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July 10, 1935 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1935-07-10

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The WeatherAE
A oerM ichigan . fair . tod ayco mng
nd Tomorrow; not. much 471 .j TheRe
hange in 'temperature. -t Burning
Official Publication Of The Summer Session

Of Age ...
publican Enigma...
Out An Athlete...

Latin Group
Sessions Are
Opened Here
160 High School Teachers
Meet For First Six-Day
Winter Addresses
Prof. Dunham Speaks On
Problems Of Teaching
First-Year Latin
With more than 160 high school
faculty members in attendance, th
Institute for Latin Teachers opened
here Monday. Teachers taking part
in the six days of meetings, lectures,
tours, and disoussions have come prin-
cipally from neighboring states, but a
few registerec from points as distant
as Massachusetts, California, and
Prof. John G. Winter, head of the
Latin department, opened the first
session at 11 a.m. Monday. His ad-
dress was on "Recent Archeological
Excavations in Rome," and was il-
lustrated by lantern slides. Professor
Winter told of recent work in the
Imperial Fora, the uncovering of the
Mercato of Trajan, and the discovery
of the imposing group of temples in
the Argentina of Rome.
Winter Opens Sessions
"Problems in the Teaching of First-
Year Latin" was the topic chosen by
Prof. F. S. Dunham of the Latin de-
partment and the School of Education
for his talk Monday afternoon. In
this he placed particular emphasis
upon the necessity of-a more critical
examination of textbooks and other
teaching materials, and upon the "es-
sential fallacy of placing the primary
stress in the teaching of Latin upon
its practical applications, important
as they may be."
Following the address, a round-
table discussion was held, at which,
those participating dealt with the
problems met in the elementary as-
pects of their profession.
Hosts To Visitors
Monday evening Professor and Mrs.
Winter were hosts to the visiting
members of the Institute as well as
graduate members of the Latin de-
partment at an informal reception in
the Grand Rapids room of the League.
Yesterday morning Professor Dun-
ham conducted a demonstration class
in Latin which was attended by the
visitors. Following this Professor
Winter continued his illustrated talk
on recent developments in archeology
in Rome, and Professor Dunham con-
tinued in the afternoon with a fur-
ther discussion of teaching problems.
The round table discussion which fol-
lowed was conducted by Florence Rie-
gal of Ypsilanti State Normal Col-
The program today will include an
illustrated lecture on "Ancient Life
as Illustrated in the University Mu-
seums," by Prof. O. F. Butler, curator
of the Museum of Classical Archeol-
ogy; a display of papyri and manu-
scripts from the University collection;
and a discussion of procedures in the
teaching of second-year Latin, by Pro-
fessor Dunham.
Meetings of the Institute will con-
tinue daily through Saturday.
First Luncheon Is
Held By Educators
The undergraduates of the physical
education school held the first of its
recently-innovated Tuesday noon

luncheons yesterday in room 116, the
Michigan Union, with Dean James B.
Edmonson of the School of Education
as the speaker.

100,000 Calls
Reported By
Health Service
Forsythe Says Health Of
Students Good During
Past Year
Report Only Two
Deaths For Year
Staff Members Busy And
Facilities Crowded In
Caring For Patients
Showing a total of nearly 100,000
dispensary calls received during the
past school year, as compared to ap-
proximately 85,000 in the previous
year, the annual report of the Uni-
versity Health Service points toward
an increasing use of the facilities for
services which are not usually taken
to physicians.
The number of laboratory deter-
minations also shows a great increase,
there having been 24,393 in the school
year 1934-35 as compared to 11,860
in the preceding year.
In spite of this large increase in
both of the most widely-used sides of
the services, Dr. Warren E. Forsythe,
director, reports that student health
was generally good. All available
staff members were busy in taking
care of the many calls and all the
facilities of the department were over
Few Hospitalizations
During the 10 months that school
was in session, there were but 239
hospital bed patients, an increase of
11 over the preceding year but off-'
set by the increase of nearly 800 in
University enrollment. The physi-
cians were required to make 1,054
room calls -147 less than the high
point in the school year 1932-33.
The mental hygiene department
continued, to increase in popu1gity,'
there having been 869 patients cared
for during the year. X-ray examina-
tions totaled 3,873, an increase of
nearly 500, and 161 tonsil operations
were performed.
The pharmacy in connection with
the H alth Service filled 12,345 pre-
scriptions during the year - a de-
crease of over 1,000 from two years
Physiotherapy Busy
In the physiotherapy department,
which derives a large percentage of
its patients from those who fall off
bicycles or roller skates, take part in
competitive sports other than on the
teams, or manage to cut and bruise
themselves in original ways, 7,749
students were given treatments.
Health examinations were given to
4,737. The total number of deaths in
the University population, from all
causes, was placed at two.
Seventy-five cases of acute appen-
dicitis were cared for, 38 cases of
pneumonia, and 59 of "contagious"
diseases of various sorts. The total
number of acutehrespiratory infec-
tions, .which is the most common of
all ailments, was 7,214.
Reservations For Falls
Tour Must Be In Today
Reservations for the Niagara
Falls Summer Session excursion
positively must be made in Room
1213 Angell Hall before 6 p. m.
today, it was emphasized yester-
day by Prof. Ralph L. Belknap of

the geology department, who is
in charge of the trip.
The excursion fees will total
about $15.

the astronomy 'department and di-,
rector of the University Observatory,
willdeliver the tenth of the series of
Summer Session lectures at 5 p. m.
today in the Natural Science Audi-
torium. His subject will be "Celestial
Photography by the Motion Picture
Professor Curtis has been director
of the Observatory for the past five
years, coming here from The Al-
legheny Observatory, which he di-
rected from 1920-1930.
He is a graduate of the University,
receiving his bachelor's degree in
1892 and his master's a year later.
He took his doctor's degree at the
University of Virginia in 1902.
After graduating he went to the
University of the Pacific, where he
taught mathematics and astronomy
for three years. He worked at the
Leander McCormick Observatory of
the University of Virginia for twc
years and then went to the Lick Ob-
servatory, where he was assistant
astronomer until 1906.
He remained there as an astronom-
er until 1920.
From 1906-1909 he directed the D
0. Mills Expedition to the Southern
Hemisphere, and in 1905 he was ir
charge of the Lick Eclipse station at
Bureau's Work
Is Outlined By
Luther Purdom
An outline of the work of the Uni-
versity Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information was given
by Dr. T. Luther Purdom, director of
the bureau, at the afternoon confer-
ence of the School of Education held
yesterday in University High School.
Stressing the procedure of the past
six years, which includes the writing
*of personal letters to some 2,900 in-
stitutions of higher learning through
the United States, Dr. Purdom de-
scribed the personal contacts the bu-
reau makes with men in advantage-
ous positions, the contacts made with
individual alumni, alumni groups, and
the placement technique employed by
the -bureau.
Dr. Purdom explained that the pol-
icy of the bureau was to present sev-
eral qualified candidates for a posi-
tion to the prospective employer. In
this manner, he explained, the candi-
dates have a greater opportunity for
"personal salesmanship," and the em-

(Associated Press Staff Writer)
WASHINGTON, July 9- (P) -
Ionflicting statements, rising tempers
and an angry shout of "you're a liar"
today electrified the House investiga-
Lion of lobbying for and against the
Administration Utility Bill.
The House Rules Committee heard
accusation of misused Administra-
lion pressure. I heard Rep. Ralph O.
Brewster, Maine Republican, charge
that Thomas Corcoran, RFC attor-
ney, threatened to stop work on the
Passamaquoddy tide-harnessing dam,
in Brewster's district, unless he voted
for the Administration plan for man-
datory abolition of "unnecessary"
holding companies.
Then I saw Brewster and Corcoran
exchange chairs. From Corcoran
came a sweeping denial and an added
assertion that while he,,Brewster and
Ernest Guening, Interior Department
aide, stood outside the House cham-
ber just before the abolition vote,
Brewster expressed an intention of
"ducking" the ballot completely.
"You're a liar," shouted Brewster,
without moving.
"We'll see who's a liar," replied
Corcoran, as Chairman John J. 0'-
Connor's gavel cut short the ex-
As for the alleged threat to bring
Brewster into line on the "death se-
tence" clause demanded by President
Roosevelt, the Maine Congressman's
version was this:
"'Let me be perfectly plain,'" he
quoted Corcoran as telling him:. "'If
you do not vote for the death sen-
tence, I shall find it necessary to stop
construction on the Passamaquoddy
Corcoran's version was that after
learning with surprise that Brewster
would not support the death sentence
he told him:
"If, as you say, you are not a free
man politically and must take power
:ompany support into your calcula-
tions, then you'll understand perfect-
ly that from now on you can't expect
me to trust you to protect "Quoddy, or
trust your assurances that we'll get
that Maine power authority out of
the Maine Legislature."
Whether or not spurred by the first
day's developments, the House Ac-
counts Committee today quickly ap-
proved a request that $50,000 be
granted to finance the investigation..
The House probably will act on the
resolution tomorrow.
Wagner Talks
On Literature
Of Spaniards
Tracing first the great periods in
the literature of Spain and then fol-
lowing the development of literary
forms through those periods, Prof.
Charles P. Wagner of the romance
languages department gave another
in the regular series of summer lec-
tures by members of the faculty yes-
terday in Natural Science Auditorium.
His subject was "Spanish Literature
Although often neglected Spanish.
literature was evaluated by Professor
Wagner as a great national literature,
rich in humor and optimism, with an
exotic character which is so liable to
Finding its origins in the fables,
proverbs, and legends of centuries ago,
Spanish literature came into its period
of awakening at the time Universities
were beginning to spring up. From
1350 to 1492 it was in a period of
rapid growth, the speaker stated.
The Golden Age in Spanish litera-
ture came with the Golden Age of
Spain as a European and world power,
he said. but as Sanish greatness

New 'Flying Auto,' Invention Of
Michigan Graduate Makes Debut

The "flying auto," an invention of
Dean B. Hammond, who graduated
from the aeronautical engineering
department of the University in 1930,
made its debut at the Wayne County
Airport yesterday before aircraft ex-
perts and newspapermen of the met-
ropolitan area.
Heralded as the answer to persistent
demands for a safe, simple plane for
the average person, the monoplane
satisfied its inventor yesterday in its

tors. After the flights yesterday
Hammond stated that a similar flying
auto, with several improvements, will
be submited to the U.S. Bureau of
Aeronautics this fall for tests.
Among the unusual things of which
the plane is capable are taking off
at less than 40 miles an hour, after
a run of slightly more than 200 feet,
and landing to a- complete stop in
less than 100 feet. The latter is made
possible by the steep landing glide of
which the ship is capable, the way in

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