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July 21, 1935 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1935-07-21

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SUNDAY, JULY 1, 1935

Jerry Ford In
Fight For Post
With All-Stars
Michigan Center Fourth
In Balloting As Other
Wolverines Trail
Only one Wolverine appeared in
the running for a position on the all-
star football team which will meet
the Chicago eBars Aug. 29 in Chicago
as the balloting entered its final day.
The contest to select a squad of 1934
gridders for the charity game spon-
sdred by the Chicago Tribune ends at
midnight today.
Jerry Ford, center on the 1934
Michigan team and selected on the
West squad which played in the an-
nual Shrine game New Year's Day in
San Francisco, stayed in fourth spot
in the ballotting for the pivot posi-
tion. Ford trailed Jack Robinson of
Notre Dame, George Shotwell of
Pittsburgh and Bill Kalbaugh of
The Michigan star had registered
61,637 votes while Robinson had 89,-
566, Shotwell 85,714 and Kalbaugh
The other Michigan men mentioned
in the balloting continued to trail in
their respective positions. Willis
Ward was at eleventh place among
the ends, and John Regeczi at the
same position among the halfbacks
while Tom Austin at tackle and Bill
Borgmann and Chet Beard at guards.
were well out of the running.
Frank Larson, Minnesota's rough
and tough flanker, continued to lead
all candidates as the Big Ten was well
represented at the top. Larson had
99,633 votes while Regis Monahan of
Ohio State had 99,187 at guard. Oth-
er Conference gridders who appeared
certain of selection included Phil
Bengston of Minnesota, second
among the tackles, Bill Bevan, Minne-
sota, who ranked third in the guards,
Jack Beynon, still near the top at
third place among the quaterbacks,
Stan Kostka of Minnesota, who led
the fullbacks and Duane Purbis of
Purdue, Pug Lund of Minnesota, and
Jim Carter of Purdue, who ranked
first, third and fourth respectively+
among the halfbacks.I
Reflecting its brilliant New Year's
Day performance, Alabama's team+
had, four representatives at the top.
Don Hutson was at sceond in the ends;
voting, Bill Lee led the tackles, Marr
was at fifth among the guards and,
Dixie Howell trailed Purvis in the;
halfback poll.l
Congress May
Set Mark For
Long Sessions
By September It Will Have
Established Record For
Odd-Numbered Years
WASHINGTON, July 20.-(P') -
Should Congress remain in sessionI
until Sept. 1- the adjournment date
whispered by some leaders -it will1
establish a new record for continuous
work in an odd-numbered year.
House and Senate have already
been in session 198 days in the first
odd-year meeting since the Norris
amendment abolishing "Lame Duck"
sessions became effective. They con-
vened Jan. 3.
The present odd-year record for
a prolonged session of Congress was1
established in the Reconstruction days1
after the Civil War, when the fortieth+
Congress was in session 274 days -1
from March 4, 1867, to Dec. 2, 1867.
There were recesses, however, from

March 30 to July 1 and from July 20
to Nov. 21.
In 1921, President Harding called1
the sixty-seventh Congress into spe-
cial session to consider post-World.
War problems. This 227-day meeting,j
from April 11 to Nov. 23, also was
interrupted by a month's recess late
in the summer to permit committees
to catch up with their work.
An odd-year session in the . first
year of the Hoover administration3
lasted 222 days. It was called April
15, 1929, to revise the tariff on agri-
cultural products.
This developed into a general tariff
battle on the Smoot-Hawley bill, and
the date of adjournment was pro-
longed until Nov. 22. Again, however,1
there was a respite -the House re-
cessing from June 10 to Sept. 23, while3
the Senate recessed June 19 until;
Aug. 19, and then had a series of
three-day recesses until Sept. 4, while,
the tariff arguments were carried on
in committee hearings. This year
Congress has been in almost continu-
ous session except for brief week-end
and holiday vacations.
Father, Son Reunited'
Through Chain Letter
SENECA, Kas., July 20. - (IP) - A
father and son, separated 35 years,;
were reunited recently by a chain,
Gene Hunt of Lineville, Ia., com-
pleted the chain when he arrived to
visit his son. Otto Huiett. who had

Addis Ababa Goes On Stitching While Rome Builds Bridges

-Associated Press Photo.
Ethiopian tailors pedal their American sewing machines in the unpaved streets of Addis Ababa, lending
the chief touch of modern'industry to that capital. On the other hand, Italian workmen building the rein-
forced concrete railroad bridge near Rome, which is shown at the right, typify the progressive industrialization
of II Duce's land. Despite the two countries' vast economic differences, statistics show marked similarities
in exports and imports.

Analogous War
Problems Face
Several Similar Economic
Conditions Confront The
Prospective Combatants
NEW YORK, July 20. - W) - Am-
erican sewing machines operated by
barefooted natives on the streets of
Addis Ababa represent Ethiopia's
chief claim to "modern industry," yet
that empire bears some economic re-
semblance to industrialized Italy.
Should they go to war, the fighting
would not be between two nations
altogether dissimilar from the stand-
point of exports and imports. Their
exports to the outside world are
largely of an agricultural nature.
Italy's chief exports are in the field
of wines, livestock, oils, silks and
other farm products. Ethiopia ex-
ports hides, skins, coffee, wax and
a little gold and platinum.
In the field of imports, there also
is a similarity between the two na-
tions; both of them buying metals,
cotton and industrial products from
other nations.
Industrial Life Differs
Here, however, the similarities
cease. Italy is a nation possessing
modern industries, manufacturing
her own munitions and utilizing wa-
ter power to provide electricity for her
Ethiopia has virtually no industrial
Economically, Ethiopia is almost
self-sufficient. Her imports and ex-
ports in 1933 totalled only between
$7,000,000 and $10,000,000.
Italy, which has tried to keep ex-
ports and imports in balance for the
past few years, had to report a trade
deficit of more than $80,800,000 for
the first four months of 1935.
'Internal Italian Debt
The Italian government, in figures
published covering 1935 up to May,
admitted an internal debt of more
than $8,500,000,000, while foreign es-
timates at the end of 1934 placed this
figure at $14,000,000,000, to which, if
this latter total were accepted, would
have to be added the admitted defi-
cit of $180,000,000 for the first 10
months of this fiscal year.
On the other hand, Italy's gold
holdings are $519,000,000, which gives
a gold coverage of about 45 per cent
to her ,currency.
The primitive currency of Ethiopia
is the Maria Theresa dollar of 1781,
which is coined from bullion sent to
Vienna, and in many of the provinces
bars of salt serve as money.
The Bank of Ethiopia, which was
bought in 1931 by the emperor, Haile
Selassie, from the Bank of Abyssina,
issues its own paper which has cir-
culation only in and about the capital.
Tribal Chieftains Collect
To provide for the finances of the
government, Italy has a complcated
tax system, like all modern states,
while in Ethiopia most of the taxes
are administered by tribal chieftains.
As for financing a war, some Ameri-
can engineers and economists who
have been in Ethiopia doubt that that
country could buy supplies for large
scale operations. However, they point
out that in the type of guerrilla war-
fare used by the natives, large funds
are not necessary.
Italy, on the other hand, will have
to hv munitionsa nd matrial in y.-

Seth Thomas, Corn Belt Lawyer,
Prepares Defense Case For AAA

WASHINGTON, July 20. - (P) -
The case for the biggest "new deal"
agency since NRA to be attacked in
the Supreme Court is being prepared
methodically by an elderly corn-belt
lawyer who never sat in the circle of
the administration's- legal "brain
Seth Thomas is assembling his
facts and his law to go before the
court this fall in defense of the heut
of the AAA program - the process-
ing tax and floor taxes, through which
the government has collected ap-
proximately $900,000,000 to compen-I
sate farmers and growers for curtail-
ing crops and livestock. These taxes
were declared unconstitutional by a
United States circuit court and the
government plans prompt appeal to
the Supreme Court.
Suits are pouring in at the rate of
20 a day. In Thomas' hands rests
the hope of the farm administration
as it now is constituted - the biggest
single legal responsibility held today
by any government attorney.
An Old-Line Democrat
Thomas, a square, quiet solicitor for
the department of agriculture, who
took over the job of counsel to the
AAA when Jerome Frank was ousted
some months ago, has a far different
political background from the young
liberal attorneys who have been so
active in advising the administration.
He is an old-line regular Democrat
never active in leftist movements.
Thomas, who practiced law many
years in Fort Dodge, Iowa, takes no
official part in social reform. His
job, as he sees it, is to be a lawyer
to hiseclients -in this case the de-
partment of agriculture and the triple

A - and to leave the policy questions
to them.
He isn't worried, associates say, be-
cause the experience of more than
three decades before the bar has
taught him to be philosophic and to
be prepared. The size. of the stake
does not terrify him, because he's used
to big stakes. Now, commanding the
efforts of 1,200 workers, some 350 of
them licensed attorneys, he presides
over a legal department bigger in
scope, perhaps, than any in Wash-
ington except the justice department.
Two Jobs, Two Offices
Having two jobs, he has two of-
fices - one in the regular department
of agriculture and one in the AAA -
and is kept hopping between them
with an agility surprising in a man
62 years old. It is much more dif-
ficult to see some government secre-
taries than to have audience with
Thomas. He takes on all comers, but
like a good lawyer he keeps them
rigidly to the point at issue and bows
them out when the point is out.
If Thomas has an unsatisfied long-
ing, it is to try cases himself. Al-
ways a trial lawyer, he misses the ac-
tion, but that sort of work is prac-
tically impossible for him nowadays.
He tries to make himself as nearly as
possible impervious to the minor an-
noyances of this life; is fond of "tak-
ing things in stride."
Somewhat stern of expression, he
doesn't go in for the conventional
recreations. He walks several miles
to work, arriving at his office around
8 in the morning. He likes classical
music, and for reading occasionally
takes a classic in the original German.
Some More Facts
On Hannibal, Mo.
COLUMBIA, Mo., July 20. - (P) -
The world has Mark Twain's mother
to thank for his humor, as well as for
his drawl, one who knew the famous
humorist says.
The author's father, said Morris
Anderson, of HarUnibal, Mo., where
Mark Twain spent his childhood,
"was never known to laugh - and he
seldom smiled."
Anderson, chairman of the Mark
Twain centennial co'mmittee, de-
scribed the writer's parents in an
address, one of a series in commemo-
ration of the one hundredth anniver-
sary of his birth.
"Mark Twain's mother," Anderson
said, "was the Aunt Polly of Tom
"Mark Twain," he said, "described
Hannibal as 'a little white town where
everybody was poor but did not know
it.' Since then we have had 100 years
of progress and while we are still poor,
everybody knows it."
Anderson and Mark Twain received
degrees from the University of Mis-
souri at the same time - in 1902.
"The reason there seems to be a
difference in our ages is that while he
received an honorary degree I had to
play football for mine!"

Dr. Stack Will
Lecture Three
Times Monday
Safety Education Will Be
Subject Of Speeches At
UniversityHigh School
Dr. Herbert J. Stack, supervisor of
child safety activities of the National
Bureau of Casualty and Surety Un-
derwriters, will present three illus-
trated lectures, all dealing with safety
education, tomorrow morning in Uni-
versity High School.
He will discuss "Safety at School
and on the Playground" at 8 a.m.
in the University High auditorium.
"Safety in Athletics" will be his sub-
ject at 9 a.m. in the auditorium, and
he will lecture on "Safety in Camps"
at 10 a.m. in Room 4019, University
High School.
Dr. Stack has also been secretary
of the sub-committee on safety of
the White House Conference on Child
Health and Protection.
It has been estimated by education
officials that the lives of more than
7,000 children have been saved each
year since the inauguration of con-
structive education in the materials
and methods of safety measures.
On the other hand a statistical
chart show that while the accidental
death rate of children has decreased
more than forty per cent during the
period from 1924 to 1929, the acci-
dental death rate of adults during
that period has risen more than twen-
ty per cent.
The purpose of safety education is
embodied in article XII of the Chil-
drens Chapter of the White House
Conference, Dr. Stack said. The ar-
ticle reads: "For education for safety
and protection against accidents to
which modern conditions subject him
- those to which he, is directly ex-
posed, and those which through the
maiming of his parents, affect him
Discover Alum
May Be A Cure
Of Poliomnyelitis
Surgeons Save Majority
Of Diseased Monkeys
After Inoculation
WASHINGTON, July 20.-(') --
A possible preventive for poliomyelit-
is, a disease which causes inflama-
tion of the spinal cord and infantile
paralysis, may be found in common
Dr. Charles Armstrong and Dr. W.
T. Harrison, United States Public
Health Service surgeons, have found
that inoculation of the mucuous mem-
branes of the noses of monkeys with
a weaktsolution of alumrresulted in
saving the lives of 74 per cent after
they had been given poliomyelitis.
What application the finding will
have to human treatment of the dis-
ease cannot yet be determined, they
declared, adding that they did not yet
recommend it for human beings.
However, the results offer a hopeful
avenue of approach which may lead
to effective methods against polio-
myelitis and possibly against other
disease contracted by way of the
nasal mucuous membranes. they said.
These memranes are believed to be
the most common avenue for the in-
troduction of poliomyelitis into the
body, and alum previously has been
used to make mice resistant to sleep-
ing sickness.
The experiment was conducted on

44 monkeys, 24 being treated with
alum while 20 remained untreated.
After tle alum solution had been in-
jected into their noses, the poliomye-
litis virus was also injected.

One Good Season
Lets Farmer Pay
$174 Relief Loan
ROCKWALL, Tex., July 20. - VP)-
Good crops beat unemployment for
O. G. Scott of Rockwall, the first relief
client placed on a rural rehabilitation
farm in Texas to repay his govern-
ment loan.
Last spring Scott faced a gloomy
outlook. He was out of a job, wanted
to work and didn't want a relief dole.
His chance came when he was se-
lected for a rural rehabilitation proj-
ect. Assigned to a five-acre tract
and a tumble-down house which he
repaired, he received a $174.21 loan.
He bought a cow and a pig. The
farm owner furnished a horse. Then
he went to work.
One acre of onions brought
$200, enough to repay his loan in full.
The other crops will provide corn to
sell this fall and there will be plenty
of canned vegetables and fruit"for
next winter.

The Careers And Personalities
Of Our Senators: Bob La Follette




WASHINGTON, July L0. - 60) -
Youth and a famous name handicap-
ped "Young Bob" La Follette when he,
was first elected to the senate to suc-
ceed his late father. That was in
1925 when he was 30. He never had
held or sought public office before.
Today when he rises in his senate
seat, he commands respect and his
sincerity impresses those who dis-
agree with him. He is no longer
"Young Bob," but the senior senator
from Wisconsin.
La Follette speaks forcefully, calm-
ly, without the oratorical manner-
isms of his father. He knows his
facts and has an air of conviction.
A liberal politically, La Follette is
personally conservative, refusing to
use airplanes or to move from his
dingy Madison, Wis., office. Wall
street considers him radical. He pre-
fers to be "progressive," the name his
father gave the G.O. P. wing he head-
ed in Wisconsin so many years.
Last fall he renounced his republi-
can label, joined his brother Philip
in forming a progressive party and
they swept the state. Though he de-
nounced the democratic party in Wis-
consin as reactionary, La Follette is
on excellent terms with the White
Baseball is La Follette's favorite
sport. Sometimes his golf clubs lay
untouched a whole season. On vaca-
tions he fishes.
With his wife, who was Rachel
Young and his secretary before she
married the senator, he lives modestly
in the La Follette family home here.
They have one child.
Few members of the senate dress
more carefully than "Young Bob."
Dr. Paul Pieris, trade commission-
er for Ceylon in London, signs official
documents with his native name
Deraniyagala Samarasinha Sriward-


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