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July 10, 1935 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1935-07-10

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Play Is Begun
In 15th Annual
CityNet Meet
Steve Lewis In Singles
Division Is Only 1934
Chainpion Entered
RobertAngell Out
°irst-Round Play Must Be
Completed. On Friday;
Competition Open I

An Englishman Who Loves Adventure,
Speed, Thrills-Sir Malcomb Campbell
By EDWARD J. NEIL -..- .-
(Associated P:; SprtwWitr).

Play in the fifteenth annual city
tennis tournament wasbegun yester-
dlay with a field which included a
defending champion in but one di-
vision. Close play was predicted for
the whole tourney as Steve Lewis,
men's singles titleholder, was faced
with a strong field and competition
in every other division was thrown
wide open by the absence of defending
Lewis will meet a field which in-
cludes such stellar stars as Chris
Mack, Doug Gregory, Steve Kasa-
bach and Ray Sherwood, although
Prof. Robert Angell, runner-up in the
singles competition and a member
of the winning teams in the men's
and mixed doubles events, is in Eu-
rope this summer.
Lewis and Mack, runners-up to
Angell and Dr. John Dorsey in the
men's doubles last year will be in-
stalled as favorites in that division
with strong competition expected
In the mixed doubles Lewis and
Miss Jean Keppel, runners up to An-
gell and Miss Helen Alexander, are
again paired together and will be fa-
vored. In the women's singles divi-
sion, the absence of Mrs. A. Skinner,
1934 champion, will open the field
to Merida Hobart, all-campus wom-
en's champion, Mrs. May Lewis, Cath-
erine Sanders and Henrietta Cher-
rington from a strong entry list.
No junior tournament will be held,
with, a novice tourney, winners of
which will competein the state nov-
ice meet sponsored by the Detroit
News, being substituted.
Matches must be arranged between
contestants, it was announced, and
results of first-round matches re-
ported to Moe's Sport Shop by Fri-
day. Play will be held on Palmer
Field courts or elsewhere by mutual
Men's Singles
First Round-
Lewis, S.-Bye.
Wagner, 4121 392 vs. Webster 4121
English Dep't.
Rivera 9437 vs. Raab.
McCorme 3203 bs. Hopkins 7671.
Longley 6105 vs. Springer 21284.
Weibel 3674 vs. Peterson 3023.
Stallard vs. Coleman 5653.
Newsom 6348-Bye.
Kasabach 3201-Bye.
Buchols vs. Mindlin.
Davis 21388 vs. Babcock 23717.
Tompkins 22491 vs. Schnap 7849.
Brandt 23879 vs. Tenney 4121-539.
Frisinger 8360 vs. McKibbin 21717.
Smith 23717 vs. Berkowitz 3447.
Sherwood 4917-Bye.
Edmonds, R.-Bye.
Hurley vs. Bush 6675.-
Srigley 8938 vs. Rosenbaum, B.
Dorsey 217770-Bye.
Haver 21417 vs. Whiter 6411.
Simmons 23466 vs. Tener 21513.
Landon 7372 vs. Rtufino 6739.
Gregory 7673-Bye.
Sorensen 5518-Bye.
Lane vs. Miranda 8773.
Aroian 21203 vs. Abinojar 23314.
Martin 9477 vs. Magee 4121-669.
Guthrie vs. Spicer 6367.
Kulchin 22352 vs. Jablonowitz 4942.
Myers 6375 vs. Wiggers 9828.
Men's Doubles
First Round-
Lewis-Mack 4211-Bye.
Smith 23717 and Wiggers 9828 vs.
Schnap 7849 and Tofpkins 22491.
Sorensen 5518 and Shoberg 4473 vs.
Weibel 3674 and Mindlin.
McCormick 3203 and Myers 6375 vs:
Frisinger 8360 and Rufino 6739.
Boak 3284 and Dorsey 21770 vs.
Shroth 8802 and Dolph 6251.
Srigley 8939 and Bush 6675 vs. Lew-
is 3304 and Peirsol 8540.
Fuller 5072 and Wilson 738 vs.
Whitker 6411 and Brandt 23879.
Sherwood 4917 and Lane-Bye.
McKibbin 21717 and Edmonds vs.
Reading and Reading 21857.
Beddwo 8937 and Jennings vs. Stal-
lard and Raab.
Magee 4121-669 and Hopkins 7671

vs. Beach and Engel 5735.
Mahlke 5094 and Mahlke 3787 vs.
Simmons 23466 and Estivillo 8773.
Neil 3302 and Lee 6423 vs. Rosen-
baum and Rosenbaum 6035.
Martin 9477 and Dow vs. Landon
7372 and Jacoby 5146.
Alli 6494 and Miranda 8773 vs. Rot-
berg 5727 and Newsom.
Gregory 7637 and Kasabach 3201-
Men's Novice Singles
First Round-
Brandt 23897 vs. Dayton.
Lee 6423 vs. Longley 6105.
Durfee 4782 vs. Stevens 21721.

The prophet who is no hero in his
home town,hthe celebrity who is just
a husband to his wife, have nothing
in common with Sir Malcolm Camp-
bell, Britain's wealthy master of the
fastest speeds man ever has attained
on earth.
To Lady Campbell, his small,
blonde, winsome wife, Sir Malcolm
is as great as the public acclaims him
and as fascinating as the day she mar-
ried him,' 15 years ago.
"He was a racing driver when I met
him," says Lady Campbell "and all our
life together he's been driving cars
at terrific speeds. I had to reconcile
myself to it at the start, and I've felt
all along, that since that was what
made him happy, neither I nor any-
one else had any right to attempt to
dissuade him from it.
Leaves Nothing to Chance
"He loves speed, adventure,, thrills.
He could never be content with living
the life of an ordinary business man
unless for a time each year he did
all the things he wants to do. I'm
happy to see him do them. I never
worry because there is no use in that.
"He is tremendously capable and
thorough. He leaves nothing to
chance. He is the only man in the
world today who could do what he
is doing."
For days at Daytona, when Sir
Malcolm was running, Lady Camp-
bell sat in the seclusion of the timing
tower, unable to stay with her friends
in the box seats along the fastest sec-
tion of the course, without displaying
her fears.-
Wears Good Luck Charm
Her courage lasted up to the point
where Sir Malcolm eased himself into
the straitjacket cockpit of his seven-
ton racing car, kissing her, and pulled
his goggles down over his eyes, wait-
ing for the "go" signal. He never
knew how she felt in the timing tower.
Every day, when he decided to try
for the record, she dressed him in
their hotel suite, almost as you'd dress
a child. Everything he wore, by, her
own choosing, was blue, to go along
with the Bluebird car - Maeterlinck's
symbol of the unattainable. His socks,
his underwear, his shirts, his suit -
everything was blue, even to the scarf
she knotted around his neck. He wore
a necklace of goodluck charms she
gathered for him.
A typically British wife, she does
about as he wishes, and is content to
subjugate her wishes to his. She
likes dancing, and he doesn't so they
don't dance. She likes to play cards,
he doesn't, so they play cards only
at bridge parties in the afternoon.
He rises early each day, and when
in London, drives some 20 miles to his
insurance offices. They rarely go out
at night. He s'pends most of his spare
time tinkering with motors in a huge
garage behind their estate at Povey
He eats anything set before him,

and enjoys it. Sometimes, when he
feels slightly under the weather, he
likes to be babied, and she enjoys
that. Her whole life is wrapped up
in him and her children, Donald, 14,
and Jean, 11.
This summer, Campbell expects to
better his Daytona mark of 276 miles
an hour on the Bonneville dry lake
beds of Utah.

Sir Malcolm has promised his wife
he'll quit racing when he attains 300
miles an hour, but she doesn't believe
"He said that when he was striving
for 200 miles an hour, and he said
he'd stop when he made it," she says.
"He's still racing. I expect that he
always will."


(Associated Press Sports Reporter)


Il Duce Moves
TO Protect Men
Use Of Special Vaccine
Against Typhus Adopted
By Fascist Leader
LONDON, July 9. - (P)- The 225,-
000 soldiers and workmen Mussolini
has sent to Eritrea have all been vac-
inated against typhoid, paratyphoids
A and B, and cholera with Sir Aldo
Castellani's tetravaccine.
Harley street specialist, ex-profes-
sor of tropical medicine at Tulane
University and authority on many
tropical diseases, Sir Aldo has just
returned from a three week's trip to
"The health situation in Eritrea is
excellent as a result of the precau-
tions taken by the Italian atuhori-
ties," Sir Aldo said. "In addition to
treatment with my multiple vaccine,
the men have been vaccinated against
"All but the A-1 men are being
weeded out of the Eritrea forces. Low
standard men, virtually all workmen,
are being sent home."
This explodes rumors that hun-
dreds of men are returning to Italy
suffering from tropical diseases, he
All Soldiers Called Fit
Each of the quarter million soldiers
sent to Eritrea is physically capable
of supporting the damp tropical cli-
mate of the coastal zone, Sir Aldo
The morbidity and mortality rates
in this zone are only slightly higher
than the European average, he ex-
plained, adding that on the mountain
plateau which forms the hinterland
of Eritrea, the climate is ideal for
Castellani discovered the tetravac-
cine during the war. Dr. G. T. Lurie,
of the American Red Cross, was the
first to employ it. His patients were

To say that Lawson Little, Jr., sur-
prised the British golfing public by
his showing in the open champion-
ship at Muirfield is only going half-
way. He surprised his American pub-
lic, too.
There was cause, however, to sus-
pect the husky amateur champion of
two continents would run well at
Muirfield. After wobblyfirst rounds
at Merion a year ago and Augusta
this spring he steadied down and shot
the kind of golf he usually reserves
for match play.
He opened his romantic quest for
both British championships with a
first round of 75-three under par.
Thereafter he shot the next three
rounds in two under par for a finish-
ing total of 289, good for a tie for
fourth place.
It is this corner's hunch that Lit-
tle requires a visible, tangible op-
ponent to bring out the best in him.
Merely tp battle par doesn't seem to
be able to do it, for the first round
anyway. It seems to be a mental
complex with him but his last three
performances in major medal compe-
tition make it appear as though he's
mastering it.
Little - And Jones
There was no one more impressed
with Little's great game at Brookline
last September when he won the U.
S. amateur title than Bob Jones him-
self. He was lavish in his praise of the
Californian's ability. However, it's a
bit too early to even attempt a com-
parson of Little and Jones.
Jones was equally good at stroke
and match play. The great Georgian
was the world's best until he retired
from competition five years ago. Lit-
tle can't claim that distinction until
he crashes through one of the two
major open championships.
There's this much to be said in
Little's favor, however. Since Jone's
retirement the game has speeded up
considerably. Implements have been
improved and players in general are
better. It takes a lower score to win
open championships than it did a few
years ago. Take for example the last
two British opens. Henry Cotton and
Removal Of Judge
Demanded By Ickes
WASHINGTON, July 9 - (P) -
Secretary Ickes demanded today the
removal of Judge T. Webber Wilson
for "bringing the administration of
American justice into disrepute in
the Virgin islands."
The judge, appearing as a witness
against Gov. Paul M. Pearson in a
senate investigation of the Virgin
islands administration, testified yes-
terday that "administrative interfer-
ence" with justice in the islands had
been attempted there.
Secretary Ickes, at a press confer-
ence today, assailed the conduct of
the senate committee's investigation
and said he had expressed his views
in a letter to Chairman Tydings (D.,
Md.). He renewed his protests
against the committee's refusal to
permit him to cross-examine witnes-
Referring to Judge Wilson, a form-1

Alfred Perry won with record-equal-
ling aggregates of 283-five under par.
Saga Of Little A Gem
The saga of Lawson Little truly is
one of the gems of golf. It started
in England in May, 1934. He's now
won three great amatuer tourneys in
succession. Theremarkable part of it
all is that less than two years ago he
was just a long hitter. That'saabout
all you could say for him with the
possible exception he was a little bet-
ter than average on the greens. He
took a long course in iron play from
Tommy Armour and today he is
practically a finished player with each
Mentioning Little's long driving
brings up another interesting point.
Jimmy Thomson of Long Beach, Cal-
if., the blond, curly-haired Sampson
of the links who "kicked away" the
open title ot Oakmont this year is ad-
vertised as the world's longest hitter.
It is our opinion that Little can easily
match Thomson for distance and he
has a distinct bulge on the profession-
al in the matter of control.
There's no doubt about controlled,
long-range bombing from the tees
giving a player a decided advantage
over the shorter hitter. It worked to
Little's advantage at Prestwick,
Brookline and St. Anne's in the ama-
teur championships. On the average
par four holes he usually negotiated
them in a drive and a pitch.
Dr. Elliott Is
Recognized By
Admi nistration
LANSING, July 9- ( )-The state
administrative board recognized Dr.
Eugene B. Elliott today as the right-
ful holder of the office of superinten-
dent of public instruction, over the
protest of Paul F. Voelker, who claims
he is entitled to the office.
Both claimants sat in a meeting of
the board without a %ign of debate
until a record vote was taken. Then
both demanded the right to be recog-
nized as superintendent, a position
which carries with it membership on
the administrative board.
Voelkr, however, still retains cus-
tody of his office. He refused to vacate
when Gov. Fitzgerald named Elliott to
succeed him at the expiration of his
term July 1.
Elliott was appointed when Maur-
ice R. Keyworth, superintendent-
elect, died after an automobile ac-
cident. Voelker said he could be suc-
ceeded only by someone elected by the
people and that the office could not
be filled by appointment.
Elliott appealed to the state su-
preme court. Voelker's answer to the
quo warranto proceedings has not
yet been filed.
'Tramp Passports' Plan
For Reich's Hobo Army
BERLIN, July 9. -- P) - Concern
is being caused by the 70,000 men who
perfer to be vagabonds along Ger-
many's highways rather than sub-
ject themselves to Nazi regimentation

Club To Hold
Meeting Today
Hildebrandt, Iarpinski To
Give Talk At Opening
The Mathematica Club will hold
the first of its bi-weekly meetings at
4:15 tomorrow in room 3017, Angell
Hall with Prof. T. H. Hildebrandt
speaking on "Integration" and Prof:
L. C. Karpinski in the "Early History
of Mathematics."
Although the Club is active during
the regular semesters, the purpose is
different then than in the Summer
Session. In the regular semesters an
effort is made to keep the members
in contact with the type of research
being done and to coordinate for
them the various fields of mathe-
matics. In the Summer Session, an
attempt is made to give the members
an insight into the various branches
of mathematics which are being car-
ried on at Michigan.
The Club is an organization of the
members of the mathematics depart-
ment, including in its membership
graduate students in research in
Anyone interested in the meeting
is cordially invited to attend.
Amendment To
A A A Measure
To Be Offered
Borah Urges Curtailment
Of Imports; Byrd Also
WASHINGTON, July 9 - VP) -
Senator Borah (R., Ida.), is think-
ing of submitting an amendment to
the Agricultural Adjustment Act bill
to prohibit the importation of all
products similar to those which
American farmers have agreed to
curtail in return for federal benefit
Borah said today there is no sound-
ness in a policy that cuts American
production to the point where foreign
competitive goods can be sold in this
country in large quantities.
"There is a large amount of ag-
ricultural products coming into the
United States now," he said.
Borah offered an amendment to
the AAA bill yesterday to strike out
the provision denying citizens the
right to sue for recovery of proces-
sing taxes. Senator Byrd (D. Va.).
also introduced amendments designed
to shave the new powers over produc-
tion and marketing which the meas-
ure would grant to the AAA..
The AAA bill is expected to be de-
bated in the senate tomorrow or
Demands that open hearings be
held on the measure have been made
by S. Clay Williams, former NRA
chief, in a memorandum to the sen-
ate agriculture committee.
Williams. a tobacco manufacturer,
accused AAA officials of "subtlety and
secretiveness and craftiness' and said
they persistently have opposed open
hearings. After saying he thoroughly
approved the original act on which
the AAA's production control pro-
gram is based, he declared the pro-
posed amendments depart "far from
that basis."

M' Graduate's
'Flying Auto'
Makes Debut
(Continued From Page 1)
seven hours less than are considered
absolutely necessary for flying the
conventional type of plane.
Hammond compared the rate of
descent when the plane is being land-
ed with that of a parachute fall, and
explained that safe landings are pos-
sible merely by holding the control in
the proper position.
Cruises At 100 Miles Per Hour
For taking off, the only movements
necessary are opening of the throttle,
and, when the plane has attained the
proper speed, pulling back on the con-
trol. The plane which was tested
yesterday has a cruising speed of
about 100 miles an hour, but Ham-
mond expects to step this up in those
which will be delivered to the gov-
Gasoline consumption is placed at
about that of a low-priced automo-
Hammond was a member of Delta
Phi fraternity when on the campus,
and was on the staff of the Michigan
Lefty Grove of the Boston Red Sox
rn nt ni fl th n h t he abllrecord

WASHINTON, July 9. - R) - Off
the political stage, Huey P. Long of
Louisiana catches the public eye with
his attire and strutting gait.
His widely varied wardrobe ranges
from conservative darks to cream
whitesfor summer. He likes bright
shirts and pajamas, preferably silk.
Long's friends can recognize his
bouncing stride a block away. His
arms swing widely, his steps are long
and rapid, his whole frame bobs jerk-
ily. It's his way of exercising.
The "kingfish" streaks his car at
60 miles an hour over Louisiana high-
ways. He bursts through the Sen-
ate's swinging doors and bounds down
the center aisle to his seat..
He picks up papers, puts them down,
tears scraps of paper and chews on
them while listening to debate. In a
minute he is on his feet again, weav-
ing about the floor, chatting with
Imembers of both parties.
When Long was Louisiana's gover-
nor, the mansion evenings often found
him entertaining friends at the piano.
He has a pleasant baritone voice. He
sponsored construction of a music
building at Louisana State university
and likes to lead the university band.
As a boy, he found his farm en-
vironment distasteful. After a few
years as traveling salesman, he decid-
ed to become a lawyer. He 'begged
and borrowed tuition money and to-
day is outstanding in his profession.
Long considers his law library the
best in the country. It fills one room
of his office suite, a room for which
he bargained with the senators, agree-
ing to give them free access to the
Giants Beat Cubs To Take
Lead In Softball League
With two new teams entered in
the league, the second series of In-
tramural softball games was played
yesterday, the Giants taking first
place behind the pitching of Voorhies
in downing the Cubs, 13 to 10.
Games originally scheduled for to-
morrow have been postponed until
July 16 because of the Education Club
picnic, it was announced last night
by Randolph Webster, director of
summer intramural athletics.
The Standings
W L Pct.
Giants ................2 0 1.000
Athletics..... ......1 0 1.000
Pirates ..... . .....1 1 .500
Braves...............1 1 .500
Tigers ................0 1 .000
Cubs ..................0 2 .000
Games Yesterday
Pirates 7, Beckken and Gary;
Braves 3, Smith and Lutes.
Giants 13, Voorhies and Butler;
Cubs 10, Schmidt and Ladshaw.
Athletics 18, Wagner and Kusmer;
Tigers 11, Nordland and Paquet.
When 12-cent telegrams were in-
troduced between Scotland and the
south of England, a Glasgow man sent
a pressing proposal of marriage. It
was not "reply paid." .

State Settles
Chain Store
LANSING, July 9- (A) - The two-
year-old controversy over the validity
of the Michigan chain store tax law
was ended today.
The state administrative board ac-
cepted the compromise offered by
attorneys for chain store operators.
Under it the state will receive $1,-
563,981 for 1933, 1934 and 1935 taxes
from a group of chains involved in
pending litigation. In return the liti-
gants agree to withdraw an appeal
to the United States Supreme Court.
Under the compromise the state
will lose approximately $280,000 as
compared with the full amount due
under the law. The compromise was
effected because of the dispute over
the legal date upon which the chain
store tax act became effective.
Attorney General Harry S. Toy
told the administrative board he be-
lieved the compromise will wipe out
all dispute and that chain stores not
involved in the litigation now will pay
the tax.
L LUNCHEON 30c to 45c
.. DINNER ... 40c to 60c
fj A$5.50 for $5.00
338 South State St.
ne m n m w r

.. i_ - ~ _"" l

.nnouncing the Opening




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Modern and Hygienic Equipment
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