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July 26, 1935 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1935-07-26

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American Trio,
Prepares For
DavisCup Test
Allison, Van Ryn, and Don
Budge Carry The Hopes
Of The United States
WIMBLEDON, Eng., July 25.-(P)
-Battle lines for the Davis cup chal-
lenge round between Great Britain
and the United States were drawn
today with Uncle Sam pinning his
hopes of recapturing the elusive tennis
trophy on the three stalwarts who
disposed of Germany in the final
preliminary round.
This means Wilmer Allison, the
Austin, Tex., veteran, and 19-year-old
red-headed Don Budge, of Oakland,
Calif., will carry the singles assign-
ments and Allison will double up to
partner Johnny Van Ryn of Phila-
delphia in the doubles just as they
did against Germany.
Although there was never any defi-
nite indication, official or otherwise,
that Sidney B. Wood, Jr., one of
America's ablest single stars, would
replace Allison in the singles, leaving
the durable Texan to concentrate on
the doubles, the failure of non-playing
Captain Joseph Wear to nominate
Wood caused a ripple of surprise.
"It would be foolish to change the
lineup now," he said.
Wood, blond-haired New Yorker,
eight pounds heavier than when he
arrived in England more than a
month ago, has flashed razor-keen
form in practice against Bill Tilden,
Ellsworth Vines, Jack Crawford and
other professional and amateur top-
In defense of the trophy won from
France in 1933 and retained against
the United States a year ago, England
will use the celebrated Fred Perry,
world's amateur champion, and H. W.
"Bunny" Austin in the singles and
{George Patrick Hughes and C. R. D.
Tuckey in the doubles.
Perry and Austin have represented
England in the singles in the last two
years of cup competition while Hughes
is a veteran doubles internationalist,
having played with Perry in 1931 and
1932 and with H. G. N. Lee in 1933-

Wives Root For Tigers In Crucial Yankee Series

-Associated Press Photo.
There were no more enthusiastic rooters for the Detroit Tigers in the Yankee stadium as the crucial series
between the Detroit club and the New York Yankees got underway, than this trio of wives of Tiger players.
Left to right: Mrs. Lynwood "Schoolboy" Rowe, whose husband started on the mound for the Tigers in the
first game; Mrs. William Rogell, and Mrs. Joiner "Jo-Jo" White.

Board Created
To WatchOver
Nation's Spirits
House Approves; Bill Now
Goes To The Senate For
Final Action
WASHINGTON, July 25. -(P) -
Stamped with house approval, the
measure creating a new Federal al-
cohol control board today awaits ac-
tion of the senate finance committee.
Under the bill the new organiza-
tion, contrary to administration
wishes, will be directed by the treas-
ury department, an unwanted child
with a new name, "the Federal Alco-
hol administration."
Subjected to an unsuccessful bom-
bardment of amendments in the
house, the bill goes to the senate al-
most unchanged.
Two attempts to prohibit manu-
facture of alcohol from imported
black moeasses, launched by midwes-
tern congressmen, failed, as did a

He Does Not Remember Giving Away Box

U.S. Is Up With
Other Powers
In Navy, Air
Military Exports Say Our
Advances Since 1918
Are Unsurpassed
WASHINGTON, July 25. - (IP) -
Weapons of war of the United States
army, navy and air corps have im-
proved steadily since 1917-18, and in
most cases have kept pace with ad-
vances of other powers, in the opinion
of Washington military experts.
This is especially true of the navy
and the air corps of the army. Ground
rorces of the army constantly have
improved weapons and technical
equipment, but to a large extent lack
of funds is said to have kept the
army from taking advantage of these
A large proportion of American
troops are using equipment inferior to
new types that have been developed,
but which exist only in small quanti-
Tanks Travel Faster
Many of the new weapons of the
army would serve as models for large-
scale production in case of need,
while others are being issued to troops
as fast as funds permit.
The new army tank can travel from
40 to 60 miles an hour on rough ter-
rain, as compared to the maximum
speed of four miles an hour of the old
World War tank. The new tanks are
equipped with machine guns, small
cannon and radio. Only 12 have been
built, however.
The new army field gun is equipped
with large balloon tires instead of the
old steel and wood wheels, so that it
can be towed at high speed behind
trucks or tractors, which are replac-
ing the artillery horses. The newY
gun also has greater fire power.
Rifles' Range Doubled
A new semi-automatic rifle for the1
infantry has been developed, withs
almost twice the range and three
times the rate of accurate fire, of the1
old rifle, but practically all the in-
fantry still uses the old model thatr
has been unchanged for 30 years.1
A new 50-caliber machine gun has
been developed for defense against
tanks and hostile aircraft, and anti-1
aircraft guns now have an automatic
range-finder that keeps the gunsr
pointed constantly at the target. New;
ammunition has improved armor-
piercing power.
The new army gas mask is greatlyl
improved over that of the World War.
It is easier to adjust and use, and
proof against more types of gas.
Speed Up Motorization
Field artillery and anti-aircraft
regiments are being motorized as fast
as possible. One infantry regiment is
equipped with modern tanks, and two
cavalry regiments are mechanized1
with armed motorcycles, reconnais-
sance cars and light tanks that carry
small cannon, machine guns and
The army air corps believes its
equipment in general is the equal or
superior of any other power. It has
pioneered in attack planes for at-
tacking ground troops or hostile land-
ing parties on the coast, which carry
six machine guns, 10 small bombs and
travel 150 to 175 miles an hour.
Carry Ton Of Bombs
Pursuit planes for driving off enemy
aircraft have two guns, can travel 234
miles an hour and can fight up to
heights of four miles.
The best bombing planes can carry
a ton of bombs, travel more than 200
miles an hour and operate up to
about three miles above earth. Pur-
suit planes and bombers of today are
almost twice as speedy as those of
the World War.

'Announces Strike End

-Associated Press Photo.
An unexpected announcement by
T. N. Taylor (above), former Indi-
ana Federation of Labor president,
signalized the end of the two-day
general strike at Terre Haute, Ind.
Taylor's statement, calling federal
mediators competent to handle the
situation, requested strikers to re-
turn to their jobs.

drive to require that all liq
at retail be sold in bottles on
bill now provides as the res
COOL compromise, the bona fide ho
D E % ' clubs can buy liquor in bar
D ES kegs.
During senate consideratio
at bill administration spokesmen
SUMMER pected to wage a fight to m
new FAA an independent of
to knock out the barrel-kegc
As passed yesterday by thi
PRICES! by a vote of 229 to 100 requl
= eral permits from everyone
H Knits, navy & printed sheers liquor industry except inte
K , &dhdirectorates between manu
Knits - navy and printed and retailers and bans unfa
sheers:-: Pastels, white, and tices. In generalits work
figured wash silks. Sizes 12 t similar to the FACA, which c
to 46 - 16/2 to 261/2 - at when the supreme court a
$8.95 and $12.75 the NRA.
White, pastel and stripe wash Plan To Photogr
. silks, strings and laces, in All Stars In
sizes 12 to 46 - at _
$5.00 $6.95 SAN JOSE, Calif., July 25.-
Plans to photograph all the.:
COTTONS the sky, down to those of t
teenth magnitude, were disel
Linen, Seersucker - Swiss - day by Dr. Joseph H. Moor
t Pique Voiles. Sizes 12 to 46 k astronomer at Lick observato
at Dr. Moore said the lens' o
wide angle camera, now und
$2.50 and $3.95 struction, will focus sharply o]
17 inches square a section of
y 12 times the apparent, diam
the moon. This will permit
The Elizabeth'Dillon graphing the whole heavens w'
1,000 plates.
GOWN SHOP After the stars of then
1 East William street off State hemisphere have been photog
Dr. Moore said the camera w
moved to the other side of t
Muto photograph the southerns

uor sold
ly. The
ult of a
otels and
rels and
n of thej
n are ex-
nake thel
fice and
he house
ires fed-
in the
ir prac-
will be
stars in
he nine-
osed to-
e, senior
f a new
der con-
n a plate
the sky
meter of
t photo-,
Nith only
would be
;he globe

--Associated Press Photo.
Prolonged questioning by members of the Senate committee inves-
tigating utility bill lobbying brought only the reply from John W. Car-
penter (above), president of the Texas Power and Light company, that
he could "not remember" giving a mysterious, newspaper-wrapped box
to a member of Congress just before the vote on abolition of holding
companies. He said his company spent $33,777 fighting the Wheeler-
Rayburn bill.

(Continued From Page 1)
met, Marguerite Garber, Dorothy
Gies, Mary Gies.
Virginia Gwinner, Mary Ellen Hall,
Pat Harrigan, Fedelma Hoffstetter,
Veronica Hoffstetter, Eileen Icheldin-
ger, Pearl Icheldinger, Janet Ivory,
Florence Keller, Kathleen Kern, Dor-
othy Linden, Gertrude Mandell, Elea-
nor Mann, Rosella Mann, Betty Mac-
Jeanette Mason, Beuna Mathes,
Virginia Matthews, Louise Paine, Kay
Russell, Sophie Stolarski, Jean Seeley,
Estelle Standish, Violet Simms, Gerda
Stanger, Frances Thornton, Ona
Thornton, Mary Lou Traywick, Betty
Wagner, Rita Wellman, Elizabeth
Wiltbank, Dorothy Wikel, Laura Zim-
merman, Helen Holden, Virginia Pel-
hank, Elva Pascoe, Catherine Sanders,
Gladys Eugle, Georgina Elson, Helen
Harrington, and Rachel Lease.
Only one out of 1,551 students en-
tering' this term at the College of the
City of New York were denied admis-
sion after examinations because of
physical defects.

San Francisco
School Keeps
Crippled Pupil
DALY CITY, Calif., July 25. - (VP)
-When the front door of one's resi-
dence is in one city and the back door
is another, the family occupying it
are legal residents of the city in which
the front door swings, according to
a ruling by the city attorney.
In consequence, the law's techni-
calities would bar Stanley Simon,
crippled youth, from attending the
Sunshine school for crippled children
in San Francisco. Not only does the
line dividing the two cities run
through iis home, but the county line
also spli ts the house in two with the
front door opening upon San Mateo
county and the back door, San Fran-
cisco city and county.
But the board of the Sunshine.
school decided to waive technicalities
and have its bus call daily for the
12-year-old youth who otherwise
couldn't attend school.
GLASGOW, July 25. - (P) - Dr.
Angus MacNiven, superintendent of
Glasgow Royal Mentdl Hospital, is
carrying out tests in ant effort to
evolve a new technique in the treat-
ment of mind ailments with pro-
longed sleep.
By the administration of a hyp-
notic drug, naps that last from 10
to 14 days are induced. While the
patient sleeps blissfully through the
days, repeated . bio-chemical blood
tests are made.
Results so far, have been reported
encouraging. Several patients have
been cured completely, and in one
case where the outlook was not good
the patient made a dramatic recov-

Will Advertise For
Payment Of Taxes










35c DINNER. 35c
Choice of Clam Chowder
or Salad
Baked Lake Trout, Tartar Sauce
Roast Loin of Pork, Apple Sauce
Fried Fresh Haddock, with
Drawn Butter
Tuna Fish Salad, New England
Choice of Vegetable & Potatoes.
Fruit Jello, Pie, Cantaloupe
or Ice Cream
Choice of Drink
40c DINNER 40c
Clam Chowder, Tomato Juice
or Salad
Grilled Beef Tenderloin and
French Fries
Broiled Fresh SeaBass, cole slaw
Fried Pork Chops, Apple Sauce

Five Extraordinary Value Days!



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