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August 12, 1934 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1934-08-12

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Bagdad Fliers Land In London, Far, Short Of Goal.

sia blames
panese For
Rail Dispute

Soviet Trade
Parley Breaks
With No Gain

Versatile Bandsman

6fficials AttributeConstant
Trouble Plot To Force
Sale Of Road
MOSCOW, Aug. 11. -- P- A reign
of terror on the eastern line of the
Chinese Eastern Railway, attributed
by the Soviet press to Japanese and
Manchurian efforts to force Soviet
Russia to sellthe railroad line cheap-
ly; was described today in a report
by Russian Manager Rudi of the rail-
road. It was published in a dispatch
from Khabarovsk..
Rudi's report, made to the joint
Manchukuo-Soviet board of direction,
stated that conditions had grown
alarmingly worse between June 17
and Aug. 6, enumerating:
Twelve train wrecks; 43 bandit
raids; two murders; 24 railway em-
ployes wounded; 14 robberies; 28 cases
of damage to the roadbed and rolling
stock; 2 fires; 9 cases of sabotage
to telegraph and telephone lines.
He said the worst train wreck oc-
curred July 28 when many members
of the train crew were victims. The
report listed, for the period between
Jan. 1 and Aug. 6:
Sixteen trains wrecked by planned
damage to the tracks; 91 armed raids
onrailway stations and barracks; 116
railway employes arrested or cap-
tured; 9 bridges damaged; 46 mur-
ders, including 9 of railway agents;
,s02persons injured including 83 rail-
Away agents; 42 robberies of railway
employes; 22 arsons of the railway
property; 21 locomotives and 207
coaches damaged; physical losses,
300,000 gold rubles ($150,000) and
other damages several hundred thou-
sand rubles more.
Rudi said that, in spite of the use of
the armored trains and railway
guards at its disposal, the railway
board was unable to check the ban-
ditry and outlawry and that, despite
appeals to the military authorities, it
iad received no assistance in its ef-
fort to protect life and property.
'Who's Who' In
Air Entered In
Australia Race
lilots From 15 Countries
Enter Race From London
To Melbourne
LONDON, Aug. 11-(P) --A veri-
table galaxy of international flying
talent will race away from London
on October 20 for an 11,000-mile
drive, "Melbourne or bust."
Of the 64 planes entered by pilots
of 15. countries, America tops the
list with 18, two ahead of Great
Ameican aviation has a double
stake in the aerial derby, however,
since a number 6f foreign fliers
have chosen American planes. These
include Sir Charles ingsford-Smith,
Australia's best-known pilot, and
Col. J. C. Fitzmaurice, the Irish co-
pilot of the "Bremen" in 1928 on
the first east-west Atlantic flight.
Big Money for Winner
The race is a dual event combin-
ing an "absolute speed" contest and
a handicap competition. It is spon-
sored by Sir MacPherson Robert-
son, Australian candy magnate, in
connection with the centenary cele-
brations of Victoria and Melbourne.
Sir MacPherson has posted $75,-
000 in cash prizes, the first flier to
land on Flemington race course,
Melbourne, winning $50,000 and a
gold cup. Second to land will re-
ceive $7,500 and the third $2,500.
Handicap prizes, the winners of
which will be calculated on the basis
of best performance having regard
to wing area, pay load and horse-

power, are $10,000 for first place
and $5,000. for second.
The race has been routed across
Europe, Iraq, India and Malaya with
the only requirements that the pilots
land at Baghdad, Allahabad, Singa-
pore, Darwin, Charleville and Mel-
bourne._. .
Americans Top Speed List
In addition, nearly a score of op-
tional landing points approximately
500 miles apart have been designat-
Nine of the 64 entries are concen-
trating on the speed prizes, seven of
them American.
These include Col. Roscoe Turner,
coast-to-coast record holder; Wiley
Post, the one-eyed Oklahoman who
holds the round-the-world record;
Clyde Pangborn, another globe flier;
Miss Laura Ingalls; Herbert V. Tha-
den and his wife, Louise Thaden;
and Lieut. Col. G. R. Hutchinson.
The greatest number of entries,
28, will contest simultaneously for
both the speed and handicap prizes.
In this list are Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Mollison, C. W. A. Scott and Kings-
ford- Smith, all England-Australia
record makers.
Many Enter 'Handitap
Harry Lyon, comrade of Kings-

America Awaits Word
Russian Officials


-Associated Press Photo
The "Trail of the Caribou" (below),' large twin-motored biplane carrying James Ayling and Leonard
Reid, Canadian fliers, on a projected hop from Torgntoto Bagdad, landed in London after a flight of 31=hours
across the Atlantic. The plane is shown as it took off from Wasaga Beach, Ontario. At top Reid is shown in the
cockpit just before the takeoff, as he bid farewell to Lee Murray, Canadian representative of the builder of
the plane.,

ii ussolini Possesses Powerful
Press And Propaganda Bureau

ROME, Aug. 11-(P)-Premier
Mussolini has opened in Rome one
of the most comprehensive and far-
reaching press and propaganda bu-
reaus in the world.
It enables him to measure almost
instantly the shifting currents of
Bridge Star Misses
Forcing Approach
To oNose Of Rival
ASBURY PARK, N. J., Aug. 11.-
(A') - Two of the original "four horse-
men" on contract bridge, P. Hal Sims
and Oswald Jacoby, came twice to
the verge of blows at the American
Bridge League's national tournament,
but the committee in charge decided
it could doo nothing about it.
With temperaments none the better
for five days of championship play,
the men - competitively and physi-
cally among the biggest in the game
- clashed first Friday night. Sims, a
resident of Deal, N. J., took a swing
at the husky "Ossie" after the New
Yorker had objected to a story told
by the master of one-over-one.
Jacoby, whose name has become
a synonym among tournament play-
ers for psychic bids, sensed a per-
sonal implication in the story.
Demands Satisfaction
Genial William E. McKenney, of
Cleveland, secretary of the American
Bridge League, planted himself be-
tween the combatants and made it
a no-hit contest.
Jacoby demanded satisfaction from
the executive committee, asserting
that if it were not forthcoming he
might withdraw from the league. Sims
filed a counter complaint.
Long after the players had gone
home, the executive committee de-
liberated over the protests.
Sims, coming from the committee
room, flung an epithet at Jacoby
and the two had to be pulled apart.
Failing to still the clamor with the
announcement that "appropriate ac-
tion" had been taken, the committee
went into a second huddle. Then the
chairman said:
Enemies Meet InFinal Round
"The conmittee reprimanded both
players for their conduct, but im-
posed no penalty as it is without our
jurisdiction. Neutral scores will be
given these players in tomorrow's
final roujad of the masters' pairs
when, in the course of play, they
should come together."
:Jacdby and hi partner, David
Burnstine, have already clinched the
men's pairs championship. Sims is
playing with Waldemar von Zedtwitz,
donor of the big gold cup which goes
to the victors.
Early in 1932, Jacoby rated Sims
as the best of all contract players.
That was in the days when they,
Burnstine and Willard S. Karn were
winning championships as the "four
horsemen." A few months later Ja-
coby was out - he explained that the
others were jealous.,
Now Jacoby and Burnstine are
teamed with Richard L. Frey and
Howard Schenken, also of New York
as the "four aces."

public opinion in all important coun-
tries, to channelize the thought of
his own country and to present the
gospel of fascism to all corners of
the world.
Under the direction of Il Duce's
son-in-law, Count Galeazzo Ciano,
the bureau is housed in the beautiful
Balestra palace on the Via Veneto,
diagonally across the street from the
American embassy and consulate.
The office is, in effect, a ministry,
with most of the powers, ramifica-
tions and duties of a department of
Divided into three sections, do-
mestic, foreign and propaganda,
Count Ciano's bureau scans leading
papers of the important countries.
Articles that interest Italy, how-
ever indirectly, are clipped, pasted
on file sheets, summarized on the
margins and the outstanding passages
underlined. These sheets are placed
by, Count Ciano on his father-in-
law's desk, thus giving the premier
a readily graspable idea of foreign
The bureau listens to the broad-
casts of the chief radio stations in
Europe. Clerks skilled in languages
copy them in shorthand. The por-
tions having an Italian interest are
submitted to Il Duce the same as
clippings from newspapers.
All Italian motion pictures are re-
viewed in a special room. The bureau
selects the films which are deemed
the best illustrations of the new Italy
for foreign spectators. These go to
Italian embassies and ministries for
showing abroad.
Books of a political nature, not
only in Italian but in other languages
are read carefully. The government's
permission must be given before a
book can be published in Italy, or
before a foreign book can be circu-
lated here.
Another duty of the bureau is to
hand out information to news re-
porters. There are separate sections
for Italian and foreign correspondents
and information on all government
departments is filtered through these
Prof, Hollister To Read
Poetry To Speech Class}
Prof. Richard Hollister will read
from Tennyson, Browning and sev-
eral recent poets at 8 p. in., Mon-
day, August 13, in Room 205 Mason
The reading will be especially for
the students in his Speech class 144,
but any others who may be interest-
ed are cordially invited to attend.
} VALUES you can't afford
to miss
4 Half Off
Al cottons -pastel and striped
wsh crepe lihter p nt and sheer
-Suits and Diesses Ensembles of
E printed dretses with plain wool
and silk coats. Two- and three-
piece Boucle Knits in lighter col-
ors - ALL Sweaters and Skirts.
DRESSES to Sizes 24%
_4Smaller' sizes in ,sweater & skirts-

Michigan Cities
Seek Reduction
Of Phone Rates
Mui6 cipal Attorneys Plan
Independent Action In
Utilities Fight
LANSING, Aug. 11.- (A') -Mich-
igan cities today pressed for inde-
pendent action seeking to lower gen-
eral telephone rates throughout the
More than a score of delegates at
a meeting of the Michigan Associa-
tion of City Attorneys Friday scored
the state for its method of handling
the Michigan Bell Telephone Co. rate
case. The association chose a com-
mittee to draft recommendations for
a separate action by the cities in the
rate litigation which is now pending
before the Michigan public utilities
commisison. Under the plan of the
cities, an independent petition is ex-
pected to be filed with the commis-
sion seeking reduced rates.
D. M. Britton, of Sturgis, was chos-
en chairman of the committee. Other
members are Arthur F. Lederle, as-
sistant corporation counsel for De-
troit, who was rebuked by utilities
commission this week for his com-
ment on the rate case; and Ganson
Taggart, of Grand Rapids.
The tension between the cities and
the state was widened when Peter
Fagan, secretary of the utilities com-
mission, criticized the conduct of city
legal representatives in the rate case.
He declared they had not "helped
the cause" of rate reduction. Fagan
substituted for James B. Balch, chair-
man of the commission, who was un-
able to attend.
The association, which is only two
years old, elected David E. McLauglin,
of Saginaw, as president. Other offi-
cers are: Vice-president, Ganson Tag-
gart, Grand Rapids; secretary, Thad-
deus M. Machrowicz, Ferndale; and
treasurer, Raymond J. Kelley, of De-
GRAND HAVEN, Aug. 11. -(IP) -
A parade celebrating the centennial
of Grand Haven, was witnessed here
Friday by a crowd estimated at 75,-
000 persons. The parade was two and
a half miles long.

WASHINGTON, Aug. 11. - ) -
Hopes of more trade with Russia hung
in the balance today as negotiations
threatened to reach an impasse.
Upon word from Moscow, saying
that the Soviet accepted or rejected
United States proposals for a settle-
ment of 16-year old debts and claims,
depended the fate of the negotiations.
For three weeks-since their trans-
fer from fruitless sessions in Moscow
- the talks between Secretary of
State Hull and Alexander Troyanov-
sky, Soviet ambassador, sailed along
nicely, but they drifted late Friday
toward trouble.
After a man-to-man talk, a con-
ference by Hull, Troyanovsky, and R.
Walton Moore, assistant secretary of
state, broke up without making head-
Hull and Troyanovsky reserved
comment on the possibility of a break-
down, but Moore, obviously discour-
aged, told newspapermen bluntly:
"We will know in a few days whe-
ther there is any possibility of an
Troyanovsky admitted little prog-
ress had been made, but asserted an
agreement "must" be reached.
It was understood Troyanovsky was
unable Friday to accept Hull's pro-
posal for settlement of a major point.
The ambassador, it was understood,
would communicate immediately with
Maxim Litvinoff, Soviet commissar
for foreign affairs and on Litvinoff's
answer would depend the future of
the talks.
Preacher Bitten By
Rattler On Road
To Faith'.R ecovery
SYLVA, N. C., Aug. 11. - (P) -Cre-
dulous residents of the Balsam moun-
tain fastnesses watched with awe to-
day the workings of the "faith cure"
on Albert Teester, 39-year-old holi-
ness preacher who braved a rattle-
snake's fangs to prove his Divine
"God will take care of it," the
writhing Teester told his backwoods
flock, after the reptile struck him
twice Sunday night as he held it aloft
in his pulpit.
Spurning medical care, as did his
wife when she diedof child birth
several years ago, Teester said he
handled the snake because Christ,
as quoted in Luke 16, said "Thou shalt
take up serpents."
For years Teester had told his flock
his faith made him impervious to
fire and other human tortures. When
the snake bit him he fled screaming
from the pulpit, but regained his
composure a short time later.
His arm swelled. His tongue filled
his mouth. His neck and back were
inflamed. But he still held to the effi-
cacy of faith as opposed to medical
And today he appeared to be re-
Cures of the bite of the mountain
rattler are not uncommon - when
medical care is quickly administered.
But seldom does the poison fail to be
deadly if such care is not available
and especially in cases where the
I bare flesh is struck, as was Teester's
arm twice.
College & Fraternity Jewelery
Watch & Jewelry Repairing
16 Nickels Arc. Carl. F Bay

' F

Once Student Here,
Stu' Churchill Now
Stars. With Waring'
Stuart Churchill, former Univer-
sity of Michigan student, is the most
versatile member of Fred Waring's
Pennsylvanians. He will find many
of his Ann Arbor band pals in the.
audience during his current appear-!
ance in Detroit, which started Friday.
Churchill led the drum section in
the Varsity Band-a strange place
to find him in view of the fact that
he plays practically every instrument
in the band. But he likes those
drums-a cause for considerable con-
sternation to "Frog-Voice" Poley Mc-
Clintock, official drummer for the
With his Ann Arbor Phi Mu Alpha
pin jauntily displayed on his vest,
Stuart dropped in on Fred Waring
when the latter visited Detroit in 1929,
and requested an audition. Fred
agreed. Two porters helped Stuart

-Associated Press Photo
* * *

Prison, Break
Fails; Convicts
Slain In Fight
BATON ROUGE, La., Aug.11.- (AP)
Two convicts were shot and killed and
six wounded at the Louisiana State
Penitentiary at Angola this morning
when armed guards frustrated an at-
tempted wholesale escape.
The break was planned along the
lines of the Dillinger "wooden gun"
The dead: Bill Bryant, long termer
and leader in the bloody prison break
of September, 1933, and Raymond
Prison officials said Bryant and Lu-
cas Badeaux, the latter charged sev-
eral days ago with the fatal knifing
of a fellow convict, rushed at Henry
Clark, a guard. They were armed with
cleverly fashioned wooden pistols.
Clark commanded them to drop
their weapons. They rushed on to-
ward him. As other guards reached
the spot, Clark cut loose, firing seven
slugs. ;from an automatic rifle into
Bryant's body.
Firing broke out from other guards
as nine convicts ran for liberty. Six
were wounded and two of them are
not expected to live.
carry his instruments to the studio.
Fred's eyes popped, but he braced
himself and listened while Stuart
gave the longest audition on record.
Startings with the sax, he demon-
strated his ability with the guitar,
bassoon, tympani, vibraphone, vio-
lin, flute and four other instruments.
Then he sang!
Fred hired him on the spot, and
from that day" forward has been ex-
tremely well pleased, for many times
IStuart has been called at the eleventh
hoiur to' fill in for an absent musi-
cian. He is not only a"utility man
but a star of the first water in any
job which he fills.'
Recently he has won additional
fame through his solo parts in the
glee club numbers, his clear tenor
voice having won the praise of the
nation's critics as well as its lay

E NI Ea _. ancut ngod dBrgs
holiday off for cutting .. . find solace in
BR'IGGS. There's not a bite in a barrel!
BRIGGS is mellowed in the wood for
year's. It's smoo0ther, better, than tobacco
costing twice as much
One puff of BRIGGS tells why it became
a nation-wide favorite before it had a nde
Of advertisig. But let sRIGGSbpeak

SIZE 11x 14 INCH
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