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July 10, 1935 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1935-07-10

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Goodrich Says
'Not Guilty' In
Court Hearing
Alleged Slayer Of Gallaher
Girl Astonishes Crowd In
Detroit Trial
Faints Afterwards
Plea Upsets Prosecution's
Action For Immediate
Sanity Hearing
DETROIT, July 9.P- () - Merton
Ward Goodrich, his eyes averted and
his knees quaking, astonished a
crowded courtroom at his arraign-
ment in recorder's court today by
mumbling a plea of innocence in the
sensational Lillian Gallaher murder
The former trap drummer, who has
made a detailed confession of the
"trunk slaying," fainted as he was led
to a cell pending routine examination,
and Prosecutor Duncan C. McCrea
sent for a physician.
Within a few minutes Goodrich was
returned to court, and brought face
to face with the brother of the girl.
Again he seemed on the point of col-
lapse as Clayton Gallaher looked at
him with undisguised contempt.
Plea Upsets Plans
Goodrich caught the look. Pasty-
faced and trembling, he slumped into
a chair as Gallaher told of going to
the county morgue last September to
identify the mutilated body of his
little sister.
Goodrich was ordered held for trial.
Goodrich's plea upset prosecution
plans to have him undergo an im-
mediate sanity hearing. It also upset
plans to have a similar inquiry for
his wife, Mrs. Florence Harding Good-
Goodrich seemed sleepy and indif-
ferent when he first was led into
court, his wrists manacled to detec-
tives. The room was packed. Many
of the spectators were women. Good-
rich attempted to avoid their eyes.
His hands began to shake so he
hardly could hold a glass of water a
detective gave him.
"How do you plead?" asked the
"Not guilty."
Asks For Attorney
Goodrich began to mumble. He
was asking the court to appoint an
attorney to represent him.
"I am not sure I can do that before
examination," the judge said.
Goodrich seemed surprised.
"I'm'sorry," he mumbled.
Before he was returned to court
for examination, detectives demanded
to know who had advised him to plead
"Was it your wife?"
"Well," said Goodrich, "we talked it
McCrea restated the case against
Goodrich at the outset of the exam-
"Have you anything to say?" the
judge asked.
Held Without Bail
The prisoner remained in his chair,
his eyes downcast. He mumbled in-
audibly. Then he shook his head.
"You are held for trial without
bail," the court said.
Mrs. Goodrich was not brought into
court. No charges have been filed
against her.
Goodrich received a letter today
from his father, Merton E. Goodrich,
a Cleveland hotel clerk, advising him
to "waive a jury trial, have the at-
torney the state gives you plead in-
sanity, as of course you are when you
do these things, and leave your fate

in the hands of the judge."
The father, a former minister, said
he was writing "in very great sorrow
and sympathy" and urged his son to
repent "and trust in God."
Niagara Falls
Excursion To
(Continued from Page 1)
Queenstown and Lewiston, Niagara
University, and Devil's Hole.
As the return to the Falls proper
is made, the excursionists will pause
at the great Schoelkopk Plant of the
Niagara Falls Power Co. to inspect
the plant and see the company's large
model of the falls. An explanatory
lecture will be given. This concudes
the formal portion of the trip.
Those who braved the cable-car ride
will have a chance on Sunday to see
the entire Falls and Gorge region
from Fort Erie to Lake Ontario by
airplane. If sufficient students make
the trip a reduced fare of about $2
will be secured, Professor Belknap
said. While the airplane trip is in
progress and until 5 p.m. other stu-
dents will be able to take the "Maid of
the Mist" trip under the Falls or re-
visit other spots that attract them
The return to Ann Arbor is sched-
uled for about 5 p.m. Sunday. At
7 p.m. the excursionists will arrive in

Scores President

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session, Room 1213
A.H. until 3:30:" 11:30 a.m. Saturday.

-Associated Press Photo.
Kingf isl1 Says
Roosevelt Is
'Liar, Faker'
Fresh Blast Against New
Deal Administration Is
Made BySenator Long
NEW ORLEANS, July 9-W) - A
fresh blast against the New Deal ad-
ministration by Senator Huey P. Long
was centered today on his accusation
that President Roosevelt is "a liar
and a faker."
Riding the crest of another surge
of legislation which gives him un-
precedented control over the state of
Louisiana, Long assailed the Presi-
dent last night with a personal de-
nunciation unmatched in his previous
attacks on the administration.
His accusation came during a radio
speech in which he touched on the
recently enacted old age pension bill.
"Let me tell you about this Roose-
velt pension plan," the senator said.
"Under it there are 280,000 persons
in Louisiana who would get about
S1,000,000 which would mean that
the state's old age pensioners would
get about $3.60 a year or a little less
than one cent a day.
"That's what Franklin Delano
Roosevelt sends you down here.
"Franklin Roosevelt is a liar and
a faker. Now let them indict me for
that and I'll prove him a liar."
Interspersed with the attack was
another tirade against Long's politi-
cal enemies and a review of the work
of the recent legislative session at
which the general assembly broad-
ened the senator's control over the
state to an almost unlimited degree.
Long's blast against the chief ex-
ecutive came during a discussion of
old age pensions and was followed by
sharp pokes at Mr. Roosevelt on his
tax-the-rich and relief programs.
Onderdonk To
Give Lecture
HereJuly 11
League Of Nations Group
To Sponsor Illustrated
Talk At Union
Lfr. Frances S. Onderdonk will
speak on the Italian-Ethiopian sit-
uation under the auspices of the
League of Nations Association of Ann
Arbor at 8 p.m. Wednesday in Room
316 of the Union. Dr. Onderdonk
will accompany his lecture by three
silent movies and a talking picture.
The talking picture is entitled "The
Next War," with a scenario by Burnet
Hershey, war correspondent of the
New York Times. It depicts the his-
tory of warfare from the Stone Age
to modern times.
The three short silent movies are
entitled "The League of Nations,"
"The Zeppelin Raid on London," and
"New Work's Peace Parade of 1934."
Dr. Onderdonk will be introduced
by Prof. John P. Dawson of the Law
School, who will be chairman of the
Dr. Onderdonk was a member of
the College of Architecture faculty
of the University for eight years. He
studied architecture at the Imperial
and Royal Technical University in
Vienna, receiving his doctor's degree
from there' in 1919. He became a
member of the University faculty in
1925. He is a well-known lecturer,
having talked before University and
club audiences all over the state and

How To Pronounce
Names In The News
Here's how to pronounce names of
persons and places in the news:
Khabarovsk, city in far eastern re-
gion of Soviet Russia - Kah-bah-

VOL. XVI No. 14l
Excursion No. 4: Ford Plant, River,
Rouge. Bus leaves at 12:45 p.m. in
front of Angell Hall today. Re-,
turns to Ann Arbor at 5:30. Round
trip fare, $1.25. Reservation must be4
made in the Office of the Summer
Session, Room 1213 Angell Hall.
Niagara Falls Excursion. Registra-
tion and information regarding thisj
excursion now available at the Of-
fice of the Summer Session The ex-
cursion will leave Ann Arbor at 3:30
p.m. Friday, July 12, via Michigan
Central R. R. After spending the en-
tire days, 13th and 14th, at Niagara
Falls the party will leave by special
train Sunday evening, July 14th, ar-
riving in Ann Arbor at midnight.
Round trip railway fare $7.00 is pay-
able at time of registration. Other
expenses ought not to be more than
$8.00 or $10.00, to cover hotel, meals,
and transportation around Niagaa
The Chocolate Soldier: Final cast-
ing for the chorus at 5 this after-
noon in the Mendelssohn Theater.
All students on the campus are eli-
gible to try out.
V. B. Windt.
National Student League: Meets to-
night at 8 p.m. at the Michigan
Union. Mr. John Edmonds will speak
about the Second American Youth
Congress, held last week in Detroit.
All interested are invited to attend.
Band Concert: The following pro-
gram will be given by the Summer
Session Band in their first weekly
concert on Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., on
the steps of the Main Library.
March, The Square Shooter, Frad-
Overture, The Barber of Seville,
Selections from the "Chocolate Sol-
dier, Straus.
March, The Vanished Army, Alford.
Ballett Egyptian, Luigini.
In A Persian Market, Ketelbey.
Las Toros from "LaFeria," Lacome.
The Yellow and the Blue.
Earl Siocum, Director
of This Week's Concert.
Discussion Group Meeting: All per-
sons engaged or interested in the
education of negroes are invited to
meet at the Benjamin House, 110 East
Ann Street at 7:30 this evening to
discuss the topic, "The Spiritual 4d-
justment to Segregation and Discrim-
Educational Conference: At 10:10
a.m. today there will be a conference
on Education in the Future at the
Michigan Union.
Phi Delta Kappa Luncheon: Mem-
bers of Phi Delta Kappa Socitty will
lunch at the Michigan Union at 12:30
Educational Conference: At 2:15
p. m. today there will be a conference
on American Education in the Fu-
ture in the Michigan Union.
Men's Education'Club: The men of
the Education Club will play baseball
today at 4:00 p.m. at South Ferry
Summer School French Club: The
third meeting of the Club will be
held tomorrow, Thursday, July 11,
at 8:00 p.m. in the "Second Floor
Terrace Room," Michigan Union.
There will be an open discussion on
educational problems.
Mrs. Koella will sing French songs.
Visitors' Nights at the Observatory:
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday eve-
nings, July 11, 12 and 13, from 8
until 11 o'clock, the Observatory will
be open to summer students. Tickets
must be secured in the office of the

Summer Session, Room 1213 Angell
Hall. There is no charge for these
Students, College of Engineering:
Saturday, July 13th, will be the
final day for dropping a course in
the Summer Session without record.
Courses may be dropped only with
the permission of the classifier after
conference with the instructor in the
A. H. Lovell.
Notice for Wednesday and Thurs-
day, July 10, 11: Mathematical Club:
The first of the Summer Session
meetings will be held Thursday,.July
11 at 4:15 p. m. in 3017 Angell Hall.
Professor T. H. Hildebrandt will speak
on "Integration." and Professor L. C.
Karpinski on "The Early History of
Mathematics in America." All those
interested are cordially invited to
Women Students: The department
of Physical Education for Women will
hold the first picnic swim on Fri-
day. July 12, leaving Barbour Gym-
nasium at 5:30. Women students

amination given by the German De-
For the Summer Session this ex-
amination will be given on Thursday,
August 1, at 2 p. m. in Room 203 Uni-
versity Hall.
Students who intend to take the
examination are requested to register
their names at least one week before
the date of the examination at the
office of the German Department, 204
University Hall, where detailed in-
formation with regard to examination
requirements will be given.
A. O. Lee.
College of Literature, Science and
the Arts, School of Music, and School
of Education: All students, now in

complete or X at the close of their
last term of attendance, must com-
plete work in such courses by the end
of the first month of the present
Summer Session, July 24. Where ill-
ness or other unfavorable circum-
stances make this impossible, a limit-
ed extension of time may be granted
by the Administrative Board of the
Literary College, the Administrative
Committee of the School of Educa-
tion, or the Director of the School of
Music, provided a written request,
with the approval and signature of
the instructor concerned is presented
at the Registrar's Office, Room 4,
University Hall.
In cases where no supplementary
grade is received and no request for
additional time has been filed, these
marks shall be considered as having
lapsed into E grades.
Relic collectors and newspaper want
ads thrive on Kansas dust storms.
Old Indian sites have been exposed
for collectors. Straying livestock

IWhere TooI
2 p.m., Majestic Theater, "The
Flame Within" with Herbert Marshall
and Ann Harding, and "Murder on a
Honeymoon," with Edna Mae Oliver
and James Gleason.
2 p.m., Michigan Theater, "Alibi
Ike" with Joe E. Brown.
2 p.m., Wuerth Theater, "Shadow
of Doubt" with Ricardo Cortez, and
"Life of Vergie Winters" with Ann
7 p.m., Same features at the three
8:30 p.m., Lydia Mendelssohn The-
ater, "Merrily We Roll Along" by
the Michigan Repertory Players.
Canoeing every afternoon and eve-
ning on the Huron River, Saunder's
Canoe Livery.
Dancing at the Blue Lantern .Ball-
room, Island Lake) featuring Clare
Wilson and his orchestra.

residence, who received marks of In- cause advertising.


Women Will Hold
First Picnic Friday
A series of weekly picnics for women
attending the Summer Session will be
inaugurated Friday, it was announced
yesterday by Dr. Margaret Bell, who
is in charge of women's physical edu-
cation. The picnic groups will leave
Barbour Gymnasium at 5:30 p.m.
This week's "picnic-swim" will be
held at the home of Mrs. L. W. Oli-
phant near Barton Pond. All women
wishing to attend are asked to reg-
ister by noon Friday in Room 15, Bar-
bour Gymnasium. A small fee will
be charged to cover the cost of the
supper and transportation.
The White Sox were Detroit's pet
victims last year, losing all but five
of their 22 games with the Tigers -
but this season, in their first 11
meetings, Chicago whipped the Ben-
gals 8 times!


We apologize for the delay

However, the STUDENT DIREC-
TORIES are now distributed for
sale at all leading Bookstores, Drug
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