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July 26, 1936 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1936-07-26

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SUNDAY, JULY 26, 1936

Whitford Kane, creator of the lov-
able role of "Christopher Wellwyn" in
"The Pigeon," considering an offer
from the Newport Playhouse to ap-
pear with Dorothy Sand in Sheridan's
"Critic," following his next Ann Ar-
bor appearance in "Juno and the Pay-
Hiram Sherman, "Canon Bertley"
of "The Pigeon" saying, "I'm trying
to forget," upon being asked to tell
about the success of the eight Broad-
way hits of his own penning, one of
which, "Case History," ran three
years; orating his original quotation:
"If you're a bad actor, your friends
speak to you; if you're a bad play-
wright, your friends avoid you . s .
Mary Pray, or flower-girl, "Mrs.
Megan," dashing down to the shower,
costume and all, in the third act,
there to be thoroughly doused, that
the audience might best appreciate
her drenched condition after at-
tempting suicide, via the Thames,
enduring it four nights straight with-
out the slightest trace of pneu:-
monia .-.. .
Edward Jurist, returning to
New York most reluctantly fol-
lowing his exquisite interpreta-
. tion of the Frnchman, "Fer-
rand," hoping to get work in the
WPA theatre before it suffers an
untimely demise ...
Helen Lubell, of Carnegie Tech,
mother, who caught her performance
receiving flowers and a visit from her
while en route to the East, on the
night that she made her Ann Arbor
debut as "Ann," Wellwyn's maternal
and domineering daughter.. ..
Ralph Bell, the drunkard, "Tim-
son," spending his afternoon very so-
berly at the sewing machine or iron-
ing board in the costuming room upon
discovering that he'd have to do the
work to pass the course, regardless,
and being enormously embarrassed
by the chidings of his fellow-actors,
Morris Greentstein, the bombastic "Sir
Thomas Hoxton, among them . .
Loren Winship, the "First Humble-
Man," wallowing around in the dust
of the stage in an attempt to look
suitably filthy as a moving-van man,
in contrast to his sitting quite spit
and span as a dignified principal of
a high school when he's back home,
which position he has held for some
seven years.
Jack Porter, the dependent
husband, "Megan," denying all
rumors concerning his interest in
the dramatic offsprings of Car-
negie Tech as he scowled at him-
self in his dressing room mirror
and knotted a kerchief about his
neck in an attempt to look sin-
ister and tough . .
Donald Horton, the state trooper
of "Post Road," being outfitted for a
second uniform of the law as the
"Police Constable," in "The Pigeon,"
apparently because he's such a split-
ting image of one's dream of an Irish
flatfoot ...
Morlye Baer missing his Contempo-
rary Drama mid-semester because of
his strenuous role as a "Curious Per-
son" in "The Pigeon," having to stay
up late nights to peer in the pane
of a window with an antique fedora
on his head.. ..
Nancy Bowman, who sang back-
stage as one of the carolers, sitting in
the lobby' with Dr. William P. Hal-
stead of the Speech department, the
"Lord Throgmorton," of "Mary of
Scotland," and differing with him in
various unspeech-like opinions . .
Sally Pierce, "Queen Elizabeth"
of "Mary of Scotlan4," being cast
as "Charlotte," i'n "The Old
Maid," and thus completing her
coincidental kinship with Helen

Mencken, who created both the
parts of "Queen Elizabeth" and
"Charlotte" before the Broadway
footlights . . .
Two of the three youthful Sashkas
of "Squaring the Circle," namely:
Justin Fairbanks, son of the Professor
of Sculpture and Theodore Tapping
Jr., son of the general secretary of
the Alumni Association, appearing in
"The Old Maid," with six other chil-
dren, there having been three "Sash-
kas" because young Fairbanks con-
tracted a cold, another took a jaunt
to the country though the show was
still running, while the third. was not
told to return and was about to be
replaced when he appeared heroically
enough, in time for the curtain of
his own free will, Charlie Harrell pa-
tiently enduring fresh rehearsals each
4 Youths Sail On
South Seas Trip
(Continued from Fage 2)
sionally and try to find odd jobs to
replenish their exchequer. In the
West Indies they hope to use the
Intrepid as a trader. If they find the
business good enough, they indicated,
they may dispose of the Intrepid for
a larger craft. They intend to be
gone about a year.
Tracy W. Southworth, a former
member of the Michigan legislature
from Monroe, is accompanying them
as far as New York City.
Reaume, acting as spokesman, said

Ini Hlostility Zone

--Associated Press Photo.
American diplomats in the zone
of hostilities in Spain's bloody civil
warfare included William W. Cor-1
coran (top), U. S. Consul at Vigo,
and Charle's A. Bay (below), U. S.
Consul at Seville.
Ludington To Hold
Services To Honor
Father Marquette.
LUDINGTON, July 25.-(k)-The
memory of Pere Jacques Marquette,
whose kindly spirit and indomitable
will paved the way for the whitea
man's pioneering in Michigan, will
be venerated again here this sum-
Elaborate pageantry of the type
so popular in Western Michigan com-
munities will be blended with the
stately ritual of the Catholic churcha
in commeroating the 261 anniversary
of Father Marquette's death on the;
heights of Buttersville near Luding-;
The program, which will be held
Aug. 14, 15 and 16,' will follow the
general lines of the 1935 event which
attracted thousands of persons to
Ludington. More than 600 persons,
from Ludington and nearby commu-
nities will participate in the pageant,
which will depict episodes in the ca-
reer of the intrepid Jesuit.
On Sunday, the final day of the
program, all Ludington churches will
have special services honoring Fath-
er Marquette and during the after-
noon high mass will be sung at the
spot where Father Marquette is be-
lieved to have died.
The supposed site of Father Mar-
quette's death will be consecrated in
special services August 16. Plans for
the erection of a huge memorial bea-
con are being completed. Its light
will be visible to ships miles out in
Lake Michigan.
Besides the pageant, and the his-
torical parade in downtown Luding-
ton Aug. 15, numerous other events
have been arranged. Among these
will be the dedication of the new 3,-
000-acre Ludington state Park.
Major Leagues

This is another of those blankety-
blank "How high is up?" questions.
If you will tell me what you intend
to shoot I can easily tell you which
film would give best results. But it
is entirely impossible to say that any
one film is best for all around use.
Films are classified as follows: The
orthochromatic films are sensitive to
all colors except spectral red to which
they are almost blind. The panchro-
matic type is sensitive to all colors but
slightly blind to green. Panchro-
matic films are divided into two
groups. The slow speed pan films
which are fine grain and very con-
trasting, and the high speed group
which consists of films that are very
fast but much coarser in grain and
which are not as contrasting.
The orthos, although they vary in
speed and quality to some extent are
practically all the same as far as
grain and contrast are concerned,
with the exception of the fine grain
Ortho films which are the same as
the others but have much finer
Now that I have managed to fill
a lot of space with this beautiful
list of classifications you are probably
beginning to wonder what good it
will do you. It should do 'just this;
it should show you that each type
of film has a definite use. If you are
going to shoot a very contrasting sub-
ject and try to use a slow speed pan
film you will be badly disappointed
when you find that the contrast of
the film is just too much to add to
the contrast already in the subject.
For example, if you tkied to shoot
a time exposure of the Clements Li-
brary at night on a contrasting film,
you would get only the well-illumi-
nated doorway and everything else
would be jet black but if you used a
high speed pan which has none of this
excessive contrast you would find
that it is possible to show the entire
building, most of which is lighted
only by stray light from the street
On the other hand if you want to
make a big enlargement you will find
that the high speed pan is too grainy
and in this case we find a use for
the slow pan, unless the subject has
too much contrast for it, in which
case you had better try one of the
many ortho films available. As I
have told you, the ortho films are
not sensitive to red, so often you may
find that you are about to shoot a
subject that has too much red in it
and then the ortho film becomes un-
I think you have had enough tech-
nical dope for one day, and feeling
that by the time you have read this
far you will be thoroughly dizzy, I
am going to leave the balance of this
discussion for tomorrow. So far I
have given you the facts Tomorrow
we will add them up and see just
what conclusions can be drawn from
IONIA, July 25.-(iP)-Harold War-
ren, 42, a summer resident at Lyons,
paid $107 fine and costs today for
dynamiting fish in a creek near here.
A companion, Lloyd Swainston, 57, of
Lyons, is serving a 60-day jail sen-
tence for the same offense, and a
warrant has been issued for Joseph
Wright, 23, on the complaint of
Game Warden Louis Kahl.

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session. Room 1213
Angell Hall until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.
(Continued from Page 3) by Miss Mildred Olsen, and devotional
remarks by Dr. Howard R. Chapman,
tion." Fellowship hour following the Baptist Campus Pastor, will be held
meeting. on the Library terrace Sunday eve-
ning, July 26, at 7 p.m.
First Methodist Church: Morning E. W. Blakeman, Counselor in
worship service at 10:45 a.m. Dr. Religious Education.
C.W rashares will preach on"Pr --_egisducin.
gress." At 4:05 p.m. Monday Dr. William
G. Carr, Director of Research Divi-
First Presbyterian Church, meeting sion of the National Education As-
at the Masonic Temple, 327 South sociation, will speak in the University
Fourth Ave. Sunday at 10:45 a.m. High School Auditorium on "Policies
worship with sermon by Dr. Robert of the National Education Associa-
Worth Frank of Chicago, "What is tion."
the Church?"
At 5:30 on the lawn of the new There will be a special lecture by
church site at 1432 Washington Ave., the famous Swiss scholar, Professor
a light lunch will be served at cost, to Walther von Wartburg, on "Etude
be followed by an address by Prof. comparative du francais et de l'it-
O. S. Duffendack, "Casuality." alien" in Room 103, Romance Lan-
guage Bldg., at 4 p.m. on Monday.
Congregational Church: 10:45 a.m. The public is cordially invited. Profes-
services of worship with sermon by sor von Wartburg is visiting profes-
Dr. George S. Yaple of Detroit, guest sor of Linguistics at the University of
speaker. Subject, "Religious Edu- Chicago and will be here for the
cation in a Changing World." Dr. week-end to address the Linguistic
Yaple is a well known leader in the Institute on Monday evening. The
field of religious education. Soloist, Department of Romance Languages
Grace Johnson Konold. has arranged this lecture on Monday
afternoon so that the public may have
The Graduate Outing Club will an opportunity to hear him lecture
meet at Lane Hall on Sunday, July 26 on this interesting subject.
at 2 p.m. sharp where they will be The Men's Education Club meeting
taken to Bishop Lake for swimming, will be held Monday evening, July 27
games and picnic supper. The ap- at 730 p.m. in the ballroom of the
proxim ate cost will be 45c. Those at chigan Uin .e M r. ome od ng h .
planning to go who have cars call Michigan Union. Mr. Fielding H.
4367. A refund will be made to those Yostr. will speak and Prof. David E.
furnishing cars. All graduate stu- Mattern will lead the group singing.
dents are cordially invited to attend Graduation Recital: Christine Cot-
all meetings of the club during the ner, violinist, student of Prof. Was-
summer. sily Besekirsky will play the following
Summer Session Mixed Chorus: program in partial fulfillment of the
Please report on the Library steps requirements for the Master of Mu-
Sunday, July 26, at 6:45 p.m. for the sic degree, Monday, July 27, 8:30 p.m.
.Vesper Service. Service over at 8 in' the School of Music Auditorium, to
p.m. David Mattern. which the general public, with the
exception of small children, is cor-
Second Vesper Service: The second dially invited to attend without ad-
Vesper Service with community sing- mission charge.
ing under the direction of. Prof. David Praeludium and Allegro .........
Mattern, special music by the Sum-. .................Pugnani-Kreisler
mer Session Men's Glee Club, a solo Concerto, Op. 35...... Tschaikowsky

When making reservations, indicate
whether you will furnish transporta-
tion or whether you will need it.
Excursion No. 8 Greenfield Village,
Wednesday, July 29. This is an exact
repetition of Excursion No. 6, sched-
uled for those students who were
unable to go on July 22. Make res-
ervation before 4:30 p.m. Tuesday,
July 28. Busses leave at 1 p.m. from
in front of Angell Hall, State St., and
will return to Ann Arbor at about
5:45 p.m. Round trip bus ticket, $1.
,Entrance fee at the village, 25 cents.
Tickets for Visitor's Nights at the
Observatory, Thursday and Friday,
July 30 and 31, and Saturday, Aug.
1, are aVailable in the office of the
Summer Session, Room 1213 Angell
Hall. There is no charge for these
tickets. Only a limited number can
be accommodated.
Mathematics Club: The second
summer meeting of the Mathematics
Club will be l'eld Wednesday, July 29,
at 4 p.m. in Room 35 Angell Hall. The
speakers will be Prof. H. C. Carver
and Prof. R. L. Wilder. All interested
are cordially invited.
Reading Examinations in French:

Weekly Reading Hour: Mrs. Mar-
garet Roberton will read Rudolph
Besier's play "The Barretts of Wim-
pole Street," Monday, July 27, 7 p.m.,
in Room 302 Mason Hall. The public
is cordially invited.

Allegro moderato Candidates for the degree of Ph.D.
,"ito'Popilaire Espagnole .,..de Falla in the departments listed below who
tcrceuse wish to satisfy thereuemn of a
Chanson reading knowledge are informed that
Jota an examination will be offered in
Nocturne ................ Boulanger Room 103, Romance Language Bldg.,
The Admiral's Galliard (18th cen- from 9 to 12, on Saturday morning,
tury English) .............. Moffat August 8. It will be necessary to
Sonta in A minor ........... Pizzetti register at the office of the Depart-
Tempestoso ment of Romance Languages (112
Preghiera per gl'innocenti R.L.) at least one week in advance.
Vivo e fresco Lists of books recommended by the
various departments are obtainable
American Federation of Teachers: at this office.
Members of all locals who are at- It is desirable that candidates for
tending the Summer Session are the doctorate prepare to satisfy this
asked to meet Tuesday, July 28, at 5 requirement at the earliest possible
p.m., in the office of Professor Shep- date. A brief statement of the na-
ard, 2122 Natural Science Bldg. ture of the requirement, which will
N. E. Nelson, president, local 284. be found helpful, may be obtained at
________the office of the department.
Pi Lambda Theta picnic at Portage This announcement applies only to
Lake, Wednesday, July 29. Meet at candidates in the following depart-
4:30 p.m. at the University Elemen- ments: Ancient and Modern Lan-
tary School Library. Please make guages and Literatures, History, Ec-
reservations with Margaret Behring- onomics, Sociology, Political Science,
er, phone 9533 by Tuesday noon. Philosophy, Education, Speech.

You can't
about the food, the
prices, or the serv-
ice, at the



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New York ...........60 32


Cleveland* ...........52 41
Boston.............51 43
Chicago .............48 42
Detroit ..............49 43
Washington .........48 44
Philadelphia.... ...30 61
St. Louis ............29 61
New York 5, Chicago 3.
Boston 18, Detroit 3.
Washington 9, St. Louis 1.
Philadelphia 15, Cleveland 12.
New York at Chicago (2).
Washington at St. Louis (2)
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Boston at Detroit.



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Telephone 23-23-1 and ve'll provide
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A Love of
a Color!

by KAYrit

St. Louis..........
Pittsburgh ..........
New York ...........
Cincinnati ..........
Boston ..............
Philadelphia .........
Brooklyn ............

W. L.
.56 32
.54 36
.47 42
.48 43
.44 43
.43 48
.34 55
.31 58

fhe clear perfec-
tion of"M ir-O-Kleer"
stockings brings out
the subtle beauty of
this new shade. "Ca-
ress" is a neutral
beige, lovely with
greens or blues or
purIely reds.

Chicago 17, Philadelphia 4.
Boston 3, St. Louis 2.
New York 5, Cincinnati 4.
Pittsburgh 7, Brooklyn 4.



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