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August 09, 1936 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1936-08-09

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SUNJDAY, AUG~. 9, 1934




Hymns To Be Sing By Audience At Third Campus Vespers

of Th e

(Wrom The Associated Press)
'Blue' Army Pours
Into Western Michigan
ALLEGAN, Aug. 8.- (/P) -
Troops of the "Blue" army, near-
ly 24,000 of them, continued
pouring into western Michigan
preparatory to launching inten-
sive theoretical warfare to defend
the rich Great Lake and Middle
Western area from a hypothetical
attack of allied Red and Brown
nationsadvancing from the East
and South.
Severely testing every phase of
army communications, transport
and offense mechanism, the vast
maneuvers converging in this
area tonight will continue until
August 22. Troop ships, troop
trains, motor convoys and air-
craft all were pressed into service
to mobilize the greatest armed
force the Middle West has ever
seen since World War days. Mob-
ilization is expected to be com-
plete Sunday.
Schmeling Returns
For Braddock Bout
LAKEHURST, N. J., Aug. 8.
(P)-Max Schmeling, former
heavyweight champion from Ger-
many, returned to America
abard the Zeppelin Hindenberg
today to prepare for his 15-round
bout with Jimmy Braddock, cur-
rent holder of the title, in Sep-
Despite a 12-hour delay in the
landing of the big airship, Max
was full of enthusiasm over air
travel and was more inclinedto
discuss the ship than to talk
about the boxing business. He
was full of confidence in his abil-
ity to whip Braddock and become
the first man ever to regain the
heavyweight crown, but said he
would have to train longer and
harder for the champion than he
did before he knocked out Joe
Louis in June. He was accom-
panied (as usual, by his trainer,
Max Machon.
Schmeling, apparently in good
condition, said he was feeling
fine, but was anxious to begin his
training. He pointed out that
Braddock's defense would be
somewhat stronge rthan Louis'
and hence he would need more
Max was still undecided about
the location of his training camp.
Wreckage Of Missing
Hines Plane Found
FAIRBANKS, Alaska, Aug. 8.-
()-John Hajdukovich, prospec-
tor, flew here today with word he
and two companions found the
Arthur F. Hines plane, missing
with Pilot Hines and three pas-
sengers almost a year, on a barren
mountain range 175 miles west of
Bearing the motor plate from the
plane he said was found on the
mountains, Hajdukovich told of
discovering the ship burned and
only a few bones remaining.
The numbers of the plate
checked with those of the orange-
winged ship in which Hines, Mr.
and Mrs. John Lonz and Alton
Nordale, all of Fairbanks, took off
from Dawson, August 19, 1935, to
Their ship vanished en route
and an airplane search in which
many of Alaska's famous aviators
joined failed to disclose it. Haj-
dukovich said he, Bill McCoinn
and Carl Tweiten found the plane
at about 5,000 feet elevation on
the range rising from the Healy
River, a tributary of the Tanana.
CCC Fire Fighters
Receive Reinforcements

HOUGHTON, Aug. 8.-(GA)-
Three hundred CCC enrollees left
for Isle Royale today to join
crews battling several forest fires
on the island. The new force
brings the total crew to nearly
1,200 men.
An attempt 'by a naval sea-
plane to make an aerial survey of
the fire today was balked by
heavy smoke, according to infor-
mation received by C. E. Shevlin,
representative of the National
Park Service. It had been planned
to direct efforts of ground crews
by radio from the plane. Crews
fighting the fire are using power
pumps and have strung approxi-
mately 15,000 feet of hose. Shov-
els and other equipment are being
sent to the island daily.
-r VflewA/ITEDC

There's A Wideness
There's a wideness in God's mercy,
Like the wideness of the sea;
There's a kindness in his justice,
Which is more than liberty.
For the love of God is broader
Than the measure of man's mind
And the heart of the Eternal
Is most wonderfully kind.
If our love were but more simple
We should take him at his word;
And our lives would be all sunshine
In the sweetness of our Lord.
Lest We Forget
God of our fathers, known of old,
Lord of our far-flung battle line,
Beneath whose awful hand we hold
Dominion over palm and pine:
Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet,
Lest we forget, lest we forget!
The tumult and the shouting dies;
The captains and the kings depart;
Still stands thine ancient sacrifice,
An humble and a contrite heart:
Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet,
Lest we forget, lest we forget!
Far-called our navies melt away,
On dune and headland sinks the fire;
Lo, all our pomp of yesterday
Is one with Nimevah and Tyre!
Judge of the nations, spare us yet,
Lest we forget, lest we forget!
For heathen heart that puts her trust
In reeking tube and iron shard;
All valiant dust that builds on dust,
and guarding calls not thee to guard.
For frantic boast and foolish word,
Thy mercy on thy people, Lord!
Jerusalem The Golden
Jerusalem the golden,
With milk and honey blest,
Beneath thy contemplation
Sink heart and voice oppressed:
I know not, O I know not
What social joys are there;
What radiancy of glory,
What light beyond compare.
They stand, those halls of Zion,
All jubilant with song,
And bright with many an angel,
And all the martyr throng;
The Prince is ever in them,
The daylight is serene;
The pastures of the blessed
Are decked in glorious sheen.

All Hail The Power
All hail the power of Jesus' nam,
Let angels prostrate fall:
Bring forth the royal diadem,
And crown him Lord of all-
Ye chosen seed of Israel's race,
Ye ransomed from the fall,
Hail him who saves you by his grace,
And crown him Lord of all.
Let every kindred, every tribe
On this terrestrial ball,
To him all majesty ascribe,
And crown him Lord of all.
O that, with yonder sacred throng,
We at his feet may fal!
We'll join the everlasting song,
And crown him Lord of all.
Dear Lord And Father
Dear Lord and Father of man-kind,
For give us our feverish ways!
Reclothe us in our rightful mind;
In purer lives thy service find,
In deeper reverence, praise.
In simple trust like theirs who hear.
Beside the Syrian sea
The gracious calling of the Lord,
Let us, like them, without a word,
Rise up and follow thee.
O Sabbath rest by Galilee!
O calm of hills above,
Where Jesus knelt to share with tlhK
The silence of eternity,
Interpreted by love!
Drop thy still dews of quietness,
Till all our strivings cease;
Take from our souls the strain and sttr.
And let our ordered lives confess
The beauty of thy peace.
Lord, For Tomorrow
Lord, for tomorrow and its needs
I do not pray;
zep me, my God, from stain of sin
Just for today.
Help me to labor earnestly,
And duly pray;
Let me be kind in word and deem,
Father, today.
And if, today, this life of mine
* Should ebb away,
Give me thy sacrament divine,
Father, today.
3o for tomorrow and its needs
I do not pray;
Still keep me, guide me, love me, Lord,
Through each today.

U. S. Sweeps
Three Places
In Decathlon
Morris, Clark And Parker
Give America Triple Win
In Event For First Time
!Continued from ige !)
in the trials by Owens, Ralph 'Met-
calfe, Foy Draper and Frank Wy-
koff the best answer to his critics
besides denying sharply that even
slightest prejudice was involved.
Jesse's return to action as lead-off
man forecast the brown Buckeye bul-
let's acquisition of the much prized
fourth gold medal, but to bystanders,
it seemed like the Americans were
"pouring it on."
The dispute hinged mainly on Dra-
per's selection over Stoller, who had
been assured he'd compete on the
basis of trials and did not learn until
this morning that he would be
benched on his 21st birthday anni-
Glickman bitterly assailed the
coaches for favoring the Californian
inder the circumstances which seemed
likely to develop, further repercus-
sions before the 1936 Olympic books
are closed.
Rivalry Amo'ng Mates
Morris, whose triumph marked the
fourth successive time the Olympic
winner smashed the world decathlon
record, had his teammates to thank
for the rivalry that spurred him
through the last five events.
The Americans were one-two-three
from the start and absolutely domi-
nated the gruelling test of versatility,
achieving the first sweep any nation
ever enjoyed in Olympic decathlon
Clark, the San Franciscan who
paced the first day, holding a thin
margin of two points over Morris at
the end of five events, yielded the
lead to the Coloradoan at the outset
of the final program and never there-
after menaced Morris.
The former national A.A.U. cham-
pion Clark, was 299 points behind the
new champion with a total of 7,601
poThts, but safely stood off his fellow
Californian, who hails from Sacra-
mento, Parker faltering in the 1,500-
meter run and winding up with 7,-
275 points.
This was nearly 200 points better
than the nearest European contender,
Germany's Erwin Hube, who
amassed 7,087, overhauling Holland's
Reindert Brasser with 7,046 points
and Switzerland's Armin Guehl with
7.033 points.
Jarvinen Out
The lustrous all-around "Zehn-
kampf" as the program identified the
decathlon overshadowed all internal
as well as competitive activity spread
over the vast Reichssportfield, ,at-
tracting Saturday crowds close to
200,000 including another capacity
throng and Chancellor Adolf Hitler
in the main stadium.
The history-making sweep by the
Americans, which was a rare tribute
to Brutus Hamilton's coaching, had
the crowd excited as well as their Eu-
ropean rivals staggering. Only 17 of
the original 28 starters finished, the
chief overnight casualty being Fin-
land's Akilles Jarvinen, 1932 runner-
up and former world record holder.
Morris settled all doubt about the
outcome, barring accident when he
topped the day's first two events,
the 110-meter hurdles, which he ne-
gotiated in 14.9 seconds, and the dis-
cus, which he threw i41 feet 47/64
These performances relegated Clark
to second place and left Morris only
his world record to argue with. The
Coloradoan's unprecedented speed in
the track events featured hisshowing
but he was remarkably consistent
throughout, slipping from top flight

only in the pole vault where he fin-
ished tied for 12th with a flight of
11 feet 5 13/16 inches. All told Mor-
ris won four events and was among
the first five in eight events.

Those of you who own cameras
that only give you six or eight pictures
to the roll, by no means have to
avoid the type of candid pictures that
I have been talking about for the last
two days. In fact you may even find
that the large camera has very de-
cided advantages. But if you own a
camera of the split 127, split 120, or
3 mm size you should consider the
following plan.
Very often a series of consecutive
but unrelated pictures can be put to-
gether to tell a story. The following
example is a description of a page of
pictures in last month's Leica Photo-
Two monkeys are used in the first
picture one of them is holding a cam-
era to his eye as if he was about
to take a picture but he has his hand
over the lens. The title is something
like this. "I'll show those fellows that
they don't need a sunshade I'll put
my hand over the lens and keep out
all the light." Then the next shot
shows him looking at the film which
is blank, then the two monkeys are
shown looking at the film, next they
are testing it by trying its taste, and
in the last picture they are looking
very sick, and have decided that it
was the film that was to blame be-
cause "it didn't suit our digestion."
Try giving the baby a chance to act
out some story. Shoot as many pic-
tures as you can showing different
positions and still more important,
different expressions, and then see if
you can assemble them.
Called To Shoot Picture
A clever person can work wonders
with a group of pictures like this, and
they never have to be taken with the
story planned out in advance.
About a year ago I was called upon
to shoot a picture of a well known
orchestra leader drinking a glass of
beer. It was to be a portrait that
would be used in an add. I took three
shots and decided that they were all
the same quality so I printed all
'three and took them down to the ad-
vertising company's office. One of
the stenographers asked to see them.
After she had looked at them for a
couple of seconds she said "How did
you ever manage to think of this
clever sequence?" Boy! That looks
good-it is good! Now where can I
get this glass filled up again. I didn't
tell her that, until she mentioned it,
there had been no thought of a se-
quence but they were used that way
in the ad and it packed an awful wal-
lop. (This is a confession and I hope
she reads it).
In a similiar fashion your snap-
shots can be assembled to be much
more than just pictures. Try it. It's
great fun.

Vespers Program
Sunday, Aug. 9, 7 p.m.
Musical program directed by
Prof. David Mattern, University
School of Music.
Summer Session Orchestra:
Prelude and Adagietto, L'Arle-
sienne Suite No. 1.......... Bizet
By The Assembly :
Lest We Forget .........Kipling
Invocation by Dr. Edward W.
Blakeman, University Counselor in
Religious Education.
Summer Session Chorus :
Praise The Lord...Christianson
When The Sun Had Sunk to
Rest-.....: Old English Noel
By The Assembly :
Dear Lord and Father of Man-
kind ..............Whittier
There's a Wildeness in God's
Mercy ................Faber
String Orchestra:
Music of the Spheres .......
Summer Session Chorus:
Oh, Blest Are They ........
Summer Session Men's Glee Club:
Fight For Thine Own . .Faltin
By The Assembly:
Jerusalem The Golden.....
Author unknown
All Hail the Power of Jesus'
Name ...... Author unknown
Bernard R. McGregor, soloist :
The Lord Is My Light .. Allitsen
Summer Session Chorus:
Build Thee More Stately Man-
Sanctus (St. Cecilia Mass)
.. ........... Gounod
By The Assembly:
Lord, for Tomorrow and its
Needs ............... Palmer
Benediction by Dr. Blakeman.

U. Of M. Expedition
In Selucia Unearths
Ancient. Claim Deed
Over 2,400 years ago Shelibi, a citi-
zen of Babylonia, bought an "estate"
from Nabubanapli, getting for his
protection a receipt, or quit claim
deed, which any modern lawyer would
be hard put to find fault with.
Hard-baked on a clay tablet, Sheil-
ibi's deed was found by the University
of Michigan expedition to Selucia on
the Tigris, a remnant of Neo-Babyl-
onian civilization. Translated by El-
len W. Moore, of the University's de-
partment of oriental languages and
literatures, it reads: "A total of one-
third mina, two and one-half shekels
of white silver, the purchase price of
his estate, Nabubanapli, descendant
of the potter, has received from Shel-
ibi, descendant of ... nasir, according
to the full amount of silver. He is
paid; he is satisfied. Further legal
claim he does not have. They shall
not reopen suit, nor against each oth-
er go to law. Whenever in future
days, among brothers, son, kinsman,
household or relatives of the family
of the potter there is one who arises
and concerning that estate brings suit
or causes suit to be brought, changes
the contract, makes a claim and
speaks, saying, 'that estate was not
given and that silver not received,'
such claimant shall restore twelvefold
the amount of silver that was re-
ST., JOSEPH, Aug. 8.-(P)-Harry
Less, Fremont high school coach for
eight years, was appointed Saturday
as head football coach and athletic
director at St. Joseph high school
here, replacing Ronald Finch, who will
coach at Saginaw.

Legion Member
Says New Cult
Is Under Way
DETROIT, Aug. 8.-( )-Earl Ang-
stadt, one of the three Black Legion
men convicted of falsely imprisoning4
a fellow member, said tonight a "new
and greater" organization is being
formed by the "better element" of the
Legion "to uphold the constitution,
combat communism and work for the
betterment of the community."
From his jail cell, Angstadt told
newsmen he had received this in-
formation "from people on the out-
side" who were important men in the
old Black Legion, but did not become
embroiled in the crimes charged
against the secret society.
Angstadt, an Ecorse steel worker
who awaits sentence on a conviction
of forcing Robert Penland, a fellow
employe, to attend a Black Legion
meeting, said the new society will not
be announced "until public indigna-
tion over the Black Legion has died
The new group, Angstadt said, will
use a hoodless black robe and tin-
foil-covered wooden sword instead of
the gun and black mask used by the
Legion and will seek a state charter,
Angstadt said that when he joined
the Black Legion he though it was
"similar to the Black Knights, an off-
shoot of the Ku Klux Klan to which
I belonged in Youngstown, O."

Major Leagues-

New York .......... 69 34
Cleveland...........59 48
Chicago .............58 48
Detroit ..............57 49
Boston ..... ........54 53
Washington.........52 53
St. Louis ............37 69
Philadelphia ........36 68-
Yesterday's Results
Chicago 9, Cleveland 7.
Detroit 9-5, St. Louis 7-10.
New York 9, Philadelphia 4.
Washington 2, Boston 0.
Games Today
Chicago at Cleveland (2).
Philadelphia at New York (2).
Boston at Washington.
St. Louis at Detroit.
St. Louis ............64 40
Chicago.............61 41
New York..........59 45
Pittsburgh ..........53 50
Cincinnati ..........49 43
Boston.............48 55
Philadelphia .........39 64
Brooklyn............39 64
Yesterday's Results
Chicago 3, Pittsburgh 2.
New York 3, Philadelphia 2.
Boston 4, Brooklyn 2.
Games Today
Pittsburgh at Chicago (2).
Brooklyn at Boston (2).
Cincinnati at St. Louis (2).
New York at Philadelphia.


12 Noon to 8 P.M.
Chicken Soup or Tomato Juice
Roast Chicken, Dressing 65c
Chicken Fricassee, Biscuit 55c
Grilled Tenderloin Steak 55c
Grilled Sirloin Steak 50c
Virginia Baked Ham, Raisin sauce 50c
Roast Leg of Lamb, Mint Jelly 50c
Roast Beef 45c
I Grilled Pork Chop, Apple Sauce 40c
Miashed Potatoes Parsley Potatoes
Corn on Cob
Buttered Peas Sliced Tomatoes
Fruit Salad
Lemon Pie Peach Sundae
Cocoanut Pudding Watermelon
Coffee - Tea - Milk
Bright Spot





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Cloaked in Greatness as the first woman in white! The Heroic War
Nurse who renounced the man she loved . . . to love all mankind!


? . ,ff" - . w.ooas " iv ige- .r-ct " vona.

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