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July 26, 1935 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1935-07-26

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The Weather
Generally fair today; slightly
warmer tomorrow.


Sitrt 43U


Amos Pinehot On Roosevelt..
Diplomatic Cunning Is
England's ..

Official Publication Of The Summer Session


Drive Started Here
To Place Kipke As
Coach Of All-Stars

Wolfe Asks


Coach Of

Vote Chooses
All-Stars In

Roosevelt's Nominee

Game To Be Played
In Soldiers' Field
Bo McMillin Now Leads
In Contest For Selecting
Coach For Game
A concerted drive in support of
Harry Kipke as coach of the all-star
college football team which will meet
the Chicago Bears August 29 in a
charity game was announced last
night by a group composed of several
representatives of several local or-
The coach of the all-star team will
be chosen by a nation-wide vote
among grid fans, as was the squad of
22 which was named this week.
Michigan will have no representatives
on the team which will meet the
Bears in the second annual game but
Jerry Ford and John Regeczi have
both been invited to join the squad
for pre-game 'practice.
The contest to select the all-stars'
coach will end at midnight August 4.
Three coaches are to be chosen in
order of preference by each voter,
the coach gaining the greatest num-
ber of points based on three for first,
two for second and one for third
choice, will direct the squad.
Has Great Record
Coach Kipke, who was an all-
American halfback and nine-letter
man while a student at Michigan, has
turned out two national champion-
ship teams and shared in four Con-
ference titles since he came to Mich-
igan as head football coach.
gipke, who Wednesday finished
power after having been calmed in
Lake Huron for three days, could not
be reahed last night for comment on
the move for his support.
The support of the local group, its
leaders said, was to follow the sup-
port which has been extended to Bo
McMillen of Indiana, by the Sphinx
club there.
McMillin Now Leads
As a result of the support being
given McMillin by the University or-
ganization there, the soft-spoken
southerner whose playing feats are
legend was reported yesterday as
leading the field of coaches in the
poll with 46,820 votes. His vote in-
cluded 11,482 nominations for first
Closely following McMillin were
Frank Thomas of Alabama, and
Charles Bachman, of Florida and
Michigan 'State.
Kipke yesterday was reported in
17th place with 23,894 points as a
result of 5,698 votes for first, 2,348
for second, and 2,104 for third.
The poll is being conducted by the
Chicago Tribune and associated news-
papers and votes should be sent to
the All-star Game Editor in care
of the Chicago Tribune or to the
sprts editor of The Daily.
printed ballot forms will be run in
The Daily beginning tomorrow.
Legionnaires To
Give Air Show
For Ann Arbor
Local Unit Of Legion To
Sponsor Air Circus All
. Day Sunday
An Ann Arbor Air Circus, including
parachute jumps, aeroplane races,
aerial aerobatics, bomb dropping, air
parades and passenger carrying, will
be given at the Ann Arbor Airport
Sunday by the local unit of the
American Legion.
To thE first fifteen aeroplanes ar-

riving at the airport after 8 a.m.
Sunday the Legion will give 7 per
cent of the gross gate receipts. These
ships will form and parade over Ann
At 1 p.m. some of the pilots will
give exhibitions of bomb dropping,
and half an hour later the aviatrixs
will stage a handicap race.

-Associated Press Photo.
Nomination of Lawrence Cramer'
(above) by President Roosevelt as
governor of the Virgin Islands
brought protests from administra-
tion opponents on the islands. He
is to succeed Dr. Paul M. Pearson.
Rain Halts City
Tennis Tourney
In Final Round:
<,t4 i1 And Weir. Stop Play
In Second Set As Court
Becomes Dampened
Rain yesterday in the second set
halted the final match in men's
singles division of, the city tennis
tournament between Steve Lewis,
three-times champion, and LeRoy
Weir, a graduate student entered in
the meet for the first time.
The match score stood 6=2, in favor
of Lewis with the set score at 7-7 as
the match was called. The title will
be decided at 4 p.m. today on the
Palmer Field courts.
The other championship scheduled
for yesterday, for the women's singles
title between Merida Hobart and Mrs.
Steve Lewis, was also postponed be-
cause of the illness of Miss Hobart.
Other titles which have been decid-
ed in the 15th annual tourney are
men's doubles, won by Steve Lewis
and Chris Mack, defeating Doug
Gregory and Harry Kasabach; mixed
doubles, Lewis and Doris Gimmy from
Mack and Henrietta Cherrington;
Warren Chanter from Al Rothberg in
the men's novice singles; and wom-
en's novice singles, in which Margery
Davis defeated Peggy Gillen.
In the Lewis-Weir match the de-
fending champion was being given
one of the most severe tests in the
three years' of his defense from
Weir, who is ranking player on the
Cleveland tennis club.
Lewis won the first set chiefly on
Weir's errors as the Ohioan was kept
to the baseline. Lewis, however, was
meeting all of Weir's placements
from both forehand and backhand.

For Reason
Declares American People
Are Hindered By Verbal
War Responsible
For Advancement
Rugged Individualism No
Longer Modern; Need
Economic Cooperation
A plea to employ reason rather
than emotions in solving our ec-
onomic situation was made yesterday
by Prof. A. B. Wolfe, chairman of
the economics department of Ohio
State University, in the eighteenth
lecture of the Summer Season series.
Partially responsible for any move-
ment which would forward thought
by reason is the World War, Profes-
sor Wolfe believes. "It has taken a,
world war to make us realize that the
academic questions of yesterday are
the burning questions of today," he
Verbal Fear Mentioned
He accounted for one obstacle to
thought by reason in the verbal fear
of the American people. By this, he
explained, he referred to people who
show dist~aste at the words Fascism
or Communism, not for what either
of these two political philosophies
imply but because the names them-
selves are disagreeable.
"To get anywhere you first have
to know where you want to go. De-
fine your purpose," Professor Wolfe
said. As an aim today, he believes,
we should sti'ive for the happiness of
the individual.
"All final value is the value to the
individual," he said. "All social val-
ues are merely means to this end."
Individual Happiness
But in seeking the happiness of the
individual, Professor Wolfe thinks,
we should not do away with our se-
curities of speech and other liMita-
tions embodiedlin'the Cons titutin.
A drastic redistribution of income
seems imperative to him if the hap-
piness of the individual is to be effect-
ed because, he thinks, people should
be able to have access to the valuable
things of life whether they take ad-
vantage of their availability or not.
"Rugged Individualism was a nec-
essity under frontier conditions," he
said, but he believes that the time
for this pcitical philosophy has
passed now that our country has
been so fully exploited.
Economic Cooperation
Of "the thousands of interests and
opinions in this country" he believes
we must have combination of ec-
onomic plans, and that the intellec-
tuals, not necessarily the profession-
al intellectuals but the layman think-
ers, must prove the driving force for
any constructive movement.
Intellectual freedom is requisite for
the production of intelligent plans, he
believes. "You must give youth the
opportunity to make choices between
the various political philopsophies,"
he said. "In higher education we are
doing less and less of this."
"No scientific monetary system can
head off the privateers of the school
of Rugged Individualism," he con-
cluded, "who wish to subordinate the
system to their own uses."
KALAMAZOO, July 25.-Dr. Fran-
cis S. Onderdonk, Ann Arbor, was
unable to appear to fill a lecture en-
gagement and showing of a motion
picture, "The Next War," at the Mc-

Kinley School here tonight. His son,
Frank, 14 years old, appeared ir his

Modern Public
To Give This

Sex Problem
Is Discussed
By Forsythe



Twice By Congress As
Tax Bill Is Presented

Problem Demands
Home Instruction
Health Service Physician
Says Thinking On Matter
Has Been Too Colored
The problem - or rather the "whole
flock of problems"-of sex is deserv-
ing of primary consideration in the
program of the truly modern public
school, in the opinion of Dr. Warren
E. Forsythe, director of the Health
Service, who addressed the afternoon
educational conference in University
High School yestetrday.
Instruction relative to the meanings
of sex interest, attitudes, and behavior
governed by such meanings should be
be offered the adolescent student, Dr.
Forsythe stated.
Control Needed
"The school which recognizes the
recently advanced objectives of lead-
ing educational authorities is primar-
ily concerned with questions of vital
interest to the child and its living,"
Dr. Forsythe continued. "Control of
the naturally agreeable relations be-
tween men and women in our society
is as basically necessary as are the
control of some other human behav-
iors which are also natural, and emo-
tionally agreeable.
"These controls may be looked on
as the price to be paid for the benefits
of life in our civilization. The prob-
lems of behavior as determined by
the normal urges needs understand-
ing by pupils and teachers. Such
conduct needs intelligent direction
by parents and by those in charge
of schools.'
Need Whohisome Mixing
Effortseat supprbssici of this whle-
some enlightenment need to be re-
placed by efforts to promote a more
uniform and wholesome mixing of the
sexes during the adolescent years, Dr.
Forsythe declared. The influences,
of sex urges and some social atti-
tudes toward them, the speaker point-
ed out, have probably damaged or dis-
torted the personalities of a good por-
tion of our population.
Understanding Important t
"Scientific clear thinking on the
sex problem," Dr. Forsythe said,
"shows us that pupils must under-
stand the biological nature of their
sex interest and the proper direction
and control of that urge in our social
The problems of sex cannot be ig-
nored in a school program which
seeks a happy and well-adjusted fu-
ture society, Dr. Forsythe continued.
The parent who chooses to leave to
the processes of nature the solution
of sex relations in a child seems to
forget that the child does not live
in isolation and will not carry out its
life under naltural conditions, he
Children's Play
To Be Given In
Repertory Players To Give
'The Princess And Mr.
"The Princess an Mr. Parker," a
special children's play to be presented
by the Michigan Repertory Players
at matinees today and tomorrow at
Lydia Mendelssohn theater, is the
most truly representative student pro-
duction of the summer season, Val-
entine B. Windt, director, said yester-
The classes in acting and costum-

ing have had the production of this
play as the major project of the sum-
mer term, and have done most of the
work on this show, under the super-
vision of Mr. Windt, Alexander Wyck-
off, stage manager, and Evelyn Cohen,
costume designer. The play is being
directed by Frederic O. Crandall, who
is assisted by Nancy Bowman.
The plot of "The Princess and Mr.
Parker" deals with the romance of
Princess Elizabeth of the imaginary
kingdom of Petalia. The princess

His Suspicion Of Telegrams Causes A Probe

--Associated Press Photo.
His Irish curiosity caused Representative Dennis Driscoll to "gct
nosey" when he received 816 dubious telegrams in two days. But if he
hadn't known those German names back in Pennsylvania, the Senate
might not have investigated lobbying charges in connection with the
utility holding company bill. (Story on page 4).



Wiley Post To
Start Another
Plane Flight,
'"BURIBANK, Calif:,;July 26. - Wiley'
Post, round-the-world flier, accom-
panied by Will Rogers, film comedian,
and Mrs. Post, left here at 1:20 p.m.
today on a "mystery flight" that may
take them to Seattle on the first lap
of a projected trans-Pacific hop to
Rogers, appearing suddenly at the.
airport, hastily bought a couple pack-
ages of chewing gum and two maga-
zines, as though preparing for a pro-
longed flight.
The plane, a speedy Lockheed Or-
ion, was loaded with 260 gallons of
Hitler A 'Madman'
Is Cry of Dickstein
WASHINGTON, July 25-(VP) -
Congressional perturbation over Ger-
man religious and other policies
reached a new peak today as Adolf
Hitler was singled out by name for
a stinging verbal assault on the house
Calling Hitler "this madman of
Germany" with an "insane" theory
of government, Rep Dickstein (Dem.,
N. Y.) asserted:
"He has even stooped to cold-
blooded murder in his self-appointed
task of forcing upon German people
his own absolute control of the af-
fairs of state, the, affairs of religion,
the affairs of all internal matters,
and the affairs of matters relating
to foreign trade."

Major League Standings

New York .,......51 33
Detroit.......... 54 35
Chicago........46 36
Cleveland ........44 40.
Boston..........45 43
Philadelphia . . . . .37 45
Washington ......36 52
St. Louis...........28 57
Yesterday's Results
All games postponed, rain.
Games Today
Detroit at Cleveland.
Washington at New York.
Only games scheduled.
New York.......56 30
St. Louis........54 33
Chicago..........56 35
Pittsburgh ......,..50 41
Cincinnati ... ....40 49
Brooklyn ........39 49
Philadelphia ......36 51
Boston ...........23 66


Bill Calls For Levy Over
Inheritances; Taxes On
Gifts Asked
Measure Provides
For Excess Taxes
Republicans Excluded At
Sessions In Which Final
Plan Formed
WASHINGTON, July 25.--(IP) -
Twice rebuffing President Roosevelt's
ideas, House Ways and Means Com-
mittee Democrats today tentatively
approved a tax bill estimated to raise
from $187,000,000 to $250,000,000 a
In brief it would:
Levy new taxes ranging from 4
to 75 per cent on inheritances over
$50,000 to close of kin and over $10,-
000 to those not so closely related:
Step up existing surtaxes on indi-
vidual incomes over $150,000;
Put new taxes on gifts, ranging from
3 to 57 per cent;
Probably replace the present flat
13% per cent tax on corporation in-
comes with a graduated levy of 13%
to 14 per cent:
Tax excess profits - those over 8
or 10 per cent -on a graduated scale
beginning at 5 per cent and rising to
an undetermined maximum.
Bill May Change
Chairman Robert L Doughton an-
nounced the tentative agreement, em-
phasizing that any or all of the things
agreed upon might be changed before
the bill finally is reported by the full
committee for House consideration.
The bill, he said, would be presented
to the full committee Mon=da-re-
publicans have been excluded from
secret sessions at which the agree-
ments were reached - and an attempt
will be made to get its approval by the
full committee Tuesday.
Under that schedule, the House
might pass the bill late next week
or early the week after.
The tentative measure follows for
the most part the broad outline in
the President's message in which he
advocated "the very sound public pol-
icy of encouraging a wider distribu-
tion of wealth."
But one of his suggestions so far
has been turned down flatly and an-
other so revised that it generally was
termed "a face-saver."
President Likes Tax
The first was the proposal that
dividends from one corporation to
another be taxed. The second was
the idea of replacing the present flat
133/4 per cent tax on corporation in-
comes with a graduated levy ranging
from 10% to 16% per cent.
The President spoke strongly on
the graduated corporation income tax.
But the committeemen, insisting that
such a levy would discriminate against
investors in large corporations com-
pared with those in small ones, threat-
ened to balk.
Having directly made the recom-
mendation in his message, the Presi-
dent declined to yield entirely to in-
sistence that the graduated corpora-
tion income tax be supplanted by an
excess profits levy. He demanded
acceptance of the "principle" of the
graduated corporation income tax.
Democrats "Go Along
So, and though the matter has not
been determined finally, the commit-
tee Democrats decided to put in both
- but to restrict the graduation on
corporation incomes to the narrow
range of 13%/4 to 14% per cent.
A majority of the committee Demo-
crats do not favor even that, but it
was understood that they would "go
along" so as to avoid the direct ap-
pearance of a split. Since the grad-
uated corporation income tax idea was

most severely criticized by the Na-
tional Association of Manufacturers
and the Chamber of Commerce of the
United States, several Democrats as-
serted that complete rejection of the
plan could only be interpreted as a
"surrender to big business."
Also, Doughton said, the Democrats
tentatively decided against the idea
of doubling the present one-tenth of
1 per cent tax on capital stock.


Yesterday's Results
New York 3, St. Louis 1.
Chicago 4, Brooklyn 2.
Pittsburgh 9, Philadelphia 8.
Games Today
Cincinnati at Chicago.
Boston at Philadelphia, to be played
at later date.
MILAN, Mich., July 25. - (YP) -
Mrs. Margaret Waley arrived at the
Federal Detention Farm here at 3:45
p.m. Thursday to begin serving a
twenty year term for the kidnaping
of George Weyerhaeuser, Jr., of Ta-
coma, Wash.

Cast Of 'Othello' Will Attend
Dance At Union. This Evening

eaogue Floor Show To Feature
Dances And Vibrophone Solos

Five specialty dance numbers in-
cluding toe, waltz, military, and tap
novelties as well as vibrophone solos
will be featured in the floor show at
11:15 p.m. today and tomorrow at
the regular Summer Session dance
to be held in the ballroom of the{
Michigan League.
All of the dance selections will be
given by students of Roy Hoyer who
is sponsoring the act. For the floor
show he will present several of the'
solo stars of "Juniors on Parade."
Betty Seitner will open the program
with a toe dance. Miss Seitner has
appeared in several cities throughout

will give a soft shoe novelty number.
Billie Collins and Douglas Gregory
will demonstrate some syncopated
rhythm when they give their tap
dance. Allen Smith, a member of
Al Cowan's orchestra, will play
"Thrilled," "River Boat Shuffle," and
"Dinah" on the vibrophone as the
last feature of the show.
Due to the fact that the League
Trio has been requested to sing with
Ted Weems orchestra at Westwood
tonight, Miss Morrison will not ap-
pear on the program. Her place will
be filled by Jack Toms, a student of
Prof. Arthur Hackett. Mr. Toms is to

A colorful array of individual en-
tertainers, featuring both dancers and
singers, will be paraded before Union
members and their guests who attend+
the Summer Session membership
dance to be held at 9 p.m. tonight
in the ballroom of the Michigan
Near-capacity crowds have throng-
ed the spacious ballroom for the
dances which have been held thus
far this summer, and preparations
are being made for a record attend-
ance tonight.
The entire cast of the current Rep-
ertory Players production, "Othello,"
will be present as guests of the Union.
Invitations were issued last night to
the 40 members of the cast.
Headlining the entertainment ar-

sion, at 11 p.m., Robert Montgomery
and Frances Hilton, brilliant dance
team, will make their debut in the
Union ballroom with the presentation
of a modern dance number. They are
the second dancing duo to be featured
on these programs in as many weeks.
Miss Sisson, who appears regularly
in the capacity of leading vocal soloist
with Steinle's band, will present three
popular numbers including "In the
Middle of a Kiss," "Along Tobacco
Road," and "Murder in the Moon-
Light, who sang one of the leading
roles in the recent campus production
of the famed Gilbert and Sullivan
opera, "Iolanthe," will appear before
the microphone to singt"Lovely to
Look At" and "Paris in the Spring."


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