--lE aTu ii AN vT LTUEDAYAUGUT 13L193
Official Publication of the Summer Session
-... ,
excepting, perhaps, in France, England, and the
Scandinavian countries, must surely envy.
Democracy. as a form of government, is by no
means in its ideal state, yet striving for that goal
must eventually bring about the greatest degree of
human freedom and happiness. And to know that
America still holds to that path, in principle at
least, is an undeniable sign that we haven't yet
given ourselves up to the defeatism which permits
sngle power individuals to shape our course as a
nation and as a people. That certainly is one thing
to which we can well point with pride, realizing,
at the same time, that we have yet a distance to go
before we can say, "In America are all men free,
equal, and enjoying the pursuit of happiness".
Publiened every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference ditorial Association
End the Big Ten News Service.
S5SOdated @B'oU ia t $r$s
-1934 ] eNdj 1 935
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ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Thomas E. Groehn, Thomas H.
Kleene, William Reed, Guy M. Whipple, Jr.
ASSISTANT EDITORS: Robert Cummins, Joseph Mattes,
Elsie Pierce, Charlotte Rueger.
Telephone 2-1214
9~rculation Manager ....................Clinton B. Conger
SINESS ASSISTANTS: Charles E. Brush, Frederick E.
t Sagel.
And Action .. .
THE discouragements of depression
have swelled the ranks of radical
roups because countless thousands of individuals
are impatient at the slow, hard, plodding way of
doing things that is associated with the "liberal"
or "democratic" position. Those who are mentally
apathetic or incompetent want to be able to stand
,Tehind a movement that will remedy everything
with a gesture, and one which describes its Utopia
n very concrete terms. But, then, most persons
just can't be reconciled to the fact that the matter
Of government is not as simple and dogmatic as
tbie multiplication table.
The college student, in common with his elders,
shares an impatience to be doing something about
The world's ills. If he's worth the $5,000 or so it
cost to educate him he's all the more anxious, be-
cause he feels that he, if anyone, is prepared to
offer the answers. So college students-the best
of them-sometimes get pretty dissatisfied over
the uncertainties and the inaction of the "liberal"
philosophy, and look to communism or fascism
t.s alternative solutions because they admit of no
weaknesses and promise everything.
It was like that at the last Spring Parley. De-
mocracy, as a local faculty man had said some
time previously, was "not only under fire but un-
der water as well." Discussion dwindled to the
Point where a student speaker again put the
challenge up to the faculty panel: "What alterna-
tives to communism and fascism can you offer
Just as there is a stock question in such situa-
tions, there are stock answers. But they have
seemed unsatisfactory to the very groups who
were honestly seeking solutions. It was at that
point that this year's Spring Parley brought forth
A rather unique answer.
One professor, squaring off and glowering at his
audience, said in clipped sentences something to
this effect: "You folks are dissatisfied. You want
to do something about it. You want action. Well,
our whole trouble today is that we have had too
much action-too much action and not enough
thought preceding it." From there on he went on
to drive home his point with all the examples he
could recite in the brief period he took to answer
the skeptics.,
It was a new answer. Whether it satisfied those
who see discredit in the middle road is proble-
watical. But it was a beginning at logical think-
ing, at putting first things first. The public must
recognize, when it considers, that we have had no
lack of legislative enactments to cure all evils, that
we have resorted all to often to lynch law and
milder forms of mob rule. 'Neither is the race
always to the swift, for the awful struggle of un-
doing what has been unwisely done under an au-
thoritarian system is much more costly than de-
lay for proper consideration.
When we adjust our point of view to realize
that in most cases our problem is one of too much
action rather than too little we will have taken1
one important step in accrediting the democratic
method for one of its signal virtues-that of de-
irtue In
In glancing through one of the Detroit papers
yesterday. ..we discovered this enlightening
information. .it dealt with refuting the dangers
of gas attacks during the war time..and was
written by a Wayne University professor... "In
the event of a gas raid"... the article reads...
"just jump into your bath tub and steam up the
room and you will be quite safe."... it is quite evi-
dent that the professor never lived in an Ann
Arbor rooming house.
Speaking of glancing through the papers...we
admit...that we suffer from noticitus... here's
a little squib that caught our eye.. .in the "Oppor-
tunity Department" of the classified page of a
Grand Rapids paper:
STOCK MARKET. Can't use own money as
then I lose my judgment, but have made big
profits for others. Write. C. B. C. Box 190.
Say. . .you really should have been around.. .
on Sunday afternoon...down on East Ann street
... they really had a good o1' fashioned free-for-all
in one of the colored pool-room and barber shops
(combine)....pool balls went sailing through the
window... and equipment in general traveled the
aerial route... .quite some fun. ..great sport... one
of the boys... who was not so adept at dodging a
knife.. .is open to visitors at St. Joseph's Mercy
* * * *
And on the blotter of the Sheriff's office we
note this assignment to one of the deputies...
"Drive out on Geddes road...there is a report of
a car acting suspicious". ..Gad!... but we're sorry
tgat we were not around at the time when the
deputy went out there. . .it has been our ambi-
tion for quite some time to see a car "acting sus-
picious" something like the Repertory players...
no doubt.
There are only about 137 shopping days left be-
fore Christmas. ..and only four days left before
final exams...somehow we wish we were going
Four stars - shouldn't miss; three stars -
very good; two stars - an average picture; one
star - poor; no star - don't go.
A Warne: Bros. Picture starring Dick Powell,
with ,Joan Blondell, Louise Fazenda, Adolphe Men-,
jou, George Barbier. Grant Mitchell, Hobart Cava
nagh. William Gargan, Ted Fio Rito and his or-
chestra aed the Four Mills Brothers. Also a Walt
Disney Silly Symphony, Paul Tompkins, and a
Paramount newsreel.
(Cinematographic Critic)
The most satisfying element in "Broadway Gon-
dolier," which is a better-than-average musical,
is the frequent and sharp satirical attacks on
radio. Seiz.ng upon few of the more nauseating
characteristics which radio has made peculiarly
its own, the laughs are hearty if malicious.
The story of the "Broadway Gondolier" itself
shows a wretched lack of cleverness, and is ap-
parently present only for the sake of convention.
But there's music-by Dick Powell, whose good
singing you've probably heard, by Ted Fio Rito
and his orchestra, and for one brief scene by the
Four Mills Brothers. Warren and Dubin's songs
are good and Athere should have been more of
them. "Lulu's Back in Town" is the most popular.
Richard Purcell (Dick Powell), a taxi cab driver
studying vpice with a fading old music teacher
(Adolphe Menjou) gets a chance at the U. B. C.
studios, and, although he flops, he meets big-eyed
Alice Hughes (Joan Blondell). He having failed,
Mrs. Flagenheim (Louise Fazenda) with her
cheese millions, heads for Europe in search of
talent, with Alice trailing behind her. What could
be more natural, at this point, than for Richard
to go to Venice too, become a gondolier, and charm
Mrs. Flagenheim so 'much that he should go back
to America as the Flagenheim Gondolier?
But, if you can be satisfied with little more
than good music and jokes you'll have a pleasant
time at "Broadway Gondolier."
A History of Science, Technology and Philosophy
in the XVIth and XVIIth Centuries," Profes-
sor A. Wolf: (Macmillan).
T is a somewhat unusual coincidence that two
men of note should have succumbed to the en-
cyclopedic urge at almost exactly the same time.
The first of these is Dr. Will Durant, who just
has produced the first of five volumes intended to
give the story of civilization from its beginning to
the present.
The second is Professor A. Wolf of the Univer-
sity of London, who expects to confine the history
of science, technology and philosophy through the
same period within three big volumes. Professor
Wolf is perhaps slightly less ambitious. But his
subject leads into more minutiae, and because it
is somewhat restricted, offers larger temptation to
There is a further difference between the un-
dertakings. It is that Dr. Durant is addressing
himself directly to the ordinarily educated man,
whereas Professor Wolf is trying to write so that
Dr. Durant's audience may understand, while pro-
viding material for the "serious scholar." This
has its difficulties; they are rather handsomely
met, however, for Professor Wolf has a real gift
for expressing technical ideas in understandable
He divides his material into the usual depart-
ments: astronomy, mathematics, psychology and
so on. The division is only approximate, however,
for as he says, in the sixteenth and seventeeth
centures science was not so divided, and discov-
eries were made in many fields by the same men.
Newton's name, for instance, is forever turning up.
The text is quite marvelously illustrated. It is
also "humanized," if that is the word, by the in-
clusion of much biographical matter, and by a
consistent effort to relate scientific and philosophi-
cal progress to the general world factors which con-
ditioned it. The current volume Professor Wolf
calls "A History of Science, Technology and Phil-
osophy in the XVIth and XVIIth Centuries."
Others will follow.
Raw Materials
Supplies Are
Materially Cut
Industry And Consumers
Making Steady Inroads
Into World Surpluses
WASHINGTON, Aug. 12. - (P) -
World supplies of leading raw mater-
ials have been cut materially this
year. Industry and ultimate consum-
ers have been marking steady inroads
into surpluses of foods, fibers and
metals accumulated in early years of
the depression. Judging from avail-
able figures, demand has been run-
ning ahead of production in some
basic industries.
The Department of Commerce's in-
dex of domestic stocks of raw ma-
terials. It stood at 114 in June, com-
pared with 149 in June, 1934, and
198 at the end of 1934. The average
for 1923-25 was used as 100 in com-
pilation of the index.
The picture was distorted some-
what by a steep decline in supplies of
some foodstuffs influenced by last
year's drouth and AAA crop control.
Larger yields this year are expected
to replenish depleted stores to some
xtent. The index of foodstuffs for
June was figured as 92 against 162
a year ago.
Declines Recorded
However, declining stocks also have
been apparent elsewhere. Smaller
stocks were recorded for chemicals
and allied products and textile ma-
terials. Only metals, with a small in-
crease, went counter to the main do-
mestic trend.
Reduction in stocks was held to be
one of the best assurances against
a recession in price levels, except in
farm products affected by abnormal
changes in supply the last two years.
Outstanding among world com-
modities for an increase in supply
was rubber. World stocks at the end
of June were placed at 673,000 long
tons, only a little under the March
peak. But rubber sales in the Far
East were said to be under strong con-
Record consumption of gasoline in
this country, together with better ex-
port demand for pertoleum products
and absence of prolific new pools,
helped to reduce stocks of crude oil.
June storage in this country, as re-
ported by the Bureau of Mines, was
the lowest since early in 1927.
Cotton Supply Cut
The world supply of American cot-
ton was cut more than a million bales
the last season. But the carryover,
around 9,000,000 bales, remained
much above normal, as normal was
construed in predepression years.
Supplies of other textile fibers have
dwindled. The world visible supply
of silk at the end of June was down
to 190,700 bales from 259,000 a year
before. The price of raw silk has
been moving up, although its recovery
still is moderate.
Total June wool stocks were re-
corded by the Department of Com-
merce as 141,923,000 pounds, against
176,292,000 a year before, based on
supplies held by dealers, topmakers
and manufacturers.
No recent figures on copper stocks
were available. But the surplus has
been on the downtrend. At the end
of 1934, stocks of refined copper in
North and South America were down
to 350,831 short tons from a peak of
nearly 579,000 early in 1933.
Meat Stores Cut
Drastic reduction was shown in cold
storage supplies of meat and dairy
products. Stocks of pork on July 1,
amounting to 445,000,000 pounds,
were described as the smallest on
record for that date. They were 29
per cent smaller than a year earlier
and 38 per cent below the five-year
average. The supply of storage eggs
also was said to be abnormally small.
The revival of residential building
on a modest scale has reduced in-
ventories of home equipment and
building materials in some lines.
Home construction, however, has
been offset by a decline in public
building. Road construction also has
been smaller. That has been ap-
parent in larger stocks of cement.
But lumber supply has been re-
duced. The lumber survey commit-
tee of the Department of Commerce
reports total stocks dropped 10 per
cent from Jan. 1 to July 1. Expan-
sion in home building and purchases
for CCC camps were given partial
credit for the decline.
Estimating 1935 consumption
would show a gain finally of about
6 per cent over 1934, it recommended
for the first time in four years no
further reduction in stocks. The
committee predicted a less-than- sea-
sonal decline in home building the
rest of this year.
Gold In Turkey Crops
Points To N. D. Survey
BISMARK, N. D., Aug. 12.- (P)-
Further surveys to determine wheth-
er North Dakota's mineral deposits
contain gold in paying commercial
quantities has been recommended by
Dean L. C. Harrington of the Uni-
versity of North Dakota school of
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Classified Directory
FOR RENT: Furnished Apt. with
private bath and shower. Also
large double room with hot and
cold running water. Garage. Dial
8544. 422 E. Washington. No. 65.
4 ROOM furnished apartment. Oil
furnace, one bedroom studio couch.
209 N. Ingalls. Phone 3403.
No. 68
FOR RENT: 6 room house on Olivea
Avt. $45 a month. Phone 7510.
No. 62.
FOR RENT: Furnished Apts. with
private bath and shower. Also
large double rooms with hot and
cold running water. Garage. Dial
8944. 422 E. Washington. No. 65.
FOR SALE: Large Hartman ward-
robe trunk, reasonable. Call 2-2700;
1118 Hill St.
FOR SALE : Scottish Terrier Pups.
Pedigreed. Reg. A.K.C. Sturdy, loy-
al, companionable. Quality dogs,
reasonably priced. 1313 S. State.
No. 64.
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WANTED: One or two room fur-
nished apt. with private bath.
Available Aug. 20. Call 7597.
No. 66.
DRIVING AUBURN sedan thru Pitts-
burgh to Hogerstown Tuesday
morning. H. F. Siewert, 914 Hill
St. Phone 2-2491. No. 67.
WANTED: Kitchenette Apt. Close to
campus preferred. Write Box No.
50. No. 61
2 GRAD. STUDENTS wish single
rooms with garage for two cars.
Willing to live out of campus dis-
trict. Write Box 42.
The new Altoona-Tyrone speedway
is a dirt track, built just within the
famous old wooden oval of the Penn-
sylvtknia city.
Every form of dancig.;
Open 10 to 10. Terrace
Garden Studio. Wuerth
Theatre Bldg. Ph. 9695
Constantly Changing Wafter
A Washington
WASHINGTON-Nothing could have been
sweeter for engineers of the Republican effort
to stimulate an off-season party revival move-
ment than the victory scored in the first Rhode
Island district special election. It was a happy
chance that made the vacancy come just there and
the election to fill it just at this time. That Rhode
Island should be elevated for the moment to the
traditional place of Maine as a forecaster of com-
ing political events, was in the cards.
Even accepting the unquestionable fact that a
Democratic majority of 21,000 a year ago has
turned into a Republican majority of 13,000, or
thereabouts--and that in an "apathetic" election
which saw 20 per cent of the '34 voters too indif-
ferent to go to the polls, viewing the Rhode Island
upset as a '36 straw-in-the-wind indicator has its
limitations. The timing is wrong. It is 14 months,
not a matter of days, before a national election
day. The geography is wrong. The west, not the
east, will be the '36 battle ground.
* * * *
DEMOCRATS drew consolation out of such re-
flections. They refused to concede to Rhode
Island any of Maine's alleged political weather
vane special rights. They countered Republican
chortling over the confirmation they saw in the
Rhode Island result of the "Roosevelt-is-slipping"
idea by citing former Secretary of Agriculture
Jardine of Coolidge prosperity days as finding 90
per cent (if the farmers in favor of the "new
deal's" AAA.
That is all very well for national committee
aides at Democratic headquarters. They presuma-
Wiy will not be running for office next year, just
conducting a national campaign. But how must
that Rhode Island outcome look in the eyes of a
whole flock of house Democrats sitting in nor-
mally strong Republican seats?
PERSONAL laundry service. We take
individual interest in the laundry
problems of our customers. Girls'
silks, wools, and fine fabrics guar-
anteed. Men's shirts our specialty.
Call for and deliver Phone 5594.
611 E. Hoover. 3x
STUDENT Hand Laundry. Prices rea-
sonable. Free delivery. Phone 3006.
Professor 'Cures'
Men-tally IIIDogs
LENINGRAD, U. S. S. R., Aug. 12.
- (/P)Ivan Pavloff, Russian brain
expert, believes his remedies for men-
tally ill dogs have a curative effect
for human beings.
He described years of experiments
on dogs in a paper issued in connec-
tion with the fifteenth International
Physiological Congress, of which he
is president.
Pavloff said he had set up in dogs
the same conditions as those of men-
tal derangement in man and that in
many cases, especially by use of bro-
mide, he corrected experimental neu-
roses which had lasted for months,
even years.
This research led him to the con-
clusion, he explained, that dogs can
be divided into four character classi-
fications, strikingly similar to classi-
fications of human characters made
2,000 years ago by Hippocrates, as
guine and melancholic.
-- Today, Monday, Tuesday -
OF 1935"
- --- plus
As Others See It
No Stomach Pills
COMES NOW the report that mental attitudes,
and not diets, hold the key to the success of
good diges'ion. A research chemist of the Ameri-
can Chemical Society predicts an early return
to uninhibited eating. Chemical properties in foods
agree with some eaters and prove pernicious to
others, says the good doctor. Eaten under pleas-
ant conditions, the foods will tend to be well-re-
ceived by the body.
Hamburger-lovers have waited long for this
report. It automatically discredits one of the
curses of civilization. Imagine the joy of again
having fish and ice cream at the same meal, or
crange juice and milk.
The admonition, however, is really nothing new.
Medieval courts operated under the same prin-
ciple. At mealtime the court jester made the
king laugh which was the best possible indigestion
cure. In a happy frame of mind his majesty could
glut on raw meat.
The modern age has many contrivances to take
the place .,f the court jester. Yet, stomach medi-
cines are best-sellers. We scramble through our
meals without taking a second out for a laugh
The Michigan Union
Hours 12 - 5 Dial 4151
Walt Disney's Newest Creation!
A Silly Symphony in Technicolor
MAJESTIC NIGHTS, Balcony 25c, M. F
In JACK LONDON'S greatest story
loor 35c
N this day of tyrannical dictators rPHE first Rhode Island district had been Repub-
-Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, and lican for a half dozen terms or more when
others-of suppression, and international unrest, Francis Condon, Democrat, captured it for the 71st
it is indeed refreshing to see and hear the barrage ond succeeding congresses. Before that, it had
of criticism being leveled at the present adminis- been equally Democratic for some time. The pop-
tration in Washington. Not that Democrats en- ularity of the candidate seems always to have been
woy witnessing attacks upon our president and his iore important than his party affliations. Had
advisors, but the very fact that such attacks can Condon not stepped up to the state supreme bench,
be made gives us renewed faith in democracy as leaving the vacancy, could he have been licked in
the best form of human government; the govern-|'36 by a Republican?
Of the 193 5 Season