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August 13, 1935 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1935-08-13

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'GUST 13, 1935 r--



GUST 13, 1935 ?AON TERNI

Hoover Drive
For President
Cnstitutional Issues May
Be Paramount After His
Challenge To Roosevelt
WASHINGTON, Aug. 12. - (') -
Herbert Hoover's challenge to Presi-
dent Roosevelt to inform the people
"openly" and "precisely" just how he
wants the Constitution changed was
regarded today as a major step in a
Republican drive for a knock-down-
and-drag out fight on constitutional
issues in 1936.
Stopping in Chicago on a trip east,
the former President hit at the New
Deal last night in a statement accus-
ing the administration of "dictator-
ial" demands, of trampling on "pri-
mary liberties of the people" and of
invading state's rights.
Directly or indirectly, he said, the
administration seeks to revise the
Constitution to concentrate powers in
Demands Frankness
- Calling on the administration to
declare his intentions before Con-
gress adjourns andAo make it an
open fight on a specifically worded
amendment, he said:
"No matter how destructive an
amendment might be and even though
the people were persuaded to ill-ad-
vised action upon it, yet it would be
better for liberty to commit suicide
in the open rather than to be poisoned
by indirection in the capital of the
"No more momentous decision has
been raised since the Civil War. Com-
mon frankness requires that the Ad-
ministration come forward to the
people and declare precisely wherein,
under our Constitution, we can not
correct the evils and can not prevent
social maladjustments."
President Silent
While some Republicans and Demo-
crats interpreted the statement as a
bid by Mr. Hoover for the presiden-
tial nomination next year, others de-
nied this was necessarily the correct
way to construe it.
Meantime, there was no indication
that President Roosevelt, who re-
turned last night from a fishing trip
on the yacht Sequoia, would make
any statement. From Representative
Vinson (Dem., Ky.) came the com-
ment: "No Constitutional amend-
ment has been submitted and no-
body has said that one will be."
Declaring he had no doubt that
Mr. Hoover would run in 1936, Gib-
son (Rep., Vt.) called the statement
a "prelill4rtary .outline of his plat-
form." To Representative Dies
(Dem., Tex.) it was the former presi-
dent's "opening bid" while Senator
Nye (Rep., N. D.) thought it signified
a 'desire to be the candidate.''
One who took a different viewpoint
was Senator Steiwer (Rep., Ore.). He
Publication in the Bulletin is con-
structive notice to all members of
the University. Copy received at the
office of the Summer Session, Room,
1213 A.H. until 3:30; 11:30 Saturday.
VOL, XVI No. 44
Examination for University Credit:
All students who desire credit for
work done in the Summer Session
will be required to take examinations
at the close of the Session. The
examination schedule for schools and

colleges on the eight-week basis is as

News Of The World As Illustrated In Associated Press Pictures



" -"
An Illinois Central freight train locomotive and several ca-rs were hu led from the track near Springfield,
Ill., by a bomb believed to have been planted by factions of warring coal mine unions. Three trainmen were
injured by the cairefully-timod blast.
Rust -1935 Farm Enemy No.1, Chart Readers
Eats Into Northwest Wheat Cr01) See. Market At
ST. PAUL, Minn., Aug. 11.- ()-- high humidity-with the result the Critical Point
Rust-public enemy No. 1 in the rust developed with amazing rapidity
mind of the northwest farmer this to the epidemic stage. 'BpAnd Bu e' Sho
year--has been traced to a Texas ry .BbryFgh p nS W
patologistD of te UniSityn oM - The blow to northwest farmers, Industries Wobbling In
raesolita fthUneriyoMn-Stakman said, has its ironic side. Rather Narrow Range
Aes mil witri.hsuhetr They had been waging a costly and____
state, he said, combined with an early suessfulh f iho eraicate thse bar By A. A. PATTON
spring drought in kansas and Ne- berr bushko wich sharbor usingh NEW YORK, Aug. 12. - 1P) - That
braska, was largely responsible for itr a ord wintersedring the Wall Street cult known as the chart
the ravages of the black stem rust in witr n a osdrdte-readers, in examinig the bumbs and
the Red River valley of the north- selves fairly well protected against bulges of the past four years, turn to
xwest-"the breadbasket of the world". the pague. h.the view that industrial activity and
Parasite "Overwintered" . heavy infestation of supposedly re- the stock market have reached a
The mildness of the Texas winter, sistent types of wvheat. This was par- highly interesting and possibly a crit-
he explained, permitted the parasite ticularly true of Ceres, which in many ical point.
to "overwinter" on winter wheat to regions was injured as severely as Since late spring of 1933, both The
aunusual extent. The early drought non-resistent Marquis. Associated Press average of 60 stocks,
in Kansas and Nebraska killed wheat Although it was known that CeresadThAsoitdPssndxf
to the ground, but later heavy rains was not entirely immune from rust, industrial activity, have been wob-
caused it to grow again from the roots. Dr. Stakman said, "it s'uccumbed far bling in a comparatively narrow
This wheat, he said, was thus still more easily than most people sus- range.
green when it should have been ripe, pected it would, due largely to unus- Industrial activity has been bump-
arnd became heavily rusted. ually moist soil and cloudy condi- ing the top of this range for several
Tves Dhr. Sakmarn said eqentered tions until June, which left the months. The stock mnarket, as meas-
teene Do. Jukn s20d wentsouth plants more slender than normal and ured by the average of 60 stocks, just
winds sculntingn an hextrh Ithus far more subject to the plague.''!,came back into the top area of its
haywnd on June 24, carried tre t Thatcher Wheat Shines iayear.frhefstiminmrtan
mendous numbers of the tiny rust Nevertheless the farmer-who lost May Set Record
spores into the northwest. on the average half his expected The chartists argue that if share
Rains and heavy dews followed, yield-can survey the situation with prices should be able to break through
constituting ideal conditions for the hope for the future, Dr. Stakmnan this upper level into new high ground,
infecticn of wheat with rust. From emphasized. Standing out as the one it might forecast a similar movement
that time until almost harvest time bright spot in the ruin was the re- in industrial activity. That is, it
the weather continued ideal for rust markable showing of Thatcher wheat, may mean business is going to break
develojmenL--high temperatures and Ideveloped two years ago by the Mm- out of the rather narrow range in
--- ----------~- nesota agriculture experiment sta- which it has been fluctuating, to
. . r tion in cooperation with the U. S. achieve new recovery records.
e Clntlf3 0 n dpartentof aricltur. .Most chartists say the business
Not only did it survive the plague trend usually has been forecast by
Bette Equpped better than any other variety, but it a prior movement in share prices.
. produces flour free from the "yel- Sometimes the trend of business has
To Fiht C n~erlow tinge" which 'has prejudiced changed first. In that case, if the
_%-;"_housewives against other resistent industrialactivity indexfailsto break
This is the tenth of the teries of short varieties, such as Marquillo- out of the 2-year range into new high
articles, sponsored by the Michigan State ave ground, stocks may be due for a set-
Medical Society, in which the essential
facts about cancer are made clear. back. -
T psiinadsre Fate r e iroops In a chart showing both the fluctu-
TEastInnoNfothe stheCstock averA t
present day has a wealth of informa- industrial activty index sinceaJan -
tion of use in combatting cancer that Withdraw After Uary,a 1932, chartists find evidence
was not available a generation ago. haem N.hangutenoatrend of busi-
Smedof'thisnohastmefrmrcliical eidmctae
exeariene i dianosi ad nteas nghrun Decree ness was forecast by a rise in stocks
sxprcey DgnC.Stnganplattboweo Ind July, 1932, a decline in September
na sis. t ieritfMirof the same year. In March, 1933,
noayi. f ttstc eaigw t ka ad a t rncsd. RtlrNro ag
anli nts nthers rion ith Strike s Casd By Laval however, business started upward
staterhepsatdcmbiene thnprlynsuccesoeright after. the bank holiday, while
the result of investigative work car- Recovery Plans End As stocks declined for three weeks. Peaks
ried on in research laboratories. Thisweeeahdlmtsmuanusy
is an exciting type of work which President peaks were reachedalostsliutaneously
appeals to the sense of the romantic.sthekstyaBo
Hundreds of scientists all over the PARIS, Aug. 12. - (h) - Troops ockt ndusiness Diverge
«n. In.Octoberrofd1933,ohoweverwstocks
world have devoted their lives to stationed at Toulon since last week's again calle te thun ye hitg a
cancer research. disorders over Premier Pierre Laval's bottom before business did In Feb-
From this intensive wafarae of in- recovery decrees were withdrawn to- ruary of 1934, stocks turned do
vestigation new methods as well as day after President Albert Lerun de- ward, while business did not turnh
new facts have appeared. Perhaps the doared France had had "quite enough til May. Bottoms were touched al-
most helpful in a practical way has of clenched fists.'' mosTheAsameate ineebr
been thehdounsreutratodehdacanswasnthenresien essed a "su- since the, stcks adbune haveemw
can be produced at will in suitable preme appeal to the nation" to end shown less inclination to mve o
laboratory animals. Thoughtful peo- its political strife, the fifth victim of gether. Stocks recovered feebly while
ple cannot object to the use of ani- the rioting died in Brest. At Toulon business recovered smartly late last
mals, usually mice, in such investiga- funerals were held for two more. year.
tions, when it is realized that present- At LeHarve, where a strike of ship Tre byhndu6so ,js
winds, ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tra cumiain in aneteeytuia oe ujcotepau.

day protection against a variety of workers tied up ocean shipping for crept along the top of the range this
diseases was made possible solely by two days, a thousand functionaries year, while stocks fiddled along in
animal experimentation. Every year paraded chanting the "Internation- the lower area until March, then be-
new and more precise methods of ale."
producing cancers in animals are giv- There was a 15-minute suspension gan the brisk advance which has just
en t th scentfic orl. Eeryonenow carried them back to the top of
en to the scientific world. Every one of street car and motorbus service in the range.
of these methods teaches also how Lille in protest of the decrees.
human cancer may be prevented. Farmers met in Amiens to de-
A second method of investigation nounce lower prices for bread and Liquor Raids Jam Jail,
makes use of the principle that a sugar. War veterans met at Mar-
cancer can be transplanted from one seille and Nantes to protest against So Inmates Stand Up
animal to another of the same species. pension cuts.
This has proved a very helpful ap- Tebgetdmntainwsa COLDWATER, Mich., Aug. 12.-
Thishasprovd aver helfulap~ The biggest demonstration was at (,P) -The Branch County Jail, unoc-
proach for it makes it possible to Toulon, where from 15,000 to 30,000 (A'e -Th e Br an t Ji, ks
stud th beavir ofthesam cacercupied for more than three weeks
sudyher av tio of t sa e an persons marched in the funeral pro- last spring, held 25 prisoners today,
under varied conditions of treatment. cession of the two killed in Thursday's largest number in its history. The
Mice by tens of thosuands have street fighting. increase followed a series of raids on
bee red in ctii snd h ocu nAll the meetings were without dis- suspected liquor law violators over
rence of spontaneous cancers among turbance. the week-end. Sheriff Leon R Green
them noted. Thus the part played installed temporary tables in the cor-
by heredity has been investigated. ridors after some inmates had been
By highly technical methods a few Texas Farmer Finds forced to eat standing up. Some pris-
cells removed from a cancer can be
kept ro efrniel n an c 'Torpedo'-Shaped E oners slept on the floor.
kept growing indefinitely, in an incu-P
hn+r" Such cancoe cell cultures are

Although authorities in Hollywood, Cal., announced they believed
the experiment could be halted by law, Stephen Simkhovich (left), 34-
year-old writer and scenarist, said he was determined to permit Dr.
Ralph S. Willard (right), research chemist, to freeze him and then at-
tempt revivification. Simkovich is shown signing the agreement per-
mitting the experiment which Dr. Willard hopes will reveal new meth-
ods of combatting disease. (Associated Press Photo).

Work Speeded
On State WPA
Relief Projects
Four New Jobs Are Started
And Six More Will Be
Begun This Week a
LANSING, Aug. 12. - iP) - The
State Works Progress Administration
speeded up its work relief program
Work relief projects were launched
in four communities which are de-
signed to employ 1,950 men by the
end of this week. Louis M. Nims, pro-
ject director, said that six other pro-
jects employing 1,860 men would be
launched before the end of the week.
A street repair program in Kal-
amazoo officially opened the Works
Progress Administration functions in
Michi'gan last Friday.
Nims said the first allotment of
money for the administration
amounted to $4,100,000. He said the
projects now contemplated will ab-
sorb the allotment.
The projects begun today were: A
street repair program at Grand Rap-
ids to employ 1,000 men now on re-
lief rolls; a similar program in Mus-
kegon to employ 300 men; a bridge
repair project in Lansing to employ
150 men, and city park repairs in
Flint to employ 400 workers, 200 of
whom were to goto work this morn-
Projects which Nims said will be-
gin this week were located in Battle
Creek where 100 men will be em-
ployed; Pontiac 500 men; Royal Oak
200 and Jackson 500 men. He esti-
mates repairs to University of Mich-
igan buildings will require 500 men
and at Michigan State Normal Col-
lege 60 men.

Friends and relatives of J. J. Al-
len, 111-year-old Oklahoma farm- Mrs. Mary K. Simkhovich (above)
er, learned at his birthday party in nationally known welfare worker,
Bokchito, Okla., that the "First has protested vigorously against the
hundred years are the easiest." plan of her son to submit to a
Compared to what he's been. freezing experiment at the hands of
through, he said the present gen- Dr. Ralph S. Willard in Hollywood,
eration doesn't "know anything Cal. She termed the experiment
about hard times." "incredible."
Father, 3 Brothers On Relief
but Rep. Hook Is 'Not Ashamed'

Bill Terry, manager of the Giants,
admits he has one baseball Weak-
ness - he's a poor base-slider-into.
For that vacation
or trip home!
Navy...Brown. Beet
Root ... Prints ...Sheers
and Crepes... Knits, both
light and darker shades.
Sines 12 to 46
$5 00
All White and Pastel
Crepes. .
K. One Group of Print
Dresses, values to
to $12.75.
All Summer Coats
T he 6izabeth'Dillon k
East William Street
Just West of State

Hour of Recitation
8 9 10
Time of Examination
Thurs. Fri Thurs.
8-10 8-10 2-4
Hour of Recitation
1 2 3 All


Time of Examinawtion
Thurs. Thurs. Fri.
4-6 10-12 10-12



IRONWOOD, Mich., Aug. 12. -(I),
- Representative Frank E. Hook
(Dem., Mich.) said today he was "not
a bit ashamed" of the fact that his
father and three of his brothers were
receiving, or had received, govern-
ment relief.
The twelfth district representative
in Congress said his relatives were
forced to apply for relief before he
ran for Congress and that they were
"legitimately on the relief rolls."
"I had nothing to do with getting
them on relief, and I have nothing
to do with keeping them on the relief
rolls," he declared. "I'm not a bit
ashamed of it. It shows that I came
from the common class of people, and
I'm going to stay with them. If any-
one tries to use it as a club over my
head, I will just fight the harder."
"Haber told me," Representative'

Hook said, "that he knew all about
it and that there was nothing to in-
Of his own charges last winter
that there was inefficiency in the ad-
ministration of relief in the Upper
Peninsula, Representative Hook said
that he expected to make no de-
mands for a further investigation.
"The Work Progress Administra-
tion will take care of any inefficiency
that may have existed," he said.
He emphasized, however, that he
intends to press his demand in Con-
gress for release of a report by Harry
L. Hopkins, works progress adminis-
trator, of the general relief adminis-
tration. A resolution he introduced
July 9 calling upon President Roose-
velt to make the report public is

Michigan Dames will hold the Sum-
mer Session's last auction and bridge'
party for student wives at the League,
Wednesday afternoon, August 14.
Playing begins promptly at 2 o'clock.
Each player is requested to bring a
"white elephant" for prizes.
The Intramural Sports Building
and Swimming Pool will close at six
p.m. Friday of this week. Lockers
must be renewed or vacated by that'
Special Problems C201 meet in an-
next today 8 to 10.
To All Students Having Library
(1) Students having in their pos-.
session books drawn from the Uni-
versity Library are notified that such
books are due Monday, August 12,
before the impending examinations.
(2) Students who have special
need for certain books after August
19 mnx r - in n hnlr i a n ,. raf


Leather Goods




... . ...75c fo $6.00

BRIEF CASES $2.00 to $10.00
BILL FOLDS, with or without zipper... .50c to $5.00
Also Pillow Covers, BridgeSets, Diaries, Travel Books
nnrl mnn, nthr nrtirloc All r rirtd tvnur ncivnntannp




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