Offcial Publication of the Summer Session
ii y
degree, but that they are downright untrust-
worthy. The Republicans, he says in all truth,
have nothing for the electorate. The Communists
incur Mr. Pinchot's tacit disapproval.
Then which is the way to turn?
Mr. Pinchot's remarks about a qualified state
ownership are vague, although probably necessar-
ily so. He fails to mention the profit motive, but
since he supported Roosevelt, who has many
times openly given his allegiance to a "just" profit,
he must stand for a "modified" capitalism. The
danger of following this line of economic and po-
litical thought, however, is that it may lead to a
Fascist government which operates "from above"
through cooperative organization of industry and
labor. Mr. Pinchot's proposed scheme of govern-
mental regulation sounds as much like Signor Mus-
solini's corporative state as anything else.
The idea of an America constructed along the
lines of present-day Italy will not appeal to many.
The German slugfests show where economic
chaos may lead a Fascist state of a slightly dif-
fering mold.
The Democratic party has failed, Mr. Pinchot
Off The Record
Publiined every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the WesternConference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten News Service.
Associated 6011eiate xer#s
- I934 @I )j Ij}4 193 5
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication oftall newsdispatches credited to it or
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
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Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc. 11
West 42nd Street, New York, N.Y. - 400 N. Michigan Ave.,
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A8SOCIATE EDITORS: Thomas E. Grochn, Thomas H.
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ASSISTANT EDITORS: Robert Cummins, Joseph Mattes,
Elsie Pierce, Charlotte Rueger.
Telephone 2-1214
Cii'culation Manager ....................Clinton B. Conger
BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: Charles E. Brush, Frederick E.
Amos Pinchot
On Roosevelt . .
Publication in the Bulletin is con-
structi ye notice to all members of
the UiverSity. Copy received at the
office of the Summer Session, Room,
1213 A .H. un Cil 3:30; 11:30 Saturday.
i ,
H OW LONG will capitalism last in the
United States?
Where does President Roosevelt stand?
Does the New Deal have any unified policy for
relieving distress in our country?
To what banner can the young liberal turn
The answers to these questions, or at any rate
one set of answers to them, are contained in a
recent letter from Amos Pinchot, brother of the
former governor of Pennsylvania, to his friend,
Prof. Felix Frankfurter of Harvard. Mr. Pinchot's
close analysis of the New Deal and what it stands
for is made doubly interesting by the fact that
he voted for President Roosevelt and worked dil-
igently for his election.
Mr. Pinchot says, in sum, that he is "no longer
gambler enough to support the New Deal."
Then Mr. Pinchot goes on to state that "Roose-
velt with all his fine, kind-heartedness is failing
because he follows no consecutive line, and appar-
entIy doesn't think things through to the end.
"He permits -monopoly and price-fixing by big
"Then he comes out for the Sherman anti-trust
law. He tries to set up a managed economy, which
is impossible without a fine highly-trained and
non-political civil service, but lets Farley smash
the civil service whenever it's necessary to streng-
then his political machine."
The writer proceeds to attack the Rooseveltian
"doubling-back" money policy, and then basically
attacks the New Deal as follows:
"In general his (the President's) policy seems to
have been, 'Well, if this doesn't work, we'll find
something else.' The only things he has been
consistent in are regimentation and a steady trans-
fer of function from Capitol Hill to the White
House. Already he has concentrated so much
power in the executive that in the hands of any
but the most intelligent, wise, and scrupulous Pres-
ident, it becomes a threat to Democratic govern-
Mr. Pinchot thrashes out the pros and cons of
the Rooseveltian humanitarian moves giving the
brain trust some credit but characterizing many
of the Washington -professors as "moralists with
a short-sighted social worker point of view."
"I've come to feel," Mr. Pinchot says, "that the
New Deal has not merely prolonged the depression,
but pretty thoroughly ruined, for the time being,
the possibility of a constructive political and
economic movement. It has gathered under its
wing . . . the younger, liberal-minded people .--
and has left them in the blind alley of unworkable
regimentation. It has propagandized against de-
mocracy. . . and there's nothing left for them (the
liberals) to do but be inactive or to go clean over
to the Communists, or to a hopeless Republican
Party that has learned nothing from the depres-
sion ..."
Mr. Pinchot expresses next his belief that "cap-
italism has a long time to run in the United States"
and that the only way to make it "workable" is to
"break the monopoly control of men of great
wealth over the tran'sportation system, the na-
tural resources of the country and the monetary
system." He would place "under Government
ownership" not only "railroads, the pipelines, and
other transportation agencies," but "all natural
resources." He favors a "non-partisan, non-polit-
ical authority, analogous to the Supreme Court,
for the control of money."
John Strachey pointed out in his lecture here
some months ago that no Communist who knows
what he's talking about would advocate the down-
fall of capitalism "if capitalism would work." Nor
would anyone else, it seems. Why change if all is
However, it appears that since 1929 all has been
distinctly not well with the world, our own nation
included. But the Communists are not unique in
recognizing this fact. The liberal Democrats, the
The Republicans have nothing to offer, he con-
He points out vague remedies which have to do
with a "state capitalistic" structure, with owner-
ship of some great public interests vested in the
With this set-up, who can blame American youth
for turning wonderingly toward the quack Mes-
There doesn't seem to be much left, politically
to attract a 21-year-old pioneer of 1935.
Diplomatic Cunning{
Is England's .. .
growing that England, besides hav-
ing the most outstanding individual diplomat on
the Continent in the person of Anthony Eden
has also one of the most shrewd corps in the
world. Although the British have traditionally
denied any particular cunning in the conduct of
their international affairs, the last five weeks
have bared perhaps the greatest diplomatic coup
since the war -and by the British.'
Just five weeks ago there was announced a
new naval pact between Great Britain and Ger-
many - the Reich to confine its navy by the treaty
to 30 per cent of the size of Great Britain's.
While the immediate effect almost precipitated a
break between the war allies, more mature obser-
vation showed the sagacity of the British move.
Here was Great Britain simply admitting an
existent state of fact in allowing the expansion
of German armaments in contravention of the
Versailles Peace Treaty, a contravention which
may logically be supported in international law,
as George A. Finch told an audience here this
This week Great Britain has announced what
completes the coup in the paradoxical statement
that treaty limitations by ratios will have to be
abandoned in future agreements. The statement
is paradoxical in view of the fractional basis upon
which the Anglo-German agreement was reached.
But consideration shows the astute character
of the latest move. With existing treaty provisions
nearing expiration and no immediate apparent
hope of extending them on the old basis, the
British are simply anticipating a reality.
So, when naval negotiations are reopened, it
will be found that Great Britain will be really
speaking for Germany as well as itself in negotia-
tion, for the shrewd British have successfully muf-
fled the Reich by their early commitment of the
Keich to Great Britain on that fractional basis.
Texas has found that the President is a very
good secretary.
Maverick tried for days by phone and letter
to get an appointment with Stephen Early, secre-
tary to the President, but he received no reply.
Finally, Maverick wrote to Mr. Roosevelt: "I
am having diffculty in reaching Mr. Early. Will
you be so kind as to help me in making an ap-
pointment with him?" The next day Early phoned
the Texan.
SENATOR RUSH D. HOLT of West Virginia re-
fuses to adopt the sugary style of correspon-
He received one letter which castigated him
severely for advocating the holding company bill.
It said, "It's a wonder to me such an intelligent
looking mother as yours could have such an ig-
norant son."
Holt replied: "Thank you for your kind remarks
about my mother."
Another man wrote to him: "Money invested
in utility stocks is safer than money invested in
congressional salaries."
Holt replied: "It seems to me your political
judgment is no sounder than your financial judg-
FIVE ALUMNI of Norwich university, Northfield,
Vt., hold occasional reunions in the capital.
Two died long ago, but they are parties to the
The three living alumni are Representative
Charles A. Plumley, Senator Ernest W. Gibson and
Ruel Small, the oldest official reporter in the House.
The other two were Gideon Welles, Lincoln's sec-
retary of the navy, and Col. Truman B. Ransom,
once president of Norwich, and leader of the attack
on Chapultepec in the war with Mexico.
Welles' picture appears in a painting of the Lin-
coln cabinet outside the House gallery, and Ran-
som's'in a painting of the Chapultepec charge
outside the Senate gallery.
The three Vermonters now at the capital visit
the two pictures periodically to reminisce about
old Norwich.
Henry Suydam, special assistant to the attor-
ney general, is going to visit Alcatraz, the gov-
ernment's island prison off San Francisco this
summer because, he says, "If I don't get in
there while I'm in the department of jus-
tice, I'll never get the chance - I hope."
Representative Percy L. Gassaway of Oklahoma
has three pairs of those high-heeled boots he wears.
Two are decorated with patterns in color, and one
is a plain black pair for evening wear. He says
lie never has owned a pair of ordinary shoes.
(APITOLISMS: Senator John Bankhead of Al-
abama is a Phi Beta Kappa; Representative
Robert L. Doughton of North Carolina is camera
shy; Secretary Ickes of Interiori won't ride in a
boat if he can avoid it; Representative Hubert
Utterback of Iowa was born in a log cabin; Sen-
ator Arthur Capper of Kansas started as a type-
setter in the Topeka newspaper he now owns; Sen-
ator George W. Norris of Nebraska built his sum-
mer home himself, after he had passed his sixtieth
Representative Dennis Driscoll of Pennsyl-
vania met his wife when she was- a student in
his classMs. But now, he says, he's going to
school to her.
Senator Joe Robinson of Arkansas was engaged
in a bitter verbal battle with Senator Thomas
D. Schall of Minnesota on the Senate floor. For
the moment Robinson couldn't remember Schall's
He stumbled, "This - this -," and ended, "This
misrepresentative from Minnesota."
Washingtonians refer to the garden back of
of the White House pompously as the "south
The chief resident of the mansion, President
Roosdvelt, calls it "the back yard."
II rmi A r - I
_I AU-
Any Shakespearean tragedy in unadulterated
form is certainly a feat making no small demands
in the hands of super-actors Othello, the offering
of the Repertory Players this week, is particularly
difficult, since the plot is purely psychological and
external action in minimum. That the Play
Production group's performance didn not fiasco
may be accredited chiefly to capable direction, and
an excellent handling of the principal role.
The most glaring defect in the production was
the frequent tedium of speeches and scenes.
Though Shakespearean scholars declaim it as
heresy, a judicious cutting would have added im-
measurably to the sustained interest and comfort
of the audience, required to sit through a three
and one-half hour performance.
Frederick Crandall, assistant director of the
company, handled the heavy and exacting title
role with fine skill. The dignity and poise of
Othello in the earlier scenes, contrasted with
his emotional break-down in the latter, were ren-
dered with ease and artistry.
Second honors go to Frank Funk for his suffi-
ciently iniquitous interpretation of the villain Iago.
His smooth rendition of Shakespearean verse is
particularly noteworthy.
Though Hattie Bell Ross as the ill-starred bride
of Othello, performed the majority of her scenes
gracefully, she lacked the stage presence to make
VOL. XVI No. 29
FRIDAY, JULY 26, 1935
Classifed Directory
Former Greenville College Students
will meet for a picnic at the Island
at 4 p.m. this afternoon, July 26.
Each bring his own sandwiches and
one dish to pass around or call 9840.
In case of rain meet at the Women's
Athletic Building.
University High School Demonstra-
tion Assembly: The third demonstra-.
tion assembly of the University High
School Summer Session will be held
this morning at eleven o'clock in
the 'high school auditorium. The
French classes will present poems,
songs, and drainatizations; the type-
writing classes will present' special
techniques in connection with the use
of the typewriter. All Summer Ses-
sion students who are interested are
welcome to attend the assembly.
Women Students: The department
of Physical Education for Women
will sponsor a swim in the Intramural
pool today. A supper will folow at the
Women's Athletic Building. Women
students interested are asked to sign
up in Room 15 Barbour Gymnasium
by this noon. The party will leave
Barbour Gymnasium at 6 o'clock.
Teacher's Certificate - Compre-
hensive Examination: All candidates
expecting to receive a Teacher's Cer-
tificate at the close of the Sunimer
Session are required to pass a com-
prehensive professional examination
covering the work of the required
courses in Education leading to the
Certificate. The next examination
of this sort will be held on Saturday
morning, August 3, in the University
High School auditorium at 9 o'clock
sharp. Candidates expecting to take
this examination should leave their
names immediately with the Record-
er of the School of Education, 1437
University Elementary School. Grad-
uate students who will have received
degrees by August will be exempted
from this examination.
C. O. Davis, Secretary School of
The Michigan Dames Sewing group
invites student wives and their chil-
dren to the Island this afternoon,
July 26,. three o'clock. Please bring
paper cups and plates and either
sandwiches or cookies. Those who
wish transportation should be at the
west entrance of the League, three
Psychology 31. The midsemester
bluebooks will be returned today in
Room 2125 . S.
All Lutheran Students enrolled in
Summer School are invited to a picnic
this Sunday afternoon at Portage
Lake. Students will meet at Zion
Lutheran Parish Hall, 309 E. Wash-
ington St. at 4:00 p.m. Married stu-
dents are to bring their families. Call
5981 or 3401 for reservations before
Saturday noon. Bring your bathing
suit and 25c for eats.
Services in Trinity Lutheran church
this Sunday. Trinity Lutheran
Church located on E. William St.,
Fifth Ave., will continue for the sec-
ond Sunday the combination service.
Opening liturgical service at 9:15.
Sermon by the pastor, Rev. Henry
Yoder on "Acres of Diamonds." Ser-
vice closes at 10:45. Students welcome.
Rev. Henry Yoder.
Geology 11s: There will be a field
trip Saturday morning at 8:00 a.m.
to Whitmore Lake. Please bring 25c
for transportation.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
U. S. Civil Service Examnations.
Sr. Educationist (State School Ad-
ministration) $4,600.
Pathologist (Rice Investigations)
Assoc. Pathologist (Cereal Smuts)
Asst. Agronomist (Forage crops
and diseases) $2,600.
Asst. Agronomist (Sugar plant in-
vestigations) $2,600. -
Asst. Geneticist (Tobacco investi-
gations) $2,600.
Asst. Assoc., Specialist, Sr. Special-
ist and Principal Specialist in Ma-
ternal and Child Health, $2,600 to
These announcements ara on file
on 201 Mason Hall.
The Committee in charge of the
rooms for the American Psychological
Association Convention, Sept. 3-7,
wishes to obtain a list of single and
double rooms available at that time.
The houses must be within a five
minute walking distance from the
League. The committee would also
like to learn of a place where small
children might be cared for during
this period.
Will those persons interested please
call 4121, ext. 793 from 1-4 p.m.
Miss M. Sabom.
Reading Requirement in German
for Ph.D. Candidates: Candidates in
.1 1 -R-'lc--nf f+ir-P of the natural
Place advertisemen.ts with Classified
Advertising Department. phone 2-1214.
The classified columns close at five
o'clock previous to daty o1 insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at no
extra charge.
Cash in advance lie per reading line
(on basis of five average words to
line) for one or two insertions.
10c per reading line for three or
more insertions.
Minimum 3tlines per insertion.
Telephone rate -15 per reading line
for one or two insertions.
14c per reading line for three or
more insertions.
10%; discount if paid within ten days
from the date of last insertion.
Minimum three lines per insertion.
By contract, per line -2 lines daily, on3
month .... ..................8c
4 lines E.O.D.' 2 months...........3c
2 lines daily, college year........7e
4 lines E.O.D., college year.........7c
100 lines used as desired..........9c
300 lines used as desired..........8e
1,000 lines used as desired ........70
2,000 lines used as desired...... . 6c
The above rates are per reaaing line.
based on eight reading lines per inch.
Ionic tyre, upper and lower case. Add
6c per line to above rates for all capital
letters. Add 66 per line to above for
bold face, upper and lower case. Add
10c per line to above rates for bold face
capital letters.
The above rates are for 7% point
TO RENT: To faculty member or
graduate student for school year
1935- -'36 a suite of sitting-room
with fireplace, piano, built in book-
cases, and double bedroom, with pri-
vate lavatory. Phone 9524. 42
LOST: Diamond wedding ring near
University Hospital. Finder please
call 2-3872 or 822 Oakland. Rd-
FOR SALE: 1934 Chevrolet Standard
coupe. Might accept car in trade.
Can arrange terms if necessary.
Edward Lauth, 520 Thompson St.
Phone 7758. 43
WOULD COOK and plan for a small
fraternity. Next semester. Can
supply references, white. Dial 7723.
LAUNDRY. 2-1044. Sox darned
Careful work at low price. 1x
PERSONAL laundry service. We take
individual interest in the laundry
problems of our customers. Girls'
silks, wools, and fine fabrics guar-
anteed. Men's shirts our specialty.
Call for and deliver. Phone 5594.
611 E. Hoover. 3x
IW I IW 0 1 IW
---- Today - Saturday
plus -
Every Day
15c until 6, 25c after 6
25 Balcony Evenings
35c Main Floor Evenings
Kay Frances George Brent
Arline Judge Kent Taylor
" in
"College Scandal"
Coming Sunday
"Love Me Forever"
35c Main Floor, Evenings
Today - Two Features
f lo
af of-24
POSTVILLE, Ia., July 25. -(M -
Its a poor law that won't fit the nen
who make it.
Hence the city council here ordered
the arrest of Councilman H. W. Falb;
who operates a grocery, when they
found him violating a recently passed
ordinance requiring midnight closing
of store Saturday nights.
Falb will be the example, fellow
councilmen said, since he is the first
arrested under the law.
The.Kentucky emergency relief at-
ministration has distributed seeds for
108,000 relief gardens through out the
STUDENT Hand Laundry. Prices rea-
sonable. Free delivery. Phone 3006.
NORMAN, Okla., July 25.- (/P)-
J. Richard Carpenter, Rhodes scholar,
fingered in puzzled manner a letter
of introduction from President W.
B. Bizzell of Oklahoma University
appointing him a delegate to a zoo-
logicalmcongress. Said Carpenter:
"He's sending me to Lisbon, Spain,
and unless my geography is sadly
mixed Lisbon's in Potrugal. Now
where'll I go?"
August 1, at 2 p.m. irn Room 203 Uni-
versity Hall.
Students who intend, to take the
examination are requested to register
their names at least one week before
the date of the examination at the
office of the German Department, 204
University Hall, where detailed in-
formation with regard to examination
requirements will be given.
A.- . Lee.
Candidates for the Master's De-
gree in History: The language ex-
amination for candidates for the
Master's Degree in History will be
given on Friday, August 9, at 4 p.m.,
in Room B, Haven Hall:
Pour stars - shouldn't miss; three stars -
very good; two stars - an average picture; one
star - poor; no star - don't go.
'- !I
Double Feature
A Paramount picture with Arline Judge, Wendy
Barrie, William Frawley, and Kent Taylor. Also a
Paramount newsreel.
What might at first seem a rather dubious mix-
ture -murder and college - turn out surprisingly
well in "College Scandal" - a really intriguing
The campus, as Hollywood knows it, is an amus-
ing psychological study. The group of wholesome,
clean-living, fun-loving young people of "College
Scandal" are but slightly abashed when three of
their number are murdered, and they plunge zest-
fully into the solution of the crime.
The mystery is well-constructed, with no let
downs. The popular song, "In the Middle of a
Kiss," is a pleasant addition. You'll have a good
time watching this one unfold.
ok -
Todoy and Tomorrow a t 2:30 P.M.
Children 25c . . . . Adults 50c
-- - --A
A Warner Brothers picture, starring Kay Fran-
cis, with George Brent, Patricia Ellis, Donald
Woods, and Barton MacLane.
This is a depressing and painful account of the
love of swarthy Kay Francis and George Brent, a
rude, snobbish, and stupid construction engineer
who is building the largest bridge ever, although
he appears to be fresh from college.
Warner Brothers rings the bell again with an-
other explanation of why and how strikes ark made.
It seems that those mean old labor racketeers get
the workers drunked up with hard liquor, and when
the boss objects they stage a walk out. Or isn't
that logical?
Anyway "Stranded" is pretty feeble.
A Harvard professor says he can trace no im-
rnamnf, in mn in e the l-cial aigoe Tn faet.
P L A Y E R S _...-