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August 04, 1936 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1936-08-04

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The Weather
Partly cloudy to cloudy, un-
settled; south and east por-
tions, cooler west and north
portions today.


Sir i4a

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Youth And
Public Service .

Official Publication Of The Summer Session


Is InNorth
Government Forces Say
They Captured La Zaida
In Renewed Attempt
Fascists Advancing;
On San Sebastian
Rebels Are Augmented By
Added Forces Of 10,000
Troops From Pamplona
MADRID, Aug. 3. - (P) - Loyalists
and rebels tonight pushed the battle-
front of Spain's bloody civil war into
the north, rebel troops withholding
for the moment direct attack on Ma-
Government forces claimed cap-
ture of La Zaida. to the south of.
Zaragoza, in a renewed attempt to
quell that center of revolt.
Fascists advanced toward San Se-
bastian, determined to rout loyalists.
in that northern area and insure
against attack from the rear when
the long-prejicted march against
Madrid is begun.
Ten thousand troops from Pam-
plona reinforced Gen. Emilio Mola's.
rebel forces for the San Sebastian.
encounter. Mist and fog halted ar-
tiery fire for the day and limited
action to brief guerrilla encounters.
While troops massed in the north-
ern area for what promised to be
major battles tomorrow, smaller rebel
forces left to maintain positions in the
mountains claimed capture of Guad-
arrama City and Navalperal.
Control Points
These two cities were regarded as
control points of two of the threei
passes leading to the Spanish capital
from the north. The rebels claimed
also capture of Torrelodonnes, 12
miles from the city.
The Madrid government wireless
station announced arrest of thee
Bish6p of Jaen. He and some of his
relatives were imprisoned in his ca-
tledral. Lolayists admitted seizure
of about 1,000,000 pesetas (nominally
about $130,000) belonging to the bish-
op's sister and 8,000,000 pesetas ($1,-
000,000) from the bishop's palace.
The government asserted that it
held complete authority in Madrid
and that construction employes had
returned to work. Officials declared
no reports of military movements
henceforth would be announced ex-
cept those of definite leftist victories.
Leftist forces, increased by enlist-
,ments from nearby rural provinces,
surged into the jagged mountains in
another effort to oust the foe.
Confidence of success was tem-
pered somewhat by admissions time
would be- required to restore the na-
tion to normality. But, the leftists
insisted, "we will win in the end."
Grave Situation
"We do not deny that when the re-
bellion first broke out, we found our-
selves in an extraordinarily grave sit-
uation," observed Julio Alvarez del
Vayo, loyal socialist leader.
"Since then, however, there has
been a great change. Many regi-
ments have either deserted or inpris-
oned their officers and come over to
our side."
Government warships renewed ac-
tion in the Straits of Gibraltar with
bombardment of the fort at Ceuta,
Spanish Morocco, where the revolt
began. The ships drew away to seek
shelter behind a British cable ship

when the fire was returned.
Other craft shelled rebel concentra-
tions 30 miles east of Gibraltar.
(France indicated she might de-
liver arm'sto the Spanish government
ifvher proposed tripartite neutrality,
agreement is not accepted quickly.I
(Authoritative sources said that
Great Britain's adherence would be
assured tomorrow, but there was no
indication when Rome's reply would
be received.
(French fear of a new fascist dic-
tatorship if rebels are successful led
to the proposed tripartite neutrality.
France feared Italy might aid the
Spanish fascists, and this fear was
heightened by appearance in Morocco
of Italian planes.)
Gyroscope Subject
of Today's Lecture
rM., ann ,-m .m silect ure

Second U. Of M. Student Submits
Name In TrichiganPoliticalRace

V. Johnson AnnouncesI
Candidacy In Republican
Nomination Primaries
Vernon C. Johnson, '37, of Iron
Mountain, the second student to an-
nounce his candidacy for membership
in the State Legislature, has enlisted
in the primaries for the Republican
nomination for State Representative
from Dickinson County, a northern
peninsula district.
Johnson, who is 25 years old, is the
first undergraduate to enter the pri-
maries, the other student, Edward
Litchfield, who has filed for State
Senator from the, fifth district in De-
troit, being a graduate student work-
ing for his P.H.D.
The chief plank in Johnson's plat-
form is the adoption of a state Civil
Service as outlined by the Civil Serv-
ice Study Commission headed by Prof.
James K. Pollock of the political sci-
ence department.
He also intends to advocate the
extension of educational faciilties for
northern peninsula students. "Be-
cause so many families are on relief
in the district, many young people
with special ability are prevented
from going on with their education,"
,he said. "Therefore we believe that
the state should make direct grants
to the local school boards to aid such
students, or that the colleges and
universities in the state should great-
ly enlarge their scholarship grants."
Other points in his platform are
the appointment of a special plan-
ning board by the State government
to deal more specifically with prob-
lems of the northern peninsula, clos-
er cooperation in the district with
the State agricultural department,
which would increase the amount of
acreage available to farmers, and
more extensive methods of forest con-
Johnson, who will receive his de-
gree in political science in February,
will oppose the Democratic incum-
bent, Phil Rahoi, 6 other Democrats
and 4 Republicans in the primary
I Week-End Auto

Death Toll


Third League Tea Dance
To Be Held In Ballroom
The third League tea dance of
the summer will be held from 3:30
to 5:30 p.m. tomorrow in the ball-
room of the League.
Those who will pour at the tea
are Mrs. Louis A. Hopkins, wife of
Dr. Hopkins, director of the Sum-
mer Session; Mrs. Louis M. Eich,
wife of Professor Eich, secretary
of the Summer Session; Mrs. Byrl
Bacher, acting dean of women.for
the Summer Session and Mrs.
Martha L. Ray, assistant to the
dean of women.
Music for dancing will be fur-
nished by a three piece orchestra
selected from Al Cowan's regular
band. Mary Andrew is in charge
of the tea dance. There will be
no admission charge.
This summer tea dances have
been held for the first time since
1931 and 1932. At each of the
first two tea dances given this
year, there was an attendance of
more than 360 people.
Teachers Will
Meet Today In
N.S. Auditorium
Joint Federation Meeting
Is Open To Public; Will,
Discuss Academic Issues
A joint meeting, open to the pub-
lic, will be held at 8 p.m. today in the
Natural Science Auditorium by the
American Federation of Teachers and
the Michigan Federation of Teachers.
Both of these organizations are af-
filiated with the American Federation
of Labor.
According to Prof. Norman Nelson
of the English department, the meet-
ing will take the form of a brief dis-
cussions by several speakers followed
by an open forum in which the public
will have a chance to express their
views on academic freedom, tenure,
organization and other problems con-
fronting the teaching profession to-
Among the visiting speakers on the
pogram will be Mrs. Frances Comfort,
president of the Detroit local, who
will speak on the subject, "The Func-
tion of the Local," and Arthur Elder,
president of the Michigan Federation
of Teachers, who will talk on "The
Functions of the Michigan Federa-
tion of Teachers."
Prof. Robert C. Angell of the so-
ciology department will also address
the meeting. Prof. John Shepard of
the psychology department will speak
on "Effects of Economic Changes on
the Status of the Teacher."
Detroit Defeats
Tribe As Rowe
Gains 13tI Win
Schoolboy's Pitching And
Hitting Important Factor
In Tigers'_9-4 Victory
DETROIT, Aug. 3. -- (/P) -- Detroit
turned back Cleveland 9 to 4 in the
only major league game played to-
day to shove the Indians ten full
games behind the pace-setting New
York Yankees.
Mel Harder, aiming for his 14th
win, started for the Tribe. He was
ineffective and was removed for a
pinch hitter in the seventh after
yielding 11 hits and eight runs. Bob
Feller, 17-year-old recruit pitched the
seventh and eighth and gave up two
hits and one run.

Rowe, continuing his hitting streak,
got two hits out of four trips to the
plate, but Gerald Walker was the in-
dividual batting star with a double
and two singles in five times. Al
Simmons got a double and a single
in four trips and Charley Gehringer
two out of five.
The Indians took a two-run lead in
the second inning on Vosmik's single
and Knickerbocker's homer into the
upper right field stands. The Tigers
got one of those runs back in their
half on a pass to Goose Goslin, a
single by Simmons and a force-out by
Detroit pushed over four runs in the

Food Studies
By Chemists
Are Deseribed
Mechanization Of Farms
Add To Food Supplies
Of Man, Lewis States
Science Increases
Yields, He Declares
Sugar Beet Regions Owe
Much To The Industrial
Chemist,_Speaker Says
The importance of the chemist in
developing new foods was empha-
sized yesterday by Prof. Howard B.
Lewis, director of the College of Phar-
macy, in the first Summer Session j
lecture of the week. Professor Lewis'
spoke on "The Chemist and the
World's Food Supply.",
Two factors were stressed by Pro-
fessor Lewis as being the most im-
portant in increasing the food supply
of the nation while the total crop
acreage remained stationary. The
first of these was the rise of the
gasoline era. Professor Lewis stated
that the substitution of motorized
equipment for transportative and
other agricultural tasks enabled farm-
ers to place on the market for hu-
man consumption products which had
theretofore been utilized to feed agri-
cultural stock.
Science Helps Farmers
The second factor mentioned by
Professor Lewis was the increased
improvement in the methods of an-
imal husbandry. Scientific knowl-
edge has enabled farmers to secure
more from the same number of stock
and more from the same number of
acres. He added that 55,000,000 crop
acres have been added to the nation's
total since the World War.


Of Right Control
For Laxity And
Report Shows

Speaking of the


4 Are Injured
Detroiter Killed In Crash
On Washtenaw Saturday;
Others Critically Injured
Two persons were dead and four in
serious condition as a result of Wash-
tenaw County automobile accidents
over the week-end.
The dead were Morley Alfs, 19 years
old, of Detroit, son of William A. Alfs,
general attorney for the Michigan
Central Railroads and part owner
of the Detroit Lions; and John Cos-
grove. 75 years old, Willis farmer.
Alfs died at 1 a.m. Sunday in St.
Joseph's Mercy Hospital, three hours
after he was admitted there, from a
skull fracture and chest injuries suf-
fered in a collision on Washtenaw
Avenue two miles east of Ann Arbor.
Ruth Thompson, of Addison, who was
injured in the same accident, is in
critical condition in University Hos-
pital, with fractures of both legs, a
thigh fracture, and a broken arm,
together with a possible skull frac-
ture, and Delmar I. Allman, 46 years
old, of Ypsilanti, is in serious condi-
tion in St. Joseph's with chest in-
juries, as a result of the same col-
State police are not yet sure of
the manner in which the two cars col-1
lided. Miss Thompson was riding in
Alf's car.
Cosgrove died at Beyer Memorial
'Hospital in Ypsilanti as the result of
a collision Sunday afternoon at the
intersection of Willis and Textile
roads, when a car driven by his wife,
Kate Ccsgrove, failed to stop at
Willis Road, a through highway, and
was struck by a car driven by Ever-
ett Bock, 22 years old of Tecumseh.
Mrs. Cosgrove is in serious condition,
as is Bock.
Also injured in the same accident
were Lorette Radjcuski, 14 years old,
who was riding with the Cosgroves,
who suffered shock, cuts and bruises,
Mrs. Everett Bock, 24 years old, who
received a broken knee-cap and Or-

made in the field of animal hus-
bandry, Professor Lewis said, "In 1900
the averagerannualwproduction of
putter fat per cow was 145 pounds;
in 1930, 180 pounds. In the five
years preceding the depression the
number of dairy cows was only five
per cent greater than 10 years before,
yet the production ofmilk was 25 per
cent greater than before."
Yield Improved
Another factor of importdnce in the
recent improvements of food sup-
plies has been the bettering of the
yield and character of the staple veg-
etable foodstuffs, Professor Lewis
said. He cited statements by Secre-
tary of Agriculture Henry A. Wallace
which indicated that through newly
developed corn strains the grower will
be able "to produce our present supply
of corn on 90 million acres instead of
100 million."1
"Another striking example of the
improvements due to the combined
efforts of the plant breeder and the
industrial chemist," Professor Lewis
continued, "is seen in the sugar beet
industry, of particular interest to
resident- of Michigan." Through ap-
plication of science to plant breeding,
the speaker said, the sugar content
of beets grown in the United States
has been increased to an average of
15.75 per cent as compared to the
eight per cent, or less, contained in
the original sugar beet plant.
EAST ST. LOUIS, Ill., Aug. 3.-/P)
--Constable John Hamilton dived into
Pittsburgh Lake here today helping
officers search for a revolver police
say he admitted using to kill his
secret wife and her escort.

Pollock Group
Hits Waste Of
State's Income
Civil Service Commission
Says State Government
Lacks GoodManaging
Score Time Waste
By State Employes

Taxpayers' money as well as state
employes' time are wasted regularly
because the state administrationhas
no adequate supervision of hours of
work, sick leaves, and vacations, the
State Civil Service Study Commission,
headed by Prof. James K. Pollock of
the political science department here,
charged yesterday.
Continuing their investigation of
the political "spoils system," the com-
mission said, in a report preliminary
to its official statement to Gov. Frank
D. Fitzgerald, which will include its
draft of the proposed state civil serv-
ice law, that the desirability of sys-
tematic regulations concerning sick
leaves, vacations, and hours of work
are too obvious to need recounting.
The commission, which is composed
in the majority of University of Mich-
igan undergraduates, stated that it is
not generally realized that the ab-
sence of such regulations can be defi-
nitely costly.
"A lenient department head," the
report read, "who permits his em-
ployes to work seven instead of eight
hours a day or two take three in-
stead of two weeks' vacation by his
action has given away twelve and
one-half per cent and about three
per cent respectively of what the tax-
payers' money has bought and paid
The commission further reported
that in the absence of right control
in the matter of absence from duty
because of illness inevitably makes for
laxity and therefore greater losses.
"How much greater this loss can
be is inaicated by the case of the city
which, by doing nothing more drastic
than requiring employe's to take phys-
ical examinations once a year and a
full explanation of all absence due
to illness, reduced its annual payroll
loss for sickness from 1.25 per cent
to .75 per cent," the report said.
The commission calculated that if
Michigan adopted this plan a corre-
sponding saving to the state of $75,-
000 per year would result.
Liquor Commission
Mav BeChallenged
LANSING. Aug. 3.-(U)-I. L. Col-
burn, secretary and treasurer of the
Michigan Beverage Retailers Associa-
tion, threatened today to challenge
in the supreme court the state liquor
control commission's authority to en-
force its regulations.
He said he was instructing members
of the' association that they should
disobey recent regulations, with the
promise that a fight would result if
the commission attempted enforce-
Colburn said members of the asso-
ciation objected particularly to a
a regulation announced last week
which would prevent beer retailers
from cashing workmen's pay checks.
He said a limitation placed on the
number of brands of beer out-of-state
that might be carried in stock by any
regulation announced last week

Squeezing Charged
To 23 Oil Concerns
And 58 Indivi*duals

Put-In-Bay Excursion
Is Last Trip In Series
The trip to Put-in-Bay on Lake
Erie tomorrow will be the tenth]
and final excursion of the Sum-
mer Session series.
Chartered busses will leave for
Detroit at 7:15 a.m. tomorrow
from the east entrance of the
Natural Science Building and will
go directly to the "Put-In-Bay
dock on the Detroit River. Here
the party will board a steamer for
the island. The entire trip, ia-
eluding bus and steamer faresj
and meals on the boat, will 1
amount to slightly below $5.
Put-In-Bay is one of a group ofe
islands located at the western endr
of Lake Erie, about 60 miles south-i
east of Detroit. Geologically, Put-
in-Bay is of interest for its rug- i
ged limestone shore line, for its
surface evidences of glaciation andr
for its caves. Prof. Ralph L.
Belknap of the geology depart- r
ment is the director of this ex-
On the island is located Per-t
ry's Monument, a tall granitet
shaft 352 feet high, commemorat-
ing Commodore Perry's naval vic-t
tory of 1813.
The group will arrive back in
Ann Arbor at about 9:30 p.m. to-
morrow. All reservations for thist
last excursion must be made be-
fore 4:30 p.m. today in Room 1213~
Angell Hall.t
Save CCC Camp
As Fires Roar
On IsleRoyale
Additional Fighters Held
In Readiness As North
Wind Fans Flames ;
MARQUETTE, Aug. 3.-UP)-A for-;
est fire burning on Isle Royale, in
Lake Superior still roared on today
over cutover lands, but after two days
of fighting a crew of 600 men suc-
ceeded in checking a fire which en-
dangered the CCC camp on the island.
Two new fires broke out on the
island, and were burning on a stiff
northwest wind. Arrangements have
been made to send additional crews
of CCC workers to the island if they
are needed.
A fire in Alger County which
burned over 3,500 acres and endan-
gered the town of Traunik was re-
ported under control today, after it
shifted on a north wind. A force of
400 workers still fought the blaze
which came within a quarter mile of
the village..
A fire in 200 acres of the Hia-
watha Forest near Ensign was brought
under control today.
Workers said the Traunik fire
would cause heavy damage if the wind
shifted to send it into heavy timber.
It already has destroyed several
homes and other buildings, as well as
timber and log stocks.
Rain fell at various places along
the fire front Sunday night, but
was of little aid in checking the roar-
ing flames, in pine and other highly
inflammable timber.
The village of Filion, ten miles
north of Bad Axe, was menaced to-
day by a fire which started on the
farm of Ralph Schmidt and swept
through woodlands and over pastures
toward homes of the village.
Volunteer workers from Kinde,
farmers and Filion residents turned
out to form fire lines and battle the
creeping blaze. The fire was within
a half mile of the village late today.
Army Prepares For..

Annual War Games
FORT KNOX, Ky., Aug. 3.--P)-
While 20,000 troops assigned to the
unmotorized army received intensive
training and detailed instructions to-
day in preparation for war games,
Col. Bruce Palmer, commander of the

U. S. Indictments Under
Sherman Anti Trust Act
Name Trade Journals
Price Manipulations
Laid To Operators
Artificial Rates Devised
Through Buying Pools,
Government Alleges
MADISON, Wis., Aug. 3.-()-
United States District Attorney John
Boyle announced tonight that a Fed-
eral grand jury had returned indict-
ments against 23 major oil compan-
ies, three trade journal publishing
companies and 58 individuals charg-
ing violation of the Sherman Anti-
Trust Act.
The indictments were the result of
an extensive investigation by the spe-
cial Federal jury into a complaint of
the National Oil Marketers Associa-
tion that major companies were at-
tempting to "squeeze" independent
dealers out of business. Boyle said
the names andsidentities of the de-
fendants were being withheld until
warrants are served.
Boyle said the specific charges are
that the defendants "combined and
conspired," beginning February, 1935,
and continuing to the present, to in-
crease and fix prices of gasoline sold
in interstate commerce, mainly in
ten states of the middle west.
The grand jury's report, made to
Federal Judge Patrick T. Stone, was
a partial one delivered to the court
July 28 and not made public until
Jury Recessed
The jury meantime has recessed
until Aug. 19 when Boyle said the
investigation would be resumed.
Previous to the July 28 recess the
jury had returned another indict-
ment against William A. Tracy, of
Fort Worth, Tex., bulk sales man-
ager of the Sinclair Refining Com-
pany, charging perjury.
Boyle said that the 84 defendants
were named in a single true bill
charging that gasoline prices were
manipulated by means of two con-
certed buying programs or pools, one
operating in the East Texas and the
other in Oklahoma and the nearby
mid-continent fields.
The indictment charges, Boyle said,
that the defendant companies acted
in concert to purchase large quan-
tities of gasoline in spot transactions
from independent refiners at artificial
prices which are maintained as going
market prices.
Boyle said the companies involved
sell large quanities of gasoline in
Michigan, Wisconsin, Indiana, Il-
linois, Minnesota, North and South
Dakota, Iowa, Missouri and Kansas.
Charges Of True Bill
He said the true bill charges that
sales were made in these states under
long term supply contracts in which
the price of gasoline to the jobber is
determined by the average of the spot
market prices as published in the
Chicago Journal of Commerce and
Platt's Oilgram.
It also alleges, he said, thatkby rais-
ing and fixing the spot market prices
through a buying program, the major
companies boosted prices which the
jobbers were required to pay for gas-
oline under their contracts and there-
by exacted large sums from the job-
Boyle said the grand jury found
that the effect of the buying pool
was to raise the retail price of gas-
oline to consumers.
Two of the trade jounal publish-
ing companies named in the indict-
ment were the Chicago Journal of
Commerce and Platts' Oilgram.
Boyle said they were charged with
having participated in and aided the

alleged conspiracy by publishing the
agreed pool prices as open market
The grand jury began its investi-
gation May 4 on instructions from
Attorney General Homer S. Cum-
mings at Washington, to whom the
complaint of the National Oil Mark-

A 'Noisy' And A 'Good One,'
Says Director OfO'Casey Play

"Juno and the Paycock," Sean O'-
Casey's Irish folk-play, which will
open at the Lydia Mendelssohn*
Theatre tomorrow night with Whit-;
ford Kane, the guest director of the
Repertory Players and actor of in-
ternational renown in the role of the
"Paycock," is "a very noisy show,"
according to Hiram Sherman the di-
rector of this seventh presentation of
the season.
"The Irish certainly make a lot of
noise," Mr Sherman said. "And
'Juno and the Paycock' is a corking
good show. It's not a well-made
,- - . ..r.i r +- +, n iTi v o+ e -

was given the distinction of being
considered "the greatest Irish dra-
matist, since Synge."
"The characters are all remark-
able people," Mr. Sherman went on.
"Captain Boyles is Juno's lazy hus-
band who never woks and spends his
time in strutting about the town 'like
a Paycock,' while Juno is in a class
by herself. She is hard-working,
sharp-tongued, yet capable of going
on her tragic way without grumb-
ling," he continued.
Those who go to see this drama
that so vividly portrays all the vices
and virtues of the Celtic people asl

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