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July 16, 1936 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1936-07-16

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THUP.SDAY, JULY 16, 1936


T ownsend Hits
For Spending
Convention Adopts Slogan
Triumph With Townsend'
In First Day
CLEVELAND, July 15. -- (A) - Dr.
Francis E. Townsend, founder of the
Townsend Old Age Pension Plan as-
sailed today the Roosevelt adminis-
tration's "crazy orgy of spending"
and told the second National Town-
send Convention his movement has
the support of other groups who seek
a "new era of social justice."
Townsend told his followers the
pension plan has the backing of the
National Union for Social Justice, the
share-the-wealth movement, and
"other groups of unhappy and dis-
satisfied voters opposed to the New.
Deal's crazy orgy of spending," and
those "who are working toward a
new era of social justice."
He approved the principle of a'
constitutional amendment to make
the Townsend plan effective.
"Abolish Poverty"
He told the delegates-most of
them gray-haired men in their shirt-
sleeves-that he believed "we shall
agree on a program of political ac-
tion and ours must be a plan of im-
mediate action that will assure the
abolition of poverty from our land."
"All the haphazard, ill conceived'
legislation that has been indulged in
by this (Roosevelt) administration
evinces one of two things, either pro-
found ignorance and lack of compre-
hension of the basic causes underly-
ing our economic national disaster,
or a deliberate, Machiavellian planned

Roosevelt Leaves Wit h His Three Sons For Long 'Loaf'

-Associated Press Photo.
President Roosevelt is shown here as he took the wheel and waved goodbye, upon setting out on the small
schooner, Sewanna, for a long "loaf." Accompanied by three of his sons, the President sailed from Rockland,

Patterson Lake Plays Important
Role In Life Of Fresh Air Camp

Yanks, Tigers
SplitIn Opening
Day Of Series

Officials Divide Swimmers
Into Classes, Safeguard
Them Bv 'Rulflr' Plan

attempt to discredit and totally wreck '-y AAyA
the American principle of govern- FRESH AIR CAMP Patterson
ment," he said. Lake, July 15.-(Special to The Daily)
Hits President's Philosophy -Water plays an important role inI
"Every act of the government," Dr. the lives of 136 boys now at the Fresh
Townsend continued, "has been pred- Air Camp, sponsored here by the Stu-
icated upon the heedless advice ofdetCrsinAocao.
the President when he said: 'Try dent Christian Association.
something, if it works, try it some About one half of the campers
more. If it does not work, try some- came unable to swim. They are called
thing else.' "sinkers." Before 28 days are up, the
"If that is not the advice of a total length of one of the camp periods, al-
incompetent or a reckless fatalist who most every Billy, Georgia, Al and
is incapable of thoughtful planning Hank will be "red" and "white caps"
on a national scale, what is it?" the boys that can swim 300 feet or
"I am happy to report to this con- more.
vention," said Dr. Townsend, "that Always on guard are 10 life guards
the people of all sections, East, West, consisting of counselors, University
North and South are becoming thor- men who are experienced in swim-
oughly aroused by the immediacy of ming. To further safeguard against
the danger to a degree that promises accident, the camp has adopted the
militant and aggressive action to stop "buddy" system. No boy can go
these vicious attacks upon our lib- swimming alone; he must have a
erties and our long-established and partner, or "buddy," with him.
revered institutions. A swimmer must enter, swim, and
"Triumph With Townsend" leave with his "Buddy." "Buddies"
"Why should we pussyfoot, why must swim near and must look after
should we hedge, why should we not one another. After swimming for
call a spade a spade? This adminis- about five minutes, a bell is rung;
tration instead of profiting by the buddies immediately seek one an-
mistakes of the preceding one has other and raise and hold one anoth-
gone on blindly intensifying those er's hands.
same mistakes and adding to them
an infinite variety of new ones." Life guards check to see that every
A slogan "Triumph with Town-I swimmer has a partner, and if every-
send" came out of the first day's ses- one has, the swimming is continued
sions. Martin F. Smith, congressman unabated.
from Washington, and temporary Muscles are developed by rowing.
chairman of the convention, started And no one is more enthusiastic
the slogan withethe declaration, "My about oaring than boys between the
friends, we are not going to lose ages of 10 and 15 years. Even buis-
with 'Lemke, we are going to triumph
with Townsend." Hudson
He referred to Rep. William Lemke,Ba Ai
presidential candidate of the Union
Party, who is scheduled to speak ats
a te rosergem a ss Descend s
the closing meeting Sunday. Smith's
slogan was picked up and repeated by U osMi
other speakers. QR1 = C i
EVENING RADIO Wheat And Corn Rise As
PROGRAMS Milk Price Goes Up In
--_ _ _Face OfShortage

tered hands do not prevent them from
using the boats almost continuously.
How to get into and out of a boat,
how to use oars, and the sharing of
the privilege of oaring are taught the
boys. Boats are rotated in such a
way that the 136 "brownies" have
many opportunities to use the boats.
The camp does not have hot show-
ers. But with the sun raising the
temperature to 120 degrees and heat-
ing Patterson Lake, the water is just
fine for a scrubbing bath. First, the
boys dive in. Then soap and sponge
clean the brown bodies; the lads
soap themselves. After entering the
lukewarm water again, they come out
finished products.
Patterson Lake is about as import-
ant to the campers as the tasty,
wholesome food. Swimming twice a
day is assured, one in the morning
and one in the afternoon. Then too,
every boy takes a dip in the morning;
and sometimes a twilight dip is
scheduled-a real treat on a butter-
melting day.
Patterson Lake serves other pur-
poses. Leave out fishing and for
some campers you've left out the
meat of camping. And many fisher-
men there are among the 136 happy
lads. On boating trips rods and reels
are not forgotten.
Ei ht Survive
In Michigan's
DETROIT, July 14-(AP)-Miss El-
len Hess, of Saginaw, defending
titlist, and Mrs. Donald Weiss, medal-
ist in yesterday's qualifying round,
were among the eight survivors today
in the first match play round of the
Michigan women's golf champion-
Miss Hess defeated Mrs. Sidney R.
Small, of Detroit, four and two. She
gained a four-up lead on the first
nine and then held her rival even.
Mrs. Weiss had more difficulty in
eliminating Phyllis Bennett, of De-
troit, two and one. The Detroit girl
squared the match at the fourteenth
hole but Mrs. Weiss carded fours to
win the next two holes, and won by
splitting the seventeenth.
In other matches, Jean Kyer, of
Ann Arbor, defeated Mrs. M. J.
Joyce, Detroit, 6 and 5; Mrs. J. H.
De Visser, Detroit, defeated Margaret
Russell, also of Detroit, two and one;
Miss Virginia- Paddock, Detroit, de-
feated Mrs. W. J. Chesebrough, De-
troit, one up; Jean Watt, of Flint, de-
feated Mrs. Joseph Hosner, also of
Flint, three and one; Eileen Wood,
Dearborn, defeated Mrs. D. D. Are-4
hart, of Flint, four and three, and
Mrs. A. E. Wilson, Detroit, defeated
Mrs. S. R. Livingstone, Detroit, one
up in nineteen holes.

Goose Goslin Stars At
Detroit Takes First,
Loses Second, 7-4


Secret Service
Probes G-Men,
Cummings Says
William H. Moran Refutes
Attack On Service By
WASHINGTON, July 15.-(P)-
Two government officials disagreed
tonight over reports that secret serv-
ice men had been investigating J. Ed-
gar Hoover's justice agents.
Questioned at his press conference,
Attorney-General Cummings said
"there has been some activity, I sus-
pect, of an ill-advised nature."
When William H. Moran, secret
service chief, was told of Cummings'
statement, he replied:
"There's nothing to it."
Cummings refused to explain his
"suspicion," but indicated he would
defend Hoover's administration of the
Federal Bureau of Inestigation, if
The Attorney-General told ques-
tioners he "would rather have such
questions (concerning the secret serv-
ice investigation) asked at the treas-
ury" in which the secret service is lo-
"I'll say, this," he continued, "if
anybody's shooting at Hoover, they're
shooting at the wrong person. They'd
better start shooting at me."
Cummings refused to say what as-
pects of the Federal agents' work he
suspected secret service men of in-
vestigating, but other department
officials indicated the alleged "activ-
ity" concerned expenditures of the
F.B.I. in its crime-fighting work, and
also the killing of Eddie Green, Dil-
linger gangster.
When Hoover appeared before the
Senate appropriations sub-committee
last spring, asking a million-dollar
increase in funds for his bureau,
Senator McKellar (Dem., Tenn.) pro-
tested the bureau had been "running
wild" in spending money. Hoover
countered that a slash in the appro-
priation might result in a new "wave'
of kidnapings."
When McKellar remarked that the
bureau's appropriations had risen
from $2,250,000 in 1928 to twice that
figure, Hoover replied:
"There were a series of crime bills
--the kidnaping statute, the extortion
statute, the bank-robbery statute, the
fugitive law, the stolen property law
and several others enacted by Con-
gress, which have greatly increased
our work."
Murphy Invites
F.D.R. To Visit
The Philippines
Frank Murphy, high commissioner
for the Philippines, said today he had
urged President Roosevelt, if re-
elected to visit the Islands next year
and indicated he was hopeful the in-
vitation would be accepted.
Roosevelt would be the first Presi-
dent to undertake the voyage of over
6,000 miles to Manila though he has
cruised to Hawaii, more than a third
of the distance.
Murphy, shortly to start a two-
month leave of absence to seek the
governorship of his native Michigan,
arrived from Detroit for two days of
conferences with State and war de-
partment officials "mostly on Philip-
pine affairs."
Healeftra memorandum at the
White House and talked with Bri-
gadier-Gen. Creed F. Fox, chief of
the Bureau of Insular Affairs, and
Assistant Secretary of State Francis

B. Sayre.
His campaign for the Democratic
nomination for governor, he said, will
open with a radio address Friday
night at Detroit, followed by speeches
at Mt. Clemens, his home town of
Harbor Beach, and Bad Axe.

May Be Politician

-Associated Press Photo.
Jesse Owens, America's No. 1
track star, shown tuning his sax
while waiting to sail with U. S.
Olympic squad to Berlin, is think-
ing of taking a few fast steps in the
field of politics. He is seriously con-
sidering accepting an invitation to

(Continued trom Page 1'
Then Dickey also was passed, forcing]
in Powell.
The final Tiger run came in the1
eighth, on Gehringer's homer. Wal-j
ker singled in that inning, but was
stranded when Simmons flied for the,
final out.
Detroit scored a run in the firstj
inning of the second game. Rogell
and Gehringer singled and Rogell
scored when Powell muffed Walker's
short fly. The Yankees got that
run back in their half. Powell was
safe on Rogell's error, Rolfe singled
and Di Maggio was hit by a pitched
ball. Powell scored on Gehrig's
Passes to Glenn and Powell and a
hard smash by Rolfe, which Sorrell
deflected into center field, gave the
Yanks another run in the second.
Two more New York runs came in the
third. Gehrig walked, Selkirk singled
and Gehrig scored on Crossetti's fly.
Lazzeri popped, but Glenn singled
and Selkirk scored when Walker fum-
bled the ball. Gomez walked, and
Sullivan replaced Sorrell. Powell
fanned to end the inning.
The Yankees continued their scor-
ing in the fourth. Di Maggio doubled
and Gehrig and Selkirk walked. AI
wild pitch permitted DiMaggio to
score. Gehrig also scored on Cros-
setti's fly.
The Tigers got back in the game
with three runs in the fifth. After"
Sullivan had fanned, Burns, Rogell
and Gehringer walked and Goslin
tripled them all home. Malone re-
placed Gomez and passed Walker,
who stole second while Simmons was
fanning. Lazzeri dropped Glenn's
throw and Goslin set sail for the
plate. He reachedthome safely, but
the umpire ruled that Walker had
interfered with Lazzeri as he tried to
recover the ball, and ruled. Walker
out, cancelling the run. The deci-
sion stood in spite of extended argu-
The Yanks got their final run in
the eighth, after Pete Fox had batted
for Sullivan and Red Phillips had
gone to the mound for Detroit. A
single by DiMaggio, a pass to Cros-
setti and a single by Lazzeri account-
ed for the run.
DETROIT, July 15. - (P)-- Henry
Ford started a huge new $4,600,000
turbine generator Wednesday at the
. Rouge plant of the Ford Motor Co.
Company representatives said new
equipment makes the plant's power
house the largest high pressure steam
generator in the world.

Haber Praises
Michigan Relief
State Relief Head Believes
Michigan Plan Is Model
To Be Followed
EAST LANSING, July 15. - (P) -
Dr. William Haber, state emergency
relief administrator, told the Mich-
igan Conference of Social Workers
here today that relief work in Mich-
igan could be a model for many other
states to follow.
Haber said this state has made
its way through the depression and
recovery days with little need for
juggling of funds to carry on the
work, and now has enough money
in the treasury to permit a more
liberal relief basis than was possible
in the past.
The relief administrator paid trib-
ute to Governor Fitzgerald and for-
mer-Governor Comstock for having
stood their ground in favor of a
centralized system of relief adminis-
tration, contending that the present
system should be continued with
counties given control over their ex-
penditures "as much as possible with-
out interfering with the program." He
told of "enormous" pressure brought
to bear on both men for a change
that would give control to the coun-

runor the hiuL satelegsl Ia4Auru Haber praised the merit system
run for the Ohio state legislature now being instituted in his depart-
from the 19th ward in Cleveland. ment and said other branches of
government "well might follow suit."
He also had a good word for the
employees who fall subject to the or-
Farms Of Future der's terms, pointing out that he
had not heard of any movement by
them to spread propaganda unfa-
vorable to the merit system.
DETROIT, July 15.-UP)-Henry Facult Men Dine
Ford, in an interview today said that
he hoped to prove within two years At Foyer Francais
that all the animals on the farm
"are really unnecessary." The French house had as its guests
"We can, I believe, get a more for dinner Tuesday night Prof. A. L.
plentiful supply of food, cheaper and Adams and Prof. Rene Talamon.
better," the industrialist said, "by The dinner table was decorated with
processing the products of the soil, French and American flags in honor
instead of asking cows and chick- of Bastille Day and Independence
ens to do it for us. In the future, Day. The meal was served in French
farm animals of all kinds will be out. style and included French bread and
We won't need them; we will be salad served in a large bowl.
better without them." After dinner the regular -French
Ford reiterated his off-expressed Club meeting was held. Over 45 mem-
view that the world offers more op- bers heard Professor Talamon speak
portunity than ever for youth. on the customs of France. He brought
"A lot of these young fellows," he out particularly the differences in the
said, "have ideas in their heads for habits of the French people as com-
improvement of things now used and pared to those of America.
new things that will be useful. You The meeting was concluded with
can't stop youth." group singing in French.
Ford who will observe his 73rd
birthday anniversary a fortnight
hence, appeared unusually well and
active, despite the hot weather of YOUR RENT PROBLEM
the last week. He attributed his

present good health to the fact he
had been much out of doors recently,
and had been indulging in almost
daily bicycle rides on his private
DETROIT, July 15.---(A)-Wells D.'
Butterfield, 77-year-old designer of
many churches in Michigan, died

Rents will continue to rise and de-
sirable housesto be sold, forcing
you to move again. Solve this prob-
lem by buying this charming seven-
room house located between cam-
pus and Tappan school. $8,000 with
$10.00 down, $50.00 per month. Avail-
able one week only. If not sold will
be rented to present tenant. Oril
Ferguson. 721 Church St., Ph. 2-2839


6:00-WJR Stevenson Sports.
WWJ Ty Tyson.
WXYZ Easy Aces.
CKLW Phil Marley's Music.
6 :15-WJR Heroes of Today.
WWJ Dinner Music.
WXYZ Day in Review.
CKLW Steve Douglas.
6:30-WJR Kate Smith's Band.
WWJ Bulletins: Tiger Talk.
WXYZ Dance Music.
CKLW Rhythm Ramblings.
6 :45-WJR Boake Carter.
WWJ Albert Brothers.
WXYZ Rubinoff-Rea.
CKLW Song Recital.
7:00-WJR Rhythm Review.
WWJ Rudy Vallee's Variety Hour.
WXYZ Dance Music.
CKLW Red Norvo's Music.
7:15-WJR Portland Symphony.
WXYZ Kyte's Rhythms.
CKLW Melody Interlude.
7:30-WXYZ Roy Shields' Music.
CKLW Variety Revue.
8:00-WJR Musicale.
WWJ The Showboat.
WXYZ Death Valley Days.
CKLW Stage Echoes.
8:15-CKLW Serenade.
8:30-WJR Gov. F. D. Fitzgerald.
WXYZ Gov. F. D. Fitzgerald.
CKLW Ford Field Dedication.
9 :00-WJR Presentatson of Placque to
City of Detreit.
WWJ Bing Crosby.
WXYZ Big Broadcast.
CKLW Gems of Melody.
9:15-WJR Grant Park Concert.
CKLW Serenade.
9:30-WJR March of Time.
WXYZ Adventures of the Hornet.
CKLW Enric Madrigeura's Music.
9:45-WJR Hot Dates in History.
10:00-WJR Duncan Moore.
WWJ Amos and Andy.
WXYZ Murray D. Van Wagoner.
CKLW Scores and News.
10:15-WJR Rhythm.
WWJ Tiger Highlights: Evening Mel-
WXYZ Ted Lewis' Music.
CT.W Horace Heidt's Music.

(Continued from Page 1)
day's figures; Wisconsins az 443,
up 73; and Missouri's at 251, up 71.
Ohio's loss was 252.
Cooling Winds
Will Continue Today
DETROIT, July 15.-UP)-Michi~
gan's heat wave, which set a record
for seven days of 100-degree temper-
atures, was broken today, but the
death toll continued to mount. as ad-
ditional reports came in on victims
who succumbed during the sweltering
weather. Detroit's death list was
tabulated at 371, with 219 more out-
Detroit's temperature reached 86
degrees at 3 p.m., while Grand Rapids
had one of 72, Flint 87, Battle Creek
80, Port Huron 74, Benton Harbor 92,
Saulte Ste. Marie 80 and Owosso 84.
These compared with highs of
Tuesday ranging from 100 to 109 de-
The cooling winds which dissipat-
ed the heat rays Tuesday night con-
tinued today.
The weather bureau promised the
heat would not go higher Thursday
and that thundershowers would fur-
ther relieve the effects of the burn-
ing sun upon crops.
No new prostrations were reported
as the mercury steadily dropped
throne-h Tuesdav nig-ht into the six-.

[4110 P DC RESStLrud/ he-AGESĀ§J








Since the beginning of time,
"plain living and high thinking"
have enabled many to prolong
their span of life for many
years. This choice combination
has raised many above the av-
erage and placed them in an
envious, glorious position. The
latest example of the result of a
life ruled by their infience is
that of John D. Rockefeller, Sr.,
who has already passed his
ninety-seventh year. His limit-
less wealth has greatly aided
him, but such a life is open to
all, rich or poor, who live mod-
erately and work diligently.
Rich or poor, young or old, all
can enjoy the delightfully cool
and pleasant water supplied by
the Arbor Springs Water Co.,
416 W. Huron. This water has a
most agreeable taste and is ideal
for hot days. Phone 8270 for
quick delivery of a supply and
start today to benefit from the
effects of this healthful product.

Mary of S'cotlan d
By Maxwell Anderson
- . t -

illustration of the progress made in
news dissemination than a contrast
between the speed with which
Woodrow Wilson's war declaration
was carried to every corner of the
globe and Paul Revere's ride at mid-
night, warning the Colonists of the
approach of the British.
day he would marvel at the speed
with which The Associated Press
carries news from every nation. He
would marvel also at the news
gathering facilities of this organiza-
tion. You read







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