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August 05, 1934 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1934-08-05

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inn 11 1
Official Pu

ation of the Summer Session

from the blind nationalistic spirit of present-day
Germany as peace is from war. It would create
in men a willingness to defend the best scientific,
literary, and artistic work of any and all nations.
Unlimited by geographical boundaries and racial

. -~C

prejudices, contributory
the achievements of an
as sacred and enduringt
ments of an Edison or
conception of values on
sitates a high degree ofi
world respect for socialf

patriotism would make
Einstein or Shakespeare
to us as the accomplish-
Emerson. This idealistic
a universal plane neces-
intelligence along with a

II .

ublisned every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Wesern Conference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten News Service.
R l;&33 _xio u .. mE~) 1934
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it
or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local
news-published herein. All rights of republication of
special dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Offic at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class-matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.25; by mail,
$150. During rgular school year by carrier, $3.75; by
mal, .$4.25.
Offices Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Repesntatves: Collge Publications Representatives,
Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80
Boylton Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Vhicago, -
Phone 4925
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Charles A. Baird, Clinton B. Con-
gr Paul J. Elliott, Thomas E. rehn, .Thomas H.
Keene. William RMReed RobertES. Ruwtch.T H
REPORTERS: Barbara Bates, C. H. Beukema, Donald R,
Bi rd Ralph DanhofI, Frances English, Elsie Pierce, vir-
gintia aeott, Bernard H. Fried.
Office Hours: 9-12, 1-5 Phone 2-1214
In The End . ..'
WITH the administration of the New
Deal, its liberal policies and ncw
demands upon the citizen, the American news-
paper finds that it must alter its role in its service
to the people.
The indifference of the press to the vital prob-
lems of today has left the public without back-
ground or proper attitude upon which to base ten-
tative conclusions on issues upon which it is ex-
pected to pass. The lack of information and a
sufficiently critical attitude concerning the prob-
4em& arising from our industrial civilization tend
to make the average.citizen callous to these prob-
Poverty, unemployment, poor conditions, in fact,
general insecurity must be approached as problems
capable of solution. Our democratic form of gov-
ernment is constructed to meet such a crisis as is
now occurring in the country's development. The
experimental element in our system binds us to no
fixed form of society, except that toleration and
social equality must be respected.
Experimentation is often regarded with concern
by many persons, particularly those with vested
interests, as undesirable for their welfare. In
dealing with the most overwhelming problems of
our day, it is essential that the social point of view
be taken, that society be regarded as a whole.
Such terms as working class and social justice
have heretofore been associated with radical prop-
aganda, but with the advent of a liberal national
administration have taken on practical signifi-
cance in the national life.
More than ever before the people are receptive
to- liberal and advanced ideas. The widespread dis-
satisfaction over the present organization exists
cannot be overlooked. Failure of many trusted in-
stitutions to weather the crisis of the past four
years has destroyed the confidence of many per-
sons. Their confidence cannot be expected to be
regained if these institutions are not altered so as
to overcome the causes of their failure. The ex-
tent to which the government should control our
own economic institutions is probably the most
'vital problem of our day.
Violent change is to be avoided as far as po-
sible, not because of the violence involved, but
because violence inevitably ends in reaction dur-
ing which the ends sought for are lost..- Careful
and continual experimentation is the most & fec-
tive method of solving our problems, but, as Presi-
dent Roosevelt so realistically put it, you can't ex-
pect to make a hit every time you come to bat.
The E
Qlf (X * t
bilitiesTwhich suggest themselves as1

means to outlaw war. Among these is that of Wil-
liam James, the eminent psychologist, who, in his
essay, "The Moral Equivalent for War,' proposes
a method by which the energies normally dispersed
in active warfare could be diverted into huge gov-
ernment projects. The youth of the land, he be-
lieves, could be drafted into reforestation and'
public works projects at far less cost to society in
terms of human lives and dollars than the stupen-
dous expenditures necessitated by war-time activ-
ities. With the exception of the dole stigma at-
tached to the modern CWA and CCC projects,.
these enactments might be compared to versions
of Professor James' conception, minus the draft
The intense spirit of competition in college
sports probably does a great deal to alleviate thei
fundamental urge of many students to display their
physical prowess in an aggressive manner. When
this love of competition is carried out of schooli

Finally, human society throughout, the world
may adopt a negative course of action. That is,
war must be pictured as it really is. The printing of
gruesome pictures is 'but an infinitesimal item in
this problem which goes back to the roots of life it-
self. War must be made to appear to youth as
the coward's way out. It must be depicted in all
of its unlovely reality. Such contributions as the
movie version of "All Quiet on the Western Front"
and the peace propaganda of progressive groups
throughout the world probably do more to shatter
the illusions of eager youth than all the statistics
of human and economic losses in existence.
Always, we have assumed without critical exam-
ination the assumption that war in itself is in-
evitable, that jealousy and the spirit of conflict are
intrinsic in human nature. We have been led to
believe by the military geniuses of our country
that the best offense is the best defense. Self-
preservation was the motive for war with primitive
tribes. Today, the same essential motive is para-
mount. When people can be made to see the obvious
contradiction in a war-time policy which advocates
the use of death-dealing engines of destruction in
order to insure this self-preservation, the futility
of war will be borne home with deadening convic-
Screen Reflections



Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very
good; two stars good; one star just another picture;
no stars keep away from it.
The Great McGonigle ...... W. C. Fields
Wally Livingston ..........Joe Morrison
Betty McGonigle .......... Judith Allen
Cleopatra Pepperday ........ Jan Duggan
Albert Wendelschaffer ......Baby Leroy
And .................. Assorted Sheriffs
Anyone who likes W. C. Fields has a good eve-
ning ahead of them at the Majestic, because the
show is all Fields and then some. The other char-
acters are nothing but stooges for the king of
buffoonery. All but Baby Leroy, that is, and Fields
is his stooge in a few short bits.
If anyone has a prejudice against Fields, they
had better stay away, because when Fields isn't
center stage the picture lags and becomes boring.
He's the key man, the end man, and the inter-*
locutor for the whole show.
The story is the Odyssey of a traveling stock
company under the direction of the Great McGon-
igle, two jumps ahead of the sheriffs, and two
jumps behind their pay. The only members of the
company who really matter are Judith Allen as old
McGonigle's daughter, and Joe Morrison as the
rich young college boy who is in love with her and
wants to go into acting. Morrison, by the way,
recently sang with George Olsen at Westwood.
The show concerns their stop in Belfontaine,
where the accumulating bills and sheriffs threaten
to close the show. Cleopatra Pepperday, a rich
spinster who has a voice like the whistle on a
peanut stand, convinces Fields that she belongs
in his company, with the result that she is willing
to pay some of the bills. Fields is thus able to go
on with the show.
One of the players quits, and Morrison gets his
job, doing a bit of crooning that is in no way old-
fashioned. The play is "The Drunkard," an old-
tme melodrama wth a moral, and is undone so
artistically that it's funny.
The fly in the ointment who succeeds the sheriffs
is Morrison's father, who wants to get his son out
of the clutches of this "brazen hussy" And Baby
Leroy does his bit of pestering in a few bits at the
boarding house. One thing that struck a phony
note, though, was the force with which tomatoes
and ice-cream bounced off Fields' head in spite
of the fact that Baby Leroy has a wing like a
high-school girls' baseball team.
But after the show is over, Fields gets out of his
financial troubles by closing the show, although
Cleopatra is most upset because she didn't get a
chance to appear. The heart troubles are settled
when Mr. Livingston agrees to his son's marriage
and even a stage career providing he can get rid
of old McGonigle.
Fields overhears this and does a neat sidestep,
ending up in a medicine show as the picture ends.
It's all good clean fun, with a lot of laughs. Best
line of the show: Fields describes Miss Pepperday
with: "She looks like a well-kept grave."
The shorts are slightly above normal, with a
comedy lifted from "Charley's Aunt" although
here it's a college boy who pretends to be his
fraternity brother's wife. There's also a nice, rest-
ful "Strange As It Seems," and a Hearst Metro-
tone News that rises above its usual insignificance
with some shots of post-Dollfuss Vienna.
Off The Record
THE INTERMINABLE winding halls of the Sen-
ate Office building confused Mrs. Doris Bounds,
secretary to Senator Steiwer of Oregon.
Thoroughly lost in the building one day, she
asked aid from "a boy standing there,"' as she
tells it.
He told her the correct number of the office,
but still she wouldn't find it. So she hurried back
to "the boy" and said:
"Look here, you'll just have to take me there."
,He smiled, escorted her to the door and pushed
it open. Steiwer was inside. Looking up, he said,

The interviewed one tore to shreds several bridge
reputations, but ended:
"However, there's Mary McIntyre. He knows how
to play."
"Aw, why didn't you tell me you knew my voice,"
grumbled the voice on the other end of the wire.
It was McIntyre himself, secretary to the Presi-I
dent, who can't resist a practical joke now and wi
then. He still believes the man he phoned really M
recognized his voice. an
-__ _pr
DR. WILLIAM M. MANN, who directs the huge ta
National Zoological park here, has some1
trouble with the cranes. They stand on one logW
and completely hide the other under their feathers. W
One day an irate woman approached the doctor sa
and said, "I think it's outrageous the way you treat G
your birds." She pointed to the crane enclosure. G
"But that's the way he stands," explained Dr. ist
Mann. The woman walked off satisfied. As Mann of
stood watching her, an excited visitor ran toward
"Look," he shouted, "a one-legged bird."S
Dr. Mann sighed. a.
Secretary Wallace of the agriculture department, m
takes very lightly the little honors that come to o N:
cabinet member. Just now his head is being mod- ti
eled by a sculptor.
Curious friends asked Wallace the artist's name. C
"Shucks," said Wallace, "I don't know. He's as
sculpting everybody. He's done five, and got eight 1
to go." th
Campus Opinionn
Letters published in this column should not be con- nf
strued as expressing the editorial opinion of The si
Daily. Anonymous communications will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be re- di
garded as confidential upon request. Contributors
are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less
than 500 words if possible.
To the Editor: 0o
Last fall you ran an editorial urging that di
the San Carlo Grand Opera Company, then in lu
Detroit, be brought to Ann Arbor for an engage- S
ment. You declared that the San Carlo company h
is probably the best of the itinerant companies. d
Your judgment is confirmed by the lavish praise v
of critics in Chicago and Detroit and by the capa- in
city crowds and extended engagements in both'
I understand from Mr. Fortune Gallo, manager 6,
of the San Carlo opera, that they would be in-
terested in putting on several performances in Ann
Arbor this fall, in Hill Auditorium. This would be C
feasible since the drapes they carry, which are used
in similar auditoriums at other universities, would
convert the platform into an adequate operatic
I knew that you would be interested, in view of
your editorial, in'knowing that' Ann Arbor and the
University of Michigan may have a season of grand
opera this fall if enough interest is manifested.
-Manning Giles, '34.
To the Editor:
I should like to set forth, with as much regard
for the feelings of certain people as possible, the
sentiment of the male students who profess a desire
to play tennis. It so happens that by far the best
tennis courts in the city are located on Palmer
Field. However, there is a ruling which prohibits
men students from using the courts except in
mixed tennis. This ruling, if applied with the
slightest degree of common' sense, might prove
quite satisfactory, but unfortunately, that is far
from the case.
Historians tell us repeatedly that moderation is
the best policy, and severity in either direction is
bound to bring a reaction. Such a reaction will
surely result when sufficient public opinion is
swayed and will crush those opposed to it.
Fanatics come and go but while they last, they
produce annoying sore spots. Fanatical enforce-
ment of a rule without cause is unjustifiable when
no possible harm could result. Half the energy I
consumed running men students off the tennis
courts, if laid end to end, would raise the pyramids
three feet - and they call this efficiency!
For a great part of the day not more than two
or three of the many courts are in use. In the
late afternoon and evening a few more are in

use. This shows plainly the unbelievable waste of
college property paid for out of student's tuition.
Men cannot use the practice board or practice their
service. Men are told that Ferry Field is for them
and they will have to make the best of it.
Aside from being a great distance from the
rest of the University, the courts available for sum-
mer students have a rough, hard surface similar to
cement which ruins good tennis. To make matters
worse a strong wind never fails to play havoc
the ball's flight.
At Palmer Field we find as many or more non-
college girls as college girls. Thus men help pay

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the Summer Session office until 3:30; 11:30


Bishop J. Ralph Magee of St. Paul'
ll occupy the pulpit at the First
ethodist Episcopal Church, State
d Washington streets today,
eaching at 10:45 on "Christian Cer-
Congregational Church: Service of
orship this morning at 10:45 with
rmon by the minister, Rev. Allison
ay Heaps. Subject, "Is There Divine
uidance in Human Affairs?" James
'ohl, organist, Thelma Lewis, solo-
t.This will be the closing service
fthe summer.
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church:
ervices of worship today are: 8:00
.m. Holy Communion; 11:00 a.m.
indergarten; 11:00 a.m. Holy Com-
union and Sermon by the Reverend
athaniel Noble, "What is the Chris-
an Church?"
Church of Christ (Disciples): Dr.
arl W. Rufus of the department of
tronomy will speak this morning at
:45 on "The Spiritual Message of
he Cross."
First Baptist Church, Sunday, 10:45
im. Malcolm H. Henry, '27, M.S. '28,
ow instructor in Mathematics at
:ichigan State College, will speak
n the subject, "The Road to Happi-
ess." Dr. Leroy Waterman will as-
st in the service. Student class and
scussion group closed for summer.
Speech Students: Mr. Leo Fitzpat-
ck, President of WJR, Good Will
adio Station of Detroit, will speak
i the subject, "How to Get into Ra-
Lo Work," at the student-faculty
incheon of the Department of
peech and General Linguistics to be
eld at the Michigan Union Tues-
ay, August 7, at 12:10 p.m. All Uni-
ersity students and townspeople are
The Michigan League Against War
ad Militarism meets Monday, August
*at 5 p.m., in the Union.
August Seniors, All Schools and
olleges: Students who expect to
T.Bone Steak
T he avern

complete work for a degree at the
close of the Summer Session, must
pay the diploma fee before August 17.
Call for the diploma fee blank at the
Recorder's Office of the school in
which registered.
The examination in French and
German for the M.A. in English will
be given in Room 2225 A.H. August
10 at 1:30 p.m.
Reading Requirement in German
for Ph.D. candidates: Candidates in
all fields except those of the natural
sciences and mathematics must ob-
tain the official certification of an
adequate reading knowledge of Ger-
man by submitting to a written ex-
amination given by the German De-
For the summer session this exam-
ination will be given on Wednesday,
August 8, at 2 p.m., in room 203 U.H.
Students who intend totake the ex-
amination are required to register
their names at least one week before
the date of the examination at the
office of the German Department,
Room' 204 U.H., where detailed in-
formation with regard to examina-
tion requirements will be given.

Room 1437 U.E.S.
Blanks for the payment of the cer-
tificate fee may be secured in the of-
fice of the Recorder. This fee must
be paid by the end of the summer
C. 0. Davis, Secretary
Michigan Dames: There will be a
meeting of the Michigan Dames on
Monday evening, August 6, at 8:00
o'clock in the Michigan League. Wives
of students and of internes in the
University Hospital are cordially in-
vited. The committee in charge is
planning an amusing evening's en-
Education B-182: Students in the
course in Adult Education may obtain
their Unit Summaries at the circula-
tion desk of the University High
School Library.
University High School Demonstra-
tion Assembly: The fifth demonstra-
tion assembly of the University High
School summer session will be held
Tuesday morning, August 7, at 9 0'-
clock in the University High School
auditorium. The program will be
given by pupils in the social, studies
class under the direction of Dr. O. W.
Stephenson. A short play entitled
"A Choice of Gods," which grew out
of the scene's studied in connection
with the trial and death of Socrates
will be presented. All summer ses-
sion students who are interested are
cordially invited to attend the assem-

Master's Candidat
The language exami
ter's candidates in
given Friday, August
Room B, Haven Hal
Candidates for the
tificate: A tentative li
to be recommended f
Certificate at the, en
session has been pos
letin board in Room
Elementary School.
whose name does no'
list and who wishes
should report this fac
Portage Lake 14

es in History:
nation for Mas-
hictnrw cillh

nisLory wi l De
10, at 4 p.m., in Student
1. cluding co
will be giv
Teacher's Cer- in Chamb
ist of candidates tion of Ha
or the Teacher's August 7,
d of the summer The progr
,ted on the bul- from thet
1431 University and Piano
Any student from the
t appear on this Maestoso-
to be so listed Quintet;7
ct at once to theK
1 at
miles from town

s Recital Series: The con-
oncert in the summer series
ven by members of the class
ber Music, under the direc-
anns Pick, Tuesday evening,
at 8:30, in Hill Auditorium.
ram follows: Bloch, Prelude
Concerto Grosso for Strings
; Ravel, Allegro Moderato
String Quartet; Franck,
- Allegro from the Piano
Lekeu, Adagio for fourteen
Continued On Page 3)
Eddie Bob
and Their Music
Dancing every niuht oxce!.t Mon.
..dission, 400 at Michigan's
Mos BeutiulSumimer Ba!trooem

Recorder of the School of Ed

First Methodist
Episcopal Church
State and Washington
Frederick B.Fisher
Peter F. Stair
10:45 -Morning Worship.
sermon by
of Saint Paul
For University Students
5:00- -Leave Stalker Hall for Saline
Valley Farm where the devotional
service will be held. Discussion
topic: "The Farmer's Way Out."
Speaker: Mr. Vaughn, manager of
this recently established co-opera-
tive farming project.

Wherein Mr. O'Neill whitewashes
Marco Polo of the Stigma of being
the World's Greatest Liar.
Lydia MENDE LSSOH N Theatre
Admissions: 75c, 50c, and 35c Phone 63Q0




:. ..®

for privileges extended to non-college persons
which are denied to themselves. The beloved old
gentleman who takes care of the courts really en-
worse a strong win never fails to play havoc with
The girls say he has really built the courts him-
self and kept them in splendid condition. They re-
late the "pre-rule" days when men were tennis
players and the old gentleman was made blue
in the face with his efforts to remove men from
the courts.
He finally prevailed on Dr. Bell to pass the
rule. I am sorry that I was not here during the
"pre-rule" days so that I could better understand
the girls' point-of-view. But coming as I have for
the first time to the University, the condition is
frankly disgusting, unbelievable and a real reflec-
tion. on the University. It is of interest to note
that those in control of the situation do not play
Repeal of the rule seems unlikely. Moderate en-
forcement of the rule with the allowance of some
men's tennis courts would help. Allowing men to
play certain hours in the morningaor early after-
noon when the courts are vacant seems a satis-
factory solution. Of course building up new men's
courts or fixing the old courts would hel* if a



Myrna Loy marvelous in
the romance of a crimson
page from world history!
A Spy who Fell in Love!

The Vill Iion
Still Pursued Her!.
...followed by a rain of ripe
tomatoes! A story of the
troupers who played the
old Op'ry House! It's
A Paramount Picture with '




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