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August 09, 1936 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1936-08-09

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SU"A'Y, AUG. 9, 1936


SUNDAY, AUG. 9. 1938

Predictions In
'37 Car Model
Changes Made
Production Plants Closed
At Present For Annual
Inventory Period
DETROIT, Aug. 8.--(P)-The mo-
torcar industry is entering the sea-
son of the year when a few idle as-
sembly lines precipitate much gossip
and the plans of the car builders are
surrounded with more than the us-
ual amount of secrecy.
A few of the active producing units
of the industry have closed down for
their annual "inventory" periods
which also permit dealers to clear
their floors for the coming models.
The latter, however, will be some
time in making their appearance in
the dealers' stocks, probably little be-
fore Nov. 11 when the major motorcar
exhibition, the New York Automobile
Show, is to get under way.
As a general rule, the dealers, like
the manufacturers, have kept close
to the consumer requirements, and
the problem of disposing of current
stock on hand will bother them not at
all. The fact that many weeks of
favorable driving weather remain be-
tween now and the availability of
1937 types will aid materially, say dis-
tribution authorities, even if the cur-
rent demand tapers off. Because some
dealers are likely to encounter a
shortage of new cars for immediate
delivery while awaiting factory ship-
ments of new types, they add, there is
little likelihood of a sudden, material
withholding of new car purchases.
Moreover, some of the producers
now taking inventory plan to as-
semble a limited additional number of
1936models when they resume opera-
The gossip concerning the plans of
the various manufacturers have it
that certain changes in body styleI
and radiator grills again are to bet
the principal points of difference inI
the majority of 1937 models. This
apparently is one of the safest guessest
currently to be made, for although on1
the face of financial statements theI
industry is in position to make more
radical departures than ever,i

Notes From The Repertory Player

Knox Outlines

By ROXIE ing women's clubs when he takes
Hiram ("Chubb") Sherman leaving to reciting his own works .. .
for the Newport Playhouse following Thelma Slack being promoted from
a gala farewell party at the Sugar the ranks of "call girl," though Bob
Bowl where he was raucously toasted (stage-manager) Mellencamp would-
on his way by most everyone of the n't let her call, and prop-girl to be-
epertoryPlayersfollina ost me the tragic Mrs. Tancred in
"Juno and the Paycock" perform- Juno with tins of white powder in
ance of his clever satire on the sea-herhair ...
son's plays . . . Among the many n"The Pirates of Penzane" becom-
boos and hisses, Whitford Kane, who ing the first show to rehearsedat the
is soon to join him at Newport, throw-Lretis season midt the
ing the greatest number of carrots n odour of pamt and indiscreet ham-

the stage.
The 10:50 p.m. show opening with
Nancy ("Mrs. Maisie Madigan") Bow-
man proudly awaiting the arrival of
her erstwhile Repertory Player
daughter, Leah ("Nora") Sanger, who
described her active season to her
disappointed mother in relating that
regardless of her talent she had
merely rolled the hill on the stage in
"Borkman," made the noise of the
falling bicycle in "Squaring the
Circle," rung the bells in "The Pi-
geon," (since "the little fat man with
the glasses," had said the play
couldn't go on without her), taught
"The Old Maid" how to knit; and in
her only speaking part, come on with
ten other girls saying "Hail Mary,"
in "Juno and the Paycock" much to
the horror of her Presbyterian moth-
In the "Every Thursday After-
noon" take-off on the speechJ
luncheons, Betty Lord, as Evelyn
Cohen, the costumiere, speaking
on "My experiences with Un-
bleached Muslin," or "Where Did
It Get Me?" simultaneously with
Ralph Bell's Whitford-Kane reci-
tation of "God Save Michigan
for the Irish," and Morris Green-
stein's German-Professor speech,
since all of them had been asked
to speak on the same afternoon,
the fracas being saved only by
the one o'clock chimes .. .
Mildred Streeter convulsing Sally
Pierce, who sat in the audience with
the constant Milton ("Earl of Moray")
Halliday by her side when she became
"Queen Elizabeth" in "Stranger In-
terlude," with all of Sally's meticu-
lous resonance and enunciation, to
M a r y Pray's Virginia-Frinkish
"Mary," both commenting colloquial-
isms between Maxwell Anderson's
lovely lines in critizing one another's,
prop-girl expressions, with Mildred's
last aside being, "I hope Virginia's
going to the Lab Theatre to dig up
those props; as for me, I'm going to
take a Halliday!" ...
Chubb Sherman pacing the floor as-
Boarkman carefully following his
pseudo bay-window in Fred Crandall
fashion, with Charlie Harrell direct-
ing as Valentine Windt revealing all]
of that director's idiosyncrasies even]
to the perpetual caressing of his pom-
padour ...1r
"In the "Mid-Windt NightI
Mare," or, "Squaring The Old
Pigeon Dust," Nancy Bowman as
Galsworthy's "Ann," and Chubbr
Sherman, as "Christopher Well-C
wyn," having a little rum in hiss
tea before welcoming a string ofc
"paupers" Galsworthy had over-
looked, such as Claribel Baird asC
the Russian gal in search of Sa-
shka, Bob Rozema as the cin-
namon-whiskered John Knox,t
and the last an unknown ex-g
claiming, "Where is she?" ande
proving to be not only Ralph Bells
but "Clem Spender," of "The Old
Maid's" past ...x
Charlie Harrell, of "Earl of Both-t
well" fame, rehearsing for the thirty-f
fifth show of his Ann Arbor career in
"Chalk Dust," haing first toureds
through Missouri with a tent showe
at the ripe young age of six, and now
being agog over some tests that cer-v
tain M-G-M scouts came out to make,
having chosen Charlie's and Lauriner
("Mary Boyle") Hager's closeups as
likely stuff for futurercinemase.upsa
Carl Nelson, the "darlin'-man, Jox-t
er Daly, surprising many first-night-x
ers with his beautiful tenor voice,v
though he's had it all this time, beingr
a soloist in two of the town's largestd
churches, living at the Unitarian
Church where he practices every day,e
and being a member of the Musicr
School ... .
Robert ("Charlie Bentham")
Campbell, who's often seen danc-
ing and strolling with Mary "Mrs.
Megan" Pray, admitting that he's
studying the art of speech be-
cause he's really a striving young

poet and thinks Play Pro-
duction might help him in sway-
ing his future audiences of dot-

merings of the stagecraft folks, and
boasting a cast of the largest num-
ber of married folks of the summer,
along with some very odd but gen-
uine. names: Jack Toms, the "voice"
of Riccio in "Mary of Scotland," play-
ing the lead while his wife, Paroda
Ann Toms, who has been strumming
on the violin between intermissions
for the various shows, will be in the
chorus, following which the two of
them will go to North Carolina where
Jack has lately been commissioned to
teach, Paroda Ann's main worry be-
ig that there are no furniture stores
Hardin Van Duersen, the Pirate
Chief, gaining numerous female
sighs of admiration because of
his Lawrence Tibbett-like ap-
pearance, it seeming that he
especially grew his cunning mus-
tachio because of the astounding
resemblance ...
Phylis Blauman, late of the cos-
tume room where she and Hope Best
have spent long evenings before the
sewing machine, singing in the chor-
us with Julianne Wilson, who recent-
ly returned from two weeks of The
Dance with Martha Graham in New
York City . . .
Among other familiar voices to be
heard are Virginia Ward as "Kate,"
who was the contralto for "Mrs. Min-
gott" in the "Old Maid"; the tallest
man in the chorus is Elwin Carter,
whose six-foot-four quite submerges
Civil Service
Bill Given To
Gov. Fitzoerald
First Draft Of Measure
Intended To End Spolis
System Is Completed
(Continued from Page 1)
would be exempted from civil service:
Elective officers, constitutionally
appointive officers, members of the
legislature and their employes, offi-
I cers and employes of courts of record,
members of boards and commissions
and department heads appointed by
the Governor.
Each commission and each depart-
mean head could select a secretary
or a deputy without regard to civil
service. The Governor could select
one executive secretary and three
"confidential" employes for his office
on the same basis.
The bill exempts officers and em-
ployes of Michigan State College and
the University of Michigan unless
governing bodies of those institutions
elect to put certain classes under civil
The director would submit a com-
pensation schedule for state employes,
based on living costs and the pay of-
fered in private business. He would
provide examinations for present
state employes and those seeking state
employment. Examinations would be
on a competitive basis. Promotion
would be on merit.
Department heads would have the
right to dismiss employes, but the
commission could retain them on elig-
ible lists or transfer them to other
departments. The eligible lists would
be built up from the results of com-
petitive examinations and vacancies
would be filled from the list. Dis-
missed employes could submit their
defense to the commission.
The merit system would be extend-
ed to minor employes on the state
payroll, including laborers and serv-
ants in state institutions.
Class & individual in.
struction in all types
of dancing. Teachers
course. Open daily dur-
ing Summer Session
10 A.M. to 9 P.M.

Terrace Garden Studio
Wuerth Theatre Bldg.


Mrs. Margaret Roberton's five-foot-
three as he dances beside her . . .
Other nice names are Arloa
Van Deursen and Eva-Deane El-
well of the chorus; one of the
happiest gentlemenofethe en-
semble being Kenneth Wood
who's anticipating future patern-
ity and celebrates with even more
zest in his piratish gusto ...
Morlye Baer, the face-in-the-win-
dow of "The Pigeon," the man-on-the
crutch and body-in-the-slicker of
"Juno and the Paycock," also a mem-
ber of the chorus, being heckled by
Marian Neuhouse of N.Y.U., who has
the faculty of doing that, though she
didn't in the least criticize his role of
"John," "Dee's husband in "The Old
Maid," while she usually criticizes
foot movement, having analyzed Ed
Jurist's pedal gestures on stage-and
now he's happily in New York! . .
Frances Manchester, "The Girl" of
"Post Road," trying out for the forth-
coming "Chalk Dust," Franny's dra-
matic ability running beyond the arts
of acting; she's written two three-
acts, one of which won her the ac-
claim of Reginald Pole, and has also
tutored radio stars in New York City
following her graduation ...
Vernon B. Kellett, the very
model of a British Major-Gener-
al, of "The Pirates," attracting
attention because of wearing a
monocle about the campus to
learn how to keep the elusive
eye-piece in place for the per-
formance. . . He's done the part
before at Cranbrook, where he 1
teaches German, directs the Glee1
Club, and coaches soccer .
"prepped" in English himself, but
didn't quite get to be a "Major-
General" in the A.E.F. Artillery
during the Big Show ...
Joe Condon, the gent who sits in
the box and plays the piano during
the overtures, training the chorus, for
"The Pirates," assisted by David Mat-
tern, who will do the final directing
of the orchestra, Carl Moore, head of
the Music School, and Raymond
Hackett, head of singing at the Mu-
sic School.-

Party Program
For Recovery
Opens G. O. P. National
Campaign With Address
In Connersville, Ind.
(Continued from Page1I
much. It was the big fellows who got
the big benefits.
"A New York bank received . .
$782,000 for not growing sugar in
Puerto Rico.
I submit that in the history of the
world there has never been so idiotic
an economic transaction."
"All the evidence indicates our
farmers actually lost money by the
whole transaction. They lost their,
foreign markets. They lost a part of
their home markets to foreigners.
The increase in prices plus the cash
payments did not make up for their
"There will be no dirty campaign
on our side. A man does not throw
dirt unless his hands are in it."
He said the Republican campaign
would acknowledge that some of the
Roosevelt administration's measures
were valuable. He mentioned regu-
lation of the sale of securities, "some
of the banking measures," and the
"A government that tries every-
thing must do some things right,"
Col. Knox said. "A man with both
eyes shut firing a machine gun in go-
ing to hit something after a while."
"The Republican platform promises
no miracles. Miracles have not worked
well lately. They are going out of
Looking into the future, Col. Knox
told his audience the "American sys-
tem of free enterprise" holds the
promise of "a new order" with a mag-
nificent standard of living, free of
poverty and insecurity. But this must
come, he said, through low costs and
high production, based on "coopera-
tion, not class hate."

(Continued from Page 2r)
in the School of Education office,
1437 U.E.S.
Students from other colleges, en-
rolled in the Summer Session, who
wish to transfer to the College of Lit-
erature, Sciencesand the Arts for the
year 1936-37, should call at Room
1210 Angell Hall for application
blanks for regular admission.
The Weekly Reading Hour: Prof.
Preston W. Slosson, of the Depart-
ment of History, will read from the
writings of G." K. Chesterton on
Monday evening, Aug. 10, in Room
302 Mason Hall. This will be the last
of these reading hours during the
Summer Session. The public is cor-
dially invited.
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Services of worship today are: 8:00
a.m., Holy Communion; 11:00 a.m.,

Kindergairten; 11:00 a.m., Morning
Prayer and Sermon by the Reverend
Sheldon Harbach of Providence,
Rhode Island.
The fourth summer meeting of the
Michigan Council ofhEnglish Teachers
will be held at the University of
Michigan, August 10, 1936. There will
be two programs, the first at 4:30 in
Room 231, Angell Hall, and the sec-
ond at 7:30 in the Elementary School
I. 4:30, Room 231, Angell Hall:
Folk Speech and Cultivated Speech
(an illustrated lecture). Professor H.
Kurath, Brown University.
II. 7:30, Elementary School Libra-
ry. 1. Teaching Literature for Mean-
ing and Appreciation. Professor
Roger P. McCutcheon, Tulane Uni-
versity. 2. Testing for Taste and
Appreciation. Ruth Schoonover, Ne-
gaunee High School. 3. Training for
the Teaching of Language. Harold
Allen, University of Michigan. 4.
Co-operation in Teaching Composi-
tion. Mentor Williams, University of
Michigan. All English teachers and
others interested are cordially in-
vited to attend.


6:00-WWJ Spy Drama.
WJR Stevenson Sports.
WXYZ Tim and Irene.
CKLW Williams' Orch.
6:15-WWJ Olympic Resume.
6:30-WWJ Fireside Recital.
WJR Sanderson-Crumit.
WXYZ Husbands, Wives.
CKLW Titans of Science.
6:45-WWJ Sunset Dreams.
CKLW Blackstone Trio.
7 :00-WWJ Major Bowes.
WJR Musical.
WXYZ Evening Melodies.
CKLW Ozzie Nelson.
7:30-WJR Symphony.
WXYZ Goldman Band.
CKLW Evening Musicale.
8:00-WWJ Merry-Go-Round.
WXYZ Cornelia Skinner.
CKLW Americans.
8:30-WWJ Music Album.
WXYZ Paul Whiteman (8:15).
CKLW Horace Heidt.
9 :00--WWJ Music Camp.
WXYZ Bob Crosby.
CKLW Dance Music.
9:30-WJR Community Sing.
WXYZ Drama.
CKLW Goodwill Court.
10:00-WJ Drama Half Hour.
WJR Musical.
WXYZ Buddy Rogers.
CKLW Baptist Church.
10:30-WWJ News; Orchestra.
WJR Hermit's Cave.
WXYZ Dance Music.
CKLW Griff Williams Orch.
11:00-WWJ Dance Music.
WJR Johnson's Orchestra.
WXYZ Busse Orch.
CKLW Dance Music.
11:30-WWJ Dance Music.
WJR Symphony.
WXYZ Ravazza Orch.
CKLW Ozzie Nelson.
12 :00--WWJ Weather.
WXYZ Dance Music.
CKLW Dance Music.
Bierman Leads In
Closing Day Of Poll
CHICAGO, Aug. 8.-(RP)-Bernie
Bierman, whose Minnesota football
teams have not lost a game since
1932, took a long lead today in the
All Star Coaches poll, jumping back
into the lead ahead of Elmer Layden
of Notre Dame.
Bierman's campaigners turned in
votes for first, second or third choice
amounting to 800,998 points, giving
him a total of 2,567,699. The voting
closes at midnight tonight. Layden
was second with 1,914,775, more than
600,000 points back, with Alvin (Bo)
McMillan of Indiana, a close third
at 1,912,549 points.

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GENUINE ANTIQUE FURNITURE - DeBles................ 1.98
AMERICAN LAND BIRDS - Alice Ball..................... 1.69
ROMANCES OF HERMAN MELVILLE .................... 1.69
NATURAL HISTORY OF THE WORLD - Protherac....... 1.98
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LIFE OF GOETHE - by Georg Brandes...................;1.79
OLD GLASS - by Moore............................... 1.69
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