The Weather
Fair with rising temperatures
n southeast today; tomorrow
enerally unsettled.
itiTgan s
Official Publication Of The Summer Session
The Philosophic
Attitude ....
i. XV. Nn. A9-
J. ALL XNO. 44
I u~r -u -
rP V r'i ' uU' Eu"~'ia
Court Upholds
Olson's Decree
In Ruling City
Federal Decision Affirms
Military Rule Edict For
Employers Protest,
Denied Injunction
Decision States Governor
Has Adequate Basis For
Restoring Order
Foe of Fascism
U. S. Plans To
Coin Silver To
Fullest Extent
Plan Adopted By Treasury
'For The Present' Causes
Wealth OfSpeculation
Current Sum Small
In Silver Coinage
Cradle Song' Last
Performance For
Repertory Players
MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 11- (P) -
The Federal Court today upheld the
legality of Gov. Floyd B. Olson's mili-
tary rule in the truck drivers' strike
in refusing 10 protesting employers'
an injunction against continuance
of the decree.
The decision, handed down by
Judges Gunnar H. Nordbye, Joseph
W. Molyneaux and John B. San-
born, was unanimous.
Employers, attacking the legality
of the Governor's martial rule edict
and the administration of it by the
military, had demanded first a tem-
porary restraining order, then a per-
manent injunction. The application
for the court writ was filed early
this week.
The decision upheld the Governor's
authority to take over the city under
military rule and administer the
City's affairs as he saw fit.
"We must recognize that he has
wide discretion in determining the
means to be used in the restroation
of law and order," said the pro-
"We are of the opinion that there1
is substantial foundation for the
plaintiffs' belief the Governor is us-1
ing his powers of coercing them intoj
an acceptance of the Haas-Dun-;
nigan proposal," the opinion said in
- -iePsP-- - o
-Associated Press Photo
* * *
Butler Appeals To
English People To
Fight Dictatorship
LONDON, Aug. 11.-(OP)-In a
bitter diatribe against Fascism and
Communism delivered at a Pilgrims
banquet, Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler,
president of Columbia University,
urged the English-speaking peoples
of the worldsto unite in a fight against
governments which rule by compul-
Dr. Butler asserted that govern-
ments the world over should be sub-
jected to public opinion and not public
opinion subjected to the governments.
"The English-speaking peoples have
never had so great a responsibility
resting upon them as at this moment,"
he continued. "Those principles of
social order and of government which
they had supposed were slowly con-
quering the world and would ever1%
tually conquer the world are now al-
most everywhere held in check.
In such a situation it is impera-
tive that the English-speaking world
should exert to the utmost its capa-
city for self-understanding, self-con-
trol and self-improvement. It should
demonstrate by action that liberty as.
civilization's cornerstone is not really
weakened or destroyed but must be
strengthened from year to year and
from generation to generation in
order to bear its great burden."
Year's Sales
Tax Revenue
led that timely aid of the mili-
the civil authorities might
:complished all that military
Monetary Ratio Still Far
From One-to-Three Or-
der Of Last Congress
WASHINGTON, Aug. 11. - (A) -
A decision to issue currency to the
full extent permitted by the law
against certain silver in the Treasury
prompted speculation today whether
a similar policy would be applied to
future purchases-which might pump
more than a billion dollars of new
money into circulation.
The Treasury's surprise announce-
ment last night, a sharp change of
policy, applied to a comparatively in-
significant amount of silver held in
the Treasury when the new silver
purchase law was enacted. Its im-
portance was'in pointing to the pos-
sible future course on the huge silver
purchases authorized by that law.
Observers raised their eyebrows at
three words in the Treasury an-
nouncenient, saying that "for the
present" the more expansive policy
would not be followed on the silver
purchases that recently included na-
tionalization of the nation's bullion
Money In Circulation Drops
Disclosures of the Treasury's sil-
ver plan coincided with the release of
figures by the Comptroller of the Cur-
rency showing that the money in cir-
culation per capita had dropped from
$42.46 to $41.99 during the month of
July. These compare with a per capita
circulation of $44.76 on July 31, 1933
and of $53.21 on Oct. 31, 1920.
Total circulation of silver certifi-
cates amounted to $494,732,801, of
which $95,752,515 was held by the
Federal Reserve banks.
The total amount of money in cir-
culation July 31 was $5,317,455,610
as compared with $5,373,469,752 on
June 30.
The relatively minor circulation po-
sition of silver was shown by a per
capita figure of $3.15 as compared
to $24.05 of Federal Reserve notes
and of $6.99 of National Bank notes.
Officials have indicated privately
more than once that they did not ex-
pect the issuance of new silver cur-
rency to result in much of a circu-
lation increase, as it was believed the
currency would in many cases merely
supplant outstanding Federal ReserveI
New Certificates Get Preference t
They have left no doubt, however,
that they would exert every effort toI
put the new currency into circulation1
as an answer to the demands of silverI
proponents and inflationists who have
repeatedly asserted that the country
needs "more money."
To this end, payment of the newly
printed certificates is being made at
the Treasurer's office in prefeernce
to other forms of money, and Federal
Reserve banks have been requested
also to put the new certificates out
ahead of other currency when such
certificates are received from the
Claim Labor's
Figures High
The two remaining performances;
of the Michigan Repertory Players
sixth summer season will be given on
Tuesdaykand Wednesday nightsof
rthis week, when they present "The
Cradle Song," by G. Martinez-Sierra
'in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
"The Cradle Song" has been trans-
lated into many languages, and has
been played and imitated widely
throughout the civilized world. It had
its Madrid premiere in 1911; ten
years after, Augustin Duncan pro-
duced four special matinees in Eng-
lish at the Times Square theatre,
New York, beginning in February
1921. A play in two acts was thought
to be revolutionary by the concensus
of experts.
The publication of the play in
translation attracted wide attention
and many performances of the play
On November 2, 1926, "The Cradle
Song" reappeared at the FortuneI
Theatre, London, with Miss Gillian
Scaife, to be later transferred to the
Little Theatre, where it completed a1
run of 109 performances, while Miss1
Eva LeGallienne brought her sin-
gularly fine and sensitive interpreta-
tion to the Civic Repertory Theater,
New York, during the following Jan-
uary, where it has been repeated 125
A special company headed by Miss
Mary Shaw later traveled throughout
the United States. Productions at
the playhouses of Oxford and Liver-
pool and the Abbey Theatre, Dublin,
also deserve mention.
With the Wednesday night per-
formance of this distinguished play,
the Repertory Players close their sea-
Program ForI
All Churches
Is Announced
ummer School Students
Worship For Last Time
In Local Churches
Episcopalians Will.
Hear Detroit Divine
College President To Talk
On Negro Education At
Baptist Church
Summer Session students will have
their final opportunity of the season
to participate ini Sunday services at
Ann Arbor's churches today. Pro-
grams for worship are as follows:
At the Methodist Church Dr. Fred-
erick B. Fisher will deliver his final
sermon before leaving for Lucerne
to attend the Inter-Faith Conference,
his topic being, "Our Hunger for
Reality." There will be no evening
service at Stalker Hall.
An unusual sermon theme has been
chosen by the Rev. Theodore Schmale,
Bethlehem Evangelical Church -
"The Significance of Sacred Music."
Services at 10:45.
The Rev. Mr. W. Washington, D.D.
of Detroit will administer Holy Com-
munion at eight o'clock at St. An-
drews Episcopal Church, and will de-
liver the sermon at 11:00. At Trinity
Lutheran Chiurch at 10:30 the Rev.
Mr. H. O. Yoder will take up "Ex-
amples of Great Faith -Joseph."
This is the third talk in his series
on "Examples of Great Faith."
Dr. Norman E. Richardson of Chi-
cago will speak at 10:45 at the First
Presbyterian Church on "What Hap-
pens During Worship." Young Peo-
ple's meeting at the Church House
on Washtenaw Avenue at 6:30 under'
the direction of Mr. Alfred Lee Klaer.
"The Local Congregation in Rela-j
tion to the Kingdom of God" will be
considered at 10:45 by the Rev. Mr.
E. C. Stellhorn Zion Lutheran
Church. At the Christian Church the
Rev. Mr. Howard M. Chapman will
present "An Unrecognized Personal-1
ity," Dr. Fred Cowin, pastor, being in
Detroit at the Woodward Church.1
At St. Thomas Church, North State
Street, mass will be observed at the1
usual hours: 6:00, 7:30, 9:00 and
10:30. Mass will be resumed at the1
student chapel in September.
The Congregational and Unitarian
church services have been discon-
tinued until fall.
PWA Accounts For'
Sums Spent On Jobs'
WASHINGTON, Aug. 11.- (A-
The Public Works Administration
packed into an 85-page report today
a record of every dollarrof the $3,-
70,372,103 it had allotted up to Aug.
for 17,013 job-creating projects.
It showed less than $30,000,000 leftP
f a once hefty $3,700,000,000, and(
that the program was rapidly ap-f
proaching a peak in employment and
The number of workers on con-1
struction sites had climbed to 675,-3
)00 by Aug. 1 and money was flow-s
ing out for payrolls and materials
Lt a rate of $89,000,000 weekly. a
Detroit .....
New York .
Cleveland ...
St. Louis .. . .
..... 70
... ..65
". .. . x..46
Larger Numb
Of Students
Get FERA Posts
Roosevelt's Manner Of'
Speech Topic Of Study
NEW YORK, Aug. 11 - (') -
Students at Columbia University
are studying the pronounciation,
inflection and accent of President
Roosevelt and other public men
under the direction of Dr. William
Cabell Greet, assistant professor of
English at Barnard College.
Phonograph records of the
speech of the President, Cabinet
members, Prof. Raymond Moley,
Long and others are analyzed,
particular attention being paid to
regional differences.
I _ I
Debate Will Be
Public Contest Scheduled
Between Members Of
Class In Debate Coaching
Featured by the School of Educa-
tion Monday will be the eighth en-
nual demonstration debate, staged
by students in the class in "Teach-
ing and Coaching of 'Debate." The
contest will take place tomorrow at
7:30 p. m. in Room 4203 Angell Hall.
The subject that has been chosen
for this year's match is "Resolved:
That the Federal Government should
adopt the policy of equalizing edu-
cational opportunity throughout the
nation by means of annual grants
to the several states for public ele-
mentary and secondary education."
This subject is incidentally the sub-
ject for all high school debates in
Michigan and throughout the na-
tion for the coming school year.
Chairman of the debate will be J.
Kenner Agnew, a graduate of Ohio
State University, who is teaching at
Martins Ferry.
Debating for the affirmative will
be Raymond V. Shoberg, a graduate
of Western State Teachers College,
who is teaching at North Muske-
gon, Bernard H. Patterson of Beth-
any College, who is teaching at
Ford High School in Kansas, and
Paul W. Stauffer a graduate of Bluff-
ton College, who teaches at the
Bluffton High School in Ohio.
Debating for the negative, will .be
Miss Helen Harrington, an Adrian
graduate, who is teaching at Adrian
High, Karl F. Robinson of the Uni-
versity of Illinois, who is a teacfier.
and debate coach at Battle Creek.
High School, and Cecil B. Lamb,
whose home town is Ford, Kansas.
Mr. Lamb is a graduate of Bethany
College, and teaches in the Garfield,
Kan. High School.
The judge will be Prof. Howard.
M. McBurney of the speech de-
partment, who is manager of the"
Michigan High School Forsenic As-
The debate is open to the public,
and there is no admission charge.
Provision Will Be Made
For Over 900, With Half
Going To New Students
Prof. L. M. Gram
Explains New Plan
Says Procedure Will
Like Last Year's;
To Be The Same
More than 900 University stud-
ents, at least half of them new ones
who were not in attendance in Jan-
uary of this year, will be aided
through the Federal Emergency Re-
lief Administration during the coming
academic year, it was announced
yesterday by Prof. Lewis M. Gram,
director of plant extension and F. E.
R. A. administrator for the Univer-
Only 752 students were on the pay-
rolls of the F. E. R. A. during the
past year but under the increased
allottment made possible by national
administrators, 12 per cent of the
University of Michigan student body
-based upon the enrollment as of
Oct. 15, 1933-will be aided during
the coming year. When the plan
first went into effect no more than
10 perbcent of the same number
could be given jobs.
In explaining the general F. E. R.
A. program for next year, Professor
Gram stated that the same proced-
ure as that governing last year's plan
would be followed. The same stand-
ard rate of pay for all work-forty
cents an hour-will be in effect and
maximum limitations will be ap-
plied on the amount of work to be
given any single individual.
The salient features of - the'
F. E. R. A., as outlined by Presi-
dent Ruthven, are printed on page
four of this issue of The Daily.
Chicago .............37
PITTSBURGH, Aug. 11 - OP) - A
strike, sanctioned by the American
Federation of Labor, today shut down
the major plants of the Aluminum
Co. of America in three states.
Reports from the strike centersE
indicate that about 12,000 of the
company's estimated 15,000 workers
had quit their tasks. Peaceful
picketing was under way at the
company's huge plants in the Putts-
burgh district, and at factories in
Alcoa, Tenn., and Massena, N. Y.
Meanwhile, both sides expressed
willingness to conciliate to end the
walkout, which became effective at
midnight after weeks of fruitless
efforts between leaders of the Alum-
inum Workers Council and the com-
pany officials to reach an agree-
ment on union demands.
Roy A. Hunt, president of the
Aluminum Co. of America, declared
that the strike "will not change the
company's attitude toward a closed
shop or the other demands."
Detroit Takes
1 thaiStraight
To Tune Of 7-0.
Tigers Increase L e a g u e
Lead As Yanks Bow To
Boston Red Sox
Yesterday's Results
Detroit 7, Cleveland 0.
Boston 3, New York 2. (13 innings).
Philadelphia 2, Washington
(Second game rained out).
St. Louis 9, Chicago 8.
Games Today
Cleveland at Detroit.
New York at Boston (2).
Philadelphia at Washington.
St. Louis at Chicago.
The only major change from last
year's program has been necessitat-
ed through'action of the federal ad-
ministration of the funds who have
Is 34 Million
decreed that at
the money shall
students. This
not in residence
higher learning
Professor Gram
Although this
least 50 per cent of
be used to aid new
will include those
at an institution of
in January, 1933,
ruling will probably
F' -'
At Less
Cent Of
Costs Re[
Than Tw
New York ...
Chicago .....
St. Louis ..
Boston ......
Pittsburgh ...
Brooklyn ....
Philadelphia .
The State of Michigan made a net
profit of more than $34,000,000 from
its sales tax collections in the fiscal
year ending July 31, it is revealed by
figures released by James E. Mogan,
managing director of the state board
of tax administration.
The total collections of the tax for
the year amounted to $34,871,949.01,
Administration and organization ex-
penses in connection with the tax'
were $414,326.99. Subtracting this
amount from the total receipts, it is
seen that the net income to the State
was $34,457,622.02.
The percentage of the administra-
tion and organization costs to the col-
lections was 1.187 per cent.
Due to the large amount of work
necessary to a complete breakdown
of the year's collections by class,
kind, and type of industry, the an-
nual report containing this informa-
tion will not be prepared for six weeks,
Mr. Mogan reports.
The total administrative expense
of the tax amounted to $343,024.39,
and the organization expense totaled
$70,302.60. Personnel expenses for the
Lansing sales. tax office were $223,-
740 and the Detroit office paid $87,860
to its employees. The expenses are
included under the general heading of
administrative expense.
Noble Kizer Regains
Lead In Coach Poll
Yesterday's Results
New York 7, Boston 4.
Philadelphia 6, Brooklyn 5.
Cincinnati 4-3, Pittsburgh 3-8.
St. Louis 6, Chicago 4.
Games Today
Chicago at St. Louis.
Boston at New York.
Brooklyn at Philadelphia.
Cincinnati at Pittsburgh.
Carmera Had Fair Fight,
Italian Group Decides
ROME, Aug. 11.- (A') - Italian
sporting circles were staggered to-
night by the publication of the
findings of the Italian Boxing'Fed-
U. S. Aid May Bring Higher Prices
To Dairymen In Drought Areas
cut down the number of old stud-
ents who can obtain F. E. R. A.
work, it is not expected to seriously
interfere with the general program
because of the increased total num-
ber who will be given aid and also
because of the type of work that is
included in the plan.
The primary objective of the fund,
when originally set up, was to in-
crease the number of young men
and women going to college and for
this reason funds allotted cannot
be used to replace funds formerly
available for student aid. Ordinary
maintenance work and routine activ-
ities that must be carried on any-
way, cannot be financed from F. E.
R. A. funds.
The money allotted each education-
al institution is used to pay students
for doing "socially desirable work,
including the sort customarily done
in the institution by students who
(Continued on Page 41
League Supper
Tonight Last
Summer Event
Numerous reservations have already
been made for the Sunday night sup-
per to be held at 5:45 today in the
garden at the League. Although reser-
vations do not have to be made in
advance, those in charge have advised
all those wishing to attend to obtain
tickets at the main desk of the League.
They may be purchased until noon.
The last official social event of the
Summer Session, the supper is being
given by the League for all students
and faculty members of the Univer-
sity. Three other suppers-for smaller
groups have been given during the
summer, the first for the division of
hygiene and public health, the sec-
DETROIT, Aug, 11. - (P) - The
Tigers blasted out seven runs off
Willis Hudlin in the first two innings
today and then, with young Eldon
Auker holding the enemy to six scat-
tered hits, ran their string of succes-
sive victories to 11 by defeating
Cleveland, 7 to 0.
It was the tenth victory of the
season against four defeats for Auker,
who is in his first year as a big league
regular pitcher. It also stretched the
Tiger's American League leadership
to four full games as the second place
Yankees lost.
A typically furious Tiger rally in
the second inning accounted for six
of the Detroit runs which came with
two men out. Nine men batted in
that big inning, Hudlin surviving
the attack only to be lifted in the
third. He uncorked two wild pitches
during the shelling, letting in two
runs. Weiland and Clint Brown fin-
ished out the game..
eration that Primo Carnera, the
Chamber Of Commerce national fistic hero, lost his heavy-
Questions Statistics Of weight championship to Max Baer
under reasonably fair circum-
Federation stances.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 11. () This Italy has refused to believe.
, Aug. . - - Papers here had charged that
The Chamber of Commerce of the gangsters forced Camera to lose by
United States today challenged the threatening him with death.
latest American Federation of Labor
unemployment figures of more than
3,000,000 as too high. W allace Sees
The Federation's July report esti-
mated that 10.300,000 were out of Rie
work. The Chamber said in its weekly M aterial Rise
Washington review that there were
fewer than 7,000,000 out of work last I Fod
month.nF o Prices
"Current exaggeration of the num-
ber unemployed has been an unset-
tling influence," the review said. AHNTN u.1.-~P
William Gree c ent on th Food prices will be "materially high-
Federation's figures was that they er" next year, says Secretary Wallace,
showed industry has not done its part but no shortage is expected.
in the recovery program. The drouth, which has driven pros-
The Chamhr answered by sain- pective food and feed supplies down
WASHINGTON, Aug. 11. - (W) -1
The Farm Administration's milk sec-
tion, seeking to prevent a possible'
decimation of dairy herds in the
drought belt, has adopted a policy
and are virtually certain to get them.
ducers in that area.
An authoritative source said that
while increases would not be granted
indiscriminately, it had been decided
that appeals for better prices in milk
sales areas in drought-hit sections
would be treated as they arose "most
It was said that already there has
been a considerable reduction in milk
due to the drought, and that dairy
herds are growing smaller' as feed
and water become more scarce and
progressively more expensive.
The Administration, it was added is
preparing to meet the situation by
granting higher prices to the producer
in drought areas, to afford him
enough money to avoid the enforced
lrnr faic na a a tomnn ia
sumer and producer.
It was conceded that there might be
difficulty later, when the emergency
has passed, in reducing prices, but
it was said that the fact that reduc-
tions must come when conditions jus-
tified, was going to be impressed upon
the farmer.
Producers in at least three milk
sales areas whose production is af-
fected by drought --±Kansas City,
Wichita and Leavenworth, Kansas,
already have asked for price increases
generally to increase prices for pro-
Other similar applications are ex-
pected from elsewhere in the drought
Oklahoma City producers probably1
will be in good position for higher
prices when legal difficulties now sur-
rounding the license set-up there are
The initial prices to be set in pro,
jected Texas licenses, including those
at Port Arthur, Beaumont and Dallas
Qat nlc ..rthn - bril hn m_
CHICAGO, ;Aug. 11-- (RI) - Noble
Kizer of Purdue, was back in the
lead tonight, as the counting of the
final batch of votes to select the
head coach and two assistants for
the college all-stars who meet the
Chicago Bears at Soldiers Field, Aug.
31st, got under way.
Kizer had 194,997 votes, giving