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July 26, 1936 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1936-07-26

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Y, JULY 26, 1939



_ .,



Of The

Hymns To Be Sung By Audience At Second Campus Vesper

(From The Associated Press)
Lone Bank Robber
Gets $200 For Pains
TROUT CREEK, July 25. -W)
- A lone bandit today held up
the Trout Creek State Bank here,
escaping with about $200 in cur-
rency. The cashier, Percy Sax-
ton, and his wife were the only
persons in the bank when the
man entered, brandishing a re-
The bandit took a larger sum
of money but dropped some of it
ouside the ba'nk in his haste. As
therman sped away in a gray
(Ford) coupe, Saxton fired five
shots from a revolver, but it was
not known whether the shots hit
the car or the occupant.
The bandit was chased 60 miles
but the trail was lost near
Rockland, and it was believed he
took refuge in the woods.
The man was described as fol-
lows: Weight, about 160 pounds;
height, nearly six feet; dark com-
plexion; prominent nose; had a
streak of gray hair onbone side
of his head; wore a blue suit,
gray hat and dark sun glasses.
1936 State Fair
(Greatest In History'
DETROIT, July 25. - () -
George A. Prescott, secretary of
the State Fair, predicted today
that the 1936 fair, to be held from
Sept. 4 to 13, would be the great-
est in the history of the event.
"The fact that the fair will be
thrown open to livestock and ag-
ricultural exhibitors from all over
the nation will give it greater
scope than previously, whee only
Michigan exhibitors were per-
mitted to compete," he said.
Arrangements for the Fair are
nearing completion, Prescott said.
Rebel Advance
Checked; Young
Loyalists Riot
(Continued from Page 1)
city was "unrecognizable." They said
clubs and -homes of monarchists and
fascists were destroyed and more
than 200 buildings were burned.
Armed youths, the fugitives de-
clared, were roaming the streets and
frequent killings were occurring.
WASHINGTON, July 25.-(')-The
State Department tonight made ur-
gent inquiries of its agents in Spain
in an attempt to locate Mrs. Monica
Owen of Cambrige, Mass., and a party
of New England college girls. They
had not been heard from since a few
days before Spain's revolution began.
Mrs. O\ven and her charges have
been touring Spain for some time.
The State Department acted at the
request of Robert D. Owen, of Bos-
ton, who was concerned over his fail-
ure to hear from Mrs. Owen, a rela-
tive, that he announced he was sail-
ing for France to endeavor to locate
The number of girls in Mrs. Owen's
party and their identities were not
known at the State Department.
A faint clew as to Mrs. Owens'
whereabouts was contained in advices
from the American consul at Bilbao
who reported in reply to a State De-
partment inquiry that Mrs. Owen had
been heard from there on July 14.
On that date she wrote a letter
from Lagranja to Bilbao asking if bi-
cycles were available for rental in
Santander, in the northwest part of
She indicated in the letter that she

would arrive in Santander on or about
July 20 with her party.
July 24.-(A')-The slaying of the
Norwegian consul's wife and her nurse
s .in San Sebastian, Spain, by boys
barely big enough to hold rifles was
reported tonight by refugees reach-
ing here from that city.
Youths of 14 and .16, enlisted in
the popular front militia, roamed the
streets in defiance of their superiors
and fired indiscriminately on suspect-
ed Fascists, the refugees said.
Dona Carmen Adam of Havana re-
counted the shooting of the Norwe-
gian woman. She was wounded first
in the arm, Dona Carmen said, when
she peered through a curtain from her
"She was helped down to an am-
bulance by a nurse in uniform," the
Havana woman related. "As the
couple reached the sidewalk a deadly

Day Is Dying In The West
Day is dying in the west;
Heaven is touching earth with rest:
Wait and worship while the night
Sets her evening lamps alight
Through all the sky.
Holy, holy, holy Lord God of Hosts!
Heaven and earth are full of thee!
Heaven and earth are praising thee,
O Lord most high!
Lord of life, beneath the dome
Of the universe, thy home,
Gather us who seek thy face
To the fold of thy embrace,
For thou art nigh.
Holy, holy, holy Lord God of Hosts!
Heaven and earth are full of thee!
Heaven and earth are praising thee,
O Lord most high!
Holy, Holy, Holy
Holy, Holy, holy, Lord God Almighty!
Early in the morning our song shall rise to thee;
Holy, holy, holy, merciful and mighty,
God in Three Persons, blessed Trinity.
Holy, holy, holy! all the saints adore thee,
Casting down their golden crowns around the glassy sea;
Cherubim and seraphim falling down before thee,
Which wert, and art, and ever more shalt be.
Holy, holy, holy! though the darkness hide thee,
Though the eye of sinful man thy glory may not see;
Only thou art holy; there is none beside thee,
Perfect in power, in love, and purity.
Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty!
All thy works shall praise thy name, in earth, and sky, and sea;
Holy, holy, holy, nerciful and mighty,
God in Three Persons, blessed Trinity!
Come, Thou Almighty King
Come, thou almighty:King,
Help us thy name to sing,
Help us to praise!
Father all-glorious
O'er all victorious
Come, and reign over us,
Ancient of days!
Come, thou Incarnate Word,
Gird on thy mighty sword,
Our prayer attend;
Come, and thy people bless,
And give thy word success:
Spirit of holiness;
On us descend!

We May Not Climb.. .
We may not climb the heavenly steeps
To bring the Lord Christ down;
In vain we search the lowest deeps,
For him no depths can drown.
But warm, sweet, tender, even yet
A present help is he;
And faith has still its Olivet,
And love its Galilee.
Thru him the first fond prayers are said
Our lips of childhood frame;
The last low whispers of our dead
Are burdened with his name.
O Lord and Master of us all,
Whate'er our name or sign,
We own thy sway, we hear thy call,
We test our lives by thine!
Saviour, Again To Thy Dear Name
Savior, again to thy dear name we raise
With one accord our parting hymn of praise;
We stand to bless thee ere our worship cease,
Then, lowly kneeling, wait thy word of peace.
Grant us thy peace upon our homeward way;
With thee began, with thee shall end the day;
Guard thou the lips from sin, the hearts from shame,
That in this house have called upon thy name.
Grant us thy peace, Lord, through the coming night,
Turn thou for us its darkness into light;
From harm and danger keep thy children free,
For dark and light are both alike to thee.
Grant us thy peace throughout our earthly life,
Our balm in sorrow, and our stay in strife;
Then, when thy voice shall bid our conflict cease;
Call us, O lord, to thine eternal peace.'
Lead On, 0 King Eternal
Lead on, O King Eternal;
The day of march has come;
Henceforth in fields of conquest
Thy tents shall be our home.
Through days of preparation
Thy grace has made us strong,
And now, O King Eternal
We lift our battle song.
Lead on, O King Eternal,
Till sin's fierce war shall cease,
And holiness shall whisper
A - sweet Amen of peace;
For not with swords loud clashing,
Nor roll of stirring drums;
With deeds of love and mercy,
The heavenly kingdom comes.

Tigers Downed
By Barrage Of
Red Sox Hits
(Continued fron Page )
at last as Almada forced Grove and;
Cramer forced Almada.-
The second inning was bad, but
only half as bad as the fifth. Werber
started the fusilade which subsided
only after the Red Sox naG scored six
runs by lifting a fly which fell be-
tween Rogell and Goslin for a fluke
double, he scored as McNair doubled
to right, and McNair came on home
himself on a single by Ferrell.
G r o v e sacrificed and Almada
walked. Cramer singled, scoring Fer-
rell. Manusch also rapped out a hit,
scoring Almada. And Tommy Bridges
departed from the Tigers mound, to
be replaced by Clarence Phillips.
Foxx walked, and Kroner scored
both Cramer and Manush with a
single to left, but the frame ended as
Werber, up for the second time in the
inning, popped to Rogell and McNair
forced Kroner.
The Tigers' runs were scored in the
third and the fourth innings. In the
third, Phillips and Burns walked, and
Gehringer hit to McNair. Burns was
thrown out while Phillips scored.
In the fourth, Walker singled and
Simmons doubled. Walker scored as
McNair threw out Owen, and Sim-
mons took third on the play. He
scored as McNair threw out Hay-
Payrolls Diverted
To Campaign Funds
(Continued from Page1)
practice of such assessments is based
on the principle that the officeholders
are indebted to the party for their
appointments and, since they have
been the greatest beneficiaries of the
party's success, they should& show
their appreciation in contribution to
party funds.
"Since politically-appointed em-
ployees will lose their jobs if the party
is not kept in power, it is incumbent
upon them not only to vote for the
party but to contribute to its cam-
paign funds. To establish the prac-
tice definitely, parties have laid down
the rule that an officeholder is ex-
pected to pay a certain percentage
of his salary every year, or every cam-
paign year, to the party treasury.
"Although the exact amount is sel-
dom mentioned, the employee knows
what is expected and he seldom fails
to come across.
"Considering the poor salar'es paid
in the state service, it is little short
of cruelty to some employees to force
them to contribute."
'Old M aid' Story Of
Emotional Conflict
(Continued from Pae 1)
Scene,' and 'Allison's House,' by Su-
san Glasbell."
Zoe Akins, author of the dramatiza-
tion, has written numerous plays. She
also adapted another of Miss Whar-
ton's novels, "Ethan Frome," to the
stage. One of her screen originals,
"Morning Glory," was the picture
which led Katherine Hepburn to star-
dom. "The Old Maid" enjoyed a
two-year run, including a year on
Broadway and a year on the road.

VOL. XLV No. 23
SUNDAY, JULY 26, 1936
Bethlehem Evangelical Church,
South Fourth Ave. Theodore Schmale,
The morning worship at Bethlehem
Church begins at 10:30 a.m. The
pastor will peach on the theme "The
Call of the Kingdom."
An early service at 9 a.m. is con-
ducted in German for those who pre-
fer to worship in that language.
First Baptist Church, 10:45 a.m.
At 6 p.m. at the Baptist Guild
House for students, 503 E. Huron St.,
Mr. Kermit Eby will speak on "Edu-
cation for Democracy." Mr. Eby is
the teacher of the Social Sciences in
the Ann Arbor High School and a
frequent lecturer on social move-
ments. This meeting is open to the
public with a hearty invitation ex-
tended. Closes promptly, in time for
the Campus service.
Dr. Toyozo W. Nakarai, Professor
of Semitics at Butler University, will
be the speaker at the First Baptist
Church at 10:45 a.m. His subject
will be "Christianity in Japan."
Summer School Students: The reg-
ular Sunday evening student meeting
for Episcopal students will be held
this evening. Cars will leave St. An-
drew's Episcopal Church at 5 p.m.
All students and their friends are
cordially invited.
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Services of worship Sunday are: 8
a.m., holy communion; 11 a.m. ki-
dergarten; 11 a.m. morning prayer
and sermon by the Rev. Nathaniel
Noble, of Lenox, Mass.
Stalker Hall. Wesleyan Guild meet-
ing, Sunday at 6 p.m. in the vestry of
the First Methodist Church. Prof.
S. A. Courtis will speak on "The
Christian and Spiritual Investiga-
(Continued on Page 4)
DETROIT, July 25.-(P)-A four-
story building was damaged Saturday
by a fire which brought out 25 fire
companies. An unidentified Negro,
sleeping on the third floor, was trap-
ped by the flames, and was burned to
Bright Spot
Sunday Dinner 12 to s
Chicken Noodle Soup - or
Chilled Tomato Juice .
Roast Chicken, Dressing 65c
Chicken Fricassee with Biscuits 55c
Gi"led Tenderloin Steak 55
Grilled Sirloin Steak SOc
Grilled Pork Chops, Jelly 50c
Roast Leg of Lamb, Mint Jelly 50c
Roast Sirloin of Beef 45c
Roast Leg of Veal, Dressing 45c
Salisburg Steak 40c
Choice of
Mashed or Creamed New Potatoes
Corn on Cob Green Beans
Pineapple and Cucumber Salad
Tomato and Cottage Cheese
Fresh Cherry Pie Raspberry Sundde
Layer Cake
Coffee Tea Milk

Vespers Progran
Sunday, July 26° 7 p.m.
Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, Uni-
versity counselor in religious edu-
cation, chairman; Prof. David
Mattern, University . School of
Music, musical director.
By The Assembly:
Day is Dying In The West - -
................... Lathbury
Holy, Holy, Holy .. . .........
.Bishop Heber
Summer Session Men's Glee Club:
Jesu, Joy for Life Eternal..
.... Bach
Glory ................ Cadman
By The Assembly:
Come, Thou Almight King . .
.Chas. Wesley
We May Not Climb the Heav-
enly Steeps ...........Whitter
Remarks and Prayer by the Rev.
Howard Chapman, campus pas-
tor of the Baptist Church.
Miss Mildred Olson, soprano:
Green Pastures .'....Sanderson
May Nelson, accompanist.
By the Assembly :
Lead On, O King Eternal ...
..... .............Shurtleff
Saviour, Again To Thy Dear
Name ............ J. Ellerton
Benediction by Dr. Blakeman.

Tea Dance Is
Scheduled By
Education Club
A tea dance at the Michigan League
ballroom, Wednesday, July 29, from
4 to 5:30 p.m. will be sponsored by
the Women's Education Club.
Music will be furnished by a three-
piece orchestra selected from Al Cow-
an's orchestra. Refreshments of
punch and cake will be served. Facul-
ty wives who will pour are Mrs. James
B. Edmonson, Mrs. T. Luther Pur-
dom, Mrs. Calvin O. Davis, and Mrs.
Walter C. Trow.
Members of the committee are
Adell Kleinecke, Irene Schreiber,
Marion Cameron, Martha Kasanke,
Rowena Harrison, Erma Scott, and,
Mary Elizabeth Ward.
Hostesses are Eleanor Welsh, Eve-
lyn Stphen, Genevieve Wiekowski,
Asmah Orcutt, Mrs. Irene Morris,
Mrs. Abigail Woodward, Norma Reed,
Naretta Elder, Eleanor Ried, Frieda
Graul, Florence Jubb, Margaret Roes-
er, Elizabeth Leroy, S. Irene Raver,
and Marion Grimm. Everyone is cor-
dially invited to attend.


6:0O-WJR Stevenson Sports.
WWJ K-7 Drama.
WXYZ Tim and Ilene.
CKLW Scores and News.
6:15-WJR Rhythm Review.
CKLW Griff Williams' Music.
6;30-WJR Julia Sanderson and Frank
WWJ Fireside Recital.
WXYZ Husbands and Wives.
CKLW String Ensemble.
6 :45-WWJ Sunset Dreams.
7 :00--'WJR Musical Program.
WWJ Major Bowes' Amateurs.
WXYZ Evening Melodies.
CKLW Titans of Science.
CKLW Ozzie Nelson's Music.
7:30-WJR Philadelphia Summer Con-
WXYZ Goldman Band.
8:00-WWJ Manhattan Merry-Go-Round.
wxYZ Cornelia Otis Skinner.
CKLW Irene Prince.
8:15-WXYZ Paul Whiteman's varieties.
CKLW Evening Serenade.
8:30-WWJ Album of Familiar Music.
CKLW Horace Heidt's Music.
9:00-WWJ National Music Camp.
WXYZ Bob Crosby.
CKLW Music for Dancing.
9:15-WJR Jack Randolph.
WXYZ Mirror of Melody.

9:30-WJR Community Sing.
WXYZ Adventures of the Hornet.
CKLW Goodwill Court.
1O:00--WJR Musical.
WWJ Dramatic Half Hour.
WXYZ Ben Bernie's Music.
CKLW First Baptist Church.
10:15-WJR Vincent Lopez' Music.
10 :30--WJR Ghost Stories.
WWJ Nocturne.
WXYZ Leon Navarro's Music.
CKLW Gruff Williams' Music.
11:00---WJR Johnny Johnson's Music.
WWJ Dance Music.
WXYZ Henry Foster.
CKLW Nat Brandwynne's Music.
11 :30-WJR Charlie Barnett's Music.,
WWJ Dance Music.
WXYZ Carl Ravazza's Music.
CKLW Ozzie's Nelson's Music.
12:00-WXYZ Lee Arquette's Music.
CKLW Tommy Tucker's Music.
12:30-CKLW Joe Sander's Music.
JACKSON, July 25.-(/P)-Two
trusty inmates walked away from the
Parnall Farm of the Southern Mich-
igan Prison late today.





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