renewed at the
Charging Desk.
3. The names of all students who
have not cleared their records at the
Library by Wednesday, August 15,
will be sent to the Recorder's Office,
where their summer's credits will be
held up until such time as said ree-
ords are cleared, in compliance with
the regulations of the Regents.
S. W. McAllister,
Associate Librarian

poets, for students in Speech 44 and
any others who may be interested, on
Monday, August 13, at 8:00 p.m., in
Room 205 Mason Hall.
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Services of worship today are: 8:00
a.m. Holy Communion; 11:00 a.m.
Kindergarten; 11:00 a.m. Morning
Prayer and Sermon by the Reverend
William M. Washington of Detroit.
Dr. Frederick B. Fisher will preach
at 10:45 this morning at the First
Methodist Church, State and Wash-
ington streets, on "Our Modern
Hunger for Reality." This will be
Dr. Fisher's last message before leav-
ing for vacation.

To The Editor:
Two years ago during the regular session of the
University The Art Cinema League was organized.
The purposes of the organization is to show out-
standing motion pictures produced in all lands. Be-
cause of the very limited possibility of choice
among silent pictures, a sound reproduction equip-
ment was provided. The first few films that were
shown were well patronized, but because of a choice
of titles that proved to be less popular and faulty
reproduction' of sound, later showings have not
been as well attended.
The group responsible for the functioning of the
League is confident that there is a field for this
kind of activity in Ann Arbor and that there is a
clientele which wishes to see it continue to func-
tion. The League has improved the sound equip-
ment and believes that it has gained experience
that will enable it to render a better service to
the community.
Being a non-profit organization the policy of
showing pictures at cost will be continued. Experi-
ence has proved that one showing an evening is
desirable. It is hoped that patrons' tickets for the
season can be offered during the coming year and
that the added cost of more expensive films can be
met by an increased charge for single admissions.}
While a number of films, generally recognized
to be outstanding, are being considered, officers of
the League are anxious for suggestions. Criticisms
of general policy will also be appreciated. Com-
ments may be sent to any of the following persons:
Dean Alice Lloyd, Mrs. Leila Pargment, Mrs. Low-
ell J. Carr, Professor E. A. Walter, Professor Lowell
J. Carr, Professor H. J. McFarlan.
-H. J. McFarlan.
Off Trhe ;Recrd

Attention of All Concerned: Name-
ly faculty, administrative and clerical
staff members and students, is re-
spectfully called to the following ac-
tion by the Regents.
Students shall pay in, acceptable
funds (which shall not include notes
unless the same are bankable) all
amounts due the University before
they can be admitted to the final ex-
aminations at the end of either se-
mester .or of the Summer Session. No
office in the University is authorized
to make any exception to this rule.
Any specific questions that can be
foreseen arising in this connection
should be taken up with the proper'
authorities at the earliest possible mo-
Shirley W. Smith

Presbyterian Student Appointments
10:30 Morning Worship. Theme,
"What happens when we worship."
Norman E. Richardson.
Organ Recital:
Ernest Ibbotson, student of Pal-
mer Christian of the School of Music,
will give the following program, Wed-
nesday afternoon, August 15, at 4:15
o'clock in Hill Auditorium to which
the general public with the excep-
tion of small children is invited:
Fantasie and Fugue in C
Minor .................Bach
Two Choral Preludes .... . Bach
Wachet auf ruft uns die Stimme
Dies sind die heiligen zehn Gebot
Pastel (Op. 92 No. 1) ....Karg-Elert
Prelude and Fugue in G
Minor .................. Dupre
Cathedral Strains, Inter-
cession, Suite Op. 25 . .Bingham
Scherzo' (Symphony 4).......Widor
Chant de Mai. ......Jongen
Finale (Symphony 1)......Vierne
Charles A. Sink, President.

Musical Events

Wednesday afternoon, August 15, at 4:15 by Mr.
Ernest Ibbotson, organist and choir-master of the,
Church of the Messiah, Detroit.
In addition to being an able organist, Mr. Ibbot-
son has done excellent work in the development of
the boy choir in the Detroit church for the past
ten years. He has recently accepted a similar posi-
tion in Baltimore, where, in September, he takes
charge of the music at Grace and St. Peters
Episcopal Church.
Fantasie and Fugue in C minor.........Bach
Two Choral Preludes ..................Bach
Wachet auf ruft uns die Stimme
Dies sind die heiligen zehn Gebot
Pastel (Op. 92, No. 1) .............Karg-Elert
Prelude and Fugue in G minor ........ Dupre
Cathedral Strains, Intercession
(Suite Op. 25) ................ Bingham
Scherzo (Symphony 4) ..............Widor
Chant de Mai ............. .......Jongen
Finale (Symphony 1) .................Vierne
An organ recital will be given in Hill Auditorium
Screen Reflections


During his eight-year assignment
to the Embassy in Washington, Col.
Casajus visited important farming,
ections of the United States and be-
ame an admirer of American agri
ultural methods. These he proceeded
o demonstrate practically in this des-
ert region where the residents, who I
never though irrigation possible, be-
ieved at first the officer was slightly
One modern dining room already
has been completed, and an open
roof-garden style cafe is being con-
structed on the kitchen roof.
One section of the barracks plan
has been completed and equipped with
troop comforts used in American army
tropical posts.
In addition to the actual farm, more
than 60,000 trees have been planted,
including fruit trees of various kinds.
The commander declared the fruit
trees seem to thrive in this irrigated
soil and that quality is excellent.
Irrigation water is supplied by a
large well about a mile from the cen-
ter of the farm. ' About 9,000 gallons
of water pour hourly from a stream 60
feet below the surface.
The present value of the farm,
thich is the property of the Legion
post, is estimated at '$350,000.

Michigan Dames: There will be a
final meeting of the Michigan Dames
for the summer on Monday evening,
August 13, at 8 o'clock, in the Michi-
gan League. The evening will be en-
tirely social with both auction and
contract bridge and other games on
the program for those desiring to play.
Refreshments will be served during
the evening. Wives of all students
and of internes in the University Hos-
pital are cordially invited. A small
fee will be collected to defray the ex-
penses of the evening.

Social Directors; Sorority Chaper-
ons; Househeads; University Wom-
en: All residents of approved Uni-
versity' houses, dormitories, sorority
houses, and League houses, must be
out of their rooms by Saturday noon,
August 18.
University Women: The lists of ap-
proved residences for 1934-35 are
now available at the Office of the
Dean of Women.

The Intramural Sports Building
will be closed for the summer on
Friday, August 17th, at 6 p. m. Lock-
ers must be vacated or renewed on or
before that date.
Michigan Repertory Players: Sea-
son Ticket Holders-"Cradle Song,"
the last play of thd summer season,
will be given only two nights, Tues-
day and Wednesday. Please make
your reservations immediately to as-
sure good seats.
Canada's fertilizer industry has ex-
panded rapidly in recent years as a
result of growing foreign and domestic

Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very
good; two stars good; one star just another picture;
no stars keep away from it.
Chesty ................... James Cagney
Biff .......................Pat O'Brien
Dorothy ..................Gloria Stuart
Droopy .................Frank McHugh
Gladys ...................Dorothy Tree
We've seen Jimmy Cagney many times before
and we've witnessed almost too many pictures
with the U. S. Navy as a background, but this is
one of the best Cagney shows, and one of the most
authentic Navy pictures we've ever seen. It's chock
full of thrills and exceptional photography which
go to make it as good entertainment as the
Majestic has offered all summer.
"Here Comes the Navy" is a typical Cagney
feature with the same Jimmy you've either enjoyed
or detested in the past. The thing that puts it
over is its unique and humorous plot, and, as we
mentioned before, its photography.
Some scenes you won't forget for a long time,
for example, are the one where the fleet is lifting
anchor and heading out to sea, the battle maneu-
vers, shots aboard the U. S. Navy Dirigible Macon,
and those at the Naval Training Station at San
Diego. All have a touch of the authentic which
indicate that much work must have been entailed
in their connection.
Perhaps the most exciting scene occurs aboard
the Macon. The dirigible, attempting to land in a
high wind, is swept into the air with Pat O'Brien
clinging to the ground wire. Cagney slides down
the wire with a parachute attached to his back,
straps O'Brien to him, and makes a thrilling
The plot is based on the feud between O'Brien
and Cagney which is complicated when the latter
falls in love with the former's sister, Gloria Stuart.
Excellent performances are turned in by all the
principals. We recommend it to you as relief from
the examination strain. -C.A..
"The Girl From Missouri," the M-G-M picture
hh~f nAnc i hoAli5n1,an *'thpntr rp tn tyhr''nrc.

SENATOR PAT HARRISON of Mississippi, is anf
old friend of George E. Allen, a commissioner7
of the District of Columbia.
Allen rather startled the city fathers by shuffling{
along in the breadlines of four western cities
recently to get first-hand knowledge of the relief
situation. He put on old clothes and bummed with
When he returned, and his trip became known,
Harrison phoned him and said:
"George, I knew you were a bum, all right, but
you're a brave man to advertise it."
PAL, the White House bulldog, seemed to know
something was wrong in his own set when
"Winks," the President's little dog, died.
Pal sat around and moped. He gave up his
old pleasure of chasing squirrels up the White
House trees.
Finally he died - from the heat, it was said.
I4IMMIE" MOFFET, federal housing adminis-
trator, is the capital's newest "Pied Piper of
Hamelin." Everywhere he goes there are job-seek-
ers at his heels.
Seeking quiet for concentrated work, he has
established three offices: one in the post office
building, one in a hotel, and one - the quietest
place - aboard his yacht anchored off the city's
shores in the Potomac river. The cabin is littered
with files and typewriters, and there is even a
telephone connected with the mainland.
FOR THE TIME BEING the country must 'get
along without its shortest "railroad." The little
train which runs underground between the capitol
and the Senate Office Building is stopped for re-
pairs. And the few senators who ar'e here have to
"walk to work."
REP. WILLIAM M. COLMER of Mississippi per-
mits himself one extravagance. He has a pas-
sion for neckties. He has hundreds of them, and he
likes them both lowly and exclusive.
So when he slipped into the ten-cent store for
some purchases he couldn't get by the tie counte'.
He bought a handful.
Putting one on ,the next morning, he went to
the capitol. At every turn, someone exclaimed
about his beautiful new tie.
Colmer both pouted and grinned over the atten-
"Not one of them said a word to me when I wore
that $5 Christmas tie up here," he complained.
HESE SUMMER NIGHTS, Washington's sky-
line looks like a garden of huge glowing flow-

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