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August 07, 1936 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1936-08-07

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FRIDAY, AUG. 7, 193a

Offic-- Publication of the summersession

Published every morning except Monday during theI
University year and Summer Session, by the Board, in
Control 0of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
tion and the Big Ten News Service.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special
dispatches, are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.50, by mail,
$200. During regular schoolryear by carrier, $4.00; by
mail, $4.50-.
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard
Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420
Madison, Ave., New York City.-400 N. Michigan Ave.,
Chicago, Ill.
Telephone 4925
Editorial Director ................Marshall D. Shulman
Dramatic Critic ... .............John W. Pritchard
Assistant .ditors: Clinton B. Conger, Ralph W. Hurd,
Joseph h . Mattes, Elsie A. Pierce, Tuure Tenander,
Jewel W. Wdiuerfel,
Reporters: Eleanor Barc, Donal Burns, Mary Delnay,
M. E. Graban, John Hilpert, Richard E. Larch, Vincent
Moore, Elsie Roxborough, William Sours, Dorothea
etaebler, Betty Keenan.
Telephone 2-1214
CREDITS MANAcIxER . ................JOHN S. PARK
Circulation Manager...............J. Cameron Hall
Office Manager........................Robert Lodge

Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief,'the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or
reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial
importance and interest to the campus.
Jefferson And The Constitution
To the Editor:
Jefferson wrote in 1816: "Some men look at
constitutions with sanctimonious reverence, and
deem them like the Ark of the Covenant-too
sacred to be touched. They ascribe to the men
of the preceding age a wisdom more than human,
and suppose what they did to be beyond amend-
"I know that age well; I belonged to it, and
labored with it. It deserved well of its country.
It was very like the present, but without the ex-
perience of the present; and forty years of ex-
perience in government is worth a century of
book reading; and this they would say them-
selves were they to rise from the dead."
-A.D. 1936.
Tennis Courts
To the Editor:
For several years now I have been trying to
play a decent game of tennis down on the Ferry
Field tennis courts. This, perhaps, has been the
rub! I should have tried some other place. You
can't play a decent game of tennis on a court that
is more like a vegetable garden than a tennis
court. I don't mean to be the least bit imperti-
nent about the thing and hope you'll accept my
remarks in the best of spirits, but I think that
there are many who will agree with me in saying
that the Ferry Field tennis courts are the worst
courts in town available for students of the Uni-
versity. Those over at Palmer Field, the Wom-
en's Athletic Association courts, are far superior
to the Ferry Field courts. I think it's time some-
thing was done about it, if it is at all possible.
I realize that perhaps the Athletic Association
is pressed for funds and is unable to pay for
the upkeep of the courts. I also realize that
Michigan hasn't had a championship tennis team
ever since I have followed the game, and that has
been for the last eight years at least. Good ten-
nis players are developed over the long summer
months when there is opportunity and time to
devote to the game. They are not, as a rule, de-
veloped indoors during the winter and outside
in the uncertain climate of Michigan in the
spring. The deplorable state of the tennis courts
during the summer months has over a period
of eyars, I'm willing to wager, discouraged many
players. Yet during the summer the "Varsity
courts" are left idle. Nobody can play on
them unless they have been on the squad at
some time or other. This seems a bit silly, if
not ridiculous. By leaving the courts idle and
open to weather conditions they are only worse
off than they would be if they had been played
on every day. The feeling created by this stand
will account for many a boy refusing to go out
for the team. This sounds like stretching the
point a bit, I imagine, but it's true.
Recently I played in a tournament conducted
by the Intramural Department. Time and again
the ball would strike a soft spot and skid crazily
to one side. It just isn't conducive to good tennis,

As Others See It
The Lights Of Manhattan
(From the New York Times)
O LOOK DOWN from a high window in the
small hours at the spangled lights of Man-
hattan is a little as if the firmament were upside
down and one gazed down instead of up at the
stars. This is the time the cleaners are at
work in the office buildings and the midtown tow-
ers blaze like pillars of light supporting an in-
verted heaven. Streets, bridges and river banks
are only the outlines of strange constellations.
The park, its lamps veiled in mists from the
lakes, is a trailing Milky Way. The head-
lights of late-cruising motor cars flash through
the blue-black lanes like tiny comets shooting
the wrong way.
The city has only these little hours before the
dawn to live a life of its own. Then it is un-
crowded, unhurried, undistracted. It stretches
while the population sleeps and traces in light a
pattern as splendid and mysterious as the pattern
of the midsummer sky. Venizelos once described
New York to a group of Greek peasants in his
native village of Halepa. He said that when he
saw its incredible towers he was proud to be a
man. New York, alone with itself, in the dead of
night, its towers all alight, its arteries the golden
streets of the immigrant's dream, looks proud to
be a city, looks as if it knew the stars in their
courses had never seen a spectacle like this.
A Walk For Health
To the Editor:
All hail to the Constitutionals-the men of the
hour in Detroit. They have come to save the
country and the constitution from the Demo-
crats. They are such great men, and so sincere
that their names must be kept out of the public
press. They work only in "sitting rooms." The
Democratic party is not good enough for these
Constitutionals, and they are too good for Alf.
The dictionary says a "constitutional" is a walk
for health-a walk for their health as well as the
health of the country.
The universe is the only thing that cannot be
reproduced accurately in a minature model-on
any scale. This impossibility is shown by the
fact that if the earth were reproduced in such
a model by a one-inch half, the nearest star
would have to be placed more than 40,000 miles
away.--FreLng Foster, in Collir's.
We don't exactly distrust Governor Landon,
but when you see a lamb leading a pack of wolves,
don't you sort of wonder what the wolves are
doing there?-From a recent political address.
that's all. You've got to beat Ferry Field be-
fore you can begin to think about the man across
the net. There is always that chance that the
ball will bounce badly. It's a hard thing to over-
This hasn't been written just to aid my own
personal feelings as I am sincerely interested in
seeing some good courts made available for the
students of the University. I am certain that
there are may who will back me up in this
point and truly hope that something can be
done to clear up the present situation.
-For Better Tennis.

Lovelock Sets
New Record In
Distance Event
New Zealand Star Gains
Decisive Victory Over
Glenn Cunningham
(Continued from Page 1)
the outcome once Lovelock took com-
mand on the back stretch of the last
lap, but the stopwatch story was one
of the most thrilling in foot-racing
history, the New Zealander's perfectly
run race a thing of sheerest beauty
to watch.
Following the pace alternately set
by Germany's Friedrich Schaumberg,
Cunningham and Sweden's Eric Ny,
briefly Lovelock ran the last 800 me-
ters in the amazing time of 1:57.6,
including a 300-meter "kick" that
none except Jack knew he possessed.
Instead of waiting for the last 75
meters to unfurl his characteristic
finish Lovelock poured it on most of
the last lap and there was nothing
the others could do but chase him
Jack And Glenn Duel
As it turned out, the race was
strictly a challenge match between
Jack and "Galloping Glenn." Cun-
ningham had sampled Lovelock's
speed at Princeton a year ago and
found it not specially palatable and
studiously prepared for a return race
The American's legs may have been
somewhat stiff and painfully sore as
the result of unsatisfactory training
weather but he never ran a better
race and had no alibi for his beating
under the circumstances.
No apology was needed from a foot-
racer who ran four-tenths of a sec-
ond under the world record and yet
failed in a supreme bid to capture a
title which has eluded all of Amer-
ica's best milers since 1908 when Mel
Sheppard registered the last Amer-
ican "metric mile" triumph.
After touching off his own world
record of 14.1 seconds in the semi-
finals for the fifth time this year, the
only question about the 110-meter
hurdle final concerned Towns' ability
to capitalize on the perfect conditions
and do 14.0 flat. That apparently
is within his grasp any day he really
settles down to his hurdling work.
Finns Lose Javelin
The tension before his crowning
test may have had something to do
with it, but Towns needed his char-
acteristic finishing rush to offset a
slightly shaky start.
Pollard led for the first 80 meters
but tripped over the next to last
hurdle under pressure and finished
a close third as Britain's Finlay
crossed the line inches ahead of him
as both were clocked in 14.4, equalling
the former Olympic mark. Erik Lid-
man of Sweden, who had been hailed
as a real threat to both Americans,
was no match for either and wound
up fourth.
The biggest crowd since the open-
ing day got the biggest thrill out of
the homebred Stoeck beating the
Finns at their own spear-tossing

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Clippings in'
ADire Pattern...
its murder of academic freedom,
let us remember our teacher's oatls. When we
condemn Great Britain for vast gas preparations,
air and navy appropriations, and the continental
governments for their disproportionate expendi-
tures on armaments, let us not forget that we
ourselves are arming at a terrific clip.
This past week, for example, the following
news items seem to hinge together in a dire pat-
tern on the editorial desk:
First, the item that appeared on the editorial
page itself several days ago, announcing that a
closed meeting in the East Engineering Building
would be addressed on the subject of "Planning
for Manufacture of Munitions in Wartime." "The
country is divided into. districts for purposes of
civilian mobilization," said the story. "The
address will analyze methods of training technical
men, who, in time of war, will have to plan and
provide for munitions."
Second, the Associated Press story on Wednes-
day which told of the farmers of Allegan County,
Michigan, granting permission to the War De-
partment to use more than 30,000 acres of their
land during the war games in this area begin-
ning tomorrow.
Third, the declaration of theoretical ,war at
midnight Wednesday between 22,000 soldiers,
members of the opposing "Red" and "Blue" forces
at Fort Knox, Ky. Each has blank ammunition,
rations, water, hospital trucks, pup tents and
full war regalia, new anti-aircraft guns, new and
more powerful searchlights capable of pointing
out enemy planes at altitudes of 12,000 to 13,000
Fourth; there was the announcement by a
naval attache that the United States is planning
to build two new bigger and better battleships,
so that it will not be left behind by Great Britain.
On the feeble side of the picture, there is the
story from South America which appeared in
the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, indicating that the
President's message, however it is interpreted
here, is being accepted as more than a' pre-cam-
paign gesture by South American countries, and
that the Pan-American conference in the fall
will be truly constructive.
"What would you have us do," asks a militarist,
"disarm in the face of turbulent world conditions
and be caught flat-footed again? Not on your
life. If there's going to be a war, the United
States is going to be ready."
No reasonable worker for peace asks that the
United States disarm completely. Yet it does
seem unreasonable that we, who are the least
challenged of any of the world powers, should
lead the world in an armament race, particularly
when the higher we raise the scale of world
armaments the more difficult it becomes to talk
Being somewhat realistic, we do not believe
that the Locarno conference in the fall will ac-
complish anything, except that representatives
will talk instead of act for at least a few months.
We agree that the threat of interference from
the Continent in the Spanish revolution consti-
tutes a very real possibility of war between the
two great systems of government which divide
We believe that the one country which should
keep its head, firm in the belief that we have
an interest not only in remaining out of a war,
but in seeing that there is no war, is the United
States. We are relatively free of border threats.
We have a commendable friendship with the vast

game. The winner's mark of 253 feet
3 13/32 inches was nearly five meters
short of Jarvinen's world record of
251 feet 6 inches as well as under the
Finnish ace's Olympic mark, but that
didn't matter to the throng which
acclaimed Germany's third champion
in men's field events.
Alton Terry, Hardin-Simmons Uni-
versity student from Brady, Texas,
placed sixth in the javelin throw with
a heave of 67.15 meters, 220 feet 3 3/4
inches. Lee Bartlett, Union City,
Mich., three-time Olympian, placed
15th with 61.15 meters, 200 feet 7 17/32
inches, while Malcolm Metcalfe of
Los Angeles was 15th with 58.20, 190
feet 11 25/64 inches.
Unless Great Britain's speedsters
can stop them, Uncle Sam's dusky
fliers, Jimmy Luvalle of Los Angeles
and Archie Williams of Oakland,
Calif. are likely to annex the sixth
triumph for the American negro con-
tingent tomorrow.
They came through two trials to-
gether with Harold Smallwood of
Ventura, Calif. as a dozen sprinters
qualified for the semi-finals. Lu-
valle ran his quarter-final heat in 47.6
seconds-the best time of the trials.
Tajima, the Japanese triple jumper,
beat the Olympic record with 15.76,
51 feet 8 35/64 inches, before nego-
tiating the new world record distance

of 52 feet 5 15/16 inches during the
final round.
Another son of Nippon, Masao Ha-
rada, overhauled Metcalfe while the
American, RomerP, passed Kenkichi
Oshima, the Japanese captain who
had claimed the world mark with"51
feet 10 5/8 inches two years ago.
The Louisianan made one of the
best performances of his career to
give the United States two unexpected
points. In taking fifth place he
leaped 15.08 meters, 49 feet 5 24/32
inches,ibne meter more than Oshima.
Dudley Wilkins of Crowley, La.,
jumped 14.83 meters, 48 feet 8 7/8
inches for eighth place and Billy
Brown, at 16 years the "baby" mem-
ber of the American track and field
team, finished 18th. The Baker, La.
schoolboy did 47 feet 1 3/8 inches.

Foreign Trade and Trade Pacts
-How Much Credit Do The Reciprocal Treaties Deserve For Upturn?-


(From the Washington Post)
THE UPTURN in our foreign trade, which began
about the middle of 1933 and is still con-
tinuing, is due primarily to a world-wide improve-
ment in economic conditions. Since the United
States started rather belatedly to participate in
this recovery movement, the gains in both the
export and import trade have continued with few
interruptions of the upward trend.
As a result, exports for the first five months of
the current year reached a level not far short
of that attained during the corresponding period
in 1931 and were 14 per cent higher than a year
ago. Imports, which have been increasing at a
more rapid rate than exports of late, slightly ex-
ceeded the totals reported for the first five
months of 1931 and were 16 per cent above the
figures of 1935.
Although the value of our foreign trade is still
far below the level of the years preceding the
collapse of 1929, the gains are pronounced and
the outlook is encouraging. Indeed, there is per-
ceptible danger that supporters .of the adminis-
tration may try to make political capital out of
the foreign trade showing by attributing recent
gains to the liberalizing effects of the reciprocal
trade treaties.
On the other hand, criticism of the admin-
istration is at least as likely to muddy the
waters of debate by citing the expansion of the
import trade as evidence that tariff bargaining
is placing domestic industry at the mercy of
foreign competitors.
* * * *
Such arguments betray either ignorance of
the facts or a deliberate distortion of their mean-
ing. The course of our foreign trade has so far
been affected but slightly by the conclusion of
reciprocal trade agreements. Only a few of the
trade treaties have been operative long enough
to test their efficacy, and even in those few cases,
changes in the value and volume of trade can-
not be attributed exclusively to the agreements.
Undoubtedly, recent pronounced increases in
our commerce with Cuba are due largely to the

treatment accorded her products in this market,
and her inclusion in the sugar control plan.
Imports from Belgium, which have likewise
risen markedly as compared with a year ago, are
partly due to the concessions granted under the
trade treaty concluded with that country. How-
ever, Belgium's total sales abroad expanded
greatly following devaluation of her currency,
and it is impossible to tell what proportion of
the increase in shipments to the Unted States is
due to that factor alone. In any case, the amount
involved is a small sum compared with total in-
creases in our foreign trade.
It is also worth noting that the percentage
rise in our exports to Canada during the present
year is no greater than the average rate of in-
crease in all exports and less than the percentage
gains reported in our exports to Great Britain.
While Canadian imports have risen at a some-
what more rapid rate than all imports, they, too,
have been outstripped by the gains in imports
from Great Britain, a country with which we
have made no reciprocal trade agreement.
In short, any objective survey of the trade sta-
tistics shows that gains in both our export and
import trade have been widely distributed and
have been due to innumerable causes uncon-
nected with the agreements.
The State Department's efforts to expand our
foreign trade by eliminating hampering barriers
to an exchange of goods is a laudable undertak-
ing. It would, however, be a grave mistake to ex-
aggerate the actual extent of the gains already
achieved or in prospect. They are not attribu-
table to any single cause and they are certainly
not a product of policy.
* * * 'i
The tendency of imports to increase more rap-
idly than exports is likewise due to causes un-
connected with trade treaties, although tariff
concessions, of course, increase our imports to
certain articles. The trend toward a better bal-
ance between our merchandise exports and im-
ports has been in evidence for some time. It
is the outgrowth of inescapable readjustments
forced upon us by our own position as a creditor

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