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August 07, 1936 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1936-08-07

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The Weather
Generally fair today and to-
morrow; rising temperature to-
day and in east tomorrow.

YI r

40P A#01


Clippings In
A Dire Pattern.

Official Publication Of The Summer Session


VOL. XLV No. 33



- I

t I

Old Record
New Zealand Runner Gains
Spectacular Victory In
1,500-Meter Run
Glenn Cunningham
Trails By 5 Meters
America Sweeps Hurdling
Events As Towns Beats
British Star
BERLIN, Aug. 6.- (A) - Gliding
flawlessly to a world record triumph
at a speed which, if sustained, would
have approximated a 4:03 mile, New
Zealand's John Edward Lovelock
raced off with the classic Olympic
1,500 meter championship today.
The curly-haired, supremely confi-
dent little medical student staggered
the world's foremost milers by un-
corking a final 300 meter sprint,.
standing' off the lion-hearted chal-
lenge of the great Glenn Cunningham
and clipping a full second off Bill
Bonthron's world record time of
Has 5-Meter Lead
Lovelock actually looked over his
shoulder with a broad smile across his
face during the stretch drive that
carried him to the tape nearly five
meters ahead of the Lawrence, Kans.
star in 3:47.8.
Cunningham ran the greatest race
of his career, himself under the listed
world record as he was clocked in
3:48.4, but there was no runner in
the world who could catch nimble
Jack this afternoon, including Luigi
Beccali, Italy's dlefending champion,
ard Archie San Romani, America's
"dark horse," who ran third and
Lovelock's dazzling triumph in the
race which -saw five foot racers fin-
ish under Beccali's former Olympic
mark of 3:51.2 thrilled an overflow
crowd of 105,000, including Chancel-
lor Hitler, and climaxed the most
spectacular day thus far of the 11th
Olympiad which fast is wiping out
the majority of previous Olympic
Ties Own Mark
America's hurdling sweep was com-
pleted by the incomparable Forrest
(Spec) Towns of Augusta, Ga., who
flashed over the high timber, equal-
ling his own new world mark of 14.1
seconds in the semi-finals and then
out-footing Great Britain's Don Fin-j
lay and Fritz Pollard, Jr., Chicago
negro, in a 14.2 seconds final.
No records were beaten in the jave-
lin final, but Germany's handsome
blond Bernardt Stoeck broke the
Scandinavian monopoly for the first
time in Olympic history, beating Fin-
nish favorites, including the world
record-holder, Matti Jarvinen, who
was handicapped by a lame back and
wound up fifth in defense of his
crown won at Los Angeles four years
ago. Stoeck's winning toss mea-
sured 71.84 meters, 235 feet 8 13/32
Japan Wins Broad Jump
The brightest and warmest day
since the competition began was fin-
ished spectacularly by Japan's Naoto
Tajima, who hopped, stepped and
jumped to a new world record of 16
meters, 52 feet 5 15/16 inches in the
triple jump. The sons of Nippon fin-
ished one-two, capturing their spe-
cialty for the third straight Olympiad
and whipping another world-record

holder, Jack Metcalfe of Australia, at
his own game. Metcalfe placed third
as Roland Romero, of Welsh, La., was
a good fifth.
World records have been achieved
in four events and equalled in, an-
other during the spree overshadowing
the superlative marks made under
vastly superior weather conditions
four years ago at Los Angeles. Thus
far Americans have contributed six
of ten new records, carried off nine
first places and spread-eagled their
rivals with a total of 153 points. Ger-
many holds down second place with
54 3/4 points.
There was never any doubt about
(Continued on Page 2)
Al Cowan To Play
Tonight At League
The League dance will be held in
the League ballroom tonight from 9
p.m. until 1 a.m.
Al Cowan and his band will furnish

Greece' New Ruler

-Associated Press Photo.
Full control of civil affairs in
Greece was taken over by Premier
John Metaxes (above) as he be-
came "temporary" dictator and de-
creed martial law to thwart dan-
ger of bloodshed in what govern-
ment called a communist-promoted
general strike.
Last Vespers
,Will Be Held
Sunday Ni4iht
Summer Session Chorus,
Orchestra And Glee Club!
To Present Program
The third and final Vesper Service
of the Summer Session will be held at1
7 p.m. Sunday on the steps of the
General Library.
The program for the evening will
consist mainly of. musical selections.
Featured soloists will be Bernard R.
McGregor, baritone, and Warren Fos-
ter, tenor. Other musical selections
will be given by the Summer Session
chorus, Glee Club and Orchestra
under the direction of Prof. David
Mattern of the School of Music.
Dr. E. W. Blakeman, counselor in
religious education of the University
and chairman of the series of Vesper
Services, will give the invocation and'
McGregor is an instructor in the
School of Music at University of West
Virginia. He studied under Louis
Black and Frank Cuthbert of the
University of West Virginia. During
his senior year he won the Capitol
District award in the contest for stu-
dent artists sponsored by the Fed-
eration of Music Clubs. During the
past year he sang at the East Liberty
Presbyterian Church in Pittsburgh.
McGregor will sing "The Lord is My
Light" by Allitsen.
Foster, who is a student in the
School of Music is soloist at the First
Methodist Church in Ann Arbor. He
will sing two selections accompanied
by the Summer Session Chorus. The
first will be "Build Thee More State-
ly Mansions" by Andrews and the
second, "Sanctus" from St. Cecilia
Mass by Gounod.
The Rev. Howard Chapman of the!
Baptist Church led the devotional'
services at the last vesper service andI

Testimony In
Black Legion
Hearing Ends
Judge Moynihan Promises
Decision On First Cult
Trial ThisMorning
Six Prosecuted For
Defendant Alters Story As
Attorneys On Both Sides
Charge Coercion
DETROIT, Aug. 6.---(P)-A decision
tomorrow in the first Black Legion
trial--six men charged with kidnap-
ing and flogging-was promised today
by Judge Joseph A. Moynihan, who
heard testimony without a jury.
The trial ended suddenly after re-
buttal witnesses testified and attor-
neys waived final arguments before
the circuit judge as to whether there
was proof that the six men abducted
Penland, a steel worker, on Oct. 5,
1935, and lashed him in a field for not
attending Black Legion meetings.
Defendants in the trial, first since
the investigation of Black Legion ter-
rorism began two months ago, are:
Frederick A. Gulley, who repudiated
his previous testimony of a flogging;
Wilbur Robinson, self-styled "briga-.
dier-general" in the Black Legion;
Charles King, former councilman of
suburban Ecorse; Thomas F. Cox,
Harold Lawrence and Earl Angstadt
Coercion Charges Made
Charges and counter-charges of
coercion and influence upon Gulley
.were made with rebuttal witnesses.
Questioned by Prosecutor Duncan C.
McCrea, Sergt. Robert McWhirter of
suburban Ecorse police testified that
Gulley told him he was "approached"
by Bernard W. Cruse, defense attor-
McWhirter, one of the policemen
Gulley accused of plotting the Pen-
land case as a "frame up" to break
the Black Legion, testified that Gul-
ley came to him before the trial and
"Can't you keep Cruse away from
me? He's at me all the time and he's
offered me any amount of money to
change my testimony."
Denies Statement
Gulley, put back on the stand by
Cruse, denied making this statement
to McWhirter. He said that when he
told Harry Colburn, an investigator
for McCrea, that he did not want to
repeat the story he told at the men's
examination a month ago, Colburn
"What are you trying to do--make
a fool out of the prosecutor's office?"
Gulley said he replied: "No-I don't
want to send innocent men to jail."
Lieut. David Genaw, the other
Ecorse policeman Gulley accused ofI
urging him to "make up" a story of
Penland being flogged, testified:
"Gulley and Cox were on the spot.
They had stayed away from meetings
and on two occasions they had been
brought out to meetings. They were
afraid of being flogged themselves.
That was why they came to us with
the story."
MANISTEE, Aug. 6.-(P)-Mem-

Farley Tactics
Cause Protest
Meeting Here
Five Democratic Leaders
Meet In Union Until
Early Morning
Support Of Welsh
Seen As Possibility,

Resentment Aroused
Farley's Interference
State Campaign


Five leaders of the Democratic
party of Michigan gathered last night
in a private room in the Union at a
time which promises to be a criticala
one for the President's party here.
The five were: Murray Van Wag-
goner, highway commissioner and
head of a powerful bloc of Democrats;
G. Donald Kennedy, deputy highway
commissioner; Theodore I. Fry, State
treasurer; George Welsh, candidate
for governor; and William A. Com-
stock, former governor.
The group had earlier this week
warned James A. Farley, Democratic
national chairman, that interference
in the State election would not be
tolerated. The meeting, apparently,
was called in response to the continu-
ation of Farley's efforts to secure the
use of the highly organized State
highway department under Van Wag-
goner in supporting Frank Murphy,
the Administration's candidate for
The meeting lasted from 10 p.m.
until early morning and had not been
announced in advance.
Because of the possible split in the
ranks of the Democrats and the ap-
parently growing strength of Welsh,
it was said by Farley that President
Roosevelt might come to Michigan in
the course of his first campaign
swing around the country. Michigan
Democratic leaders are to be sum-
moned to Washington for a confer-
ence shortly, it had been planned.
Murphy became a candidate for
governor at the request of the Ad-
ministration. He is on leave from his
duties as High Commissioner of the
Detroit Rookie
Pitches Tigers
To 9-0_Victory
Wade Shuts Out Cleveland
To Win His First Major
League Contest
DETROIT, Aug. 6.-(P)-Rookie
Jake Wade all but pitched the Cleve-
land Indians out of second place in
the American League today, holding
them to seven hits as the Tigers
clubbed out a 9 to 0 victory-their
third in the four-game series.
The Tigers fired a 16-hit barrage
on Willis Hudlin and George Uhle,
featured by Goose Goslin's 18th hom-
er and Marvin Owen's eighth, to give
Wade his first victory since the De-
troiters recalled him from the Inter-
national League.
Hudlin, who gave way to Uhle at
the start of a five-run Tiger spree in
the eighth, was charged with the set-
Allows 7 Hits
Wade allowed only seven hits. In
i sharp contrast to his first game as a
Tiger Sunday, when he issued nine
passes, he walked only two men to-
Goslin and Gerald Walker led the
Tiger attack. Walter got a double
and two singles out of five times at
bat. Goslin got two singles in addi-
tion to his circuit clout out of four
times. Al Simmons, Jack Burns and
Owen got two out of five.
Detroit did all of its scoring in
three big innings. They started off
with two in the third. With one out,
Burns was safe when Trosky fumbled
h's grounder. Gehringer grounded
but Goslin walked and Simmons
scored Burns with a single. Owen
beat out a slow roller, Goslin scoring.
Gehringer Doubles
The next brace of runs came in
the seventh when Gehringer doubled
and Goslin hit for the circuit against
the screen in front of the upper right
field bleachers. Although the ball
bounced back into the playing field, it
was a homer under the rules.

2,000 Rebels Reported
Captured By Loyalists
At Cadizj
Madrid Prepares
For 2-Month Siege
Four German Citizens Are
Reported Executed At
MADRID, Aug. 6.-(/P)-Spanish
loyalists tonight claimed surrender
of rebel Cadiz in the south, smashed
toward northern Zaragoza with cap-
ture of 2,000 fascists, and dug in for
two more months of warfare to quell
the 20-day-old rebellion.
Landing of 4,000 additional Moroc-
can troops on the Spanish mainland,
after a five-hour battle in the Straits
of Gibraltar, was the chief rebel gain
for the day. It brought to 8,000 the
African forces now available to the
southern Fascists.
Want Munitions
Both sides, admittedly in the mar-
ket for munitions, faced the problem
of finding any available to them with
announcement eight European na-
tions had agreed in principle to supply
neither Fascists nor Loyalists with
Capture of Cadiz marked an impor-
tant advance by the Loyalists who had
been unable to penetrate the southern
sector effectively since the revolt
(Berlin dispatches reported four
German citizens had been executed at
Barcelona after brief courtmartial,
although they carried necessary iden-
tification popers. The German am-
bassador delivered a protest to the
Barcelona government.
(French advices from Morocco as-
serted German warships were sta-
tioned off Cadiz, and reported rumors
they might go to Barcelona to de-
mand apology for bombardment of
the German freighter Sevilla in the
Gibraltar straits).
Likewise, the advance toward Zara-
goza was an invasion of strongly in-
trenched rebel territory. The govern-
ment army was 11 miles from the
rebel city at' nightfall.
Loyalists To Advance
Surrender of the 2,000 rebels opened
the road for swift advance, the Loy-
alists asserted.
An aerial survey of Fascist posi-
tions inspired admission that the
campaign to put down the revolt in
all sectors would be a long, bitter
Abandoning first efforts to dislodge
the foe in one or two crushing ad-
vances, loyal forces settled down for
prolonged warfare in the Guadar-
rama mountains outside Madrid.
Aviation chiefs asserted enemy po-
sitions were so well fortified, it was
highly improbable the Fascists could
be blasted out before the better part
of two months.
SPRAGGE, Ont., Aug. 6.--(P) -
Eight persons were rescued today
from a motorboat when the craft
burned to the water line in Lake
Superior after the motor exploded.

Tsli! Tsk! Is In Order
For Naughty Moderns
Jerry Hoag, manager of the Mich-
igan Theatre, will be on hand when
the advertising for next Thursday's
double-feature program goes into
It will be his job to see that the
names of the pictures are arranged
so as to create fewest snickers. He
will make certain that they appear in
the old-fashioned, orthodox, ap-
proved sequence.
The pictures, you see, are these:
"The First Baby" and "Then They
Were Married."
Officials Begin
Probe Of Fatal
Airliner Crash
Cause Of Accident Sought
In Wreckage; Witnesses
Aid Investigation
ST. LOUIS, Aug. 6.-()-In its
battered instruments and retracted
landing gear, investigators sought to-
day the cause of the crash which
last night killed all eight persons
aboard Chicago and Southern's air-
liner, "The City of Memphis."
Why Pilot Carl Zier turned and
started back for Lambert-St. Louis
municipal airport, within a few min-
utes after he had taken off for Chi-
cago, was a mystery the investigators
hoped to dispel.
Declining to speculate, Bureau of
Air Commerce inspectors studied the
wreckage and considered the stories
of several near eye-witnesses. From
Pilot James Benedict, who brought
the plane into St. Louis from New
Orleans, they learned it was in per-
fect mechanical order when he land-
The first results of the investiga-
tion may be given tomorrow when St.
Louis County Coroner Luke B. Tier-
non conducts an inquest into the
deaths of Zier, his co-pilot, Russell C.
Mossman, and the six passengers.
They were:
Vernon C. Omilie, widely known
airman and husband of Mrs. Phoebe
Omlie, former racing pilot and now a
Bureau of Air Commerce official.
W. S. Bartlett, 6930 South Shore
Drive, Chicago, associated with the
Great Lakes Coal & Coke Co.
B. R. McDavitt, 55 Bellevue Drive
Chicago, a commercial artist.
C. B. Wright, 18 East Hickory St.,
Hinsdale, Ill., western representative
of the Lake Tankers Corp., of New
George Grieshader, 435 Lennox
Ave., Oak Park, Ill., manager of a
dental supply firm.
Arthur R. Holt, 15 Rice St., Newton
Center, Mass., real estate officer of
the New England Trust Co., Boston.
For tiree hours, beginning when an
alarmed farmer reported hearing its
motors suddenly go dead, ground
crews of the air line searched fever-
(Continued on Page 4)

State Department Tells
Madrid Payment Must Be
Made For Damages
Motor Companies
May Bring Claim
Warning Was Prompted
By Report That Property
Seizures Are Permanent
WASHINGTON, Aug. 6.-(P)-
Spain's revolt-threatened popular
front government was served formal
notice by the United States today
that it will be held strictly account-
able for the protection of American
property in that country.
Disturbed over the potential men-
ace to America's $70,000,000 invest-
ment in that country, the State De-
'partment disclosed it had dispatched
a note to Madrid invoking the aid of
Spanish authorities in safeguarding
American property and warning that
compensation must be paid for any
Must Have Protection
"This government cannot admit
that private property, whether in the
hands of American nationals or aban-
doned by them temporarily because of
conditions over which they have no
control, may be interfered with im-
punity or denied the protection to
which it is entitled under interna-
tional law," said a summary of the
note released here.
"This government must, of course,
look to the government of Spain for
the protection of such property and
for 'indemnification for any delin-
quency in this respect.
"In the event of requisition for the
necessities of war or other wise of
American property this government
must insist that provision be made
for prompt and full compensation to
the owners."
The language of the note, some ob-
servers predicted, foreshadowed a
probable early claim against the
Spanish government for the recent
seizure of the Ford Motor Company
and General Motors Corporation
plants at Barcelona.
Anxious Over Property
Concern over these circumstances,
as well as anxiety lest other American
properties share a similar fate, im-
pelled the State Department to make
its formal representations.
These reports, reaching Washing-
ton through official channels but not
officially confirmed, were to the ef-
fect that the seizure of abandoned
factories would be permanent and
that no appeal would be admissible.
One extract from the reports said:
"All ministry of industry and com-
merce provisional measures probably
will become permanent because a
new state must be created in accord-
ance with the circumstances through
which the Republic is passing."
The seizures of the motor plants in
Bardelona were believed here to rep-
resent the first large scale requisi-
tioning of American property abroad
since the 1917 Bolshevik revolution in
Russia. The Soviet regime repudiat-
ed the obligations of the former gov-
ernment and American claims
amounting to almost $500,000,000 for
propertyconfiscated then have not
been settled.
Special Tour
Of' Daily News
Plant Planned
A special inspection tour of the new
Ann Arbor Daily News building to be
held Wednesday, Aug. 12, has been
planned 'for Summer Session stu-

dents, it was announced yesterday by
Prof. Louis J. Rouse of the mathe-
matics department, director of the
summer excursions.
The trip through the building, be-
ginning at the business and adver-
tising offices on the first floor, will go
through the editorial department,
composing room, stereotype depart-

U.S. NoteWarns Spain It
Must Protect Americans'
$ 70,000,000_Interests

the Rev. Henry Lewis of St. Andrew's bers of the American Tourist As-
Episcopal Church was in charge of sociation from nearly every state are
the first program. attending tlie summer convention
Words of the songs to be sung by now being held in the Orchard Beach
the congregation will be published state park. Featuring the conven-
in full in Sunday's edition of The tion is a coach-trailer show of 80
Daily. units.
Dante Would Recall Us To
Spiritual Values, Says Merlino

We must turn once again to a
faith in abiding spiritual values, the
poet Dante would tell our modern
world, which has substituted for those
values materialism, behaviorism and
other transient 'isms,' declared Prof.
Camillo P. Merlino, director of Italian
studies, last night. His talk, a spe-
cial lecture in the Summer Session
series was entitled "Dante's Message
to the Modern World."
"In Dante's thought, the true riches
for life here below can be acquired
through the exercise of the Cardinal
or Moral virtues-Prudence, Temper-
ance, Fortitude and Justice--and for
life in the hereafter by the possession
of the Evangelical or Christian virtues

( now, all too sad for our own peace
of mind and heart, seem, as then,
to defy a solution," he said.
The advance of the modern woirld,
said Professor Merlino, quoting Dr.M
Harry Emerson Fosdick, represents
merely "improved means toward un-
improved ends." "It may well be pon-
dered," Professor Merlino suggested,
"if 'in our natural eagerness to pay
homage to the mental and physical
prowess of man, we are not losing
sight of the fact that there is a do-
main which transcends this universe
of mind and matter, and which for
this very reason cannot be subject to
or controlled by reason or by the
intellect. This is the realm of the
spirit, or if you will, the reality of

Donaldson Points.Out Effect Of
Art And Religion On Van Gooh
The life ana paintings of Vincent in finding out about himself." Pro-
Van Gogh, an artist of the last half of fessor Donaldson showed slides of
the 19th century in whose work there crayon work done by Van Gogh dur-
is special interest today, were dis- ingthisaperiod.
cused y Pof.Brue M Doaldon, The artist sojourned in Paris in
cussed by Prof. Bruce M. Donaldson, 1879 where he was under the influence
director of the fine arts division, yes- of painters who were conservative
terday in a Summer Session lecture. and painted in the traditional man-
Of ancestry distinguished in art ner of Van Gogh's time. His cele-
and religion, Van Gogh was under brated use of colors, which came in
the influence of both and "he didn't the last years of his life, was not
know which to follow at any one evident at this time, the spealker said.
time," Professor Donaldson said. In 1886 his work shows the infiu-
The speaker traced his artistic de- ence of the radicals with whom he
velopment by commenting upon the associated, Professor Donaldson said,
various influences exerted upon his and his use of colors was still absent.
life. Following his "youth" period, From 1886 to his death in 1890, Pro-
which ended in approximately 1869, fessor Donaldson said his years were
Van Gogh spent ten years crowded as crowded with productivity as those
with religious thoughts and activity, of any artist's have been.

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