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August 09, 1934 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1934-08-09

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Official Publication of the Summer Session

Screen Reflections.



j --


HE - ,
Publisned every morning except Mdnday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
.and the Big Ten News Service.
s0Ciatedd 6014iitt ^ r"O',
9933 (NATIONAL .- covEcAE 1934
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication cf all news dispatches credited to it
or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local
news published herein. All rights of republication of
special dispatches are reserved.
Enteredsat the Post Ofsice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Spe ial rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.25; by mail,
$1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $3.75; by
mail, $4.25.
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: College Publications Representatives,
Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80
Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Phone 4925
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Charles A. Baird, Clinton B. Con-
ger, Paul J. Elliott, Thomas E. Groehn, Thomas H.
Kleene. William R. Reed, Robert S. Ruwitch.
REPORTERS: Barbara Bates, C. H. Beukema, Donald R.
Bird, Ralph Danhoff, FrancesdEnglish, Elsie Pierce, .Vir-
ginia Scott, Bernard H. Fried.
Office Hours: 9-12, 1-5 . Phone 2-1214


Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very
good; two stars good; one star just another picture;
no stars keep away from it.
The navy comes to town today in the movie,
Let's Talk It \Over," which opens at the Michigan
Theatre. Chester Morris is featured in his first
tarring role as the gob who crashes society and
ells its members what's wrong with them.
The plot has been done many times before, al-
though not always with a sailor in the leading role.
You know how it goes. The Spoiled Society Girl
falls in love with the Upright Young Man and
immediately he feels it's his duty to tell her how
weak and pitiful she and her crowd are.
Usually in the end she comes to her senses, leaves
her liquor and parties behind, and. goes in for
the sweet, simple life - as the wife of the U.Y.M.
This is the plot in brief of "Let's Talk It Over,"
although the Society Girl does a little reform work
herself taking the sailor out of the sea and the
sea out of the sailor.
Mae Clarke is featured opposite Morris in the
part of the fast-stepping society girl. In addition
to Miss Clarke, Frank Craven, stage star and
playwright, has an important part, and Irene Ware,
Andy Devine, Russ Brown and many others are in
the east.
Kurt Neumann directed "Let's Talk It Over'
from an original screen play by John Meehan, Jr.
As the third presentation of. the Ann Arbor
Greater Movie Season, the Majestic Theatre today
offers the Warner Bros. production, "A Modern
Hero," in which Richard Barthelmess appears in
the leading role.
The picture is based on the recent best-selling
novel by Louis Bromfield, many of whose bookE
have been dramatized on the stage and screen.
In this story he has penned a characterization
of a youth of conflicting traits traceable to hi
financial genius father, and his mother, a popular
circus idol.
A circus rider with his mother's tent show, he
works discontentedly at his job until opportunity
opens for him to enter business for which he ha
his father's . ability, and becomes a captain of
From his father he inherits a ruthlessness which
is indicative of both his business and his mati:
love affairs, although tempered by a certain kindli
ness he gets from his mother.
Five leading ladies are required for the fivE
important feminine roles. They are Jean Muir
Marjorie Rambeau, Florence Eldridge, Dorothy
Burgess and Verree Teasdale.
The principal male parts are taken by Theo-
dore Newton, Hobart Cavanaugh, William Janney
J. M. Kerrigan, and Arthur Hohl.
G. W. Pabst, German director, makes his Amer
ican debut with this production. The screen pla,
is by Gene Markey and Kathryn Scola.

We, of '24 considered ourselves tremendously
shrewd and appreciative of the affairs of our world.
It was a world which almost defied shrewdness
and was Capitalism triumphant. The best jobs of
that time seemed to be in Wall Street; today
they seem to be in Washington.
To turn now to that other pretty myth, the
Average Man (a phrase which automatically elim-
inates the college man), it may be said that his
habits have undoubtedly been radically changed
by economic conditions. He has been sobered by
the grim necessity and often the impossibility of
eking out an existence. His clothes are more shiny
and his automobiles are less so. He seriously doubts
the axiom of ten years ago. But it is to be,
doubted that he has changed fundamentally. HisI
values are certainly different from those of his1
predecessors but who can say that they are less
ephemeral? Neither wars nor depression seem to
teach most of us anything. We seem stubbornly to
remain mentally adolescent.
Fortunately not all men are so handicapped. We
can look to the college man of today with a real
hope for the future of the race. He has learned.
He has grown up -it would be cynical to add,
-Just a Sour Old Grad.
To the Editor:
Your Michigan Daily is an extremely irrational
paper. You preach liberalism in your editorials six
days a week, and lead one to believe that intel-
lectuality in all its manifest forms is died for by
the editors with the devotion of a: cavalier.
Yet there constantly appears, covering over half
a page, an advertizement ballyhooing the world
stating with authority that Lucky Strikes are "so
r round and pure" always made with "the finest to-
baccos." Certainly a paper to be consistent would
demand that its pages be free of the propaganda
1 it surely detests.
Who cares if some manicured female hand with
a glistening bracelet is plucking a package of
s Luckies from a'bed of tobacco leaves - as if those
cigarettes came with consummation of mortal
struggle. The weakness of the American people i,
s the apotheization of dinner coats, long evening
r dresses, bracelets, and wealth. The majority of u
feel that although we are now unpossessed in a
few years through the gateway of equal oppor-
y tunity and individual initiative, our hallowed shib-
s boleths, we shall soon reach the acmy of present
f civilization and smoke only fully packed Lucky
It is hoped that we have been disillusioned
y since the champing days of the late '20's, but if
- appears as if the revered organ of the University
opinion has not sufficient depth of insight noi
e fortitude to apply its philosophical doctrines to
even the next page.
y I -Everett Burtt.

Attacked; For
Extreme Bias
Brumin Criticizes Those
Who Suspiciously E y e
Educational Programs

W t



(Continued from Page 1)
adustrialist and financier, still cling
athetically to the frontier mental-
The spirit of noblesse oblige, fair
lay and good sportsmanship so char-
Lteristic of the college world is dis-
ained by those who ply their money-
eeking ventures among their fellow
nen in the business world, Professor
rumm maintained. Cheating in
chool examinations is publicly con-
emned whereas a successful "rook-
ng" by the business man of his less
Nary opponent is looked upon as a
isplay of "acumen," he said. The
chool displays respects for "the rules
f the game," and frowns on ostenta-
ious display, gives the poor boy a
hance to come to the fore with a
uperior display of mentality, and de-
velops loyalties to ideals, friendships,
nstitutions and personalities, he
added, but businessmen are satisfied
with "jungle law," exploit vulgarity
n advertising, sneer at the "incom-
petent" poor man, and scoff at "in-
erfering" ideas like loyalty.
Characterizing the school system as
"shot through with fear of authority,"
Professor Brumm pointed out that the
average teacher, serving as he does
under department heads, supperin-
tendents, school boards, and party
eaders who truckle to "special in-
terests," is committed perforce to a
philosophy of defeatism, which, how-
ever, has not kept him entirely from
teaching his students to invade the
outer world without kow-towing to
political demagogues.
"There is always the insecurity of
tenure to make the teacher amenable
to non-educational authorities," Pro-
fessor Brumm said. "The teachers are
a part of a system that is anything
but democratic."
Yes, say the teachers of 1934, and
add to all that the fact that when we
are paid at all it is mighty little.
Am I as a teacher - a laborer -
worthy of my hire? Have I a constitu-
tional guarantee to life, liberty, and
the pursuit of happiness?
Sympathizes With Teacher
To these pressing questions of the
hour Professor Brumm replied that he
could "easily sympathize" with the
teacher in his plight, but could not
see hope for the teacher's exemption
from economic distress "when 15,-
000,000 of our fellow laborers are also
worthy of their hire - were they
"Our first concern as teachers
should not be to secure for our-
selves more pay while so many mil-
lions of our fellow humans .are desti-
tute, but to look to the educational
defences which have failed to protect
our civilization against the malign
forces that threaten its destruction.
Scores Unequal Pays
"Why should any person, in a civ-
ilized society, get more pay for hip
services to society than any other per-
"Why should a ditch-digger receivE
any less for his toil than the school
superintendent receives for his?
"The hoary law of supply and de-

University High School Demonstra-
tion Assembly: The sixth demonstra-
tion assembly of the University High
School summer session will be pre-
sented Friday morning, August 10, in
the high school auditorium at 11 o'-
clock. The program will be under the
direction of Professor David Mattern.
There will be a demonstration of the
teaching of playing of wind and
stringed instruments to beginning pu-
pils in the grades as well as several se-
lections by more advanced high school
students. All summer session stu-
dents who are interested are welcome
to attend the assembly.
Education Baseball Game 4:15 p.m.
Ferry Field. League playoff between
the Principals and Educational Re-
search teams.
A special announcement relating to
late Friday afternoon and Saturday
morning classes to be offered by the
School of Education next year is now
ready for distribution. Copies may
be secured in the office of the School
of Education or in the libraries of the
University High School and Elemen-
tary School.


Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the Summer Session office until 3:30; 11:30

John Streif
Bill Langden
Paul Kissinger
Bob Fox
Garry Bunting
Bob Babcock
Chuck Niessen
Richard Edmondson
Hugh Johnson
Tom Linden
Ethel McCormick
This group of hostesses will work
Friday, August 10. Please report
promptly at 8:45 on the second floor
of the Michigan League.
Phyllis Brumm
Kay Russell
Frances "Thornton
Margaret Sievers
Wilma Clisbe
Mary Ellen Hall
Barbara Nelson
Marian Demaree
Elva Pascoe
Margaret Burke
Sue Calcutt
Marie Heid
Lucille Benz
Charlotte Johnson
Marian Wiggin
Delta Glass
Adele Shukwit
Marcia Hymes
Ethel McCormick

Te Constitution -
Reasori vs. Sentiment'...
TN THESE DAYS of political and
I social change the argument that
"it's unconstitutional" is often offered by the con-
servative and reactionary elements as proof that
a proposed measure is fundamentally bad. It is an
effective argument, for in the mirds of many
Americans any measure which is not in accord
with the Constitution is irrefutably damned. But'
it is not a good logical argument.
The American Constitution has been described
as "the most perfect document ever conceived by
the mind of man," "the greatest contribution to
political science in the history of the world," "a
perfect and eternal outline for the government of
our nation." Countless other superlatives have been
used, until today the average American worships
the Constitution. He regards the makers of the
Constitution as beings who were endowed with su-
perhuman intelligence and altruism.
The makers of the Constitution did not regard
themselves as supermen. In the convention which
finally adopted the Constitution, they fought, com-
promised; tricked each other, and indulged in
as much "log-rolling" as the average state legisla-
ture of a generation ago. They were theorists;
idealists. advocating a plan of government which
had never before been successfully practiced.
Jefferson, Madison, Adams, and others were the
"brain trust" of their .era. They recognized the
Constitution they adopted as an imperfect and
vague experiment. The government which was set
up under their direction was so radical for the
tlme that Russia refused to recognize the United
States for several decades, because it was feared
that radical propaganda from America might
corrupt' the venerable government of the Czar.
Today the situation is reversed. The advocates
of strict adherence to the Constitution are the
conservatives, the proponents of change are rad-
The supporters of the present system argue upon
three bases: that government under the Consti-
tution has worked well in practice, "made America
what it is today"; that the Constitution is old, and
so deserving of veneration; and that anything
not in keeping with the Constitution - abandoning
the "rugged individualism" idea, for example - is
The proponents of change answer that our gov-
ernment worked well for a time, but that it has
proved itself inadequate for present conditions;
that worship of the Constitution on account of its
age is illogical and unscientific, because our gov-
ernment has become senile; and that morals, being
only the accepted standards of the people, will
change when our government changes.
. The supporters of the Constitution say "Let well
enough alone." Its opponents say, "Reason indi-
cates that a change is needed. Our present govern-
ment is not well enough to be left alone; it needs
a major operation."
It is difficult to judge between the two view-
points. Sentiment is in favor of the Constitution,
reason is opposed to it, but man is naturally af-
fected by sentiment.
Nearly 150 years ago a group of radical theorists
made a framework of government. They could
not forsee the changes which would come about
after their deaths. Today another group of theor-
ists - the more liberal "new-dealers" - advances
a different set of theories.
Can we place the theories of one group ahead
of, those of the other? Reasonably, we can only
accept the theories which are formulated to meet
our present needs. In judging the merits of any
proposed measure we must disregard all considera-
tions other than the present needs of our society.
Inertia must be overcome. The argument that "It's
unconstitutional" must be disregarded.

Attention of All Concerned: Name-
ly faculty, administrative and clerical
staff members and students, is re-
spectfully called to the following ac-
tion by the Regents.
Students shall pay in acceptable
funds (which shall not include notes,
unless the same are bankable) all
amounts due the University before
they can be admitted to the final ex-
aminations at the end of either se-
mester or of the Summer Session. No
office in the University is authorized
to make any exception to this rule.
( Any specific questions that can be
foreseen arising in this connection
should be taken up with the proper1
authorities at the earliest possible mo-
Shirley W. Smith
Master's Candidates in History:
The language examination for Mas-
ter's candidates in history will be
given Friday, August 10, at 4 p.m., in
Room B, Haven Hall.
Women Students: The last picnic-
swim of the summer will be held at
Hudson's Corners this Friday. The
party will leave Barbour Gymnasium
at 5:00 p.m. Women students wish-
ing to go are asked to register in Room
15, Barbour Gymnasium. A small fee
will be charged.
Men who are acting as officials at
the Friday night dance, please report
promptly at 8:45 on the second floor
of the Michigan League.
Bob Calver
mand enailes the superintendont,
who is scarcer than the ditch-digger,
to command more pay, but it doesn't
justify it as a civilized social practice.
The superintendent gets more pay
simply because he can get it - be-
cause society is in the habit of paying
him more. But these considerations
indicate only that the superintendent
can get more, not that he should get
"It does not require appreciably
more in the way of sustenance to keep
one human body alive than it does an-

Michigan. Dames: The Michigan
Dames will play bridge in the Ethel
Fountain Hussey room of the Mich-
igan League this evening at 8:00 p.m.
Both contract and auction will be
played. All wives of students and
Wives of internes at the University
Hospital are invited.
The Dance Club will meet from 5:00
p.m. to 6:00 p.m. today in Sarah Cas-
well Angell Hall.

The Theatre

n i

Campus Opinion
Letters published in this column should not be con-
strued as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous communications will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be re-
garded as confidential upon request. Contributors
are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less
than 500 words if possible.
To the Editor:
Some weeks ago there arose from the columns
of this distinguished publication the wail of a
good woman who was irritated, more or less justly
I believe, by the caustic comments of the now
defunct Campus Observer. She called for a cham-
pion to take up cudgels against the callow youth
which is aroused to ribald mirth by the antics of
the Old Maid School-marm, the backbone of the
Summer Session.
As an alumnus of the vintage of '24, I cannot,
or at any rate will not refrain from calling her
attention to a very encouraging manifestation of
the better type of undergraduate mind, to wit,
the editorial in Tuesday's Daily entitled "The New
Deal College Student."
The gist of the editorial is admirably summed
up in the final sentence, when the writer announces
without bombast or conceit and certainly without
smugness but merely as a simple statement of
fact that "He (the college student of today) has
grown up." This is indeed encouraging for it
implies an aptitude for evolution which is in
striking contrast to that of the rest of us.
"Gone," we are told, "is the rollicking, noisy,
coon-skinned college boy -once of actual fact,"
and "Out of the morass of the last few years comes
a new kind of college student." As one who once
wallowed in that morass I gaze with contrition
upon this new man, for I know that the indictment
of my own era is a just one. It is true that the
pinch of poverty, even then not entirely unknown,
caused some of us to covet rather than to wear the
coon-skin uniform, but rollicking, noisy boys we
certainly were. Oddly enough we considered our-
selves very sophisticated and a tremendous im-
provement over the ridiculous, peg-topped, turtle-
necked animal of a decade or so previous. We
would certainly never have dreamed, however, that
the college man of 1934 would, as The Daily
puts it, "adopt the conservative, smart clothes of
the average business man," exemplified I assume
by the linen suit, dark blue shirt and bright yellow
cravat which grace the campus of today.
The new college man, to quote again, "has
taken to reading the front page after a decade's
diet of the comics." Here the comparative values of
the careers of Dillinger and Boob McNutt are a bit
bewildering but I assume that the second and
third pages, which generally carry the really sig-
nificant news, are not neglected. We, who were
suckled on the comics, however, laughed with
even greater gusto at the preoccupation of our
predecessors with the problems of organized reli-
gion and took a real if adolescent interest in the
writings of Nietzsche and Schopenhauer. It was a
rare comic that could compete with the clownings

By Brackley Shawt
It might be thought that in attempting "Marco
Millions," Eugene O'Neill's monumental satire on1
the values of contemporary American lift, the
Summer Repertory Players had bitten off more;
than they could chew, but they do a highly credit-
able job of this tremendously difficult play.
The play itself is a remarkable arraignment of
the loss of the spiritual values of life by the big
business man, the high-pressure salesman. Marco
Polo represents the apotheosis of the material in
whom Kublai Khan strives to discover the "im-
mortal soul" that he has heard of as the greatest
tenet of the Christian life. He finds instead but7
a lump of self-satisfaction in Marco's commercial
Not only has Marco given up religious beliefs to
worldly gain but he has no conception of romantic;
love -powerfully illustrated by his rejection of+
Princess Kukachin, Kublai's grand-daughter, in
favor of the plump, efficient, and not too intel-
ligent Donata back home in Venice. The contrast
between the idealistic conception of love, repre-
sented by Kukachin, and Marco's inability to
understand a wife as anything but a convenience is
beautifully brought out in a scene on board Marco's
ship in which Kukachin tries unsuccessfully to
bring out in Marco something besides a hopelessly
materialistic point of view.
The East, in this play, represents the life in
which time for contemplation and thought on some
subjects aside from making money has an impor-
tant part,.in contrast to Marco, whose philosophy
is to keep his nose to the grindstone, to pick out a
straight line and follow it until he gets somewhere
-it doesn't seem to matter where. And the contrast
leaves the go-getter looking pretty futile.
But O'Neill seems to have taken a cynical point
of view toward his problem, for he leaves Marco
conceitedly happy in the midst of his wealth, and
Kakuchin, the romantic, the dreamer, dead of
disillusionment in a world in which there are too
many Marco Polos. And Kublai Khan's contempla-
tion has in the end brought him nothing but a
tremendous bitterness.
This play has 67 different actors, requiring just
so many costumes, and nine settings. Great credit
must go to the costumer for the beautiful work
done on the clothing, which must have required
endless labor. The settings are so good that at
one point in the play last night, the first night
audience broke into spontaneous applause for the
set before a word has been said.
The acting throughout is competent but par-
ticular credit is due to Mary Pray who made
the character of Kukachin tragic and beautiful.
Her portrayal of the part is sympathetic and mov-
ing. Francis Compton as Marco Polo after growing
up - Goddard Light takes the part in Act I - is as
good as anyone who has seen him before has
come to expect. Frederic Crandall as Kublai Khan
also is particularly convincing. The remainder of
the cast did well.
It is something of a mystery why the last scene
was written, for the contrast is quite sufficiently
brought out before that. It seems to be a sort of
an anti-climax merely for the purpose of intro-
ducing a little philosophy which is thoroughly pre-


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14 & 16-FOX-TROT
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- I


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Louis Bromfield's Sensational Best Seller
- - - - - - - - - - -


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