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August 04, 1936 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1936-08-04

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TUESDAY, AUG. 4, 1936


Farm Services Wins For Fuehrer
Are uestioned
A eHamilton Says Americans
Began To Regain Control
By Landon Nomination-
BISMARK, N. D., Aug. 3.-()-
(From The Associated Press) John D. M. Hamilton, chairman of
the Republican national committee,
Logan JWinning
said in an address tonight the Amer-:
In Kentucky Dace
incan people took their first steps to-'
Returns tallied last night from wards recovering "control of their
government" when Gov. Alf M. Lan- ;
3,945 of Kentucky's 4,296 pre- on fKasswsomatd f
civcts in a Democratic Senatoial the Presidency.
contest gave Senator M. M. Logan On the first leg of an aerial tour of
169,458 to '166,899 for former 15 western states, Hamilton chose his
Gov. 3. C. W. Beckham. Bismark address to challenge the
A third contestant, John Y Democratic administration's claims of
service to the farmers. <
Bown, had 81,103. Nominated On Farms
Today Kansas, Missouri and i Asserting Governor Landon was:
Virginia will hold primaries to inominated on the farms of America, ,
which some party leaders look the Republican campaign leader said:
"It is not surprising tht the '
for a hint of te trend of the po- "I1 ntsrrsn tht he
American farmer has turned from an
litical tide. administration pledged to restore the -
Seven other states-Tennessee, American market to the American
Arkansas, Idaho, Wyoming, Cal- farmer that at the end of three and
ifornia, Mississippi and South one-half years has the following r>
Carolina-will hold primaries record:
"An increase in the volume of food
during the current month. Texas imports amounting to 41 per cent inw
voters will settle election contests ;the case of crude foodstuffs and 49
in a run-off primary. per cent in manufactured foodstuffs,?
an increase in the imports of wheat#
from 3,000 bushels in 1932 to over --:r-.
Small Army To Hunt 27,000,000 in 1935, and of corn from
For Mystery Man 344,000 bushels to over 43,000,000 bu- -Associated Press Photo.
shels in the same period. Hide Fleischer (above) of Ger-
STANDISH, Mich., Aug. 3.-(/P) Farmer Most Interested many tossed the javelin 148 feet
-A small army of possemen, led "A decrease from 1932 to 1935 in 2 25 32 inches at the Olympic
by Sheriff John Johannes, will our exports of wheat by 99 per cent, of Games in Berlin, Germany for a
search a wooded area north of (flour by 42 per cent, of lard by 82 new women's Olympic mark. She
Sterling tomorrow for a myster- per cent, and of meat products by bettered the previous Olympic rec-
ious man who has frightened H19 per cent." ord of 148 feet 4 iches made by
residents on-several occasions re- Hamilton, referring to the admin- Mildred (Babe) Didrickson of Texas
cetly. . istration's reciprocal trade agree- in the 1932 games.
Sheriff Johannes said he ex- ,ments, said the farmer was the most
pected 150 men to take part in vitally interested party, but was ex-
the search, including 100 'CCC cluded from the negotiations. ( G reen Begins
enroleesfrom the Hale and Mo- "Again the American farmer does
lasses River camps. not object to any reasonable policy Tri m O C A PL
that will increase American trade " "I.
The search was organized af- with foreign lands and thereby in- ,
ter Mrs. Rose Nitzlaff reported crease American employment and 'R beh n st tc
that a heavily bearded stranger American prosperity, but he insists,
hurled a rock at her as she and rightfully, that he shall sit in for
worked in a field. The rock in- the protection of his own interests John L. Lewis And Eleven
flicted a large bruise on one 'arm. when the deal is made."J
The man fled without molesting Other Industrial Union
her rertorr.S.ys*Heads Fail To Show Up
Neighbors of the Nitzlaffs said irectorSaysH
a man of similar appearance had WASHINGTON Aug. 3.-(e)-
been seen several times sk ulking ' PW 'I T inus. u. a
in the woods.a Trial of the dustrial union faction
Soviet FliersPlanIsNoisyon charges of "insurrection and re-
10,000 Mile Flight ombellion" began today with William
,0 ie g Continued from Pap-eGreen, Federationpresident, express-
SAN PEDRO, Calif., Aug. 3.- ing diminished hope for a peaceful
()-Two Soviet fliers decided and destines her to a life that prom- settlement.
late today to hop off sometime to- ises to be even unhappier than her John L. Lewis, president of the
morrow on a hazardous 10,000 frenzied mother," Mrs. Sherman said. United Mine Workers, and 11 other
mile flight to Moscow by way of "This is probably explicable in that union leaders who support his Com-
Alaska and the Arctic coast of the villain, Bentham, is an English- imittee for Industrial Organization,
Siberia, man, not an Irishman,"' he added failed to show up when the Federa-
Pilot Sigmisimund Levanevsky, jocularly. tion's Executive Council started the
the "Lindbergh of Russia," and Still the audience will find that trial on charges preferred by John P.
his youthful navigator, Victor E. (they can laugh as well as weep at the Frey, president of the Metal Trades
Levehenko, were to have left yes- struggles of this poor Irish family: (Department.
terday but radio compass adjust- (Juno is extremely admirable in her Green, spokesman for the craft
ments caused postponement. attempts to keep her family intact; union faction, told reporters that his
The fliers will study aerological ,The Paycock' is as amusing and lov- failure to appear dimmed his hopes
conditions and possibly blaze a able as Rip Van Winkle in his stren- (for peace.
route for regular flying between uous efforts to avoid any sort of labor. Observers regarded two other de-
the Soviet Union and the United Mr. Sherman, himself a playwright, velopments as equally important:
States. is a devotee of Mr. O'Casey's magnifi- 1-Such influential members as
cent contributions to the theatre. William Hutcheson, president of the
Ten Students Drown "Juno and the Paycock" is his first Carpenters, and Arthur Wharton,
campus production this season. He president of the Machinists, were rep-
In Pleasure Boat has formerly taught and directed at resented by close friends as favoring
PARAMARIBODutch Guaa, ,the Universities of New York and immediate suspension of the Lewis
ARIB11 ounchstuint, Syracuse, along with work at the group.
Aug. 3- _P)-Ten young students Goodman Theatre in Chicago ancd 2-George M. Harrison. president

drowned today when a pleasure several years in summer stock and va- of 4the Railway Clerks, notified Green
boat capsized on the Surinam rious road companies. that he could not attend the Council
River. Four others were rescued. "Case History," one of his better meeting because of the pressure of
nown plays enjoyed a three-year other duties. Harrison has been ac-
Sta eSenatorrun on Broadway while "God's Ace" tive as a peacemaker in the dispute.
it l was another of his most successful Compromise Is Proposed
endeavors. At the present time he is Before the Council, sitting as a trialj
H ands Farley working on a new play, "Preview," committee, heard Frey enumerate his
which he is writing here in Ann Ar- charges and demand suspension,
ffb S bor because he considers Ann Arbor Henry Ohl, Jr., president of the Wis-
"one of the best places in the world consin Federation of Labor, proposed
for a writer to work." a compromise.
GRAND RAPIDS, Aug. 3.-(P)-
United States Senator Arthur H. Van-I
denberg said today he didn't recall ENENING RADIO]PReGtA.fL
having referred to Gov. Alf lv. Lan-
don, the Republican presidential can- _._
didate, as a "geographical accident.'' 6:00-WJR Stevenson Sports. 9:45-WJR Hot Dates in History.
, Michigan's junior Republican sen- WWJ Ty Tyson. WWJ Royalists.
ator was replying to a statement by WXYZ Easy Aces. WXYZ Sammy Diebert's Music.
CKLW Phil Marley's Music. 10:00-WJR News.
Chairman James A. Farley of the 6:15-WJR Kate Smith's Band. WWJ Amos and Andy.
WW.J Bulletins. WXYZ Dance Music.
Democratic National Committee, who WXYZ Rhythm Time. CKLW Scores and News.
said several days ago that he under- CKLW Rhythm Moments. 10:15-WJR Rhythm.
64-JBokearter WWJ Evening Melodies.
stood Vandenberg had so designated WJSoai arter. CKLW Danice Music.
Gov. Landon prior to his nomination WXYZ Rubinoff-Rea. 10:30W JR The Mummers.
iClvln.CKLW Song Recital. WJDneMsc
in Cleveland.7 0-WJR Hammerstein's Music Hall. WXYZ Frank Winegar's Music.
Vandenberg made the following WWJ Leo Reisman's Music. CKLW Griff Williams' Music.
WXYZ Waltz Dreams.104-WJesCrwod
statement today: CKLW Walenstein's Music. WXYZ Jolly Coburn's Music.
71-XZKt'Rhtmie.1:00-WJR George Givot.
I notice that Mr. Farley says that 73-WJ yLa gh wit hyenMurray. WXYZ Shandor: Earl Walton's Music.
before Cleveland I called Governor WWJ Horace Heidt's Music. CKLW Enoch Light's Music.
rWwYZ Edgraceuest'snMusic.me11 :15-CKLW Mystery Lady.
Landon a "geographical accident.' I WXY Edgar Guest in Welcome WJR George Givot.
do not recall it. But I should think CKLW Ozzie Nelson's Music. 11:30-WJR Musical.Program.
Mr. Parley would hesitate to bring up - 4-CKL Cri$ors.ysMsc WXYZ Lou Bring's Music. .
the subject of 'geographical accident.' WWJ Vox Pop. CKLW Joe Sander's Music.
The greatest 'geographical accident' WXYZ Ben Bernie's Music. 12:00-WWJ Dance Music.
The grWatesLeseArrapeita'saMusicn
GK~ ice ae.w ZLsAqet' ui.of modern politics occurred when Mr. 8;C0WRwiptc uhes:ales. CKLW Johnny Lewis' Music.
.:30-WJR Rupert Hughes: Benny 12:30-CKLW Horace Heidt's Music.
Farley ontemptously called Governor Goodman's Music.
WWJ Ed Wynn, Graham McNamee. 1:0-CKLW Joe Sander's Music.
Landon'. 'the governor of a typical 'WXYZ °red Fio Rito's Music.


Publication, in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session, Room 1213
Angell Hall until 3:30: 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.
(Continued from Page 2) p.m. at the Michigan League. They
cordially invite the wives of all stu-
subjects and dates are as follows: dents and internes to attend. Both
Tuesday, Aug. 4: The value of de- contract and auction will be played
sign in experimentation. 'as well as "Grocery Store." Mr. Ford
Wednesday, Aug. 5: Recent Pro- Graham, assisted by the bridge com-
gress in mathematical statistics. mittee, will have charge. Everyone
Friday, Aug. 7: The study of in- is urged to come promptly at 2 p.m.
heritance in man. These lectures and get your groceries for next week.
will be given in Room 1025 A.H. at

4:1 p.m. iAllinterese are cordially
All Classroom Teachers who are at-
tending the Summer Session are in-
vited to hear and to take part in a
discussion of Teachers' Needs and
Teachers' Organizations in the Na-
tural Science Auditorium, at 8 p.m.
All women interested in education
are invited to attend the final meet-
ing of the Women's Education Club
to be held Wednesday, Aug. 15, from
7:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the League.
M.S.C. Alumni Banquet at 6 p.m.
Wednesday, Aug. 5 at the Michigan
Union. All Michigan State Alumni
and their wives are cordially invited.
Mr. Gallup and Dean Edmonson will
Graduate Students in Education
who are working toward the master's
degree and who have completed at
least one term of graduate study are
cordially invited to a tea to be held
in the University Elementary School
Library Wednesday afternoon, Aug. 5
from 5 to 6 p.m.
Excursion No. 10: Put-in-Bay, Lake
Erie, Wednesday, Aug. 5. Reservation
must be made in Room 1213 Angell
Hall before 4:30 p.m. today. Buses
leave for Detroit at 7:15 from the
Natural Science Bldg. Bus fare $1.25
round trip. Steamer tickets 75 cents
round trip. Total expenses includ-
ing meals on steamer, about $4. Trip
ends at Ann Arbor about 9:30 p.m.
The Michigan Dames will have an-
other bridge tea this Wednesday at 2
Continuing Sunday's discussion
this would be a good time to give you
the bad news. By which I mean that
I will attempt to answer the ques-
tion: How much does it cost to equip
a darkroom? Of course it is pos-
sible to fix up a dark room at very
little expense, or to spend a great deal
of money. So the only thing that I
can do is to quote you the minimum
prices consistent with high quality,
and the minimum of equipment. I
shall first list the essentials for print
making and then the additional
equipment for films.
Safelight, about 45 cents.
Printing frames, 60 cents and up.
Trays three needed,about 40 cents.
Graduate, 15 cents and up.
Paper, about 60 cents will start you.
Developer, 6 cents and up.
Fixer or hypo, 15 cents and up.
Additional :
Not essential but helpful.
Ferrotype tins, 25 cents and up.
Print roller, 45 cents and up.
Print tongs, 2 needed ,about 20
Thermometer, 75 cents and up.
So you see the total necessary
equipment amounts to only about
$2.40 and the supplies come to 81
cents. Supplies are best listed sep-
arate as they are used up and should
be charged to operating costs, while
equipment would be considered as an
I have separated the film develop-
ing from the printing because many
people find that they are not able to
secure a darkroom safe enough for
films, and so they send the films out
for developing and only make the
prints themselves. Also it is a wise
policy when starting to do your own
work to start with the printing and
then after you thoroughly under-
stand this phase of the work, it is
time to start film developing.

The additional equipment needed
for films is as follows:
One more tray, about 40 cents.
Safelight for film, 75 cents and up.
Film clips 15 cents each and up.
Of course it is possible to elaborate'
on this list to a tremendous extent.
I have seen darkrooms that cost as
high as $1,500, and of course those
intended for commercial purposes can
cost almost any amount. But this
list will serve to. start you and if you
take the interest in this work that
most people do, then you will prob-
ably want to increase your equip-
ment, but as I have said equipment
can be classed as investment, and if
you buy carefully, it will be a good

Final Physical Education Luncheon,
Michigan Union, Wednesday, Aug. 5,
12 noon. Dr. Louis A. Hopkins, Di-
rector 'of the Summer Session, will be
the speaker, Franklyn Weddle, Song
leader. All physical education stu-
dents urgently invited.
There has been some interest in-
dicated by graduate students from the
Upper Peninsula in a group meeting.
All persons so interested meet at
Portage Lake, Thursday, Aug. 6, at
5 p.m. Bring your own lunch.
A special public lecture on "Dante
and the Modern World" will be given
by Prof. C. P. Merlino, of the Depart-
ment of Romance Languages, Thurs-
day evening, Aug. 6, at 7:15 p.m. in
Room 103 of the R. L. Building. The
lecture will be over by 8 p.m.
Summer Session Students: Re-
quests for transcripts of the work of
this Summer Session in the College
of L.S. & A., and Schools of Arch.,
Educ., and Music should be filed in
Room 4, U. H. on or before Aug. 10.
Requests received after that date
will of necessity be delayed.
A list of those students in the
School of Education, College of Lit-
erature, Science, and the Arts, and
Graduate School who have made ap-
plication for a teacher's certificate to
be granted at the close of the Sum-
mer Session has been posted on the
School of Education bulletin board in
Room 1431 U.E.S. Any student whose
names does not appear on this list
and who wishes to be so listed should
report this fact at once to the Re-
corder of the School of Education
1437 U.E.S. -
Summer Session French Club: The
next meeting of the club will take
place Thursday, Aug. 6, at 8:15 p.m.
at "Le Foyer Francais," 1414 Wash-
tenaw. Prof. Anthony J. Jobin of the
French Department will talk on "Les
Francais dans le Michigan." Songs,
games and refreshments.
Comprehensive Examination in
Education: The Comprehensive Pro-
fessional Examination covering the
courses prescribed for the teacher'
certificate will be given Saturday
Aug. 8, at 9 a.m.
Candidates for the Teacher's Cer-
tificate: Students who expect to re-
ceive a teacher's certificate at the
close of the Summer Session musi
pay the fee by Aug. 21. Blanks fo
this purpose may be secured in th
office of the Recorder of the School
of Education, 1437 U.E.S.
Annual Visitors' Day at the U. of M
Biological Station
Sunday, August 9, 1936
The public is cordially invited tc
attend the ninth Annual Visitors' Da
of the University of Michigan Biolog-
ical Station, August 9, 1936, from 2
to 5 o'clock Eastern Standard Time
This is the only time of the yea
when the Biological Station extend
a general invitation to its neighbor
and the general public to inspect it
buildings and to view the exhibit
which have been prepared for thi
occasion. The exhibits will be of ar
educational nature and will include
plants and animals of the region a
well as certain kinds of class work and
scientific investigations now in prog-
The Biological Station is located or
the southeast shore of Douglas Lake
Cheboygan County, on the old Che-
boygan-Petoskey trail, thirteen miles
southwest of Cheboygan. The road
from Cheboygan, Topinabee, anc
Pellston will be well posted with sign
directing visitors. There will be
plenty of room to park, help in park-
ing, guide service, and free admissior
to all places of interest. Bring you

friends with you and become ac-
quainted with this part of your State
The first session of the Biologica
Station was held in 1909. From the
very first, the study of animals anc
plants in their natural surroundings
has been considered to be the special

function of the Station. For this for the past six seasons; a few mem-
work this region, with its great diver- bers have given more than 20 years
sification of aquatic and terrestrial ofservice to the Station. Seven of
situations, is peculiarly well adapted.
One has only to list the large number the staff are regular members of the
of.lakes of all sizes within easy reach, University of Michigan faculty:
bog lakes, bogs, swamps, cold brooks George R. LaRue, Professor of Zo-
and rivers to realize that nowhere ology and Director of the Biological
in the state is there a better area for Station; Alfred H. Stockard, Assistant
aquatic work. The great tracts of un- Professor of Zoology, Secretary; Paul
occupied wild lands which present S. Welch, Professor of Zoology; John
such a diversity of conditions as the H. Ehlers, and Carl D. LaRue, Asso-
pine plains, jackpine plains, the ciate Professors of Botany; Frank N.
hardwood forests, the fir, spruce and Blanchard, Associate Professor of Zo-
cedar swamps, sand dunes on the ology; and Frank E. Eggleton, As-
shores of the great lakes, together sistant Professor of Zoology. Six of
with farm lands furnish a wide va- the staff come from other institu-
riety of conditions for the study of tions: Frank C. Gates, Professor of
land animals and plants. Friendly Botany in Kansas State College;
neighbors have been of great assist- George E. Nichols, Professor of Bot-
snce by permitting classes to collect any and head of the Botany Depart-
upon their property. ment at Yale University; Herbert B.
The enrollment this year is 105, one Hungerford, Professor of Entomology
greater than last year, and but three and Head of the Department of En-
less than the maximum which was tomology at the University of Kan-
reached in 1931. Among the 105 sas; William W. Cort, Professor of
students are 87 who hold first de- Helminthology and Head of the De-
grees, five hold the doctor's degree, partment of Helminthology at the
and 31 have the master's degree; one School of Hygiene and Public Health,
is a doctor of veterinary medicine. Johns Hopkins University; Charles
There are 56 men and 49 women. W. Creaser, Professor of Zoology and
Sixty-four are engaged in teaching Chairman of the Department of Bi-
during the year and 40 are students. ology in Wayne University; and Lyell
More students come from Michigan J. Thomas, Assistant Professor of Zo-
than from any other one state, but ology in the University of Illinois.
Michigan students compose less than Miss Odina Olson of Ann Arbor is
one-third of the student body, the Dean of Women, and Dr. W. M. Brace,
others being scattered over 23 states Physician to the Health Service at the
and territories and 1 foreign country. University of Michigan, is Physician
Besides the 31 students from Mich- to the Station.
igan, there are 14 from Illinois, 8 from Laboratory and teaching assistants
Ohio, 7 from Pennsylvania, 6 from this summer are Dr. Donald J. Ameel,
Kansas, 5 each from Indiana and Mr. Carl E. Hoffman and Mr. James
Wisconsin, 4 from Minnesota, 2 each Merry all of the University of Mich-
from Kentucky, Iowa, Massachusetts, igan, Dr. Waldo Steidtman, Bowling
Missouri, N. Carolina, Oklahoma, Green State University, Mr. Frank
Texas and Utah, and 1 each from Hinds, Western State Teachers' Cob-
California, Connecticut, Maryland, lege, Kalamazoo, and Mr. Milton W.
Nebraska, New York, New Mexico, Sanderson, University of Kansas.
Philippine Islands, Puerto Rico, and Visitors coming to the Station will
Canada. ,note the signs marking the borders
Teaching has always had an in- of the 4,000 acre Biological Station
portant place in the Station's pro- Forest. Reforestation of this tract
gram, but from the very first year, was begun in May, 1931, and at the
much attention has been given to the present time more than,.800 acres
investigation of biological problems. have been replanted, chiefly to white
These studies result in the publication and norway pines. More than sixteen
of 20 to 30 scientific reports every miles of fire 'lanes and six miles
year which are given world-wide dis- of work roads have been constructed
tribution to libraries and biologists. and are maintained as a protectign to
About 380 such reports on the plants the developing forest and ,buildings.
and animals of the Douglas Lake These projectshave been carried out
region have been published. under the direction of Professor W. F.
In addition to the teaching staff Ramsdell of the School of Forestry
In ddiionto heteahin stffand Conservation, and the work has
who also conduct investigations, sevenbendonervatynyand thelaorad
visiting investigators are working on been done partly by local labor and
various biological problems this sum- partly by members f the Civilian
mci'. They are Di'. George Avery of Conservation Corps. A check-up of
mone.theyt arle ge Dr. Edward the results attained by planting in
Coar f Cranbrooknstitute r this five-year period is now in prog-
Ernest Hartman of Johns Hopkins iess.
University, Dr. A. M. Holmquist of St. The Biological Station invites you
Olaf College, Dr. D. B. McMullen, to bring your guests and to pass this
Monmouth College, Dr. Joseph Miller, invitation along to your friends and
Ohio State University, and Dr. S. B. neighbors. There will be plenty of
Talbot of Davis and Elkins College. parking space for cars and help will
Four research assistants are help- be given in parking. There will be
ing faculty members in their research guide service and courteous exhib-
programs. They are Sterling Brack- itors. The exhibits are all free. The
ett, University of Minnesota, Dr. D. C. hours are 2 to 5 p.m., Eastern Stand-
Chandler, University of Arkansas, ard Time, the date, August 9th. Come
Ruth Gilreath, University of Mich-' and see what this part of your Univer-
igan, and Dr. Marion Raymond, Wi- sity is doing.
nona State Teachers' College. George &. LaRue, Director.


The faculty has remained the same Route 1, Cheboygan, Mich.
Will Continue Through August
Dresse s -suits -Ccoats
All White and Pastel Crepes - Light Prints - Knits - Strings --
Laces and Cottons Sizes 11 to 46, 162 to 261/2. Values to $16.95.
COATS, String and Novelty Fabrics. Sizes 12 to 20. Values to $16.95
Darker Crepes - Sheers - Laces - Prints
Knits at Reductions from i/ to 12.
Values to $29.75
Values from $16.95 to $29.75.
at $7.95 and $12.95
BLOUSES, SHIRTS, SWEATERS, $1.95 and $2.95 vals. $1.39 to $2.00
ARTCRAFT HOSIERY, $1.00 and $1.35 values . . . 69c to 95c
TGhe &izabeth -'jillon
i Unrestricted choice. Every summer hat.

1..: -- - .1


i ! t 9,



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