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July 09, 1936 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1936-07-09

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, . _ -

..URSAY, JULY_9, 1938

Official Publication of the Stummer Session

Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
tion and the Big Ten News Service.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special
dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carri'er, $1.50, by mail,
$2.00. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
mail, $4.50.
Offices:Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Plone: 2-1214.
Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420
Madison Ave., -New York City. - 400 N. Michigan Ave.,
Chicago, Ill.
Telephone 4925
Editorial Director................Marshall D. Shulman
dramatic Critic..................... John W. Pritchard
Assistant Editors: Clinton B. Conger, Ralph W. Hurd,
Joseph S. Mattes, Elsie A. Pierce, Tuure Tenander, Jewel
W. Wuerfel.
.eporters: Eleanor Barc, Donal Burns, Mary Delnay, M. E.
Graban, John Hilpert, Richard E. Lorch, Vincent Moore,
Elsie 'Roxborough, William Sours, Dorothea Staebler.
Telephone 24
CREDITS MANAGER .................... JOHN R. PARK
Circulation Manager................J. Cameron Hall
Oce Manager.............................Robert Lodge

Other party chairmen when appointed to the
Postmaster .Generalship (there have been two
others) have resigned their positions as party
It was precisely the thick air of political pat-
ronage about the postoffice service which made
the Democratic plank about merit system hard to1
accept as sincere.
In the second place, Mr. Farley as a cabinet
member, though on leave, is prohibited by law from
soliciting money from Federal office holders. "The
law does not prohibit him receiving such funds,",
was the explanation at the Democratic committee
offices. With the chances of Mr. Roosevelt's reelec-
tion pretty high, Mr. Farley will not have to do
much actual "soliciting" among government office-
holders, or prospective office-holders. In other
words, whether or not Mr. Farley takes advantage
of it or not, there will be an air of intimidation
about a request for funds from a man almost'
certain to be head of a large government depart-
ment for the next four years.
We can appreciate that Mr. Roosevelt is much
beholden to Farley; that to accept his resignation
would have been political ingratitude. Neverthe-
less, the retention of Farley as Postmaster General
on leave will probably cost Roosevelt many votes,
and should.
As Others See It]
Hmm, Reds!f
(From the Washington Post)
IT WOULD SEEM that the defenders of the
Republic are asleep at the switch when what3
is evidently a pernicious plot to entangle us with
the Old World is being quietly concocted.
So far, not even a peep of protest has been heard1
regarding the dubious action of the department of
State in officially accepting an invitation from the
Norwegian Government to participate in the Sec-
ond International Congress of Prehistoric and
Protohistoric Sciences, to be held in Oslo.
Yet two professors and the curator of a museum
have actually been appointed, without either the
advice or consent of the Senate, as "official" dele-
gates of the United States to this conference.
Furthermore, announcement of these appoinmentsj
was held up by the Department of State until Con-
gress had adjourned.
Grounds for complaint rest not merely in the
fact that this gathering is admittedly "interna-
tional." This subversive adjective is also coupledI
with an unjustified use of the word "congress,"
obviously to create the impression that the under-
taking is not adverse to pure Americanism. Yet
the Norwegion government, which issued the in-
vitation, is actually a member of the League of
Nations and, what is more, has a Socialist as Pre-
And what is all this about protohistoric sci-
ences? Certainly that sounds distinctly un-Amer-
ican. To cap the climax, Oslo is only about 1,500
miles as the crow flies, from the Kremlin.
Neither Senator Borah, Representative Blanton
nor the author of "The Red Net-work" can be
complacent in the face of such a damning chain
of suspicious circumstances. Our scheduled repre-
senation at the Oslo conference must be re-
garded as indicating a subversive belief that in
paleolithic timed America and Europe had some-
thing in common.
Once let that idea take root and we shall soon
again be hearing assertions that America and Eu-
rope have something in common today.

A Review
Sir Stork possibly was a little amazed to find
his escutcheon besmirched with a soiled bar sin-
ister. The sinister part of it is not unusual for Sir
Stork, perhaps, but this is one of the few times
when he has been labelled as a public enemy. Wil-
bur Daniel Steel and Norma Mitchell evidently had
had enough of type-scrawled mysteries with clues
dusted with archive-mold; "Post Road," the
result of their rebellion, presents situations that
are broadly funny, mingled with clues that are
so realistic as to tread occasionally the border-
lines of social taboo.
"Post Road," as Director Frederic O. Crandall
yesterday suggested (a bit too broadly, perhaps),
is a "business comedy," one whose effectiveness
depends on spacing of characters and timing to
be thoroughly effective. Mr. Crandall's previous
work with campus dramatics is well known; his
directoral capacities have not been so well ex-
ploited. Last night Mr. Crandall sat in the back
of the auditorium and watched the progress of a
piece of pure entertainment that indicates unmis-
takeably his efficiency and his care.
The piece is comedy-mystery, and the authors,
developing broad farce, were able to blend their
comedy with a genuine mystery of considerable
cleverness, not forgetting to slip in meanwhile
that indispensable touch of character study that
converts a neat engineering job into good theatre.
The cast presents a large assortment of new
faces--ra wtalent-but unmistakable talent. Mar-
garet Tanner is new, but she assuredly is not raw.
The outstanding exponent of the played-down line
is Helen Broderick, and few have had courage
to attempt to imitate her; those infrequent mimics
have usually lacked the talent to carry the thing
off. Miss Tanner is not a mimic, and her similar
technique may have been developed independently
of Miss Broderick's; it certainly has been developed
into an excellent and individual type of delivery.
Ralph Bell, as Parson Cartwright, is extremely
capable. He creates a weazened wight who fears
man and lets God take his own part. Edward
Jurist's voice and liquid delivery are well in order.
Ida Soghor has good possibilities, and her work
in "Post Road" is 'neatly turned. Frances Man-
chester uses her body very well in a role that calls
for tragic overplaying; her vocal delivery, how-
ever, shows lack of judgment. Sherwood Price
required a whole act to make us understand that
he was a married man and not a college boy; yet
the role was not badly played, and probably
the error was in the casting. -J.W.P.
Letters published in this column should not be
construedras expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to bebrief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject
letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance
and interest to the campus.
Heil Daily!
To the Editor:
Your reproduction of the letter from the New
York Times on Heidelberg is a master stroke. You
are to be congratulated!
You evidently missed the editorial "Heidelberg
Obsequies" in the New York Times of July 2nd?
Fine ! !
--A Citizen.

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FOR RENT: Furnished house for six
months after August 10. Southeast
section. Phone 4978. 7
Edw. Everett Horton
Glenda Farrell
Jack Oakie
Sally Eilers


_______ - - ___--ed. Men's shirts 1t
BOARD: $3.50 weekly. 12 meals. our specialty. All bi
Strictly home cooking. Slade's, 608 arately. No marking
Hill St., near State. 2 isfaction guarantee
LOST AND FOUND deliver. Phone 5594
7 o'clock. Silver L
LOST: Sheaffer pen. Name on pen, Hoover.
F. L. Apple. Return to lost and
found department, University Hall. READ THE W
ANTED Eye Glass Frames
WANTED: Graduate student to share Repaired.
apartment with young business Lenses Ground.
woman for summer school. Near
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EXPERIENCED laundress doing stu- *cLD
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Careful work at low price. lx
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gs. Personal sat-
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4 any time until
Laundry, 607 E.
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The Very 'Free'
City Of Danzi. . .
of Nations shouldn't allow noses tc
be thumbed before it. Mussolini did it, and
Japan did it, Germany did it, all metaphorically,
but when a representative of the little Free Cit3
of Danzig does it, and literally, then action ought
to be taken.
The situation though it has attracted little at-
tention, embodies a significant issue. The Na-
tional Socialist party, which controls the Danzig
Senate, has already confiscated Opposition papers,
and will probably place Opposition leaders under
arrest - the familiar Nazi methods except thai
these will probably be without arms. Their pur-
pose in doing this will be to defy the League's
High Commissioner, Sean Lester, thus proving
that the office no longer exists, and Danzig is free
to become a literal part of Nazi Germany. The
National Socialists, headed by nose-thumber Ar-
thur Grieser, is confident that the League will
not send in an international force, as it has the
right to do by treaty.
Danzig has always, since the war, had obvious
German sympathies, according to observers. Yet,
there are a large number of these who yet object
to Naziism-a sufficiently large number so that,
werecthe Opposition able to force an election now,
the chances are that the Danzig Nazis would be
ejected. It does not seem likely that an election
can be arranged. The Nazis are in power and
intend to remain, whether or not they represent
a majority.
There are only two considerations which tend
to mitigate the danger of the situation.
The first is that Poland will be certain to sup-
port the League Commissioner. Despite the fact
that Poland has come in for some verbal chas-
tisement in the recent League meetings for having
,dropped sanctions against Italy before the League
met (some observers suspect that the tongue-lash-
ing was an attempt to avoid later responsibility
in having to support Poland in this Danzig affair)
Poland may be able, in the comparatively strong
diplomatic position it has occupied in European
affairs to move the League to action.
The second is that Germany, taking advantage
of the rather conciliatory attitudes expressed by
Premier Blum of France, is trying to act like a
small boy at a Sunday-school picnic. Pending the
coming Locarno conferences, Germany probably
will not give an official encouragement to Danzig
Nazis (even though it is plain that Greiser's talk
before the .League was Berlin-inspired). Lacking
this open support, perhaps Nazis in Danzig will not
attempt their unarmed coup.
Whatever the League does, it will be subject to
some criticism. It will feel rather sheepish about
sending an international force to quell the Nazis,
after having been meek during the rape of Ethi-
opia by Italy, of Manchuria by Japan, the defiant
occupation of the Rhineland by Germany, and
of.the Dardanelles by Turkey. If it is again aquies-
cent here, its back will have been completely brok-
en. It will then be true that the League no longer

you need for studying

Trade Review Of The Week
-From Dun & Bradstreet, Inc.-

i.E .


THE GENERAL trend of business during the
week was upward, with some divisions making
the best showing in more than a month. Despite
the smaller gains in the drought districts, retail
distribution was advanced by the cashing of vet-
erans' bonds and the stronger demand for ap-
parel and vacation goods. Wholesale markets
were more active, as reorders increased and fell
buying gained momentum, most merchants pre-
paring for the largest trade since 1930. While
schedules were set higher in some industries, there
were indications of seasonal slackening in others.
The inclining trend of the leading industrial in-
dices became more pronounced. With a gain of
1.2 per cent electric output reached a new all-
time high, surpassing the peak set in the week
previous, and widening the margin over the 1935
comparative sendout to 14.5 per cent. Production
of bituminous coal practically was unchanged, the
decrease for the week amounting to only 0.5 per
cent, but the increase over the 1935 tonnage wid-
ened to 41.9 per cent. Rising 5,750 barrels from
the preceding week's flow, daily average gross pro-
duction of crude oil went 130,850 barrels over the
calculations set by the Bureau of Mines.
Consumer Buying Unchecked
The movement of merchandise in retail chan-
nels was more vigorous, due to the strong revival
in the demand for summer apparel, which had
lagged during the two weeks preceding. Sheer
dresses, white coats, millinery, shoes, and white
dress accessories were outstanding, although siz-
able gains were recorded for sales of men's light-
weight suits, straw hats, polo shirts, slacks, and
swim-suits. More bonus money spending was evi-
dent in the purchases of furniture, homewares,
radios, and automobiles. The closing of schools
and the start of the vacation season combined
with the preparations for the Fourth of July cele-
bration to lift sales of sportswear, luggage, and
camping outfits.
Due to the decline in distribution in the areas
ravaged by drought or infested by grasshoppers,
the estimated volume of retail sales for the coun-
try was held to 12 to 18 per cent over the corres-
ponding 1935 week, despite gains ranging from

eraged 10 to 12 per cent more than a year ago, al-
though gains at some of the industrial cities ran
up to 20 per cent. In the Northwest, the severity
of the drought became more intense, 'narrowing
the margin over the 1935 retail sales to 8 to 12
per cent. In the South, on the other hand, the
uptrend was extended, as the total exceeded last
year's by 15 to 20 per cent. For the Southwest
the average gain was 18 to 20 per cent, with some
cities reporting 35 per cent. On the Pacific Coast,
there was a rise of 14 to 18 per cent from 1935.
Wholesale Order Increased
In alignment with the abrupt revival of con-
sumer demand for summer apparel, after a waning
interest during the latter part of June, it was the
reorders for these goods which kept wholesalers'
volume 18 to 20 per cent larger than for the com-
parative 1935 week. Cotton dresses, millinery,
shoes, toiletries, white coats, swim-suits, and beach
accessories were the chief items specified in the
women's division, while lightweight suits, straw
hats, slacks, and polo shorts featured the repeat
orders for men's wear. With many of the rural
areas in a more cheerful mood, as farmers re-
ceived cash for their early crops, reorders from
country merchants reached the best total for the
Industrial Pace Slackening
Although holding to the best rate of activity
since 1930, industrial operations in some divisions
revealed evidence of the start of seasonal reces-
sions. Manufacturers of farm equipment, trac-
tors, paint, and hardware revised their schedules
downward during the week, and most of the fac-
tories turning out building materials curtailed
production to some extent. Off season inactivity,
however, has yet to appear in the manufacture of
sporting goods, outboard motors, household equip-
ment, bedding, and furniture; some of the latter
factories have gone on overtime. Rising wheat
prices created an upturn in the demand for flour,
and mill sales for the week ran above capacity.
Automobile production continued to decline, but
July assemblies have been set at 375,000 units, in
order to build up dealer stocks before the change-
over to new models in August. Orders for auto-
mobile parts and accessories have become fewer.

Better Sight
Outside Shade Reflector - re-
flects twice as much useful light
as an ordinary lamp shade.
Inside Reflector Diffuser -
eliminates reflected and direct
glare and softens shadows.
Height-Purposely made high
to spread light over the entire
working surface. Also adds to
Why you should not read
or work beside o low lamp
1. Low lamp does not spread
light out far enough to reach
your book or work.
2. Customary dark shades
waste much of the light you
need for eye-comfoft.
Low lamps are satisfactory



On Leave.

safe for reading and studying for long
periods. It brings you the benefit of
scientifically correct lighting, for it is approved by the
Illuminating Engineering Society and endorsed for lighting
effectiveness by the Lighting Committee of the Edison
Electric Institute. There is no substitute for thpe services
of an eyesight specialist, but the 1. E. S. lamp helps to
protect eyesight from unnecessary strain.
There are many different styles and finishes in I, E. S.
lamps. See them today, on displav at furniture dealers.

W E HAVE REMARKED before that
only in this country could it be
possible for a man of the apparent sdcial idealism
of Franklin D. Roosevelt to be associated with
a shrewd politician like James Farley. We believe
that Mr. Roosevelt made an error in not accepting
Farley's proferred resignation, insisting instead

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