The Weather
Lower Michigan: Mostly cloudy
today and tomorrow, possibly
light rain in south portion to-
day; rising temperature.
L r. e
t an
Unmentionables . . .
Official Publication Of The Summer Session
VOL. XLV No. 32
Jesse Owens,
Grand Slams;
2 Others Win
Incomparable Ebony Flyer
sets New World Mark In
200-Meter Event
U. S. Also Victor In
Pole Vault, Discus
Suffer Setbacks In Walk
And In Women's Short
Hurdle Race
BERLIN, Aug. 5. - P) - Incom-
parable Jesse Owens, whose blazing
bursts of speed and jumping ability
have thrilled nearly half a million
spectators on four successive days,
completed his classic Olympic triple
title conquest in record-smashing
style in the rain today.
Approximately 75,000 spectators,
the smallest crowd yet occupying the
huge stadium any afternoon, made
up in cheers what it lacked in num-
bers as the dynamic American negro
added the 200-meter title to his prev-
ious triumphs in the 100-meter sprint
and the broad jump.
Pursued by his dusky Pasadena
(Calif.) teammate, Matthew (Mack)
Robinson, who finished second, the
Ohio State g.l-around star ended an
u ibeaten campaign by lowering the
world as well as the Olympic mark
around one turn to 20.7 seconds.
Owens, in contributing the fifth
American Negro triumph in these
games, featured another big day in
which the United States team scored
well over the 100 mark in the team
point standing, leaving all rivals far
In addition to the 200-meter final,
Americans finished one-two in the
discus throw with big Ken Carpen-
ter,- of Compton, Calif., beating his
California rival, Gordon (Slinger)
Dunn, by hurling the platter 50.48
meters, 165 feet 7 29/64 inches for a
new Olympic record.
Britons Take Walk
Another gold medal was added to
the steadily growing American collec-
tion by Earle Meadows, of Fort Worth,.
Tex. The Southern California Tro-
jan soared to the Olympic mark-
smashing height of 4.35 meters, 14
feet 2 15/16 inches, eclipsing the old
record of 14 feet 1 7/f8 inches made
by Bill Miller at Los Angeles four
years ago.
The day's competition saw Great,
Britain retain the 50-kilometer walk
championships, as Harold Whitlock
clipped nearly 20 minutes from the
record, winning in four hours 30 min-
utes, 41.4 seconds, and Uncle Sam's
110-meter hurdling trio and 1,500-
meter triumvirate qualify in stirring
trials marked by the elimination of
Stanley Wooderson, Great Britain's
"metric mile hope."
Reichsfuehrer Adolf Hitler was
driven from his official box by a
heavy downpour of rain just after
Owens flashed across the finish line
for his third triumph and wasn't
among the thousands of die-hards
who remained and thundered acclaim
when the Negro stepped up for the
third time to be crowned with a laurel
wreath and given his third gold
medal and oak tree that will be
planted on Ohio State's campus.
Fourth Yankee Triple
Surmounting dismal weather con-
ditions throughout his four-day
stretch. Owens set two new Olympic
records, equalled a third besides add-
ing his name twice to the world rec-
ord list by equalling the 100-meter
mark of 10.3 seconds in addition to
his 200-meter mark this afternoon.
The only thing Jesse lost in the four
days was an official decision by the
I.A.A.F. ruling out his 10.2 perform-
a nce in the 100 with an aiding wind.
Owens thus became the fourth
American to capture three or more
championships in one Olympaid and
the first athlete to achieve a triple
since peerless Paavo Nurmi ran them
all dizzy in 1924 in Paris.
The Negro joined the heroic com-
pany of Arthur Kraenzlein, who won
four events in 1900, Ray Ewry, who
swept three standing jumps twice in
(Continued on Page 3'
Jarrett Will Fight
For Wife In Court
BERLIN, Aug. 5.-fP)-Arthur Jar-
ret, announced today that he had
planned to start legal action against
the American Olympic Committee
upon returning to New York with his
wife, Eleanor Holm Jarrett, who was
One Of Weirdest Cases In Law
Annals Reviewed By Prof. Tracy
In Re Tichbone, Famous
English Trial, Aroused
Heated Public Opinion
One of the weirdest cases in Great
Britain's legal annals, the Tichborne
case, which 75 years ago sharply
divided and aroused British public
opinion to frenzy was yesterday re-
viewed by Prof. John E. Tracy of
the Law School in a Summer Session
Roger Charles Tichborne, self-
identified claimant of the Tichborne
estate, was the principal of the case
that violently excited even England's
nobility and led to extensive gambling
on the probability of his claim being
confirmed by English courts. The
topic of Professor Tracy's lecture was
'In re Tichborne: A Celebrated Le-
gal Controversy."
Son of a mother who hated England
I and insisted upon Roger being edu-
cated in France, Roger had become by
the time he was 23 years old a moody I
and discontented man and left for
South America, Professor Tracy re-
lated. Upon the death of a brother,
he started for England but never
reached there and was thought to
have drowned.
"Everyone but Roger's mother be-
lieved him dead. After her husband
died, she advertised widely in news-
papers for him.
"Finally she received a message
from him that he had been saved by
sailors. His return was awaited an-
xiously not only by his mother, but
by relatives who were prospective
heirs to the Tichborne estate."
In 1866 he conferred with his so-
licitor and after two years his claim I
to the estate reached 'the docket. A
year later the trial started.
"By this time a great deal of senti-
ment had swept over England. Prom-
inent attorneys offered aid and he
was advanced money on his claims,"
Professor Tracy said.
For two years attorneys prepared
'Pretty Picture'
Of Coughlin Is
Bishop's Hope
Will Try To Impress Pope
With Priest's Political
Activities Here
ROME, Aug. 5.-RP)-Bishop Mich-!
ael J. Gallagher hopes to impress a
"pretty picture" of Father Charles E.
Coughlin's political activities on of-
ficial minds within the Vatican be-
fore he leaves Rome for his Detroit
If opportunity presents itself,
Bishop Gallagher said tonight, he
may present the Detroit radio priest's
case before the congregation of the
His purpose, he said, would be to
allay any possible misconception of
Father Coughlin's work by describing
it accurately.
Discussing his talks with prelates
who had asked "what all the hullaba-
loo was about," the Bishop said he
had given them a "pretty picture of
what Father Coughlin was doing."
But some objected, Bishop Gal-
lagher explained, "There is a spot
on your picture. He (Father Cough-
lin) called the President a liar.'"
"Then," said the Bishop, "I would
tell them 'we have erased that blem-
No Vatican official when properly
informed, Bishop Gallagher con-
tinued, could fail to command the
priest's propagation of anti-com-
munistic precepts enunciated in papal
At the same time, the Bishop ex-
pressed the opinion that if asked to
do so the Vatican would endorse his
warning to Father Coughlin to "bel
polite" in the use of language. The
The Holy See hasn't been called upon
to consider the radio priest's choice
of adjectives, he continued, because
"I wiped that slate clean before I
sailed for Italy."
"I urged him not to use expressions
such as calling the President a 'liar'
because it failed to show respect for
an office which deserves respect," he
I r. r-r11 > mr n I r . I
for the case. Before the case actual-
ly entered court Lady Tichborne died,
and with her death an old note of
Roger's defamatory to his former fi-
ancee, was reversed, which threw
some public support towthedefend-
"Roger was on the stand for 22
days. He forgot a lot, but told a
pretty straight story. His attorneys
called more than 100 witnesses, and
it looked as though he had a pretty
strong case," the speaker related.
The defense attorney claimed so
vituperatively that the claimant was
not Roger that the plaintiff dropped
the case after the jury had retired
for deliberation, according to Profes-
sor Tracy.
"But his troubles were not over,"
Professor Tracy said. "The judge or-
dered him held on a charge of per-
"The English people rallied to his
(Continued on Page 3)
Aif Will Openl
Stump lour n
East, Aug. 22
To Speak At Birthplace
First And Then Go On
To Chautauqua, N.Y.
Complete Itinerary
Is Not Made Public
Fitzgerald Lunches With
GOP Nominee, Exteids
Him Michigan Welcome
TOPEKA. Kas., Aug. 5.-(T)-Gov.
Alf M. Landon today chose August
22, 24 and 26 for the three addresses
which will open his eastern presiden-
tial camipaign in Pennsylvania and
New York.
Biology Camp
To Hold Open
HouseAug. 9
Everybody Invited To Visit
Douglas Lake Camp 2
To 5 P.M._Sunday
Roads Leading To
Camp To Be Posted
(Uiversity's Largest Camp
Has Been Running Since
1909 In Same Location
The University of Michigan Biolog-
ical Station at Douglas Lake in lower
Michigan will hold its ninth annual
visitors' day from 2 to 5 p.m. Sun-
day, Aug. 9, Prof. George LaRue, di-
Unions Ousted By
Labor Federation
sHis office announced that the Re- zrector of the station, announced yes-
publican candidate would speak at terday.
his birthplace, West Middlesex, Pa., The general public is cordially in-
Ad Niat 3 p.m. on Saturday, August 22. T
A vance earer On Monday evening, August 24, he vited to attend. .
will speak at Chautauqua, N. Y., and This is the only time of the year
on Wednesday evening, August 26, at when the station extends a general
French Border Buffalo. invitation to its neighbors and the
To Take Rest general public to inspect its build-
. Further details of the itinerary and ings and view the exhibits which have
Come Closer To Madrid IIn the number of stops to be made were been prepared for this occasion. The
Bloody Battle, Costingnot immediately available at the of- exhibits will be of an educational na-
fice of the Republican nominee. Aides ture and will include plants and
Many Lives, Wounded predicted that before making the animals of the region as well as cer
first Eastern drive, Landon would tain kinds of class work and scien-
MADRID, Aug. 5.-(P)-Spanish join his family at Estes Park, Colo., Itific investigations now in progress.
rebels tonight pushed the civil war for at least a week divided between The Biological Station is located on
front close to France's border in rest, recreation and work on speeches, the southeast shore of Douglas Lake
There also was an expectation on the old Cheboygan-Petoskey trail,
bloody battle for possession of San among some Republican advisers that 13 miles southwest of Cheboygan.
Sebastian and advanced a step near- the West Middlesex talk would deal Director LaRue announced that the
er Madrid at tremendous cost in with social security, although the roads from Cheboygan, Topinabee,
dead and wounded. candidate has declined to commit and Pellston will be well posted with
himself definitely. signs directing visitors.
Desperately the Fascist troops After a recent conference with Lan- Started In 1909
hurled heavy artillery fire along the don on his Buffalo plans, William The first session of the
Theurs sesio ofthe Biological
road into Tolosa and nearby San J. Ionovan, former assistant attor- Station was held in 1909. From the
Sebastian. A coordinating column ney general, told reporters that "em- very first, the study of animals and
moved toward Gijon, farther to the ployment and jobs" would prove of plants in their natural surroundings
greatest interest to the electorate in has been considered to be the special
West. that area. Exact hours of Landon's function of the Station. For this
As night fell, the rebels appeared night talks were not announced. work this region, with its great di-
to have niade little progress and new Discusses Michigan, versification of aquatic and terres-
fighting broke out near the French The dates of the nominee's first trial situations, is peculiarly well
border in the Province of Navarre. Eastern tour were made public at adapted. One has only to list the
The offensive marked an apparent- the close of a day in which Landon large dumber of lakes of all sizes
ly unsuccessful attempt by Fascists to discussed Michigan's political situa- within easy reach, bog lakes, bogs,
dislodge the strongly intrenched tion with Governor Frank D. Fitz- swamps, cold brooks and rivers to
Loyalists along the seacoast, and pro- gerald and Howard C. Lawrence, Re- realize that nowhere in the state is
vide a northern port through which publican state central comnittee there a better area for aquatic work.
the rebels could receive supplies. chairman; talked over the Iowa out- The great tracts of unoccupied wild,
Throughout the day the deadly look with Senator L. J. Dickinson, lands which present such a diversity
whine of artillery shells betokened Berry Halden, Republican candidate of conditions as the pine plains, jack-
progress of the attack-another bat- to succeed the late Senator Louis(vine plains, the hardwood forests, the
tle of destruction in the civil war Murphy, and George Wilson, Repub- fir, spruce and cedar swamps, sand
whih aredy ascos 3500 lieslican candidate for governor; andl dunes on the shores of the great
which already has cost 35,000 lives conferred on the Kansas drought sit- lakes, together with farm lands fur-
and 100,000 wounded, according to uation with state aides. nish a wide variety of conditions for
the Red Cross estimate. Fitzgerald and Lawrence lunched the study of land animals and plants.
High in the mountains outside with Landon. They said they had Friendly neighbors have been of great
Madrid, where yesterday 400 were extended the candidate a "general assistance by permitting classes to
killed in vicious fighting, rebels paid invitation" to visit Michigan, but collect upon their property.
for a two-mile advance with 300 dead that there would be no definite de- The enrollment this year is 105,
and a thousand wounded. termination of plans until further one greater than last year, and but
For 48 hours the fighting raged. At along in the campaign, three less than the maximum which
the end, the Fascist forces still were Noting that Frank Murphy, com- was reached in 1931. Among the 105
36 miles from the capital. They faced missioner to the Philippines, was students are 87 who hold first de-
tremendous new hazards when they seeking the Democratic nomination grees, five hold the doctor's 'degree,
turned toward Loyalists barricaded for the governorship, Fitzgerald said and 31 have the master's degree; one
in protected peaks of the Guadarrama -the President went half around the is a doctor of veterinary medicine,
passes guarding the plateau city. world to get my opponent. There are 56 men and 49 women.
Unable to bury their dead, the Sixty-four are engaged in teaching
troops poured oil on the bodies and IF MEN WERE DOGS
turned the battlefield into a funeral BROCKPORT, N. Y., Aug. 5.- P) Michigan Heaviest
pyre. --A magistrate who owns a dog him- More students come from Mich-
The Loyalist government, claimingsalt today spared the life of Idaho, igan than from any other one state,
new victories in the Guadarramas, a towny mongrel accused of drown- but Michigan students compose less
ne rd-ing a boy, but "sentenced" him to 26 than one-third of the student body,
cast to indicate weakening of the months confinement. Justice of the the others being scattered over 23
revonitistt.ePeace Homer D. Benedict's decision states and territories and 1 foreign
revoltis ts. brought 300 courtroom spectators to country. Besides the 31 students
The Madrid government arrested their feet cheering. However, the from Michigan, there are 14 from
more than 600 Fascists and Mon- court in the next breath ordered Illinois, 8 from Ohio, 7 from Pennsyl-
archists in a city-wide police round- , Brockport police to kill Idaho on vania, 6 from Kansas, 5 each from
up and continued the purge of Fas- sight if he is found at large in the Indiana and Wisconsin, 4 from Min-
cist sympathizers within the govern- village during the period of confine- nesota, 2 each from Kentucky, Iowa,
ment. Iment. Massachusetts, Missouri, N. Carolina,
Oklahoma, Texas, and Utah, and 1
Bif iCmeach from California, Connecticut,
Buildmo f HutreBell Chamber Maryland, Nebraska, New York, New
Mexico, Philippine Islands, Puerto
FrIRico, and Canada.
For urton Tower Now Underway Teaching has always had aniim-
I (Continued on Page 4)
Large Crowd Attends
3rd League Tea Dance
A large crowd attended the
third tea dance of the summer
held from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. yes-
terday in the ballroom of the
League under the auspices of the
League Council.
Among the students present
vere Katherine Burgess, Marie
Sawyer, Marlene Fingerle, Lee
Shinar, William Griffiths and
William Goetz.
Members of the cast of "Juno
the Paycock" and other Play Pro-
duction students attending theI
tea dance included Jack Porter,
Mary Pray, Gretchen Kanter and
Roberta Melin.
Mrs. Byrl Bacher, Mrs. Martha
Ray, Mrs. Louis A. Hopkins and
Mrs. Louis M. Eich poured at the
Education Club
Hears Hopkins
At Last Lunch
Season Brought To Close
Wilh 'A Bang,' Asserts
Chairman Paul Stanger
Dr. Louis A. Hopkins, Director of
the Summer Session, was the guest
speaker at the fifth and final of the
physical education luncheons, held at
the Union, yesterday. The last lun-
cheon brought the season to a close,
in the words of Paul C. Stanger,
chairman of the program committee,
"with a bang."
The 75 physical education students
and graduates who attended the lun-
cheon, sang Michigan songs and other
songs under the direction of Franklin
Weddle, band and music director at
Central High School in Flint, ac-
companied by Ruth Patto.
Dr. Hopkins reminisced about his
experiences on his recent trip to
Northern Michigan with Dean Sam-
uel T. Dana of the Forestry School,
land said that in traveling around the
upper peninsula, he was impressed by
the way the land was being used more
and more for recreational purposes
rather than commercial purposes.
"People have gained a new con-
sciousness toward recreation," said
Dr. Hopkins, "and this new attitude
affects education. This can be seenl
in the fact that the University of
Michigan, for example, has been
spreading out, and doing outdoor
things." Dr. Hopkins cited the geol-
ogy project out in Colorado, the geo-
graphy camp in Maine, and the for-
estry station in the upper peninsula
of Michigan, as examples of these
out-of-door projects.
Coach Harry G. Kipke, and Coach
Franklin C. Cappon, who were guest
speakers at previous physical educa-
tion weekly luncheons, were also
present at the last luncheon.
Intramural Round
Robin Won By Reds
The Reds captured the round robin
softball championship of the Summer
Session Tuesday afternoon by win-
ning their seventh straight game.
This team, composed of two former
Michigan athletes and Ludders, who
pitched his team to a victory in the
same tournament last summer, swept
all opposition before it in the race for
the flag.
Danny Rose, former basketball
star, and Joe Truskowski, former
football captain and three-sport man,
helped the Reds to the pennant aided
by the fine work of Pitcher Ludder
and Catcher Rankin.
Next week, games will be arranged'
among the various teams in a chal-
lenge round. Those desirous of play-
ing each other will ieet in unofficial
games during this seventh school
week. There will be no championship
at stake, according to Ernie Smith,
director of the softball league
throughout the Summer Session.
The' final stnings:q
10 Groups To Be Dropped
Permanently Unless They
Come About In 30 Days
Will Not Disband,
SaysChief Lewis
Charged With Insurrection
And Rebellion By Metal
Trades President,
WASHINGTON, Aug. 5.-(M)-The
American Federation of Labor's ex-
ecutive council today voted to sus-
pend ten unions now in the commit-
tee for industrial organization unless
they withdraw from that group with-
in 30 days.
Otherwise. the council decided, the
unions representing more than 1,-
000,000 workers will be suspended
John L. Lewis, president of the
United Mine Workers and leader of
the industrial organization commit-
tee, immediately retorted:
Will Not Disband
"We will not disband the commit-
tee for industrial organization. The
decision of the executive council will
not change the policy of the, C.I.O.,
nor will it have any effect upon the
organizing activities of the commit-
In view of the council's action and
the Lewis answer, many observers
felt that the American labor move-
ment would be split into two warring
groups before Labor Day, with the
industrial group, perhaps, compet-
ing against the A.F.O.L. in some
The council handed down its de-
cision after a three-day "trial" of the
unions on charges by John P. Frey,
president of the A.F. of L. metal
trades department, they were guilty
of "insurrection" and "rebellion" in
their organizing activities.
10 Unions Affected
The unions affected by the suspen-
sion order were:
United Mine Workers of America,
Amalgamated Clothing Workers, Oil
Field, Gas Well and Refinery Work-
ers of America, International Union
of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers,
International Ladies' Garment Work-
ers, United Textile Workers of Amer-
ica, Federation of Flat ,Glass Work-
ers, United Automobile Workers,
Amalgamated- Association of Iron,
Steel and Tin Workers, and the Unit-
ed Rubber Workers.
The Lewis group was composed of
the A.F. of L. faction believing all
workers in each big industry should
be organized into one union.
"When ambitious men form a dual,
rival organization for the purpose of
enforcing the acceptance of minority
rule within the American Federation
of Labor, the executive council de-
cides they cannot do so within and as
a part of the American Federation of
Labor," the council said in a state-
ment announcing its decision.
"The executive council is fully con-
scious of the grave situation existing
within the family of organized labor
because of the breach which has been
created through the formation of the
committee for industrial organization.
"Those who split and divide labor
through the creation of a dual move-
(Continued on Page 4)
Search Continues
For Missing Boy
BRIGHTON, Mich., Aug. 5.-(A)--
Scores of CCC boys and State Troop-
ers led by seven-year-old Bobby But-
ler's pet pointer, "Brownie," beat the
snake-infested underbrush about
Lake Ore today in a search for the
youngster, who has been missing since
l Monday afternoon from a private
boys' camp.
The boy is a son of William E.But-
ler of Detroit. He was attired only
in bathing trunks when last seen. Al-
though he could not swim and was so
afraid of the water that he would not
go wading with his companions, State
Police dragged the lake for several
Construction of the 44-foot bell
chamber portion of the campanile
in the Burton Memorial Tower is al-
ready under way with workmen set-
ting the frames for the concrete col-
umns and pilasters of that section.
According to announced plans,
construction of the tower, to be 192
feet in height, from the 10th floor
upward will vary sharply from the
uniform concrete shell which con-
stitutes the nine floors beneath the
bell chamber.
Large spaces to permit the music
of the 53 bells in the carillon to go
forth completely unobstructed and
first 16 feet will be completed this
week and the concrete will then be
poured Monday, providing weather
conditions are favorable. The sched-
ule of frame construction and "pour-
ings" calls for the completion of the
chamber well before the end of this
Meanwhile, plans received from
England disclose that the Charles
Baird Carillon will be shipped from
London on Aug. 25, and will arrive in
Montreal on Sept. 8. It is hoped that
the bells will arrive in Ann Arbor
during the second week of Septem-
The steel frame for the 53 bells
Merlino To Speak I
On Dante Tonight
In a special lecture, Prof. Camillo
P. Merlino, director of Italian studies
of the University, will present a pic-
ture of the thought of Dante and his
times in terms of their application
to our times, at 7:15 p.m. today in
Room 103 of the Romance Language
Building. The lecture will be en-
titled, "Dante And the Modern
Professor Merlino came to the
University in 1930 from Bryn Mawr.