Forty-one counties below the north-
ern boundaries of Mason and Arenac
Counties, taking in all except the Sag-
inaw Bay region, are now acutely af-
fected by a feed shortage.
Dr. William Heber, Federal relief
administrator for Michigan, says that
there are 300,000 more cattle in the
State than can be supported through
the season.
Cattle Flood Markets
Farmers have been warned not to
try to unload excess cattle on the
erminal markets,- which are already
flooded, Dr. Heber said.
The Federal drought relief will in-
clude one-half freight rates to ship
cattle to more adequate pasture lands
or one-half freight rates to ship in
hay to feed them. It willalso include
loans on feed and forage supplies
and direct work relief under the FERA
for farmers.
R. C. Baldwin, recently appointed
Federal administrator of drought re-
lief in Michigan, will assume his du-
ties soon and will receive applications
for aid from the affected areas.
This week's storm, although ac-
companied by a heavy downpour in
many sections, was too late to help the
hay crop in the southern counties.
The wind did so much damage to the
corn crop, counted on by farmers for
forage, that a really critical situation
has developed, according to local au-
thorities in Oakland, Macomb, Gen-
esee Counties and other of the worst
hit storm areas.
Urge Herd Thinning
The Michigan Milk Producers Asso-
ciation already has warned its mem-
bers that Michigan dairy herds are1
larger than the feed supply can carry
and urged tja they.begin immediate-,
ly to thin them out.,
What farmers can do with their1
cattle is still a question, for under,
the secondary drought relief plan the1
Federal Government will buy up none1
of them. The northern counties ofi
the Lower Peninsula and all of the
Upper Peninsula still have good pas-z
ture and hay supplies, and are ex-
pected to provide an outlet for someĀ°
of the stock.
Michigan State College authorities
are recommending that farmers
slaughter their own cattle wherever
possible and put up the meat for home
- Associated Press Photo
After he had been sought by authorities for three weeks, Neal Myers
(right), 21-year-old University of Oklahoma student, surrendered and
was charged with murder in connection with the death of his college
sweetheart, Marian Mills, who died after a purported effort to defeat
maternity. Myers, who pleaded not guilty when arraigned, is shown
with his father, Dr. P. B. Myers.
College Sporting Clubs Replace.
OrganizedAthletics At Oxford
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last of
a series , of four articles on English
university athletic customs and tradi-
tions written for The Associated Press
by John W. Follows, former University
of Wisconsin and later Oxford star
track man, who also attended Cornell
University. He has received special per-
mission from the Amateur Athletic
Union of the United States to write this
In place of a physical education
department, Oxford boasts a hier-
archy of sporting clubs. Each college
has a separate club for each of the
principal sports. The better players
are urged to join the University club
for their sport. Frequently, indeed,
the college clubs pay part or all the
University club fees for their star
It is the team chosen by the presi-
dents of the University clubs that
represents Oxford in its meets. To
be asked by the president to play
against Cambridge is tantamount to
being awarded a "blue" or "half-
blue," Oxford's equivalents to our
major and minor varsity letters.
As a rule, athletes purchase their
own sporting equipment, but the cost
Kipke Falls In
Coachinlg oll
For All-Stars
Lay Deaths Of
Five Children
To House Fly
JERSEY CITY, N. J., Aug. 4. - (/P)
--The common house fly was blamed
today by the health department for
the spread of a form of dysentery
which killed five children in a week
and sent three score to hospitals for
Dr. Edward H. Salmon, chief of the
communicable disease division of the
health bureau, announced Friday
night his belief that the fly had car-
ried the germ, the flexnor strain of
baccilus dysentery, to widely scattered
homes of the city.
Today he issued a warning to resi-
dents to screen houses, and particu-
larly food, from the flies. A germ
bearing fly, he declared, can transmit
the disease by contact with food, or
directly to a person.
The bureau's discoverey followed
quickly the isolation of the germ. This
was accomplished when a serum,
brought here by plane from the de-
partment of agriculture at Washing-
ton, was injected into the, blood of
Dorothy Green, five, one of the strick-
en children.
Friday the state health department
acted to aid city authorities by as-
signing sanitary engineers to inspect
water pipes in the homes of stricken
children. These were given a clean
bill o'f health shortly before Dr. Sal-
mon made his announcement.
A particularly insidious elembnt of
the disease, Dr. Salmon said, was the
fact that a child can be infected for
about a week before the malady takes
a virulent form, sometimes too late}
for treatment.
Michigan Mentor Now In
Seventh Position; Dick
Hanley Jumps To First
Head Football Coach Harry Kipke
dropped to seventh position in the
voting for the coach who will pilot the
all-star eleven of college players in
the charity football game with the
Chicago Bears, National professional
league champions, on Aug. 31 at Sol-
diers' field.
Dick Hanley, Northwestern mentor,
jumped from third position into first,
approximately 200 votes ahead of
Noble Kizer of Purdue. Bob Zuppke
of Illinois, who. was leading at the
last tabulation dropped into third
place, 200 votes back of Kizer.
Jimmy Crowley of Fordham was
listed fourth ahead of Lou Little of
Columbia, who dropped all the way
from second position, and Madigan
of St. Mary's. Madigan has an adge
of about 300 votes over Kipke..
The other Big Ten coaches ranking
high in the balloting, Ossie Solem
of Iowa and Doc Spears of Wiscon-
sin, hold eighth and ninth positions,
respectively, in the latest tabulation.
Voters are asked to name three
coaches in order of their preference
and submit them to the All-Star Foot-
ball Editor, Chicago Tribune, before
Aug. 10, the date of the poll's closing.
of conditioning the playing fields of
the club is paid out of members' fees
and gate receipts. Since each of the
30 colleges and all the University
clubs have private playing fields, the
town is simply hemmed in with
hedged greenswards and tiny club-
Different Coaching Ideas
Usually a loyal "old blue" feels
called upon to come to Oxford to
coach his team to victory over the
"Cantabs," but in some instances a
professional trainer is hired b the
But it is a far cry from the dicta-
torial American college coach to the
respectful Oxford trainer. As the
chief servant 6f the club, he reaps
a rich harvest of tips at the end of
the term. He gives advice when he is
asked for it, he never forgets his "Sir"
and -his "Mr.-" when he addresses
the undergraduates.
He neither selects the teams nor
does he attend their after-the-game
banquets. In practice, however, ath-
letes follow his advice conscientious-
ly, and' the club president consults
him before choosing his team.
Post-game banquets are rollicking
affairs. Some are traditionally hilar-
ious shindies - a whirl of risque
toasts, huge tankards of ale, raucous
laughter and blonde giants shot-put-
ting tangerines at nervous waiters.
Others are gentlemanly gatherings of
new and old blues - orderly arrays
of spirited toasts, glasses of mellow
wine and swallow-tail coats.
Write For The Papers
The interest of old blues in Oxford
and Cambridge sports is almost
touching. In some instances they
form private sporting clubs open to
athletes of both Universities. They
have their own lists of "fixtures," but
they make a special point of encour-
aging the University teams andy play-
ing practice games against them.
Almost invariably they cover Uni-
versity sporting events for the Lon-
don papers, and it is generally easy
to tell from their write-ups which
team they love the best. Nevertheless,
most of them are sportsmen of the
highest order, and many, like Douglas
Lowe, Harold Abrahams, Guy Butler,
Bevil Rudd, Lord Burghley and Tom
Eampson were Olympic champions.
In 1860, Edward VII, then Prince
of Wales (less respectfully termed
"Pugger of Wugger" by Oxonians)
presented a huge silver cup to the
best steeplechase runner in Oxford.
Today it is still given annually to
the outstanding three-miler, and the
names of all past. winners are en-
graved on little silver shields around
the base.
_ 1 >
Final Clearance
with dozens of money-
saving values in
Dresses -- Suits
Sweaters . -- Skirts
S Hosiery.-- Gloves
Says Johnson
Has Fought To
Control Press
Columbia Dean Believes It
s A Challenge To Fight
For Free Expression
LOS ANGELES, Aug. 4.--(P) -
Dean Carl W. Ackerman says Gen.
Hugh S. Johnson has challenged the
American press to "lead the fight for
freedom of opinion."
Ackerman, dean of the Columbia
school of journalism, said Friday
night in an address before a special
meeting of the California Publishers
"From the day the national In-
dustrial Recovery Act was signed
by President Roosevelt o the present
hour, Gen. Johnson has been fight-
ing to control the press and substi-
tute NRA-made opinion for public
"The fight of the newspaper pub-
lishers of the United States for the
freedom of the press in the daily
newspaper code deprived him of his
opportunity to establish a dictator-
ship by law.
"Today Gen. Johnson seeks to ac-
complish his objective by criticizing
the press over the radio in the hope
and with the expectation that he can
undermine public confidence in news
and substitute government opinion
for public opinion."
Calls Remarks Libel
The dean called remarks made by
Gen. Johnson in an address Thurs-
day night at Chicago "a libel on every
newspaper in the United States, and
"What are you going to do about
it, write editorials or take some ac-
He said of Johnson: "His latest
address is a direct challenge to the
press to lead the fight for freedom of
opinion, for the freedom of public
Quoting remarks attributed to Gen.
Johnson in his Chicago address, Dean
Ackerman said: "in those two state-
ments Gen. Johnson accused you
gentlemen and every other newspaper
publisher and owner in this country
of being parties to the suppression,
the garbling and the coloring of news.
This is a serious charge which is
factually untrue.
Proof Impossible
- "From my knowledge of the news-
papers and press associations of the
United States I do not believe that
Gen. Johnson can prove either state-
"Looking back upon 25 years of ex-
perience in newspaper work in Europe,
the Orient and all parts of this coun-
try and as a reader of scores of
newspapers regularly I know that
there is not a freer, a more impartial
or a more public-spirited press in the
world than we have in this country.
(Continued from age 2)
individual strings Bach, Recitative
and Aria: "Mein Herze schwimmt im
Blut," for Voice, Strings, Harp and
Piano (Cembalo); Schubert, Andante
- Allegro from the Octet for Clarinet
- Allegrofrom the Octet for Clarinet,
Horn, Bassoon, two Violins, Viola,
'Cello and Bass; Brahms, Gipsy Ron-
do from the Piano Quartet in G
Charles A. Sink
University Lecture: Dr. Walter C.
Eells, Professor of Education of Le-
land Stanford University will speak
at 11:00 on Wednesday morning,
August 8, in the Auditorium of the
University High School on the topic,
"The Future of the Junior College."
Anyone interested in this topic is
cordially invited.
Stalker Hall: today at 5:00: Leave
for Saline Valley Farm where devo-
tional service and picnic supper will
be held. Also, Mr. Vaughn, Manager
of Saline Valley Farm, will lead a
discussion on "The Farmer's Way
Out." - All welcome. Please bring
-Associatea ress Photo
The casket containing the body of Marie Dressler, famous star of
the films, is shown as it was carried to its final resting place in Forest
Lawn cemetery at Glendale, Calif., after simple funeral services attended
by only the closest friends of Miss Dressler. Heading the procession
is the Rev. Neal Dodd. The pallbearers included directors of films in
which Miss Dressler starred.
Dora, The Priestess Of Purity,
Marie Dressier Buried After Simple Service
LONDON, Aug. 4. - (R') - Dora is
the Englishman's "pet peeve."
She is a dictator who has much of
England's personal liberty lashed to
her apron strings.
Dora gets her name from the "de-
fense of the realm acts" passed dur-
ing the World War when the country
tightened its belt to concentrate on
that struggle. Dora, for instance, or-
dained a general 8 o'clock closing of
all shops.
Those acts were repealed, but a
host of restrictions under them, and
many additional that were not a part
of them, came into operation as bits
of the whole of a variety of statutes.
Now Dora is the personification of
a host of fussy regulations that irri-
tate the native and perplex the vis-
The everyday Englishman couldn't
define the complete Dora if he wanted
to, so involved is her pedigree; but
he'll lump into one big headache all
his grievances over the pettiness of
the law and say: "That's Dora."
Actually many of these shacklesj
come from various shop acts, which
the shop assistants regard as the~
charters of their freedom. But Dora
has come to stand for all absurdities
which harass the Englishman, not so
much because. they are restrictions
but because they are petty ones.
Thou Shalt Not
Dora, as England's purity priest-
ess, says for example "Thou Shalt
Buy matches as a household neces-
sity after 8 p.m. - though you may
have them as a smoker's requisite:
Buy a quart of ice cream to take
home to the children after 8 p.m.
- though you may sit in a shop at .a
table and eat ice cream by the gal-
Be served a drink in a "pub" after
10 p.m. in most districts - though
you may go across the street into.
another district and drink until 10:30
Buy a kipper (a smoked herring)
in a shop after 8 p.m.- though you
may empty the premises of its supply,
of plaice unless it is a fried fish shop
in which case you may buy no fresh
fish after 8 p.m.;
Nary An Egg
Buy a fresh egg for your morning.
breakfast after 8 p.m. in a delicat-
tessen - thought at the same place
you may buy as many hard-boiled
eggs as you want for a supper snack;'
Be served a liqueur sundae alone
after 11 p.m. in a properly licensed
restaurant with a soda fountain -
though you may buy and consume as
many as you wish for- a period after
that deadline provided you order with
it a Welsh rarebit, a poached egg on
toast or something similarly priced;
Buy toothpaste or face powder at
a chemist's (English for drug store)
at certain times - though you may
buy all the patent medicines you can
carry away;
Buy cigarettes from a tobacconist
after 8 p.m., although his store may
be open for the sale of candy and
although you may procure them at a
coffee stall that has been wheeled to
the busiest intersection.
Dora Gets Stronger
The coffee stall man theoretically
may not sell you cigarettes unless you
are served something to eat --though
he often does it. If the transaction
is observed by a constable, the seller
is liable to a $10 fine while you may
be penalized $1.25 for aiding and
abetting. .
You may not buy cigarettes from a
tobacconist after the deadline, but
if he has his shop open for the sale
of newspapers or candy, you may get
your pound note changed into a hand-
ful of silver and step to his doorway
to extract as many packages as you
can pay-for from a vending machine.
Anti-Dora campaigns are launched
occasionally but Dora seems to get
stronge'r as time goes on.
Where To Go
1:00 - Michigan Theatre, "Stam-
boul -Quest" with Myrna Loy.
1':00 - Majestic Theatre, "The Old
Fashioned Way" with W. C. Fields.
1:00 - Wuerth Theatre, "Viva Vil-
la" with Wallace Beery.
3:00 -Same features at the three
theatres. -
Vet s' Memories
Of 'Hindenburg
Line' Still Vivid
U. S. Troops Were Hurled
Against Sector During
Closing Days Of War
Finally Broke Line
Successes Against Russia
On Eastern Front Made
Hindenburg Supreme
(By Associated Press)
The "Hindenburg line" came out of
the World war as a phrase perhaps
more meaningful to Americans than
even Flanders, "Wipers" or "No Man's
It was against this line that United
States troops were hurled in 1918 and
its break-up led to Germany's defeat
and the armistice.
But before this took place Field
Marshall Paul von Hindenburg, late
president of Germany, had consoli-
dated all the German gains on the
western front, and then held on te-
The "Hindenburg line" was not,
actually, a continuous line but a series
of trenches and strongly fortified
works. It was a heavily wired sys-
tem extending northwards from St.
Quentin to the original German front
line east of Arras.
A. E. F. Breaks Through
The digging in of the German ar-
mies on the western front, however,
gave the Allies opportunity for con-
centrating their effectives and by
that time the A. E. F. was pouring
into France by the tens of thousands.
Terrific hammer blows by the Brit-
ish, French, and Americans finally
broke through the "impregnable" line
and forced the Germans to retreat.
It was Hindenburg's intention when
late in 1918, he saw the odds piling
up against him, to hold on grimly so
that the peace terms offered his coun-
try could be acceptable, and with this
in view he urged the kaiser and im-
perial chancellor to negotiate for ces-
sation of hostilities while Germany
yet was a factor on the western front.
It was not to be, and under Mar-
shal Foch, in concert with the Allied
commanders-in-chief, the Hinden-
burg line was hammered and broken.
The rest is history. Revolution
broke out in Germany; the kaiser fled.
The men who had stood off the mili-
tary might of the world for four
years went home, beaten. With- them
went their leader, Hindenburg, who in
later years was to rise to new emi-
nence as the widely respected, power-
ful president of Germany.
Broke Russian Power
It was Hindenburg's success on the
eastern front that had brought him
the title of field marshal and supreme
commander-in-chief of the German
- The Allies had counted heavily on
the great Russian "steam roller"
which had started swiftly to flatten
out East Prussia.
At the battle of Tannenberg, how-
ever, the Russians were completely
routed by a series of daring moves
initiated by von Hinderburg. Two
Russian army corps were completely
annihilated, and three others - were
reduced to half their numbers. The
Germans claimed 125,000 prisoners.
After this victory Hindenburg was
hailed as the savior of Germany and
the kaiser heaped honors upon him.
From Tannenberg, the aged general
went to the western front.
Fried Spring
The Tavern
Evening .
7:00 - Same features at the three
Dancing at the-- Blue Lantern Ball-
room, Island Lake.
Canoeing on the Huron every after-
noon and evening..
Dancing at: Chubbs.
If' 7Mi wte, we have it.
Correspondence Stationery,
Faunta axiPns, Ink* etc.
.Typewiters all makes:.
Greeting +ards for ev bon.
0. D. MORR ILr
314 . +to teSt., AnnAro
, I
Cave It Taken NOW!
- 1."I H
802 Packard Street
Today 12 Noon to 8 P.M.
Size I11 4
Also Three 8x10 inch
Proofs to Choose
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