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July 23, 1936 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1936-07-23

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of The


(Fromh The Associated Press)
Cochrane To Be
Released Friday
DETROIT, July 22.- (P) -
Mickey Cochrane, manager of
the Detroit Tigers, remained in
Henry Ford Hospital for obser-
vation today, but Walter 0.
Briggs, owner of the club, said
Cochrane would be at Navin Field
Friday for the raising of the
American League and world
championship flags the Tigers
won last year.
It was not certain the doctors
would complete their exhaustive
tests this week.
Fire Sweeps More
Northern Michigan Forests
NEWBERRY, Mich., July 22.-
(/P)-A trainload of men and
equipment was sent to the aid of
CCC workers and volunteers to-
day when the forest fire along the
Tahquanenon River swept across
a mile strip of green timber and
spread into the Lake Betsey
The break of the Tahquamen-
on fire, which had been held in
check by 1,00 workers, brought
fresh troubles to conservation de-
partment officials. The Lake
.Betsey area, wild and almost
inaccessible, is highly inflam-
mable, the officials said.
Another fire burning in the
Calspar and Buckeye region East
of Manitique, also went out of
control today and spread into
hardwood slashings on a stiff
southwest wind.
The Tahquamenon fire was fed
by wind of near gale proportions.
Fire lines and a section of
green timber were believed hold-
ing the blaze, but sparks jumped
the green strip and set fire to
under brush, spreading rapidly
into the Lake Betsey section.
Iron Discipline
Not Needed On
S. S. Manhattan
route.to Berlin, July 22.-()-Taking
steps designed to minimize the im-
pression that America's Olympic ath-
letes required an iron disciplinary
hand on the voyage to Europe, Avery
Brundage took occasion tonight to
term the "deportment and spirit on
the team, with few exceptions, ad-
mirable throughout the trip."
"Such disciplinary action as it was
felt essential to take in one case pro-
duced gratifying results," the presi-
dent of the American Olympic com-
mittee said.
SBrundage refused to divulge details
of the incident cited. He asserted it
was not desirable to magnify or take
advantage of a situation which now
was considered closed but emphasized
that "the entire team was the best
behaved of all those we have taken
It was well known aboard ship that
the members of at least three teams
were reprimanded early in the voyage,
but warnings sounded then by Brun-
dage proved effective. At that time,
Brundage had received reports of
late hours, drinking and gambling


VOL XLV' No. 20
Dr. Arnold D. McNair. Whewel
Professor'of International Law at the
University of Cambridge, will de-
liver a pulic lecture under the aus-
pices of the Summer Conference for
the Teaching of International Law
and Relations, at 8:15 p.m. in Room
1O0, Hutchins Hall. The subject of
his lecture will be "The Denuncia-
tion of Treaties."
Summer Session Men's Glee Club:
Important full rehearsal 7 p.m. at
Morris Hall. All University men are
welcome. Applicants for chorus po-
sitions in the Gilbert and Sullivan
Opera "Pirates of Penzance" will be
given a tryout after the Glee Club
Summer Session French Club: The
next meeting of the club will take
place at 8 p.m. at "Le Foyer Fran-
cais," 1414 Washtenaw. Prof. Ca-
millo P. Merlino of the Romance
Language Department will speak. The
subject of his talk will be "La Fan-
taisie du Langage." Songs, games
and refreshments.
All students registered in the Divi-
sion of Hygiene and Public Health
are invited to a supper party at 6:30
p.m. today at the Michigan League.
Tickets are 35 cents.
Barbara Bartlett.
The foliowing program will be pre-
sented by the University of Michigan
High School Summer Music Clinic
Orchestra and Chorus at Ann Arbor
High School Auditorium, Thursday,
July 23, at 4 p.m. The program will
be free of charge to all interested.
1. Ballet Suite "Iphigenia in Aulis"
David Mattern, Conducting.
2. "Adagio and Presto" ...... Haydn
String Quartet under direction
of Beth Hamilton.
Lee Christman, 1st violin.
Nita Dickens, 2nd violin.
Ellen Coleman, viola.
Lois Taft, cello.
3. "From the Western World"... .
..........................D vorak
Cleo Fox, conducting.
4. Two Chorales .............Bach
"Glory Now to Thee."
"Whate'er May Vex or Grieve
"Hail Smiling Morn" .. Spofforth
Chorus, conducted by Harper C.
5. a, "Dance of the Happy Spirits"
from "Orpheus" ..........Gluck
b, "Musette" ...............Bach
String Ensemble
Beth Hamilton, Conducting.
6. "Suite Algerienne" ... Saint-Saens
Paul Tammi, conducting.
Women Students Majoring in
Physical Education. The Department
of Physical Education is sponsoring a
picnic swim for undergraduate and
graduate women students this Friday
at Barton Pond. A small fee will be
charged to cover the cost of supper
and transportation. The group will
leave Barbour Gymnasium at 5:30
p.m. Students wishing to go are
asked to sign up and pay the fee in
Room 15, Barbour Gymnasium by
Thursday at 4:30 p.m.
Biological Chemistry 120: The frst
lecture in this course will be given
Friday, July 24, at 7 a.m. in the West
Amphitheatre of the West Medical
Students, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts:
Except under extraordinary cir-
cumstances, courses dropped after

Saturday, July 25, will be recorded
with a grade of E.
Students, School of Eucation:
Courses dropped after Saturday, July
25, will be recorded with the grade of
"E" except under extraordinary cir-
cumstances. No course is considered
officially dropped unless it has been
reported in the office of the Regis-
trar, Room 4, University Hall.
University High School Demonstra-
tion Assembly:
The second demonstration assemb-
ly of the University High School Sum-
mer Session will be presented Friday
morning, July 24, 10 a.m. in the Uni-
versity High School auditorium. The
program will be given by pupils in
the English and mathematics classes.
It will consist of the following: choral
reading; two playlets, one demon-
strating uses of the library and the
other using well-known characters
from fiction in its cast; and a "just
for fun" skit in mathematics. All
Summer Session students who are
interested are cordially invited to at-
tend the assembly.
Excursion No. 7, Saturday, July 25.
General Motors Proving Ground at
Milford. Reservations must be made
and round trip bus tickets must be
obtained before Thursday noon, July
23, in Room 1213 Angell Hall. The
party leaves at 9 a.m. in front of
Angell Hall and returns to Ann Arbor

Broken Water Main Floods Chicago Union Station

-Associated Press Photo.
Trains were late and travelers arriving at the Chicago union station looked out of car windows on a sea of
water after a 36-inch main burst, flooding the station and the basement of the nearby postoffice. Top
shows a train from Omaha pulling slowly into the station, the rails covered with water. Below, passengers
are shown treading planks leading to dry land. The flood cut off the electric power for the station and Federal

Reached In I-M


TTr6.:00-WJR Stevenson Sports.
WWJ Ty Tyson.
WYZ Easy Aces.
CKLW Phil Marley's Music.
6:15-WJR Heroes of Today.
WWJ Dinner Music.
Championships Are To Be XYW Day in Review.
Decided In Four Other 6:30-WJR Kate Smith's Band.
T TWWJ Bulletins; Tiger Talk.
Sports Next Week WXYZ Dance Music.
CKLW Rhythm Ramblings.
6:45-WJR Boake Carter.
Intramural activities in golf, bad- w JAlbertBrothers.
WXYZ Rubinoff-Peerce.
minton, codeball, tennis, and hand- CKLW Song Recital.
ball are progressing, and it is pos- 7:00-WJR Rhythm Review.
sible that championships in all these WWJzRudy Vallee's Variety Hour.
sports will be decided early next week. CKLW Vincent York's Music.
Yesterday 27 golfers played in a 7:15-WJR Portland Symphony.
WXZKyte's Rhythms.
qualifying round. From these players, 7:30-WXYZ'Roy Shields' Music.
two divisions will be made up, the CKLW Variety Revue.
championship and the first flight, 8:00-WJR Tomorrow's Headliners.
and tournaments will be held in each. WXYZ Death Valley Days.
CKLW Stage Echoes.
Two tennis doubles teams entered 8 :15-CKLW Serenade.
the quarter-final round by virtue of 8 :34-WJR Musicale.
WXYZ Great Lakes Symphony.
victories scored yesterday.GBell and CKLW Grant Park Concert.
Miles defeated the Taylor-Grein. com- 9 :00-WJR Gov. Alf M. Landon's Accept-
ance Speech.
bination, 6-3, 6-1, and Jones and WWJ Gov. Alf.M. Landon's Accept-
Graban came from behind to take a WWXYZ Landon Speech.
three-set match from Routh-White, CKLW Landon Speech.
10 :00-V/JR Hot Dates in History.
3-6, 6-0, 6-4. Bell-Miles play the WWJ Amos and Andy.
winner of the Thomson-Ariosan vs. WXYZ Big Broadcast.
CKLW Scores and News.
Zimmerman-Anderson match, while 10:15-WJR Duncan Moore.
Jones-Graban meet Griffin-Haley in WWJ Tiger Highlights: Evening
another quarter-finial contest. CKLW Horace Heidt's Music.
In badminton, Gibbs, Sper, and 10:30-WJR Musicale: Lions Talesy
Larin will play it out for the chain- WXYZ Ben Bernie's Music.
pionhipsomeimethi wee. Oson CKLW Detroit Police Field Pro-
pionhipsomeimethi wee. Osongram.
advanced to the finals in codeball. He 10:45-VWJ Jesse Crawford.
11:00--V/JR Benny Goodman's Music.
will meet the winner of the Sookne- WXYZ Shandor.
Nirenberg match. WWJ Dance Music.
Estep defeated Thomas, 21-6, 21-7, -
in one handball contest, and Naeseth
won from Schubach, 21-11, 21-5 in
another. Divorsky, Olson, and Clark
are the other players still in the run-
ning. Estep will play Naeseth and
Divorsky will meet Olson
The rich, fertile prairie lands K N ITTE
of the west with their super-
abundance of wheat and corn - KNITTED DRESSE
are no more. Barren, desolate
lands mark the place where
once rolling fields of grain
brought glory to an Empire and
joy to a people. Devoid of crops,
infested - with insects and T
stripped of all fat, healthy ani a
mals, the lands are abandoned
to the harsh mercies of a terrible m
drought. The Federal Govern-
ment, the guiding star of its'
people's destiny, has taken ac-S
tion to allay the suffering of f
man and beast and to bring
about the rebirth of a past glory.
Take proper action to keep Cot
your children's health at its fort
best during vacation days. Let
them drink plenty of that
healthful water furnished by
the Arbor Springs Water Co.,
416 W. Huron. This pleasant
tasting water is the best thing PASTELS ANI
to drink on hot days. It is cool SUITABLE FORE
and delightfully refreshing.
Phone 8270 for quick delivery.

11:15--CRCW Ford and Gray.
WXYZ Earl Walton's Music.
CKLW Mystery Lady.
11:30-WJR Charles Barnett's Music.
WWJ Dance Music.
WXYZ Eddy Duchin's Music.
CKLWHorace Heidt's Music,
12 :00-WWJ Dance Music.
W/XYZ Henry Foster.
CKLW Charlie Agnew's Music.
12:30-CKLW Joe Sander's Music.
1:00-CKLW Guy Lombardo's Music.
German Club Will
Go ToPut-In-Bay
Members of the German Table are
planning, under the supervision of
Miss G. T. Ochs and Mr. M. F. Reck,
an all-day excursion to Put-in-Bay,
Saturday, July 25. The group of
20 students, under the direction of
Prof. Jonathan A. C. Hildner of the
German department will leave Ann
Arbor in private cars at 11 a.m. They
have reserved a room on the boat,
which leaves at 1:30, where they will
lunch and sing German songs and
play German games.
On the island they intend to swim
and visit the caves. They will take
the moonlight trip home.
DETROIT, July 22.-(,P)-The body
of Margaret McPhee, nine years old,
who disappeared Sunday while bath-
ing, was found Wednesday 200 feet
off shore in Lake St. Clair.

Ex plosion, Fire Merit System
Raze Factory; To Be Applied
6 Feared Dead To Post Office
Firemen Still Searching Civil Service Appointment
Ruins Of Chicago Dyeing Conceded By President
Plant; Cause Unknown For Postmasterships
CHICAGO, July 22.--(P)-A ter- WASHINGTON, July 22.-(P)-
rific explosion and fire today Dealing with an issue that has been
crumpled the National Fur Dressing subject to sharp debate in Congress
and Dyeing Company's plant into a and the political arena, President
heap of bricks and girders in which Roosevelt tonight made public an ex-
Chief Michael J. Corrigan said he ecutive order directing the gradual
feared at least six bodies were buried. absorption of all postmastership ap-
The body of one young woman was pointments into the civil service.
recovered and firemen reported they The document, signed on Monday
could see "three or four more" wedged by the President and just made pub-
in the debris. lic by the White Iouse, ordered that
Two women and four men employes as quickly as vacancies occur appoint-
were burned, and a bystander and ments shall be subject to Civil Serv-
fireman were injured as flames raged ice examination.
through the wreckage in the wake of For reappointment, it required that
the blast. an incumbent, upon the expiration of
Long after the structure collapsed, his term be found eligible by the Civil
firemen continued to pour water into Service commission through a non-
the ruins, still too hot to permit a competitive examination.
thorough search for bodies. Several May Take Examination
employes remained unaccounted for. Or, it provided that a Civil Service
The factory, on North Halsted St., employe in the post office in question
consisted of twofoors and a base .might take a non-competitive exam-
ment, with a frontage of 40 feet and ination for promotion to the post-
a depth ofr125.t mastership.
alls epthfoofs1Otherwise, it empowered the post-
Walls and roof collapsed with a master general to direct the Civil
roar, piling bricks ten feet into Hal- Service commission to conduct an
sted Street and blocking traffic for open competitive examination to test
two miles in either direction,. the fitness of any and all applicants,
Determining that the explosion or- with the postmaster general directed
iginated at the rear of the building to "submit to the president for ap-
and threw its force toward the street, pointment the name of the highest
blowing out the front wall, Chief Cor- eligible." .
rigan ordered an investigation to de- In short, the order placed the in-
termine the cause. cumbent postmaster, or one of his
He assigned men to learn if inflam- subordinates seeking promotion in the
mable fluids were used in cleaning the preferred position of taking a non-
furs. competitive examination or left the
postmaster general free to direct that
aerida H o art an open examination be conducted.
The order was made applicable to
first, second and third class post-
Takes Second masterships. Fourth class postmas-
ters, those in the smallest offices, al-
IC Tennis
Crownready were under the Civil Service.
Tennis CrownSays G.O.P. Blocked Bill
Accompanying the announcetent
o f the executive order, the White
iss eiachamp o n h e second House made public a letter from Sen-
ator O'Mahoney of Wyoming, former
conquering Mrs. May Lewis yesterday first assistant postmaster general,
in the finals, 6-4, 6-3, before a large congratulating the president on his
crowd. action and asserting that legislation
Outsteadying her opponent, Miss to the same general end was blocked
Hobart kept the ball continually in .
play, forcing Mrs. Lewis into errors. the last session by a majority of
The contest was close all the way in the Republican members of the
the first set. Neither player attempted House.
fast drives or net play, but concen- Under the present and traditional
trated on keeping the ball in play. system, postmastership appointments
In the second set, Miss Hobart rallied are made usually upon the recom-
after the score was tied at 2-all, and mendation of the House member
quickly ran the set score up to 5-2. from the district
Mrs. Lewis was able to garner another
game before the match was com-
Gregory is the first player in men's and
city singles division to enter the semi-
final round. He disposed of Kasabach MIMEOGRAPHING
yesterday, 6-3, 7-5, in a hectic match
to advance another notch. Phelps Promptly and neatly done by
won over Cherrington, 6-2, 6-3, in experienced operators at mod-
another contest. Sorenson defeated erate rates. Student work a
Coleman, 6-4, 6-2. specialty for twenty-eight years.
'This afternoon Angell will meet U
Phelps and Graban will play Chanter iiMorr il
in men's singles. The winner of these O* . i r
matches will then play Gregory in 314 South State Street
one of the semi-final matches. -... _----
Tf therS

TIME WAS WHEN the sailing vessel
was the only means of communica-
tion between America and foreign
countries. Weeks were required for
the interchange of news. The pop-
ulace swarmed the quays to hear the
meagre reports which incoming boats
brought from distant lands.
TODAY continents are linked by
trans-oceanic cables and radio cir-
cuits. Over these submerged wires
The Associated Press brings to
America news of events, however re-
mote, from every corner of the plan-



among some of the athletes.
Major Leagu


W. L.
New York ...........58 32
Cleveland ...........51 39
Detroit............48 41
Chicago...........47 41
Boston ............ ..48 43
Washington ........46 43
St. Louis ............29 58
Philadelphia .........29 59
Philadelphia 7, Detroit 6.
St. Louis 6 ,New York 5.
Cleveland 8, Boston 3.
Chicago 3, Washington 2 (
Philadelphia at Detroit.
Boston at Cleveland.
New York at St. Louis.
Washington at Chicago.

12 in-



-- IG a

wo-Piece Carrone
nd Chenille, for- 0
erly to $29.75 . .15.

Two - Piece String
Knit and Bundura
formerly to $12.95
ton Chenille -
merly to $12.95


Chicago ...
St. Louis ..
New York.

W. L.
...........55 31
...........53 35
......... ..47 42
...........44 41
...........45 42
----- 41 4

12 to 40



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