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August 07, 1936 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1936-08-07

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AUG. '7, 1936

Tilt ICRfi;_Alit - DA*1L



Place Winners In Olympic 1,500 Meter Run

Of The

(From The Associated Press)
Russian Flyers
Reach Seattle
SEATTLE, Aug. 6.-(P)-Sig-
ismund Levanevsky and Victor
Levehenko, Russian airmen,
landed at the Sand Point Naval
air base at 4:50 p.m., (7:50 p.m.
EST) today, en route from Cal-
ifornia to Russia by way of Al-
aska and the Arctic.
They averaged 170 miles an
hour, arriving from Alameda,
Cal., so much earlier than ex-
pected that no one except the
station crew greeted them.
Weather permitting, they said,
they plan to hop at 8 a.m., ((1
a.m. EST) tomorrow for Juneau,
After immediately refuelling
their plane-it had only 15 gal-
lons on arrival-the fliers went
to the U. S. Weather Bureau to
study reports.
Having arrived 40 minutes be-
fore their Seattle interpreter,
Nicholas Sokoloff, had expected
them the Russians had difficulty
making known their wants.
Levanevsky said the fliers' in-
terests are purely scientific; that
the flight will benefit commercial
aviation, but has no military sig-
nificance. He said he hopes a
practical aerial route linking
America and Russia can be found
by way of the Arctic.
The Russians left Alameda at
11:21 a.m. after flying there yes-
terday from San Pedro.
Paroled Convict Named
As Kalamazoo Gunman
KALAMAZOO, Aug. 6.-P)-
Police said tonight that Theo-
dore Bergstedt, paroled Indiana
convict who was killed in a gun
battle with two Kalamazoo of-
ficers, had been identified as a
participant in a robbery here on
June 19. -
State Police lifted their block-
ade of southwestern Michigan
highways, convinced that Berg-
sted's companion who fled during
the gun battle, had escaped.
The identification, police said,
was made by James Slayden, a
clerk in the National Biscuit Co.
offices here. Slayden said he was
positive Bergstedt was one of the
two men who invaded the offices,
forced him and another man to
lie on the floor, and then ran-
sacked the office.
Oscar Bergstedt, the slain
man's father, told police he be-
lieved his son was working in a
Detroit automobile factory.
Bergstedt was not one of the
men involved in the earlier
shooting of Police Chief Fred
Bosma of Zeeland, the police
were told.
Trotzky Rumored Accused
Of International Intrigue
OSLO, Norway, Aug. '7.-(Fri-
day)-(RP)-Leon Trotzky, exiled
Russian Communist leader, was
reported early today to have been
accused by police authorities of
carrying on international in-
Trotzky's permit to stay in Nor-
way was conditioned on the pro-
mise that he would not carry on
such activity.
It was understood police en-
tered his home at Honefos yester-
day. Officers were said to have
determined that he had received
a number of foreign visitors in
recent weeks and had had fre-
quent telephone conversations
with Paris, especially during the
recent period of widespread
French strikes.

The former Bolshevik leader
was described as extremely nerv-
ous because of recent Norwegian
Nfizi activity against him. He was.
said to have declared an auto-
mobile containing Nazis. pursued
him through Southern Norway
yesterday when he was en route
to Christiansand, where he visited
a well-known Marxist editor.
The Norwegian government
granted Trotzky permission, on
June 19, to remain in the country
for two more months. He was
said at that time to be doing lit-
erary work with the assistance of
two Russian secretaries.
Baseball Pool Tickets
Seized In Detroit .
DETROIT, Aug. 6.-(k)-Base-
ball lottery tickets with a selling
value of $375,000 were seized to-

OlympicsAt A Glance
(By the Associated Press) eighth in 8-meter and ninth in 6-
Track and Field meter divisions.
Forrest Towns gives United States Polo
its ninth gold medal in 16 events by Hungary defeats Germany, 16-6, in
winning 110 meter high hurdles final replay of earlier tie. .
in 14.2 after equaling his own world Soccer Football
record of 14.1 in semi-finals; Fritz Peru defeats Finland, 7-3, and Great
Pollard is third behind Don Finlay, Britain wins over China, 2-0.
Great Britain; Roy Staley eliminated Field Hockey
in semi-finals. Holland and Germany earn vi-
Jack Lovelock wins coveted 1,500 tories, former beating Switzerland,
meter title in new world record time 4-1 and Germany blanking Denmark
of 3:47.8; Glenn Cunningham, clocked 6-0
in 3:48.4, is second; Luigi Beccali
of Italy, defending champion, finishes Handball
third and Archie San Romani fourth; Austria 18, Rumania 3.
Gene Venzke places ninth. Germany 22, Hungary 0.
Gerhardt Stoeck, Germany, breaks
Finnish monopoly on Olympic javelin Old Jinx Again Costs
championship with winning toss of
71.84 meters, 253 feet 8 13/32; Alton Cunningham First Place
Terry leads American contingent by
placing sixth at 67.15 meters, 220 BERLIN, Aug. 6.-W)-Glenn Cun-
feet 3 3/4 inches; Lee Bartlett is 12th Angnam for the third time today
and Malcolm Metcalf 15th. found a world record beating per-
Nacto Tajima wins hop, step and funaworrnd the1o50 etiners go
jump title for Japan with world rec- formance nthecod0plmer
ord performance of 16 meters, 52 feet enough only for second place.
5 15/16 inches; Roland Romero is Glenn trailed Bill Bonthron home
fifth; Dudley Wilkins eighth and Bill by a scant yard two years ago at Mil-
Brown 18th. waukee when "Bounding Bill" low-
Trebisondia Valla of Italy wins ered the mark to 3:48.8. Last winter,
womens 80-meter hurdles title. in New York's Madison Square Gar-
Jimmie LuValie, Archie Williams den, Gene Venzke beat Cunningham
and Harold Smallwood all qualify for to set a new world indoor mark of
400 meter semi-finals, Luvalle run- 3:49.9 while Glenn's 3:50.1 was alsof
ning fastest heat of the day, 47.6 sec- under his own former board standard.
ends. And again today the Kansan's mar-1
Unofficial team standings (on 10- velous 3:48.4 was balked by Jack
5-4-3-2-1 basis) : Lovelock's more marvelous 3:47.8. 1
Men's track and field: United-
States 153; Germany 54 3/4; Finland
41 1/4; Japan 34 13/22; Great Britain
20 1/11; Italy 15 13/22; Canada
14 1/11; Sweden 11 1/11; New Zea-
land 10; Holland 9; Switzerland 8;
Norway 5; Philippines 4; Australia 4;
Latvia 4; Czechoslovakia 3 1/11; Po-
land 3 1/11; Brazil 2; Greece, 2; Ar-
gentine 1; Australia 2 11; Hungary
Women's track and field: Germany
44; Poland 14; Italy 13; United States
12; Japan 7; Canada 4; Austria 3;
Holland 2; Sweden 1.
Modern Pentathlon
United States wins unofficial team
championship as Gotthardt Hand-
rick, Germany, gains individual crown
with Charles Leonard of St. Peters-
burg second. Alfred Starbbird, Bur-
lington, Vt., finishes seventh and Lt.
Fred Weber ninth.
Americans trail in all divisions asLA
competition continues, ranking fourth
in star class; eighth in monotype;

Admits. Killing Son

. -Associated Press Photo.
Mrs. Susie Stephenson (above),
26, of- Niagara- Falls, N. Y., con-
fessed, officials said, to drowning
her 18-months-old son, David .Eu-
gene, in the family washing ma-

CLARK NAMED DIRECTOR aa ii qurcumwra
DETROIT, Aug. 6. -(R)-Homer
W. Clark. acting director of the WPA FRIDAY NIGHT
in Wayne County since the resigna-
tion of John J. O'Brien, was appoint- 35c Each
ed director -today.. Clark is an engi- PROM ANN ARBOR: S. Main to sa-
neer and was a member of the city tine, right on U.S. 112, 20 miles, to
water board while Frank Murphy was Sylvan Gardens sign.

-Associated Press Photo
When this picture was taken Archie San Romani, American distance
runner, and Luigi Beccali, of Italy, winer of the 1,500-meter race at
the 1932 Olympics in Los Angeles, were working out together at the
Olympic village in Berlin. Both qualified in their respective heats, and
yesterday Beccali finished third and San Romani took fourth place in
the final when Jack Lovelock of New Zealand broke the Olympic record
to win.


What Is The Candid Camera?
In recent years we have heard more
and more about Candid pictures. Ag-
gressive publicity men have tied the
words "candid camera, or candid
pictures" to every product from the
newspapers all the way down to tooth
paste. Technically speaking there
are only two type of cameras that I
feel can be really called candid cam-
eras. One costs almost $300. and the
other is almost $400. This statement
is based not. only on the speed of the
lens but the ease of operation and
high quality. But let us forget tech-
nicalities and now the question takes
on an entirely different aspect. No
camera is definitely a candid camera,
but any camera, even the 39c toys
that swept over the country last
summer, can be a candid camera if
used as such.
Candid photography is not ad-
vanced photography, but it~ is ad-
vanced photographicypsychology, it is
a study of human nature rather than
photography. The camera that you
own will determine the smallest
amount of light under which you
can get pictures, but out in the sun-
light, the brownie box camera and
the f.1.5 Contax are on an equal
Of course the Contax will get pic-
tures that are better photographically
speaking (for $400 it should) but they
don't have to be one bit morecandid
than the ones taken with the box
camera. On the subject of equip-
ment, don't ever get the idea that the
very fastest lens is necessary to work
indoors under Mazda light. But if
lighting is equal the faster the lens
the shorter the period that your shut-
ter has to be open.
Wait Till Subject Is Still
So if you are working with a slow
lens you have to wait until your sub-
ject is perfectly still then take a short
time exposure; perhaps it will be only
a few seconds and quite easy to take,
but notice that you have to wait for
the subject to hold still. If you own
a fast machine then you can shoot
any time that your subject assumes
an interesting position, but only if
you own the very fastest lens, and it is
on a camera that can be focused on
the dot, and manipulated very easily,
can you catch some of those rare ex-
pressions in the type of picture best
described as "Now or never." This is
the advantage of the fast camera, but
most of us have millions of opper-
tunities for candid pictures in day-
)ight and then it is not the camera but
the operator that counts. You can
find new interest in your camera that
you never thought could possibly ex-
ist. Stop asking people to watch for
the birdie (you are probably only
making a cuckoo bird out of yourself
Get Natural Poses
Try to catch pictures of people do-
ing things, acting natural, and being
themselves. Most people are very self
conscious and when they face the
camera they look scared stiff. Catch
them in unposed action and you will
have a photographic record that you
will treasure forever.
But remember two things. First

Coughlin Aids
ROME, Aug. 6.--(P)-Bishop
Joseph Schrembs of Cleveland pic-
tured the Rev. Charles E. Coughlin
tonight as a protector of American
"Father Coughlin," B i s h o p
Schrembs said in an interview, "is
really fighting for the preservation
of American democracy which I am
sure will successfully withstand Eur-
opean surges both toward Commun-
ism and toward Fascism."
Bishop Michael J. Gallagher of De-
troit, Father Coughlin's ecclesiastical
superior, yesterday described the
Priest's work as counteracting anti-
clericalism such as in Spain and said
he encouraged him to continue it.
Both prelates were granted recent
audiences by Pope Pius XI. After
Father Coughlin's attacks against
President Roosevelt there was specu-
lation he had incurred papal dis-
pleasure. Both, however, maintained
neither the Priest's charges, for which
he apologized, nor even his name en-
tered the conversations.
Tonight, Bishop f Schrembs com-
pared likenesses and differences in
the work of Father Coughlin andI
Premier Mussolini of Italy.



Jim Farley Scored
By Wilber Brucker

- ROSCOMMON, Aug. 6.-UP)-Wil-
ber M. Brucker, campaigning for the
Republican nomination for United
States senator, told an audience here
today that "Boss Farley is bargain-
ing for votes with tax money."
He charged that "ten million dol-
lars of WPA money is being held up
today" because State Highway. Com-
missioner Murray D. Van Wagoner
"refuses to promise that it will be
used in the New Deal campaign."
Brucker said that "Big Jim Farley
accuses the Republican party of
heartlessness when I and others crit-
icize the New Deal's waste and cor-
ruption, disguised as relief to the

Offering drastic c
Stocks have been
selections as comp

lose-out savings on all summer fashions.
brought from our Jackson store to make
lete as possible for this final summer sale.

Friday and Saturday




i Iii

COTTON and WASHABLES, $1.95 to $7.95, plenty of large sizes- '/2 PRICE
SUMMER FORMALS, Crisp and fresh, sparkling with newness.
Must be sold. ... .... .............. ...... . . . PRICE
DAYTIME DRESSES. Chiffons, Prints, Nets, Pastels........-. PRICE
Summer Flannels, Strings and Cotton Fabrics. Values to $7.95.
An exceptional opportunity .. .......... ...........$3.00
BLOUSES, $1.95 to $4.95 values, choice . . ....................89c
PURSES, Summer Colors, $l.00 to $1.95 Values.................. 49c

GLOVES, Pastel and Dark Fabrics..............- ...........
NECKWEAR, Collar & Cuff Sets, Vestees, Scarfs and Scarf Sets.. . -
HOSE, Belle Sharmeers; $1.35 Quality (Ebony, Indra, Bark, Smoke)
Wayne Knit Service Weight.... .......... ............ . .
HANDKERCHIEFS, Fancy Colored Hankies, 59c Values......4 for


SWEATERS..........................................1./ PRICE
SKIRTS - Linen and Wool ............ ......1/2 PRICE
BATHING SUITS - Two-piece Styles ..................... .V PRICE

from olden times to modern has
written chapter of romance that
can scarcely be surpassed. In the
days of the pony express it required
months to compile accurate national
election returns. ;The inventive gen-
ius of America has united East,'
West, North and South, and today
election news travels with the speed
of lightning.! y
The AssociatedJPressVthrough
trained journalists and a network of
wires, gives you on the night of elec-
tion the most complete returns it is



PEACH WEAR - Shorts, Slacks, etc. .................... .. PRICE
13ELTS - Leather and Linen, Pastel Colors ....................2 PRICE
BRASSIERES - Assorted Styles. Sizes 32-34-36. . . .... . . PRICE
GARTER BELTS-_..................................... PRICE
COMPACTS and JEWELRY - Large Assortment. ......... PRICE
ROBES and PAJAMAS - Small Group ..... ... ...... .../PRICE
SLEEPING PAJAMAS and GOWNS ... ................... .12 PRICE
(Satin, Crepes and Van Raalte Sheers, and Cottons, formerly $1. to $10.95)


n 0./;n




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