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August 04, 1936 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1936-08-04

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TUESDAY, AUG. 4, 1936

Official Publication of the Summer Session

Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion -of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or
reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial
importance and interest to the campus.
To the Editor:
In the August 1st issue of The Daily, one of the
Forum articles criticized your editorial policy of
the past few months. Why the author of that
article should have been so merciful in his criticism
e do not know.
As a Republican from a typical prairie state
and a here-to-fore loyal supporter of The Mich-
igan Daily, I have read your ridiculing, biased,
school-boyish political editorials about as long as
I care to.

Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and SummersSession by Lhe $uta i
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
tion and the Big Ten News Service.
The Associated press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special
dispatches are reserved.
ntered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Th9ird Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.50, by mall
2.00. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
Offices: Student Publications Building. Maynard Street,
Ann. Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420
Madison Ave., New York City. - 400 N. Michigan Ave.,
Chicago, Ill.
Telephone 4925
Editorial Director ..................Marshall D. Shulman
Dramatic Critic ........................ John W. Pritchard
Assistant Editors: Clinton B. Conger, Ralph W. Hurd,
Joseph S. Mattes, Elsie A. Pierce, Tuure Tenander, Jewel
W. Werfel.
%Oeporters: Eleanor Bar, Donal Burns, Mary Delnay, M. E
Graban, John Hilpert, Richard E. Lorch, Vincent Moore,
Elie Roxborough, William Sours, Dorothea Staebler,
Betty Keenan.
Telephone 2-1214
Circulation Manager ..................J. Cameron Hal
Ofce Manager ............................Robert Lodge
Youth And
Public Service. . .
mented upon a Toledo experiment
in which students of political science were taking
an active part in the city's politics.
From our University this week has come a man-
ifestation of a new and healthier attitude on the
part of students toward the operations of govern-
It is a lamentable fact that those who enter
upon a public life must be subjected to vile per-
sonal abuse and calumny as a part of campaign
tactics. Remuneration is relatively slight, tenure
is precarious, and honor is fickle. The service of
the state is not the most honorable profession. As
a consequence, politics have not for the most part
attracted the men of highest character and ability.
It has little to offer idealistic youths under the
present set-up.
Hence it was encouraging to hear this week that
a student of the University, one who has trained
himself deliberately for public service, and a can-
didate for a Ph.D. in political science, was running
for the office of State Senator.
We of the University who are familiar with
the creditable work of Edward Litchfield as a stu-
dent and undergraduate leader trust that the
voters of the fifth district in Detroit, will be sym-
pathetic to the idea of a trained public servant.
His program is simple and intelligent: support of
social security and civil service measures. Through
efforts in this direction, public service may be-
come more attractive to trained youths and men
of ability, and the era of the racketeer politician
may be brought to a close.
A Canadian's Question
(From The Ottawa Journal)
Great Britain, not self-sustaining-Sir Samuel
Hoare has just said that she would starve within
six weeks if her food supplies were cut off-has
to protect her sea-lanes, has to defend colonies all
over the earth. The United States is self-sustain-
ing, is protected by two mighty oceans, has prac-
tically no colonies to defend. Yet the American
Navy now stands at 324 ships; the British at 307
ships. Only in gross tonnage has Britain a slight
We hear much about armaments in Germany,
in Russia, in Italy and Japan. Far more extra-
ordinary than these, surely, is the case of the
United States, building one of the world's greatest
navies. Against what, or whom, is it being built?

Both Parties Criticized
The Republican party is committed to extreme
isolationism, economic and political. The tariff
race has been one of the major causes of eco-
nomic disturbance and hence of the war condition
of the world. but the Republican party has no idea
but to increase tariffs.
Neither of the old parties has suggested a clari-
fication of our position in the Philippines or the
initiation of a treaty guaranteeing the neutrality
of the islands. Neither of the old parties has cate-
gorically declared for abandoning every trace of
imperialism in Cuba and Latin America.
President Roosevelt deserves credit for making
plain our American belief in religious liberty and
for refusing to be stampeded into any kind of im-
rerialism in Mexico.
(From a New York Address By Norman Thomas)

Ever since the name of Gov. Landon first ap-
peared this spring as a possible presidential can-
didate, he nas been the target of unfair criticism
in the editorials of this paper. As a recent ex-
ample, mey I refer you to Topeka Dust Storm
which appes red only a few days ago. A more un-
just, biased, and inaccurate article has never ap-
peared in Mr. Hearst's papers, which you renounce
so vigorously I regret that I have not the space
to discredit or qualify every point of the above-
mentioned article, as I could and would take grea
pleasure in doing so.
First, you attacked Gov. Landon for making
his speech so general. It was general. He gave
you a broad outline of his views and ideas and
that is the purpose of an acceptance speech. The
methods of carrying out those ideas is a mattei
ro be thoroughly discussed as the campaign pro-
gresses. The voters have until November to make
their decisions. Although you admitted that Gov
Landon promised to discuss his plans in detail a
an early date, you did not hesitate to condemn him
for not going into them in his acceptance speech
Evidently to please you he would have had to spea
for six hours and complete his campaign in one
Worse .yet, you went into his personality. Yo.
inferred that he did not have the executive ability
to capably fill the highest position of this nation
It is interesting to note in connection with thi
that the editorial staff with one or two exception
i from Ann Arbor or the East. I have lived anc
worked among the people of Kansas as well as
those of two neighboring states. Never have I
heard or read of a governor who enjoyed as muc
or more whole-hearted support, trust, and pop-
ularity. There are reasons for that display of
confidence by the people who have lived under his
leadership. I am convinced that the author of
Topeka Dusi Storm wrote on a subject about whicl
he was very ill-informed. He would do well to read
carefully the Republican platform as well as some
- of Gov. Landon's statement, which may be found
in current issues of your eulogistic New York Times,
on the third floor of the library.
The very day following the appearance of To-
leka Dust Storm your editorial deplored the fact,
in your opinion, that many of the leading news-
papers of the country are prejudiced in their po-
litical policy; in support of the Republicans, of
course. You didn't by any chance forget Topeka
Dust Storm did you?
One editorial offered a mild criticism of the
New Deal, but how carefully you soft-soaped it:
Today, (August 1st) appears an editorial
containing an exchange of letters between Mr.
Sterling and Mr. Winston.
It was very thoughtful of you to italicize the
portion attacking the Constitutional Democrats.
Why didn't you also italicize the well-founded
statements advocating our return to Americanism
and our successful policy of self-respecting inde-
pendence in government and the honorable labors
of life?
Of course I realize that this is only a college
paper, read and supported by young citizens from
all sections of the country and representing every
political viewpoint, and cannot be expected to pre-
sent fair, unbiased, and accurate criticisms of all
sides of the political question.
What will we have next from the little tin poli-
ticians in the Student Publications Building?
--M. Jaquier, Oklahoma City.
We assume by bias it is meant that one ar-
rives at an opinion without an impartial exam-
ination of the facts of an issue. If The Daily
has done this, or if it has unfairly examined
the facts of the national campaign, it is guilty
of bias.
The Daly has based its opposition to the
candidacy of Governor Landon on inconsist-
encies in his program which permit an ambig-
uous interpretation of the policies advocated
by him
Governor Landon has promised government
economy and decentralization of Federal pow-
ers. At the same time, he promises continued
relief, the main item of governmental expendi-
ture, and a kind of federal fLarm relief which
is contrary to his promise of decentralization.
About aconomy, he promises to cut out waste
(how?), and as evidence cites the Kansas bud-

get, which has been balanced at a terrific
human cost-education cut to the bone-and
with the aid of federal funds at that. Within
the past two weeks, he has had his state soil
erosion plan declared unconstitutional, and
has applied without apparent embarrassment
for drought relief, which was granted. Yet
he still professes to favor state programs for
handling such items of national character.
While professing to aid agriculture and bus-


WATERLOO, A Novel by Emanuel Komroff. New
York: Coward-McCann. $2.50.
(Review Copy Courtesy Wahr's Bookstore)
Read pages 223-304 (there is no page 305), be-
cause these deal with the defeat and the flight of
Napoleon, and they present in rather gripping
fashion the picture of the slow extinction of the
Corsican 'lyrranosaurus. The remainder of "Wa-
terloo" is an amiable potboiler; it may not have
been intended as a potboiler, but that is what it
turned out to be.
It is a superficial historical novel, quite badly
organized, its style being journalistically good but
decadent .rim a standpoint of usage. We take it
that Mr. Komroff is a historian who (a) felt a
strong urge to vitalize a character that was too
big for him, in a novel form whose technique he
has not mastered, or (b) wanted to present hither-
to obscure data regarding the bungling of The
Hundred Deys, and was afraid that if he wrote it
in the form of history it would not be read. At
any rate, "Waterloo" in general is a hodge-podge
of blood and blunder, weak character and inef-
fective pageantry, and in and out of the story un-
expectedly pop disconnected characters who were
inserted only to satisfy the requirement that a
novel must be humanized.
There are, to my way of thinking, several reasons
for writing a novel about Napoleon.
First is the desire to present a character of a
mighty man alone in the midst of a great army.
Mary Johnston, not writing about Napoleon but
about Stonewall Jackson, did this much better in
"The Long Roll."
Second is the desire to dig into the inner life of
the character. Napoleon's own letters, now avail-
able in a volume called "The Corsican" which is
chronologirally arranged and reads like fiction,
does this much better.
Third is the purpose of presenting a graphic
and panoramic picture of the battle. Victor
Hugo, in "Les Miserables," did this much better.
Fourth is a crisp stylistic presentation. Mr.
Komroff's style, which is a combination of Paul
DeKruif, Hendrik Van Loon, and my four-year-
old godson, doesn't harmonize with his theme.
Fifth is to write a consecutive narrative, or a
coherent interlacing of narratives, or a series of
l elated narratives. Mr. Komroff only writes epi-
Sixth is to present a group of colorful back-
ground characters. Mr. Komroff's background
characters are very dull, and. any number of
writers have done every type of character much
better than he.
Seventh is to expound or amplify a theme or
thesis. I looked for one in "Waterloo" but couldn't
find it.
Bearing in mind ? garbled memory of a state-
ment by St. Augustine that, since everything has
been done before, the only reason for doing it again
is to do it differently or better, I can't quite under-
stand why Mr. Komroff wrote any of "Waterloo"
except pages 223-304. But perhaps it is impolite
to bully a little book. It is pleasant to read it
during one's rest between Out and In on the golf
course. -John W. Pritchard.

VOL. XLV No. 30
TUESDAY, AUG. 4, 1936
Dr. William G. Carr will speak at
the Phi Delta Kappa luncheon today
at 12:15 p.m. at the Michigan Union.
All old and new members and guests
are welcome.
At 4:05 p.m. today Dr. William R.
Smithey, Professor of Secondary Ed-
ucation, of the University of Virginia,
will lecture in the University High.
School Auditorium on "Trends in Re-
spect to the Unit Method in the In-
structional Process."
At 5 p.m. today, in Natural Science
Auditorium, Prof. J. P. Den Hartog,
of Harvard University, will give a lec-
ture on "The Gyroscope, its Applica-
tion to Ocean Liners and Aircraft."
There will be demonstrations with
Summer Session Chorus: Very im-
portant rehearsal this evening at 7
p.m. in Morris Hall in preparation for
Sunday evening's concert.
David Mattern.

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FOR SALE: Scottish Terriers, 7
weeks old, A.K.C. Sired by Wee
Swagger, judged best of breed in
last Cleveland and Detroit shows.
Little beauties priced to sell. 1313
S. State. 25
FOR SALE: Conn B Flat trumpet.
Just like new. Will sacrifice for
quick sale. Also Deluxe Plymouth
coupe, '33, radio and heater. Box
163. 24
ed. Men's shirts 10c. Silks, wools,
our specialty. All bundles done sep-
arately. No markings. Personal sat-
isfaction guaranteed. Call for and
deliver. Phone 5594 any time until
7 ' o'clock. Silver Laundry, 607 E.
Hoover. 3x
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Box darned.
Careful work at low price. 1x






mean that the' government should keep its
hands off during unionization, save for the
prevention of violence? Does he oppose the
Wagner Law? He does not say. Considering
that most large employers are supporting the
Republican Party, it is unlikely to look for an
improvement in the condition of labor from
that quarter.
These mconsistencies exist, we maintain, be-
cause the Republican convention was faced
with the difficult task of keeping two essen-
tially irreconcilable bodies together. On the
whole, the Republican platform professes sim-
ilar objectives to those of the New Deal, but
hopes to achieve them through different-
more constitutional - channels. Republican
campaigning having heretofore consisted
largely of destructive criticism, the most vital
question to be asked Governor Landon is:
"Just how do you intend to achieve recovery
and adequate labor, agricultural and industrial
We were disappointed with the generalities
of his acceptance address. President Roose-
velt, whose acceptance speech was also not
specific, was faced with a different necessity.
His methods were well known. What every-
one demanded was: Toward what objectives
is the New Deal headed?" And the address
gave the answer: toward personal liberties
which are impossible in a condition of eco-
nomic servitude.
With respect to the exchange of letters be-
tween Mr. Sterling and Mr. Winston, we found
in them such obvious condemnation of the
constitutional Democrats (those who will
probably support Governor Landon at their
Detroit convention) that we felt it unneces-
sary to add further comment. That it could
be construed as a criticism of the New Deal
seems inconceivable. The italics were a part
of the letter. Had we added them ourselves,
we would have so indicated.
We would welcome another letter from you,
M. Jaquier. If you can prove that these are
not inconsistencies, and that our opinion is
not based on indisputable fact, we shall be
glad to acknowledge our past bias and to alter
our future editorial policy.
Lindbergh On War
(From the Manchester Union)
Frequently heard in the arguments of adherents
to various peace movements is the attempt to draw
a sharp line of distinction between so-called "wars
of aggression" and "wars of defense." That this





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