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July 23, 1936 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1936-07-23

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OffeWal Publication of the Summer Session


believed to have consisted in supplying foreign
correspondents and diplomats with some confi-
dential instructions issued to the German press
by Dr. Joseph Goebbels, minister of Popular En-
lightenment and Propaganda.
We too imprison men for treason, but it has
to involve more than exposing one of Charley
Michelson's releases from Washington. Our Wash-
ington correspondents have a hard time getting the
news behind the handouts, and many of them don't:
bother, but reward instead of punishment awaitsj
them if they succeed in better, deeper analyses
based on more complete information than the
government is willing to release.
The effect of this action will be that news com-
ing out of Germany will be even less dependable
than before, first because the sentence may be as-
sumed (according to the New York Times) "to
represent a warning to all Germans not to give for-
eigners any kind of information, in order to shut
off foreign observers here from their independent
sources of information and restrict them to their
official propaganda agencies"; and second, because
it was announced that in order to prevent "in-
dustrial espionage" the charge of treason would
also apply to all natives or foreigners who betray
Germany's economic secrets. It is not difficult
to see that a policy such as this last has in it
potential international implications. The entire
procedure makes us cherish even more zealously,
our civil liberties against an threat of encroach-

Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
tion and the Big Ten News Service.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
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mail $4.50.
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420
Madison Ave., New York City. -400 N. Michigan Ave.,.
Chicago,' Ill.
Telephone 4925
Editorial Director ..................Marshall D. Shulman
Dramatic Critic ....................... John W. Pritchard
Assistant Editors: Clinton B. Conger, Ralph W. Hurd,
Joseph S. Mattes, Elsie A. Pierce, Tuure Tenander, Jewel
W. Wuerfel.
4,eporters: Eleanor Barc, Donal Burns, Mary Delnay, M. E..
Graban, John Hilpert, Richard E. Lorch, Vincent Moore,
Elsie Roxborough, William Sours, Dorothea Staebler,
Betty Keenan.
Telephone 2-1214
CREDITS MANAGER ....................JOHN R. PARK
Circulation Manager ..................J. Cameron Hall
Office Manager............. ...........Robert Lodge
y® a

Suspension. .


ODAY, the representatives of three
nations will meet in a preliminary
Locarno discussion at London. It is hoped that
these three powers, Britain; France and Belgium,
can come to an agreement about a method of
moving toward peace in Europe before the Lo-
carno meeting which they hope to hold before
the League of Nations Assembly September 21,
which will include Germany and Italy.
There are three aspects of this meeting today
which are particularly interesting. They are:
First: It is clear from the start that there is
going to be a divergence between Britain and Bel-
gium on one side and France on the other. France
has always been concerned primarily about French
national interests in European discussions; today
she is going to be asked to put aside those inter-
ests for a larger one: peace. P. T. T. Spaak,
Belgian foreign minister, in a speech this week
rejected the {mixed juridic and idealistic policy
that France has followed and fairly successfully
imposed on Europe since the Armistic of 1918,
and declared that Belgium would henceforth for
herself follow the policy of avoiding war and not
that of seeking peace at the constant risk of war.
"Is it not a mistake," he inquired, according to
the dispatch in the New York Times, "to found
the principles of foreign policy solely on right,
which is in perpetual evolution, and to risk the
fate of men and of future civilization itself on
what is, after all, only momentary? For right
is a concept of the mind that is always disput-
In this we discern a genuine basis for effective
action; the only hope for a successful Locarno,
in fact, is that France may be brought around
to this point of view. Leon Blum, who will repre-
sent France, may be depended upon to work for
an unselfish foreign policy, but it is questionable
whether he could survive at home if he changed
France's traditional attitudes.
Second: There is a possibility that there may
not follow any Locarno in September as is now
hoped. Hitler has threatened that he would not
attend any conference to which he is not invited
at the outset. In a placating and almost apolo-
getic spirit, the British and French have an-
nounced to Italy and Germany their intention
to meet now in advance, and expressed the hopes
that this will not interfere with the plans for
the later meeting to include them all.
Third: The European line-up is now recognized
as between the "three democratic powers" on one
side, and the dictatorships on the other. With the
democratic powers in a conciliatory mood, anxious
to preserve peace above national rights (if France
can be brought around) and with the dictator-
ship power in a swaggering mood from recent mil-
itary and diplomatic victories, some real adjust-
ments may be made. Nevertheless, it must be re-
membered that it is too late to eliminate dangerous
internal conditions in any of the less-favored na-
tions by concessions, and so Long as a single coun-
try remains Fascist, peace is going to be a nerv-
ous suspension of the state of war.

Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the righttto condense
all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or
reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial
importance and interest to the campus.
To the Editor:
By way of "Non-Partisan's" letter in The Daily
Tuesday morning, allow me to observe that this
is the first time I have ever seen anybody "clarify
the political situation" by throwing mud. It's a
rather opaque substance, after all.
To discuss his five points for Roosevelt, or
against Landon, which, after all, is the issue from
now until Nov. 3, one by one:
(1)Common sense has never yet hurt any-
body's thinking power. A slightly greater share
of it in the White House incumbent of today
might keep him from sending to Congress ethereal
and unworkable tax schemes for which Democratic
Senate leaders have to take the rap when Roose-
velt sees his trial balloons are getting punctured.
(2) So the American people want a statesman,
do they? Well, there I agree with "Non-Partisan."
A statesman in the White House might have avoid-
ed embittering Australia to the extent where its
merchants invite Japanese imports and become
tariffically prejudiced against the United States.
The same statesman would not have handled
an outstanding American diplomat so that he
would commit suicide upon being pigeon-holed,
or an army officer in a manner that reeked to
high heaven when it reached the newspapers.
He might also have kept European debtors suffi-
ciently on edge so that they could not go as far
as they have gone in virtual cancellation of war
(3) Mechanically, the American people do
not want a return to the Horse-and-Buggy age.
Nor do they want to embark in legislative rockets
to Mars and the Moon. The "Horse-and-Buggy"
wisecrack is Roosevelt sulking in his tent, not
Landon campaigning. The remark was used by
the President first after the Supreme Court found
that one of his brainstorms didn't measure up
with the American form of government.
(4) If the Republican government wants to
hand over the government to the exploiters, what
is its manifest destiny under the Democratic
party? Are we going to turn it loose to a flock
of brain-trusters, theorizers who never know the
worth of their governmental schemes until they
have tried them out and seen them fail? Or
perhaps "Non-Partisan" likes to have it under
the control of a man who wants to know about
party affiliations before a relief candidate is
given a job, and before a community is given a
school-house (if they are lucky enough to get one
instead of a golf-course or a work-shop for paper-
doll cutters).
(5) "President Butler of Columbia says that
Landon cannot be elected." The American In-
stitute of Public Opinion, headed by Dr. George
S. Gallup, says he not only can be, but has a
majority of the electoral college today as public
opinion stands. And as for Landon's being dis-
covered by William Randolph Hearst, "Non-Parti-
san" can only have had that notion after reading
one of the Hearst papers. Landon's political cam-
paign had already been organized and funds were
coming in when the Lord of San Simeon's private
railroad car headed for Topeka, and the only rea-
son Hearst "discovered" him there was because
Landon was too busy to go into hiding. Hearst,
incidentally, was Roosevelt's first prominent
backer for the presidency in 1932 (Before Chi-
There's always the chance that "Non-Partisan"
is a Socialist or Communist, in which case the
argument against Roosevelt will have no effect
upon him. But still, with Browder, Thomas and
Lemke showing no possibilities of election, even
with the hate "Non-Partisan" shows for Landon,
he must admit there is such a thing as a choice
between two evils.
Teachers' Loyalty Oaths
To the Editor:
Following are some opinions on Teachers' Oaths

of Loyalty:
1. The American Legion.
Two years ago the American Legion passed a res-
olution approving the teachers' oath laws. This
year Mr. Miles, who spoke for National Com-

A Review
Understanding of the human heart is what the
underdog requires for his happiness; lack of un- CLASSIFIED
derstandings is what he gets-kickings and beat-
ings, sneers of the pharisees who demand respec- ADVERTISING
tability as an excuse for living. Freedom is reviled
when it is coupled with rags; love of pleasure is Placesadvertisements with Classified
Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214.
persecuted when the prostitute displays it; addic- The classified columns close at five
tion to the bottle becomes degradation when a o'clock previous to day insertion.
exnumbrers may be secured at no
broken-down cabby staggers onto the stage; yet, if extra charge.
Cash in advance llc per reading line
the coin had fallen differently, the vagabond would (on basis of five average words to line)
be a rich and romantic adventurer, the prostitute for one or two insertions. 10c per rea-
. ~ing line for three or more insertions.
a social butterly, the cabby a respectable country Minimum three lines per insertion.
Telephone rate. - 15c per reading line
squire; all concerned would be happy, and none for two or more insertions. Minimum
would object to their presence. To cream the three lines per insertion.
10% discount if paid within ten days
comedy, the kind-hearted old gentleman, who in- from' the date of last insertion.I
.u l p2 lines daily, college year..........7c
tuitively perceives these relationships and acts By Contract, per line -2 lines daily,
accordingly, is tolerantly sneered at by society for one month..... ..............8c
4 lines E.O.D., 2 months ...........8e
his weakness; he becomes "The Pigeon." 4 lines E.O.D., 2 months.............8c
Thus Galsworthy, speaking through the deli- 100 lines used as desired.........9c
30l0 lines used as desired ...........8c
ciously engaging voices of the French vagabond 1,000 lines used as desired...........?c
2,000 lines used as desired .........6c
Farrand and the aging pigeon, Christopher Well- The above rates are per reading line I
wyn. Pleasant comedy, this; but in many places based on eight reading lines per inch'
Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add
rather unpleasant, because Galsworthy, in that 6c per line to above rates for all capital
kindy, etahed humrou wa ofhistoo a it-letters. Add 6c' per line t above for
k y, detached uorous wafhis, ook at bold face, upper and lower case. Add
uation that a superficial playwright would con- l~c per line to above rates for bold face
capital letters.
sider ideal for farce comedy, and drew meat out The above rates are for 7%2 point type.
of it-moral meat (in the less disagreeable sense
of the word). This is Galsworthy in his most de- TAG DAY NETS $650
lightful and penetrating vein, and also in his most The annual Tag Day sponsored by
sympathetic. the University Fresh Air Camp net-
The subject lends itself aptly to lightly ironic ted $650, it was announced yesterday.
treatment, and that is what it receives. Whit- This is $300 more than was received
ford Kane, who created the role of Wellwyn for at a similar sale last year and itf
Galsworthy many years ago, knows what he wants is also the biggest summer tag day
in the way of direction; the production, in its es- ever. It is now possible that the quota
sentials, differed not at all from the excellent of Ann Arbor boys at the camp may
staging which Mr. Kane executed for the Detroit be maintained. 100 boys from this
Civic Theatre two years ago. Throughout it was vicinity will have attended the camp
ivleditheideatreetwofearsa.riatoghoutethis month. 65 boys will return from
filled with evidence of his appreciation of exactly the camp Saturday and 35 more will
the correct dramatic touch: this gesture, that in- leave that day for the camp.
flection, this piece of business. Neat, is one
way to describe it.
Mr. Kane's Wellwyn leaves nothing to be de-
sired. He is a kindly man, an artist, well above
middle age; a bearded pipe-smoker with smile
wrinkles about his eyes and a bit of bustling MICHIGAN REPE
waddle; a man who is content to be bullied by a
lovingly maternalistic daughter, but who has an res
aggravating habit of suddenly stopping short and
doing precisely what he is not to do. The most JOH N GA L
engaging thing about him is that he never appears
quite conscious of his quixotic altruism until it is
too late to do anything about it. These qualities
you sense about Wellwyn within the first few
minutes fo Mr. Kane's portrayal; and that, to my
mind, is true understanding of a role.
Edward Jurist, as Farrand, has a role with morew W HITF
amplitude than any he has carried this summer. with H
He fills it richly, endowing the character of the
philosophical wastrel with chromatic and touch- TONIGHT th r
ing beauty. Here, at lasts is a stage Frenchman
who is French; further, here is a free and emo-
tional spirit that carries you upward along with
him. Mr. Jurist last night did an exquisite piece
of acting. -John W. Pritchard.Lyd'a M6EN DEL

Am interested in obtaining an old-
fashioned lantern of the type used
on horse and buggy carriages. Reply
Box 160.
LOST: Kappa Delta sorority pin. In-
itials R.E.B. and chapter letters
Alpha Psi on back. If found, re-
turn to Ruth Baker, 2-2276. Re-'
FOR SALE: Martin clarinet. Silver
plated. Gold plated bell. Boehm
system. Instrument is in perfect
condition and owner will sell at
sacrifice. Reply Box 666 and state
estimated amount willing to offer.
FOR SALE: One portable and one
standard typewriter. Good condi-
tion. Reasonable. Phone 7274.



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rouble For Two"

The British government plans to equip every
inhabitant of the British Isles with a gas mask.
We can't figure whether it is preparation for an-
other war or another political campaign.
-The Daily Iowan.
teacher who made the slightest criticism of the
government, especially the Constitution."
3. Alfred E. Smith:
Ex-Governor Smith in vetoing a teachers' loyalty
oath bill, said in part "The bill unjustly discrim-
inates against teachers as a class. It deprives
teachers of their right tosfreedom of thought, it
limits the teaching staff of the public schools to
those only who lack the courage or the mind to ex-
ercise their legal right to just criticism of existing
4. Dr. John Dewey:
"The selection of teachers as the class of per-
sons who must take the oath is socially serious
because it is one phase of the general movement
calculated to prevent freedom of education in all
matters that relate to economic and political
conditions and policies. Today freedom of teach-
ing and learning on the part of instructors and
students is imperatively necessary for that kind of
intelligent citizenship that is genuinely free to
take part in the social reconstruction without
which democracy will die. Since freedom of
mind and freedom of expression are the root of
all freedom, to deny freedom in education is a
crime against democracy.
5. President Conant:
President Conant of Harvard strongly and pub-
licly opposed the teachers' oath bill when it was
before the Massachusetts legislature. "The present
law," he said, "is perhaps as innocuous as such a
law could be, but it is a straw showing the way the
wind is blowing. The havoc of the gale in other
lands makes me feel that those who value our
universities should not come forward."
6. President Angell:
President Angell of Yale speaking before a large
group of Yale Alumni advised them regarding loy-
alty oaths as follows: "Compel all persons to take
such an oath, if you will, but do not insist on the
teacher while you spare the radio speaker, the
newspaper editor, the maker and purveyor of the
movie and the movie news reel, all of them far
more powerful agents for insidious propaganda
than the unfortunate teacher."
7. Rev. J. Gresham Mache'n, Philadelphia:
"The amazing thing is that these bills are advo.
cated as though they were in the interests of the
Constitution of the United States. In reality, they
are quite contrary to the whole spirit of the Con-
8. The National Education Association.
At the recent annual convention of the Na-
tional Education Association speaker after speaker
voiced strong opposition to teachers' loyalty oaths.
At the same convention, Mr. Studebaker, Commis-
sioner of Education, urging teachers to defend
their civil rights. By defending those rights, he

end 3

! ,°.- -7 __ . . - ..,..: _ __ ,. _ _ it



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in any case, your best medium

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Classified Column


Crime ...,

SOMETIMES we think enough edi-
torials have been written about
Nazi Germany. Surely by now there ought not
be any intelligent newspaper reader unfamiliar
with the aims and practices of the Hitler regime
and not moved to deplore the fact that they
can exist in our contemporary world. Since Ger-
mans do not. for the most part, read our Amer-

1l~c P2






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