of the Summer Session
Vf,41 ,r -- l.
from the student group as a whole.
Thousands each year pay admission to see stu-
dent dramatic productions; equally impressive
numbers attend student, faculty, and professional
--"rts here. But, in comparison, the percentage
of the campus population which shows any in-
terest in student painting, sculpture, and the like,
is very small indeed.
Tomorrow a new collection of student and
young alumni art works will go on exhibition in
she Student Art Exchange in the League. In their
field, the graphic and plastic art products created
on the campus here can doubtless be placed 'on
just as high an artistic plane as those in other
branches of creative endeavor.
The work to be placed on public display tomor-
row includes pieces in several lines. Ceramics,
pencil renderings, water colors, and batiks by a
varying group of Michigan students and ex-stu-
dents will make up this first show of the summer
In addition to the exhibits, courses in several
fields, including screen painting, block printing,
and design, are to be taught in the Exchange,- as
well as a class in clay modeling.
. It is patent that no creative group can exist
without the patronage of public attention. Where
the lack of this attention consists only of public
self-denial in a field of art and culture as valid
and as stimulating as those which are better pat-
ronized, it indicates a regrettable breach of pub-
lic interest.
; ... J~
recognize familiar faces, but the heroine (who
also turns out to be a detective) is Benita Hume,
the English actress who has just signed a MGM
contract in Hollywood. "The other woman," for
there is one, will be remembered by American
audiences as the dancer in "Cavalcade"-Ursula
Jeans. Henry Kendall was new to me, but very
pleasingly English.
The fourth chapter of "The Devil Horse" is one
of, the short selections, as well as "Screen Snap-
shots" which shows some of your Hollywood fa-
vorites as they are off the screen. Then there is
the usual short feature, "Silly Symphony," which
is very good.
All worth your time and money if you care
to spend a hot afternoon at the "cool" movies.
-B. L. G.
(Showing Saturday through Tuesday)
An unusual predicament compels Laurel and
Hardy to become members of a bandit gang in
their latest feature-length comedy, "The Devil's
Brother," which opens at the Majestic theatre to-
"The Devil's Brother," is a picturization of
Auber's famous comic opera, "Fra Diavolo," with
Dennis King portraying the Marquis de San Mar-
co, who ingratiates himself into the good graces of
all the lovely ladies while stealing their jewelry.
Laurel and Hardy are seen as a couple of vaga-
bonds. They saved their money and decide to
take life easy. At which moment a couple of ban-
Publihed every morning except Monday during the
niyersity yeareand Summer Session by the Board in
introl of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
>n and the Big Ten News Service.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
r republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
t otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
1blished herein. All rights of republication of special
spatches are reserved.
E'tered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor,,Michigan, as
:ond class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
dIrd Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier$, $1.00; by ail,
.50. 'During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by.
Excursion No. 9: Greenfield Village
(Second Trip) - Wednesday After-
noon, July 26-Scheduled for stu-
dents and citizens who were unable
to go on the tour, July 19. Buses
leave from in front of Angell Hall
at 1 p. in. Party returns to Ann Ar-
bor by 5:45 p. m. Nominal entrance
fee of 25 cents will be charged at
the village. Round trip bus fare $1.
Reservations must be made by 5
p. in., Tuesday, July 25, in Room 9,
University Hall. Wesley H. Maurer
Excursion No . 10: Put-in-Bay,
Lake Erie-Thursday, July 27. Under
direction of Laurence Gould, profes-
sor of geology and renowned antarc-
tic explorer. Chartered buses leave
from in front of Natural Science
Building at 7 a. m. Steamer leaves
Detroit dock at 9 o'clock, arrives at
Island at 12:30 p. m. Tours under
guidance of Professor Gould. Steamer
leaves Island at 4:15 p. m. and ar-
rives in Detroit at 8:15 p. in. Await-
ing buses will return party to Ann
Arbor by 10:30 o'clock. Bus fare,
round trip, $1.50. Steamer fare, 75
cents. If party consists of more than
100, a rebate of 20 cents will be
made, thus bringing the net fare to
55 cents. Total expenses under $5.
Make reservations by purchasing bus
and steamer tickets before 5, p. m.
Wednesday, July 26, in Room No.. 9,
University Hall. Wesley H. Maurer
Graduate School: Students en-
rolled in the Graduate School will
not be permitted to drop courses aft-
er today. A course is not officially
dropped until it is reported in the,
office of the Graduate School, 1014
Angell Hal.
Students who have changed their
elections since submitting, election
cards should call this week at the
office of the Graduate School. This
involves the dropping and adding of
courses, the substitution of one
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30;
11:30 a. m. Saturday.
bers of these courses please consult
the Bulletin Board in Graduate
Reading Room 1 as soon as possible.
The information asked for in that
bulletin should be in my hands by
July 25th at the latest. 0. F. Butler
Business and Professionai Women's
Club Picnic: The Ann Arbor Busi-
ness and Professional Women's Club
extends an invitation to all out-of-
town club members in the Summer
Session who might enjoy attending
the club picnic to be held today
at Mrs. Peel's cottage, Winans Lake.
Supper will be 40 cents. Meet at
the north door of the Michigan
League at 3 p. m. for transportation.
Please make reservations not later
than Friday noon calling telephone
number 9861.
A mid-summer showing of etchings,
pencil renderings, ceramic sculpture
and water colors by students and
young alumni will commence Sunday
at 3:30 p. m. at the Student Art
Exchange in the League.
In addition to this showing of new
work, there will be a One Dollar
Show in which a wall of the 'Ex-
change' is devoted to a collection of
wood-cuts, water colors, etchings etc.,
to be sold for one dollar each. Fac-
ulty and students are cordially in-
Radio: Mr. Leo J. Fitzpatrick,
Vice-President and General Manager
of WJR radio station, Detroit, will
conduct an informal discussion" on
the subject, "The Problems of Radio
Broadcasting," in Room 4203, Angell
Hall, at 3:15 p. m., Monday, July 24.
While this conference has ,been ar-
ranged for the benefit of those teach-
ers interested in coaching the debates
on Governmental Ownership of The
Radio, nevertheless, the public is in-
vited. G. E. Densmore
School of Education Students: All
students now in residence having
courses recordede as Incomplete (I),
or absent from Examination (X)
must complete their work in these
courses by July 26. If, because of
extenuating circumstances, a student
is unable to complete his work by
this time, a request for an extension
of time, with the written approval
of the instructor, must be presented
at the Recorder's Office of the School
of Education.
In caseswhere neither a supple-
mentary grade nor a petition for an
extension of time is received, the
courses will be recorded with grades
of E.
Michigan Repertory Players: The
final performance of Goldoni's "The
Servant of Two Masters" will be pre-
sented tonight at 8:30. The Lydia
Mendelssohn theatre box-office will
be open from 9:30 to 12, and from
1 to 8:30; the telephone number is
The Rev. Frederick B. Fisher, D. D,.
will speak at the First Methodist
Church Sunday upon "Living Above
Friction," 10:45 a. m.
Wesley Hall: At 6 p. m. Sunday
"Christian Principles and The prob-
lems of Mental Hygiene" will be dis-
cussed-Dr. E. W. Blakeman, lead-
ing. At 7-Fellowship hour for all
Methodist students and their friends.
Special music.
Community Sing: In West Park at
7 p. in. Sunday Prof. Wray Congdon
will lead the Community gathering.
The sermonette will be delivered by
Dr. Harvey C. Colburn, Congrega-
tional minister from Ypsilanti. (Un-
der auspices of the Vacation Recre-
ation Committee of Ann Arbor, Dean
J. B. Edmondson, chairman).
The Congregational and Presby-
terian Churches. will meet together
for the service of worship at 10:45
Sunday morning at the Presbyterian
Church. Rev. Allison Ray Hetaps,
minister of t h e Congregational
Church, will speak on "The Wings
of the Morning."
The Women's Education Club will
meet with the Men's Education Club
at the Union on Monday evening at
7:00. Paul Voelker, State Superin-
tendent of Public Instruction, will
speak. This meeting will take the
place of the joint Pi Lambda Theta
meeting. Women interested in edu-
cation in Michigan should find this
meeting of special interest.
O'es: 4tudent Publications Building, Maynard Street.
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone 2-1214.
repxesentatives: College Publications . Representatives,
I.c., 40 East Thirty-Fourth . treet, New York City; 0
Bbylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Chicago. National Advertising Service, Inc., 11 West 42nd
S., New York, N. Y.-
Phone: 4925
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: John C. Healey, Powers Moulton
and E. Jerome Pettit.
RP.OR.TERS: Edgar H. Eckert, Thomas H. Kleene, Bruce
r° anley, Diana Powers Moplton, Sally Place.
Office Hours; 9-12, 1-5
Phone: 2-1214
AFlaw In
The Unversity's Budget...
NE HESITATES to point out a
.mino fault in something that.
taken as a whole, comes very close to being fault-
less. Especially is this true when one is not sure
n his own mind whether the minor fault is,
In fact, a fault or a virtue.
Nevertheless, it might not be amiss at this time
' to consider the one aspect of the planned economy
program passed by the Board of Regents in the
'secial meeting last Monday that might possibly
U considered a flaw.
As has already been expressed in the editorial
columrns of The Daily, we consider the fact that
tie University administration was able to frame'
a budget that did not raise tuition-at a time
when an increase in the payment n ecesary to at.
ted college would have resulted in many persons
being unable to receive the advantages of a higher
education-a splendid achievement. This fact
alone is sufficient for one to say that the budget
was well drawn up.
Add to this the graduated salary cut in the
University's personel, which caued men with
the higher salaries to take the greatest reduc-
tions, and the necessary staff pruning and one
may truthfully state that the composition of the
budget is excellent.
But, as we have stated, there is one point that
niight possibly be questioned. We refer to the fact
that only four professors, four associate profes-
Bo's, and seven assistant profesor were eliminated
Whereas 46 instructors and six others were cut
from the staff.
Similarly, only two professors, one associate
professor, and 13 assistant professors were put
pn a part time basis while 43 instructors and
five others also received a reduced teaching load.
The question that we would raise is this: Might
not it have been better if, for instance, ten full
professors were eliminated and the instructors
kept on the job? As a full professor draws a sal-
ary several times greater than an instructor thi
Wiould have been possible. It is true, of course,
that one professor is more valuable to the Univer-
sty than one instructor; but is one professor more
valuable to the University than, let us say, four
Perhaps. But then let us ask, will that one pro-
fessor be more valuable to the University five 01
ten years from now than the four instructors will
ke at that time? Personally, we do not believe so.
It is our opinion that, while the older members
of the faculty are the backbone of the Univer-
sity, giving it the scholastic prestige for which i
ha. s long been justly noted, the younger element
of the staff contributes very decidedly to the Uni-
versity's progressiveness, for which it has alsc
long been justly noted. We honestly think that
thls progressiveness is just as important to the
welfare of the institution as is its scholastic pres-
In fairness to the administration, let us hasten
to add that the problem is not by any means as
sinple as the presentation here would indicate.
Tie University, must not treat its employees as
so many inanimate objects in a giant co-opera-
tion A professor who has given the University the
best twenty of- thirty years of his life certainly
cannot be discharged without any consideration
merely because there is a chance that in five or
ten years he will have outlived his usefulness.
Such a procedure would not only be unfair and
unethical, but, speaking, as we must, in a prac-
tical way, poor business tactics. Men of reputa-
tion in the teaching profession would never plan
to become permanently associated with such an
So, the conclusion that we may safely drav
concerning the budget is that there is only one
possible flaw and, considered from an unbiased
outlook, even that one flaw may be a virtue.
Campus . Opinion
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of
The Daily. Anonymous communications will be dis-
regarded. The names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential upon request. Cohtribu-
tors are asked to send in only typewritten or legible
articles, using one side of the paper only. Contribu-
tors must be as brief as possible, confining themselves
to not more than 400 words. -The Editors.
ro the Editor:
Professor Knudson, in his lecture Thursday
afternoon, could well blame the United State for
refusing to accept goods in exchange for the debts
owed to the United States but I fail to see how
,hat factor alone or President Wilson's Fourteen
Points can make France the sinned-against angel
of Europe. The United States may have advocated
freeing Germany from he reparations without
excusing France from her debt payments to the
United States, but France is still guilty of impos-
ing the Versailles Treaty on Germany and insist-
dng on reparations until Germany was, on the
Lrink of being borne down with the chaotic gov-
ernment which it now has.
Knudson is correct in .pointing out that the
national determinations insisted on by the late
President Wilson was a foolish undertaking which
ih one case - that of the Polish Corridor - will
undoubtedly result in another war in Europe. Yet
who supports Poland in her foolish prating about
ethnological bases for Polish ownership of the
Corridor? France does this in the name of secur-
ty. Security has been the excuse of France in all
her maneuvers which have resulted in the par-
Uitioning of Europe into alliances and ententes
which are no different in purpose from those
existing in Europe prior to the war.
In the matter of nationalism, France alone can
decide for herself whether she wishes to continue
along the reactionary path running counter to
the new light of international solution of diplo-
matic controversies. However, I do not-believe
chat the other nations of the world can long con-
tinue to sit idly by while France crushes Germany
and the Danubian countries. Surely France as
well as any other nations has the right to refrain
from international co-operation, but surely she
:annot be credited with having maintained the
peace of Europe by militaristic means, as Prof.
Knudson declared. She may maintain an army
for national security and feel that such a course
is justified. Nevertheless to say that France is
the savior of Europe by such action is to ignore
uhe official attitude of the nation in the prob-
iems of the nations which are apt to support'
Economic security is the basis for any peace.
Yet when,the countries lying in the Danube basin
sought an outlet for their grain, and to thus
leviate their difficulties which might eventually
Lead to a war if left unmitigated, France blocked
the attempts to let down the European tariff
barriers against the Danubian products because
such a program would have resulted in the resto-
ration of the natural currents of trade between
Germany and this area which was once largely
a part of the Austro-Hungary empire which trad-
ed largely with the old imperial Germany.
I agree with the professor that the United
States is guilty of sabbotage in international mat-
ters, but I can't agree that France is not at fault
n many diplomatic controversies. To hold aloof a
jowerful sword of coercion in the direction of
aeace in one hand and on other the hand to clutch
the pen of diplomacy which writes doom for the
veaker foe is not the portrait of a sincere disciple
of peace. -A Student.
Screen Reflections
Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very
good; two stars good; one star just another picture;
ao stars keep away from it.
course for another, as well as the
change of instructors.
G. Carl Huber
Latin 216 and 215: Will the mem-
Laurel and Hardy in "The Devil's Brother"
dits hold them up and take away their life savings.
It then occurs to Laurel that it is, easier to steal
chan to make money honestly.
Undertaking the career of highway robbers, they
eventually confront Diavolo, known throughout
the countryside as the notorious bandit chief.
Pretending to the great chief himself, Hardy soon
discovers his mistake, but it is too late to make a
getaway. The chief's band surround the comedi-
ans and make them prisoners.
Hardy is sentenced to be handged and Laurel is
given the job of hangman. The comedians are
saved temporarily when they consent to be the
personal aides of the bandit chief who is in quest
of a beautiful lady's jewels.
In addition to the comedy team and Dennis
King, the supporting cast includes Thelma Todd,
James Finlayson, Lucille Brown, Arthur Pierson,
and Henry Armetta.
* * * '
Bill Boyd battles a gang of eastern gunmen and
bank robbers, clears himself of false criminal
charges and wins the girl he loves, all in a rural
setting in his first starring vehicle for RKO-Radio
pictures, "Men of America," which is on the pro-
gram with Laurel and Hardy.
The picture is an attempt to bring out, appar-
ently, the attributes of both the old type Western
film and the more or less current gang story. In
it the six-gun fighter is matched against the
''smart boy from the city."
"Men of America" presents. a great variety of
interesting characterizations in addition to the
type of action which is to be expected from such
a film. Dorothy Wilson, former stenographer who
became a featured player with her first role ("The
Age of Consent") furnishes the romantic interest
opposite Boyd, while Charles (Chic) Sale plays
the part of an old Indian fighter. In support are
Henry Armetta, Theresa Maxwell Conover, Fred
Windstrom, and Alphonse Ethier. Ralph Ince di-
rected and also plays the leading heavy role.
Editorial Comment
"Think what it means when, as hapened in this
city last week, a Federal attorney engaged in
prosecuting a 'big shot' racketeer, has to come
into court and explain that four of the Govern-
ment witnesses have been murdered since the case
started, and that he can't be sure how many
others will survive to give evidence," says the New
York World Telegram in an editorial dealing with
Such a situation means many things that are
both sinister and outrageous. It also means the
stupid toleration of a great absurdity.
In a case such as the World Telegram cites,
there usually is just one comprehensible reason
why witnesses are done away with. They are as-
sassinated to prevent them from appearing in
court and giving evidence damaging to the ac-
cused person, and also to make other possible wit-
nesses afraid to appear.
Those concerned in witness killings act in ac-
cordance with a belief that the absence of their
victims from the witness stand, even under such
atrocious circumstances, will facilitate an ac-
quittal. They base this belief on many precedents
and perhaps sometimes on personal experiences.
This state of afairs is repugnant to all com-
mon sense, and is an affront to intelligent rea-
son. Instead of helping an accused person to get
free, the murder, abduction or violent intimida-
tion of material witnesses for the State ought to
be looked upon as strong and well-night conclu-
Relgious Ativitiles
East Huron, below State
Rev. R. Edward Sayles, Minister
Rev. Howard R. Chapman,
Minister of Students
9:30-The Church School. Dr. A. J.
Logan, Superintendent
10 :00-Students at Guild House (503
East Huron). "Historical Approach
To Bible." Mr. Chapman.
10:45-Morning worship: Mr. Sayles
will preach on-
being the third in the series on
the "Uniqueness of Christianity"
6:00-Students' Forum. Guild House.
Dr. Ora S. Duffendac of the Uni-
versity faculty will speak on
"New Conceptions of the Uni-
Social hour. Refreshments. Dis-
State and Huron
10:45 a.m.
Walton E. Cole
State and Washington
10:45-Morning worship
Dr. Fisher
continuing a series of Studies in
Successful Living)
July 30-Overcoming a Sense of
August 6-Tasting Deeply of Life
August 13-The Wonder f Religious
7:30 p.m.
Liberal Students' Union.
Mr. Cole on
6:00-Student Guild at Wesley Hall
Dr. Blakeman will lead a discus-
sion of "Christian Principles and
Problems of Mental Hygiene"
.1-. It f '1
Remaining Copies of the
may be obtained for
Be careful not to judge this picture by its title,
which might lead you to think that it is another
War thriller. Instead, it is a clever English picture
along the amateur-detective line. It is the story
of a young hero (Henry Kendall) who has found
out that the villain has murdered a man and
stolen his money (the usual thing). The hero then
traces his man to a den in Paris, after he has
calmly announced to his villain in London that
he knows "all the dope about him and will get
hiim by Monday." This is evidently Sunday, for
he villain's beautiful lady accomplice turns to
t endall's aid and together they fly back to Lon-
don to upset the villain, who is making away in
per copy
Slater' s
Student Publications Bldg.
WT1 a .