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July 21, 1935 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1935-07-21

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The Weather
Showers or thunderstorms to-
day and possibly tomorrow in
southeast portion.


Official Publication Of The Summer Session

Wanted - -Min
Among Nations .. .



Finch Will

At The Start Of A 20-Year Long Trail



European Situation To Be
Topic Of International
Law Address
Appearing Fourth
Time As Lecturer
Dr. James B. Scott To
Address The Concluding
Session July 29
"The United States and the De-
velopment of the European Situa-
tion" will be the topic of a lecture
to be delievered at 8 p.m. tomorrow in
Room 1025 Angell Hall by George
A. Finch, managing editor of the
American Journal of International
This is the fourth in a series of five
lectures which are a part of the an-
nual Summer Session on Teaching
International Law. Mr. Finch is the
secretary of the law parley and a
member of its teaching staff.
The speaker is now serving for the
fourth consecutive summeron. the
faculty' of the conference. In addi-
tion to delivering this lecture, he is
teaching a course on "The Modern
Sources of International Law" and
leading a group conference on "The
United States and International Legal
Mr. Finch is recognized as an out-
standing authority on the subject of
international relations, having ac-
quired considerable information on
this topic through his experience as
a member of the War Trade Board in
1918, as a technical adviser to the
American peace negotiating commis-
sion in 1919, and as one of a party of
American journalists who visited
J nKorea, Manhuriaap China
in 1929.
As a member of the teaching pro-
fession, he has been associated with
the Washington College of Law since
1931, and a member of the advisory
committee for research in interna-
tional law of the Harvard Law School.
He is also affiliated with the Ameri-
can Bar Association and the Ameri-
can Society of International Law.
The concluding lecture in the series
will be presented Monday, July 29, by
Dr. James Brown Scott, chairman of
the law parley. Dr. Scott's subject
will be "Sanctions of International

Churches To
Offer Variety
Of Services
Trinity Lutherans Will
Inaugurate New Devotion
Program Today
Last Service To Be
Held ByUnitarians
Prof. Louis A. Hopkins
To Speak At Evening
Fellowship Hour

Dr. Norwood
Will Address
Religious Conference To
Open Two Day Sessions
Here Tomorrow
'World Citizenship'
Will Be Discussed
Professor Adams Plans
Lectures On 'Persistent
Problems In Religion'

Japan And Italy
Charge Hostility
In Mutual Rebuff


Religious Lecturer


Desires That
May Lead To
In ]Ethiopia


Push Forward
'Rough' Labor3
Disputes Plant
Administration Aiming Ati
Elimination Of Strikes
TOLEDO, July 20. - UP) --Behindr
the "Toledo Plan," now operating<
as a potential national model for set-f
tling capital-labor disputes, is a wide-
spread belief that it's a mistake to
"strike first and arbitrate after-
Assistant Secretary of Labor Ed-
ward F. McGrady, author of the plan,
and Ralph A. Lind, in charge of it
here, are both firm believers that
most capital-labor disputes can be
settled by properly handled arbitra-
tion without ever reaching the state;
of a strike.
On this theory, McGrady designed
the plan with hopes of providing the
best system of arbitration ever de-
vised. Chief among its features are
provisions for a "peace board" of rela-
tive permanency, a virtually "auto-
matic" system of procedure, and em-
phasis upon prompt agtion and in-
Admitting that the plan is "rough,"
McGrady, nevertheless, is confident
it will "eliminate 90 per cent of the
troubles that cause strikes, lockouts
and discriminations." In the same
breath he adds, "once perfected, the
plan can be woven into any industrial
center in America."
To Toledo -industrial city of 300,-
000 - McGrady's confidence is heart-I

Mrs. Margaret Thulin Waley (
led from Federal Court in Tacoma
Holtz after being sentenced to 20 y
at Milan, Mich., for her part in the
Diliman Offered
Presidency O f
Director Of State Welfare
Indicates Possibility Of
Accepting Position
Grover C. Dillman, director of the
State Welfare Department and form-
er State Highway Commissioner, said
this afternoon that he has been of-
fered the presidency of the Michigan
College of Mining and Technocracy
at Houghton.
He indicated there is a strong pos-
sibility he will accept the offer. Dill-
man would succeed William Otis
Hotchkiss, who resigned recently.
Dillman said he will go to Hough-
ton to confer with the Board in Con-
trol of the institution next Friday be-
fore next Friday before making a
definite decision.
"There are elements of regret from
retiring from public service after 22
years of such service, but at the same
time I believe I can be of service to
the institution," Dillman said today.
He said one of his aims would be to
make the college more state-wide in
its scope so students from lower Mich-
igan would be interested.
Dillman was advised of his election
in a long-distance telephone conver-
sation with Albert Peterman, chair-
man of the Board in Control of the
college, today. He was told the board
elected him unanimously.
Agitation Growing
For King George's
Return To Greece
LONDON, July 20.-(P)-Former
King George of Greece has ordered an
airliner to stand by at Croydon Air
Field to fly him to Athens, it was
learned today when Capt. William
Ledlie, the pilot, confirmed that he
was awaiting instructions.
The pilot said he expected instruc-
tions for the Athens flight tomorrow.
It was reported that the former
king was awaiting the arrival of the
Mayor of Athens, M. Kotzias, before
taking a final decision.
Earlier in the day the former King's
aide, Maj. Levides, commenting on
Athens rumors that George was re-
turning to Athens, said:
"We know nothing more than what
is in the papers."
Agitation for the return of forme
~King George to the Greek throne has
been growing since the ill-fated revo-
Slition of former Premier Eleutherios

-Associated Press Photo.
eft), 19, is shown as she was being
a, Wash., by U. S. Marshal Lillian
ears in the Federal detention farm
kidnaping of Georges Weyerhaeuser.

Major League Standings

New York ...........49 30
Detroit ..............52 33
Chicago ..... ....40 34
Boston ..............43 41
Cleveland ...........40 39
Philadelphia .........35 43
Washington ..........35 48
St. Louis........... .25 55
Yesterday's Results
Detroit 6, Boston 5.
Chicago 1, Washington 0.
Cleveland 15, Philadelphia 8.
St. Louis at New York, rain.
Games Touay
Chicago at Washington (2)
St. Louis at New York.
Cleveland at Philadelphia.
Detroit at Boston.
New York ...........53 26
St. Louis...........50 30
Chicago.............49 34
Pittsburgh ...........44 41
Brooklyn ..........38 42
Cincinnati...........39 45
Philadelphia .........34 47
Boston ..............21 63


Local churches will offer a variety
of morning and evening devotional
services for students enrolled in thez
Summer Session today.i
Trinity Lutheran Church will in-
augurate a new service in the formf
of a Combination Church School and
Church Worship Service starting at
9:15 p.m. with the regular Lutheranl
Liturgical Service to the Epistle Les-t
A lesson period of 25 minutes has
been arranged, and separate classes
for all ages will be held. The Rev.
Henry Yoder, pastor, will teach the
class. He has chosen as the subject oft
his sermon "The Silent Patrner" for
the regular devotion.
Prof. Lowell J. Carr will be the
speaker at 6 p.m. at the Sunday eve-
ning devotional hour in Stalker Hall.
His subject is "Redefining Christian
Charity." This speech will be a part
of the series of services centering on
the theme, "Rethinking Religion."
The last service of the summer
season will be held at 8:15 p.m. atj
the Unitarian Church on the topic
"TheEssence of Living" at which
time the Rev. H. P. Marley will de-
liver the sermon. This devotional
hour will be patterned on the one de-
veloped and will be presented in a
modernistic style.
Preceding the service a light supper
will be served at 6:45 p.m. by the,
ladies of the church, and will be fol-
lowed by a social half-hour. Mr. Mar- .
ley will speak at the Court Street '
Methodist Church in Fliht next Sun-
Dr. W. P. Lemon will give the fifth
in a series of sermons on "Dialogues
With God" entitled "The Plot in
Every Life" at the Masonic Temple
where the first Presbyterian Church
is temporarily holding its services.
At 9:30 a.m. Dr. Lemon will lead a
class for students which is making a
study of the Book of Revelations. The
student group will also meet at. 5:30
p.m. on the lawn of the Church House
for a supper and social hour followed
at 6:30 p.m. by the fourth talk in the
summer series on religion, "An Edu-
cator Looks at Religion" by Prof.
Louis A. Hopkins, director of the
Summer Session. The Rev. Norman
W. Kunkel will be in charge.
Melinkovitch Gaining In
Race For All-Stars Post
CHICAGO, July 20. - UP) - George
Melinkovitch, star Notre Dame back,
pulled up into the battle for a job
as halfback on the college all-star
football team which meets the Chi-
cago Bears at Soldier Field Aug. 29,
by gaining 14,107 votes.
Melinkovitch jumped from sixth
place to fourth with a total of 80,-
[968 to pass Jimmy Carter of Purdue
and Buzz Borries, the Navy star. The
division was headed again by Duane
Purvis of Purdue, who had 101,593,
with Dixie Howell of Alabama second
with 98,278. Pug Lund of Minnesota
was third with 84,752. _____

Dr. Frederick W. Norwood, minister
of City Temple, London, and world
advocate of international understand-
ing by means of religion, will be a
guest speaker at the Religious Con-
ference which will open tomorrow in
Ann Arbor.
He will speak on the subject "Re-
ligion in World Citizenship" at 8 p.m.
tomorrow in Hill Auditorium. He
will also meet a group of faculty men
and the ministers of the conference
at noon in the Union.
In 1933 and 1934 Dr. Norwood, an
Australian by birth, travelled through
Canada, India and South Africa as
well as Tokio, Kobe, and Shanghai,
where he spoke on this same theme.
More recently he visited Australia and
now he is pastor of the Riverside
Church, New York. Dr. Norwood is
also president of the Free Church
Union of Great Britain.
Adams Is Guest Speaker
Also a guest speaker on the pro-
gram is Prof. George P. Adams, who
is lecturing in the University of Cali-
fornia Summer Session on Ethics
and Philosophy of Religion. He will
lead two discussions on "Certain Per-
sistent Problems in the Philosophy
of Religion" at 2:30 p.m. Monday and
Prof. Adams is the editor of the
10-volume series of University of Cal-
ifornia Publications in Philosophy. In
his book, "Idealism and the Modern
Age" he has set forth concrete so-
cial problems which will be under'
consideration during the conference.
The Rev. W. P. Lemon, D.D., pas-
tor of the First Presbyterian Church,
will give three lectures upon "The
Minister's Use of Literature" or "Re-
ligious Phases of World Literature"
at 11 a.m. Monday and 10 a.m. and
4 p.m. Tuesday.
In addition to having been preacher
at St. Andrews Church, Minneapolis,
Dr. Lemon is one of the associate edi-
tors of the Christian Century.
Courtis To Lead Discussion
Prof. Stuart A. Courtis, who was
for some time head of the faculty
staff in mathematics in the Detroit
schools, and who is now director of
Education of Research for the Detroit
public schools, will conduct a two-
hour discussion from 4 to 6 p.m. to-
morrow in the League on the subject
"A Research Approach to Religion."
Prof. Courtis is the author of "Then
and Now in Education," "Why Chil-
dren Succeed," and "The Measure-
ment of Growth." He was the orig-
inator of the Courtis Standard Tests.
In 1924 he was connected with the
New York educational survey and in
1912 was in charge of correction work
for the Boston public schools.
Prof. Henry A. Sanders of the de-
partment of linguistics will exhibit
Biblical manuscripts and explain their
value at 11 a.m. Tuesaay. Professor
Sanders has done research work in
this field, and will show his finds.
A committee of local ministers and
five graduates now serving churches
in the state are associated with Dr.
Edward Blakeman, Counselor of Re-
ligious Education, in arranging this

.12 Financially
Lax Fraternity
University Committee To 1
Hear Explanations And
Determine Exemptions
Twelve fraternities will appear be-l
fore a University committee on Fra-
ternity Financial Standards excep-
tions tomorrow and Tuesday, chair-1
man Robert 0. Briggs said yesterday,
to offer explanations for their failure
to comply with financial standards
set up by the University authorities.
The twelve fraternities have already
been cited for their failure to comply+
with the regulations, Mr. Briggs ex-
plained, and the action of his commit-
tee will be directed toward granting+
exceptions and allowing reopenings
despite the citations.
Exemptions may be granted to fra-
ternities who can satisfactorily guar-
antee solvency and ability to meet
indebtedness, as by the underwriting
of the fraternity's debts by alumni
or others associated with the frater-
The committee hearings will give
the fraternities their final opportunity
to prove exceptions to the closing or-
ders of another University committee
on Financial Reports, according to Mr.
Briggs, and to allow the houses to
continue operation.
The financial standards which have
been set up include provisions that
no house shall continue in operation
which finished the school year with
unpaid accounts payable in excess of
$500 or unpaid accounts receivable
amounting to $200.
Monthly financial statements have
been requested from each fraternity,
and it was upon these reports that
University officials based their cita-
tions of the 12 houses.
The committee which will meet to-
morrow and Tuesday is co'mposed of
Mr. Briggs, who is a member of the
economics faculty, Paul R. Kempf, an
alumnus, and Prof. Leigh J. Young
of the forestry school.
Five Dead In
'Terrific Heat;

Taile Selassie Calls
For Fight To Death
ritish Cabinet Prepares
For Meeting Of League
Of Nations
(By The Associated Press)
Japan was drawn into the Italo-
thiopian situation Saturday as Italy
gent ahead with warlike preparations
nd Emperor Haile Selassie at Addis
.baba declared that his Empire would
defend its territory to the last man."
At Tokio the counselor for the Ital-
mn embassy visited to the foreign of-
ice to complain that the Japanese
ress was hostile to Italy.
Eigi Amau, chief of the foreign of-
ce ppublicity bureau, replied with a
imilar accusation against the Italian
At Rome it was indicated that the
oreign office viewed the situation
rith-Vicreasing seriousness in view of
he "hostility" toward Italy of Em-
eror Haile Selassie's speech last
'hursday. More troops went forward
o East Africa Saturday and nearly
thousand regular army officers were
iven war-time promotions.
Emperor Haile Selassie, at Addis
.baba,reiterated his charge that
eace was being "drowned in the
ood and tears of war launched by
taly' and asserted that "this Em-
ire will defend its territory to the
st man for the preservation of our
leathless record of never having been
In London the British cabinet
novxed toward the formulation of a
iefinite decision regarding Great
ritain's policy at the forthcoming
,ession of Athe League of Nations
ouncil on the Italo-Ethiopian dis-
Japan In Tangle
TOKIO, July 20. -- (P) - The Italo-
apanese relations regarding Japan's
>tand on the Ethiopian controversy
ecame further snarled by'commerce
today. Italy contended that Japan's
ommercial advance in Ethiopia con-
itituted Ethiopia's violation of the
[talo-Ethiopian Treaty of 1928.
The contention was made when
4uigi Mariani, counsellor for the Ital-
an embassy, visited Eiji Amu, chief
)f the foreign office publicity bureau,
o complain of the hostility of the
Japanese press toward Italy.
Amau, according to his own ac-
count of the conversation, countered
with a like accusation of the Italian
press regarding Japan. He cited the
publication of an officially-controlled
Government organ which asserted
that the treaty of 1928 obligated
Ethiopia to "welcome Italian mer-
chandise." Instead, the publication
containued, Ethiopia was admitting
increasing quantities of Japanese
goods in violation of the pact.
Amau said that the Japanese Gov-
crnment had been ignorant of any
such treaty and asked an explanation.
Mariani, without pressing the con-
tention, promised to supply a copy
and let the Japanese Government see
it for itself.
Amau emphasized that Japan was
seeking no privileges in Ethiopia, but
was vitally interested in expanding
its commerce through the cheapness
and excellence of Japanese goods.
Tigers Win, Move
Nearer League Lead
Although several percentage points
separated them, the Detroit Tigers
moved into a virtual tie with the New
York Yankees today as Crowder and
Auker pitched the Tigers to a 6-5
victory over the Boston Red Sox at
Fenway Field, Wesley Ferrell was the

losing Mpitcher. It was the. second
time Detroit had beaten him in three
The New York Giants continued
skidding downward as the up and
coming Chicago Cubs walloped them
again, 7-2. The Cardinals were
rained out, but still gained a half-

Yesterday's Games
Chicago 7, New York 2.
Pittsburgh 14, Boston 2.
Philadelphia 9, Cincinnati 3.
Brooklyn, St. Louis, wet ground.
.Games Today
New York at Chicago.
Boston at Pittsburgh (2).
Philadelphia at Cincinnati.
Brooklyn at St. Louis.
Balloon Ascension
A balloon ascension will be staged
at Newport Beach, Portage Lake, at
approximately 5 p.m. today, it has
been announced by the management
of the beach. Well-known balloonists
will participate in the holiday event.

Players To Produce 'Othello'
In Italian Renaissance Style

Othello the Moor will appear in
a turban in the Michigan Repertory
Players' production of the great
Shakespearean tragedy, and all the
other players will also be seen in col-
orful Italian Renaissance costumes.
"The reason we are using the
Renaissance styles in the play is be-
cause they are so much more ro-
mantic and graceful than the Eliza-
bethan period styles," Miss Evelyn
Cohen, costume designer for the Rep-
ertory Players said yesterday.
The large cast requires 40 costumes,
and although the costume room of the
Players has supplied many of them,
the others have been made by the
costumina staff.

sets which are on castors will be
moved to a new position, and pages.
will bring out the properties for the
ensuing scene. The sets will be
placed at various angles, sometimes
parallel to each other, at right angles
or placed together.
The sets have a black background
painted over with blue and silver,
which, according to Mr. Wyckoff,
"will give the appearance of steel, in
order to be in keeping with the mas-
culine tone not only of the main
character but of the whole play."
The use of these sets will allow
the continuity of the scenes to- be re-
tained, Mr. Wyckoff said. They will
also serve to unify the play.
lia h ll ' s ~ n olt n ' - - f- a

Conmmunity Sing Is
To Be Given Today
The second community Sacred Sing
which is being sponsored by the Ann
Arbor Recreation Committee will be
held at 7:30 p.m. today on the ter-
race of the Library.
Hope Bauer Eddy, contralto, will be
the soloist at the sing, and will be
accompanied by Emma Mary Foote.
William R. Champion will lead the
songs for the audience. The Ann Ar-
bor Salvation Army Band will fur-
nish the music under the direction of
James Kelly.
Dr. C. S. Yoakum, vice-president
of the University, will give the in-
troductory remarks at the service. In-
cluded in the program will be: "Son
of My Soul," "From Greenland's Icy

DETROIT, July 20. -P(R) - The
Weather Bureau predicted today that
lower Michigan would experience a
sizzling week-end.
Temperatures were only slightly
lower today than they were yester-
day when many Michigan communi-
ties recorded the hottest weather of
the year.
Two additional deaths accreditable
to the heat were reported, bringing
to five the number of such fatalities
since the current heat wave began
Both of the deaths were at Man-
istee, where August M. Carlson, 70,
was stricken by apoplexy as he entered
a store and August Hine, 45, died after
collapsing from the heat in a factory
room where a thermometer registered
1 -l-arrrC


No Relief

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