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July 10, 1935 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1935-07-10

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be worn out, for he has been in constant train-
ing since early winter. During the indoor season
he competed in ten meets, entering from one to
four events in each. Outdoors the 21-year-old
sophomore has had one Saturday of rest since
April, competing in ten meets since then. And
in those ten meets until last week he had never
competed in less than two events and almost in-
variably in four, as he did here when he set three
world's records and tied another.
Such a program is obviously too much for any
athlete and especially one who must be as keenly
trained as a sprinter. If Owens is allowed to repeat
that program next year there is every reason to
believe that he will sacrifice his chances for
Olympic titles, a blow to 'American and especially
Big Ten supporters.
Larry Snyder, Owens' coach at Ohio State, once
remarked that Owens would make him the great-
est coach in the world -if he does not use better
judgment he may very well become one of
track's prize duds.

A Washington
WASHINGTON - The House of Representatives'
decision to look into the lobby activities, both
for and against the utility holding company "death
sentence," promises a summer side show on capitol
hill while developments in the wealth-tax fight and
elsewhere unfold themselves.
How far the investigation will go, either into ef-
forts of real or self-appointed White House lieuten-
ants to induce votes for the death sentence or into
the "back home" drive to beat it, is another ques-
tion. That Senator Wheeler and Representative
Rayburn, joint sponsors of the "death sentence,"
are prepared with a mass of lobbying evidence,
is well known. That the House committee is pre-
pared to dig clear through it, back to the last con-
gressional elections campaign if necessary, is not
so clear.
The scope of the lobby investigation may hinge
on other circumstances. Should a compromise be-
tween the House and Senate on the "death sen-
tence" question develop in conference and a bill
emerge assured of presidential signature if not en-
tirely satisfactory to the President, the lobby
investigation would lose a lot of its steam. Or
should the Republican effort to postpone action on
taxes to a fall special session gain ground, it could
curtail the lobby hearing.


Classified Directory I
tm swith asFRAMED. U L R I C H'S BOOK- th
Advertising epartment. Phone 2-l"14
The classified columns close at five SOUTH UNIVERSITY.
o'clock previous to day of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at no WANTED
extra charge.
Cash in advance lie per reading line --__E
on basis of five average words to W ,ANTED: STUDENTS TO SELL. th
line) for one or two insertions STUDENT DIRECTORIES. RE-
l0c per reading line for three or ct
more insertions. PORT BETWEEN 9-12. STUDENT
Mininmm 3 lines per insertion PUBLICATIONS BLDG.
Telephone rate - 15c per reading line
for one or two insertions. -, - ----- __
14c per reading line for three or LOST AND FOUND
more insertions.
10% discount if paid within ten days LOST: Keys on campus or south Uni-
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Minimum three lines per insertion. versity. Tag with name inside, F.
By contract, per line -- 2 lines daily, on -
month s X. Roellinger, 1912 Geddes, Phone
4 lines Ey.O.D., 2 months..........3c 2-3171. 34
2 lines daily, college year ..,......7e.___
lines E.OD.,college year........7c LOST: Lady's wrist watch, Michigan
100 lines used as desired ..Ldy'..achMi.9ge
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bold face, upper and lower case, Add ,- 4
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student and family washings. Will
call for and deliver. Phone 4863. Ends Tonight
.2x.. JOE E. BROWN
STUDENT Hand Laundry. Prices rea- in Ring Lardner's
sonable. Free delivery. Phone 3006. "ALIBI IKE"
LAUNDRY. 2-1044. Sox darned. -Tomorrow
Careful work at low price. lx TWO FEATURES
PERSONAL laundry service. We take in
individual interest in the laundry "LADY T U BBS"
problems of our customers. Girls'
silks, wools, and fine fabrics guar- CHARLESiRUGGLES
anteed. Men's shirts our specialty. n
Call for and deliver. Phone 5594. 'People V iIT
611 E Hoover. _3_

I! '
"THE PURITAN STRAIN," by Faith Baldwin;
(Farrar & Rinehart).
FAITH BALDWIN, whose last name is Cuthrell
if you're interested, is now in the midst of her
saga. Miss Baldwin deserted her metier, which
is the bright and shining, thoroughly competent,
modern novel for entertainment, to tell the story
of an American family some months ago.
Or perhaps she has deserted something which
was merely a good living for her, and found her
metier, which would therefore be considered the
serious study of life as it reacts on persons of sound
American stock. Her readers may settle the matter
for themselves after reading "The Puritan Strain,"
second of her saga of the Condit family. The first
volume was "Ameriean Family."-
This time Miss Baldwin's story is a modern one.
Elizabeth Condit is the wife of Alex Gates, who is
one of the lucky men made wealthy by the motor
car. There is one son, David. There is a beau-
tiful house in a midwestern city, social position,
ease -even luxury. The Gates family, at the
beginning, is just about to move to New York be-
cause Alex's business makes it necessary.
Just before the move, however, a.handsome and
magnetic Swede goes to dinner at the Gates house.
And although Elizabeth is not at all dissatisfied (or
if she is, does not realize it) Arne makes an im-
pression -that never fades from Elizabeth's mind.
Much later she realizes that the attractive thing
about Arne was that he was like Alex had been as
a youth, before his success came.
But when she comes to that conclusion she is the
wife of Arne, Alex has married again, and Eliza-
beth is buried in relief work in China. China is a
kind of leit motif in the Condit saga anyway, for
Elizabeth had been born there, and her family
never really had cut away from the land of the little
yellow men.
"The Puritan Strain's" great virtues are sim-
plicity and clarity. It is probably neither original
nor striking. But it is sincere. Miss Baldwin is
interested in her saga.
Off The Record
DR. ENRIQUE BORDENAVE, minister from Par-
aguay, had just finished a long talk with Sec-
retary Wallace of agriculture.
He came away enthusiastic but in telling of the
talk he became entangled with an American idiom
which has been used here frequently since the
advent of AAA. Bordenave wanted to assure his
listeners that Wallace knows his subject, that he is
a true "dirt farmer."
The diplomat led up to his climax, and seriously
pronounced his opinion: "Your Mr. Wallace is, I be-
lieve, a very dirty farmer."
The expert bill counters at the treasury can
make a better record working with new bills
than with old ones. They can run through 40,-
000 of the new bills in an eight-hour day, but
only 25;000 of the old ones in the same time.
,HEAD "G-man" J. Edgar Hoover personally led
a man-hunt through the department of jus-
tice building.
He had been explaining the work of the division
of investigation to a group of visiting newsboys
when one of the group disappeared. Crack "G-
men" sought the boy high and low, but he remained
Then Hoover returned to his office to phone
around the building for more help. There he found
the lad sound asleep in his leather chair.
UNDER-SECRETARY Rexford G. Tugwell of
agriculture is busy organizing his new division
of rural resettlement. His job seems like a big one
in Washington, but to a correspondent from Iowa
it must seem huge.

** *


CUESSING at possibilities in either connection is
the more fascinating because there is so much
doubt about the controlling factors. Lacking a de-
velopment of popular sentiment to support the idea
oF putting off the tax bill until fall, are its Repub-
lican Senate sponsors ready to employ parliamen-
tary delay tactics in the Senate to achieve that
end? Or is the attitude of the White House against
anything less than the holding company "death
sentence" so fixed as to eliminate a conference
Compromise, usually held off until the last mo-
ment, has been the method of all Presidents who
actively strove to assert and maintain legislative
policy leadership. It has been Franklin Roose-
velt's method. Except in the case of the bonus
payment, which is not comparable to the holding
company issue, he has avoided head-on collisions
- until the holding matter came up. On the very
day the House so decisively reaffirmed its rejec-
tion of the "death sentence," an administration
compromise with Senator Glass and his banking
committee colleagues on the Eccles Federal reserve
system reorganization plan was soothing the Con-
gressional ways for the bank bill.

Lydia M
Single Admiss O


r WeRl 0r~o

As Others SeeItt

Modern Chnese Art.
CHINESE ART is changing. After centuries of
adherence to the old mystical, rather literary
tradition a new order has appeared. Nym Wales,
who treats of the phenomenon in the July number
of Asia, points out that the ancient Chinese art
was concerned with nature in the larger sense,
and not with mankind, either in mass or indi-
vidually. The human body was never "looked upon
as the symbol or sources of aesthetic truth." This
art found expression largely in solemn, brooding
landscapes. Even the rush-coated fisherman, who
was often there, figured only because he repre-
sented a philosophical mood made familiar in many
a poetic utterance. This resulted in an art emi-
nently for art's sake, and one in which technique
was of prime importance. The very nature of the
materials employed as painting surfaces -silk or
soft paper - necessitated that. Every brush stroke
had to be pondered and right. No change was pos-
sible. Mr. Wales says:
"Until very recently nearly all the new painting
in China was purely art-for-art's-sake, concen-
trating on technique. But in the 1930s a new
mdvement began. In all creative fields, the van-
guard of post-revolutionary youth became socially
conscious and began to demand a significance for
its art in the resolution of the pressing social prob-
lems of the day. Painters came down from their
ivory pagodas and plunged into the work of rein-
terpreting art in terms of life. For the first time
painting in China turned its attention to man
as a living organism in whose changing destiny
all creative art must share."
Under the new orders, the artistocratic silk gave
way to canvas improvised from plebian flour sacks
coated with paste, and the more vigorous and flex-
ible oil medium replaced the traditional water color
of the old Chinese masters. Thus armed, the new
art turned to expressionism and propaganda, and
technique went by the board, as it has pretty much
everywhere else. The subjects treated underwent
as violent a change. The artists now paint stu-
dents in clashes with the police over the right of
free speech, workers and students being put to
death as Reds, revolutionary generals seizing pretty
country girls as concubines, workers bent under
their burdens, the starving holding out empty rice
bowls, and, naturally, scenes of war and incidents
of violence generally.
But the significant part of it all is that this new
art finds its most enthusiastic exponents in stu-
dents from the interior provinces, from purely na-
tive schools. Their teachers have been for the
most part Chinese educated in Japan, and the
direct influence in the development of this type
of art has come from westernized Japan and not
from Europe. The foreign-educated - which us-
ually means those trained in the school of Paris -
and the mission school products, it appears, in-
cline to empty imitation, which would seem to indi-

The Iowan had addressed Tugwell in care
"The World Resettlement Administration."
"That's just too big for us," grinned Tugwell.


Even on the subject of gardening, Mabel
Walker Willebrandt, the former assistant at-
torney general, is very practical. She is still
such a busy attorney that she gets home to her
quaint, colonial house only in the evening. So
her garden has nothing but white flowers, for
they can be seen in the moonlight.

IE I I -- --j --

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