The Weather
Local thunderstorms today
and tomorrow; not much
change in temperature.
IJ1fr igan .4:Iat
Official Publication Of The Summer Session
Liberalism In The End ...
The End Of War . .
Last Programi
Planned For
Lecture Series
Professors Westergaard
And Muyskens To Give
Former Is Member
Of Illihois Faculty
Will Discuss Problems Of
Boulder Dam In Speech
To Be Given Tomorrow
The concluding lectures in the reg-
ular Summer Session series, which
has included 25 talks on varied sub-
jects by recognized authorities, will
be delivered at 5 p.m. tomorrow and
Tuesday in Natural Science Audito-
Speakers will be Prof. H. M. Wester-
gaard of the University of Illinois and
Prof. John H. Muyskens of the Uni-
versity department of speech and gen-
eral linguistics.
Professor Westergaard, who is on
the Summer Session faculty here as a
member of the department of engi-
neering mechanics, will speak Mon-
day on "Engineering Problems of
Boulder Dam.".
Professor Westergaard will discuss
at length the various practical prob-
lems in structural engineering that
have confronted engineers in their
work on the Boulder Dam project in
an attempt to insure the safety of
the dam, including studies made to
obtain cement possessing the right
properties and to overcome shrinkage
of the concrete.
The lecture will be illustrated with
lantern slides showing the topography
of the Boulder Dam country and the
construction work going on there.
These slides were obtained by Profes-
sor Westergaard from the Bureau of
Information of the Department of the
The speaker has served as one of a
group of consulting engineers who
bave assistedm ith~ constructioD -prob-
lems. For one year he was in the Boul-
der Dam country aiding with diffli-
culties encountered in structural en-
Tuesday afternoon's lecture will be
the last of the series with Professor
Muyskens speaking on "Cave Canem
or the Meaning of Meaning." Profes-
sor Muyskens is an associate profes-
sor of phonetics.
Hitler To Give
Explanation Of
German Events
Preparations For Funeral
Services Of Hindenburg
Are Finally Made
BERLIN, Aug. 4.-- (P)-Adolf Hit-
ler today began work on a speech
which the Chancellory intimated will
contain important political revela-
tions to the world which has watched
with deep interest his assumption of
of the functions of the President as
well as Chancellor.
Behind Chancellory doors, guarded
for the first time by members of the
Reichswehr (regular army), the
Chancellor was busy with the address
he will deliver to the Reichstag Mon-
day for the memorial service for the
late President Paul von Hindenburg.
Preparations for the von Hinden-
burg memorial exercises, both at the
Reichstag Monday and at Tannen-
berg, Tuesday, completely dominated
government activities today.
Final agreement for entombment in
the monument commemorating the
field marshal's victory over the Rus-
sians rather than burial on the Neu-
deck estate ground was reached today
by the government and members of
the family.
How to draw the line between those
who are to be invited to either or
both ceremonies. and those who must
be left out was the sole problem ith
which the President's office and the
ministry of propaganda wrestled
throughout the day.
Hitler, seeking to consolidate his
position as the "New Napoleon," sum-
moned the all-Nazi Reichstag to the
memorial service Monday.
His address, a Chancellery spokes-
man intimated, will be of a political
nature, with a direct eulogy of von
Hindenburg reserved for the funeral
services at Tannenberg.
Production of O'Neill's 'Marco
Millions'Entails Much Research,
This week the Michigan Repertory
Players are presenting the most elab-
orate and difficult play of their six
summer seasons according to Valen-
tine B. Windt, director; Eugene
O'Neill's "Marco Millions," with Fran-
ces Compton as Marco Polo. In this
play, the audience is taken on the
famous travels of Marco Polo; the
author says that he does not deserve
the reputation of the world's greatest
For several weeks the costume de-
partment has been working on the
hundred and fifty costumes required
for the production of this story of the
greatest salesman of the thirteenth
century. Evelyn Cohen, costume de-
signer for the Players, has made an
intensive study of the costumes worn
in Mongolia, Persia, India and Ca-
thay at that time, and has been busy
designing the costumes which she and
the students of the costume course
are working on in the sewing rooms.
Alexander Wyckoff, art director,
and his staff of workers under the
supervision of Oren, Parker, scenic
artist, Carl Ellsworth, stage manager,
and Howard Fettes. electrician, have
been spending many hours on the
nine elaborate settings to be used in
this spectacular comedy of ancient
Frances Compton, guest director for
the Players, and Frederic 0. Crandall,
assistant director, have been busy
rehearsing the various scenes for the
past week, while Mr. Windt has been
engaged in producing "Double Door."
The entire directional staff of the
Players headed by Mr. Windt are now
engaged in the task of knitting to-
gether the various scenes into a com-
plete unit.
"Marco Millions" has the largest
cast of any play given this season
and it offers an opportunity for every
student in the department who is in-
terested in appearing on the stage to
take part, it is said. The stage settings
and costumes are the most interesting
and picturesque ever to be presented
on the Mendelssohn stage, Mr. Windt
"Marco Millions" opens Wednesday
night, Aug. 8, at the Lydia. Mendel-
ssohn Theatre and will be repeated
on Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Concert Series
Will Be Ended
Next Tuesday
Class In Chamber Music
To Give Final Program
In Hill Auditorium
The concluding concert in the sum-
mer series will be given by members
of the class in Chamber Music, under
the direction of Hanns Pick, Tuesday
evening, August 7, at 8:30, in Hill
There is almost no limit to the va-
riety of instrumental combination
possible in the literature for cham-
ber music, according to Professor
Pick." It is boundedon-the one hand.
by the music written- for full orches-
tra and on the other hand by music
confined to a single solo instrument.
It may range from music for two in-
struments such as violin and piano,
or flute and harp to combinations of
eight, ten or more different instru-
Professor Pick has selected a num-
ber of movements from compositions
requiring different combinations of
instruments. The string quartet is
represented by a movement from Ra-
vel. An ensemble of strings and piano
by movements from a Concerto by
Bloch, and a quintet from Cesar
Franck. An unusual choice of instru-
ments is called for by the Adagio by
Lekeu, which is-'written for 14 dif-
ferent string instruments.
The latter half of the program calls
for combintions of wood and brass
winds,hand srings, as represented by
the Schubert, Andante, and the Gipsy
Rondo, by Brahms.' An aria by Bach,
accompanied by strings, harp, and
piano, the latter instrument, to re-
place the music written for thepam-
balo which was the keyboard instru-
ment of Bach's day, is perhaps the
novelty of the program.
Twenty-one members of the class
unite in presenting this program.
Prelude from the Concerto Grosso
for Strings and Piano, Bloch; Alle-
gro Moderato from the String Quar-
tet, Ravel; Maestoso - Allegro from
the Piano Quintet, Franck; Adagio for
14 individual strings, Lekeu; Recita-
tive and Aria: "Mein Herze schwimmt
im Blut," for Voice, Strings, Harp and
Piano (Cambalo), Bach; Andante -
Allegro from the Octet for Clarinet,
Horn, Bassoon, two Violins, Viola,
'Cello, and Bass, Schubert; Gipsy
Rondo from the Piano Quartet in G
minor, Brahms. .
The members of the Chamber Mu-
sic Class participating in this pro-
gram are: Frederick Baessler, Walter
Bloch, Clark Brody, James Edmunds,
Robert Edmunds, Kate Keith Field,
Romine Hamilton, Mona Hutchings,
Thor Johnson, Margaret Kimball,
Florence Leach, Luther Leavengood,
Thomas Oakes, James Pfohl, Ruth
Pfohl, Harry Reinhold, Laura Shields,
Ruth Shields, Earl Slocum, Ralph
Travis, and Vlasta Podoba.
Fitzpatrick To Speak At
Final Speech Luncheon
"How to Get into Radio Work" will
be the subject for discussion at the
stuidnt-faulty lunhonnof th cde-
State Teachers
Of English Will
Meet Tomorrow'
Mid - Summer Conference
Of Council Planned; To
Dine At Union
The Michigan State Council of
Teachers of English will hold its an-
nual mid-summer conference at 7:30
p.m. tomorrow in the University Ele-
mentary School library. All teachers
of English whether members of the
council or not, and anyone interested
in the teaching of English, are in-
vited to attend.
The program is as follows: "English
in a Progressive School," Benjamin
Wels, John Burroughs School, St.
Louis, Miss.; "An Experiment in-,
Teaching Remedial Reading," Miss
Blanche Hill, Romeo, Michigan.
"Measuring Results in English
Composition," Kenneth Hoag, Eng-
lish Department, University of Mich-
igan; "Report of the Committee on
Correlation Between High School and
College English," Marquis E. Shat-
tuck, Director of Language Educa-
tion, Detroit Public Schools.
The Michigan State Council is af-
filiated with the National Council of
Teachers of English and seeks to
strengthen the work of the parent or-
ganization. It holds its meetings
twice a year, one at the time of the
annual meeting of the Schoolmasters'
Club in the spring and one during the'
summer school. Dr. Clarence D.
Thorpe of the University is president
and Robert Granville, of the public
schools, secretary.'
The Michigan Council was honored
this year by having one of its mem-
bers elected national president at the
annual meeting in Detroit last
Thanksgiving: Dr. O. J. Campbell of
the English Department of the Uni-
versity of Michigan. Dr. Thorpe and
Mr. Granville are state representa-
tives in the national organization.
Preceding the meeting Monday eve-
ning members who so desire will meet
at the Michigan Union at 6 p.m. for
dinner. Delegations of members from
Grand Rapids, Ypsilanti, Jackson,
Kalamazoo, and Detroit have been in-
vited to attend.
Miss Kyer Is Out
For Her 4th Title
Miss Jean Kyer will attempt to win
her fourth women's city golf cham-
pionship when she meets Mrs. Forrest
Stauffer, tournament medalist, in the
finals of this year's competition at 2
p.m. today on the Huron Hills layout.
The match will be decided at 18 holes.
This is the first time that the two
women have met in the finals of the
tournament. Two years ago, however,
Miss Kyer defeated Mrs. Stauffer in
the quarter-final round at Huron
Miss Kyer is the favorite to win to-
day's match by virtue of her show-
ings in previous competition this year.
She is also the defending champion,
having won the title in 1933 at Bar-
ton Hills from Mrs. J. H. Cissel on
the 19th green.
Mrs. Reed Orr and Mrs. Reed Nesbit
Liquidation Of
Assets Is Seen
Fo r Guardian
Stockholders May Form
Corporation; Have To
Raise Five Million
Jones Says RFC
Plan Is Possible Only If
Majority Of Creditors
Join Corporation
WASHINGTON, Aug. 4. -- (P) -- F.
G. Awat, Acting Comptroller of the
Currency, today approved sale of the
remaining assets of the Guardian
National Bank of Commerce, of De-
troit, to a liquidating corporation to
be owned by the depositors, under a
plan requiring shareholders to raise
$5,040,000 as a compromise settle-
ment on their stock assessments.
The plan is predicated upon not less
than 75 per cent in amount of the
bank's creditors joining in the for-
mation of the corporation.
Receiver B. C. Schram's June 30
statement accounted for assessment
collections of $1,160,965.
The compromise figure, approxi-
mately 50 per cent, corresponds with
the estimated percentage of recovery
fixed by Receiver C. O. Thomas, of
the First National, in his valuation of
assets of the latter institution, Dec. 31.
Awalt said the basic sale price of
the assets as agreed on between the
receiver and a depositors' committee
would net a final dividend of t9 per
cent, which, with dividends already
paid, makes a total payment to cred-
itors of 87 per cent.
RFC To Aid
Depositors with amounts under $1,-
000 have already been paid in full
under a plan previously agreed on.
An arrangement has been made
for the RFC to make an additional
loan on the bank's assets to provide
part of the necessary cash needed to
enable the receivers to distribute divi-
dends to the creditors who do not
participate in the liquidating corpo-
Full and prompt co-operation by
the Reconstruction Finance Corp. was
made known by Chairman Jesse H.
Jones, vacationing at Mackinac Is-
land, as a guest on Fred J. Fisher's
yacht "Nakhoda."
Jones wirelessed:
"We have today authorized an ad-
ditional loan of any part of $7,000,000
necessary for payment of a 19 per cent
liquidating dividend for depositors of
the Guardian National Bank of Com-
merce. The loan is conditioned on
approval of the plan for termination
of the receivership by the court and
the Comptroller of the Currency."
Courts Must Approve
Although the chairman of the Gov-
ernment's principal relief agency has
ostensibly been fishing, it is known
that the chief purpose of his visit to
Michigan was a first-hand study of
the Detroit bank problem, and that he
has devoted most of his time to it. He
was prepared to act promptly when
agreement to lift the receivership and
turn the assets back to depositors
gained Treasury approval.
The approval of the sale of assets is
subject to an order of the Federal
courts, and a petition for the neces-
sary authority will be filed by the
Receivership will be discontinued
as soon as the sale of the assets is
completed. Approval of the plan was
given by radio by Comptroller J. F. T.
O'Connor, who is now on his way
home from a European vacation.
The statement of the Treasury
reads in part:
"J. F. T. O'Connor, Comptroller
of the Currency, authorized his office
today to approve a plan for the sale
of all of the remaining assets of the
Guardian . National Bank of Com-
merce, Detroit, Mich., to a liquidat-
ing corporation to be organized by
depositors of said bank, and the ter-
mination of the receivership.
Air 'Glider Train'
Broken By Clouds
The air train of gliders making its
return trip from Washington to New
York reached Philadelphia in three
sections today after it was broken up
by an immense cloud bank south of
Flying blind, their frail craft rock-
Carr's Talk
Thursday To
Close Series
Four Lectures Are To Be
Given In Final Week Of
Education Program
Concluding Talk Is
On N.E.A. Policies
Olson, Davis, Stephenson
To Present Three Other
Four speeches will conclude the an-
nual summer lecture series of the
School of Education this week, three
to be given by members of the Edu-
cation school faculty and the fourth
a talk by Dr. William E. Carr, direc-
tor of research of the National Edu-
cation Association, which is listed for
Thursday afternoon.
Dr. Carr's speech on "Some Policies
of the N. E. A.," is expected to be the
outstanding speech of the summer
program. At present he is connected
in an associate position with the
Education school faculty, and is giv-
ing two special four-week courses.
The other three speeches will be
given tomorrow, Tuesday, and Wed-
nesday afternoons, all beginning at
4:10 and all to be given in Room
1022, University High School. Dr.
Willard C. Olson will inaugurate the
week's program tomorrow by speak-
ing on the topic "Diagnosis and
Treatment of Behavior Disorders of
Continuing the series, Prof. Calvin
0. Davis will discuss "Curriculum In-
novations in the High School" on
Tuesday. He will be followed by Prof.
O. W. Stephenson, who will speak on
"Educational Responsibilities in Re-
lation to Delinquency and Crime" on
Wednesday's program.
The education conference series
this summer comprises 19 programs,
all featuring discussions of some edu..
catoin problem by members 'of the
University faculty. This is the sev-
enth week of the series, which Edu-
cation school officials declare has
been one of the most successful in
Detroit Pounds
Out 19 Hits To
Beat Sox, 16-4
Phillips Coasts To Easy
Victory As Every Tiger
Hits At Least Once-
DETROIT, Aug. 4.-(M -The De-
troit Tigers today obtained Alvin
Crowder, big right handed pitcher,
from the Washington Senators by the
waiver route.
While no details were announced by
the Tiger management, it was pre-
sumed that the price involved exceed-
ed the waiver sum of $7,500. To date,
Crowder has lost 10 games while win-
ning only four for the Senators, but
in 1933 he tied Robert Grove with
games won, going well over the 20-
mark, and in 1932 topped the Amer-
ican league. He bats left handed.
DETROIT, Aug. 4. - (if) - For the
second successive day the league-
leading Tigers counted their runs in
double figures today as they pound-
ed Sad Sam Jones and Joe Heving
for 19 hits to make it two straight
over the Chicago White Sox, 16 to 4.
Hank Greenberg contributed a
home run to the slaughter, with two
men on base, and also a double and
a single. Al Simmons got a home
run for the Sox.
Clarence (Red) Phillips, the six-
foot "baby" of the Tiger pitching
staff, made his first start- of the sea-
son and went the route, although he
was touched for 12 hits. Sensational
fielding saved him from serious dam-
The White Sox perpetrated six er-
rors, all of which figured in the scor-
ing. Three of the bobbles were on
Jimmy Dykes.
Jones, who has been pure poison to
the Bengals in times past, lasted only
two innings, yielding seven hits and
seven runs before he was lifted for a
pinch pitcher. Heving was hardly
more effective.
Every Tiger player got at least one
Huey Long, Walmsley
Are Still Making Faces
NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 4. - (AE) -
The "Battle of New Orleans" con-
tinued an affair of wordy threats and
legal involvements today.
There was, however, no relaxation
in the rival camps of Senator Huey P.
Long and Mayor T. Semmes Walm-
sley, where hur.reds of armed men
awaited the word of their leaders in
the grim struggle for political su-
Senator Long had removed tem-
porarily from the immediate scene
of operations, establishing himself in
the governor's mansion at Baton
Rouge. National Guards mobilized
by the state administration, which he
controls, remained on duty here, how-
ever, in spite of a district court order,
now three days old, calling for de-
Mayor Walmsley's augmented po-
lice force of 1,400 men likewise con-
tinued on a 12-hour shift, admittedly
ready for any eventuality. The Mayor
flung fresh defiance at the Senator
by asserting he was ready to increase
the force to 10,000 if that was neces-
Four Churches
Present Guest
Pastors Today
Bishop Magee Will Speak
At First M. E. Church;
Noble At St. Andrews
"What is the Christian Church?"
will be discussed by the Rev. Mr. Na-
thaniel Noble at 10:45 a.m. today at
St. Andrews Church. Mr. Noble comes
from the Lenox School for Boys, Len-
ox, Mass. This summer he is a stu-
dent in the Graduate School of the
"Christian Certainties" is the sub-
ject to be presented at 10:45 at the
First M. E. Church by Bishop J'. Ralph
Magee, St. Paul, Minnesota. At 5
W p. the student group will meet 4t
Stalker Hall, ging from there to the
Saline Valley Farm, iecently estab-
lished co-operative farming project,
where Mr. Vaughn, manager, will con-
sider "The Farmers' Way Out."
At the First Baptist Church, "The
Road to Happiness" is the topic cho-
sen by M. H. Henry, instructor in
Methematics at Michigan State Col-
lege, Lansing. He will be assisted by
Prof. LeRoy Waterman of the Uni-
versity. Prof. Norman B. Richardson
of the Presbyterian Theological Sem-
inary, Chicago, will occupy the pulpit
at the Presbyterian Church, corner of
Huron and Division, speaking at
10:45 on "The Price of Convictions."
Students will assemble at 5:30 at the
Presbyterian Church House on Wash-
tenaw Avenue for supper, followed at
6:30 by devotional service in charge
of the student pastor, Lee Klaer.
The Rev. Mr. Ray Allison Heaps,
minister at the First Congregational
Church, is using as his sermon theme
"Divine Guidance in Human Affairs"
at 10:45. This is the final service
for the summer. At Bethlehem Evan-
gelical the Rev. Mr. T h e o d o r e
Schmale speaks on the topic, "The
Gospel in the Modern World." At
9:15 a.m. the sermon is given in Ger-
man, at 10:30 a.m. in English
"The Church Vestry" will be pre-
sented at Zion Lutheran by the min-
ister, the Rev. Mr. E. C. Stellhorn, at
10:30 a.m. At Trinity Lutheran the
Rev. Mr. H. O. Yoder, pastor, will
dwell on "Examples of Great Faith -
Jacob" at 10:30 a.m. Mass will be
celebrated at St. Joseph's Church at
8:30 and 10:00 a.m.
At the Unitarian Church services
are now discontinued for the summer.
They will be resumed September 23.
Cheap Power
Is Predicted
By Roosevelt
Speaks Before Thousands
At Site Of Grand Coulee
Dam In Washington
Is Second Speech
Made Since Return
Gives Reason For Large
Sums Granted To West
Coast Projects
Aug. 4.--(P)-Developments of the
Northwest into a more heavily pop-
ulated area using cheap electric power
from great dams such as the govern-
ment is building was predicted by
President Roosevelt in an address
here today.
Before 10,000 cheering persons who
gathered at Coulee Dam site, center
of a $63,000,000 water and power
project fostered by the government,
the chief executive said these Federal
undertakings concern not only the
states directly involved but also the
nation as a whole.
"We are going to see, I believe, with
our own eyes, electricity and power
made so cheap that they will become
a standard article of use, not only for
agriculture and manufacturing, but
also for every home within reach of
an electric light line," said the chief
The speech, Mr. Roosevelt's second
since returning to the continent yes-
terday from a sea vacation, was de-
livered after he had been welcomed
tumultuously by assembled citizens
of Idaho and Washington and after
he had inspected the work already
done on the big dam. This dam will
control an upper section of the Co-
lumbia River and make possible re-
formation of surrounding land.
Mr. Roosevelt quoted an engineer
'as sayi-ng the~ eventual completion of.
the Grand Coulee project would dou-
ble the potential power of every city
in its distribution area.
The President explained that of the
money made available to him by Con-
gress there has been allotted "in these
states of the coast a much larger
portion of the funds than the popu-
lation of these three states justifies."
"We did it in my judgement with
perfect propriety," he said, "and with
the knowledge that those states which
did not get quite so much as the coast
got would understand and approve it.
SPOKANE. Wash., Aug. 4.--() -
A sack of dynamite and percussion
caps found lying near the railroad
right-of-way over which President
Roosevelt's train passed early today
led to extreme precautions of federal
and county officers to avoid any at-
tempt against the Presidential train.
Roosevelt's train passed over the
spot, two and a half miles southwest
of Spokane, without any untoward in-
The explosives were discovered by
a Union Pacific agent four days ago,
who became suspicious of three men
he saw depositing a package. Sighting
through a watch tower door, the agent
directed searchers to the spot where
the cache was hidden in the brush.
"We thought possibly the dynamite
might have been intended for the
President's train," said Sheriff Geo rge
Miles today in disclosing the discov-
ery, "and we were taking no chances."
For four days a heavily armed body
of secret service men and sheriff's
deputies watched the spot.
"We kept the guard there," Miles
said, "to capture the men if they re-
turned for the explosives."
League To Hold
Last Supper Of
Summer Se ries
Climaxing the League program of
Sunday night suppers for students
and faculties of different divisions of
the University, the League yesterday
announced that next Sunday evening
there would be a supper on the lawn
of the League for all students and
faculty members on campus.
Every Sunday night of the Summer
Session there have been suppers,
sponsored by various departments.
This is planned to culminate the pro-
W L Pet.
Detroit .............64 37 .634
New York ...........62 37 .627
Cleveland......55 45 .550
Boston .............53 49 .520
Washington.........46 53 .465
St. Louis.... .....44 52 .458
Philadelphia.........38 58 .396
Chicago.............36 67 .350
Yesterday's Results
Detroit 16, Chicago 4.
New York 5, Philadelphia 1.
St. Louis 8, Cleveland 7.
Washington 7, Boston 5.
DG 910 r ]