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July 09, 1936 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1936-07-09

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The Weather
Lower Michigan: Fair today
and tomorrow; continued warm.


Si rign

I ati

the Very 'Free' City Of
Farley On Leave ...

Official Publication Of The Summer Session
* _____-----.- ------ - - - - --.------ ------


Frank Murphy
Confers With
State Leaders
Philippine Commissioner
Meets Pres. Roosevelt
Again Today At Capital
May Have Important
BearingOn Ticket
New Dealers See Murphy
As Possible Candidate
For Governor's Chair
WASHINGTON, July 8.-(P)-~
Frank Murphy of Detroit, high com-
missioner to the Philippines, will
confer with President Roosevelt again
tomorrow and with three Michigan
Democratic ,leaders due to arrive in
time for the White House confer-
pence or shortly afterward.
Thursday's conference, one of the
several Murphy has had with the
President, is expected to have con-
siderable bearing on Michigan's state
ticket in the 1936 campaign.
New Deal campaign strategists
were reported to be interested in see-
ing Murphy become a candidate for
governor with Rep. Prentiss M.
Brown, St. Ignace, Mich., running
for the seat now held by Sen. James
Couzens, Republican.
Farley Denies Knowledge
James A. Farley, chairman of the
National Democratic committee, how-
ever, said at his press conference to-
day he did not know what Murphy
was going to do, and denied he would
interfere in the selection of state
"I am not going to interfere with
the selection of any state nominee,"
said Farley in response to a question
as to his interest in the Michigan
political situation.
Brown, accompanied by National
Committeeman Edmund C. Shields,
and Don Kennedy, of the Michigan
State Highway Department, were ex-,
pected here tomorrow. Murphy said
recehtly he hoped to bring several
Michigan party leaders here for a
Murphy Due Friday
The high commissioner was plan-
ning to leave for Detroit Thursday
night, arriving there Friday morning
with a decision as to whether he will
make the race for governor. Po-
litical sources both here and in
Michigan were confident he would be
a candidate and that Brown would be
his running mate for the Senate.
Asked what the Democratic cam-
paign organization proposed to do to
cope with the sharp criticism of the
New Deal by Senator Vandenberg
(Rep., Mich.), Farley said he would
be taken care of "in stride."
Vandenberg Opens Attack
Vandenberg, who refused to seek
the vice-presidential nomination on
the Landon ticket, already has be-
gun his campaign attack on the
Roosevelt administration policies.
During the last session of Congress
he was a chief figure in the anti-ad-
ministration moves.
Avoiding a definite committment
on his own political plans, Murphy
said he had tentatively recommended
J. Weldon Jones as his temporary
successor at Manila, the appoint-
ment hinging upon Murphy's de-
cision to reenter Michigan politics.
In any event, Murphy said he ex-
pected to "remain in the Philippine
picture" and indicated appointment
of his permanent successor might be

deferred several months.
Jones, former insular auditor and
Murphy's financial adviser, has been
executing some of the high commis-
sioner's duties since his chief left
Manila two months ago.
Continuing a round of official con-
ferences on Philippine affairs re-
sumed yesterday when he returned
from a week-end trip to Detroit,
Murphy urged his proposal that con-
versations be held this fall prelimin-
ary to the. Philippine-American trade
conference scheduled for next year.
More than 50 students of advanced
German attended a reception of Prof.
and Mrs. Henry W: Nordmeyer at
their home at 1416 Granger Ave.
Tuesday evening. Professor Nord-
meyer is chairman of the German
department. The reception was held
for the purpose of acquainting Sum-

Only Geology Students Allowed
On First Niagara Trip In 1905

Excursion Was Originated'
By Dean Edward Kraus,
Prof. Scott Relates
The annual excursion to Niagara
Falls, to take place next week was
originated in 1905 by Dean Edward
Kraus and was intended in the begin-
ning for geology students only, Prof.
Irving D. Scott of the geology depart-
ment, and leader of the trip this
year, said yesterday.
Although later the excursion was
revised to include anyone in the Sum-
mer Session, the geological flavor of
the trip has been retained, Professor
Scott said, and a member of the ge-
ology department directs the trip an-
Prof. Louis J. Rouse of the mathe-
,matics department will have charge
of business arrangements for the
Will Leave July 17
The trip this year will be held
the weekend of July 17 to 19. The
party will leave Ann Arbor at 3:40
p.m. Friday by rail, and continue to
Welland, Ont., from where they will
travel the remaining few miles to Ni-
agara Falls by bus.
Saturday will be devoted almost
entirely to a demonstration and in-
terpretation of the geological fea-
tures exhibited by the Falls and by
the gorge. A trip will be taken to the
end of the gorge at Lewiston, N Y.,
and will include stops at the Whirl-
pool, Niagara Glen, Whirlpool Rapids
and other places of interest, Professor
Scott said.
Sunday morning the party will visit
the more popular places of interest
at Niagara Falls. The Maid of the
Mist trip, a little steamboat excursion
which takes one right up to the Falls
will be made by many, Professor
Scott added. Sunday morning trips
to Goat Island and the Cave of
the Winds will also be included on
the schedule. The Cave of the Winds
is operated by H. O. Wright, a Mich-
igan alumnus.
Back Sunday Night
The group will leave Niagara at
4:35 p.m. Sunday and arrive in Ann
Arbor at 11:15 p.m.
Those interested in making the trip
should consult with Miss Beck in
the Summer Session office in Angell
Hall, and reservations should be made
by Tuesday, July 14, but will be ac-
cepted until noon of Thursday, July
16. The earlier registration is desir-
able, according to Professor Scott, to
insure hotel accommodations at the
Falls. The group will make Tem-
Tourists Invade
Upper Peninsula
LANSING, July 8.-(A')-The state
highway department cited traffic fig-
ures for the week end of July 4 today
to show that tourists are pouring
into northern Michigan to escape high
temperatures for the two hottest
months of the summer.
. A department survey, made by WPA
workers, showed 27,340 cars with for-
eign license plates entered Michigan
past four counting stations on border
highways. That figure is 54 per cent
of all the cars counted at the sta-
Traffic over the ferries at the Straits
of Mackinac on July 3 exceeded that
for the same day last year by 79 per
cent. On that day the ferries carried
2,458 cars, the second largest transfer
in the history of the service.

perance House its headquarters while
at Niagara.
Geologystudents, especially those
enrolled in geology classes at the
present time, can make arrangements
to make the trip by auto. Professor
Scott will accompany the party going
in cars and will explain the geolog-
ical features met with en route.
The cost of the entire trip, includ-
ing fares, meals and accommodations
will be approximately $17, Professor
Scott said. The railroadfare of $8.90
must be paid at the time of registra-
tion for the trip.
Third Religious
Parley Panels
Are Announced
Conference Will Be Held
Here July 12, 13, 14;
Pauck Gives First Talk
The schedule of lectures and panel
discussions for the third annual Con-
ference on Religion to be held July 12,
13 and -14 has been announced by Dr.t
Edward W. Blakeman, counselor of
Prof. Wilhelm Pauck of the Chi-
cago Theological Seminary will open
the conference with a lecture on
"Critical Issues of Contemporary
Culture" at 8 p.m. Sunday, July 12
in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
The second day of the conference
will begin with a meeting at 11 a.m.E
Monday in the University Library.-
Prof. Henry A. Sanders, chairman ofj
the department of speech and lin-I
guistics, will talk on "Epistles of Paul
in Third Century Manuscripts." The
Rev. Howard Chapman will be the
chairman of the meeting.
At 12:15 p.m. a luncheon will be
held and following there will be a
discussion on "The Minister or
Teacher in His Community."
"How Fresh Translations of the.
Bible Serve a Spiritual Purpose" is I
the topic of a lecture to be given at 2
p.m. by Prof. Leroy Waterman of the,
Oriental Languages Department.
A symposium will be held at 3 p.m.
with the subject "Common Problems
in Religion and Psychiatry." Prof.-
Theophile Raphael of the Health
Service, Prof. Howard Y. McClusky
of the School of Education and Dr.
Blakeman will lead the discussion.
At 8 p.m. Professor Pauck will talk
on "Religious Conflicts in Germany"
in Natural Science Auditorium. Prof.
Louis M. Eich, Secretary of the Sum-
mer Session, will be chairman for the
Professor Sanders will open the
third day of the Conference at 11 a.m.
with a continuation of his lecture on
'"Epistles of Paul in Third Century
At the luncheon to be held at 12:15
p.m. Tuesday in the Union, the dis-
cussion will be on "Student Youth
and the Church." The Rev. H. L.
Pickerill, Professor Pauck and others
will assist.
"Unrealized Spiritual Resources of
the Bible" is the subject of Profes-
sor Waterman's address to be given
at 2 p.m. At 3 p.m. The Rev. Allison
Ray Heaps will be the chairman for
the meeting at which Professor Pauck
will talk on "The Outlook for Pro-
The conference is open to all stu-
dents interested in religious education
and to ministers of nearby cities.

G. 0. P. Chief
Hits Roosevelt
Catch Phrase
John D. M. Hamilton Asks
Who 'Economic Royalty'
Represents In U. S.
Campaign Manager
Talks In Wisconsin
People Sick Of Sham Wars
On Big Bankers, Kansan
Tells Party Members
MILWAUKEE, Wis., July 8.-(P)-
John D. M. Hamilton, Republican
campaign chief, tonight called Pres-
ident Roosevelt's reference to "ec-
onomic royalists" that of "a harried
and driven candidate."
"Who are these economic royal-
ists?" Hamilton demanded in a
speech prepared for delivery before
the Wisconsin state Republican con-
"We are not told.
"They are no more identified than
those mythical great bankers who,
according to the President, told him
our national debt could safely go to,
The president put the phrase "ec-
onomic royalists" into the 1936 po-
litical dispute with his acceptance
speech at Philadelphia on June 27.
In that speech the president said:
"Out of this modern civilization,
economic royalists have carved new
dynasties ... our allegiance to Amer-
ican institutions requires the over-
throw of this kind of power."
Hamilton's reply tonight came in
criticizing Secretary of the Treasury
Morgenthau's recent radio report on
Federal finances. Hamilton said the
report "failed to convey the entire
truth," and said the voters would de-
mand specific information on the
national deficit. Then he added:
"Nor will the electorate's insistence
be diverted by the setting up of straw
men, whether by President Roosevelt
or others.
"I know well how to appraise the
import of a charge made by a har-
ried and driven candidate that all his
opponents are economic royalists."
Health Service
Report Is Issued
By Dr. Forsythe
General Increase Is Shown
In Use Of Its Facilities
By Students In 1935'36
A Health Service report for the nine
months of the regular academic year
of 1935-1936 was issued yesterday by
Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, director,
showing a general increase in the use
of Health Service facilities by the
student body.
"In general, the report was not as
favorable to student health as was
that of 1934-1935, which was, how-
ever, unusually good," Dr. Forsythe
commented. "The increase of serv-
ices generally is a continuation of
the growing use of the department
for conditions not usually thought of
as illness.
"The less favorable student health
during this year is indicated by the
increase of deaths and hospitalized
patients, strinkingly for pneumonia
and appendicitis. Increased enroll-

ment is a factor in comparative data,
but the marked increase of pneu-
monia is unexplained.
"The X-ray examinations of chests
of all new students for the detection
of tuberculosis was the outstanding
new feature of the year's work. It
,will probably be repeated next year."
The report itself showed a total of
100,948 dispensary calls, as com-
pared with 98,175 for 1934-1935 and
84,945 for the previous year. Pa-
tients hospitalized elsewhere than in
the Health Service infirmary num-
bered 290 during the past years, as
compared with 239 and 228 in the
previous periods.
Room calls numbered 1,187 lasI
year, about 130 more than in either
of the two previous years, and in-
firmary days jumped 298 from the
1934-1935 figure to 6,991 for the cur-
rent report.
Students receiving 'service per 1,.
000 capita enrollment numbered 962
1ast year. 938 and 941 in the two nre-

Steel Strike
Split Looms
In A.F. Of Le
Green Allies Await Action
Of Lewis In Washington
Meeting Today
Green Repudiates
A. F. Of L. Laxity
Federation Councilmen
Almost Unanimous For
Craft Unionization
WASHINGTON, July 8.-(/P)--The
American Federation of Labor's ex-
ecutive council recessed tonight with-
out a discussion of its scrap with John
L. Lewis or his steel organization
After voting to charter the Ameri-
can Newspaper Guild as an interna-
tional union, the council decided to
see whether the president of the Unit
ed Mine Workers made a requested
appearance at tomorrow's session be-
fore voting on whether to oust him
from the Federation.

Ann Arbor Suf fers
Hottest Day Since
'34 Summer School
With the thermometer at the Uni-
versity Observatory officially record-
ing a new high of 102.2 degrees, Ann
Arbor yesterday experienced the hot-
test day in two years.
Not since July, 1934, when a tem-
perature " of 105 was recorded, have
the citizens of Ann Arbor had to face
such a blazing sun as they did yes-
Already in the morning indica-
tions were that the day would be
the hottest of the year, for at 10
a.m., the mercury had succeeded in
surpassing the 90 mark, registering
at that hour 91.7 degrees. From this
point on the mercury climbed stead-
ily and at 1 p.m. stood at 99 degrees.
At 2 p.m. the thermometer reached
,the 100 point. Here, however, it did
not stop, but kept on mounting until
it struck the high point of 102.2 later
in the afternoon.
The biggest jump was recorded in
the forenoon, the thermometer leap-
ing up 10 degrees between 9 a.m. and
No cases of prostration were re-
ported at the University Hospital,
the Health Service or St. Joseph's
Hospital, students and townspeople
evidently having been forewarned by
the heat of Tuesday, when the mer-
cury mounted to 90.2 degrees.
Saginaw was apparently the hih h

Lewis, leader of the Federation point inthewstate,-enjoyg m-g
faction that thinks all the workers perature of 105.5 and Adrian was sec-
in each big industry should be or- pn vath a mfrk5.5 1nd dr ee-
ganized into one big union, has said ond with a mark of 105 degrees.
he would not appear. No apparent relief was in sight last -
"The council knows how I feel," night, for continued fair and warm
he told reporters. was predicted for today.
Craft Unionists In Control j .
Craft unionists who think that a B' A udience
machinist, for instance, should belong
to the Machinists' Union no matter At FNi* ht
where he works, control 16 of the AtFrst Ni ht
council's 17 votes. A substantial ma-
jority of them are reliably reported Of 'Post Road'
to favor ousting Lewis and the 11
unions affiliated with him in the
committee for industrial organiza- Aircooled Theatre Draws
tion. -F c l e t d n s
In a talk with reporters after the Faculty Men, Students,
council meeting, Green spoke bit- Townspeople
terly of Lewis' statement last night
that the committee for industrial or- A large and enthusiastic audience
ganization had undertaken the steel
organization campaign only after the iescaped the sweltering heat last
A. F. of L. had talked of a campaign night, gathering in the air-cooled
for two years without doing anything. Lydia Mendelssohn theatre to wit-
"Mr. Lewis said we never had a ness the third play of the Michigan
plan for organizing steel," Green Repertory Player's season, Steele and
Recalls Dissension Mitchell's "Post Road."
He then recalled that dissension Among the crowd of first-nighters
within the Amalgamated Association were many prominent faculty mem-
of Iron, Steel and Tin Workers had bers, townspeople, and Summer Ses-
prevented a campaign in late 1934 sion students.
and 1935.
Last spring, he recalled further, he Seated near the front of the
had presented a plan to the executive atre were Prof. John G. Winter,
cou redcapleaotfunds an "chairman of the Latin department,
counilhad alld fr fudsandand director of the fine ar ts division,
was about to send organizers into thewihMsWntrPof Hebt
steel towns when the Lewis commit- Kenyon, of the Spanish deprtment
tee stepped in. director of the Lydia Mendelssohn
The funds he had raised, he said, theatre and Prof. Max Handman of
did not equal the $500,000 pledged by thecn s depatment and Mrs
the Lewis faction- "but we expected He eiconomicsanepartment.
to raise more than that as the cam-
paign progressed." Prof. Louis A. Hopkins, Director
Gain ad tof the Summer Session and Mrs.
Grased mred thn$500,00tr hed Hopkins also attend the perform-
raised more than $500,000 for the ance. Others who were present were'
.miners in 1927 and 1928 "when .they Prof. Avard Fairbanks of the fine arts
were down and out." department and Mrs. Fairbanks, Prof.
The Lewis group faces three James K. Pollock of the political sci-
charges: ence department and Mrs. Pollock.
1. Creation of the committee for Te pent an Mrs oll
industrial organization to, promote The speech department was well
unionization by industry in direct represented by Prof. Waldo Abbot,
contravention of the federation's director of the University broad-
craft union policy, casting service, Prof. Gail E. Dens-
2. Furnishing assistance to the more, and William Halstead, man-
radio and electrical workers' union, an ager of the Michigan High School
organization refused an A. F. of L. Forensic Association.
charter after the council had decided' Others who attended were Charles
that radio workers should belong to E. Koella of the French department
the electrical workers' union. and Mrs. Koella, Mrs. Byrl Fox
3. Promoting organization com- Bacher,sassistant dean of women
paignis in steel, automobile and rub- and Mrs. Earle W. Dow. - Several
ber with no regard for the craft students were present, including Re-
unions' claims to some of the em- becca Bursley, Mary Johnson, Mary
ployes in those industries. Bohr, and Elizabeth Palmer.

Circuit Court
Trial Awaits
ustice Reading Has Wife
Of Local Policeman Held
For First Degree Murder
[rial Is Scheduled
For October Term
Women Predominate At
Turbulent Hearing Of
Confessed Slayer
Mrs. Betty Baker, wife of an Ann
lrbor policeman, was bound over to
ircuit Court for trial, without bail,
n the murder of Clarence E. Schneid-
r, local restaurant worker, on June
9, following examination before Jus-
ice of Peace Harry W. Reading yes-
erday afternoon.
A courtroom, crowded with spec-
ators, mostly women, heard a stormy
ession which was frequently inter-
upted by verbal altercations between
rosecuting Attorney Albert J. Rapp
nd Junior Defense Counsel John W.
Conlin Asks Bail
Admitting that a crime had been
ommitted and that the defendant
was undoubtedly guilty of the shoot-
ng by her own statement, counsel
or the defense asked that Mrs. Baker
>e held on reasonable bail inasmuch
s there was not definite proof that
he was guilty of first degree murder,
or which no bond is allowed.
Justice Reading, however, denied the
equest on grounds that there was
ome reason to believe that the crime
nay have been premeditated, and ac-
ordingly murder in the first degree.
The lase will not come to trial until
ifter the national elections in No-
ember, when the jury for the Oc-
ober term of circuit court is called.
Three police officials, Chief Lewis
W. Fohey, Deputy Sheriff Floyd Mat-
es, and Sheriff Jacob Andres, and
wo medical experts, Coroner Edwin
C. Ganzhorn and Dr. Stacey W.
Eoward, St. Joseph's Hospital pth-
)logist, were called to establish the
rime and describe Mrs. Baker's con-
fession that the murder was "ac-
Enkemann On Stand
Patrolman Caspar Enkemann was
then put on the stand as an arresting
officer and the officer who found the
olice service revolver used in the
shooting, but under cross-examina-
tion by Conlin developed into a val-
uable witness.
Conlin brought out the fact that
Enkemann, police gun expert, had
leaned, greased, and loosened the ac-
tion of Officer Albert K. Baker's po-
lice revolver used by Mrs. Baker, less
than a month before the shooting,
thereby making it fire more readily.
Developing the "accident" defense
still further, Conlin drew from Enke-
mann testimony that when cocked,
as Mrs. Baker had stated the revolver
was when fired, a gun can be dis-
charged at least twice as easily as
when the hammer is still on the fir-
ing pin.
Harold A. Schneider, brother of the
slain man, testified that Mrs. Baker
had told him of having twice pre-
viously "taken a gun" to the deceased
in an effort to scare him, because
"she had to obtain the truth" about
Clarence Schneider.

Soar To Record
Height In State
DETROIT, July 8.-GP)-A Blazing
sun sent temperatures soaring to
record heights in several Michigan
cities today as Michigan residents
sweltered under the first state-wide
heat wave of the season.
At least five deaths were attributed
to the heat and a score of persons
were overcome. The torrid wave sent
-thousands to rivers and beaches
where six or more were drowned in
the last 24 hours. No immediate re-
lief was in sight.
The thermometer at Owosso's city
hall climbed to 109 degrees for the
highest unofficial reading reported.
Both Bay City and Saginaw reported
official readings of 107 degrees, estab-
lishing a new all-time record tem-
nerature in the latter city. Jackson


Dr. Smillie Shows Environment
Is Not Factor In Catching Colds

One of mankind's most prevalent
diseases, the innocuous common cold,
was yesterday explained by Dr. Wil-
son G. Smillie of Harvard University
in a lecture as rich with humorous'
anecdote as with scientific value, to
the Summer Session students who
nearly filled Natural Science Audi-
torium on the hottest day of the,
summer. His topic was "The Com-
mon Cold."
Conflicting theories on the cause
of the common cold were responsible
for Dr. Smillie's far-flung investiga-
tions which took him to the localities,
in and near ,North America, of peo-
ples who live the simplest lives of
twentieth century civilization.
- His investigations have fairly well
established the fact that colds are
specific inflictions that are trans-
ferred from one person to another,

on the coast of North Carolina he
found unsuitable, he said, because the'
inhabitants too often came into con-'
tact with "foreigners."
In the hillbilly section of southern'
Alabama, where distilling "moon-
shine" is the only industry, Dr. Smil-
lie said he found his first experi-
mental locality that met the required
conditions, even though it was diffi-
cult to make -friends with the moun-
taineers who took them for Federal,
agents and shot at them several times.
A secluded community that made
one trin en masse to the county seat
once a year, Dr. Smillie could de-
tect no symptoms of colds among the
population. It was only when the
local school teacher attended a con-
vention at the county seat and re-
turned with a cold that the ailment
infected the populace. This epidemic,1
ho cnil isanarnr uifhn hrt

Le Foyer Francais Members
Must Speak French Or Else

"Passez-moi la beurre, s'il vous plait'
"Il n'y a pas de quoi."
Members of Le Foyer Francais
would have to go without the butter
for their rolls if they did not know
how to ask for it, for the rule of the
house is always to speak French.
However, to put them at their ease,
the French conversationalists have
been given a list of common terms and
idioms used at the table and in gen-
eral daily life.

la lune," "Gentile bateliere" and other
French songs.
Mealtime is not the only occasion of
conversation. After plays and con-
certs and other social functions, the
conversationalists are likely to gather
in someone's room to discuss the
event of the evening. And on campus
they greet each other with a "Bon-
jour, mademoiselle."
Le Foyer Francais will hold a party
July 14th celebrating the taking of
the Bastille.
The majority of the summer stu-

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