TH1.RMAY, AUG. 6, 1930
PAGE ~wii THURSDAY, AVG. ~, 193~
Official Publication of the Summer Session
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or
reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial
importance and interest to the campus.
To the Editor:
All anmals are perpetually at war; every
species is born to devour another . . . Air, earth,
and the waters are fields of destruction . . .
It, seems that God having given reason to man,
this reason should teach them not to debase
themselves by imitating animals, particularly
wxhen n iture has given them neither arms to kill
their fellow-creatures, nor instinct which leads
them to suck their blood.
Murdea ous war is so much the dreadful lot
of man that there are no nations but what their
aicient histories represent as armed against one
another . . The most determined of flatterers
will easily agree that war always brings pesti-
lence and famine in its train.
That is doubtless a very fine art which deso-
iates countries, destroys habitations, and in a
single year causes the death of from forty to a
hundred .thousand men! (During the World War
about two and half million men were killed in a
Published every morning except Monday during the
University yearand Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
tion and Lhe Big Ten News Service.
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Editorial Director ................Marshall.D. Shulman
Dramatic Critic... ..............John W. Pritchard
Assistant Editors: Clinton B. Conger, Ralph W. Hurd,
Joseph 1. Mattes, Elsie A. Pierce, Tuure Tenander,
Jewel W. Wuerfel.
Reporters: Eleanor Bare, Donal Burns, Mary Delnay,
M. E. Gaban, John Hilpert, Richard E. Lorch. Vincent
Moore, Elsie Roxborough, William Sours, Dorothea
Staebler, Betty Keenan.
Telephone 2-1214
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Circulation Manager.................J. Cameron Hall
Office Manager...........................Robert Lodge
:k *
Unmentionables .. .
SOME ITEMS that ought to receive
publicity do not do so because of
the nature of the press. Among the items which
did not receive sufficient mention in the press
this week are the following two, which were
culled from the New Republic.
Just as ihe strike against Hearst's Wisconsin
News has been almost totally ignored all over
the country, a new labor dispute has gone un-
mentioned. Two well-known members of the
staff of Hearst's Seattle Post-Intelligencer, dis-
missed without apparent cause other than per-
haps that they belong to the American News-
paper Guild, are the subject of a dispute which
involves the right to organize without coercion
from employers. The Guild, which has voted to
affiliat? with the American Federation of Labor,
is investigating the charges and'may declare
a strike ?n the meantime, the slow campaign
against the Wisconsin News is still going on. The
Guild is seeking to exert pressure by urging sym-
pathizezs rlot to patronize firms which continue
to adverlise in the paper, among which are
Camels cigarettes and Schlitz beer.
The second incident is that of the free-
speech fight in Virginia, being carried on by
Dr. F. W. Boatwrigl-t, president of the University
of Richmond. Because several professors testi-
fied before a committee of the State Senate in
favor of a proposed eight-hour law for women, a
campaign has been waged against the University
for "antagonism against industry" o the eve
of the University's campaign for contributions.
However, es the New Republic adds, "we must
regret that the line he and his supporters took
was that the professors in question did in fact
believe in the virtue of private enterprise and pri-
vate property, and that 'not one (of their
graduates) has ever become a Socialist, a Com-
munist ofother subverter of our American de-
mocracy.' It is a poor defense of freedom to say
that one will only use it within the limits the
enemy would impose."
Amoskeag And 'Free Enter prise
'IFron the St. Louis Post-Dispatch)
COL. FRANK KNOX, Republican vice-presi-
dential candidate, declared in his acceptance
speech that the "preservation of free enterprise"
was the rain issue in the campaign. Surely Col.
Knox d ,-s not mean the kind of free enter-
prise which has brought ruin to the Amoskeag
Manufacturing Co. and distress to the 76,000
inhabitants of Manchester, N. H., where he lived
for many years and whose leading newspaper
he continues to own and publish.
The story of the rise and fall of this great
American industrial concern was told with a
wealth of aetail in last Sunday's Post-Dispatch
by one of our Washington correspondents. From
its founding in the early 1800s to 1911, the comr
pany enjoyed years of prosperity. One of its
early treasurers, T. Jefferson Coolidge, was a gen-
ius in industrial capitalism; under his manage-
ment the mills stretched out along the Merrimac
river and textiles they produced were sent to the
American frontier, South America and China
and Japan.
Then cane the treasurership of Frederick C.
Dumaine and with it speculative capitalism in
the place of industrial capitalism. New, inner
companies were formed, capitalization was
stepped up repeatedly, assets were segregated,
and plant values greatly inflated. With the cap-
ital reserve secured for the payment of high
salaries and dividends, the successful operation
of the mills became a secondary concern. Losses
The multitudes fall upon one another, not
only without having any interest in the affair,
but without knowing the reason of it. We see
at once five or six belligerent powers, sometimes
three against three, sometimes two against four,
and sonmtimes one against five; all equally de-
testing one another and all agreeing on one thing,
namely, to do all the harm possible.
The most wonderful part of this infernal en-
terprise is that each chief of the murderers
causes his colors to be blessed, and solemnly in-
vokes God before he goes to exterminate his
neighbors ...
The securge and crime of war contain all other
scourges and crimes. All the united vices of all
ages and places will never equal the evils pro-
duced by a single campaign. Can there be
anything more horrible throughout nature than
to murder loyally millions of our brethren?
What becomes of, and what signifies to me,
Lumanity. beneficence, modesty, temperance,
mildness wisdom, and piety, while half a pound
of lead, sent from a distance of a hundred yards,
pierces my body, and I die at twenty years of
age, in inexpressible torments, in the midst of
five or six thousand dying men, while my eyes
which open for the last time, see the town in
which I was born destroyed by fire and sword,
-nd the last sounas which reach my ears are the
cries of women ayd children expiring under
the ruins?
-contributed from Voltaireg A
Philosophical Dictionary.
Preserved Smith, 2
To the Editor:
On July 30th there appeared in The Daily a
letter entitled Preserved Smith, author of a His-
tory of Modern Culture. A second letter by Mr.
Smith has now been published by the New York
Post which reads as follows:
"Four years ago I voted for Hoover, having
confidence in his integrity and ability, and be-
lieving that the American system of laissez-
faire as applied to business would pull us out of
a tempcrary catastrophe.
"It seems that the majority of American voters
did not siare my opinion.
"The,, saw our whole economic system going to
pieces unaer the force of panic caused by to-
bogganing prices, cut-throat merchandising, un-
fair business and social practices.
"They saw nothing being done except frantic
efforts to save the large New York and Chicago
A Review
Most oi us have had some experience with the
Irish Reraissance Theatre, and know it for the
rich, red-blcoded stuff that it is. There are no
dull moments in this type of play, nor is there
anything that falls short of life.
"Juno .d the Paycock," by the old Sean
O'Casey, is Irish Theatre at its richest and raw-
est; at one moment it is rollicking slabs of Irish
humor, at the next it jolts one with stark human
punch. Is it art? Well, it is a type of naturalism,
and there be some who claim that naturalism is
not art. At any rate, it is life; and being raw
life, it is consequently whacking good theatre.
"Juno and the Paycock," simply because it is so
unrefined, is an exceedingly hard thing for a
group of amateurs to do; because the Michigan
Repertory Players presented it so excellently, we
wonder whether this group should be judged as
an amateur group. The criterion is, or should be,
the basis of departure for any critic; and criteria
are interchangeable; one should not, for example,
judge the work of Shirley Temple on a standard
cet by Helen Hayes. How shall we judge the
Repertory Players? They are largely a student
organization, but much of their work as an
:ntegrated group compares favorably with almost
any professional stock company you can men-
tion. It is on this basis that the present scribe
now carols roundly regarding the current pro-
dalction of "Juno and the Paycock."
Whitford Kane, thoroughly competent director,
herein proves himself a versatile actor; of course
banks; othing to help the average man or bus-
iness meet the crisis.
"So America voted, not necessarily for Roose-
velt, but against everything Hoover stood for.
They voted against his inaction; against his
misrepresentation of facts; against his philos-
ophy of 'letting things take care of themselves.'
They voted for a man to do a job so big that
the Repuolicans were afraid to tackle it.
"Has Roosevelt done that job? Is he worthy of
reappomitment to the chairmanship of the
"Roosevelt was net in the White House twenty-
four hours before things began to happen, things
for which we can Le thankful today.
"Banks of all sizes, not only the large ones,
were legally allowed t put their house in order;
railroad's and insurance companies received
needed fi'ancing: small home owners and farm-
crs were taken from the clutches of the mort-
gagee; mortgages were made liquid; band de-
posits were insured.
"Industry and business were put on a footing
where 1arge and snmall ones could compete on a
more equal basis; the workman was assured of
at least a minimum living wage and those who
had adequate earnings were guaranteed against
cuts in stiaries after July 1, 1933.
"Agriculture was encouraged to rid itself of
its back-breaking surplus and was given a
method to protect itself against future ruination
of that kind; better hours and conditions of
work for labor were insisted upon; combinatipns
of labor for its own protection were accepted
as part of the law of the land.
"It is entirely beside the point that a great
many benefits of this activitiy were sacrificed
by legalistic thinking. The fact remains that
Roosevelt did the job he was elected to perform.
He saw more accurately than we the conditions
that existed and applied the proper remedies.
Can any one of us ask for more than that?
"So arcther Hooverite of 1932 is willing to give
credit where credit is due, and proudly proclaims
his loyalty to the second 'Great American' of the
Roosevelt tradition."
-A Reader.
Through an error, the name of the author
of the hook review in yesterday's editorial
page was omitted. The review was written
by Mary Bromage.
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he has done this before having been a
Thespian of recognized talent while
this reviewer was still dictating let-
ters to Santa Claus. The point is that
Mr. Kane was typed in "The Pigeon,"
but he was not typed in "Juno:" Pay-
cock Boyle, his character, is a men-
tally unprepossessing but personally
delightful individual who preens him-
self in his tawdry glory before his
Dublin world, but who actually is
rather futile as a constructive con-
tribution to humanity. Mr. Kane's
swaggering is excellently taken, and---
if the paradox can be excused-subtle
in its crudity.
Claribel Baird, who proved her
high worth as a tragic actress in
"John Gabriel Borkman," demon-
strates at once her versatility and
her dramatic prowess as Juno, a har-
ried shrew with enormous depths of
emotional feeling. Laurme Hage r,
whom I have not seen previously, car-
mies off' with great merit the difficult
ingenue role. Otber well-turned per-
formances were those of Carl Nelson
as a broken-down bum with a tenor,
voice and a feeling for literature and1
porter stout, and Charles iarrell as a
thwarted lover who remains con-
stant through all adversity except
that which may cause him to lose
Robert Campbell, as a scallawag
Englishi lawyer (how these Irish can
lay it in to the British! ) is definitely
weak; lie seened listless or uncertain
or both; he has done better work.
Jack Porter, as one-armed Jonny
Doyle (mutilated in the civil warfare
and mentally unbalanced as a result
of it) has the right idea, but little
vocal control; the Speech department
should go to work on him.
-John W. Pritchard.
EXPERT TYPING by raduate stiu-
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NEWS ~ortlBalo Psnyt5 rh 5
I " !!p -
One Way To Balance The Budget
-What Has Happened To Kansas Education Under Governor Landon--
(From the New York Post of July 20, 1936)
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ISS AMY RUTH MAHIM comes from Kan-
sas, but she wants the world to know that
Landon is definitely not her man.
Some one started the rumor that Miss Mahim
was organizing a Landon Club on the Columbia
Universtjy campus when a small, penciled "Vote
for Landon!" appeared under her name in the
Kansas register for summer session students in
Teachero College.
"I didn't write that at all," she declared.
"Some one else must have done it. I am a
Roosevelt supporter."
Miss Mahim, who teaches history at Coffey-
ville Junior College, Coffeyville, Kansas, also
denied hat she had written. "And help cut
teachers' salaries" underneath the "Vote for
Landon" slogan under her name.
"Some other Kansan must have written that,
too." she said.
"I am supporting Roosevelt because of his
general aocial policies, not on account of any
specific educationa* issue," she declared.
Other Kansans at Teachers College, however,
were inclined to be very specific.
Withholding their names, because, as they
put it, "we still want our jobs in Kansas after
the summer is over," several Kansas school
teachers at Columbia predicted little support
for Landon among the teachers of the state.
One assistant principal from a large school
system in Kansas was especially vehement about
forty-eighth-in state aid to education. That's
how Landon balanced the budget. I know a
good many teachers here from Kansas who feel
the same way about it."
"No," he concluded. "I don't believe Governor
Landon has a social point of view broad enough
to hold the White House job in these critical
Mmes. Wihen the community leaders of a small
Kansas town which couldn't pay its teachers
came to see the governor about the town's edu-
cational c risis a little while ago Landon refused
even to see them."
A young school teacher from Emporia echoed
these sentiments.
"Whev Governor Landon balanced the budget
last year," she said, "a good many of my col-
leagues lost their jobs. It didn't hit the larger
cities of the state so much because they seemed
to find some ways of getting along, by borrow-
ing money and raising taxes.
"But the smaller towns and farm areas which
depended upon State aid for education were hit
hard. Rural schools in Kansas have been folding
up by the dozens in the past few years."
Most of her acquaintances in the Emporia
public schol, system, she asserted, are voting for
Roosevelt in November.
Two men teachers, one from Lawrence and
one from Kansas City, intimated that Governor
Landon deserved little credit for "balancing the
budget at the expense of education." They de-
clared, however, that it would be "safer not to
talk too much about politics in our position.
"T.Ct. k, An nP,nva1" n-no en iA "Affpr a nll un
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