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August 09, 1934 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1934-08-09

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The Weather
Cloudy and cooler today, pre-
cede by showers in southeast;
tomorrow fair and moderate.


Official Publication Of The Summer Session

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Mercury Hits


Responsibility Of Education In
Curbing Juvenile Crime Told



115 As West
Again Suffers
East Is Favored By Cool
Weather As Heat Wave
Booms December Wheat
Ottumwa Swelters
In Record Baking

Pointing out that a third of all
the crimes committed in this country
may be attributed to boys and girls in
the high school age, Prof. 0. W.
Stephenson said yesterday that edu-
cation has a greater responsibility
than ever in the restriction of crime.
Professor Stephenson was the
speaker at the next to last of the
four o'clock educational school con-
ferences, and spoke on the topic: "Ed-
Dr. William G. Carr, director of
research of the National Educa-
tion Association, will conclude
the series of 4 o'clock conferences
sponsored by the School of Edu-
cation today when he speaks in
Room 1022, University H i g h
School, on "Some Policies -of the
N.E.A." Dr. Carr's speech is
scheduled for 4:10 p.m.

Drought Conditions Arc
Termed 'Extremely Bad
As Sun RuinsCrops
(By Associated Press)
Temperatures flared as high as 11
degrees in the super-heated Mid-Wes
yesterday as the weatherman stokec
that huge over for another baking
The 115-degree heat was reportec
officially at Ottumwa, Ia. It brok
all Iowa heat records.
Other hot spots on the map of dis-
comfort which stretched from the Al-
leghenies to the Rockies were Lin-
coln, Neb., and St. Louis, both with
106-degree readings; Kansas City,
where it was 105; and Des Moines, Ia.,
was, 102.
As the new August torrid wave
struck the harassed mid-continent,
grain traders heard sensational re-
ports of the havoc already wrought in
the nation's fields. December wheat
was whirled up to $1.12 a bushel, a
season record. May wheat hit a $1.15
high and December and May corn hit
new highs of 79 and 84 cents, respec-
The weather bureau called drought
conditions "extremely bad" from the
Mississippi west to the Rockies, with
crops deterioriating under persistent
abnormally high temperatures.
Rain relieved some sections of the
belt, but where the temperature was
relatively low, excessively high hu-
midity made it uncomfortable. In
Milwaukee the thermometer regis-
tered 80, but the humidity was 92.
The East was favored by relatively
cool weather.
Track Squad,
California To
Meet In 1935
Close Contest Is Expected
With Michigan Lacking
Outdoor Practice
Michigan's track team will meet
the University of California in a
dual meet next year at Berkeley,
Calif., it was announced yesterday by
University athletics officials. The meet
is to be held April 13.
The trip to the west coast will be
one of the longest trips undertaken
by a Michigan squad in recent years,
and answers a partial demand that
Wolverine teams be seen in action
outside the Big Ten, where Coach
Hoyt's track teams have been consis-
tently strong.
Michigan's team will be handi-
capped by a lack of outdoor practice
because of the early date, but ob-
servers look to a close meet between
the Golden Bear and Wolverine
Coach Hoyt will have a strong
squad in 1935, amply supported by
sophomores from what Freshman
Coach Ken Doherty has called "the
strongest freshman squad in years,,,
but several members of Michigan's
indoor championship squad and con-
tenders for the outdoor title have been
lost by graduation.
Doctors Lost On
Lake Return Safely
MT. CLEMENS, Aug. 8. - ()-
While the anxious wives of two Mt.
Clemens doctors Tode around Lake
St. Clair in a speedboat search for
their husbands, Doctors R. F. Salot
and Rufus Reitzel, the doctors rowed
a fuelless 18-foot launch from Straw-
berry Island to Algonac, got some
gasoline, and returned home after
being missing 18 hours.
Three speedboats scoured the Lake
until a late hou Tuesday night for
the two. One of the boats, piloted by

Jack Oster, ca;rried Mrs. Salot and
Mrs. Reitzel. The others were driven
by Sam Schwartz, Mt. Clemens hotel
proprietor, and Sheriff George P.

of the young criminals come, an
especially from the lower economi
This he attributed to the fact tha
recent legislation has put manual la
bor beyond the reach of young people
under 18, and that young men an
women just beyond 18, where crim
reaches its peak, can find no legiti
mate work. Moreover, labor, with
greatly reduced income, finds it neces.
sary to support children over a longer
period of years than before, sinc
these sons and daughters are unable
to contribute much to the family in-
come or towards their own support.
"If by laws prohibiting the employ-
ment of child labor, boys and girls
are to remain in school," Professoi
Stephenson said, "labor and the pub-
lic generally must provide propel
equipment, buildings, and courses of
study to take care of youth, or the
public must pay an even greater cost
in crime.
"The American public, and that
part of it known as the laboring class
upon whom the chief burden of crime
falls, must pay more for schools and
less for institutions which harbor
criminals and for other sacrifices
they must make as victims of crim-
inal acts."

ucational Responsibilities in Relation
to Delinquency and Crime."
This responsibility of education, he
said, is shared by American labor.
Education and labor, therefore are
drawn more closely together than ever
they have been in the past. He also
cited the fact that it is from the labor-
ing classes that the largest_ per cent,


__ F

Ask Roosevelt
TO End Strike
In Minneapolis
Citizens' Groups Charges
Deprivation Of Rights
Under Military Rule
An appeal to President Roosevelt to
take immediate steps to end the 23-
day-old strike of truck drivers was
made yesterday by a citizens' group
at Minneapolis.
They charged that they were being
deprived of their rights by military
At the same time Gov. Olson sus-
pended the military court there.
Striking employees of the American
Distillery Co. at Pekin, Ill., where five
persons were hurt Tuesday in a clash
between pickets and guards aban-
doned their demands for a closed shop
and submitted a plan for ending the
A strike of garment-makers, initi-
ated at New York, spread to Newark,
Union City, and other New Jersey
cities. Union officials said 3,000 work-
ers had joined the 18,000 striking knit
goods employees of New York.
Several clashes were broken up at
the Missouri Garment Co. factory at
Kansas City. Two pickets of the In-
ternational Ladies' Garment Work-
ers Union were arrested on charges
of disturbing the peace.
Attempts by union sympathizers to
picket the plant of the Gregory and
Reed Wood Steel Co. at Malden,
Mass.,led to nearly 100 arrests. Work-,
ers within the plant continued at their
Violence was feared near Sioux
Falls, S. D., as a crowd of striking
relief workers prepared to go to the
Harrisburg Dam project about 15
miles away in an effort to force relief
workers of Lee County to join in the

Final Supper Willf
Be Held At League
On Sunday Evening
The final social event of the Sum-
mer Session will take pace Sunday
night at the League, where the League
will sponsor a supper party. The
charge will be 35 cents, the supper
begins at 6, and everyone even re-
motely connected with the University
is invited.
The faculty will be there to get
its last relaxation before hammering
the final points of their courses home
to the students. The students will
be there for one last fling before ex-
aminations. Lots of people will be
there for the meal, which in itself will
be a strong attraction.
Also present will be the Michigan.
League trio, which will provide amuse-
ment for the affair, and various other
entertainers will round out the bill
with specialty acts of their own.
Everyone is expected to be at the
Sunday night supper to bid one last
lingering farewell to the joys of the
Summer Session.
Slit Throats Of
3 Children In
Arab-Jew Riot'

Mr. Roosevelt
Weathers Sun
On Long Tour
e Drives To See amniot
d Construction Project O
e Upper Mississippi
- Inspects Progress
e On 9-Foot Channel
Thousands Brave Heat To
Catch Glimpse Of Chief
ROOSEVELT, Aug. 8. - (A') - Presi-
dent Roosevelt defied scorching heal
today to drive along the Govern-
ment's mammoth construction proj-
ect on the Upper Mississippi.
Leaving Rochester, Minn., early in
the afternoon after participating in
exercises honoring Drs. William and
Charles Mayo, world-famous surg-
eons, the President started along a
I70-mile motor course to inspect prog-
ress of the new nine-foot channel
opening the Mississippi to navigation
to Minneapolis.
It was one of the hottest and also
busiest days of the tireless Mr. Roose-
velt on his intensive cross-country in-
spection, but he stuck to his program.
At Rochester in heat that caused
scores of collapses among the vast as-
semblage in the sun on Soldiers Field
he spoke very briefly, lauding the
famed Mayo' brothers for their spirit
of brotherhood to mankind.
Heads For Green Bay
After lunch the presidential motor
caravan headed toward Lake City, on
the Mississippi, and thence along the
stream with its new dams and locks
to Winona, where the special train
waited to carry the President to Green
Bay, Wis., for th principal address of
his journey tomorrow.
As at every turn on his long over-
land journeyitremendous crowds of
enthusiastic people met Mr. Roose-
velt today. Thousands stood for hours
in the withering heat to catch a
glimpse of him, and the smiling Pres-
ident was forced almost constantly
to have his hat off for a wave of re-
Impressive but almost tragic was
the scene at Soldiers Field, Roches-
ter, where thousands upon thousands
stood for hours in the open sun to see
and hear Mr. Roosevelt.
While dozens of those overcome
were being carried from the field the
introductory speakers went through
to the end of their long speeches, each
one speaking twice as long as the
Edward F. Hayes, national com-
mander, spoke for the American Le-
gion, and Michael Murray, state com-
mander, spoke in behalf of the state
Legionnaires. The ceremony was
conducted by the Rochester Ameri-
can Legion.
Visits Sisters At St. Joseph
After the ceremony at Rochester
the President stopped to visit the Sis-
ters of St. Joseph, who in 1889 estab-
lished St. Mary's Hospital in connec-
tion with the Mayo Clinic.
He talked at length with Sister
Joseph, who five years ago celebrated
her golden jubilee as member of the
order. In the present modern struc-
ture Sister Joseph explained to the
President the conditions of a primi-
tive day when she held a kerosene
lamp while Dr. William Mayo per-
formed his operations. In those days

sisters of night duty carried a lantern
to light their way from bed to bed.
The President also talked with
Mother Aquinas, superior general of
the congregation.

Uncle Sam, Greatest
Butchers, Is Prodded
Lack Of Water

5,000,000 Head Are
I To Be Purchased
laughter Of Emaciated
f Animals May Erase An
Economic Handicap
CHICAGO, Aug. 8. - (') - The
- world's greatest livestock butcher, the
t United States government, today was
- in the midst of a cattle slaughter pro-
gram that may accomplish.in a few
months some of the things economists
i advocated last spring.
Speeded by forage and water short-
age, the wholesale killing of beef and
dairy cattle, besides giving meat to the
L needy, may erase one of the livestock
industry's m a j o r problems - the
steady increase of the cattle pptila-
tion, now about half the nation's total
human population.
S With 1,000,000 emaciated cattle al-
ready dead under the government axe
of mercy, 850,000 bought up ready for{
slaughter and about 150,000 shipped
to pasture in Southern states, tenta-
tive plans called for the purchase of
approximately 5,000,000 more before
Federal agents consider the acute sit-
uation relieved.-I
What effect will this huge program
have upon the nation's meat reserves?
Authoritative sources were hesitant
about the answer. Instead, they cited
normal livestock population and'
slaughter figures to show the magni-
tude of the drought relief operation.
Government slaughter of 7,000,000
starving and diseased cattle, should I
it reach that figure, would equal about.
one-third of the total normal annual
cattle ill In the United, Stats. Some
authorities asserted this would do no
more than remove the existing "sur-
plus" of cattle in the nation's herds
-if there is an oversupply.
Open O'Neill
Play Before
Large House
Eugene O'Neill's play "Marco Mil-
lions" opened last night at the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. Despite the
warm evening the theatre was well
filled with faculty members, students,
and Ann Arborites.
Many well-known persons from thex
Summer Session faculty were present.
Those especially noted were Prof. and
Mrs. H. A. Kenyon; .Prof. and Mrs.
Louis M. Eich, Mr. and Mrs. W. B.
Ford, Dr. and Mrs. Warren E. For-
sythe, Prof. and Mrs. Frank Mikle,
and Prof. and Mrs. Ferdinand N. Men-
Mrs. Thomas Reed, Prof. and Mrs.
Floyd K. Riley, Prof. and Mrs. I. L.
Sharfman, Prof. and Mrs. Arthur E.
Wood, Prof. and Mrs. Arthur Bro-
mage, Prof. and Mrs. Edwin Durfee,
Prof. and Mrs. Henry F. Adams, Prof.
and Mrs. William H. Hobbs, Prof. and
Mrs. Edward L. Adams.
SYDNEY, N. S., Aug. 8. - () -
Prime Minister J. Ramsay MacDonald
of Great Britain, waved farewell to
Canada today as he started on a short
sea voyage to the Dominion of New-

U. S. Rushes Battling Mayor BusinessMan
Program Of AttackedFor
Cattle Killing Extreme Bias



American League
Detroit ................67
New York. ...........64
Boston ................55
Washington ...........49
St. Louis ..............44
Chicago....... .....37
Yesterday's Results



Detroit 7, St. Louis 6 (10 innings).
Washington 9, New York 2.
Boston 11, Philadelphia 9.


CONSTANTINE, Algeria, Aug. 8.
- (R) - The full horror of the riot-
ing here between Arabs and Jews
was revealed today by an official cas-
ualty list which reports that the
throats of three little girls were cut.
These children, 4, 8, and 10 years
old, were slashed with native knives,
the heads being almost severed.
A partial list of the dead showed the
throats of 13 victims were cut, while
others were beaten with heavy clubs.
The official tabulation still stood at
27 dead, but the authorities believed
that the Arabs hid the bodies of many
slain Jews.
Troops continued to patrol the
streets and funerals for the slain
were postponed again until tomorrow,
in order to give the French author-
ities more time for measures to pre-
vent new outbreaks.
Aviators Start
Bagdad Trip
WASAGA BEACH, Ont., Aug. 8. -
OP)- James Ayling and Leonard Reid,
aviators with no experience at long-
distance flying, speeded eastward to-
night, determined not to land until
they saw the minarets of Bagdad 6,-
300 miles away.
They set out from here early today
to break the existing nonstop flight
record of 5,657.6 miles, a feat requir-
ing them to cross the Atlantic, all of
Europe and Asia Minor.
'Various Canadian communities re-
ported that their big, black, twin-mo-
tored biplane was making steady
progress. It crossed over Quebec at

'Kip' Taylor, Michigan Alumnus,
Accepts New Coaching Position

Cleveland 11, Chicago 4.
Today's Games
St. Louis at Detroit.
New York at Washington.
Cleveland at Chicago.
Boston at Philadelphia.
National League

New York .......
Chicago .........
St. Louis ........
Boston ..........

.. ...64



LeVerne "Kip" Taylor, a graduate
of Michigan in 1931 and now head
basketball and baseball coach and
assistant football coach at Ann Arbor
High, has accepted a position as head
football and basketball coach at
George Roger Clark High School,
Hammond, Ind., it was learned yes-
He will assume duties there Sept.;
Taylor was one of the most out-
standing athletic prospects ever to
enter Michigan, but his college play-
ing career was cut short in his soph-
-1 - ~rS- ... fvn.n 1n. ~

sophomore, Taylor gained an imme-
diate Varsity position at end, and to
him went the honor of making the
first touchdown in the new Michigan
Stadium when he took a long pass
from Louie Gilbert to" score against
Ohio Wesleyan.
In his third Varsity game, however,
against Wisconsin, Taylor received the
injury which kept him in bed for 12
weeks and which forced him to wear
a brace for over a year, and which
ended his promising three-sport ca-
Unable to take part in active com-

On Page 4 of this issue The

i i


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