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July 21, 1935 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1935-07-21

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Ohio Kidnapers
Snatch Brother
Of Their Prey
Mistake Brings Abduction
Of Columbus Man Who
Is Released Unharmed
CLEVELAND, July 20. - (.) -
Robert C. Byers, 43 years old, of Co-
lumbus, a sales counsellor, told police
;oday that he was kidnaped by three
men who were under the impression
he was George Byers, his brother, a
Columbus automobile distributor.
Columbus police said this afternoon
that so far as they knew the kid-
napersmade no effortto get in con-
tact with Byers at 1 p.m.
When the kidnapers found out
their mistake, Byers said, they offered
to release him if he would pay them
$500 ransom. He agreed'to this, say-
ing he would pay the money at 1 p.m.
Eastern Standard Time today in Co-
lumbus. After his release he came to
Cleveland and told his story to police.
Byers told Detective Capt. Frank W.
Story that the kidnaping occurred
about 11:30 p.m. Thursday in Co-
lumbus as he entered his car at his
place of business.
"They ordered me to get into my
car, parked behind my brother's es-
tablishment, and drive toward the
CCC Highway," Byers said. "Two of
the men had revolvers."
Goes To Federal Agents
Capt. Story immediately took him
to department of justice agents, who
began an investigation.
"We drove as far as Westerville
and the kidnapers complained I
wasn't driving fast enough," Byers
said. "I had the speed up to 50 miles
an hour at times.
"Get out and let one of us drive,"
they commanded.
"One of them did drive as far as
Mount Vernon, O., when we disov-
ered that the car was running low on
"One of the men went through my
pockets and took $28 out of my
billfold and a watch.
"We got gas and then drove to
about two miles outside of Medina.
There they blindfolded me."
First Price $10,000
"George, this will cost you $10,000
before you get out of here."
"My name isn't George," Myers said
he told the man.
"My nameis Robert. George is my
brother and he is the one who has
the money."
Byers said the man who addressed
him was called "Butch" at one time
by a companion and "Bittle" on an-
other occasion.
At this juncture, one of the kidnap-
ers interjected: = a
"Say, Bittle, who did you get, any-
Byers offered his billfold as evidence
that he was not George. After the
men became convinced they started to
bargain for less money, Byers said.
"First they asked for $1,000 and
when I told them I didn't have that
much money, they offered to free me
for $500. To this I agreed."
"They led me from the house and
drove me to a point between Strong-
ville and Parma," Byers continued.

How Bond Market Has Retained Its Strong Position

1 O



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Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session, Room 1213
A.H. until 3:30: 11:30 a.m. Saturday.













The bond market has held its strong position during the past few months. Prime bonds have been edging
up every day, and United States government bonds have been selling at about the high of the year. Callable
bonds have been inactive, and are not likely to go higher until they prospect of refunding operations is past.
Utilities enjoyed an upturn after the elimination of the "death sentence" clause by the House of Represen-
tatives, and then receded a bit when the bill went into conference. Railroad bonds have benefited from the
improved position of the carriers, with increased buying in the lower grade categories. There has been small
change in foreign bonds with the exception of Italian issues which have had a sharp adverse reaction to
the Ethiopian controversy.

A Depressionless Eden Fc
Growers Of U. S. May

A Gossamer Nothing
for Summer Wear
This dainty allin-one is of cob'
webby silken elastic net ...

NEW YORK, July 20- (1P) - A de-
pressionless Eden for United States
cotton growers may lie in the plains
of Argentina's Chaco.
Jose Castells, governor of the ter-
ritory, believes the slogan, "Come
South, Young Man," to be an appro-
priate one for 1935.
By early autumn, he plans to visit
the South of the United States to
study the feasibility of bringing a
number of North American farmers
to colonize a portion of the land be-
low the equator.
Castells admits that North Ameri-
cans may find some difficulty at first
in acclimating themselves to the ex-
tremely hot Chaco territory. How-
ever, he points out that more than
half a million acres of cotton land al-
ready have been settled in Argentina
by Europeans and Argentien nation-
Thousands of North Americans at
various times have sought their for-
tunes in Latin America in one form
or another, but there have been few
cases of migration en masse, such as
Castells proposes.
Perhaps the longest-lived coloniza-
tion project undertaken by a group of
North American families occurred in
British Honduras. Following the Civ-
il War a group of Southern families
that objected to being governed from
Washington migrated to the Toledo
settlement, 16 degrees north of the
equator and in then rich mahogany
forests near the Guatemalan frontier.
Southern Colony Dies
It was only last December that the
colony was reported virtually to have
died out. This was due to the thin-
ning out of the mahogany through
constant exploitation, and the econ-
pmiic depression which also cut the
price of cane sugar, the other major
product of the colony. Throughout
its existence, the colony had pre-
served its North American traditions,
the more prosperous members sending
their children to the Southern United
States to be educated.
It was reported recently that an
agricultural colony formed by similar
expatriates at about the same time
had been found to exist in the Brazi-
lian hinterland. The descendants of
these Southern irreconcilables, it was
reported, still managed to eke out a
modest living by farming.
Another colonization project of
North American origin was under-
taken some years ago in Columbia
by the Mormons. However, difficul-
ties arose which prevented a compre-
hensive test of the feasibility of trans-
planting a North American colony to
Latin American surroundings.
Alfalfa Bill's Expedition
Early in 1924, Col. William H. (Al-
falfa Bill) Murray led a group of 75
Oklahoma farm families to the Bo-
livian Chaco to establish an agricul-
tural colony in which cotton was to

be an important product, if not the
chief one.
On Jan. 31, 1925, the brothers War-
ren and Edwin Gates arrived in Bue-
nos Aires, en route to Oklahoma. They
told the Buenos Aires Herald that
only two families remained with Mur-
ray. The remainder, they said, had
returned to the United States because
the land given Murray by the Bolivian
Government had proved arid and un-
profitable and was too far from a
railroad to market crops even if they
could have raised them.
Three months later, Col. Murray
appeared in La Paz, the capital of
Bolivia. He denied that his scheme
to establish an agricultural colony
had failed, exhibited samples of cot-
ton and corn grown on the concession,
and sailed for Oklahoma with the
avowed intention of bringing back 30
more families.
When Col. Murray recently heard
of Castells' new project, he said that
the region was "fine 'country," and
was sure such a colony could thrive if
composed of the "right people." He
declared those who accompanied him
were "too homesick" to permit their
persevering until success was achiev-
On the other hand, Stanley An-
drews, of New Orleans, editor of The
American Cotton Grower, said that
Castells' proposal was fantastic. An-
drews recalled Murray's expedition as
setting an example of failure in such
a colonization project.
Mennonites In Chaco
In the Paraguayan Chaco is a com-
munity of 6,000 Mennonites, living
from agriculture. The first 2,300 went
to the Chaco in 1923 from Canada, to
which they migrated from the United
States during the War.
In 1933, a Mennonite faction which
the Paraguayan Government termed
not representative of the majority,
conceived the idea of migrating to
Uruguay or Brazil because of the dif-

or Cotton
.Lie In Chaco
ficulties ensuing from the war be-
tween Paraguay and Bolivia in the
Chaco. Dr. John Schaake, who was
named to head the delegation to
Montevideo and Rio Janeiro, made
this remark among others about the
colonists' troubles: "Our efforts to
cultivate cotton have virtually failed,
because the varieties we have tried are
not well adapted to the climate."
A report from Washington last May
said that, heartened by reports of
the success of the Mennonite experi-
ment in the Chaco, 15,000 members of
the Russian sect of Dukhobors were
planning to leave their Saskatchewan
homes for the Paraguayan Chaco.
The Dukhobors had been dissatisfied
in Canada partly because the authori-
ties sought to halt their practice of
parading in the nude.
Proponents of the Argentine Chaco
colonization project assert that this
territory offers more alluring pros-
pects than the Paraguayan or Boliv-
ian Chaco.
Gershwin Does
First Opera But
Loses A Waer
NEW YORK, July 20. - (IP) -
George Gershwin has finished his first
opera, "Porgy," and says it is "far
and away the biggest thing I've
done"; but he has lost a bet.
And he can't remember what the
price of the bet was.
He heard an orchestra play parts
of his opera for the first time Friday
and recalled the wager he had made
with a friend in 1922:
"I'll have an opera produced in 10
He lost by three years. Gershwin is
now 36.
"I was thrilled and excited on
hearing the score," he said, "even
though I knew approximately how it
would sound.
"It came out as I expected it to, and
in spots better."
The composer is now orchestrating
the last act. "I'm afraid I'll pull a
Mozart," he said, "and dash down
the aisle on the opening night waving
the overture."
The opera, based on Dubose Hay-
ward's book "Porgy," is scheduled for
out-of-town opening Sept. 20, prob-
ably in Boston, and will move to
Broadway about Oct. 14.
"I enjoyed doing it far more than
anything else I've done," said Gersh-
win, who was wearing beach shorts
in his studio. He chewed gum vio-
"Porgy," is a Negro story, the scene
laid in Charleston. Gershwin worked
on it for a year and seven months -
more time than he ever before spent
on one work.

VOL. XVI No. 24
SUNDAY, JULY 21, 1935
First Baptist Church, 9:30 o'clock
Church School. Herman Frinkle,
Supt. 10:45 Sermon by Minister R.
Edward Sayles on "Simplicity in Re-
ligion." 6:00 p.m. University stu-
dents, special notice. Our students
will be guests of the Wesley Guild at
Stalker Hall, to hear Prof. Lowell J.
Carr on "Redefining Christian Chari-
ty." You will find a cordial welcome.
Episcopal Student Group: A picnic
has been arranged for the fellowship
meeting this evening at the cot-
tage of Mrs. Henry Douglas at Cava-
naugh Lake. Cars will leave the
church at five-thirty p.m. There will
be a charge of ten cents for each
person. All Episcopal students and
their friends are cordially invited.
Saint Andrew's Church: Services of
worship are: 8:00 o'clock a. m. Holy
Communion; 11:00 a.m. Children's
Hour; 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer and
Sermon by the Reverend Henry Lew-
6:45 p.m. Unitarian Church fel-
lowship supper for summer students.
Social hour.
8:15 p.m. Candlelight devotional
service, poetry, music and medita-
tion. Rev. H. P. Marley will speak
briefly on "The Essence of Living."
This is the last service until fall.
H. P. Marley.
All Summer School Students who
have attended or graduated from
Wittenberg College are invited to an
All Wittenberg picnic this after-
noon at 4:00. Cars will leave Trinity
Church, Corner of E. William and S.
Fifth Avenue at 4:00. If further in-
formation is desired call 23680, Rev.
Henry Yoder.
Congregational Church: Service of
worship at 10:30 with sermon by the
minister, Allison Ray Heaps.
Music will be furnished by a ladies'
trio composed of Jean Seeley, Mary
Morrison and Katherine Russell.
They will sing "Lift Thine Eyes" from
the Messiah. James Pfohl will be at
the organ.
Methodist Episcopal Church: At
10:45 a. m., Morning worship ser-
vice. Dr. C. W. Brashares has chosen
as a sermon subject, "Pirates of the
Stalker Hall for University Stu-
dents and friends: At 6:00 p.m.,
informal devotional hour for Uni-
versity students and their friends.
Professor Lowell J. Carr, of the de-
partment of Sociology, will speak on
"Redifining Christian Charity." This
will be the fifth in a series of pro-
grams on the theme, "Rethinking Re-
ligion." Refreshments and fellowship
will follow the meeting.
Michigan Repertory Players: Sea-
son Ticket Holders: Because of the
unusually heavy demand for tickets
for "Othello" and "The Chocolate
Soldier" you are urged to make your
reservations for these shows immedi-
ately. The box office will be open to-
morrow and Tuesday from 9:30 a.m.
to 7 p.m.
Lectures on Safety Education: Dr.
Herbert Stack of the National Safety
Council will deliver three lectures on
safety education on Monday, July 22:
(1) "Safety at School and on the
Playground," University High School
Auditorium, at 8 a.m. (2) "Safety
in Athletics" University High School
Auditorium at 9 a.m. (3) "Safety in
Camp," Room 4019 University High
School, at 10 a.m.
Lectures as follows are open to stu-
dents and faculty of the Summer Ses-
sion: (Conference on Religion).
Monday, 11 a.m., "Religion in World
Literature," Dr. W. P. Lemon

2 p.m., "Some Persistent Prob-
lems of Philosophy of Religion" Prof.
George P. Adams, (League).
4:15 p.m., "A Research Approach
to Religion. Prof. S. A. Courtis
8 p.m., "Religion in World Citizen-
ship," Dr. Frederick W. Norwood,
London, (Hill Auditorium).
Tuesday, 10 a.m., "Influence of the

Bible In Literature." Dr. Lemon
11 a.m. "Exhibit of Biblical Manu-
scripts and lecture, Prof.yHenry A.
Sanders (3rd Floor, Library).'
2 p.m., "Some Persistent Problems,"
(continued) Prof. Adams.
4 p.m., "Religion In Account with
Modern Literature," Dr. Lemon.
E. W. Blakeman.
Graduation Recital: Marion Dick-
son, Pianist, student of Joseph Brink-
man, of the School of Music, will give
the following Graduation Recital,
program Monday evening, July 22, at
8:30 o'clock, to which the general
public, with the exception of small
children is invited:
Fantasy and Fugue, C major, Mo-
Sonata, Op II, Schumann.
Un poco Adagio, Allegro Vivace.
Andante Cantabile.
Ballade, Op. 10, No. 2, Brahms.
Pictures at an Exhbiition, Mous-
Promenade, Chicks.
The Gnome, Rich and Poor.
The Troubadour, The Market
Promenade, In the Catacombs.
The City Gates.
Discussion Group Meeting: All per-
sons engaged or interested in the
education of Negroes are invited to a
discussion group meeting to be held
in the Michigan Union, Room 302,
Monday evening, July 22. 7:15 o'clock.
The topic for discussion is "The Ec-
onomic Status of the Teacher in
Negro Schools."
Baseball Game: On Tuesday eve-
ning, July 23, at 6 o'clock at West
Park the Intramural baseball team
will play Louis Frisenger's City
League Team.
Physical Education Luncheon: On
Tuesday, July 23 at 12:10 p.m. at
the Michigan Union. Dr. Arthur B.
Moehlman will be the speaker.

Summer Session Mixed Chorus:
Meets Tuesday evening in Morris Hall
at 7 o'clock. All interested are in-
vited to attend.
David Mattern.
Michigan Repertory Players: Spec-
ial Matinees to "The Princess and
Mr. Parker," Friday and Saturday,
July 26 and 27 at 2:30 p.m.
Excursion No. 9: The regular Uni-
versity Summer Session Excursion to
Put-in-Bay will be conducted Friday,
the 26th of July. Tickets and infor-
mation may be secured at the Sum-
mer Session office. All interested
should register and purchase tickets
by Thursday noon, July 25th.
Faculty Concert: Mark Bills, bari-
tone (Guest); Hanns Pick, Violoncel-
list, and Palmer Christian, Organist,
will give the following program at the
Faculty Concert, Tuesday evening,
July 23, at 8:30 p.m., to which the
general public, with the exception of
small children, is invited. Mrs. Mabel






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Reward. Dial 5733 or 300 dispen-

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Now there's what I've been
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Constantly Changing Water

a #I




A delicious Chicken orI




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