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July 23, 1936 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1936-07-23

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Townsend Cited For Contempt Of Court

Have you put your camera away be-
hind the books on the book shelf
until you takeea trip to Africa? Or
is it on the top shelf with the corn
popper waiting until all the aunts,
uncles and little cousins gather for
a reunion? Or are you getting the
full good out of your camera, using
it for every day enjoyment, getting
a picture diary of the things you do,
the sports you're interested in, nice
., little bits from the walks you take
and the innumerable picture subjects
you have around home or the board-
'ing house or dormitory?
Do you line people up in a row with
their eyes squinting into the sun or
are you getting portraits that you are
_ proud to show?
Is your camera paying for itself in
the fun you get out of picture taking
and in the good results you have, or
is it a dust collector that you are
glad to give away the time you forget
to get Mary Ann a birthday present?
We 'Are At Fault
To change Shakespeare's neat little
phrase around for modern application
we might say, "The fault, dear Brutus,
is not in our cameras, but in our-
selves . . ." not that our cameras don't
have their weak spots, but it's our
fault that we haven't learned their
weaknesses and turned themtoour
good. The main philosophy here is
that, when we have tossed the cam-
era into the landlady's baby's play-
box, after rolls and rolls of pictures
that are unaccountably too dark, 6r
too light, or blurred or fuzzy, or just
uninteresting results of something
that should have been interesting,
we blamerthe camera when in reality
the camera has been merely a mis-
used instrument. You can get good
pictures. Perhaps your camera is
something your uncle picked up at a
pawn shop for six dollars, or you may
have paid a cool five hundred, but as
long as your camera is in good con-
dition, you should be getting a lot out
of it..
If the camera itself is deficient
it can probably be repaired at very
small cost, bit the troubles of the
camera -man himself are harder to
correct. , Any number of little things
may be the real cause, keeping you
from having really fine pictures-ig-
norance of the right kind of back-
grounds to have, lighting, selection
of subjects, the right amount of ex-
posure to have, or your trouble may
be more mechanical, such as a dirty
lens or shutter, failure to properly set
the focus. Once these little things
are cleared up you will find new life to
your camera and new heights to your
To Answer Questions
The camera column will be for just
such problems. It will discuss and
answer the questions you send in and
you will find that often the problems
other people ask about have uncon-
sciously been your own. Send in your
questions to be answered, or observa-
tions that you would like comment
on, or perhaps things you've learned
that might shorten the trial and error
period of" others, and keep your eye
on the column. There will be good
pointers for all of you.
It would be a simple matter to
fill this column with the usual stereo-
typed instruction course, but this
would be of practically no interest to
you. So it is up to you to determine
just what subjects will be discussed,
write The Daily or send your ques-
tions direct to me and this column
will be made up almost entirely of
the information that you request.
Of course there will occasionally be
news pertaining to new equipment,
formula, methods, etc., that would
be of interest to you, and these will
be given to you as soon as they show
up. But this is YOUR column, and
its contents will be determined by
what the questions and problems you
send in.
D Carn Cever, These
Chinese; They Miss

Olympic Welcomers
BERLIN, July 22. - (A) -- There
was one drop of gall in the tide of
Olympic joy today.
A German reception committee,
loaded with manuscripts of welcom-
ing speeches, met a train on which
the Chinese team Was to have ar-
rived. The committee, however, had
to thrust its speeches back in its
pockets and the brass band had to
return without playing a note.
The Chinese team had missed the
train at Venice.
With the American team still on
the ocean, the Germans already have
mapped out an elaborate reception
at Hamburg Friday. Two special
trains will be placed at the Amer-
icans' disposal. German papers print
daily reports about their workouts
aboard the Manhattan.
The Filipinos, surrendering to their
passion for sight-seeing in a strange
land, seldom can be found in the
Olympic village after training time.
Envy already has made its appear-
ance among the athletes of the world.
Trainers for the Latin groups al-
most invariably set the time for the
nightly bugle call at 9:30 p.m. The
Anglo-Saxon groups, on the other
hand, enjoV almost unlimited free-

Lincoln School
Head Explains
New Curricula
Social Needs, Interests Of
Pupils Are Criteria For
Subject Matter
Dr. John R. Clark, Principal of
the Lincoln School, New York City,
speaking on the subject, "Curricu-
lum-making in the Lincoln School,"
emphasized the fact that the cur-
riculum of the school cannot be
charted in advance but, in a sense, is
constructed continuously, in a lec-
ture yeste.rday afternoon in the Uni-
versity High School Auditorium.
The early philosophy back of the
founding of Lincoln school, Dr. Clark
said, represents the contribution of
Dr. Eliot and Dr. Flexner, who both
inspired the origin of the school. Dr.
Eliot had said that the secondary
schools were too verbalistic, according
to the speaker, and Dr. Flexner had
the view that the children should be
taken where they are in their inter-
ests. "The emphasis naturally, then,"
said Dr. Clark, "is on what the chil-
dren find satisfying."
Two Criteria Used
Dr. Clark stressed the point that
subject matter was chosen with two
criteria in mind, social needs and
the interests of the pupils. Depre-
cating the narrow experimentation of
many educators, he said that the
school was concerned with the
broader aspect of the philosophy of
education in relation to its workabil-
ity over a period of years. The de-
pression had a marked effect on the'
Lincoln School, he stated, in that
it made the school conscious of the
fact that we live in a social world
that is disintegrated. "Today in our
staff meetings we no longer discuss
content in the narrow sense but the
attitudes, backgrounds, and disposi-
tions that must be set up to prepare
the student for the world we live in,"
he said.
Instead of having many teachers{
who have little opportunity to know
their pupils, Dr. Clark said that one
teacher is called upon to teach the,
pupils in several subjects. "There
is something of value because of the
factor of integration in the old pro-
gram," he stated, "where the teacher
taught a group of' pupils all the

Topeka Dresses Up F or Acceptance Speech

Watermelon Cut
To Be Held In
League Garden
Southern Students To Be
Honor Guests; Purdom
Is Official Sponsor
Topping the list of social events
scheduled at the League this week-
end is the Watermelon Cut which is
being held from 7 to 9 p.m. Friday
evening in the Garden of the League.
The Cut is in honor of students and
visiting members of the faculty from
the Southern States. It was held last
year for the first time, and despite
inclement weather the affair proved
so popular that it is hoped to make
it an annual one. Prof. T. L. Pur-
dom, director of the Bureau of Ap-
pointments and Occupational Infor-
mation, is the official sponsor of the
Frances Thornton is in charge of
the affair. She is being assisted by
a committee composed of Kyle Black
of North Carolina, Felix McGraw of
Alabama and Paul Jackson of Ken-
Personal invitations are being ex-
tended to all those students from
the South whom committee members
can reach. All those not receiving
such an invitation are urged to come
Members of the League Undergrad-
uate Council will assist students in
becoming acquainted with one an-
other. Watermelons will be cut in
true Southern style.
The usual Friday night League
dance which will follow the Cut is in
honor of the Southern students this
week-end. The dance will be held
from 9 p.m. to 1. a.m. in the League
ballroom. Al Cowan's orchestra will
play for the dancing. The hostesses
fnr the dance will as far as possible
include students from the South.
Hope Hartwig is in charge of the
The regular Saturday night League
dance which was held at the Union
last week will be held at the League
this week. Elva Pascoe is in charge
of ariangements for it.

--Associated Press Photo.
Dr. Francis E. Townsend (left), founder of the Townsend old age
pension plan, is shown with his attorney, Sheridan Downey, as he walked
out of a deposition hearing in Cleveland with the remark, "It's none of
your business." Later he was stopped while leaving Cleveland by au'-
tomobile, cited for contempt of court and returned to the city. The
hearing grew out of a suit brought against Townsend and his organiza-
tion by a deposed regional leader.
Soap Box Derby King Crowned
In DayO Crashes And Buises

-Associated Press Photo.
As the city of Topeka began decorating itself in gala attire for the
ceremony marking the formal notification of Gov. Alf M. Landon of
his nomination for the presidency by the Republican party, this huge
photograph of the governor was unfurled from the side of the Kansas
capital's largest building. The picture measures 40 by 60 feet and
weighs more than 900 pounds.

John Mayfield Wins Over
62 Opponents And Wins
Trip To National Meet
Steel crash helmets, two collisions,
a few skinned elbows, 63 home-made
automobiles, and one-fifth of the pop-
ulation of AnneArbor-the elements
of Soap Box Derby Day, which saw
Ann Arbor's champion crowned yes-
John Mayfield, 14 years old, of Ann,
Arbor, will get a free trip to Akron,
O., Aug. 16, to represent this city in
the national Derby there, as winner
in the finals here yesterday after 36
preliminary heats had been run to
boil the 63 entries down to the four
best cars.
Mayfield, who turned in the best
time of the day with 35.3 seconds for
the 1,100-foot slope in a quarter-final
run, shot across the finish line on
Broadway Hill about 20 feet ahead of
Allen Crandall, 11 years old, of Ann
Arbor, to win the title.
Crandall was winner of the class B
finals, for boys from 9 to 12 years old,
and Mayfield won the class A elimina-
tion. Winner of third place was
Melvin K. Bauer, 13 years old, of
Ann Arbor, who came in behind May-
field in the class A finals, and Ray-
mond Fogg, 12 years old, of Ann Ar-
bor, took fourth place behind Cran-
dall in the junior division.
Times in the class finals were: May-
field, 35.7; Bauer, 36.2; Crandall, 36.5;
and Fogg, 38.9. Fogg was the hard-
luck driver of the day, crashing into
the irrepressible crowd at the finish'
line and turning over on his first run,
and then winning (two later heats
only to lose to Crandall on the final
The only other accident of the af-
ternoon occurred when one heat win-
ner put on his brakes too sharply
after crossing the finish line and a
DETROIT, July 22.-()-Harry L.
Pieson, who plans to resign soon as
Michigan WPA administrator, said,
today that Louis M. Nims, of Bay
City, was being considered as his
successor. Pierson, president of the
Detroit Harvester Co., announced
some time ago that he would re-
linquish his post, in which he has
served without remuneration, as soon
as a successor is designated.

second car piled over him. Officer
Howard Suma, however, endeavoring
to hold back the crowd of more than
6,000, had to jump high in the air to
avoid being run down by a coaster
speeding under him, which ran wild
when the brakes were applied too
Mayfield won the M. E. CoyleI
trophy, emblematic of the Ann Arbor
championship, and a gold medal as
class A winner. At Akron he will
receive a wrist watch as local cham-
rpion, and will compete there for a
j $2,000 college scholarship. He also
won a flashlight for the best time of
the afternoon, and a scout knife for
the best brakes. His was the only car
to have brake drums, the others being
equipped with levers which stopped
the car by friction on the axle or the
pavement when applied.
He will go to Detroit Saturday to
see the finals there and to race in an
exhibition against the champions of
Detroit and Bay City.
Cars for the race had to weigh less
than 175 pounds, be built at a cost of
less than $10, and be equipped with
brakes. Most of the cars made the
weight limit, with a wide margin to
spare, but one car, built with a cast
iron frame, and with metal fins fore
and aft of the driver instead of a
body, weighed 174 pounds, a pound
under the limit. Mayfield's stream-
lined car was one of the best-designed
entries in the race.

Gym Department TIo
Hold Picnic Swim
The Department of Physical Edu-
cation for women is sponsoring a
picnic swim tomorrow, leaving Bar-
bour Gymnasium at 5:30 p.m. This
event is for both the graduate and
undergraduate women majoring in
Physical Education.
This is the second event of this
kind this summer for this group.
The group will go to Barton Pond
this week returning by 7 p.m. Women
students are asked to register at Bar-
bour Gymnasium in Room 15 by 4:30
p.m. today. A small fee will be pay-
able at this time to cover the cost of
supper and transportation.

Crashes Into Lake
DETROIT, July 22.-(IP)-An air-
plane fell into Lake St. Clair tonight,
killing the pilot and a passenger.
The pilot was Michael Frescurea.
is passenger was John L. Scott. Both
lived in Detroit.
A watchman at the municipal dock
said the small monoplane, owned by
the Harper Flying Club, went into a
spin at an altitude of about 600 feet
when the motor stalled. The pilot
righted the plane about 50 feet from
the water, but it then dived into the
The men could not be extricated,
until the wreckage was towed in. I


Killed As Plane

- I

Must Demonstrate Ability
According to Dr. Clark a pupil is,
ready to leave the Lincoln School,
not when he has completed certain
prescribed units but when he has:
demonstrated the ability to work suc-
cessfully on increasing levels, has be-
come purposive and has made an
adjustment to the mores of his so-
siety. Thus, he said, the criterion of
progress becomes the ability to get
along with others, persistence in fol-
lowing out a task, integrity and final-
ly mastery of subject matter.
In conclusion Dr. Clark pointed
out that the obstacles to curriculum
making are primarily ourselves, be-
lieving that the way we have done
it is always right and the failure to
respect the complexities of our mod-
ern society.
'S~ado th-AGr"W



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The Company's rule requiring you to present your electric bill is
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courages wasteful renewals, and helps the Company to keep accurate

Jacobson s
White Hats
(New Shipment)

CIVILIZATION developed the Cler-
mont, and in due course of time, the
giant Leviathan, on which is pub-
lished a daily newspaper for trans-
Xtlantic passengers. Today we have
also the aeroplane, which carries the
printed word from Coast to Coast
in three days. In truth, these are
milestones of progress.
is the great news-gathering system
developed by The Associated Press.
Imagine the dullness of a day with-
out the latest news! News of the
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records of lamps passed out.


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and in the following sizes: -25W, 40W, 60W, 100W,
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