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July 21, 1935 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1935-07-21

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SUNDAY, JULY 21, 1935

Official Publication of the Summer Session






I 1


on driving a tax bill through before adjournment
are not surprising. There never has been a rea-
sonable prospect of getting the bill further than
the House at this session anyhow if Senate opposi-
tion was militant. Senate rules provide a special
It would not be surprising if Mr. Roosevelt
would be satisfied to get House action, sending
the bill to the Senate, then shut up the congres-
sional shop on a sort of gentlemen's agreement to
finish the tax job in the fall. But if such is his
attitude and that of his legislative advisers,
nothing would be more surprising than for them
to say so now. That would greatly diminish their
chance of even House action now.

BURGLARS TAKE SAFE, TOO Angeles graduated 1,250 seniors this
PORTLAND, Ore., July 20. - (.P) - year, the largest class in its history.
Burglars who broke, into the market
of C. S. Bush made sure they would
miss nothing. They hauled the safe,,
containing $200, away in a truck to
open it at leisure. ai A
----Today - Monday - Tuesday -

Social Dancing taught
daily. Terrace Garden
Dancing Studio. Wuerth
Theatre Bldg. Ph. 9695

U. C. L.A. GRADUATES 1,250
The University of California at Los

NEW YORK - Though no city in the world com-
pared this season with New York in the activ-
ity and diversity of its theater, the majority of the
town's 8,000,000 have never seen a play on Broad-

- - - N. B 11PII i
Publined every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten News Service.
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
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ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Thomas E. Groehn, Thomas H.
Kleene, William Reed, Guy M. Whipple, Jr.
ASSISTANT EDITORS: Robert Cummins, Joseph Mattes,
Elsie Pierce, Charlotte Rueger.
elephone 2-1214
CirculationManagr.................Clinton B. Conger
BU INESS ASSISTANTS: Charles E. Brush, Frederick E.
Wanted - G-Men
Among Nations .. .
I T IS THE LICENSE of the idealist
that he should be privileged to con-
corn himself with fantasies. A recent speech by
J. Edgar Hoover, head of the G-men, might give
the visionary something to dream about. Mr.
Hoover is of course speaking about individuals
when he says:
Here . . a criminal is understood to be a crim-
inal, with a gun in his hand and murder in his
heart. It is not necessary here, in discussing what
shall be done with. that human rate, to persuade
some altruistic soul that he is not a victim of en-
vironment or circumstances or inhibitions or mal-
formed consciousness, to be reformed by a few
kind words, a pat on the cheek and freedom at the'
earliest possible moment.
Those are vigorous words from a man whose
vigorous combats against the individuals he de-
scribes have had universally recognized success.
How, then, might the idealist dream of such a per-
son who would speak of and deal with nations as
Mr. Hoover has spoken of men. For, after all, is
not a nation but the synthesis of individuals and
therefore itself but one great person? And are not
the relations of states to one another but those of
What a dream, however fantastic, would be such
an institution among men as Mr. Hoover is among
For such an international person would speak
unhesitatingly and act as well. He would not ob-
scure deliberate criminal acts of states with talk
of "environment, circumstances, inhibitions," and
above all he would not attempt reform with "a
few kind words, a pat on the cheek and freedom
at the earliest possible moment."
For he would know what to do with the inter-
national "human rate," be brave enough to do it,
and possibly curb his depredations as Mr. Hoover
is doing with his G-men.
At any rate, it makes a challenging if not a
tranquil midsummer's revery.

The city is attempting to do something about
this. Rolling about the town these nights are the
most interesting companies of troupers I have
ever seen. They are professional actors in the
employ of the city and they are traveling from
one park to another presenting some of the great
plays to audiences which sometimes number as
many as 15,000.
* * * *
YOU MAY have your opening night tickets on
the Broadway aisles, and let the sables brush
your face and breathe the sweet perfume and
listen to the empty prattle! I'll wander in the
parks at the free shows and watch the people.
Here the show is in the audience, not on the
stage (though the show on the stage is better
than you'd suspect). The weird assortment of
peoples, the wide range of reaction to the players
on the stage are indescribable.
Of course, there are the vulgar, the loud and
the impudent, who do their best to spoil the show.
But in spite of them, you see here and there a
face so noble and
austere, so moved
Go mom Hegq by the thought be-
OR aing spoken on the
stage that you can
forget the others
and applaud the
experiment which
is bringing a little
beauty into lives
which are generally so barren and unlovely.
This month, the portable theater has presented
Sheridan's Rivals, Drinkwater's Abraham Lincoln,
and the Gilbert and Sullivan operetta Pirates of
Penzance. And undoubtedly some of the men and
women seeing Drinkwater's play were hearing of
Lincoln for the first time.
* * * *
ANOTHER interesting form of the legitimate
theater is the ancient show-boat, which is be-
ing revived on the Hudson.
One of these - the Buchaneer - is run by Bob-
by Sanford. Sanford usually has several Broad-
way players topping the bill, but his revue this
year is made up of unknowns.
Another boat, the Silver Moon, is plying Long
Island sound during the day, pulling into a town
in the afternoon and presenting one-act Jack Dal-
ton comedies at night. In these, the audiences
hisses the villain, and cheers when the hero rescues
the little gal.
Then, of course, there are the little theaters in
the suburbs. They have attracted more stars this
summer than in the last few years. You can rely
on the actors to outnumber the residents of the
towns around New York about two to one.
So, though the Cornells and the Howards and
the Merivales and LeGalliennes are scattered
across the world, there's still plenty to be seen in
the New York theater.
Certainly we will have The Old Maid, The Chil-
dren's Hour, Anything Goes, Three Men On A
Horse, Tobacco Road and Personal Appearance on
Broadway until the autumn shows reach the

Al Jolson Ruby Keeler
--- plus
Every Day in the Week
15c until 6- 25c after 6
25c to 2 p.m. 35c after 2 p.m.
--Shows Continuous 1:30 - 11 :00--
Don't Miss

25c till 2 p.m. 35c after 2 p.m.
Shows Continuous 1:30 - 11:00
-" ee stn g utOte -
- the stunning beauty of the now,


Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, beregarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editor reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words and to accept, or reject
letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance
and interest to the campus.
Nazi Delusions
To the Editor:
Some German Myths
It is well-known that the Nazis delude themselves
with all kinds of myths, such as Aryan race,
Nordic, Teutonic, pure race, blood, soil swastika.
What these myths amount to has been set forth
repeatedly by eminent scientists including Ger-
mans. In foreign affairs (American), one of our
most distinguished quarterlies, for April, 1935,
there is an article entitled, "Who Are The Ger-
mans?" Whiting on the various myths current
in Nazi Germany, the article contains the following
passages: Aryan Race, Nordic, German Race.
"That there is no such thing as an Aryan race,"
writes the author of the article, "and that the
Germans are neither Aryan, nor Nordic, nor a race,
never troubled the politicians." The German sci-
entist Virchow called the theory of the Aryan
race "pure fiction," and Reinach dubbed it "pre-
historic romance." Max Mueller, the German
scholar who was responsible for the philological
word "Aryan," bluntly rejected the distortion of
his concept.
"To me," he wrote, "an ethnologist who speaks
of an Aryan race, Aryan blood, Aryan eyes and
hair, is as great a sinner as a linguist who speaks
of a dodichocephalic dictionary or a brachycephalic
grammar. It is worse than a Babylonian confusion
of tongues -it is downright theft. If I say
Aryan I mean neither blood nor bones, nor hair,
nor skull. I mean simply those who speak an
Aryan language.
"One need not have the testimony of a scientific
German ethnologist to the effect that only a frac-
tion more than one per cent of the Reich's pop-
ulation is Teutonic." (Foreign Affairs, p. 518.)
Pure Race -Blood
"The pure race theory is a colossal lie. Only
those devoid of self-respect prate about "pure"
blood, when all corpuscles look alike under the
microscope." At least one ascist dictator knows
that, for Mussolini said, "Of course there are no
races left. Not even the Jews have kept their
blood unmingled. Successful crossings have often
promoted the energy and the beauty of a nation.
Race! It is a feeling, not a reality . . . national
pride has no need for the delirium of race."
Oswald Spengler, in Jahre der Entscheidung."
page 157, says that "those who talk much about
race have none."
The Swastika
The swastika is a very ancient symbol meaning
many things but nothing German.
Those who may wish to read further on German
myths will find articles in The National Review of
March and April, 1935.
-M. Levi, Professor Emeritus.

5 Course
Fried Spring


. ,

"Othel low
Wednesday, Thursday,
Friday & Saturday
July 24, 25, 26, 27,
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Adults 50c Children 25c Phone 6300

Added Joy
Mickey Mouse Cartoon
ovelty Tompkins News
Thursday - Two Features
Francis Arline Judge
read The Want Ads.

A Washington,

~AsOhers Seek

Will Asia Gobble Up


A NOTED French authority on population states
that in 10 years there will be 140,000,000 Mon-
goloids in Eurasia and only 20,000,000 more whites
in Europe, and that in 100 years from now the
yellow race will have become so numerous that
Asia will no longer possess either the economic
or physical means to contain it.
Another Ghengis Khan will then lead hungry
Asiatic masses on an invasion of Europe through
And that will mean the complete submergence
of the whites, the destruction of their "time-hon-
ored institutions' and the replacement of "their
magnificent civilization."
The white race in Europe has done and con-
tinues to do its best to invite some such fate.
The fecund peoples of Asia have no time for birth
control. The only thing that has kept their pop-
ulation within bounds has been their high death
rate. Japan has recently reduced the margin
between its births and deaths appreciably. And
if China ever gets over its civil wars and goes in
wholesale for modern medicine, sanitation and
flood control its rate of population will be vastly
accelerated. The same applies to India.
Always superior in man-power, Asia has been, at
the West's knee, an apt pupil in the art and
science of war.
And now the West is setting it an example in
territorial and commercial greed, anger, arrogance
and ambition, anything but tolerance and good will
yamn ar A in

W ASHINGTON - If anyone had lingering doubts
about the completeness of the rift between
the New Deal and big business - and Secretary
Dan Roper might have - the simultaneous big
business assault on the Roosevelt tax-wealth plan
ought to dispel them. How even Mr. Roper could
cling to his fond hopes of a real working partner-
ship between government and business and any ar-
ticles as to taxation either side would accept, is a
Secretary Roper was emphatic in denying the re-
ported wholesale desertion of his advisory business
committee mechanism by important figures in the
business world. Merely a routine change in per-
sonnel under the original rotative service plan
was in progress, he said. As a New Deal-big bus-
iness liaison unit, the committee carries on.
* * * *
YET ROPER must have noted headlines in the
papers that same day announcing in his own
language "a nationwide drive" by the Chamber
of Commerce of the United States "against the
administration's tax proposals." He probably read
a blasting statement in much the same form from
the national organization of manufacturers; saw
a similar attack by Alfred Sloan of General Mo-
tors and the unusual circumstances of a Henry
Ford press interview pitched to the same tune.
None of these statements pulled any punches.
The national chamber disclosed that it was cir-
cularizing its 1,500 member organizations, not to
ascertain their views but to supply them with the
arguments of its Federal finance committee against
the White House tax proposals.
A Senate committee with extraordinary lobby
investigating powers and money to pay for the job+
is about to take up the utility holding company;
bill case. It could, overnight, make tax-lobbying
its first business, having authority to go into al-
most anything. In effect, the national chamber;
thumbed its nose at that committee. It might have1
paraphrased Patrick Henry and added to its an-
nnnrement that it wa starting a "drive' nnot

A Paramount Picture starring George Raft,
with Edward Arnold, Claire Dodd. Rosalind Culli,
and Ray Milland. Also a mediocre Pete Smith
oddity, "Flying Fish," a poor comedy with Allen
Jenkins and Ruth Donnelly, and a Hearst news-
In "The Glass Key" George Raft brings back
memories, however dim they may be, of his great
role in "Scarface." But, although he wears more
conservative and smaller pants, he's still too soft.
He clips a woman on the jaw here, but that's
Cagney stuff. His unemotional voice gives a
sententious note to unimportant remarks, but in
"The Glass Key" the effect is seldom genuine.
He was born for the role of the quietly cool and
brutal gangster of "Scarface" and needs another
part like that. In "The Glass Key" he's closer
to it, at least, than as a dancing gigolo, or pseudo-
From a story by Dashiell Hammett, "The Glass
Key" is one of the best mysteries to come out of
Hollywood in a long time, although it is certainly
no "Thin Man." It's a relief to be able to say that
you probably won't guess the murderer, although
you have a chance.
Ed Beaumont (George Raft) is the lieutenant
of a big politician (Edward Arnold) who is back-
ing the father of the girl he loves (Claire Dodd) for
senator, while at the same time giving battle to a
gambling czar. The murder of the senator's son
involves them all. George Raft solves the crime.
Edward Arnold's performances are always good.
Claire Dodd, one of cinema's most beautiful, has
a disappointingly small role. None of the cast does
a poor job -in fact, all are rather impressive.
Best scene: A thug (played by one who
shouldn't be, but is, unknown) choking his gam-
bler-boss to death while Raft quietly looks on.
The swinging, shaded lamp overhead alternately
thrnws haonsi or the ctrnralina men and lia ht


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