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July 16, 1936 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1936-07-16

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DAY, JULY 16, 1936




Of The
(From The Associated Press)
Elliott To Oppose
Food Tax Repeal
LANSING, July 15.-UP)-Dr.
Eugene Elliott, State superinten-
dent of public instruction, said
today he would not ask the
schools to work for the defeat
of a .proposed constitutional
a%(;ndment that would exempt
foods from the sales tax, but
would "lay the facts before
Elliott, an outspoken critic of
the proposal, asserted it would
reduce sales tax revenues by $11,-
000,000. He said he planned to
tell the Summer Conference on
Education in Ann Arbor tomor-
rowthat the schoois would have
to bear the brunt of any such
"I 'will not urge educators to
work against the amendment,"
he said. "I will supply figures
to show them what will happen to
State aid for schools and let
them judge for themselves.
Elliott contended that if the
amendment were apprd by
the voters next fall local school
districts would have to provide
additional money to make up for
the lost assistance for schools.
Explosion Kills
Two, Possibly Three
CLEVELAND, July 15.-(A)-
Two men, and possibly a third,
were killed today in an explosion
which wrecked the press mill of
the Glen Willow plant of the
Austin Powder Company.
The dead were 'identified as
Ralph Higgins, 30, and Corwin
Prentiss, 38.
Missing was August Began, 37,
and searchers dug into the ruins
to learn whether he had been
"We'll never know what caused
it, said G. T. Kendrick, plant
superintendent. "The men who
worked there can't tell because
they're gone.
He estimated the property
damage at $6,000.
Conservation Offcers
Search For Fire rug
ALPENA, July 14.-P)-One
hundred and fifty men brought
a stubborn woods fire under con-
trol this afternoon after it had
burned over 800 acres.
The men worked under diffi-
culties. The soil is so thin that
furrows could not be plowed, the
customary method of fighting
such fires. Water was hauled
from Alpena and Lake Huron to
subdue the flames.
$2,000,000 Fire Loss
Grows In Canada Forests
July 15.-()-With damage al-
ready estimated at more than
$2,000,000, forest fire continued
tonight to eat through fine white
pine of western Ontario.
Estimates of the damage were
made by pioneer lumbermen fa-
miliar with the area burned over

in the Ranger Lake and Missis-
sauga River country.
Two big fires, each of which
covered eight square miles,
joined today and swept over an
area estimated at more than 20
square miles. The huge fire now
burning is the combination of
seven, all caused by lightning.
Move To Quash
Black Legion Trial
DETROIT, July 15.-IP)-
Thirty-nine motions were filed
today in behalf of 12 Black Le-
gionnaires accused of slaying
Charles A. Poole, and delay in
opening their trial, set for Tues-
day, seemed inevitable.
One of the motions asks a san-
ity inquisition for Harvey Davis,
reputed Black Legion "colonel"
who is accused of ordering the
"execution" of Poole, on a charge
of wife-beating that later was
Others of the motions claim
alibis for seven of the defendants
and ask that the charges be
Upper Peninsula
Fires Under Control

Townsend Proposes One House Congress

Educators Holdj
Freedom Real
Issue In U. S.


Pleads Innocent-To Spy Charge In Washington

-Associated Press Photo.
Dr. F. E. Townsend, leader of the old age pension movement, took
time cut for conferences preliminary to the national convention of hisI
organization, to suggest preliminary to the national conventiont of his
organization, to suggest a one-House Congress with the membership
greatly reduced. He is shown as he was greeted on his arrival in Cleve-
land for the conclave. Left to right: J. B. Keifer, Chicago; Townsend;
Sherden Downey, Sacramento, Calif.; and Ernest Albright, Oklahoma
Jamison Sees Threat Of Unions
As Beneficial To Steel Workers,

Former Executive Of Steel'
Industry Analyzes Strike
Confronting U .S.
Continued from Page 1)
have been unfair, the threat of union-
ization, the various expressions of un-
rest among steel workers and the ad-
verse public opinion have been "un-
questionably beneficial" in scaring
such unsocial employers into a new
and more lenient labor policy.
In the second place, he continued,
it is undeniable that the majority of
steel workers are easily influenced,
and that even if they were led by
honest and intelligent men still they
would not be immune from the bland-
ishments of racketeering promoters.
On this score, Professor Jamison is
under the impression that Lewis has
repeatedly refused to compromise,
conciliate or cooperate (in the coal as
well as the steel industries), has ap-
pealed largely to the emotional and
non-rational working groups and has
incurred the disrespect of the more
intelligent union men.
Coal Plants Shut Down
In the third place, it is a fact that
unionized bituminous coal plants have
had to shut down on account of ex-I
cessive labor costs, while their non-
unionized competitors have continued
operation, Professor Jamison pointed
With these factors in mind, he con-
tinued, an objective survey of the sit-
uation in steel today reveals a fun-
damental and almost irreconcilable
paradox. On the one side steel em-
ployers are inclined to disregard the
interests of their workers when not
threatened by organized efforts of
these workers. Employees are cor-
respondingly hostile to, or uncooper-
ative with, management, and lack
that interest or sense of responsibility
necessary to carry on successfully the
productive process.
On the other side, organized or
unionized laborers tend to be sus-
ceptible to unscrupulous leadership
and consequently become as unsocial
as employers are unsocial when work-
ers are completely under their con-
trol. 1
Thus the central problem, the
aboltion of anti-union hostility, can-
not be resolved until employers are
convinced of the reliability and sen-
sibility of union activities, this to be
accomplished by means of intelligent,
capable and reliable labor leaders.
Good Leadership Impossible
It seems almost impossible to in-
sure such a high quality of leadership
under present conditions, Professor
Janison believes. While this situa-
tion exists, employers will continue to
fight unions, and unions will coitinue
to fight employers. Cooperation is
impossible unless both parties can be
relied upon, are willing to compromise
and to see the other's point of view.
From a social standpoint, Professor
Jamison observed, it would thus seem
best that industrial workers for the
time being unite with employers in
the establishment of workers' organ-
izations, known, perhaps incorrectly,
as company unions.
"The rights of workers are recog-
nized now as never before by steel
mill employers and the employees
have gained important benefits," Pro-

fessor Jamison stated. "Without
doubt steel millemployers havebeen
awakened by the threat of unioniza-
tion by outside forces.
"But whatever the influence behind
this awakening, the workers have
gained and will continue to gain as
long as the threat continues. They
are probably better off under exist-
ing circumstances than they would be
if the threat were realized."
Idealistically, however, he con-
cluded, some form of governmental
intervention, such as licensing of all
labor organizers, to insure sincerely
cooperative efforts is the goal toward.
which men must work.
Major Leagues
W L Pct.
New York ... ........54 28 .659
Detroit ................45 37 .549
Cleveland .............45 38 .542
Washington..........44 38 .537
Boston ................45 39 .536
Chicago ...............40 40 .500
Philadelphia ...........28 51 .354
St. Louis .............. 24 54 .308
Detroit 5-4, New York 1-7.
Boston 11-9, St. Louis 3-1.
Cleveland 6, Philadelphia 4.
Chicago 6, Washington 4.
Detroit at New York.
Chicago at Washington.
Cleveland at Philadelphia.
St. Louis at Boston.
W L Pct.
Chicago..............50 29 .633
St. Louis ............50 31 .617
Pittsburgh ............44 37 .543
Cincinnati ..........41 38 .519
New York ...........41 41 .500
Boston.............39 43 .411
Philadelphia......... 31 49 .387
Brooklyn...........27 55 .329
Chicago 2, Boston 0.
Cincinnati 5, Brooklyn 3.
Pittsburgh 5-4, New York 4-14.
Philadelphia 5, St. Louis 4.
New York at Pittsburgh.
Brooklyn at Cincinnati.
Boston at Chicago.
Philadelphia at St. Louis.
Terry C loth
Seers ucke r
Small, Medium and
Large Sizes . .
Terry Cloth in Maize and
Navy Colors . . . Seersuck-
er in Wine, Aqua and
Honey Dew.

Survey Directed By Courtis
Shows Most Of Teachers
Here Fear Suppression
(Continued from Page )
The final principle was "that as in-.
dividuals differ in capacity, maturity
and desires, adequate provisions must
always be made for control in terms
of such individual differences."
Indoctrination insofar as included
in these four principles was felt de-
sirable by the largest group in the
The view of academic freedom
which holds that teachers should be
very carefully supervised and regi-
mented met with the greatest dis-
favor by the members of the session.
In this scheme of regimented educa-
tion no place for research was given.
Freedom was not believed in at all byA
the man who holds this belief, Profes-
sor Courtis said. This type of man,
he said, "as a citizen works hard to
have the government define rigidly
what should be taught in the schools John S. Farnsworth (I
and just how it should be taught. He Nvarse naca
believes in rigidmilitary discipline Navy, arrested on a cha
through schools and colleges for both pleaded innocent when a
teachers and students., C. Turnage in Washingto
Evaluation Popular was unable to make imme
Other ways of looking at academic ers after the arraignment
freedom received scattered votes by
the audience. The one receiving mostWT "
favor after the "controlled indoc- New U mvers
trination" viewpoint was the one
placing evaluation of issues at the I irror Po
Professor Courtis explained that AtIGlas
the man who holds this view feels At Gass W
that "the only academic freedom in
the teaching of controversial issues
which teachers can soundly defend, 96-Inch Reflector
or whichcan be insistedupon with- World's Third L
out harm by administrators, is the
freedom to encourage all arguments First Attempt Fai
and data to be considered in the light
of such a sound basis for making (Continued from Page)
evaluations as the democratic ideal.
Any other kind of academic freedom after about six months it
in the teaching of controversial is- brought down to room te
sues would mean either undesirable and removed from the mol
license or unjustifiable interference." during this cooling process
Out of the audience, which num- first mirror, which was t
bered approximately 150, 73 said that smaller than the presentc
they knew personally from one to five injured.
teachers who have been disciplined by After it has been ground
being fired, demoted, warned or ished, it is expected that
transferred for alleged violation of ror, which is the gift of a
academic freedom. Twenty persons mous donor, will be install
stated that they knew from six to 20 proposed observatory at B
teachers who have been disciplined. northwest of Ann Arbor. A
The largest single group in the au- same observatory there wi
dience were of the opinion that from stalled in the near future
one to 10 per cent of their teacher telescope at the University
acquaintances have restricted them- tory, and the telescope from
selves in order to avoid possible versity observatory in Soul
trouble, because they sensed the dan- where a ten-years studye
gers of the situation they were in. stars will soon be brought t
Justify Self-Restriction clusion. When it has been
Almost unanimously the audience ed, the telescope will bet
stated that teachers who have re- largest in the world, being
stricted themselves for fear of pos- in size by the 100-inch mir
sible disciplinary action were justi- Wilson, and the 200-inch m
fied in so doing, being ground at Pasadena,.
Only 18 out of the entire assembly University's disk will meas
regarded the issue of academic free- 17.5 inches after grinding.
dom as imaginary, the rest feeling The successful pouring of
definitely that such as issue is pres- ror, according to Professor
ent in the educational world at the a tribute, to the developmei
present time. entific skill in America. A
The parents, school boards and cades ago, he said, it was ne
local organizations or groups of citi- obtain mirrors from Franc
zens were considered as the three many, while now mirrors
major sources from which restrictions America may be included a
upon teacher freedom emanate, with world's finest.
the school boards being regarded as The advancements in ast
the chief sources. studies by the new large m
By a heavy majority, members of be great. The 200-inch disk
the session felt that organized action nify the moon to the size
to prevent infringement of academic it would appear to the nak
freedom is needed, for to the ques- a distance of 30 miles from
tion, "In general do you believe the while the plan'et Mars will
unwarranted restrictions on academ- to appear 3,500 miles from
ic freedom are at the present time The ultimate size of such
serious enough to call for united not yet known, but, accordi
protest and action by the professional fessor Losh, there has bee
organizations?" two-thirds of those sion of plans for a 300-inc
present answered yes. the Mt. Wilson observatory

Niagara or Bust
Your Snapshots . ..
Will you brag about them, or will
you apologize? No need to apolo-
gize for them when you can step
into the big State Street store and
see the largest selection of cam-
eras and kodak supplies in town.
We handle all sizes of film and
always fresh.
OUR FINISHING is the finest to
be had. Velox, the blue-black
enameled paper, is used exclusive- -
ly. We maintain our own dark-
rooms for your protection and for
miniature care in our hands,
Beautiful projection prints (en-
largments) may be made from any
miniature negative for only 7c.

Will Be
t will be
d. It was
that the
en inches
disk,, was
and pol-
the mir-
n anony-
ed in the
ase Lake,
lso at this
ill be in-
the large
the Uni-
th Africa,
of binary
o its con-
the third
ror at Mt.
irror now
Cal. The
,ure 96 by
f the mir-
Curtis, is
nt of sci-
k few de-
cessary to
e or Ger-
made in
mong the
irrors will
will mag-
at which
ed eye at
the earth,
be made
the earth.
mirrors is
ng to Pro-
n discus-
h glass at

-Associated Press Photo
eft) former lieutenant-commander in the U.S.
rge of selling naval secrets to the Japanese,
rraigned before U. S. Commissioner Needham
n, D.C. His bond was set at $10,000 which he
diately. He is shown as he talked with report-

(Continued from Page 2)
undergraduate women students in
Physical Education are invited to a
swim in the Intramural Building
this evening at 9 p.m. The group
will meet in the lobby of the Intra-
mural Building at 10 minutes to 9.
Refreshments will be served on the
terrace of the Women's Athletic Bldg.
immediately after the swim. Women
students wishing to attend should
leave their names in Room 15 Bar-
bour Gymnasium.
Mathematical Club: The Mathe-
matical Club will meet today, at 4
p.m. in Room 35 Angell Hall (Please
iote change of room from previous
announcements). Prof. N. H. Anning
will speak on "Obvious geometry" and
Prof. R. V. Churchill will speak on "A
new method of solving boundary
problems and its application to a
problem of vibrations in a bar." All
interested are cordially invited to at-
tend. C. C. Craig
Stalker Hall: Meet at Stalker Hall
today at 5 p.m. to go on a swimming
party and picnic. Make reservations
at 6881.
At 4:05 p.m. in the University High
School Auditorium Miss Mabel Rugen,
assistant professor of physical educa-
tion, will lecture on "A Public Health
Program for Michigan."
The Michigan Dames cordially in-
vite the wives of all students and in-
ternes to attend a "get-acquainted"

tea in the garden of the Michigan
League Friday afternoon, July 17,
from 3 to 5 p.m.
University High School Demon-
stration Assembly: The first demon-
stration assembly of the University
High School Summer Session will be
given at 9 a.m. Friday, July 17, in the
high school auditorium. The pro-
gram will consist of a series of 20
tableaux, 10 showing the present work
in Fine Arts classes and 10 showing
work as it may be done 10 years from
now. The Science class will present
a series of short playlets. These
playlets are composed of incidents
suggested in the classroom, concern-
ing the study of light, etc. All Sum-
mer Session students who are in-
terested are welcome to attend the
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received announcements of Unit-
ed States.Civil Service Examinations
for Legislative Reference Assistant,
Social Security Board, salary, $2,300;
Extension Specialist in Parent Edu-
cation, Extension Service, Division of
Cooperative Extension Work, Depart-
ment of Agriculture, salary, $4,600;
Junior Home Economics Specialist,
(Optional Subjects: Foods, Nutrition,
Clothing, Textiles, Economics, House-
hold Equipment), Bureau of Home
Economics, Department of Agricul-
ture, salary, $2,000; Fire Prevention
Officer, Forest Service, Department of
Agriculture, salary, $3,200. For fur-
ther information concerning these
examinations call at 201 Mason Hall,
office hours, 9 to 12 and 2 to 4 p.m.
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts; School of Music; and School
of Education: Summer Session stu-
dents who received marks of Incom-
plete or X at the close of their last
term of residence must complete work
in these courses by the end of the
first month of the Summer Session,
July 29. The Administrative Board
of the Literary College, the Adminis-
trative Committee of the School of
Education, or the Director of the
[School of Music may grant a limited
extension, in unusual cases, when a
written request bearing the written
approval of the instructor concerned
is presented at ther Registrar's Of-
fice, Room 4, University Hall.
When no additional grade is re-
ceived, and no petition for extension
has been filed, these marks shall be
considered as having lapsed to E
Teacher's Certificate Candidates:
All candidates for the Teacher's Cer-
tificate to be granted on recommen-
dation of the Faculty of the School of
Education at the end of the Summer
Session are required to fill out ap-
plication blanks available in the of-
fice of the Recorder of the School of
Education, 1437 University Elemen-
tary School. These blanks should be
secured and filled out immediately.
The attention of students in the
Literary College is called to the fact
that this application is in addition to
the application made to the Commit-
tee on the Teacher's Certificate of
that College.
The regular Friday night dance
will be held at the Union this week.
It is being sponsored by the Men's
and Women's Education Clubs, and
hosts and hostesses have been chosen
from these organizations.



U~IUI1K POGRS~t~rokh he -AGES4
reporter on the London Morning
Chronicle, the task of a newspaper-
man was an arduous one. Often
they were called upon to travel
great distances by coach, transcrib-
ing their notes as they jogged over
the roads.
ly developed profession. Speed and
accuracy'are the fundamentals of its
efficiency. In The Associated Press
these two factors have been devel-
oped to the superlative degree. Read
the timely dispatches of

MARQUETTE, July 14.-(P)-
All forest fires in the Upper Pen-
insula were reported under con-
trol today, but visibility was imn-


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